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Knights of Baal:

Formed in the Ultimate Founding.

Homeworld: Caldion Reach (Agri-World, Estimated Population: 8 Billion.)

Chapter's Strength: 950 Marines. (8 of which currently in the Deathwatch)

Battlecry: “United by Blood we fight! UNITED IN BLOOD WE DIE! CHARGE!"

Chapter Goal:
To Safeguard The Imperium and It's People

Partially Codex Compliant.

Caldion Reach:
Located in the Border Region of the Ultima Segmentum it. It was originally Colonized after
the Horus Heresy and became a small Trading hub for any Imperial Fleet in the Sector. This
however never changed the Inhabitants way of life. The Nobles organized Trade of The
Planets produce and the Farmers worked the Farms. The Planetary Gouverneur was
Elected by a Democratic means and the Local Ecclesiarchy and Administratum had nothing
to complain about. Overall the Living Conditions were not terrible, but life wasn't easy for
anyone. The Planets forests are home to many dangerous Predators and the PDF is
constantly busy dealing with these Predators.

During the Age of Apostasy everything changed for the worse. The old Gouverneur Was
removed and replaced by a Tyrant that servitorised anyone for the Slightest Criticism. The
Girls born on Caldion Reach were Sold off as Servants while the Boys were either left to
work the Farms or to become the Gouverneurs Hit Squads. This tyranny remained until the
Arrival of the Knight's of Baal after the opening of the Great Rift.

When the Knights of Baal arrived at Caldion Reach, they weren't alone. Reports from the
Administratum showed that the newest Gouverneur stopped paying the Tithe and Inquisitor
Lucina van Steele worked alongside Chapter Master Malicius to investigate this. It didn't take
long to find the Corruption that plagued the Administratum and the Higher Nobility. So
Inquisitor Van Steele and the Arbites that accompanied her, dealt with the Problem and gave
the position of Planetary Gouverneur to Chapter Master Malicius. Malicius however gave the
Position back to the People, who then elected the exiled Thorven Noble Family, who then
began Reforming the Planets Structure to return to its way before the Age of Apostasy.
Chapter Armor and Heraldry:
Their Armor is painted Red with Partially Black Backpacks. Additionally the trim and
Decoration of the Dark Grey Shoulder pads signifies the Rank of the Chapter's Marines
(Grey = Battle Brother, Silver = Sergeant or Sternguard Veterans, Bronze = Lieutenant, Gold
= Captain. A Silver Winged Sword on the Shoulder Pad for Veterans.)

(Painsceme made by me in Impcat)

They Specialize in Melee combat, like every Successor Chapter of the Great Angel. But they
also make use of Eliminators and a Strong Battle line of Normal Intercessors to Support the
main Assault. As Well as a Handful of Tanks and Dreadnoughts

The Chapter's Techmarines train some of the Serves to Crew the Chapter's Tanks and

Black Rage and Death Company:

The Techmarines and Apothecaries Deal with the Black Rage by painting art and training the
Chapter's Serves, to assist them in their respective duties.

Generally the Marines deal with the Black Rage by engaging in some sort of Hobby. For
Example, Chapter Master Malicius builds the furniture for the Fortress Monastery on the Agri
World of Caldion Reach, Reclusiarch Astoviah is an avid Poet, Chief Librarian Praxian likes
to help out on the Farms or make small stuffed dolls incase he comes across families.
As for the Death Company.
They keep a List of the Accomplishments and the Helmets of each Brother that succumbed
to the Black Rage, in the Chapel of the Fortress Monastery. Otherwise it's just your Standard
Death Company.
Those who fall to the Black Rage get chained inside a coffin underneath the Fortress
Monastery. Or underneath the Chapel in a Battle Barge also inside a coffin, Guarded by two
members of the Chapters Honor Guard and a Death Company Chaplain who keeps them
under control until it is time for their Last Journey. When they get Deployed, they put them in
a Drop Pod, and launch behind enemy lines. The Chaplains will take the Helmets of each
Brother that succumbed to the Black Rage, to Place them above a List of Accomplishments
in the Chapel of the Fortress Monastery.

