Green Infrastructure in Relation To Informal Urban SettlementsJournal of Architecture and Urbanism

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ISSN 2029–7955 / eISSN 2029–7947

2017 Volume 41(1): 22–33


Theme of the issue “Landscape architecture and ecology”

Žurnalo numerio tema „Simbolizmo tradicija architektūroje“


Olumuyiwa Bayode ADEGUN

School of Architecture and Planning, University of the Witwatersrand, 1 Jans Smuts Avenue,
Private Bag 3, Wits 2050, Johannesburg, South Africa

Received 09 May 2016; accepted 07 February 2017

Abstract. Green infrastructure plays a critical role in environmentally sustainable urbanization in developing countries. Based on
a review of academic outputs, this paper explores green infrastructure in the context of informal urban settlements. It identifies
three ways informal settlements are connected to green spaces and natural ecosystems functioning as urban green infrastructure
and then shows examples of benefits derived (ecosystem services) by the urban poor from these connections. Undesirable aspects
and negative outcomes, regarded as ecosystem disservices, from the connection to natural ecosystems are also pointed out. The
potentials of enhancing ecosystem services in terms of improving quality of life and the environment in informal settlements came
to the fore. This work contributes to the growing body of knowledge on urban green infrastructure from the perspective of informal
settlements in developing countries.
Keywords: slums, low-income housing, green spaces, ecosystem services, disservices, developing countries.

Introduction some non-state actors in many developing countries

Urban sustainability is impossible without consider- (Dalgliesh et al. 1997; Magi 1999; Irurah, Boshoff 2003;
ing green infrastructure. Charles Little in the book Groebel 2007; French, Lalande 2013; Shackleton et al.
Greenways for America first introduced the term 2014).
“green infrastructure”, using it to describe networked This incognizance or poor concern is problematic
assemblage of natural landforms and green open for the following reasons. Firstly, low-income and in-
spaces that create alternatives to municipal or regional formal forms of shelter constitute a notable (and at
infrastructure (Little 1990). Since then, green infra- times growing) proportion of the urban territory and
structure has been (and still) seen as natural, semi-nat- population.1 In some developing countries, between 30
ural and artificial networks of multifunctional natural and 60 percent of the urban population live in illegal
ecosystems at different spatial scales (Tzoulas et al. or informal settlements (Mitlin, Satherthwaite 2013).
2007). A network of green spaces (for example, parks) Secondly, these informal areas are usually peopled by
and blue spaces (for example, wetlands), “productive the socio-economically disadvantaged, to which en-
natural landscapes” such as allotment/domestic gar- vironmental disadvantage must be added. They are
dens (Bohn, Viljoen 2011: 150) or a small-scale eco- “victims” of inequalities and vulnerable to the negative
logical solution for stormwater management can all impacts of global climate and environmental change
be considered as components of green infrastructure. (Agbor 2013; Nenweli 2015).
The notion that environmentally sustainable urban- This situation implies there are knowledge gaps
ization cannot be achieved without considering green regarding bio-physical assets and processes in the
infrastructure does not seem entrenched in developing
countries. As argued in the last two decades, environ- 1 This paper uses “informal settlements” in broad reference to
mental sustainability (with reference to green infra- under-serviced, unregistered, at times illegal, low-income urban
structure) in low-income informal parts of cities, has environments with flimsy and overcrowded dwellings occupied by
the urban poor. These areas might be named differently across the
not been much of a concern/priority to the state and various countries touched on in the paper.

