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Transport Phenomena: CHEP211: Assignment 1: September 2023

1. Gas A diffuses from point 1 at a partial pressure of 20.26 kPa to point 2, a distance 2.0 mm away. At
point 2 it undergoes the following instantaneous chemical reaction at the catalyst surface: 𝐴 ⟶ 2𝐵.
Component B diffuses in counter-flow at steady-state. The total pressure is 101.32 kPa, temperature is
300 K and DAB = 0.15×10‒4 m2/s. Determine the rate of diffusion of A per square meter. [10]
2. A thin film of liquid of density ρ and viscosity µ flows down a vertical wall of length L and width W.
The film thickness is δ. By performing a shell momentum balance on the z-component of momentum,
derive an equation for the velocity profile of the film. Hence, determine the maximum velocity.

Total marks: 25

Transport Phenomena: CHEP211: Assignment 2: September 2023

1. Calculate the diffusivity of CO2 in air at 85℃ and 2.1 × 105 Pa., using the Chapman-Enskog theory and
Lennard-Jones constants, which result in the following equation:
3 1 1 2
1.858 × 10−3
𝑇 ⁄2 [ 𝑀𝐴 + 𝑀𝐵 ]
where 𝐷𝐴𝐵 is diffusivity in 𝑐𝑚2 ⁄𝑠; 𝑇 is absolute temperature in K; 𝑀𝐴 is the molecular weight of
A; 𝑀𝐵 is the molecular weight of B; 𝑃 is total pressure in atm; 𝛺𝐷 is a function of 𝜅𝑇⁄𝜀𝐴𝐵 ; 𝜅 is
the Boltzmann constant (1.38 × 10−16 ) ergs/K; 𝜀𝐴𝐵 = √𝜀𝐴 𝜀𝐵 which is energy of molecular
𝜎𝐴 +𝜎𝐵
interaction in ergs; 𝜎𝐴𝐵 = which is collision diameter in Å. [9]

2. An incompressible Newtonian fluid flows steadily in a narrow gap between two very long, wide,
parallel plates. The gap between the plates is h. The top plate moves at speed V in the x-direction whilst
the bottom plate is stationary. Gravity acts in the negative z-direction (into the page). A constant
negative pressure gradient applied in the x-direction necessitates the flow of the fluid. Use the shell
momentum balances to determine the velocity profile of the flow. [16]

Total marks: 25

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