Multip Physics

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This work presents an overview of techniques that enable the construction of collocated finite volume

method for complex multi-physics models in multiple domains. Each domain is characterized by the
properties of heterogeneous media and features a distinctive multi-physics model. Coupling together
systems of equations, corresponding to multiple unknowns, results in a vector flux. The finite volume
method requires continuity of intradomain and interdomain vector fluxes. The continuous flux is
derived using an extension of the harmonic averaging point concept. Often, the collocated coupling of
the equations results in a saddle-point problem subject to inf-sup stability issues. These issues are
addressed by the eigen-splitting of indefinite matrix coefficients encountered in the flux expression.
The application of the techniques implemented within INMOST platform to hydraulic fracturing
problem is demonstrated.

For elliptic boundary value problems (the diffusion equation and elasticity theory ones) with highly
varying coefficients, there are proposed iterative methods with the number of iterations independent of
the coefficient jumps. In the differential case these methods take solving the boundary value problem
for the Poisson equation at each step of iterations while in the finite difference (finite element)
approximation it is possible to use another operator as a preconditioner.

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