Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 : Cell structure

1- History

• Cells are too small to be seen.

• Because cells are so small, they were not discovered until the invention of
the microscope in the 17th century.

• Robert Hooke was the first to observe cells, naming the shapes he saw in
cork cellulae.

• Soon after, dutch scientist Anton van Leeuwenhoek, first observed living
cells, which he termed “animalcules,” or little animals.

• In 1838, German botanist Matthias Schleiden stated that all plants are made
of cells

• Finally, German physiologist Theodor Schwann reported that all animal

tissues also consist of individual cells. Thus, the cell theory was born.

2- Cell Theory

• The cell theory includes the following three principles:

o All organisms are composed of cells.

o Cells are the smallest living things.
o Cells arise only from pre-existing cells.

• All cells today represent a continuous line of descent from the first living
3- Cell size is limited

• Diffusion is the net movement of molecules from an area where they are at a
higher concentration to areas where they are at a lower concentration. This is
due to the random movement of the molecules.

• The rate of diffusion is affected by a number of variables, including:

o Surface area available for diffusion

o Temperature
o Concentration gradient of diffusing substance
o The distance over which diffusion must occur.

• As the size of a cell increases, the length of time for diffusion increases as

• Most cells are relatively small for reasons related to the diffusion of
substances into and out of them.

• The advantage of small cell size is apparent in terms of the surface area-to-
volume ratio.
As a cell’s size increases, its volume increases more rapidly than its surface
Because small cells have more surface area per unit of volume than large
ones, control over cell contents is more effective when cells are relatively
4- Microscopes

Many organisms and biological structures are too small to be seen with the naked
eye which can only identify specimens that are 0.1 mm.
Biologists often use a microscope to observe such specimens.
A microscope, used properly, can improve resolution as much as 1000-fold (i.e., to
0.1 μm).

a- Magnification

A light microscope magnifies a specimen, meaning that it increases its apparent


b- Resolution

Magnification with a light microscope is usually accompanied by improved


resolution, which is the ability to distinguish two points as separate points. Thus,
the better the resolution, the sharper or crisper the image appears

c- Contrast

The ability to discern detail also depends on contrast, which is the difference

between the lightest and darkest parts of an image.

d- Light microscopes

-can resolve structures that are 200nm apart

-use visible light
-two magnifying lenses

e- Electron microscopes

-can resolve structures that are 0.2nm apart

-use electron beams with shorter wavelengths
5- Common structures in all cells

a- Centrally located genetic material

• Every cell contains DNA, the hereditary molecule.

• In prokaryotes, most of the genetic material is found near the center of the
cell in an area called the nucleoid.

• Eukaryotic cells have DNA assembled into a nucleus, surrounded by a

nuclear envelope.

b- The cytoplasm

• the cytoplasm fills the interior of the cell.

• The cytoplasm contains all of the sugars, amino acids, and proteins the cell
uses to carry out its everyday activities.

• We call any macromolecular structure in the cytoplasm specialized for a

particular function an organelle.

• The part of the cytoplasm that contains organic molecules and ions in
solution is called the cytosol

c- The plasma membrane

• The plasma membrane encloses a cell and separates its contents from its

• The plasma membrane is a phospholipid bilayer about 5 to 10 nm thick, with

proteins embedded in it.

• The proteins of the plasma membrane are generally responsible for a cell’s
ability to interact with the environment.

• Membrane proteins give cells identity, and provide for a variety of

functions, including transport and communication with other cells and the
6- Prokaryotes

a- Generalities

• Prokaryotes do not contain a membrane-bound nucleus or any other

membrane-bound organelles.

• Flagella and pili are common in prokaryotes; flagella are used for
movement, and pili are used to attach some types of bacteria to surfaces or to
exchange genetic material with other bacteria.

• Within the cytoplasm are ribosomes (involved in protein synthesis) and

nucleoid regions (concentrations of DNA).

• Prokaryotes do not reproduce sexually, but they have mechanisms for

genetic recombination.

b- Two types of Prokaryotes

- Bacteria
- Archeae

c- Prokaryotic cell walls

• Most bacterial cells are encased by a rigid cell wall. This cell wall is
composed of peptidoglycan cross-linked by short polypeptide units.

• Prokaryotic cell walls protect the cell and maintain cell shape.

