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30th September, 2006.

Department of Environment, Parks and Recreation,
Ministry of Development,
Bandar Seri Begawan, BB3510,
Negara Brunei Darussalam.

Dear Sir,
Prototype of brochure for public on Food Packaging

We are students of UBD currently taking PS 3404: Multidisciplinary Approach for a

Sustainable Environment course and are working on our Community Problem Solving
project on “Plastics and Polystyrene Food Packaging”.

The aims of our project are to investigate the problems of using plastics and polystyrene
as food packaging and to act on possible solutions towards the problems of using food
packaging products health wise and environment wise.

We have chosen as one of our action activity, to educate the public on the dangers of
using plastic (polycarbonate), polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) cling wrap in the
hope that we can contribute towards improving Bruneians’ health and the environment.

Hence, we have designed a brochure (attached) explaining all the possible consequences
on using such food packaging and given alternatives for people to consider for the food
packaging they use. We are pleased to send to you this prototype of our brochure in the
hope that you would consider making multiple copies of these for dissemination and
information to the public, if you approve of them. As you can appreciate it, we do not
have funds to reproduce the pamphlets and we only have one week to work on this
We hope that the use of plastic and polystyrene products in foods and drinks can be
reduced with this information to the public.

We would be very thankful if you could give some indication of your response regarding
the above matter. Lastly, we appreciate your cooperation in helping us to act for a better
environment and healthier people in Brunei.

Yours Sincerely,
(Christina Eu Nguk Ling) E-mail:
(Hjh Siti Nor Faezah Bte Hj Abd Rahman)
(Noor Aliham Bin Haji Muhamad)
(Kasnol Bin Haji Muhammad Kincho)
Students of PS3403 Multiple Approaches for a Sustainable Environment 2006 Semester 1
Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education
Universiti Brunei Darussalam.
Jalan Tungku Link, Gadong BE 1410
1. Lecturer of PS3403, Dr Irene Cheong
2. Dean, SHBIE, UBD
3. Registrar &Secretary UBD

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