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The Forgeknights

[A Homebrew Successor Chapter]

“The Forge Calls, and We Answer!!!”
As sons of the Gorgon, the Forgeknights are valiant and stubborn warriors, but
their homeworld and the beliefs of certain individuals have molded them into
kind hearted individuals. This has caused them to come to blows with other
chapters and the Inquisition.
PARENT LEGION: Iron Hands during the 23rd Founding (The Sentinel



The Forgeknights were founded within the Sentinel Founding to begin securing a
recently discovered sector that had been brought into the Imperium’s fold known
as the Gondorial Sector, as there was a multitude of Forge Worlds soon to be
established and Imperial Knight houses inducted into the Imperium. There they
took the planet Hephestus Major as their homeworld. Slowly upon fortifying their
homeworld and bolstering their ranks, the Forgeknights went on a small crusade
around the sector, making sure leaders within each of the planets were following
the rules of the Imperium and helping secure any loose ends.

One such loose end was a planet under constant siege by Druhkai raiders. The
people of the planet, Athenia II, tried to fight back whenever they could, but every
warrior they had sent was taken away by the vile xenos. Thus the Forgeknights
stepped in, a quiet but visible anger washing over them. The Astartes waited one
night at a village where the most raids happened, and when the Dark Eldar
arrived, the Forgeknights attacked. With iron cold fury the Forgeknights brought
the wrath of the Imperium on the xeno scum, burning their bodies with fire and
slashing through waves of them with their flaming power swords. The battle was
won with minimal casualties, and the Forgeknights quickly aided the villagers
who had suffered in the attack.

The Forgeknights have defended the Gondorial sector for the past milenia with a
righteous passion, defending the innocent and exterminating the heretic. Though
this hasn’t come without trial. The Forgeknights have found themselves on the
other end of extinction more times than many Chapters, leaving them forced to
rebuild and stay on the sidelines for large portions of time. From sieges to void
battles, the Forgeknights have fought and died to protect the citizens of the

But now with the introduction of the Primaris Marines, the Forgeknights once
again have returned to the fold, armed and ready to defend the Imperium. They
have begun their crusade throughout the Gondorial sector to once again clear it
from the taint of Chaos and Xenos.



The Forgeknights are a Chapter dedicated to the protection of the innocent and
those who can not protect themselves. Thus they strive to strengthen themselves
through the enhancements and augments in the form of iron in order to make
themselves the perfect defenders of the Imperium.

It is their belief that the Imperium is a sacred forge of life, and the Emperor is the
blacksmith in charge of it. The Astartes are simply the blades he forges in order to
secure the safety of those who can not defend themselves.

The Forgeknights had a high sense of honor, and while not hesitate to challenge
those they feel have disrespected that honor. It has on occasion caused brawls to
ensue between them and members of other chapters, those these are rare. That is
because the Forgeknights also value patience, as to have none ruin the blade, and
as they are the blades of the Emperor, they must not ruin themselves. It takes a
true show of dishonor and disrespect to get a brother of the Forgeknights to break
their cool.



The Forgeknights have a few rituals that have incredible importance to them, and
as such take part of them rigorously.

When a Neophyte becomes a full Battle Brother, they are tasked with the Forging
of the Soul. They are sent to the Frozen Caps, a series of dormant volcanoes
frozen over by ice and ash, and into a forge built by the first Forgeknight
Veterans. There they are tasked with forging a unique blade, unique to them and
only them. Whether that blade may be a sword, ax, spear, or any other
assortment of bladed melee weapons. They are then to return to the Fortress
Monastery to begin to decorate their armor to stand out from their fellow battle
The Forgeknights have an incredible respect for the fallen. When returning the
bodies of those of their chapter to their final resting place, the Forgeknights
repair any biological damage to the body and any damage to the armor to look as
if the Astartes had just become a full Battle Brother. They then silently take the
bodies down to the catacombs of their Monastery. Here they are laid into Black
Steel coffins, symbols of the Chapter’s respect for their fallen, as Black Steel is
incredibly tough, and it takes a lot to even crack it. They are also buried with their
unique Black Steel Powerblades. If a marine’s body is truly lost, the Chapter will
search for the blade of the marine, for at the very least they can lay the blade to
rest in place of the lost body. As for their fallen fellow astartes of other Chapters,
the Forgeknights will attempt to deliver their fallen if they know that the Chapter
would desire as much.

