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Present ages of Rama and Shyama are in the ratio of 4 : 5 respectively. Five years hence the ratio of their ages become 5 : 6 respec- tively. What is Rama’s present age? am afte varer at ada arg wen: 4: S a arg H te ofa ad are Sra omg a otqUTA BHT: $2 6 TT saree a at atari wa #2 (a) 25 years (b) 22 years (c} 20 years (4) 30 years (c} None of these Present ages of Vinit and Gaurav are in the ratio of 9: 7 respectively. 12 years ago the ratio of their ages was 5 : 3 respectively. What is Vinit's present age? feria afte ea at achart org wa: 9:7 arg H 112 at ye saat ong ar arg HITT: § 29g aT feria at actare org war #2 (a) 25 years: (b) 22 year® (c) 27 years: 4d) SQ years” (e) None of thes Four ears/aile, the Fatio of A’s age to B's age ras Il; 14 ad)/fobr years later their ages will ‘ein file ratio 13 : 16. The present age of A is: ay ati ea, a at ang oft Bat ang a arqITA 11 28 an afte are at arg Sat 9g 13: 16 TTT Rt a at aart og #: (a) 48 years (b) 26 years: (c) 44 years. (d) 28 years (e) None of these Present ages of father and the son are in the ratio of 6 : 1 respectively. Four years hence the ratio of their ages will become 4:1 respectively. What is the present age of son? fir afte a at aclurt omg amt: 6 1 arg Ht! care a are ge Sat 3g wT STII HTT: 4: a ame as at ater aq aa (a) 10 years (b) 6 years (c) 4 years (a) 8 years (c) None of these At present age of father is three times the age of his son. Four years hence the ratio between the ages of father and son Secomes 13 : 5 respectively. What is the prestnt age bf father? frat at ong aia ad ae aiam ar A ET th care art are far afte ot a, ong Bt ar arg ret: 13 + 8 same fay wt actus aig war 7 (b) 42 years (d) Can't be determined (a) 48 yeas le) 82 year (8) NageMF these The ratio of present ages of two brothers is 1: 2 and 5 years back the ratio was 1: 3. What will be the ratio of their ages after 5 years? a onpat ait artars org ar arg 1: 2 #1 aft s at sia ong ar orqura 1:3 aniat s ad are saat 3g rae aa eT? (a)a:4 (o)a:3 (3 (a) 5:6 (e) None of the Three years earlier the father was 7 times as old as his son. Three years hence the father’s age would be four times that of his son. What are the present ages of father and son? ita ad age far at org a at arg a 7 TET a cand arg fra a arg ue A ae ET eh er afte wat ada arg aan #7 (a) 25 years, 7 years (b) 35 years, 9 years (c) 45 years, 9 years (4) 55 years, 11 years {e) None of thes Ratio between age of A four years hence and age of B 5 years ago is 6 : 5 and ratio between Adutiya Sir 10. 4. 12. 13, age of A four years ago and age of B after three years is 4: 7. What is present age of A? car a are a aft ong afte uta a pt B at arg a arqara 6 : 5 ti afte are ad qd a at ong aft aia at are B at arg ar orga 4: 7 tA at ong ator aang aa wt? (2) 20 years (c) 24 yea (b) 22 years (d) 27 years Ratio between age of A S years hence and age igo is 6: 5 and ratio between age 0 and age of B after five years is 7:11. What is present age of A? aia ad are a at org afte aia a gt B at ang aT arqard 6 : s that are ad qa at aig aft aia a ara B aft ang ar argu 7: 11 81 A wt omg arto amg aa wt? (a) 20 yeas (b) 22 years (c) 24 yeas (a) 25 years ‘The sum of the age of a father and his son is 100 years now. 5 years ago their age were in the ratio of 2: 1. The ratio of the age of father and son after 10 years will be we feat a aad a & 3trq a am amt 100 a ths are ore Sah 3g ww FIMTG 2: 1 t1 10 we ae frat 3 ya at ada org ATT (ays:3 (4:3 3 ago the ratio betweenthe ages of P nd thé sum of their ages at present