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Which of the following statements refer to linguodidactics: It is an independent pedagogical discipline

about the laws and rules of language teaching and ways of mastering the language, as well as about
the features of education and upbringing by means of the language.
The ability to fill in the gaps in the perception of speech by ear, based on the general context of the
statement, refers to: Sociolinguistic competence.
Learning games function: Gnostic.
The assumption that in the process of acquiring a second language the student forms his own language
system underlies: Identity hypotheses.
General didactic principle: Structural-semantic principle.
Which of the non-traditional pedagogical technologies is based on “learning based on the general relaxation
(relaxation) of the student: Suggestive learning.
Language learning for specific purposes has begun: In the 60-70s of XX century.
Consciously-communicative approach in teaching a foreign language at school implements the
linguodidactic principle: Consciousness.
General methodological principle of learning a foreign language: Normative-stylistic (observance of the
normative-stylistic approach to linguistic phenomena in speech).
Indicate the linguo-methodological principle of teaching a foreign language: Text-centric
Discursive competence means: The student's ability to use certain strategies to construct and interpret
Training methods in foreign language lessons: Speech simulation method, operational method
Personal-activity technologies in linguodidactics are based on: Activity character.
N.D. Galskova determines that the strategic goal of linguodidactics is: Problems of analysis of the process
of language acquisition.
The author, who defines linguodidactics as a general theory of language teaching: E.G.Azimov.
The founder of the personal-activity approach to teaching languages: L.S. Vygotsky.
Professional linguodidactics is designed to identify: The component composition of the linguistic
personality of a specialist.
At the intersection of linguistics and cultural disciplines in the 60s, two areas of knowledge arose that
cooperate with linguodidactics: Linguoculturology , linguocultural studies.
Components of the structure of linguistic personality according to Yu.N. Karaulov: Verbal-semantic,
The communicative direction in language education is represented by: Communicative-cognitive approach
( S.F.Shatilov ).
As part of the activity area, the following have been developed: Personal-positional-activity model of
learning by I.B. Vorozhtsova.
The traditional classification of exercises distinguishes between language exercises, where the unit of
learning content is the form: Syllabic.
Cognitive learning method: Explanatory.
Research method in methodology: Observation.
Technique used by the teacher when implementing the explanatory method: Word of the teacher, work
with the textbook.
When working with a literary text, researchers emphasize the formation of three types of competencies:
Regional, linguistic, communicative
The author of the contextual method in professional linguodidactics: A.A. Verbitsky.
Types of innovations by type of activity: Pedagogical, managerial
Level differentiation is based on: Allocation of the level of compulsory training, planning of learning
Requirements for structuring the content of education: Consistency, holistic perception
A problematic situation is: An exchange of opinions, ideas between two or more persons, the purpose of
which is to discover differences in understanding of the issue and come to a common point of view.
The approach that defines the modern system of teaching a foreign language: Person-centered.
In the 70s, in the studies of T. A. Ladyzhenskaya , a system for the development of coherent speech was
theoretically substantiated, the purpose of which is: Development and improvement of students'
communication skills
Productive type of speech activity: Speaking.
Receptive type of speech activity: Listening.
The purpose of teaching languages is important: Methodological category.
Secondary language personality suggests: The ability and willingness of a person to communicate
authentically with representatives of other cultures.
The purpose of teaching languages in situations of intercultural communication is considered as a
combination of 3 interrelated aspects: Cognitive, pragmatic, pedagogical
The pedagogical aspect of language teaching determines the qualities of a student that contribute to
communication at an intercultural level, that is..: Defines a set of student personality traits that favor
language acquisition as a means of intercultural communication.
Functional competence means: The ability of a specialist to perform functional duties using language.
Cognitive method of teaching a foreign language: Search.
Earlier in the practice of teaching a foreign language was the method: Consciously comparative.
Types of educational games: Organizational and activity, business, role
Principles of interactive foreign language teaching technology: Globality in the presentation of material,
the concentricity of its processing.
The development of linguodidactics led to the division of the discipline "Native, Non-Native Language" into
2 academic subjects: Language as a system of signs, speech activity as possession of speech
Problems of goal setting consists of 2 positions: How are the goals and learning outcomes related?
Correlation between theory and practice.
Scientists who defined the principle of minimizing educational material: N.I.Gez , S.F.Shatilov.
Communicative competence includes: Linguistic, discursive, sociocultural.