One of the most important rituals for the Chapter is the Tapestries of Honor.
Serfs of the Chapter will make banners and tapestries depicting the victories but
also the failures of the Chapter, as for the Forgeknights, the failures they suffer
are just as important as the victories. Though the tapestries of failures are placed
in a separate area in the Monastery. Victories are displayed all over the

The ritual that gains the most attention from across the Imperium are the Feasts
of Iron. Here the Chapter gathers to take part in modest but glorious feasts, with
food covering every table. The Chapter Serfs also join them for this feast. Here is
where the Chapter Master talks of the many achievements the Chapter had
achieved in the time between the last feast and the current one. They also invite
other Chapters to join them in these feasts, even going as far as finding foods of
their guest’s homeworlds to exhibit both cultures. In these cases, the Chapter
Master will completely cast aside their achievements for those of their honored
guest. Serfs will also make banners for the visiting Chapter to display. The Feasts
of Honor are a way for the Chapter to stay united with one another and with the
great Imperium as a whole.



The Forgeknights’ geneseed is quite stable compared to some, but exposure to

their planet’s environment and unknown causes, the Forgeknights do suffer
minor defects. The defects include: Ashy gray skin, slightly glowing orange eyes,
and silver hair.
Members of the Forgeknights suffer the same genetic curse (if one can call it that)
as most, if not all, Iron Hands and their successors do. But they have another
name for it. The Searing Hatred.

The Searing Hatred affects the Astartes with a mental wave of hatred to anything
and anyone they perceive as weak. It starts gradually, until Forgeknights affected
with this Hatred won’t even participate in battles where those they view as weak
are present.

Astartes with the Searing Hatred will typically be sent out on special assignments
where incredibly difficult opponents are, thus removing the problematic marines
from the ranks. These Astartes are called within the Forgeknights as Forge
Shadows. Many of these Astartes are hired by the Inquisition to do dirty and
dangerous missions that need that… special kind of touch.


The Forgeknights take their recruits from anywhere from within the Gondorial
Sector, many of their recruits being referred to them by the various leaders of
these worlds. From there, the Chapter begins their trials, sending them to a
sacred location of the Chapter upon their homeworld. This is known as the Maze
of the Nymph Herald. It is stated it was here where the first Chapter Master of the
Forgeknights, Merlok Orion, gained the sacred pendant that the Chapter Master
must always have on their person to be able to lead the Chapter. Recruits are sent
here with one task: Survive. From there, recruits begin their journeys through the
maze, none the same. Those who come out in three days time will continue their
journey to become astartes of the chapter. Those who escape past the time limit
are to become serfs of the Chapter, being taught the heritage of the Chapter as
well as learning how to paint and sow, so that tapestries, banners, and flags may
be made for events and important meetings.
Those who die within the Maze have their names written on the walls of the maze,
so that though lost, the brave souls that entered the Maze would never truly be



➢ Unification of the Gondorial Sector

The Unification took only a few short years, with the only hiccup in the
journey being Athenia II (as explained in the History section). The
Forgeknights traveled from world to world, clearing any of xeno or chaos
taint. While the time to clear the sector was short, the Forgeknights still
lost many of their numbers.