is 52 yeats/What dp the ratio of their Present ages?, afe lpr Ge Pott'o a arg ar aqua s : 6 ar ate aera sah Sig a a sz ad Ht ature Fe ay arora aa (c) 10:7 las 6 (86:7 (7:6 (@) 4:5. ‘The sum of the present ages of father and son is 90 years, 10 years earlier the ratio of their ages was 5:2. The present age of the father is: ae fear a ae op at actus arg ar at 99 ad #1 10 are ea Te ay wT oTgUTA S 2 a at fe at adr 3g wae (A) 65 years (8) 68 years (C) 60 years (D) 70 years. The ratio of ages of two persons is 5 : 9 and the age of one of them is greater than the other 14. 15. 16. 17. by 40 years. The sum of their ages in years is a cafes & arian ong a orga 5:9 t aft HA Ue at ong GF 40 Te Ie tat HS oT AT atm aga) (a 180 (c) 150 Preeti got married 6 is 1.1/4 times her a Her son's age is (1/ ‘The age of her son is: site an ferare 6 art ud eat am adara Hayat amg faare 3 wna swat aq BT 1.1/4 THT El sas at ay Saat abet oy BT (1/10) YM #1 SAH Be aT amg @: (A) 2 years (©) 4 years (2) None of these ‘The ratio between the ges oba-father and his son four years ago,was 19:6. Ifthe difference between the age of the father and son is 26 years, wbat ywillibe the ratio of their present ages?, cattle etits frat afte seh a at arg & ata a Srpag 19 : 6 am af fac afte am at ra H 26 at ar iat #, at seat acars arg ar argue aa Te? (A) 21:8 (B) 23:8 (C) 23:10 (D) 27:17 (&) None of these (8) 140 () 160 ars ago. Today her age the time of marriage. ) times her present age. (B) 3 years (D) 5 years At present ratio between ages of A, Band C is 9:76. 5 years ago A was 12 years elder than ©. What is the present age of D. If D would be 5 years younger than B aia # a, B afte Cat aq ar ara 9:7: 6 ata ad ya a, C8 12 ad ag ar at aan 3g aT at? fe D, Bas at ara s at oter er? (A) 23 years (C) 22 years (E) None of these At present the ages of A, B and C together is 185 years. B is twice as old as A whereas C is 17 years older than A. The respective ages of A, Band C are- arta # A, B atte cat aig ar atm 195 a #1 Bat ang a at ang a arp & ala c, AR 17 ae ag #1 A, Bait Cat aura ong ti (B) 33 years (D) 24 years ‘Adutiya Sir 18. 19. 20. ai. 22. (A) 40, 86 and 59 years (B) 42, 84 and 59 years (C) 40, 80 and 65 years (D) 42, 88 and S8 years (E) None of these ‘The average age of a family of 10 members is 20 years. If the age of the youngest member of the family is 10 years, then the average age of the members of the family just before the birth of the youngest member was approximatley. we afar & 10 weet ar atta org 20 ad th af aa often & wad ore wava at om 10 at tot wa Be wae wa S wes ae aa & eet ar tte any aa aT? (a) 27.14 years (C) 14.28 years (B) 12.5 years (D) 11.1/9 years In a family of § members, the a present is 33 years. The yunge: 9 years old. The average age of the family just before the birth of the youngest member was Tet & uae oftare H, aturs H atte org 33 a t vat oe waa a on 9 ad fh ah waa Ge eT ea fee oftare a otter atrg ar aft? (A) 30 years (8) 29 years (©) 28 years (0) 24 years 5 years ago, the average age of P'and|Q was 15 Average age of P,Qvand R todayis 20 How old willbe after 10 years? 5 Wa wea, Pate Oat ate ang 15 ad fiatare P, Qafit Rat atan aig 20 a ¢ at 10 at ara R ato arin (aes years (8) 40 years (6) 30 years (0) 50 years ‘The average age of Ram and his two children is 17 years and the average age of Ram's wife and the same children is 16 years. If the age of Ram is 33 years, the age of his wife is (in years): am afte sae at aot at after ong 17 a te at ct afte dt aeat ait attra ong 16 ad #1 ale am a aw 33 af ¢ at saat uch at aH wae (A) 31 (B) 32 (c) 35 (D) 30 Five years ago the average age of husband and wife was 23 years. Today the average age of husband, wife and child is 20 years. How old is the child? 