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3315 McGaugh Hall, University of California Irvine, Irvine CA 92697 ·

2019 – PRESENT
Advisor: Dr. Katrine Whiteson
2014 – 2019
Advisor: Dr. Quinn McFrederick
2009 – 2011
Advisor: Dr. Craig LaMunyon
2006 – 2009


26 – in review. Rothman, JA#; Piccerillo, HL; Riis, JL; Granger, DA; Thomas, EA; Whiteson, KL#. Salivary
metabolomics in the family environment: A large-scale study investigating oral metabolomes in children
and their parental caregivers. Submitted, under review. bioRxiv preprint. #Corresponding authors. doi:
25. Rothman, JA#; Saghir, A; Zimmer-Faust, AG; Langlois, K; Raygoza, K; Steele, JA; Griffith, JF; Whiteson, KL#.
2024. Longitudinal sequencing and variant detection of SARS-CoV-2 across Southern California
wastewater. Applied Microbiology. 4(2):635-649. #Corresponding authors. doi:
10.3390/applmicrobiol4020044. Part of a special issue “Exclusive Papers collection of Invited Scholars.”
24. Dunham, SJB; Avelar-Barragan, J; Rothman, JA; Adams, ED; Forner, S; Kawauchi, K; Tenner, AJ; Green, K;
LaFerla, F; MacGregor, G; Whiteson, KL. 2024. Sex-specific associations between AD genotype and the
microbiome of human amyloid beta knock-in (hAB-KI) mice. Alzheimer’s and Dementia: The Journal of
the Alzheimer’s Association. 2024;1-16. doi: 10.1002/alz.13794.
23. Rothman, JA#; Riis, JL; Hamilton, KR; Blair, C; Granger, DA; Whiteson, KL#. 2023. Oral microbial
communities in children, caregivers, and associations with salivary biomeasures and environmental
tobacco smoke exposure. mSystems. 8(4):e0003623. #Corresponding authors. Featured in the special
article collection “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).” doi: 10.1128/msystems.00036-23
22. Zünd, M; Dunham, SJB; Rothman, JA; Whiteson, KL. 2023. What lies beneath? Taking the plunge into the
murky waters of phage biology. Msystems. 8(1):e00807-22. doi: 10.1128/msystems.00807-22. Featured
as an “Editor’s Pick” article.
21. Rothman, JA#; Saghir, A; Chung, Seung-Ah; Boyajian, N; Dinh, T; Kim, J; Sharavanan, V; York, C; Zimmer-
Faust, AG; Langlois, K; Steele, JA; Griffith, JF; Whiteson, KL#. 2022. Longitudinal metatranscriptomic
sequencing of Southern California wastewater representing 16 million people from August 2020-21
reveals widespread antibiotic resistance genes. Water Research. 1:229:119421. #Corresponding authors.
doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2022.119421.