Squad Structure:

Assault Intercessors:
9 Marines + 1 Sergeant with a Power Sword or Thunder Hammer.
Often Accompanied by A Chaplain or Apothecary

4 Marines + Sergeant
Often Accompanied by a Librarian or Apothecary

2 Eliminators + Eliminator Sergeant with a Instigator Bolt Carbine

Jump Pack Assault Intercessors:

9 Marines + Sergeant with Power Fist and Plasma Pistol

4 Marines + Sergeant
Each Squad is equipped with one Assault Cannon

4 Marines in Phobos Armor + Sergeant in Phobos Armor. One Marine equipped with a
Haywire Mine.

Heavy Intercessors: (Mostly 1st Company and 9th Company)

5 Marines in Gravis Armor with Heavy Bolt Rifles.

9th Company has each Squad equipped with one Heavy Bolter.

Sternguard Veterans:

5 Veterans with varying Equipment.

Battle Doctrine:

The Battle Doctrine can be divided into 3 Stages:

Stage 1: "Insertion"
The Knights of Baal start a Battle by inserting a Group of Eliminators and Incursors a mile
away from the Enemy lines. The Group of Eliminators then move into a position overlooking
the Target and relay the position of important Key Structures like Communication Relay's,
Anti-Air Batteries and Heavy Artillery positions to the Battle Barge in Orbit via Highly
Encrypted Vox. Meanwhile the Incursors secure a Landing Zone for the Main Assault Force.

Stage 2: “Disruption.”

Once the Incursors have secured the Landing Zone, the Vessel of the Assault Force
releases 1 to 3 Drop Pods with the Chapter's Death Company onto the Enemies Anti-Air
Batteries and Artillery.

Afterwards the Thunderhawks of the Assault Force land at the Secured Landing Zone.

Stage 3: “Shock and Awe”

The Moment the Thunderhawks Touch the Ground near the disrupted Enemy lines, Assault
Intercessor Squads charge at the Enemy, accompanied by Chaplains and Apothecaries.
Following the Assault Intercessors are Regular Intercessor Squads and overrun the Enemy
Lines. A few moments after the Intercessors arrive the Vessel sends in the Armored Units for
Fire Support. These consist of Dreadnoughts or Predator Tanks crewed by the Chapter's

Flaws in the Strategy:

While the Strategy has proven itself as successful, it also relies on three Factors:
-The Scouts not getting spotted.
-The Death Company Assault disrupts the Enemies until it's too late to stop the Main
-The Marines not having to go into a War of Attrition.

Chapter Relics:

The Blade of Wintermere:

A Master Crafted Power Sword, which was blessed by Cardinal Corvin Wintermere.

The Wall of the Lost:

A Wall of the Chapter's Chapel, where all who fall to the Black Rage are remembered.

The Armor of Hope:

A Gravis Armor, coated in the Molten Aquilla's of those that Died in the Defence of Caldion
Worn by Captain Torian of the 9th Company to remember the people who died in the
Defence of Caldion Reach, as he blames himself for failing to defend the People of Caldion.
Chapter Vessels:

The Knights of Baal has two Battle Barges under their Banner, The “Dauntless Blood”, the
Chapter's Flagship and the “Emperor's Light shining in Darkness”, as well as 7 Strike

The Chapter also has a Small Planetary Defence Fleet of 7 Rapid Strike Cruisers.

Fortress Monastery:

The “Fortress of Avenging Angels' ' is a Decently large Fortress Monastery, overlooking the
Capital of Caldion Reach, and even having the Defenses around the City Limits.

Recruitment Process:
The Chapter takes its Recruits from the Population of Caldion, regardless of where they are
on the Social Ladder. The Young Boys, usually between 9 and 12 years old, will get
examined by an Apothecary and those that are compatible for Gene Seed Implantation will
be accepted as New Recruits. Those that fail can decide to return to their Families and later
join the Arbites, Caldion's PDF or even work in the Fortress Monastery as a Scribe.

The accepted Recruits then get escorted to the Fortress Monastery by 4 of the Chapter's
Sternguard Veterans, where they will meet Reclusiarch Astoviah, and the Chapter Master if
he is on Caldion at the Time. Both will welcome the New Recruits into the Chapter, and
Show them their Barracks.

