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NCPXXX10.1177/0884533615594013<italic>Nutrition in Clinical Practice</italic> X(X)Pogatschnik and Steiger

Invited Review
Nutrition in Clinical Practice
Volume XX Number X
Review of Preoperative Carbohydrate Loading Month 201X 1­–5
© 2015 American Society
for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
DOI: 10.1177/0884533615594013
hosted at
Cassandra Pogatschnik, RD, LD, CNSC1, and Ezra Steiger, MD, FACS, FASPEN1

Preoperative carbohydrate-containing clear liquids (usually composed of approximately 12% carbohydrate predominantly in maltodextrin
form) have provided benefits for the surgical population and further have been included in the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS)
Society’s recommendations as part of a multimodal approach to reduce surgical patients’ length of stay and complication rates. Carbohydrate
metabolism is greatly affected by the fed state, which is activated by preoperative carbohydrate fluids given up to 2 hours prior to surgery
in contrast to the traditional midnight preoperative fast. Carbohydrate-rich fluids have been proven to enhance patient comfort prior to
surgery and have been theorized to reduce insulin resistance, reducing patient catabolism, with a positive impact on perioperative glucose
control and muscle preservation. This practice is further hypothesized to support the ERAS goals of reducing both complication rate
and length of stay. Preoperative carbohydrate fluid loading is difficult to prove, as the degree of surgical procedure and postoperative
pathways are likely more reflective of patient outcome. The use of carbohydrate-loading protocols warrants further adequately blinded,
placebo-controlled studies, including the use of variable surgical techniques, reproduction of the hyperinsulinemic euglycemic technique
measurements, investigation of ideal carbohydrate fluid composition, and the use of similar surgeries in comparison. Preoperative
carbohydrate loading is just one of the many strategies linked to the success of ERAS protocols. (Nutr Clin Pract.XXXX;xx:xx-xx)

nutrition therapy; surgical procedures; preoperative care; perioperative period; fasting; carbohydrate metabolism

Many studies have shown the value of a comprehensive Effect of Surgery on Carbohydrate
perioperative approach to managing surgical patients known Metabolism
as Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS).1 One of the
main nutrition-related elements of the ERAS Society’s strong However, surgery itself causes heightened insulin resistance,
recommendations is that carbohydrate (CHO)–containing clear which is thought to be proportional to the intensity of tissue
fluids should be allowed up to 2 hours prior to the induction of trauma or injury.2,3 Open surgical techniques lead to increasing
anesthesia.1 We review the rationale for this recommendation severity of insulin resistance and hyperglycemia.1,4 This height-
and outcome data reports in the literature. ened stress response lasts 2 to 3 weeks, with hyperglycemia
being most prominent on postoperative day (POD) 1.3,4
Although debated, glycemic control is thought to be instrumen-
Carbohydrate Metabolism tal on reducing morbidity and mortality postoperatively.2,5
As nutrients are consumed and the body moves from the fasted Postsurgical patients in intensive care units (ICU) who under-
to fed state, insulin is released to accommodate nutrient stor- went thoracic or abdominal surgery were studied using various
age (see Table 1). In the fed state, blood glucose levels rise, glucose control measures. When an intensive insulin therapy
resulting in a myriad of metabolic changes. Gluconeogenesis protocol was used, morbidity and mortality among this thoracic
is stopped; the liver no longer releases glucose from glycogen and abdominal surgery population were decreased by 40%.6 In
storage and returns to preservation mode, attempting to store contrast, a well-known randomized controlled trial (RCT),
excess glucose in the form of glycogen. Activation of muscle Normoglycemia in Intensive Care Evaluation–Survival Using
glucose transporters, such as glucose transporter type 4
(GLUT-4), allows for increased glucose uptake by the muscle From the 1Center for Human Nutrition & Center for Gut Rehabilitation
and Transplantation, Department of General Surgery and Digestive
cells, in which some is stored as glycogen. Lipolysis and pro-
Disease Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio.
tein breakdown are both halted, with no further fat release
from fat cells or further muscle breakdown. This fed state con- Financial disclosure: None declared.
tinues for approximately 4 hours. With the release of insulin
Corresponding Author:
and glycogen preservation, an individual achieves an anabolic Cassandra Pogatschnik, RD, LD, CNSC, Cleveland Clinic, 175 Millcreek
state, the desired state, for a patient about to endure a surgical Lane, Moreland Hills, OH 44022, USA.
procedure. Email:

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2 Nutrition in Clinical Practice XX(X)

Table 1. Fasting vs Fed State, Carbohydrate Metabolism. prior to anesthesia.12 After careful study by the Cochrane
Review, it was concluded that there were no reports of any
Constituents of Metabolism Fasting State Fed State
cases of aspiration pneumonia using the 2-hour clear liquid
Glucose Normal Elevated limit.13 As a result, many anesthesia societies recommend short-
Insulin Normal Elevated ened preoperative fasting times, with clear liquid fluids given
Muscle uptake of glucose Reduced Increased up to 2 hours prior to anesthesia (see Table 2).3,5,12–15
Protein catabolism Increased Halted
Glycogen Broken down Restored
Metabolism Catabolic Anabolic Ramifications of Traditional Fasting and
Potential Benefits of CHO Beverages

Glucose Algorithm Regulation (NICE-SUGAR), demonstrated

Insulin Resistance and Immune Response
that morbidity and mortality were increased when using an Traditional fasting places a patient in a catabolic state, intensi-
intensive insulin protocol targeting glucose control of 81–100 fying a patient’s response to trauma. Surgical delay may
mg/dL vs a target glucose of ≤180 mg/dL in surgical and medi- increase this effect.3 Fluids containing enough complex CHO
cal ICU patients. However, the authors concluded that the cause (usually containing approximately 12% carbohydrate, predom-
of insult was inconclusive, possibly related to reduced blood inately in maltodextrin form to limit osmolality and prevent
glucose level, hypoglycemic episodes, increased insulin admin- delayed gastric emptying)16 to act as a meal 2–3 hours prepro-
istration, and/or study methods. Further study may be warranted cedure may generate a more anabolic state, stimulating post-
to determine target insulin levels in postsurgical patients.7 prandial glycemia, reducing glycogen loss, and controlling
hyperglycemia with increased glucose uptake by the skeletal
Traditional Surgical Fast and Its muscle (see Table 1). Clear liquids alone will not have the
same effect on metabolism, nor will sports drinks have enough
CHO for adequate effect (sports drinks contain 6%–7%
Traditionally, patients have fasted overnight, instructed to be nil CHO).12 A total of 50 g of complex CHO in 400 mL of fluid
per os (NPO) after midnight; these instructions were developed has demonstrated the ability to decrease insulin sensitivity by
due to concerns of pulmonary aspiration.3,5 In 1848, the first 50% and has an appropriate osmolality for sufficient gastric
anesthesia death was recorded after a patient aspirated.3,5 emptying.12 (See Table 3 for CHO-containing beverages rec-
Anesthesiologists and surgeons wanted to ensure an empty ommended globally.) Similarly, increased insulin resistance
stomach preoperatively to protect the laryngeal reflux and to may lead to increased inflammation markers. Zelic et al4 dem-
avoid aspiration pneumonitis.8 To avoid these complications, it onstrated that CHO-rich beverages prior to colon cancer resec-
is estimated that the maximum volume of gastric contents tion vs fast showed a smaller increase in serum levels of
should be no more than 200 mL prior to a surgical procedure.9 interleukin-6 (IL-6), although there was no difference in length
Several studies have detected mean gastric contents ranging of stay (LOS). In a cohort study of 38 patients, Vigano et al17
from 10–30 mL, with a rare 120-mL maximum after a clear found that preoperative CHO was associated with lower insu-
liquid diet is given up to 2 hours prior to an operation.9 However, lin resistance, glucose levels, and IL-6 levels, although they
these studies would not apply to patients with gastric stasis or also found no association with decreased LOS. IL-6 may be a
peritonitis.9 It is also pertinent to note that smoking, functional stronger than C-reactive protein (CRP) as an inflammation
dyspepsia, psychological stress, and female hormones may all indicator as CRP peaks later, up to 24 hours after surgery.
delay gastric emptying to some extent.9 A meta-analysis of 7 A few studies have detected increased insulin resistance in
studies by Bilku et al2 showed that volume and pH of gastric the surgical patient when using the normoglycemic clamp
contents were nearly identical between a standard fast and a and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance
shortened 2-hour fast. Both clear liquids and CHO solutions (HOMA-IR) equation. The hyperinsulinemic normoglycemic
emptied in about 90 minutes. The authors concluded that there clamp is the gold standard as it measures insulin resistance in
was no increased risk for aspiration or regurgitation in patients the carbohydrate fed state. The HOMA-IR equation measures
who did not traditionally fast.2 Awad et al10 completed a meta- the basal rate and fasted state, which makes it less sensitive and
analysis of 21 RCTs and also noted no reported pulmonary less accurate. This may imply less insulin resistance than
complications in the CHO-consuming group. An RCT by Yagci actual.5 Twenty patients who underwent hip replacement sur-
et al11 including 70 patients undergoing cholecystectomies or gery were randomized between CHO and tap water flavored
thyroidectomies also concluded that CHO drinks did not alter with lemon, and both groups had a similar but significant
gastric pH or content volume. The European Society of decrease in insulin sensitivity; therefore, the CHO-containing
Anesthesiology (ESA) guidelines note that patients who are fluid did not reverse the insulin resistance induced by
obese, have gastroesophageal reflux or diabetes, and/or are surgery.18 The systematic review by Bilku et al2 resulted in 6 of
pregnant who are not in labor can safely consume fluids 2 hours 7 RCTs (totaling 1445 patients, in which 4 studies used the