• The cell walls of archaea are composed of various chemical compounds,

including polysaccharides and proteins, and possibly even inorganic
components. A common feature distinguishing archaea from bacteria is the
nature of their membrane lipids. The chemical structure of archaeal lipids
can include saturated hydrocarbons that are covalently attached to glycerol
at both ends, which results in a monolayer membrane.
7- Eukaryotes

a- Generalities

• Eukaryotic cells are more complex than prokaryotic cells.

• Eukaryotic cells contain membrane-bound nuclei.

• They compartmentalize many cellular functions within organelles and the

endomembrane system.

• Cytoplasm forms the matrix of the cell and is contained by the plasma

• Eukaryotes possess a cytoskeleton that supports and maintains the cellular


b- Nucleus

• The largest and most easily seen organelle within a eukaryotic cell is the

• The nucleus contains the genetic information that allows the synthesis of
nearly all proteins of a living eukaryotic cell.

• The nucleus is surrounded by a nuclear envelope composed of 2

phospholipid bilayers with nuclear pores.
These pores form 50 to 80 nm apart at locations where the two membrane
layers of the nuclear envelope come together and allow the entry and exit of
several components.

• The inner surface of the nuclear envelope is covered with a network of fibers
that make up the nuclear lamina. This is composed of intermediate filament
fibers called nuclear lamins.

• Many nuclei exhibit a dark-staining zone called the nucleolus, which is a

region where intensive synthesis of ribosomal RNA is taking place.
c- Chromatins

• In eukaryotes, the DNA is divided into multiple linear chromosomes, which

are organized with proteins into a complex structure called chromatin.

• The fundamental unit of chromatine is the nucleosome, which is made of

DNA and Histones

• Heterochromatins are the noncoding parts of the chromatin and are usually
dark bands

• Heuchromatins are the parts of the chromatins where genes are condensed
and are usually bright bonds.

• Chromatins are contained in the nucleus.

• The very structure of chromatin affects the function of DNA.

8- Ribosomes

• Ribosomes are the site of protein synthesis in the cell.

• They are made out of two subunits composed of ribosomal RNA and

proteins and are found found within the cytosol of the cytoplasm and
attached to internal membranes

• Ribosomes are universal machines meaning they are found in all cell types

from all three domains of life.

9- The Endomembrane System

• The endomembrane system is a system of membranes located in the

cytoplasm that divides the cell into compartments where different cellular

functions occur.

• It can be devided into 3 parts:

o Endoplasmic Reticulum
§ Rough ER (RER)
§ Smooth ER (SER)
o Golgi apparatus
o Lysosomes
10- The endoplasmic reticulum

a- Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)

• The rough endoplasmic reticulum consists primarily of flattened sacs and

ribosomes that makes its surfaces bumpy.

• The proteins synthesized on the surface of the RER are destined to be

exported from the cell, sent to lysosomes or vacuoles or embedded in the
plasma membrane.

• These proteins enter the cisternal space as a first step in the pathway that
will sort proteins to their eventual destinations. This pathway also involves
vesicles and the Golgi apparatus.

• The sequence of the protein being synthesized determines whether the

ribosome will become associated with the ER or remain a cytoplasmic

• In the ER, newly synthesized proteins can be modified by the addition of

short-chain carbohydrates to form glycoproteins.

b- Soft endoplasmic reticulum

• Regions of the ER with relatively few bound ribosomes are referred to as

smooth ER (SER).

• The structure of the SER ranges from a network of tubules, to flattened sacs,
to higher-order tubular arrays.

• The fucntions of the SER are:

o synthesis of membrane lipids and variety of carbohydrates.

o calcium storage.
o detoxification of foreign substances.
11- Golgi apparatus

• Flattened stacks of membranes form a complex called the Golgi body, or Golgi apparatus

• The individual stacks of membrane containing glycoproteins and glycolipids are called

• The Golgi apparatus is made of three compartments:

o cis face: on the front
o lumen or interior
o trans: face

• The Golgi apparatus functions in the collection, packaging, and distribution of molecules
synthesized at one location and used at another within the cell or even outside of it.

