?2023 Brand Building Template

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Brand Building Template

*The purpose of this template is to build a foundation for your brand values

This exercise will likely take you a couple hours in total with several redrafts. If you find you’re spending more than a couple hours,
take a break.

What is our product and Our products are divided into functional items for the home.
why do we exist?
We exist to satisfy the demand of thousands of families in America

What do we do, make or We provide general items for the home.


How do we do it? We do all the logistics to complete your order exactly as you
request and make you get exactly what you want.

Who do we do it for? We do it for the customers.

What are the benefits? The beneficiaries here are all of us, the client, the
intermediary, the suppliers and the network platform.

What don’t we do? We don't buy any physical product and full our garage with
them, and we dont take old school risks
What makes us special? Our strategy, creativity and successful advertising capacity

Why should you buy? I don't get what you mean with this question, I'm sorry!

What do you stand for? I represent an intermediary server who does the following

work at the client's command .

What are our guiding light


(A short statement of why your

organization exists, what its
overall goal is, identifying the
goal of its operations: what kind
of product or service it provides)

(we will use this statement to clarify the unique proposition of your product)

For [Target customer]

Who [Statement of the need or opportunity]
The [Product Name]
is a [Product Category]
That [Statement of Key Benefits].
Unlike [Competing alternative]
[Product name] [Three functional benefits]

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