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What is an Adverb?
Adverbs are terms that alter or change (express) the verbs (she sings sweetly), the adjectives
(extremely short) or the other adverbs (concluded too quick), or even complete phrases (Luckily, they
had purchased an umbrella). Adverb most often terminates in -ly. However, some (such as swift)
appear identical to their adjective alternatives. An adverb can modify verbs, adjectives, another
adverbs, determiners, clauses, prepositions, or sentences.

Adverb often describe manner, places, timing, frequency, degrees, level of certainties, and so
on, replying to the queries such as how? When? Where? and to what extent?

Thus, Adverbs are adjectives that alter verbs. Adverbs can most often be employed as an
alternative to the other adverb and adjective.
Adverb Exercises- Part 1
Underline the adverbs in the below-mentioned statements.
1. The competition went on smoothly.
2. He slowly moved his scooter into the lane.
3. They were breathing heavily as they ran.
4. The car moved swiftly through the path.
5. He usually dances at the celebrations.
6. She ate too quickly that she started coughing.
7. She was sitting silently on the bus.
8. He drives the car very well.
9. Sometimes, I keep thinking about my young days.
10. Luckily, he ran away from the robbers.
Adverb Exercises - Part 2
Fill in the blanks in the sentences by changing the given adjectives or the verbs into adverbs.
1. Meera laughed _______ at the kid's jokes. (loud)
2. The soldiers fight at the border front …………… (brave)
3. Our team won the tournament …………….(easy)
4. My boss screamed ……………… at his clerk. (angry)
5. The woman in red dress sang …………………. (sweet)
6. The professor ……………….found a resolution. (clever)
7. The_______ (rare) see rhinos and lions.
8. My group members are ______(most) non-smokers.
9. I __________(sometime)sing in their group performance.
10. He drank the beverage________(noise) from the juice glass.

Adverb Exercises - Part 3

Fill in the blanks with a suitable adverb and also name the type of adverb used to fill the blank.

1. She ............................... goes to the school at 6. My colleagues are .............................

7 o'clock. hardworking.
once most
ever mostly
usually 7. She was ............................ fascinated with
2. They have …………………. been to the her dance.
museum. too
never much
ever very
3. She has been to India just ………………….. 8. I ............................. visit my grandparents in
one some time
once sometime
ones sometimes
4. I ………………… take a shower before 9. I watch Bollywood movies ............................
leaving for work. once
once always

always occasionally
ever 10. We ........................ go abroad.
5. My cousins live in Rajasthan. I meet them rare
....................... once
once rarely

Spot the Adverbs

Go through the following sentences and underline the adverbs.
1. The cat jumps extremely high.
2. The rain falls heavily.
3. The dog barks loudly.
4. The man works diligently.
5. She usually arrives on time.
6. Certainly, you are joking.
7. The concert is about to start.
8. The postman delivered the mail again.
9. I finished my assignment early.
10. I was quite busy.
11. Is your father around?
12. We searched for the hidden treasure everywhere.
13. We barely know him.
14. How far is the journey?
15. Rachel rarely comes here.

Choose the Correct Adverbs

Complete the following sentences by choosing the most suitable adverb from the list.
out swiftly ahead fairly too
previously frequently once slightly so

1. Jack ran to the store ____.

2. The grades are ____.
3. We have seen this ____.
4. I know her ____ well.
5. The child is ___ tired.
6. The mischievous girl is ___ irritating.
7. My uncle visits us ___.
8. My grandma is ____ well today.
9. I encountered a fortune teller ___.
10. Desire pushes us ___.
Identify the Adverb Type
Read the following sentences and identify the type of adverb used in each.
1. The girl practices the piano regularly.
2. The alarm kept sounding continuously.
3. The crowd has dispersed.
4. I have seen this movie before.
5. Are you absolutely certain?
6. You are driving too recklessly.
7. I always give my best.
8. You are absolutely correct.
9. He solved the puzzle rapidly.
10. I have heard enough.
11. The girl often repeats the same mistake.
12. Why are you still here?
13. I could barely recognise her.
14. The small child is too timid to speak.
15. The bird flew away.
Position of adverbs – Exercise
1. Our friends must write a test. (also)
2. I was joking. (only)
3. Did you enjoy the flight? (both)
4. Mary watches TV. (hardly) (ever)
5. He drives his car. (carefully)
6. The children play football. (in the garden)
7. We went to the cinema. (yesterday)

8. John fell off the bike. (almost)

9. Her boyfriend will buy her some flowers. (probably)
10. My uncle is moving to Stockholm soon. (definitely)
Grammar Exercise: Position of Adverbs
For each question, choose the most natural position for the adverb out of the different possible sentences.

1. Quickly
I quickly opened and read the letter before they returned.
I opened and read quickly the letter before they returned.
I opened and read the letter before they returned quickly.

2. Always
Always I am happy when it's my birthday.
I am happy always when it's my birthday.
I am always happy when it's my birthday.

3. Often
My sister gets up often at 6am.
Often my sister gets up at 6am.
My sister often gets up at 6am.

4. Ever
Have you been ever to Russia?
Have you ever been to Russia?
Have you been to Russia ever?

5. Still
I'm still waiting for Kathryn to arrive.
Still I'm waiting for Kathryn to arrive.
I'm waiting still for Kathryn to arrive.

6. Hardly
I want to go and speak to that man - hardly I know him.
I want to go and speak to that man - I know him hardly.
I want to go and speak to that man - I hardly know him.

7. Actually
No wine for me. I actually don't like any alcoholic drinks.
No wine for me. I don't actually like any alcoholic drinks.
No wine for me. I don't like actually any alcoholic drinks.

8. Just
As I just saw him take the money, the police arrived.
Just as I saw him take the money, the police arrived.
I saw him just take the money, the police arrived.

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