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Maine State Library

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Home → General Public → Library Use Value Calculator


Library Use Value Calculator

What is your library worth to you?
How much would you pay out-of-pocket for your library services?

Enter in the left hand column the number of times per month you or your family use each service.
Estimated retail value of each service (if purchased) will be calculated on the right.
Total value of your library use is shown at the bottom of the worksheet.
Tip: Tab between entries and do not use commas.
Value of Library Services
Input Your Value of
Library Services
Use Services
607 Books Borrowed $ 13354.00

Young Adult Borrowed $ 0.00

Children Books Borrowed $ 0.00

Audiobooks Borrowed $ 0.00

1 Interlibrary Loan Requests $ 25.00

eBooks/Audiobooks Downloaded $ 0.00

13 Magazines Borrowed $ 65.00

Movies Borrowed $ 0.00

CDs Borrowed $ 0.00

Museum Passes Borrowed $ 0.00

2 Newspaper Use in Library $ 17.98

Meeting Room Use per Hour $ 0.00

Adult Programs and Classes Attended $ 0.00

Children's Programs Attended $ 0.00

10 Computer Use per hour (i.e. Internet, MS Word, etc.) $ 100.00

100 Reference Questions Asked $ 1950.00

Calculate The Value of Your Library Use Clear Form $ 15511.98

The calculator worksheet has been adapted from original downloadable spreadsheet by the Massachusetts Library Association and then adapted
for the web by Chelmsford Public Library. Maine State Library added extra accessibility coding and reformatting for ease of reading online. This
spreadsheet requires either Microsoft Excel or the Excel Viewer. [Use of the calculator graphic is restricted since MSL has permission only for
their site.]

For more information

How these figures were calculated
How to customize and use on your local library web site.
How to calculate the Return on Investment (ROI)
Feel free to link to this calculator for patrons where ever your library is or use yourself with acknowledgement as we did.


We'd love to hear what value you arrived at!

If Maine State Library is your local library, please use our feedback form.
A different library? Find your own local library to send a message.


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All rights reserved.

Mon-Fri: 9 - 5

64 State House Station

TEL: 207-287-5600
TTY: Maine Relay 711
Fax: 207-287-5624

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