➢ The Damned Stars Campaign

The first true Campaign the chapter would take, the Damned Stars
Campaign was a series of void battles around the Gondorial sector, where
Slaaneshian and Tzeentchian cults and warbands had begun to creep their
ways inside. The Forgeknights did not take this lightly, and immediately
began to hunt the heretics down. One by one the forces of Chaos fell, each
time with more losses to the Forgeknights. This would be the first time the
Chapter had to excuse itself from service for a time to build up their
numbers once again.

➢ WAAAGH! on Anubik
Anubik is a large desert planet in the Gondorial sector, and is home to
many citizens of the Imperium. So when a large WAAAGH! was reported
on the planet, the Forgeknights hurried to retaliate. There the Forgeknights
battled the green menace, a slaughter on both sides. The battle would take
two whole weeks to conclude, and the aftermath would reveal a once again
diminished in numbers chapter, alongside the death of their first Order
Master, Lancelon.

➢ The Excessive Knowledge Inserection

An event only known to the Forgeknights and the extreme few they trust
with this information, it is a stain on their legacy, and one they do not tread
lightly. A Mage of the chapter, named Mordblue, had become dissatisfied
with the way the Chapter was being run. He craved perfection and
knowledge above all else, and believed the Chapter deserved as much. But
despite all his attempts to change the Chapter, none except a slight few
would agree with his views. Becoming more and more disillusioned with
his brothers, Mordblue soon came under the influence of Chaos, and he
soon fell far into it. He and a few others that fell alongside him performed a
number of rituals within their chamber walls, and summoned a great host
of daemons of Tzeentch and Slaanesh, their chosen paterons. Soon the
entire Chapter was dealing with both daemons and traitors within their
own fortress walls. It was only through the warning of the Chaplin Alador
and the swift actions of the Order Master Arthur Orion would the
insurrection be stopped and the daemons banished. Mordblue and his
remaining followers would retreat offworld with one of the docked strike
cruisers, and would become the warband known as the Thirst of
Knowledge. The Chapter now seeks to eliminate this warband in all of its

➢ Infestation of Sobekian III

Sobekian III was once home to one of the many forges in the Gondorial
sector, and would be home to one of the many losses of the Forgeknights. A
Nurglite cult had planted seeds upon the planet, and would reveal itself
with a large number of warp portals opening across the planet, throwing
hoards of plague daemons and plague marines upon the world. The
Forgeknights hurried to fight back, trying desperately to push back the
sickening tide, but the warp portals never stopped, and the planet soon fell
to Nurgle, and was pulled into the warp. The Forgeknights couldn’t save
anyone except a small portion of people, all of which were tested for chaos
and disease before being declared under their protection upon Hephestus


The Forgeknights are like the Iron Hands in the sense that they use a large
number of vehicles and Dreadnaughts, but overall the Forgeknights are vastly a
charging force, running straight into battle. The use of tanks is mainly just to get
in close. The Forgeknights also specialize in hit and run attacks, jumping into
combat only to pull back a little while later to cause mass confusion amongst the
enemy ranks.

One of their favorite moves is to push forward with a large amount of damaged
rhinos, each loaded with explosive charges, and detonating them when the enemy
gets close. They would then charge forward to clean up any remaining forces. The
Forgeknights like to call this move “Damaged Retribution.”

While these moves and strategies perform well, the Chapter recognizes the flaws
that may come from these



● Black Steel Powerblades: Hephaestus Prime is home to a strange metal

known as Black Steel. While it is quite basic, the metal has a fiery
connection to the psychers within the ranks. While it is mostly a traditional
metal used by the Chapter to forge their unique blades, those few psychers
may be able to set their blades ablaze with relative ease.

● Crossbolters: These bolters look similar to the crossbows used by a few

within the Imperium, but unlike their cousins, Crossbolters launch large
ammunition used mainly to penetrate large portions of armor.