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Pogatschnik and Steiger 3

Table 2. International Recommendations for Intake of Solids and Liquids Preoperatively.12,14,15

Anesthesia Society

Recommendation Canada (2015) Europe (2011) United States (2011)

Fast for liquids, h ≤2 ≤2 ≤2
Fast for solids, h ≤6 light meal; ≤8 meat or fatty food ≤6 solid food ≤6 light meal; ≤8 fatty food
CHO fluids No comment Consider preoperative CHO drinks No comment

CHO, carbohydrate.

Table 3. Carbohydrate-Containing Fluids Recommended to Be Given Preoperatively.31

Product Location Available Volume, mL Osmolality, mOsm/kg Maltodextrin, g % CHO

preOp Europe, United Kingdom, Canada 400 285 40 12.0
Clearfast United States 355 270 44 12.0
ONS 300 Germany 300 266 50 16.6
ONS 400 Germany 400 266 50 12.5
Preload United Kingdom 400 135 47.5 13.0
Arginaid H2O Japan 250 200 52 18.0
Maxjul United Kingdom, Europe 420 420 43.25 32.0

CHO, carbohydrate.

hyperinsulinemic normoglycemic clamp technique, 1 used CHO-rich fluids on muscle preservation. The meta-analysis by
HOMA-IR, 1 used an artificial pancreas with a closed-loop Bilku et al2 explored a number of these studies that reviewed
system, and 1 used a quantitative insulin sensitivity check this. Yuill et al20 showed preservation of muscle mass in the
index) showed significant reduction of insulin resistance.2 An CHO drinking group, while Mathur et al21 noticed no preserva-
RCT of 48 colorectal patients by Wang et al19 demonstrated tion of muscle mass. As a result, Bilku et al2 could make no
that insulin resistance was greater in fasting patients. They also conclusion but had no reason to believe that postoperative
reported that immediate postoperation muscle protein tyrosine nitrogen loss could be attenuated. Lidder et al22 demonstrated
kinase (PTK) activity, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) that handgrip strength deteriorated in all groups after surgery
level, and protein kinase B (PKB) level were significantly (placebo, preoperative CHO with postoperative placebo, pre-
increased in the CHO group, while GLUT-4 was unaffected. operative placebo with postoperative CHO, and preoperative
The Cochrane Review supports the hypothesis that CHO- CHO with postoperative CHO) but significantly improved in
containing fluids decrease insulin resistance with high-quality the preoperative placebo with postoperative CHO and the pre-
evidence. In the 3 trials reviewed of 41 patients, mean glucose operative CHO with postoperative CHO groups. Noblett et al23
was reduced by 0.76 mg/kg/min determined by the hyperinsu- showed a significant (P < .05) decrease in manual muscle test-
linemic euglycemic clamp method.13 Surgical complications of ing in fasted patients in comparison with their preoperative
insulin resistance are similar to complications that occur in values.2 Further studies are needed to prove that preoperative
diagnosed diabetic patients; however, surgical patients have a CHO fluids are able to preserve muscle mass and function.
more rapid onset of complications induced by acute postopera-
tive hyperglycemia.1 Immune, endothelial, and neural cells are
affected with the potential to cause increased risk of infection,
Postoperative Well-Being
neuropathy, renal failure, and mechanical ventilation.1 These Perioperative thirst, hunger, malaise, fatigue, and anxiety have
cells are forced to take up glucose on heightened plasma glu- been reported to improve with a decrease in length of fasting
cose levels; however, there is a lack of intracellular capacity and the use of CHO-containing fluids. Hausel et al24 conducted
for glucose storage, therefore stimulating glycolysis and the an RCT involving 252 patients undergoing abdominal surgery
production of free radicals, causing more inflammation.1 randomized into 3 groups: overnight fast, placebo, and CHO
beverage. Preoperatively, the CHO group was less hungry and
Nutrition in Relationship to Intake of anxious than the placebo and fasting groups. However, both
the CHO beverage and placebo groups had diminished thirst.
Preoperative CHO Intake The CHO group also experienced less discomfort in trends of
With the understanding of CHO metabolism and its effect on malaise and unfitness. The fasted group had a notable inability
halting protein lysis, some authors have studied the impact of to concentrate and an increase in weakness, hunger, and thirst.

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4 Nutrition in Clinical Practice XX(X)