The Next Morning they will get woken up by Commissar Gideon Mendez, who puts the
Recruits into groups of 5. They then train for 5 years in those groups. During this the
Recruits go through the Implantation process and the Chapter Trials.

Notable Battles:

-Defence of Caldion Reach:

The Defence of the Chapter's Fortress Monastery against the Ork Waaagh of Big Mek
Grizrok. Chapter Master Malicius lead the Defence by Himself from the Front alongside
Chief Librarian Praxian and Reclusiarch Astoviah.

-Defence of Monrios:
The Chapter's 1st Company aided Cardinal Corvin Wintermere and Battle Sister Convent in
the Defence of Monrios and its Holy Relics and Shrines. Cardinal Corvin Windermere
blessed the Sword of Chapter Master Malicius, after Malicius and the First Company held
the Largest Shrine of Monrios until the Reinforcements of the Adepta Sororitas arrived at the

Notable Character: (Images will be added once I got the Minis of them finished)

Chapter Master Malicius:

The Chapter Master of the Knights of Baal is like how you'd imagine a Chapter Master to be
like. Calm, collected and focused on the Chapter's wellbeing, and its ideals of Honor and
Virtue. He not only holds the Position of Chapter Master, but also commands the 1st
Company himself. He was one of the surviving Children on Baal that were able to become
Primaris Marines.
He wields a Master Crafted Power Sword, which was blessed by Cardinal Corvin
Wintermere after Malicius aided in the Defence of the Shrine World Monrios against an Ork
Waaagh, as well as a Plasma Pistol.
In his downtime he likes to make furniture for the Fortress Monastery, out from the trees on
Caldion Reach. He also does this to keep the Black Rage under control.

“If these Fouls Xenos want a Fight, they will get one. Knights of Baal hear me! This is our
Home. We will fight like our Brothers fought to defend Baal from Leviathan and We will not
let any of them survive. Everyone Fights, or this whole Subsector might fall. So Come on,
The Sirens of War call upon us. UNITED IN BLOOD WE FIGHT! UNITED IN BLOOD WE
DIE! CHARGE! LEAVE NONE ALIVE!” - Chapter Master Malicius addressing the Chapter
after the Orks made landfall on Caldion Reach.

Chief Librarian Praxian:

Chief Librarian Praxian, main task is to assist Chapter Master Malicius in battle while other
Librarians aid the Company Captains. He is known for scrupulously scrutinizing each battle
report before even considering recommendations for honor awards. He has a more Gentle
side however. When his duties aren't required he helps on the Farms around Fortress
Monastery, even taking time to give advice to some of the Children living on the Farms, as a
way to keep the Black Rage away.
“I was told that Hope is the first Step on the Road to Disappointment. I disagree. As long as
there is Hope in someone, there is the Will to fight against the Darkness and the foes of
Mankind. That is why I have Hope. Hope that one day, Humanity will prevail against the
Darkness.” - Chief Librarian Praxian in his Diary.
Reclusiarch Astoviah:
As the Chapter's Reclusiarch, Astoviah is responsible for the spiritual health, discipline, and
faith of his chapter brethren. However due to the Chapter's Tradition to train the Serves
alongside the future Marines, he made it his duty to provide his Services to the Chapter's
Serves as well. However his Gentle and somewhat charming demeanor vanishes when
examining the progress of the Chapter's Recruits.
His Skull Mask is painted Gold, instead of the Chapter's Usual Silver, to Mark his Rank as
Reclusiarch. He also carries a Book with each Name of his Brothers that succumbed to the
Black Rage alongside his Crozius and Absolver Pistol into Battle.
“We all fail. Millions Die across the Galaxy each second. And there is nothing we can do
about it. The only thing we can do, is to do our Duty to the Emperor, the Imperium, and its
People. Those People gave their lives to protect what they hold dear. Isn't that what the
Great Angel did as8 well? He gave his life to ensure Humanity can live on. So take your
Anger, and turn it against our foes and mot yourself.”
Chief-Apothecary Galen Ario:
Current Chief-Apothecary of the Knights of Baal.
Occasionally drives around Battlefields in an Impulsor and searches for the Bodies of fallen
Brothers and wounded Civilians.

He painted the Impulsor he uses himself to look like a Medicae Transport.