• Proteins and lipids manufactured on the rough and smooth ER membranes are transported
into the Golgi apparatus and modified as they pass through it. The most common
alteration is the addition or modification of short sugar chains, forming glycoproteins and
glycolipids. In many instances, enzymes in the Golgi apparatus modify existing
glycoproteins and glycolipids made in the ER by cleaving a sugar from a chain or by
modifying one or more of the sugars. These are then packaged into vesicles that pinch off
from the trans face of the Golgi. These vesicles then diffuse to other locations in the cell,
distributing the newly synthesized molecules to their appropriate destinations.

• Another function of the Golgi apparatus is the

synthesis of cell-wall components. Noncellulose
polysaccharides that form part of the cell wall of
plants are synthesized in the Golgi apparatus
and sent to the plasma membrane, where they
can be added to the cellulose that is assembled
on the exterior of the cell.
12- Lysomes

• Lysosomes are digestive vesicles

that arise from the Golgi apparatus.

• They contain high levels of a


variety of enzymes that can degrade

proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and

• Throughout the lives of eukaryotic

cells, lysosomal enzymes break
down old organelles and recycle
their component molecules,
allowing room for newly formed
organelles. For example,
mitochondria are replaced in some
tissues every 10 days.

• The digestive enzymes in the

lysosome are optimally active at
acid pH. Lysosomes are activated
by fusing with a food vesicle
produced by phagocytosis or by
fusing with an old or worn-out
The fusion event activates proton
pumps in the lysosomal membrane,
lowering the internal pH.
13- Microbodies

• Eukaryotic cells have a variety of vesicles containing enzymes called


• Microbodies are not part of the endomembrane system and are formed by

addition of lipids and proteins and then dividing.

• Glyoxysomes in plants contain enzymes for converting fats to carbohydrates

• Peroxisomes contain oxidative enzymes, peroxidases and catalase

• If these oxidative enzymes were free in the cytoplasm, they could short-
circuit cellular metabolism, which often involves adding hydrogen atoms to

• Peroxisomes get their name from the hydrogen peroxide produced as a by-
product of the activities of oxidative enzymes. Hydrogen peroxide is
dangerous to cells because of its violent chemical reactivity. However,
peroxisomes also contain the enzyme catalase, which catalyzes the
decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen.
14- Vacuoles

• Vacuoles are membrane-bound structures with various functions depending

on the cell type.

• The membrane surrounding this vacuole is called the tonoplast because it

contains channels for water that are used to help the cell maintain its
tonicity, or osmotic balance.

• There are different types of vacuoles:

o central vacuole in plant cells
o contractile vacuole of some protists
o vacuoles for storage

• The central vacuole seen in plant cells has several roles:

o water balance/cell tonicity due to the tonoplast and water channels
o storage of molecules, ions, waste products
o cell growth
15- Mitochondria

• Mitochondria (singular, mitochondrion) are tubular or sausage-shaped


organelles that are found in all types of eukaryotic cells.

• Mitochondria are bounded by two membranes: a smooth outer membrane,

and an inner folded membrane called cristae.

• The cristae devides the mitochondrion into two compartments: a matrix,

inside the inner membrane; and an outer compartment, or intermembrane
space, lying between the two mitochondrial membranes.
On the surface of the inner membrane, and also embedded within it, are
proteins that carry out oxidative metabolism, the oxygen-requiring process
to produce ATP.

• Mitochondria have their own DNA; this DNA contains several genes that
produce proteins essential to the mitochondrion’s role in oxidative
metabolism. The mitochondrion, in many respects, acts as a cell within a
cell, containing its own genetic information specifying proteins for its
unique functions.

• The mitochondria are not fully autonomous, however, because most of the
genes that encode the enzymes used in oxidative metabolism are located in
the cell nucleus.
16- Chloroplasts

• Plant cells and cells of other eukaryotic organisms that carry out
photosynthesis typically contain from one to several hundred chloroplasts.

• The organisms that possess chloroplasts can manufacture their own food.

• Chloroplasts contain the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll that gives most

plants their green color.

• The chloroplast, like the mitochondrion, is surrounded by two membranes

However, chloroplasts are larger and more complex than mitochondria.

• In addition to the outer and inner membranes, chloroplasts have closed

compartments of stacked membranes called grana (singular, granum), which
lie inside the inner membrane.

• Each granum may contain few to several dozen disk-shaped structures called
thylakoids. On the surface of the thylakoids are the light-capturing
photosynthetic pigments.