Indicate the type of experiment related to the observation of a linguistic phenomenon: Linguistic.
What is not included in the range of tasks determined by the curriculum in a foreign language: The volume
of tests assigned to check the proficiency of students in each section of the school course of the Russian
Thesaurus: Dictionary concepts individual human or dictionary concepts any industries knowledge.
A special component in the composition of professional linguodidactics includes: Functional,
interdisciplinary competence.
Advantages of the modular training system: A clear course structure, visibility, freedom of choice, the
possibility of self-control and evaluation.
The explanatory method uses: Word of the teacher, work with the textbook.
What is the main principle of the organization of teaching material in a foreign language in the current
program: Linear-stepped.
Terminology: The set of terms in a given area of knowledge, production, activity.
Description of terms: They are the semantic core of a special language, they convey the main content
The main task of language teaching is: Teaching the functional side of the language and its more
practical application.
The concept developed by V. Reinicke is based on the idea of the existence of three independent and at the
same time interconnected scientific disciplines that make up the theory of language teaching:
Linguodidactics, language didactics, methods of teaching a particular language.
Technique used in the implementation of the explanatory method: Working with the textbook
To check what block of knowledge or skills is the task aimed at determining the semantic and compositional
integrity of the text, the sequence of its parts? Speech knowledge.
Pragmalinguodidactics as a new direction is due to the integration of 3 disciplines: Pragmatics,
sociolinguistics, language teaching methods.
The conscious-practical method is justified: Belyaev B.V.
Basic principles of pragmalinguodidactics: Pragmatization of the foreign language communicative
activity of students, taking into account the development trend of the language being studied.
Reception is an integral part of the content: Teaching method.
The priority for the communicative direction in language education is: Teaching in conditions
approaching natural communication.
The use of situations in teaching a foreign language provides: Stimulates the motivation of learning
Indicate a method that does not apply to the methods of monitoring educational activities: Educational
Verbal (linguistic) means of communication are: Speech means of communication.
Speech means of communication are: Verbal (linguistic) means of communication.
Pedagogical technologies that implement a student-centered approach: Self-study.
In the works of the scientist, a system for the development of coherent speech was theoretically
substantiated, the purpose of which is to develop and improve the communicative skills of students, the
ability to create texts - oral and written statements of different styles and genres: T. A. Ladyzhenskaya.
According to the source of obtaining knowledge in a foreign language by students, methods are
distinguished: Teacher's word, conversation.
Category: Splitting the text into logically independent components.
The type of educational material updated in the school course of a foreign language is interpreted as "a set of
techniques and methods that ensure the result of activity": Methods of activity (algorithms of students'
The selection and designation of types of competence is carried out precisely on the basis of the allocation of
such language functions: Cognitive, communicative
Indicate the type of experiment related to the observation of a linguistic phenomenon: Linguistic.
A language for special purposes began to be studied: In the 60s-70s of XX century.
The goals of teaching a foreign language are: A pre-planned result of an activity, achieved using a set of
techniques, methods and teaching aids.
The concept of "competence" was first used in the United States in the context of activity education: In the
Level differentiation is based on: Allocation of the level of compulsory training, planning of learning
Reading is: Purpose training , with the means learning
The training system includes the basic categories of linguodidactics: Learning objectives, learning
content, principles, learning tools.
The main teaching aids are: School textbook.
When teaching spelling, it is necessary to be based on the following particular methodological principles:
Comparison of sound and its phonetic environment; comparison of own and common name.
Select a non-teaching lesson type: Quiz lesson.
An author who considers problem-based learning to be a type of learning: I.Ya. lerner
Formal structuring, coordination of technological cycles in form and structure, target orientation underlie:
Modular training.
The process of teaching a language for professional purposes is based on a reasonable set of several
fundamental approaches: System-activity , to communicative-functional.
Spelling is: The real phenomena of the written form of the language.
Who introduced the term "linguodidactics": N.M. Shansky.
Students get acquainted with this type of dictionaries when studying vocabulary: Dictionary of synonyms.
The content of the concept of competence includes the following main features: Mobility of knowledge,
flexibility of the problem solving method, critical thinking.
A comprehensive philological description of the phenomenon of "language for special purposes" as a special
system of linguistic means was presented by: S.G. Ter-Minasova , T.G. Dobrosklonskaya.