The authors concluded that preoperative CHO fluids affected a ERAS

patient’s well-being. In the meta-analysis by Bilku et al,2 CHO
beverage led to vast improvement in thirst, hunger, anxiety, Henrik Kehlet, a surgeon from Denmark, developed the con-
and malaise in 2 RCTs. In contrast, the Cochrane Review found cept of “fast-track surgery” in the late 1990s.1 He documented
no difference in patient well-being during hospital stay post- that his 17 colorectal patients were discharged in a median
surgery among CHO vs fasting groups.13 The ESA found fast- time of 2 days after open colonic resections vs a standard
ing to be detrimental in the elderly and children12; preoperative 10-day LOS. The “fast-track surgery” title was removed and
fluid has been found to result in less pediatric irritability.24 was replaced with “enhanced recovery after surgery” (ERAS)
Interestingly, intravenous (IV) dextrose and oral CHO to focus on outcome rather than speed. The goal of ERAS is to
improved tiredness and weakness in comparison with fasting, use a multimodal approach in reducing perioperative stress
but IV dextrose did not improve hunger and thirst as oral CHO and enhancing surgical recovery. With this approach, there is
did in 210 post–gastrointestinal (GI) surgery patients in the potential to affect the care and outcome of every surgical
Helminen et al.25 The Cochrane Review commented that patient. Currently, preoperative ERAS recommendations
administration route needs to be fully investigated since only 2 include preoperative CHO fluid with clear fluids up to 2 hours
studies were conducted that examined IV dextrose infusion.13 prior to surgery. Other ERAS recommendations include con-
There have been mixed reviews on CHO fluids’ effect on post- tinuous epidural anesthesia, adequate postoperative pain con-
operative nausea and vomiting. The RTC by Hausel et al24 trol, early enteral feeding, and mobilization. Preoperative
showed a lower rate of postoperative nausea and vomiting in CHO loading combined with epidural anesthesia is thought to
the CHO beverage vs fasting group in lap cholecystectomy the reduce stress hormones epinephrine and cortisol, which, in
patients. In contrast, Bisgaard et al26 and Lidder et al22 found combination, have been thought to decrease insulin resistance
no difference between preoperative CHO fluid consumption by approximately 50%.1 Bed rest was found to increase pro-
and patients who had fasted. tein loss, and poor nutrition postoperatively only heightened
this response. This serves as a reminder that the earlier studies
on CHO-containing fluid and protein loss previously dis-
Surgical Complications and LOS cussed may have had several confounding factors. A meta-
It has been hypothesized that because of the positive effects that analysis in 2010 complied studies from 4 countries in which
presurgical oral CHO has on insulin resistance and GI symptoms, the ERAS group included at least 4 ERAS elements in their
LOS may be reduced. The meta-analysis by Awad et al10 investi- patient care protocol and concluded that LOS was reduced by
gated clinical end points in 1685 randomized patients. CHO flu- a mean of 2.5 days, as well as a 50% decrease in the complica-