Hephaestus Major is a strange world, covered in snow and mountain peaks, but
with large magma rivers flowing across the entire planet and both dormant and
active volcanoes spread across the surface of the world. The people who live here
are incredibly resilient and tough, and furthermore are dedicated to each other.
Amongst the seemingly barren and yet beautiful planet lies many dangerous
creatures, such as the Wart Boars, massive boar-like creatures covered in acidic
wart-like bumps; the Acid Tyrants, large lizard like creatures with short arms and
massive legs, their large jaws capable of spewing copious amounts of acid on their
prey; and one could not forget the Great Bloodhounds, hound like creatures that
the people of Hephaestus Major had tamed to help them hunt, the creatures
thermo vision and heat resistant hides incredibly valuable.

Amongst the massive mountain ranges and the rising magma rivers resides the
various settlements of the world. There is not enough civilians to form hive cities
but there are sprawling villages across the planet,



Fortress Optitron is a massive maze of a fortress. Its dark black walls tower over
any other structure on the planet, and the massive towers go even higher. But
above all else, the Fortress is covered with reinforced stained glass. The images
depicted within the glass showcase many important events and people within the
Imperium as a whole. Inside the fortress you may find spiraling staircases, dark
vaults filled with trophies, tapestries and banners sprawled across the walls,
servitors and serfs running around, tending to their tasks, and so much more.
Visitors to Optitron are typically escorted by a Forgeknight currently stationed at
the fortress. At the center of this great fortress stands the Forge of Champions, a
massive forge that helps the Chapter repair their armor and weapons, as well as
forging great pieces of work. Deep within the Optitron, guarded by the most
esteemed of veterans, lies the Chamber of the Cold Truth. Within its walls are the
most prized possessions of the chapter, as well as their sacred geneseed storages.


Within the Chamber of the Cold Truth lies a variety of artifacts and relics the
chapter either holds dear or protects due to its history.

● The Skull of Lancelon: After Lancelon was killed by an Ork Warboss, some
of the Orks took Lancelon’s body and ran with it. A squad of scouts were
tasked with locating these Orks and bringing back Lancelon’s body. These
scouts did just that, though it did take a couple days to do so, as the Orks
were using their red fast vehicles. They found the Orks having desecrated
the deceased Order Master’s body, with only his skull being intact.
Outraged, the scout squad proceeded to eliminate the small Ork camp,
returning with the remains of Lancelon. Now the skull sits on top of a
blacksteel podium, with all of Lancelon’s achievements inscribed upon it.
● Firemark: Firemark is a powerful blacksteel blade that only the Order
Master may even hold. Said to embody the very energy of the warp and
hold a fragment of the Primarch Ferrus Manus’s soul, the blade is kept
under lock and key amongst various other protections. The last wielder of
the blade was Lancelon, and even now under the command of Arthur
Orion, the blade has yet to see the light of day again.
● The Red Scroll: A scroll hidden deep within an unknown world’s library,
the Red Scroll is said to harbor secrets of the Horus Heresy. A Forgeknight
terminator squad had to fight hordes of Necrons who had awoken upon the
world in order to claim it. Only they and Arthur Orion have even read what
was written inside that scroll. No one knows what they thought of what was
read within, but only one could encourage a theory.
“As I watched the veterans and our Order Master leave the Chamber of
the Cold Truth, I could see into their eyes. Tears, anger, disgust, sadness.
It was all there. Whatever was on those scrolls revealed something to
them that shall remain hidden. I can only theorize that the contents of the
Red Scroll relate to the downfall of the traitor legions. Perhaps a hint into
our future. Whatever it may be, I know it will be hard to stomach if I ever
have the honor… or perhaps, displeasure… of reading such an ancient
relic.” -Priest Alador


The Forgeknights are a semi codex-compliant chapter, thus they follow the Codex
on a number of things, but not everything. The Companies and Ranks are named
various things to fit the needs and culture of their chapter, and some of the
Ranks/Titles have slightly different roles than in most Chapters.

Companies are called Orders, with squads known as Lances. An everyday battle
brother is called Bachelor, Veterans are called Bannerets, and Neophytes are
called Squires.