22 Copyright © 2017 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) Press
Journal of Architecture and Urbanism , 2017, 41(1): 22–33 23

context of informal settlements. It appears that know- cannot afford the Scopus’s subscription fees will be
ledge about the way poor urban dwellers in informal readily available through Google Scholar.
settlements relate with green spaces and natural eco- Search algorithms used in the databases combined
systems – the benefits derived and detriments experi- words such as green infrastructure, green spaces,
enced – is scanty. Certain examples are available, but ecosystem services, ecosystem disservices, informal
they are in bits, scattered in disparate literature not settlements, slums, ecological, upgrading, sustainab-
generally articulated in terms of informal housing or ility, developing countries. Searching Scopus returned
urbanism. These gaps preclude appropriate contribution a total of 3000+ items whose titles were immediately
of the necessary understanding to sustainable urbaniz- scanned to identify potentially relevant ones. For in-
ation (Quilan, McCarthy 1995; Fitchett 2014) and leads stance, searching for “green/greening in slums/settle-
to missed opportunities for resilience in the informal ments” led to 1207 items, of which 41 were saved as
context (Schaffler, Swilling 2013; Sachikonye et al. 2016). potentially relevant. Combining “ecological upgrad-
This gap informed the research question – how do ing” with slum/settlement led to 183 items, of which 19
informal settlement residents relate with green infra- were potentially relevant. “Urban agriculture” in slum/
structure, and what benefits/problems emanate from settlement led to 576 items (22 were potential relev-
this relationship? In considering the direct or indirect ant) while “green infrastructure/space” led to 20 items,
benefits from natural features and ecosystems func- with 7 designated as potentially relevant. Search using
tioning as green infrastructure (framed as ecosystem “sustainability and environment” with slum/settlement
services, Fisher et al. 2009), this paper utilizes the yielded 1039 items, of which 20 were potentially rel-
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment’s (MA) classifica- evant. Searching Google Scholar also yielded 10000+
tion of ecosystem services into provisioning, regulating, items, of which about 40 thesis/dissertations/books/
socio-cultural and supporting services (MA 2005). MA’s reports were selected as potentially relevant.
classification is commonly used and easier to under- All the items regarded as potentially relevant were
stand, based on the linkage between human welfare and later screened. The criteria – whether the content or
ecological processes (Fisher, Turner 2008). Provisioning part of it conceptualizes or provides example(s) on
services are goods/material outputs from natural eco- green spaces and natural ecosystems in relation to
systems e.g. food, water while Regulatory services refer low-income informal urban settlements and people
to processes that control the environment, for example, living there. The screening reduced the total number.
micro-climate moderation, air quality control, flood References of the screened publications were checked
regulation. Socio-cultural services are non-material – to identify relevant publications not captured in the
socio-cultural, spiritual, educational gains from green searched databases. A total of 68 items were eventu-
space and ecosystems. Supporting services underpin ally reviewed. These, though at times not conceptually
the production of other services, with photosynthesis, articulated in direct relation to informal housing, re-
soil formation, production of atmospheric oxygen as veals how poor urban households draw benefits from
examples. Functions of natural ecosystems that are neg- natural and semi-natural ecosystems and landforms,
ative for human beings (regarded as ecosystem services, vegetation, gardens, waterscapes, agricultural areas
Lyytimaki, Sipila 2009) were also considered. and so on. Of the 68 items, 45 are journal articles, 3
conference proceedings, 9 book chapters, 10 thesis/re-
Research methods search reports and 1 book. Twenty-six emanated from/
This paper is based on a literature review that followed reported research done in South Africa, 8 from India,
a five-step process (after Green 2005) which include: 4 from Kenya, 2 each from Bangladesh, Brazil, Nigeria,
i) framing a research question; ii) identifying relevant Indonesia, Uganda and Morocco. One each came from
studies; iii) assessing the quality of studies; iv) extract- Argentina, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana,
ing evidences; v) analyzing and presenting findings. In Mexico, Nepal and Rwanda. Ten were either conceptual
identifying relevant studies, a comprehensive search or generalist and do not fall into any country-specific
for academic outputs (journal articles, conference pro- category.
ceedings, book chapters) was conducted in Scopus/
Web of Science. Google scholar database was also Connections between informal settlements and
searched to access outputs such as thesis/dissertation, green infrastructure
reports and books which are unavailable in Scopus. Generally, there is a connection between informal
Since informal settlements are a third world phenom- settlements and green spaces and natural ecosys-
ena and as Onyancha and Ocholla (2009) explain pub- tems functioning as urban green infrastructure. As
lications by researchers in developing countries that evident in literature, this connection occurs in three
24 O. B. Adegun. Green infrastructure in relation to informal urban settlements

Fig. 1. Alexandra in Johannesburg includes an informal settlement located by the Jukskei River
Source: Heather Mason, 2011 (used with permission).

