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Following the descriptions of Act 1 and Act 2 in the play The Unnatural and Accidental women,

there is a news report written by the Vancouver Sun named, Death By Alcohol. In this news
paper, it discusses women being found dead with unfortunate circumstances that followed to
their deaths.
In the play, Clements chose to begin with the news paper to state a clear and concise direction as
to what his readers are going to witness from the storyline. In the article, it discusses multiple
women who were faced with horrific situations that lead to their death. As Brooke mentioned,
information that was emphasized in the article is blood-alcohol readings that were found in the
lifeless women. Furthermore, not only does the article mention blood-alcohol readings, it also
mentions alcohol in general, and that the women who were found had some sort of encounter
with alcohol, which ultimately lead to their deaths. The news paper mentions, “——, a native
Indian, had been drinking continuously for four days before she died drank enough to kill her
twice. That’s the conclusion of a coroner’s inquiry into the native Indian woman’s death”
(Clements, Preface), and continues to mention, “——, a native Indian, had been drinking
continuously for four days before she died” (Preface).
Additionally, I find that by including the news report into the play allows for the readers to have
a strong interest into what the play entails, as it includes a strong hook that lures booklovers into
continuing their reading.
Works Cited:
Clements, Marie. The Unnatural and Accidental Women. Available from: VitalSource
Bookshelf, Talonbooks, 2005.

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