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History The Mughals

Q 1 ) = What is the legacy of the Mughals to India?

A 1 ) = The major cultural legacy of the Mughal Empire was in its

art and architecture. The Mughal Empire was a Muslim empire

that ruled India for about 300 years starting in the 1500s. It was

brought to an end by the incursions of the British into India. The

best-known cultural legacy of the Mughals is the Taj Mahal and

There are more like Red fort , Humayun tomb etc

Q 2 ) = What was the lineage of the Mughals?

Ans 2 ) = Mughal came to India in 14th century and ruled till

18th century very well until the 19th century the Mughals became

Weaker and weaker slowly slowly and soon could not handle that

Much part of India as they did usually they became careless any -
Ways the mughal dynasty started from Muhammad Mirza you

Probably would not have heard this name but he came to India

Muhammad Mirza was babur grand grand father then as you

Know slowly mughals started to rule India from Muhammad Mirza

Then Babur took more area in his rule of India and then Humayun

Then Akbar then Jahangir then shahjahan then aurangzeb and

Then the last worthy ruler Bahadur Shah then all the mughal ruler

Became overconfident , careless and kept loosing the rule part of

India This was the whole line age of the mughals .

Q 3) = Define the two traditions of succession. Which tradition of

succession was followed by the Mughals?

Ans 3) = The Mughals did not believe in the rule of primogeniture,

where the eldest son inherited his father's estate. Instead they

followed the Mughal and Timurid custom of coparcenary

inheritance, or a division of the inheritance amongst all the sons.

Q 4) = Describe the policies of Akbar. How were these policies

instrumental in strengthening the empire into one of the mightiest


Ans 4) = Its efficient functioning depended upon:

The practice of offering the title of 'Mansabdar' to military

personnel only.

Proper functioning of the dagh (branding) system.

Proper functioning of the Jagirdari system.

He never let his guard down in the capital of his rule

Q 5) Who were the Mansabdars? What services were expected

from Mansabdar towards his emperor?

Ans 5) The Mansabdar was a military unit within the

administrative system of the Mughal Empire introduced by Akbar.

The system determined the rank and status of a government

official and military generals. Every civil and military officer was

given a mansab, which determined their salaries they performed

Military and civil duties

Q 6) Read the excerpt on page-53 of your textbook about

Akbarnama. What kind of information do you get from the book

written by Abul Fazl? (4)

Ans 6) The Akbarnama is a document of history of Akbar's reign

and his ancestors spread over three volumes. It contains the

history of Akbar's ancestors from Timur to Humayun

Q 7) Research about Nurjahan ,the wife of Jahangir and give at

least 3 reasons as to why is she especially mentioned in history

dominated by men
Ans 7) The 3 reason Nur jahan is mentioned in history are =

a) Nur = beauty and of course Nur jahan was a very beautiful


b) She was one the most Bravest woman at that time who was

Not scared of anyone and often went to hunt tigers, Lions.

c) She loved her husband so much and same did Jahangir to

Her so we often give a phrase that “ jodi ho to jahangir aur

Nur jahan jaisi pyari ho”

Ans 8) = define the Following words

a. Zamindar = Landlord / land owner

b. Suba = Subah was known as a subahdar

c. Subadar = a mid-level junior commissioned officer.

d. Diwan = chief administrative office , couch ( sofa type )

e. Bakhshi=forgiving a big mistake and not giving any punishment

f. Sadr = Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic

g. Faujidar = an army man who fights in wars

h. Kotwal = a police officer.

I. Sulh-I- kill = a kind of punishment

Q 9) Below is the map of where Akbar Ruled ( blue region )

Ans 10) Lahore = Pink

Delhi = Green

Agra = Orange

Fatehpur Sikri = Purple

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