Fig. 2. Kibera settlement is located on a low-lying part of the Fig. 3. Langrung informal settlement in Stellenbosch
Nairobi river bank (South Africa) is located on a steep hillside
Source: Author’s Photograph, September 2012. Source: Author’s Photograph, October 2013.

main ways. Location in ecologically-significant, en- et al. (2013) found that urban growth through informal
vironmentally-sensitive and biodiversity-rich places housing development is taking place around and ex-
within cities is one. Agricultural cultivation within panding into some of the world’s biodiversity-rich areas.
low-income urban areas is another, while an ecolo- Practical examples of the locational pattern abound.
gical approach to infrastructure is the third form of Alexandra settlement in Johannesburg is located the
connection. Jukskei River bank (see Fig. 1) while Kibera settlement
Across developing countries, informal settlements in Nairobi is located on the Nairobi river bank (see
are generally established through processes that take Fig. 2). Langrung informal settlement in Stellenbosch
advantage of unutilized land (Alsayyad 1993; Van is located on a steep hillside (see Fig. 3). Regarding
Gelder 2010). Such land, often of ecological signific- riparian zones, Vollmer and Gret-Regamey (2013:
ance and biodiversity wealth, is unsuitable for residen- 1544), observe that due to the presence of informal
tial development because of its location near streams, settlements in low-income Asian countries “popu-
on low-lying river banks, within wetlands, on steep lation density appears to increase by roughly 10%
hillsides or servitudes, buffer strips and other kinds of within 1 km of waterways”. In Mexico City, between
interstitial space. Through an analysis of urbanisation 295 and 300 informal settlements – about 36% of the
in developing countries, Seto et al. (2012) and Guneralp city’s informal settlements, are located on ecologically
Journal of Architecture and Urbanism , 2017, 41(1): 22–33 25

