Karnataka Reservation in Appointment (Organization of Local Cadres)

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GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA No. DPAR 43 HKC 2013 Karnataka Government Secretariat, idnana Solidha, Bangalore, dated:/29.01.2014 NOTIFICATION-I Whereas, the draft of the| Rules pertaining to the Karnataka Public Employment (Reservation in) Appointment for Hyderabad- Karnataka Region) (Organization of Local] Cadres, Allotment and transfer of Persons) Rules, 2013 was published in exercise of the powers conferred by Sub-para () of Para 4 and Sub-para (1) of Para 5 of the Karnataka Public Employment (Reseryation in Appointment for Hyderabad-Kanataka Region) Order, 2018 in notification bearing No. DPAR 43 HKC 2013, dated 07.01.2014) inviting gbjections and suggestion from. persons likely to be affected thereby within 15 days from the date of its publication in the official website www.karunadu.gov.in on 07.01,2014, Whereas, the said notification was made available to the public on 07.01.2014 through the above website. ‘And, whereas some objections and) suggestions have been received by the State Government which have been examined in detail for their incorporation in the final rules. Now therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred [by Sub-para (1) of Para 4 and Sub-para (I) of Para 5/of the Karnataka Public Employment (Reservation in Appointment) for Hyderabed-Kamataka Region) Order, 2013, the Government ff Karnataka makes the following rules, namely:- RULES CHAPTER-I PRELIMINARY 1. Title and commencement.- (1) ‘These rules may be called the Karnataka Public Employment (Reservation in appointment for Hyderabad-Karnatake Region) (Organiz Allotment and Transfer of Persons) Rules, 20 (2) They shall come into farce from the in the official Gazette. 2. Definitions.- In these rules, unl requires,- (a) “Cadre Controlling Authority” Government or the appointing a Department as the case may be for the purpose of sub para (1) of (b) “Jurisdiction of a Cadre” means the appointing authority of a c: area or unit of seniority of a local (c) “Order” means “the Karnatal (Reservation in Appointment Region) Order, 20137; tion of 3, date of the ess the cor cans, ths thority of yho shall b ara 4 of th the jurisd \dre or th lcadres Publi for Hyder {d) “Parent Cadre” means any existing cadre ot cadre or part of a local cadre is m1 jade or car (c) “Residual Parent Cadre” means the cadre v are not identified as local ca remaining in the Parent Cadre. CHAPTER-IL GENERAL res. and 3. Organization of Local cadres.- (1) Paragraph 3 and 13 of the order, the Cadr Controllis identify by notification the number of posts in each jurisdiction of the cadre constituting | specified below. The posts identified and shall be reserved for local persons in ace al cadre constitute: rdance wi rules of recruitment for promotion or dir¢ct recruits may be. ocal Cadres, ir Publication text otherwise Secretary to ‘the concerned the Autho: ie order; ictional area of Jurisdictional ‘Employment bad-Karnataka t of which local bontinue to be Pursuant to Wg Authority may adre within the in the manner as local cadre th the respective ent as the case (2) The manner of constituting a consist of following units, namely:- (a) “State level local cadre” means a cadre carved respective Group A (upto Junior s or D posts in the State level offices! Government or body of organizatic 8% as Local Cadre. (b) “Regional Local Cadre? means a c: total number of posts in the regio Group A (upto Junior) scale) or B Group C posts or 85% in Grou| region in the respective cadres of or body or organization. This als having jurisdiction of the cadre D wise or with smaller jurisdiction Appointing Authority, within the re| (6) “State wide Local Cadre” means constituted by merger of State lev Regional Local Cadre where the cadre is of State wide in State Gov organization (3) The Cadre Controlling Authori number of posts in the state level offices or organization and identify by notification local cadres to the extent required to be above. (4) Where jurisdiction of a cadre is or a Unit less than the said jurisdictio constituted within the jurisdiction of the ca (©) Where jurisdiction of a cadre controlling authority may merge State I ale), Grou: or institut a to the ex equal to D posts tate Gove includes of the re! ion. the Loca | Local Ca jurisdictior rnment or y shall ast institution: ind_ consti reserved ‘District wi , Loeal ¢ Ire separat| vel local cal Cadre which may lout of B,C ions in ent of dre carved| out of ‘5% in lposts or 80 % in in the foment cadres strict wise} Taluk spective Cadre ire and of the body or fertain the total or in a body or ute state level ander rule 2(a} or Taluk wise ladres shall be fly. is State Wide, the cadre adre with the regional local cadre by notification and jconstitute a single State wide local cadre) in Government or i organization, a body or (6) For the purpose of reckoning adequate representation of local persons in a local cadre, existing representation of local persons in the local cadre shall be taken into consideration. CHAPTER IIL 4. Operation of Roster for the purpose of Reservation.- (1) The Residual Parent Cadre and the Local Cadre carved out of it, shall be treated as separate unit for the) purpose pf recruitment, appointment, seniority, promotion and for] operation |of reservation. ‘Two parallel roster cycles shall be operated for the tesidual parent cadre and the local cadre. (2) All the available posts of|a loc appropriate roster points as per the exis! guidelines. 1 cadre _mpy be assigned ing reservation rules and 5. Notifying the local cadre with Roster.- (1) A local cadre with assigned roster points shall be rotifie by the Cadre Controlling ‘Authority so that available posts initially may be filled|by allotment by the local person. (2) The Cadre Controlling Authorit a certificate of home town in the form speci person to the existing employees after v place as in the service register. (3) Where an employee claims { entered in Service register, he shall) obtai form specified in Annexure-B from the C belongs to the category of local person. y/Head of Office may issue ified in Annexure-A as local rifying the home town or |r a place bther than that eligibility bertificate in the mpetent Authority that he Note.