-Officer Ranks

❖ Order Master of the Chapter (Chapter Master)

❖ Iron Master(1st Captain)

❖ Commander (Captain)

-Specialist Ranks

❖ Lord Priest (Chaplin): The Lord Priest is in charge of looking over potential
recruits, helping the Master Mage in locating psychers within the Chapter,
and making sure the values and beliefs of the Chapter stand true and
strong. The Priests over all are also potent interrogators and negotiators in
extreme cases.

❖ Master Mage (Chief Librarian): The Master Mage works closely with the
Priest and the other Mages within the Chapter, keeping an eye out for any
potential Psycher within the ranks. If one is found, the Master Mage will
undertake a ritual to scan the psycher for any Chaos Taint. If minor
amounts are found, the Marine is interrogated for any knowledge. If no
knowledge is found, the marine is let go from interrogation, but with
massive speculations surrounding them. If anything more is found, the
marine is silently executed, and their records are written to say they fell
fighting off a beast in the wastes of their world.

❖ Chief Physician (Chief Apothecary):The Physicians of the Chapter are led

by the Chief of them, and have an important duty on the field. Closely
working the the Techmarines of the Chapter, these medical astartes makes
sure that any wounded astartes is given the proper replacements in the
limbs and the proper attention when needed to inject medicines and other

❖ The Forge Brutes: The one truly unique rank within the Chapter, the Forge
Brutes are veterans that have earned a reputation as vicious, brutal, and
the bare definition of dangerous. Equipped with modified relic Tartaros
terminator armor, they were formed to escort and defend the Order Master
wherever he needed to go.


The Forgeknight’s fleet is not a massive fleet, but it is still formidable, with the
Courageous class named the Honored One. They also have:

➔ 1 Battle Barge
(The Sleek Hunter)
➔ 5 Strike Cruisers
(The Redeemed)
(The Hidden Hope)
(The Nest of Honor)
(The Honorbound)
(The Feast of Glory)

➔ 10 Escorts
(The Spear)
(The Last Hope)
(The Hidden Light)
(The Lost One)
(The Recovered)
(The Memorial)
(The Fire Grave)
(The Dark Forge)
(The True Guide)
(The Finale)



● Chapter Master: Arthur Orion

Arthur Orion is a powerful and skilled warrior, rising through the ranks of
the Chapter with unusual speed, before rising to become the Iron Master of
the Chapter. But during a great battle with an Orc WAAAGH, the first
Order Master, Lancelon, was slain by the warboss. Arthur, angered by this
act, would challenge the warboss to a battle of fists. The warboss gleefully
accepted. Arthur then used his psychic might to use the Chapter’s unique
psycher ability, the Fury of the Gorgon, lighting his fist ablaze with a fighty
fury. The two brawled, but the fury of Arthur was too much for the Ork,
and thus the Ork warboss fell, its face nothing more than mush. Arthur
would go on to become the next Order Master and has led since then,
keeping the chapter together even after their greatest threat made itself

● 1st Captain: Redric Firestorm

As the Iron Master of the 1st Order and as such leads the veteran company,
Redric is a skilled combatant and has served the chapter for an extended
period of time, slaying various foes and protecting many civilians from
danger. Clad in his terminator armor, Redric wields a powerful chainblade,
one covered in tally marks for every enemy champion he has personally

● Chief Librarian: Merlock the Divine Soul

Merlock has been the Master Mage of the Chapter even since its inception.
He is a wise old marine, but stands true and mighty, the first to ever use
the chapter’s unique psycher skill, Fury of the Gorgon. Merlock is a master
brawler and has refused to augment his arms in any shape or form.
Sarcastic, sassy, and always has a remark to say, Merlock will get any well
mannered astartes at least the least bit riled up with his words.