significant conservation land (Wigle 2014). Part of this provements. Shaping a wetland as multifunctional –
informally occupied land make up a unique socio-eco- for runoff retention, water treatment and vegetable
logical heritage designated as a World Heritage Site by production reduces capacity of the sewage treatment
the United Nations and declared as a Natural Protected facility needed at the township/municipal level.
Area (NPA) by the Mexican government (ibid.). This wetland-based socio-ecological approach to
It is noteworthy that interventions in and for in- infrastructure was explored as part of the Tactical
formal settlements at times tend to perpetuate the Landscape Operations for Informal Settlement
locational characteristic pointed to above. This might Upgrading project in Cantinho do Ceu, Sao Paulo
be an outcome of formal urban planning where cer- (Werthmann 2011). A positive relationship between
tain trade-offs have taken place or otherwise (Hetz, ecological development and socio-economic improve-
Bruns 2014). ment emerged from catalytic projects such as public
Apart from their location, the second form of con- use of small leftover land, developing wetlands for
nection between informal settlements and green infra- storm runoff treatment (ibid.).
structure takes place through agricultural practices. To The connection between informal settlements and
a greater or lesser extent, residents of informal settle- urban green infrastructure reveals prospects for cli-
ments undertake various forms of agricultural cultiv- mate change adaptation and mitigation in cities (Gill
ation, whether through planting in containers or beds et al. 2007). As shown in the CLUVA project (Lindley
in yards, home gardens in stands/plots and communal et al. 2015) and by Kithiia and Lyth (2011), in the light of
gardens in open spaces (see Figs 4 and 5) (Redwood resource decline accompanying global climate change,
2009; Webb 2011; Hamilton et al. 2014). Irrespective it presents multi-functional, soft engineering alternat-
of size and form, these cultivated spaces make up part ives to grey infrastructure in low-income urban areas.
of green infrastructure.
The third form of connection occurs when infra- Benefits from green infrastructure in
structural needs are met through natural or semi-nat- informal settlements
ural systems, at times referred to as ecological infra-
structure. This might be at dwelling scale or through Provisioning Ecosystem Services
catalytic insertions at strategic points. A roof or do- As a resource fundamental to life, water is a notable
mestic garden is an example of an ecological infrastruc- product from natural ecosystems. Since municip-
ture at the household level. The garden attenuates rain- ally-supplied potable water is generally inadequate
water, thus controlling runoff ’s quality and quantity or absent in informal settlements, the residents of-
and subsequently reducing the capacity of surface or ten depend on freshwater sources such as streams,
underground drainage system needed in the settle- wetlands, hand-dug shallow wells or other forms of
ment. Vertical gardens (for instance in Mtshini Wam ground/surface water. For instance, in a Jarkarta set-
settlement, Cape Town – Fig. 4) provides infrastruc- tlement where under 30% of households have access
tural functions through micro-climatic controls at the to municipal water provision, over 80% of house-
dwelling scale (Henning et al. 2012: 5). holds obtain groundwater for washing through wells
At a wider scale, patches of green open spaces (Vollmer, Gret-Regamey 2013). Kimani-Murange and
or a wetland can catalyse neighbourhood-wide im- Ngindu (2007) reported that 89% of households de-
pend on groundwater from wells in the Langas set-
tlement in Nairobi while Ochieng et al. (2011) found
that 85% of households depend on wells in three set-
tlements in Ibadan. A similar situation was reported
in Assam, India (Phukan 2014). These ground/sur-
face sources are generally of poor quality (Cairncross
1990), but residents use them for cooking, laundry,
sanitary purposes and irrigation because they are
readily available.
Food, including edible medicinal plants, is another
useful product. Academic papers and project outcomes,
internationally, affirm the positive role of agricultural
Fig. 4. Vertical gardens by shack walls in re-blocked Mtshini cultivation in food supply and food security in low-in-
Wam settlement
Source: Stephen Lamb/Design Indaba, 2013 (used with
come informal urban settlements (Davoren 2009;
permission). Rau et al. 2011; Dubbeling 2011; Gallaher et al. 2013;
26 O. B. Adegun. Green infrastructure in relation to informal urban settlements

Fig. 5. Home garden in Slovo Park (left) and Elias Motsoaledi (right) informal settlements in Johannesburg
Source: Photograph by Marie Huchzermeyer (left), June 2013 and Author (right), December 2012.

