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writing good test items

Lanzuela,Baby Ann
Lozano, Nicho
The objectives of this lesson are the ff:

1.Determine select type from supply type;

2. evaluate the select and supply type in a

test; and

3. construct good select and supply test



Sometimes, the way the teacher constructs the test items hinders the
students from getting the right answer. Aside from mastering the
content and pedagogy, teachers should be knowleable on how to
properly construct good items.
pointed out ten (10) general rules that the teachers should consider in writing any
type of test item.

01 The test item should match the desired learning outcome or competency. It
should measure the behavior and content of an instructional objectives

02 There should be only one correct or best answer that experts generally agree.
Avoid answers that need a lot of argumentation or debate.

03 The language used in all items should be simple, clear, and definite.
The test items should present a clear and definite
04 task. No ambiguous term should be used.

The test items should follow acceptable rules of grammar.

05 Correct usage, proper use of capitalization and punctuation
marks should be observed. Subject-verb agreement must be

All items of the same type should be grouped together. All

06 true-false items should be grouped together
The items should be arranged from the easiest to the
most difficult. If easy items are placed at the beginning
07 of a test the students are motivated to answers the
next succeeding items.

More items than actual needed must be prepared. Extra

08 items can replace discarded items during review and
editing process.
A scoring key or key to correction should be prepared. It
09 avoids pattern clue to the correct answers. Also, in this way,
ambiguous items can be detected.

Test items should be prepared in advance. They should be

10 subjected to review and editing for clarity and conciseness.


In the select type items, several possible The supply types items can be
answers are presented. The students answered by providing the right word,
are required to choose the correct or phrase, or even sentences. The
best answer. This type is easier to students are asked to supply their
answer compared to the supply type. own answers to specific questions.
Some examples of the select type items Some examples of supply type items
are multiple-choice, matching type, are short answers and essay.
and true-or-false.
Thank's For listening

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