● Chief Techmarine: Wayland Cainic

Wayland leads the Techmarines of the Chapter, making sure the care of the
Dreadnaughts and weapons of the Chapter are well taken care of. But
beyond that Wayland is a quiet warrior, never uttering a word ever since he
became a Marine. He speaks solely with sign language and body language.
He demands respect from those around him, and will brawl with anyone
who challenges his efficiency.

● Chief Apothecary: Cherion

Cherion has little care for battle like most marines do. He would very much
rather study his books and be ready for any great medical madness that
may befall them. He has seen the chapters of the 21st founding, and would
rather avoid any disastrous mutations. But he will always step onto the
battlefield, ready to assist his brothers in any shape and form.

● Lead Chaplin: Apollos

Apollos has been seeking out new recruits for the Forgeknights for quite a
long time compared to some of the most veteran astartes of the chapter. A
fun loving warrior, Apollos loves to mess with new recruits, having them do
nearly impossible puzzles as a prank. But Apollos is also practical, for these
pranks are also a test for these recruits. If they can pass his test, he will
take them to begin the rest of their trials. As the Lord Priest, Apollos takes
great care in his position and makes sure the halls of their fortress are filled
with not only love for the Emperor and the Imperium, but also smiles and
laughter to keep the chapter from devolving into lunatics.
● Named Dreadnought: Gideon, He Who Annihilates
Gideon was once the Iron Master of the First Order, and helped lead many
battles in the name of the Imperium during the early years of the chapter.
But upon the same battle the first Order Master fell, the first Iron Master
fell. Gideon fell to a wave of Ork Weirdboys, but was alive enough to be
placed within a dreadnought. Now the first of many, Gideon has become
He Who Annihilates, both arms equipped with advanced Heavy flamers. As
a dreadnought, he is silent, never uttering a word. All anyone has ever
heard him say is “I am the servant of the Order Master. Where he needs
me, I shall go. Now get out of my face.”

● Chapter Champion: Rogar Aragorn

Rogar is a skilled bladesman, using a great blade unique in the sense of its
modesty. It is a simple blade, the most glamorous thing being the words
engraved upon it: Till I Fall, I Serve. Rogar is a calm warrior, but is happy
to boast his stories of victories. He has slain many chaos marines and
xenos, and holds a trophy from each vile champion he has slain. His armor
is adorned with tally marks, indicating every champion he has slain.
Despite all of this, Rogar is a humble man, and will let others take charge
or have the glory when desired. All he wants is to serve his chapter and the
Imperium well.

● Chaplin: Alador
Alador is the next in line to become the Lord Priest of the Chapter, but has
quickly become the most important. After the betrayal during the Excessive
Knowledge Inserection, Alador was one of those who were able to warn the
Chapter of the danger. Alador now is in charge of scanning for any signs of
the Chaos taint. If he finds it, he is quick and emotionless, executing the
individual without anyone’s notice or knowledge.


“While we are sons of the Gorgon, we do not see the flesh as weak. We see it as a
canvas. A canvas to forever improve upon. Whether through physical training
or iron augmentation, we seek to improve our might in the service of the God
Emperor, the Forge Master of Mankind. And if any dare doubt our might, we
will show them that we still fight with the same cold fury as all of our fellow
Iron Hand brethren.”
-Chief Physician Cherion

“We are servants of the Forge Master, the Blacksmith of Life, the God Emperor
himself. And for as long as we do as much as breathe, we shall fight the enemies
of the Imperium in every corner of the galaxy if it calls upon us to. This sector is
under our protection for that very reason.”

-Order Master Arthur Orion

“You think of us as fools, as servants to some dead entity. But we serve and
protect something far greater than that, false brother. We serve humanity. No
matter its imperfections, no matter its fallacies, humanity is a beautiful thing,
and you forsake it in favor of gods who see us as only playthings. So I hope the
warp forever tortures you.”
-A Forgeknight of the 6th Order facing down a traitor of the Thirst of
Knowledge warband.


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