UAC 2013; Kornienko 2013), although the informal Regulatory ecosystem services
nature and lack of political recognition in sub-Saha- People living in informal settlements also bene-
ran Africa is an intractable problem (Drechsel, Dongus fit from green infrastructure through services that
2010). Over half of the households in five of Pretoria’s regulate the environment. Three forms of regulatory
informal settlements farmed in home gardens and services are identified. The first relates to micro-cli-
communal gardens located in public open spaces (van mate moderation. An experimental green wall in a
Averbeke 2007). Group farming in open spaces sup- Lagos settlement led to around 0.5 °C decrease in
plied households with about 25% of annual staple food ambient temperature (Oluwafeyikemi, Jullie 2015).
but home gardeners harvested a meagre 1.7 kilograms In Bangalore, Gopal (2011) observes that most dwell-
of fresh food monthly, which represents 6.7% of the ings in informal settlements have plants grown in
recommended monthly vegetable intake (ibid.). This different kinds of containers. The plants and trees
means that smaller amounts of food are produced from contribute to decrease in local air temperature (by
home gardens, compared to group/communal gardens. 3 to 5 °C in summer) and air quality improvement
In the same vein, informal settlement residents pro- through reduction of pollutants in the neighbour-
duced fruit and vegetable in Delhi’s wetlands (Singh hood (Gopal 2011; Sudhira, Nagendra 2013; Gopal,
et al. 2013) while those in the Pallikaranai settlement – Nagendra 2014). As a result of their shade, trees in the
located along the Adyar river in Chennai live on har- settlements create cool space for domestic activities
vested fish (Coelho, Raman 2013). (e.g. cooking), livelihood activities (e.g. operation of
Timber is another product common in informal a mechanic workshop, phone booth) and recreational
settlements. Since the settlements are not formally activities (Gopal 2011; Nagendra et al. 2013).
connected to the electricity grid, timber collected A further illustration of micro-climatic control
from nearby trees provides fuel for cooking, indoor comes from the mapping of residential urban mor-
heating and materials for construction and house- phological types (UMT) in Addis Ababa (Cavan et al.
hold furniture. Street trees were sources of timber in 2014). In what may be particular to Addis Ababa, the
low-income Touroua, Cameroon (Epule et al. 2014). study observes that “informal settlements and tradi-
Nissing and Von Blottnitz (2007) estimate that 142,000 tional housing areas have higher proportions and better
tonnes of timber, sourced from nearby vegetated areas composition of green structures than other residential
or industrial waste is used for household thermal pur- areas, and are thus associated with the lowest modelled
poses annually in Cape Town’s informal settlements. land surface temperatures” (ibid: 54). The residents
In their study of three South African towns, Kaoma benefit from temperature moderation of green spaces
and Shackleton (2014) found that at least 43% of house- in the settlements. Further confirming green spaces’
holds in informal settlements collected firewood from temperature moderation functions, “the use of roof
their own home gardens/plots. These authors did not canopies or vegetation to reduce heat exposure were
indicate long-term horizons for replenishment so that identified as regular practices” in Dakar (Bangladesh)
timber supply is sustainable. informal settlements (Jabeen et al. 2010: 429).
Journal of Architecture and Urbanism , 2017, 41(1): 22–33 27

As another way of regulating the natural environ- tain becomes the ideal spot” (respondents quoted in
ment, certain natural/semi-natural landforms renders Ballantyne, Oelofse 1999: 209). In the same vein, the
drainage-related functions to informal settlements. Macassar informal settlement community’s historical
As mentioned earlier, a roof garden regulates runoff’s connection and cultural ties with the Macassar dune
quantity and quality. Wetlands and riparian spaces in Western Cape (South Africa) are expressed through
aid flood control and greywater treatment (Adegun recreational practices such as horse riding and fishing
2013; Vollmer et al. 2015; Douglas 2016). Button by the dune (Graham, Ernstson 2012).
et al. (2010) experimented with a Sustainable Urban Natural areas also offer opportunities for cognit-
Drainage System (SUDS) that consisted artificial ive development. In La Lagunita settlement, Rosario
swales and infiltration trenches linked to a wetland (Argentina), Dubbeling et al. (2009) observed that
in Monwabisi Park informal settlement, Cape Town. green spaces serve as an educationally productive space
Vegetation covering the swales redirects runoff away for children’s cognitive development through a demon-
from unwanted areas. The soakaways incorporate a stration garden and an educational path. As a result of
layer of bio-filtering plants which also redirect excess interactions through communal gardening in informal
water to the wetland. settlements, the gardens contribute to social capital,
Wind moderation/erosion control is the third form an outcome that often surpass food benefits from such
of regulatory ecosystem service. Literature search did gardens (Kornienko 2013).
not show any contribution made by green infrastruc-
ture in this regard. This is being mentioned because Supporting ecosystem services
some studies show that windstorms are one of the worst Based on the literature accessed, it is unclear how in-
climatic events experienced by people living in low-in- formal settlements specifically benefit from supporting
come urban areas (Adelekan 2012; Nenweli 2015). ecosystem services. However, O’Farrell et al.’s (2012)
work stands out as it shows how informally built-up
Socio-cultural ecosystem services areas (among other land use types) contribute to (but
Benefits related to socio-cultural services are obtained not necessarily benefit from) supporting services.
through green spaces that provide aesthetically pleas- Through an expert opinion’s rapid assessment of eco-
ing environment and opportunities for recreational system services in Cape Town, O’Farell et al. (2012)
activities, social interaction, inspirational enrichment shows that natural vegetation remnants in informal
or cultural expression in and around informal settle- areas contribute less to soil retention, critical infiltra-
ments. For instance, water-bodies or natural areas con- tion and groundwater recharge, yield and quality when
nected to settlements serve as object of worship and compared with formal areas (See Table 1).
location for religious/cultural ceremonies by residents Table 2 shows key ecosystem services related to in-
(Nagendra et al. 2013). Regarding natural ecosystems formal urban settlements. It summarises the services
around the Mandela Park settlement (Cape Town), (provisioning, regulatory, socio-cultural and support-
the residents remarked: “the mountains are beautiful ing) identified so far and includes some references not
and the trees”, “when they do their ritual, the moun- cited in the narrative.

