Retain (V)

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1. Retain (v):
To keep or continue to have sth
e.g: he managed to retain his confidence throughout the audition
2. dazzle (n): brightness that confuses someone’s vision temporarily
e.g: she couldnt see the road because of the dazzle of many vehicles
(v): blind (a person) shortly:
e.g: he accidentaly dazzled me in the game
3. gimmick: sth that is not serious or of real value that is used to attract ppl’s attention
or interest temporarily --> make them buy sth
e.G: mc.donalds have meal combos combine with giving away free toys for children as
sales gimmick
4. component (n):
A part that combines w/ other parts to form sth bigger
E.g: eenhance quipment by combining the same ones to make your character become
stronger in this game
5. short-lived: lasting only for a short time
e.g: i feel it was so short-lived
6. flop (v): To fall or drop healvily
(n): a total failure
E,g his first liveshow at the fair was such a flop
7. jolt (v): cause sth or someone to move suddenly n violently
e.g: i was jolted and screamed up when the electronic otpot shocked me
1: a sudden violent movement
2: an unpleasant shock or surprise
8. patron (n): a person or group that sp an activity or org, esp by giving money
e.g: micheal is a longtime patron of him
9. marginally (adv)
Slightly, by a very small amount
e.g: although he tried to save as much money as he could, that new 2 of shoes was still
marginally more expensive than he expected
10. giggle (v): to laugh repeatedly in a quiet but uncontrolled way, often at sth silly or
rude or when ur nervous
11. inflatable (adj): able to be filled with air or gas
e.g: i had to sleep on an inflatable mattress
12. subwoofer (n): a part of a loudspeaker that is designed to produce the very low
notes in a sound system
13. amplifier (n): an electrical device that makes sounds louder
e.g: advent of aplifiers, radio n tv voices have mattered
14. multiplex (n): a very large cine building that has a lot of separate cinemas inside
15. glitch (n): a small problem or fault that prevents sth from being successful or
working as well as it should
16. resurgence (n): a new increase of activity or interest in a particular subject
17, rumble (n): a continuous low sound
e.g: rumble of distant gumber
18. fourthcoming (adj): happening soon
e.g: received in4 about the f conference
19. odor (n): a particular smell (usually bad)
e.g: dandruff n foot odor are cause by
20. tempting (adj): make you want to do or have it
21. moviegoer (n): a person who regularly goes to watch films at the cinema
22. adjacent (adj): really close to sth (C2)
Syn: next to, close

Instructional, intriguing

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