Eliminator Sergeant Amarus:

Amarus is a relatively young Incursor in the Chapter's 1st Company. Despite only being 97
Years old he has already earned the Rank of Sergeant. He earned the Rank during the
Defence of Monrios by leading a Group of Eliminators and Incursors behind enemy lines and
taking out the Warboss. This caused the Remaining Orks to fight over who is the new Boss
and ensured that the Remaining Members of 1st Company and the Sororitas were
successful in fighting off the Orks.
“Taking out an Enemy Leader can sometimes embolden them. But with Orks, it will start
Infighting. And then they are at their most vulnerable.” ~Sergeant Amarus.

Brother Dreadnought Karlian, aka. "Silver Hope":

Former Captain of the 4th Company, Brother Karlian was among the first to fall in the
Defence of Caldion Reach against the Ork Waaagh of Big Mek Grizroky. After the Initial
Assault was pushed back, he was found by Apothecary Jorah and rushed to the Fortress
Monastery and entombed inside a Redemptor Dreadnought, becoming the first Dreadnought
of the Chapter. When he returned to the final Assault on Grizrok's Waaagh Camp, he single
handedly killed 4 of Grizrok's Nobs and Maddok Painkilla. Due to the Rushed Deployment of
Karlian, the Paintjob of his Dreadnought Chassis wasn't finished and mostly Silver when the
Assault . This earned him the Nickname "Silver Hope'', from the 10th Company Recruits, as
his Intervention saved the Lives of the lives of a tenth of the Company. After the Battle,
Karlian refused to let the Paintjob get finished, saying: “I've become a Symbol to my Younger
Brothers. If you complete my Paintjob now, you will undo this Symbol. And this I can not
Karlian is currently Resting in the Armory of the Fortress Monastery until he is needed once
Tales of the Chapter:
Tale 1:
Reclusiarch Astoviah welcomes the new Recruits:

150 Initiates of varying Backgrounds all around 8 years old, are standing in the Entrance hall
of the Knight's of Baal Fortress Monastery. Five Marines of the Chapter's 1st Company are
standing next to the Group and watching them. After a few moments the Large Wooden
Door opens and Reclusiarch Astoviah walks towards the Group.

Astoviah: “Welcome to the Great Hall of the Fortress of Angels. I am Astoviah, Reclusiarch
of the Knights of Baal, and I will watch your Progress until you become my Brothers.
Now please follow me, the Chapter Master wants to introduce himself to you.”

The Group follows Astoviah deeper into the Fortress Monastery. The Group walks past many
large Chambers and Complexes and eventually walks past a Large Wall lined with Lists and
dozens of Helmets.

Astoviah: “This is the Wall of the Lost. Here we remember every of our Brothers that went on
their Last Journey. One day, you will find yourself on this Wall as well. So will I and even
Chapter Master Malicius.”

Astoviah leads the Group into the Fortress Chapel where Chapter Master Malicius awaits
them in Prayer in front of a Statue of Sanguinius. Astoviah motions the Group to remain
quiet. After a few moments, Malicius finishes his Prayer and turns to look at the Group.
Malicius: “Welcome to our Fortress Monastery. Here you will train and eventually become
one of us. This is your Chance to return to your families if you feel that you aren't up for the
challenges. There is no shame in doing so.”
Two of the Recruits hesitate and take a few steps back.
Malicius: “I understand your choice. I give the two of you another choice. If you want, you
can still serve the Chapter as Serves or in the Fortress Defence Force.”
The two hesitant Recruits accept their Second option.
Malicius: “Then return to your families for now.”
He turns to look at the Sternguard Sergeant
Malicius: “Cateus ensure that these two return home safely.”
Cateus: “It will be done my Lord.”