- the purpose of this rule Compe! Assistant Commissioner of the Revenue Si competent to issue the eligibility certificate. CHAPTER - IV Allotment of persons to a Local Cadre Application for local cadre Controlling Authority after having formed at with roster points shall call for the option 1 from the existing employees satisfying the «1 who are willing to join the cadre, to exerci id notified days in the format specified in Annexure-C. In employees who do not exercise their option deemed that they are not interested in joinin (2) The Cadre Controlling Authorit vithin 30 may to available posts in the local cadre and based on the parent cadre and after following roster as aj applicant may cither accept and allot the aj or reject the application. CHAPTER-V Seniority and Related 7. Seniority and Related issues: (1) shall maintain separate seniority, in each Parent Cadre. plicable t plicant to issues local cadre tent Authority means the ‘b-division |who shall be post... ||) The Cadre the local cadre rough a ggneral circular, ‘teria of logal person and ¢ their option within 30 ase of eligible days it shall be a local cafire. the extent of seniority in the the individual the local cadre The Competent Authority and Residuary (2) While initial allotment of incumbents to the local cadre, is as per roster and the seniority the interse seniority ai gradation list of the parent cadre shall He maintai Gradation List of the local cadre (8) Seniority of the remaining in Parent Cadre shall also be as per their rela gradation list of the parent cadre ‘umbents i ive senioril in the original jed in the new the Residual in the original (4) The Cadre Controlling Authority seniority list in the original parent cadre. CHAPTER - VI may also m intain a joint 8. Shifting of Non Local Person from a Local Cadre.- Wherever anon local person is eecupying a | cal cadre local person shall be shifted to the Residual Parent ¢ control purposes, Provided, such non local occupy such post in 4 local cadre as a Depu CHAPTER-VII Miscellaneous 9. Roster imbalance in the local ¢; parent cadre due to the bifurcation of a due to allotment of individuals from the pat local cadres and in the Residual Parent Cadi person m tionist adre or in cadre.- Rr ent cadre e, shall be ost, such non dre for cadre y continue to the Residual ter imbalance (0 one or more scertained by the authority and be made good in the subs¢quent Dir¢ct Recruitment or Promotion, as the case may be, as per the rules applicable to the cadre 10, Saving Clause: The Governme issue necessary clarification in the matte provisions of the order or these rules. By Order Gove! t may fro 's of inter and in the rnor of Kar! Kllertn . of recruitment time to time retation of the ame of the ataka, at 2ony (K.L. LOKANATHA) Joint Se¢retary to ¢ (Hyderabad To: DPAR ‘The Compiler, Karnataka Gazette, for immediat Part IVA of the Karnataka Gazette Extrac copies for use by different Government Dep: rdinary at artments. jovernment -Karnataka Special Cell) publication in id supply 3000 10. i. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. . All Heads of Departments/Deputy Secretary to the President of India, Raghtrapathi |Bhavan, New Delhi-110 001. Secretary to Governor, Rajbhavan, Bangalore. Personal Secretary to the Chief Secretary to the Government. Personal Secretary to All the Additional | Chief Secretaries to the Government. Secretary to Government of India, Ministry of Home |Affairs, NDCC =I building, Jaisingh Road, New Delbi-110 001 retary to Government of India, Ministry of Law anfi Justice, New 10 001. Principal Secretary to the Hon’ble Chief Minister. PS to Hon'ble Minister of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department and Chairman of the Cabinet/Sub-Committe. All the Principal Secretaries /Sccretaries to Government. Executive Officers. The Secretary, Karnataka Legislative Assembly, Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore. The Secretary, KPSC, Bangalore. ‘The Registrar, High Court of Karnataka, Bangalore ‘The Registrar, Karnataka Administrative Tribunal, ‘The Registrar, Karnataka Lokayukta, Bangalore. Website/Weekly Gazette /Spare Copies /Section G Commissioners/Chief Council /Legislative Bangalore. ard File. fists ANNEXURE-A CERTIFICATE of HOME TOWN [Under Article 37 1(J)] (see rule 5(2)) [The Karnataka Public Employment (Reservation in Ap; for Hyderabad-Karnataka Regit for Iasual of Certificates, 2013] Sri/SMt sseoevessene s/ofw/o declared Taluka of . . District of Home Town/Place in his Service Register. I have personally verified the entry in satisfied myself that the above entry was in before 01.01.2013. Place: Name ... Debbi .cbesegeveibtsteeree Designation .... Office |...... Department .. Villagg/Town| in mn) Rules Karnatak the Servi the Service| a a ointment . has State as his Register and Register since ae ANNEXURE-B ELIGIBILITY CERTIFICATE {Under Article 371(J)] (see rule 5{3)) [The Karnataka Public Employment (Reserv, for Hyderabad-Karnataka Regi for Issual of Certificates, 2 Sri/Smt s/ofwfo |........ Person the of Village/Town of District State. Place: .. Name ‘ Date : ervaaie Assistant Commissioner eel Sub Distri tion in Apr m) Rules 13] \cintment is a Local of Taluka of Karnataka Division ict. a? ah ANNEXURE-C Application for joining a Local Cadre [Under Article 37 1(J)} (see rule 6) [The Karnataka Public Employment (Reservation in Appointment for Hyderabad-Karnataka Region) Rules for Organization of Local Cadres, Allotment and Transfer of Persons, 2013] 1. Name of the local cadre 2. Department 3. Di rict (if relevant) 4, Name of the applicant 5. Present place of eat posting 6. Name of the post (designation) ‘This is to request that I would like|to join abpve meritioned cadre. I am hereby enclosing my certificate /of Home Town/Fligibility Certificate as a proof of my claim as a local plerson, Place: ... Name Date : Address Mobile No.

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