ids had no overall effect on in-hospital complications and no tion rate. ERAS has been shown to reduce surgical complica-
overall impact on LOS; however, among the 762 patients under- tions and has demonstrated financial benefits due to its ability
going major abdominal surgery, LOS was significantly reduced. to decrease LOS and complications.1 Gustaffson et al29 dem-
The letters to the editor regarding the Jones article8 commented onstrated that compliance <50% produced an LOS of 9.4
that caution should be used regarding the relationship between days, a 45% complication rate, and an 11% readmission rate,
surgical site infections and high blood sugars since there was whereas compliance >90% resulted in an LOS of 6 days, a
weak evidence to support the proof for oral CHO fluid use.29 It 19% complication rate, and a 2% readmission rate.
was noted by Thorell et al28 that insulin resistance was an inde- Preoperative CHO loading is just one of many factors involved
pendent factor of LOS and that blood loss during surgery and in the success of ERAS protocols.
surgical type affected the variation of LOS by 7%.1 No difference
in postoperative infections or LOS was found in Mathur et al,21 Conclusions
but it was noted that there was an earlier return of gut function in
the CHO group, although with no statistical significance, which Carbohydrate containing clear liquids have been demon-
may have affected LOS. The RCT by Noblett et al23 of 36 patients strated to be safe when given up to 2 hours before surgery and
divided in fasting, placebo, and CHO groups found reduced LOS enhance patient comfort prior to surgery. The demonstrated
and hastened return of GI function. The Cochrane Review ana- metabolic effects of lowering insulin resistance of surgery
lyzed 19 trials, containing 1351 participants, comparing fasting, have theoretical benefits; however, favorable outcome results
placebo, and CHO groups. Patients in the CHO group had a 0.3- solely attributable to preoperative CHO loading are difficult
day shorter LOS than the fasting group, but no difference (mean to prove. The magnitude of the surgical procedure and post-
difference of –0.13 days) was detected in comparing placebo vs operative care pathways are probably more important deter-
CHO.13 In 2 trials that reviewed 86 patients, CHO fluid intake minants of outcomes. However, nutrition preparation of the
was associated with shortened postoperative return of flatus; preoperative surgical patient combining proven approaches,30
however, no difference was detected when looking at actual time along with CHO loading, is worth considering to ensure
to first bowel movement.13 better surgical outcomes.

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Pogatschnik and Steiger 5

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script; and both authors agree to be fully accountable for ensuring 1995;222:728-734.
the integrity and accuracy of the work. Both authors read and 17. Vigano J, Cereda E, Caccialanza R, et al. Effects of preoperative oral
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of patients undergoing elective abdominal surgery. World J Surg.
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