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Tenses: Practice Exercises

Q.1 Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb given in the brackets.
Government Pushes Clean Energy
The Ministry of Renewable Energy (MNRE) ……… (A) ……. (ask) all the union ministries
and public sector units to ……… (B) ……. (adopt) solar energy. So far, the ministry ………
(C) ……. (receive) an encouraging response. India already has a focused solar mission –
Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission – which ……… (D) ……. (launch) in January,
2010 and ……… (E) ……. (set) an ambitious target.

Q.2 Complete the sentences with the correct tenses of the verbs given in brackets.
A. That summer, the river that …………. through the town dried up. (run)
B. When I phone Seema, she …………… round straightaway. (come)
C. Nobody …………… why she married him. (understand)
D. When Arvind was in China, he. ……………………. to Sheila every week. (write)
E. She ………… till evening. (play)

Q.3 Samaria wrote a short story but forgot to edit it. There is an error in each line.
Write the incorrect word/phrase and the correction.

a) There was living a farmer named Mohan ……….. ……….

b) who is very hardworking and honest. He ……….. ……….

c) has known across the village as a man ……….. ……….

d) of principles and thus loving by all. His ……….. ……….

e) field have always been green and he never ……….. ……….

f) sleeping on an empty stomach ……….. ……….

g) After a drought, all the farmers was leaving, ……….. ……….

h) but Mohan was not ready to left his ……….. ……….

i) fields. The news was reaching the press and ……….. ……….

j) a reporter come to the village to ……….. ……….

k) got his side of the story. ……….. ……….

Q.4 Complete the following dialogue using the correct tenses.


Mother Rahul, where ……… (A) ……. ?

Sohan: I ……… (B) …….. ……… (C) …….
Sohan: Yes, mom, I ……… (D) ……. my homework.
Mother: When will you be back from your friend’s house?
Sohan: ……… (E) ………

Q.5 Fill in the blanks using the correct form of tenses.

Medi Leaks, a website that ……… (A) ….…. (allow) stakeholders to register complaints and put out
irregularities in healthcare; ……… (B) ……. (launch) in the capital yesterday. The website, ……… (C)
……. (inspire) by Wikileaks, ……… (D) ……. (allow) whistle-blowers to ……… (E) ……. (post)
information, anonymously. This ……… (F) ……. (check) by a team of volunteers before ……… (G) …….
(share) on the portal. However, concerns are already ……… (H) ….…. (raise) about how it ……… (I)
….…. (address) the issue of medical negligence.

Q.6 In the passage given below, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the
missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it.

Experiments at the world’s biggest ………. ……… ……..

a) particle smasher confirmed the existence of two subatomic particles ………. ……… ……..

b) The discoveries part of the baryon ………. ……… ……..

c) family of particles. Baryons composite particles composed of three ………. ……… ……..
quarks. The

d) work carried out in 2011 and 2012. A ………. ……… ……..

e) paper reporting the finding have been submitted. ………. ……… ……..

f) The facility going through an upgrade ………. ……… ……..

g) now. A related baryonic particle found by an experiment in 2012 ………. ……… ……..
Change Tense As Directed
1. I will talk to him. (Change into simple past)
2. She works as a receptionist. (Change into past continuous)
3. I will help you. (Change into simple past)
4. They spend hours talking. (Change into simple future)
5. I have been running for hours. (Change into past perfect tense)
6. She didn’t offer me any help. (Change into simple present)
7. She takes good care of her health. (Change into simple past)
8. I can run six miles in an hour. (Change into simple past)
9. She works hard to support her family. (Change into present perfect.)
10. He has done a lot for me. (Change into simple past)

11. I waited for an hour. (Change into present perfect)

12. She lives alone. (Change into present perfect continuous tense)

Transformation of tenses

Read the following sentences and change the tenses as per the given directions. You might need to
make changes in the adverbs as well.

1. I will be writing my exam this time tomorrow. (Change into past continuous tense)
2. He will be waiting for us. (Change into present continuous tense)
3. I know this. (Change into simple past)
4. He will have thought about this. (Change into present perfect tense)
5. He wanted to know more about the job. (Change into simple present)
6. I am leaving for England tomorrow. (Change into future continuous tense)
7. She hadn’t thought about that. (Change into simple past)
8. He will not accept this proposal. (Change into simple past)
9. He will not pass the test. (Change into future perfect tense)
10. I always wanted to be a scientist. (Change into present perfect tense)
11. She will not tolerate this injustice. (Change into simple past)
12. She did not want to go. (Change into simple present)

Transform the tenses of the following sentences as directed.

1. The girl sings beautifully. (Present Continuous Tense)

2. John has painted the wall. (Present Perfect Continuous Tense)
3. The bird flew away. (Simple Present Tense)
4. I visited the museum last week. (Future Continuous Tense)
5. The baby slept all night. (Present Perfect Continuous Tense)

Change tense as directed Worksheet:

1. I have watched that film. (Change into simple past)
2. She is working on a new project. (Change into past continuous)
3. He was my best friend. (Change into simple present.)
4. She did not allow me to enter her room. (Change into simple present)
5. He was jobless for six months. (Change into present perfect)
6. We finished the job in two hours. (Change into simple future.)
7. She will recognize me instantly. (Change into simple past.)
8. He owed his success to his parents. (Change into simple present)
9. He didn’t recognize me. (Change into simple present.)
10. She had been working on that project for six months. (Change into present perfect continuous.)
11. They are having lunch. (Change into future continuous)
12. I left my umbrella at home. (Change into past perfect.)
13. She works at a bank. (Change into simple past.)
14. They live alone. (Change into present continuous tense)

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