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JC1 H2 Mathematics Tutorial 01: Standard Curves




Section A: Basic Mastery

1 [24 mins]
Identify the shapes of the following curves and sketch them, highlighting the essential
features wherever possible.
(a) x2 + y2 = 5 [2] (b) + 4 y2 = 1 [2] (c) y = − 2 x [2]
(d) y 2 + 2 y − x = 0 (e) y = x 2 + x (f) x = − 16 − y
[2] [2] [3]

2 [18 minutes]
The following curves, drawn to scale, have equations of the form ax2 + by2 = 1. For
each curve, what can you say about the values of a and b? [10]

(a) (b) (c)

y y y

O x x
x O

(d) (e)
y y

x x

3 [15 mins]
On separate diagrams, sketch the graphs of
x −1
(i) x 2 − 9 y 2 = 8 [3] (ii) y = [3] (iii) xy = 5 [2]
2− x
including the coordinates of the axial intercepts, turning points and the equations of any

Standard Curves T01 – 1

JC1 H2 Mathematics Tutorial 01: Standard Curves

4 [7 minutes] y
The curve y = , where a and b are positive
constants, is shown on the right.
Give the equation of each of the asymptotes of the
curve, and the coordinates of each of the points of
intersection of the curve with the axes. 0 x
Deduce that b  a . [4]

Section B: Discussion Questions

5 [40 minutes]
Identify the shapes of the following curves when possible and sketch them, showing
axial intercepts, stationary points and essential features whenever possible.
(b) y = x (2 + 3x)
(a) − y 2 = −1 [3] [2]
(c) y = 1 − ( x − 2)3 [3] (d) y 2 − 4 y + 4 x 2 − 4 x + 2 = 0 [3]
(e) y = x − 3sin x [2] (f) (1 − y)( x + 2) = 3x [3]

(g) x = A( y + 2) + 1 , A ℝ\{0} (h) y = A x 2 − 1, A  −2

[4] [3]

6 [10 minutes]
Suggest possible equations of the following curves: [6]
(a) (b) (c)
y y y

2y = –x 2y = x
(0, 1)
x –5 5 x
0 x
y = –1

x = –2
Rectangular hyperbola Semi-circle Hyperbola

7 [6 minutes]

Find the points of intersection of the following curves: y = and x2 + y2 = 4. [3]
x −1

Standard Curves T01 – 2

JC1 H2 Mathematics Tutorial 01: Standard Curves

8 SAJC/Promo2015/I/9c [11 minutes]

On the same axes, sketch the curves given by the equations x2 + y2 = 9 and x2 – y2 = k
where k is a positive real number, indicating clearly the axes intercepts and equation
of asymptotes, if any.
Hence, determine the range of values of k such that the two curves intersect at exactly
four distinct points. [6]

9 CJC Promo 2006 (modified) [6 minutes]

Find the Cartesian equations and coordinates of the intersections of the following
curve with the x and y–axes (if any)

x = t 4 + 1 , y = t2 ,𝑡∈ℝ

Sketch the curve, indicating clearly the equation of any asymptote(s) and coordinates
of any axial intercept(s). [3]

10 N2010/I/11 (modified) [11 minutes]

A curve C has parametric equations
1 1
x=t+ , y =t−
t t

(i) Find a Cartesian equation of C. Sketch C, giving the coordinates of any points
where C crosses the x – and y – axes and the equations of any asymptotes.
(ii) The point P on the curve has parameter p. Show that the straight line, ℓ, with
equation (p2 + 1)x – (p2 – 1)y = 4p cuts the curve only at P. [6]

Standard Curves T01 – 3

JC1 H2 Mathematics Tutorial 01: Standard Curves

Section C: Further Self Practice Questions

11 CJC/ Promo 2006 (modified)
Find the Cartesian equations and coordinates of the intersections of the following
curve with the x and y–axes (if any)
x = 2 tan , y = – sec , −   0 .
Sketch the curve, indicating clearly the equation of any asymptote(s) and coordinates
of any axial intercept(s). [4]