23. 24. 25. 26. ta are ae aft afte watt at oftaa otrg 23 ae ah cardars H oft, act att aed at afte arg 20 a # wei af ong aa wt? (A) 3 years: (C) 12 years (E) None of these (8) 4 years (0) 2 years 3 years ago, the average age of a family of 5 members was 17 years. A baby, having been born, the average age of the family is the same today. The present age of the baby is- 3m Wea, 5 Hee a UH ofan at ate aT 17 ad ium fog S wa SA S are, tare at tet ca, ary at ere th fey at adore org # (A) 3 years (C) 1.1/2 years (B) None of these (B) 2 yéars (D) 1 yeara ‘The averag@age of hushiind and his wife was 23 years at the beginning of their marriage. ‘After five yeats they have a one-year old child. ‘The average age of the family of three, when the bhild wis bork, was ‘ae & oreana Hwa via a sad wet at afte or, 23 ti wa We a FS We 1 wa HT ae tia fi ‘wa em tar gan at 3 waa Sultan at attra Ty aa {A) 23 years (B) 24 years (C) 18 years (D) 20 years ‘The average age of a husband and wife, who were married 7 years ago, was 25 years at the time of their marriage, Now the average age of the family, including husband, wife and a child, born during the interval, is 22 years. What is the present age of the child? vee fa afte weit at ters amg, ara wre oa 25 ad dh frat wrt 7 at age ag at ora afta at after ang 22 at ¢ fami via, wet afte ua aoa nfs &, st fas aredt & aye at arg tar GoM aes ‘at ada ong ae #7 (A) 4 years (C) 2 years (B) None of these (B) 3 years (D) 6 years When the average age of a husband and wife and their son was 42 years, the son got mar- ried and a child was born just one year after the marriage. When child turned to be five years then the average age of family became 36 years. What was the age of daughter-in-law at the time of marriage? Adutiya Sir 27. 28. 29. 30. em oft, uot afte seh at after org wa a2 at at wa 3a oF at ore Of ate eh Ue Te ae ‘aed GH Wa Ted § TI I GoM aa ga Uta BT afte ama 36 ad tt eh at ened wT seh ra a ang en i? (A) 26 years (B) 25years (C) 2ayears (D) 23years At present the ages of A, B and C together is Bis twice adn @ A, Bait Cat amg ar am iss ad #1 Bat amg A at amg an ate t maf c, Aa 17 at ag A, Bait Cat ada arg ti (A) 40, 86 and 59 years (B) 42, 84 and 59 years (C) 40, 80 and 65 years (D) 42, 88 and 58 years (2) None of these Seven years ago, the average age of A, B and C was 51 years. If Ais 3 years older than B and B is 3 years older than C then the present ages of A, Band C are (in years) “Wa WA WE, A, Bait cat afta aq s1 ae ah ofa A, BA ats ae at TB, CH 3 wre ag a aT A, B atte cat ada 3 wage (a) 61,56 and 55 (B) 54, 84 and4g (C)55,58and61 (0) 48, Sand 54 If the ages of P and R aré\added tg twike the age of Q, the totalbecorhes 68. Ifthe ages of Q and R are added tg thricé the age of P, the total becomes/61.\And)if the age of Q and P added withthrice the age of R, the total be- comes 89, Whatiis the age of P? ate P ait Rett aq at Q at ay & ar Hi site feat ‘ara, Arage 68 urea eter fi ata Pat ana & aa BLO Site Rat ong & Star aren ¢, at ar 81 wT far #1 aft af gait Pat ang at Rat oTg da Fe ae ae as oo a de fir ong ee (A) 15 yea (C) 17 years (2) None of these If the ages of P and R are added to twice the age of Q, the total becomes 58. If the ages of Q and R are added to twice the age of P, the total becomes 60. And if the age of Q and P added with twice the age of R the total becomes 62. What is the age of P? (B) 19 years (D) 12 years 31. 32. 