Multicultural education is: Preparation for life in a multi-ethnic society: mastering the culture of
one's people, the formation of ideas about the diversity of cultures and the education of ethno-
The principle of interactivity in general allows you to take into account in the process of learning a foreign
language: Multi-level, multi-aspect description of individual forms related to their syntactic
implementation as part of dialogue cooperation.
Discursive competence means: The student's ability to use certain strategies to construct and interpret
Communicative competence in its modern interpretation includes the following types of competences:
Linguistic, sociolinguistic, professional.
Key competencies: Competent level of language proficiency, knowledge of problem solving methods.
Indicate the general didactic principle: Structural-semantic principle.
N.D. Galskova determines that the strategic goal of linguodidactics is: Problems of analysis and control of
the process of language acquisition.
A comprehensive philological description of the phenomenon of "language for special purposes" as a special
system of linguistic means was : S.G. Ter-Minasov.
Which of the following statements refer to linguodidactics: It is an independent pedagogical discipline
about the laws and rules of language teaching and ways of mastering the language, as well as about
the features of education and upbringing by means of the language.
Belyaev B.V. justified: Consciously-practical method.
What is the main principle of the organization of teaching material in a foreign language in the current
program : Linear stepped
The structure of linguistic personality according to Yu.N. Karaulov consists of : Verbal-semantic,
motivational-pragmatic, thesaurus.
Pedagogical technology that implements a student-centered approach Multi-level training.
Indicate the methods that relate to the research methods of teaching a foreign language as a science:
Questionnaire, methodical experiment.
Orthographic is the topic: Spelling of case endings
Cognitive learning method :Explanatory.
The author is one of the founders of the personal-activity approach to teaching languages : S. L.
Requirements for structuring the content of education : Holistic perception, c systemality.
General didactic principle : Structural-semantic principle.
Dialog types: Interview , negotiations .
Language for special purposes, as a separate discipline, began to be studied: In the 60-70s of the XX
The source of enriching students' vocabulary is: Works of fiction.
Consciously-communicative approach in teaching a foreign language at school implements linguodidactic
principles: Consciousness, communication.
Non-traditional forms of lessons include: Lesson-seminar.
Personal-activity technologies in linguodidactics are based on two positions: Activity character, personal
character of learning.
The author, who defines linguodidactics as a general theory of language teaching: E.G.Azimov.
What methods do not belong to the methods of control and self-control of educational activities: Heuristic.
The use of situations in teaching a foreign language provides :Stimulates motivation for learning
Components of the structure of a linguistic personality :Verbal-semantic, motivational-pragmatic,
A special component of linguodidactics includes:Functional competence.
The communicative direction in language education was presented by: Lipetsk methodical school (E.I.
Practical goals for teaching punctuation: Learn to punctuate according to the learned punctuation rules.
The purpose of teaching languages in situations of intercultural communication is considered as 3
interrelated aspects: Pedagogical, cognitive, pragmatic.
The ability to fill in gaps in listening comprehension refers to: Sociolinguistic competence.
Solutions to these problems are included in the purpose of the state standard of general education: Ensuring
equal opportunities for all citizens to receive quality education, ensuring a single educational space in
the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Scientists who described the principle of minimizing of educational material: N.I.Gez , S.F.Shatilov.
Professional linguodidactics identifies:The component composition of the linguistic personality of a
Principles of pragmalinguodidactics: Pragmatization of the foreign language communicative activity of
students, taking into account the development trend of the language being studied.
Types of innovations: Pedagogical, managerial
Productive type of language skill: Speaking.
The author of the contextual method:A.A. Verbitsky.
Extracurricular activities include: Exhibition.
Functional competence is: The ability of a specialist to perform functional duties using language.
What method does not apply to the methods of monitoring educational activities: Educational games.
The earliest method in the practice of teaching a foreign language was: Consciously comparative.
An author who believes that problem-based learning is a type of learning: M.N. Skatkin.
Differentiation by level is based on: Allocation of the level of compulsory training, planning of learning
The pedagogical aspect of language teaching contributes to communication at an intercultural level, that is:
Defines a set of student personality traits that favor language acquisition as a means of intercultural
Research method: Observation.
At the intersection of linguistics and cultural discipline, two areas of knowledge arose that cooperate with
linguodidactics: Linguoculturology , linguocultural studies.
Thesaurus is: Dictionary concepts, individual human or dictionary concepts, any industries knowledge.
Methods of obtaining knowledge in foreign language classes: Conversation, teacher's speech.
The methodological basis of the methodology of teaching a foreign language are: Linguistics, psychology.