Table 1. Comparison between certain types of ecosystem services in Cape Town. 0 represents no service
while 10 represents maximum potential service

Formal built-up Informal built-up

residential area residential area
Flood mitigation 5 3
Soil Retention 9 5
Critical Infiltration 8 5
Coastal Zone Protection 3 2
Groundwater Recharge 6 4
Groundwater Yield 5 4
Groundwater Quality 7 5
Source: Extracted from O’Farell et al. (2012).
28 O. B. Adegun. Green infrastructure in relation to informal urban settlements

Table 2. Summary of key ecosystem services in informal urban areas

Service Type Example Description Source(s)
Food and vegetable production in
Van Averberke (2007); Honning (2009);
wetlands, communal/private open
Rau et al. (2011); Hennings et al. (2012);
spaces used as gardens;
Food Singh et al. (2013); Coelho and Raman
Fish production and harvesting in
blue spaces
Groundwater from shallow wells and Kimani-Murange and Ngida (2007);
Water Surface water from streams/rivers – for Ochieng et al. (2011); Vollmer and
domestic use and irrigation Gret-Regamey (2013); Phukan (2014)
Timber from trees – for household fuel
Ballantyne and Oelofse (1999); Gopal
and construction; Ttherapeutic flowers,
(2011); Nagendra et al. (2013); Kaoma and
Others medicinal items, broom making and
Shackletion (2014); Epule et al. (2014)
incense stick from plants and trees
Runoff control management and flood
Water Adegun (2013); Button et al. (2010);
Management O’Farrell et al. (2012); Douglas (2016)
Greywater treatment
Trees with canopy provide shade
Jabeen et al. (2010); Gopal (2011); Sudhira
Moderating (decreasing ambient air temperature
Regulatory and Negrada (2013); Oluwafiyekemi and
Micro-climate by 3–5 °C in summer in Bangalore
Julie (2015)
urban area/slums)
Cleaning the air through removal of
Air Quality
pollutants such as SO2 and suspended Sudhira and Nagendra (2013)
particulate matter.
Pleasant views of nearby natural
Aesthetic Ballantyne and Oelofse (1999)
Mountain climbing, tree climbing,
Ballantyne and Oelofse (1999); Graham and
Recreation horse riding, fishing, green open
Ernstston (2012)
spaces used for other games/sports
Mountainous/lowland areas and
Socio-cultural Religious/ other natural areas used for religious
Ballantyne and Oelofse (1999); Gopal (2011);
Cultural activities or cultural rites; Wetlands
Nagendra et al. (2013)
fulfilment and other water-bodies as object of
Green Spaces used for demonstrative
Educational teaching and Cognitive development, Dubbeling et al. (2009)
especially for children
Soil formation/retention; Critical Infiltration;
Supporting O’Farrell et al. (2012)
Groundwater Recharge