4x 2
12 Sketch, on a single diagram, the graph of y = and y = 2ax , where a is a positive
constant, giving the coordinates of the points of intersection. [4]

13 SRJC/Promo2015/I/10(i)
x2 y 2 x−2
Sketch the curve + = 1 , where y  0 , and y = on the same diagram. Indicate
6 3 x+2
clearly the coordinates of the axial intercepts and the intersections between the two
curves as well as the equations of asymptotes where applicable. [5]

14 (a) A curve is given by the equations x = cos − sin 2  and y = 2cos  + sin 2  .
Find x + y and y − 2 x in terms of  and hence find the Cartesian equation of the
curve. [3]

(b) For the curve whose equation is 2 y + x 2 = 4 , a parametric form for x is given by
x = 2cos t . Obtain, in simplest form, the corresponding parametric expression for
y. [3]

15 Sketch, on separate diagrams, the curves whose parametric equations are given as
(a) x = t + 3, y = t 2 + 4 where −10 < t < 10
(b) x = 2a cos , y = 3a sin  where a is a positive constant, and −    0 .

Indicate on your graph the points represented by  = − ,  = − and  = 0 . [3]

16 SAJC/Promo2014/I/Q12(a)
On the same diagram, sketch the graphs of
(i) y = 4 x 2 − 36 , and
(ii) y 2 = 4 x 2 − 36 ,
indicating the equations of any asymptotes, as well as the exact coordinates of any axial
intercepts and intersections between the two graphs. [6]

Standard Curves T01 – 4

JC1 H2 Mathematics Tutorial 01: Standard Curves

17 NJC/Promo 2014/I/Q12
(a) The curve C1 has parametric equations
x = t 2 + t , y = 4t − t 2 , − 1  t  1.
(i) Sketch C1 , labelling the coordinates of the end-points and the axial intercepts
(if any) of this curve.
(ii) Calculate the gradient of the curve C1 at the point where x = .
(iii) The curve C2 is defined parametrically by the equations
x = t 2 + t , y = 4t − t 2 , t  ℝ.
Find a Cartesian equation of C2 . [6]
x −1 x y 2 2
(b) The curve C3 has equation y = . The curve C4 has equation − = 1.
x +1 20 5
Sketch C3 and C4 on the same diagram, stating the exact coordinates of any points
of intersection with the axes and the equations of any asymptotes. Hence find the
4 ( x − 1)

number of solutions to the equation x −2

= 20 . [5]
( x + 1)

Section D: Challenging Questions

18 Given a cubic equation y = ( x + 5)(ax 2 + bx − 2) . Give conditions on a and b for the

equation to represent each of the following curves. [3]

(a) (b) (c)

-5 -5

19 Identify the shapes of the following curves when possible and sketch them, showing
axial intercepts, stationary points and essential features whenever possible.

(a) y = cos x + e x [4] (b) y = cos x + e x [2]

Standard Curves T01 – 5

JC1 H2 Mathematics Tutorial 01: Standard Curves

Answers to Selected Questions

Section B: Discussion Questions

4 x2 y2
6 (a) y = −1 + (b) y = − 25 − x2 (c) − = 1, a  0
x+2 4a 2 a 2
7 x = –1.69, y = –1.06 and x = 0.721, y = –1.86

8 0<k<9

9 x= y 2 + 1 , (1, 0)

x2 y2
10 (i) − =1
22 22
Section C: Further Self-Practice Questions

1 2
11 y = − 1+ x , (0, –1)

12 (0, 0), ( 12 a , a)

14 (a) 3(y – 2x) + (x +y)2 = 9 (b) y = 2(1 – cos2 t)

 37   37 
16 Points of intersection of the two graphs are (−3,0) , (3,0) ,  − ,1 , and  ,1 
 2   2 

( x + y) = 5 ( 4x − y )
17 (a)(ii) 2.33 (iii)

(b) Number of solutions = 2

Section D: Challenging Questions

18 (a) a > 0, b2+a > 0 (b) a < 0, b2+8a = 0
(c) a < 0, b2+a < 0 and 25a2 + b2 – 5ab + 6a = 0

Standard Curves T01 – 6

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