Tale 2:

Chief Librarian Praxian finds a Young Child in a Ruin:

Chief Librarian Praxian walks through the Ruins of a Town, quietly lamenting the Lost lives of
Imperial Guardsmen and his Brothers. It's been 2 days since the Knights of Baal 1st
Company and Darakon 212th Armored Shock Division beat back the heinous T'au and their
detestable PDF Sympathizers. Now all that's left of the Capitol of Pedonoe is Dust and
He continues walking through the destroyed City, looking for the Body of his Brother Marcus.
Then his Vox interrupts his Thoughts.
Vox: “Chief Librarian, the Southern District is empty, continuing on to the East District.”
Praxian: “Understood Amarus, see you back on the Battle Barge.”
Amarus cuts the Vox connection and Praxian lets out a chuckle.
Praxian: “Not even a Service Stud and already a Sergeant. I was right about you.”
Praxian then hears rubble falling and someone gasping. Out of instinct he turns to the
Source with his Plasma Pistol drawn, only to see a Small Girl, not older than 6 years old.
The Girl then Runs off.
Praxian: “Wait!”
The Girl however doesn't stop and Praxian puts away his Plasma Pistol before following her.
Praxian: “Wait, Young one! "I mean no Harm.”
The Girl looks around and outruns the Librarian by Using the Ruins to her advantage.
Praxian eventually catches up to her, only to find her crying next to the Bodies of her Parents
on the Floor in a destroyed Store. The Body of Brother Marcus in front of the Parents as if
shielding them. When the Girl sees Praxian standing in the Doorframe she hides behind the
Marines Body.
Praxian: “What happened here, young one?”
Praxian walks slowly closer, pulling out a small stuffed doll resembling the Great Angel he
made for such situations and hands it to the Girl.
Praxian: “You're safe with me, young one.”
Praxian picks up the Girl and walks out of the store and uses his Vox.
Praxian: “Galen, I've found Brother Marcus. He's at the Emperor's side now. I also found a
young Girl, she might need medical aid.”
Galen: “Understood, I'm on my Way in a Thunderhawk. Galen out.”
Praxian sits down on some rubble and looks at the Girl in his Arms.
Praxian: “So what is your Name?”

Tale 3:
Inquisitor Lucina van Steele and Chapter Master Malicius confront Planetary
Gouverneur Alexio Ashro:

Inquisitor Van Steele and Chapter Master Malicius enter Gouverneur Ashro's Throne Room,
where He and the Upper Level of the Planets Administratum are gathered for a Banquet.
Ashro: Gets up “Chapter Master, For what do we all have the Honor of your Presence?”
Malicius: "Normally I would return the Welcome. Not today Gouverneur. As for my Reason of
being here. You should be very aware of that. You should know that Not paying the Tithe will
get the Attention of the Adeptus Terra.”
The Governor grows pale
Ashro: “I-I can explain.”
Malicius draws his Power Sword
Malicius: “This is no discussion, Gouverneur.”
Ashro: “GUARDS!”
The Palace Guards all aim their Rifles at the Chapter Masters Head.
Lucina: “I advise you to lower your Weapons.”
Palace Guard: “And I advise you to shut your mouth, Low Born Scum!”
Inquisitor Van Steele opens her Coat and Shows the Inquisitorial Rosette hanging on her
Lucina: “Care to repeat that?”
Palace Guard: “That means nothing If we Blast your brains out!”
Lucina: “I'd like to see you try.”
As if on Command, an entire Squad of Kasrkin and Arbites Storm into the Throne Room and
point their Weapons at every Guard and Noble in the Room.
Lucina: “I, Inquisitor Lucina van Steele, relieve all Members of the Administratum and
Planetary Gouverneur Alexio Ashro of their Duties. I do this on the Charges of Corruption,
Incompetence, failure of Duty as well as turning away from his Light. And the Punishment for
these Crimes is Death. Sergeant, Arbitrator, if You would.”
Kasrkin Sergeant Amira and Arbitrator Dynes and their respective Squads open fire on,
leaving only the Gouverneur alive.
Lucina: “He is yours Gouverneur Malicius.”
Inquisitor Van Steele and the Two Squads leave the Throne Room.
Chapter Master Malicius walks up to Gouverneur Ashro, who is whimpering and Begging for
Malicius: “It's too late for Mercy Governor. You should have considered this when you got
appointed as Gouverneur. Now all that is left is to deliver Judgement. As Chapter Master of
the Knight's of Baal and Newly Appointed Gouverneur I sentenced you to Death. A sentence
that is long overdue.
Malicius Grips Ashro's Head and crushes it. He then wipes the Blood his Armor with the
Gouverneurs Robe before Leaving the Throne Room as well.

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