Demand for and supply of ecosystem services urban communities place more demand on provision-
types in informal urban areas ing services compared with other categories. Of the
From the aforementioned, it is clear that benefits 720 respondents surveyed by Waters (2013) in three
from green infrastructure (especially provisioning Kampala settlements, 11% drew benefits related to
ecosystem services) play a critical role in the lives and provisioning services, while only 5.2% and 3.7% of the
livelihood of poor people in informal settlements. benefits are related to regulatory and cultural services
According to Sukhdev (2009: 277), these ecosys- respectively. Although available ecosystem services
tem services are a kind of wealth – so called “Gross only make meagre contributions to adaptive capacity
Domestic Product (GDP) of the poor”, because of their in the areas, the study shows that “poorer individuals
primary reliance on natural resources. This highlights tend to use provisioning services more while only re-
the need to consider demand (reliance and dependency latively higher-income individuals value cultural ser-
on) and supply (availability of) ecosystem services in vices” (ibid: 109).
informal settlements. Similarly, Shackleton et al.’s (2014) survey com-
A number of studies compare demand for provi- pared informal settlements with townships in three
sioning services (material products) with other categor- South Africa cities. Although both informal settlement
ies of services. It appears that residents in low-income and township neighbourhoods are largely low-income
Journal of Architecture and Urbanism , 2017, 41(1): 22–33 29

areas, townships are legally recognised, enjoy better They are real harm while others are issues based on
infrastructural services and are wealthier in compar- perceptions (Dunn 2010). I illustrate these with ex-
ison to informal settlements. The study’s comparison amples from literature.
on use of tree products shows that informal settlement Problems related to natural ecosystems generally
residents made more use of trees for supply of fruits, manifest through health threats and other physiological
timber, fuel and herbal medicine. Township residents problems. As Douglas (2012) explains, certain aspects
were consistently the least likely to collect tree products of the natural environment have been associated with
from within and outside their homes. In total, 80.7% negative impacts on physical and mental well-being in in-
of respondents in informal settlements collected tree formal settlements in some situations. Through a survey
products from their homestead or elsewhere while only of informal settlements in Dakar, Gruebner et al. (2012)
41.3% did so in the townships (Shackleton et al. 2014). found that, combined with poor waste disposal and inad-
The study did not explore socio-economic factors that equate sanitation, patches of vegetation increased the risk
might have influenced the lower rate of tree product for infectious diseases, especially diarrhea. People living
collection in the formal townships. in settlements located close to wetlands often experience
In Potchefstroom (South Africa), Lubbe et al. invasion of mosquitoes and other insects, because they
(2010) analysed plant diversity patterns across six are bred in these water-logged spaces. Evidences of this
urban residential typologies – from peri-urban in- come from Kumasi (Campion 2012), Ouagadougou
formal settlements to up-market neighbourhoods. (Baragatti et al. 2009) and Kampala (Isunju et al. 2016).
The study found that “a relatively strong negative re- In Ouagadougou, malaria risk correlates with ecological
lationship exists for fruit trees and socio-economic strata (proximity to hydrographic network) and living in
status (R 2 = 0.65), suggesting that poorer households irregularly planned settlements (ibid.).
grow more fruit trees” in order to avoid dependence Furthermore, while urban agriculture supports
on market products, gain additional income and food production and social capital, it can involve health
improve livelihoods (ibid: 2907). In the same vein, hazards. Irrigation with greywater from polluted
Seburanga et al.’s (2014) observed that non-fruit bear- drainage channels/streams in informal settlements
ing aesthetic trees were more in high-income areas can contaminate crops. Gallaher et al. (2013) pointed
while fruit-bearing plants were ubiquitously present to this as a challenge associated with sack gardening
in the poor non-formal settlements in Kigali. in Kibera settlement in Nairobi.
Seeing that there is higher demand (reliance) on Disservices from natural ecosystems related to per-
provisioning services in the low-income urban context, ceptions are exemplified through phobia. Some people
is there sufficient and sustainable supply? Here, supply dread densely vegetated spaces because they can con-
of ecosystem services is understood as the capacity of a ceal miscreants and criminal activities (Donaldson-
particular area (e.g. an informal settlement) to provide Selby et al. 2007). Fear of being attacked or dwellings
or secure those ecosystem goods and services which being infested by dangerous animals such as snakes,
people rely on, and to do that within a given period scorpions is another case (Stretha 2010). Problems
(Burkhard et al. 2012). While it is still unclear how the based on perception can result to those involving real
supply of ecosystem services to informal urban areas harm. As an illustration, fear of being mugged or raped
can be quantified, city-wide supply must be inclusive in an unlit vegetated space can lead to anxiety and de-
for the sake of justice. Supply of ecosystem services pression (psychological problems) as well as hyperten-
must respond to inequalities that McConnachie and sion (physiological problems).
Shackleton (2010) identifies often characterize the dis- These disservices could also occur in formal areas of
tribution of green spaces in developing countries. a city. They, however, stand out in informal settlements
because poor spatial configuration, inadequate services
Disadantages from green infrastructure and infrastructure, precarious tenure among others
experienced in informal settlements make the emanating problems difficult to mitigate. For
Considering negative outcomes and undesirable instance, absence of electricity and street lighting in a
aspects in the connection between people in informal settlement makes security measures against night-time
settlements and natural ecosystems helps to holistic- criminal activities difficult in densely vegetated areas.
ally understand the impacts of ecosystems on human
well-being. These outcomes, referred to as ecosystem Discussion
disservices, can emanate from normal functioning of A notable thread emerges from the findings. Benefits
undisturbed ecosystems or result from anthropogenic (ecosystem services) from green infrastructure have
degradation of ecosystems (Lyytimaki, Sipila 2009). the potential for improvements in the quality of life,
30 O. B. Adegun. Green infrastructure in relation to informal urban settlements