• Chloroplasts capture light energy via thylakoid membranes arranged in

stacks called grana, and use it to
synthesize glucose.

• Other DNA-containing
organelles in plants, called
leucoplasts, lack pigment and a
complex internal structure.
In root cells and some other
plant cells, leucoplasts may
serve as starch-storage sites. A
leucoplast that stores starch
(amylose) is sometimes termed
an amyloplast. These
leucoplasts, and amyloplasts—
are collectively called plastids.
17- Mitochondria and chloroplasts arose by endosymbiosis

o Symbiosis is a close relationship between organisms of different species that

live together.

o The endosymbiosis theory proposes that eukaryotic organelles evolved

through a symbiotic relationship, mitochondria having originated from
aerobic bacteria and chloroplasts having originated from photosynthetic

• Much evidence supports this endosymbiosis theory since Mitochondria and


o have 2 membranes / cristae structure.

o possess DNA and ribosomes similar in size and structure to those
found in prokaryotes.
o are about the size of a prokaryotic cell.
o divide by a fission similar to bacteria.
o have similarities in their genomes to the genomes of α-proteobacteria
and cyanobacteria.
18- Cytoskeleton

• The cytoskeleton is a dynamic network of protein fibers found in all eukaryotic

cells that supports the shape of the cell, keeps organelles in fixed locations and
helps move materials within the cell.

• Cytoskeleton fibers include

o actin filaments or microfilaments: responsible for cellular contractions,

crawling, “pinching” and extensions
o microtubules: provide organization to the cell and move materials within
the cell
o intermediate filaments: provide structural stability
20- Molecular motors

• All eukaryotic cells must move materials from one place to another in the
cytoplasm. This is usually done through microtubules.

• Four components are required to move material along microtubules:

(1) a vesicle or organelle that is to be transported,
(2) a motor protein that provides the energy-driven motion
(3) a connector molecule that connects the vesicle to the motor molecule
(4) microtubules on which the vesicle will ride like a train on a rail

The direction a vesicle is moved depends on the type of motor protein involved
and the fact that microtubules are organized with their plus ends toward the
periphery of the cell. In one case, a protein called kinectin binds vesicles to the
motor protein kinesin.
Kinesin uses ATP to power its movement toward the cell periphery, dragging the
vesicle with it as it travels along the microtubule toward the plus end. As nature’s
tiniest motors, these
proteins pull the transport vesicles along the microtubular tracks.
Another set of vesicle proteins, called the dynactin complex, binds vesicles to the
motor protein dynein, which directs movement in the opposite direction along
microtubules toward the minus end, inward toward the cell’s center.
19- Centrosome

Centrioles are barrel-shaped organelles found in the cells of animals and most
protists. They occur in pairs and are usually located near the nuclear membranes.
The region surrounding the pair in almost all animal cells is referred to as a
The centrosome is responsible for the reorganization of microtubules that occurs
during cell division.

20- Cell movement

• Cell movement takes different forms:

o Crawling is accomplished via actin filaments and the protein myosin

o Flagella undulates to move a cell
o Cilia can be arranged in rows on the surface of a eukaryotic cell to propel
a cell forward.
21- Extracellular structures

• Cell walls of plants, fungi, some protists

o cellulose in plants and protists
o chitin in fungi

• Extracellular Matrix (ECM) surrounding animal cells

• surrounds animal cells
• composed of glycoproteins and fibrous proteins such as collagen, elastin,
• may be connected to the cytoplasm via integrins present in the plasma
22- Cell to cell interactions

• Cells can identify each other by cell surface markers such as tissue-
specific cell surface markers

• When cells make contact, they “read” each other’s cell-surface markers
and react accordingly.

• Cells that are part of the same tissue type recognize each other, and they
frequently respond by forming connections between their surfaces to
better coordinate their functions.

• Most tissue-specific cell-surface markers are glycolipids—that is, lipids

with carbohydrate heads.

• One example of the function of cell-surface markers is the recognition of

“self ” and “nonself ” cells by the immune system. This function is vital
for multicellular organisms, which need to defend themselves against
invading or malignant cells. The immune system of vertebrates uses a
particular set of markers to distinguish self from nonself cells, encoded
by genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC).

• Cells form long-lasting and permanent connections with one another

called cell junctions

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