33. afa Patt Rat a0q at Oat amg a aa A shy feat ‘arm, at aye 58 wea tte ae Pat ag at TH ait Q ait Rat ang & stgr ara Hat aH 60 wet that #1 afte af Q att Pat ang a1 Rat ony a a ee Fg ore fh Po ag Pm (A) 15 years (C) 17 years (E) None of these Arun's present age in years is 40% of Barun's . In another few years, Arun's age will be half of Barun's. By what percentage will Barun's age increase during this period? aren a ata 3g 40% & mE a Cat AY aD ATE 3 arom at au om at omelet arent ge ata a wen aan fat ag Se (A) 20 (B) 16 (c) 14 (D) 36 Ravindra and Rekhd got ma¥riéd 10 yr ago, ages arere ih the|tatio of S : 4. Today, lage is onésixth more than Richi age. After marriage, they had 6 children in- cludigg a triplets and twins. The age of the triplets, tayins and the sixth child is in the tio\pf 9:2: 1. What is the largest possible Ralue of the present total age of the family? 10 re wee there att tan at unt ag at Saat oT ar ara § 2 4 at ot, thera at ata, Year at mT 36 saa tet & are sae TH Ua fanaa Um ager wed aries Gi ale emda, ear a a a ai ony ar aya 3:2: 1 tat aa whan Sa weceat aw & onftret ein ara war #7 (a) 79 (B93 (Cc) 101 (D) 107 Hari’s family consisted of his younger brother (Chari), younger sister (Gauri) and their father and mother When Chari was born, the sum of the ages of Hari his father and mother was 70 yr. The sum of the ages of four family mem- bers, at the timeof Garui's birth, was twice the sum of ages of Hari's father and mother at the time of Haris birth. If Chari si 4 yr older than Gauri, then find the difference in age between Hari and Chari. aft & often # sear vier og (art), va ae Chet) see ara a fra eat a a OAT aT Ta aft afte aad wren — fa & arg a ater 70 we aT ahi & wa & ana var & 4 weet & aq ar a aft & a & ana seh ar fe & org ata a at am ae ant ah & 4 eet Agr & at et it aT amt oer aa (B) 19 years (D) 12 years ‘Adutiya Sir 34. (A) 5 yr (B) 6 yr (7 ye (0) 8 yr (E) 9 yr Eleven years earlier the average age of a fam- ily of 4 members was 28 years. Now the age of the same family with six members is yet the same, even when 2 children were born in this period. If they belong to the same parents and the age of the first child at the time of the birth of the younger child was same as there were total familymembers just after the birth of the youngest members of this family, then the present age of the youngest member of the family is : 11a wa Uw oar & 4 weet at attea ong 28 at dh ada Ham afar #6 wat at ater mq aah di ti aa aa at aed ft aa afar # tar et cafe & ua et mrar-fer & Wala & afte ante GT ae SaaS wa wa ae a ow Ah at BA aha at an on wae do are a atta wee a, dt aad an an & wae a aa on TE (A) 3 years: (B) 5 years (D) None of these (C) 6 years 35. ‘There are only five people in the Aman Verma's family. Aman his wife, a son and two diaughters. The younger daughter's age is 4/ Sth of the elder daughter's age. The age of el- dest. daughter is 3/8 times that of her father Aman and the age of the son is 1/Sth that of his father Aman, 4 years ago the age of her wife was 8 times that of his sone and now the sum of the ages of the younger daughter and wife is same as the sum of the ages of Ams and his son. The average age of the family is cars ant & wftare ahaa s vezer Hh one sua Ue waa oh de ad at on ae ad atm at 4/5 C128 3a a an ae fi 3S BH aT 1/5 4 Bret Wea seh Ue a aH Teh BE at 8 ET at aft ora Bie ach afte terra eft a anya Be art te aad a2 & dt & aa th ota at ois org aang (A) 22.22 years (8) 28.4 yeats (C) 21.2 yeare (D)Avoite of these, ANSWER KEY Adutiya Sir

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