livelihood and the environment. Aspects of socio-cul- Future research needs to consider trade-offs that are
tural services can support environmental justice and made in the relationship with natural ecosystems. That
equity (Ferris et al. 2001). “Ecosystem-based adapta- is, how a benefit(s) is valued in relation to other benefit(s)
tion” can create opportunities for local economic de- or detrimental aspects by those in informal settlements.
velopment (Roberts et al. 2012: 167). Although seldom Also, unpacking the way physical transformations ac-
harnessed presently, much can be done incrementally companying informal settlement intervention affects
to enhance provisioning, regulatory, socio-cultural the relationship between residents and green infra-
and supporting ecosystem services in this context. structure would be useful. It is necessary to know how
This could be achieved through by encouraging do- ecosystem services and ecosystem disservices are exper-
mestic and communal gardening, tree-planting or ienced by the residents before or after in situ upgrad-
facilitating co-management of natural ecosystems ing or relocation to new housing. This knowledge can
adjoining settlements. contribute to environmentally sustainable intervention
Harnessing the range of benefits however demands in informal settlements across developing countries.
attention that addresses and mitigates the undesirable
aspects from green infrastructure. It also demands Acknowledgement
appropriate local buy-in. For instance, while SUDS Thanks to Prof. Marie Huchzermeyer and Dr. Brian
presents a promising drainage approach (Jiusto, Boshoff of the School of Architecture and Planning,
Kenney 2016), “community involvement in both plan- University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg for
ning and implementing” is necessary in the low-in- guidance. The author was supported by grant B8749.
come, informal setting (Button et al. 2010: 16). As a Rio R01 from the Carnegie Corporation of New York to the
case shows, the same principle applies to other kinds of Global Change and Sustainability Research Institute
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