Which of the non-traditional pedagogical technologies is based on “learning based on the general relaxation
of a student”:Suggestive learning.
What does not apply to linguodidactic teaching methods:Grammar and translation method.
What is not included in the range of tasks determined by the educational program of a foreign language
learning:The volume of tests assigned to check the proficiency of students in each section of the school
course of the Russian language.
The problem situation is:An exchange of opinions, ideas between two or more persons, the purpose of
which is to discover differences in understanding of the issue and come to a common point of view.
Specify the type of exercise by aspects of the language:Lexical.
The concept of "competence" was first used:In the 60s.
The author of the term "linguodidactics":N.M. Shansky.
The priority for the communicative direction in language education is:Teaching in conditions approaching
natural communication.
Select a non-educational lesson type:Quiz lesson.
The assumption that in the process of acquiring a second language the student forms their own language
system is the basis of: Identity hypotheses.
Which of the scientists was one of the first to build a linguodidactic model of linguistic personality G.I.
In the studies of T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, a system for the development of coherent speech is theoretically
substantiated, the purpose of which is:Development of skills to create texts - oral and written statements
of different styles and genres.
Interconnected teaching of speech activities means:Teaching a foreign language, aimed at the
simultaneous formation of all types of language skills - listening, reading, speaking, writing.
Principles of interactive foreign language teaching technology:Globality in the presentation of material,
the concentricity of its processing.
Indicate the didactic principle:Structural-semantic principle.
Speech means of communication:Verbal (linguistic) means of communication.
Three aspects of teaching languages in situations of intercultural communication: Cognitive, pragmatic,
The notion "competence" was first used in the USA:In the 60s.
The type of experiment related to the observation of a linguistic phenomenon: Linguistic.
The linguistic and methodological principle of learning a foreign language: Text-centric
The method of scientific research in the methodology of teaching a foreign language is:Methodical
Components of the structure of linguistic personality:Verbal-semantic, motivational-pragmatic.
Within the framework of the activity direction the following was developed:Personal-positional-activity
model of learning by I.B. Vorozhtsova.
Communicative competence consists of the following competences:Linguistic, discursive, sociocultural.
Choose the advantages of the modular training system:A clear course structure, visibility, freedom of
choice, the possibility of self-control and evaluation.
Principles of pragmalinguodidactics are:Pragmatization of the foreign language communicative activity
of students, taking into account the development trend of the language being studied.
A comprehensive philological description of the phenomenon of "language for special purposes" was
presented by:S.G. Ter-Minasova , T.G. Dobrosklonskaya.
A method that is not related to the methods of control and self-control of educational activities:Heuristic.
Phonetic skills do not include:Explanation of the semantics of the word
The author who defines linguodidactics as a general theory of language teaching: A.N. Schukin.
The purpose of teaching languages in situations of intercultural communication is considered as a
combination of 3 aspects:Pragmatic, cognitive, pedagogical.
When students study vocabulary they get acquainted with this type of dictionaries:Dictionary of synonyms,
The founder of the personal and active approach to teaching languages:A.N.Leontiev.
This type of exercise is not aimed at developing students' monologue speech:Selective write-off.
The purpose of teaching languages is an important:Methodological category.
Informative learning method:Search.
The communicative trend in language education is represented by:Communicative-cognitive approach
(S.F. Shatilov).
The following exercises are phonetic exercises:Phonetic dictation.
Educational games function is:Gnostic.
Training methods in foreign language teaching are:Speech simulation method, operational method
Principles of interactive foreign language teaching:Globality in the presentation of material, the
concentricity of its processing.
Terms characteristics:They are the semantic core of a special language, they convey the main content
Criteria which distinguish types of composition:Source of material, genre.
Which function does not belong to the functions of pedagogical games:Scientific.
The concept of competence includes the following features:Mobility of knowledge, flexibility of the
problem solving method, critical thinking.
Educational technology that implements a student-centered approach:Self-study.
The verbal method of teaching at school:Telling a story.
The educational system includes these basic categories of linguodidactics:Learning objectives, learning
content, principles, learning tools.
The priority for the communicative trend in language education is:Teaching in conditions approaching
natural communication.
An author who believes that problem-based learning сan be considered as a type of learning:M.N. Skatkin.
The process of teaching a language for professional purposes is based on several fundamental
approaches:System-activity, communicative-functional.
The assumption that in the process of acquiring a second language the student forms their own language
system underlies:Identity hypotheses.

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