20. Rothman, JA#; Whiteson, KL. 2022. Sequencing and variant detection of eight abundant plant-infecting
tobamoviruses across Southern California wastewater. Microbiology Spectrum. 10(6):e03050-22.
Corresponding author. doi: 10.1128/spectrum.03050-22.
19. Rothman, JA#; Loveless, TB; Kapcia, J; Adams, ED; Steele, JA; Zimmer-Faust, AG; Langlois, K; Wanless, D;
Griffith, M; Mao, L; Chokry, J; Griffith, JF; Whiteson, KL#. 2021. RNA viromics of Southern California
wastewater and detection of SARS-CoV-2 single nucleotide variants. Applied and Environmental
Microbiology. 87(23):e014448-21. #Corresponding authors. doi: 10.1128/AEM.01448-21.
18. Rothman, JA#; Loope, KJ#; McFrederick, QS; Wilson Rankin, E. 2021. Microbiome of the wasp Vespula
pensylvanica in native and invasive populations, and associations with Moku virus. PLoS ONE. 16(7):
e0255463. #Corresponding authors. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255463.
17. Gallagher, T; Riedel, S; Kapcia, J; Caverly, LJ; Carmody, L; Kalikin, LM; Lu, J; Phan, J; Gargus, M; Kagawa,
M; Leemans, SW; Rothman, JA; Grun, F; LiPuma, JJ; Whiteson, KL. 2020. LC-MS detection of antibiotic
agents in sputum from persons with cystic fibrosis. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.
65(2):AAC.00927-20. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00927-20.
16. Rothman, JA; Russell, KA; Leger, L; McFrederick, QS; Graystock, P. 2020. The direct and indirect effects of
environmental toxicants on the health of bumble bees and their microbiomes. Proceedings of the Royal
Society B. 287(1937):20200980. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2020.0980.
15. Rothman, JA#; Loveless, TB; Griffith, M; Steele, JA; Griffith, JF; Whiteson, KL#. 2020. Metagenomics of
wastewater influent from Southern California wastewater treatment facilities in the era of COVID-19.
Microbiology Resource Announcements. 9(41):e00907-20. #Corresponding authors.
doi: 10.1128/MRA.00907-20.
14. Rothman, JA; Cox-Foster, D; Andrikopoulos, C; McFrederick, QS. 2020. Diet breadth affects bacterial
identity but not bacterial diversity in the pollen provisions of closely related polylectic and oligolectic
bees. Insects. 11:645. doi: 10.3390/insects11090645. Part of a special issue “Bees and Their Symbionts.”
13. Palmer-Young, E; Ngor, L; Nevarez, RB; Rothman, JA; Raffel, TR; McFrederick, QS. 2019. Temperature
dependence of parasitic infection and gut bacterial communities in bumble bees. Environmental
Microbiology. 21(9):4706-4723. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.14805. Part of a special issue “Pathogen and
Antimicrobial Resistance Ecology.”
12. Rothman, JA; Leger, L; Kirkwood, J; McFrederick, QS. 2019. Cadmium and selenate exposure affects the
honey bee microbiome and metabolome and bee-associated bacteria show potential for
bioaccumulation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 85:e01411-19. doi: 10.1128/AEM.01411-19.
11. Rothman, JA; Leger, LM; Graystock, P; Russell, KA; McFrederick, QS. 2019. The bumble bee microbiome
increases survival of bees exposed to selenate toxicity. Environmental Microbiology. 21:3417-3429. doi:
10.1111/1462-2920.14641. Part of a special issue “Our Microbial Overlords.”
10. Rubanov, A; Russell, KA; Rothman, JA; Nieh, JC; McFrederick, QS. 2019. Intensity of Nosema ceranae
infection is associated with specific honey bee gut bacteria and weakly with gut microbiome structure.
Scientific Reports. 9:3820. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-40347-6.
9. Rothman, JA; Andrikopoulos, C; Cox-Foster, D; McFrederick, QS. 2019. Floral and foliar source affect the
bee nest microbial community. Microbial Ecology. 78:506-516. doi: 10.1007/s00248-018-1300-3.
8. Carroll, MJ; Meikle, WG; McFrederick, QS; Rothman, JA; Brown, NJ; Weiss, M; Ruetz, Z; Chang, E. 2018.
Supplemental forage improves colony survival and alters queen pheromone signaling in overwintering
colonies. Apidologie. 49:827-837. doi: 10.1007/s13592-018-0607-x.
7. McFrederick, QS; Vuong, HQ; Rothman, JA. 2018. Lactobacillus micheneri sp. nov., Lactobacillus
timberlakei sp. nov., and Lactobacillus quenuiae sp. nov., lactic acid bacteria isolated from wild bees and
flowers. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 68: 1879-1884. doi:
6. Pennington, MJ; Rothman, JA; Jones, MB; McFrederick, QS; Gan, J; Trumble, JT. 2018. Effects of
contaminants of emerging concern on Myzus persicae (Sulzer, Hemiptera: Aphididae) biology and on
their host plant, Capsicum annum. Environmental Assessment and Monitoring. 190:125. doi:
5. Rothman, JA; Carroll, MJ; Meikle, WG; Anderson, KE; McFrederick, QS. 2018. Longitudinal effects of
supplemental forage on the honey bee (Apis mellifera) microbiota and inter- and intra-colony variability.
Microbial Ecology. 76:814-824. doi: 10.1007/s00248-018-1151-y.
4. Pennington, MJ; Rothman, JA; Dudley, SL; Jones, MB; McFrederick, QS; Gan, J; Trumble, JT. 2017.
Contaminants of emerging concern affect Trichoplusia ni growth and development on artificial diets and

a key host plant. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 114 (46) E9923-E9931. doi:
3. Pennington, MJ; Rothman, JA; Jones, MB; McFrederick, QS; Gan, J; Trumble, JT. 2017. Effects of
contaminants of emerging concern on Megaselia scalaris (Lowe, Diptera: Phoridae) and its microbial
community. Scientific Reports. 7:8165. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-08683-7.
2. Biswas, A; Elmatari, D; Rothman, JA; LaMunyon, CW; Said, HM. 2013. Identification and functional
characterization of the Caenorhabditis elegans riboflavin transporters rft-1 and rft-2. PLoS ONE. 8(3):
e58190. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0058190.
1. Liau, W-S; Nasri, U; Elmatari, D; Rothman, JA; LaMunyon, CW. 2013. Premature sperm activation and
defective spermatogenesis caused by loss of spe-46 function in Caenorhabditis elegans. PLoS ONE. 8(3):
e57266. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0057266.
2015 – 2016
• Human Sexuality Discussion (BIOL 030)
• Microbiology Lab (MCBL 121L)

2011 – 2014
Instructor of Record for the following courses:
• Life Science (BIO 110)
• Basic Biology Lecture and Lab (BIO 115/L)
• Foundations of Biology: Cycles and Flows Lecture and Lab (BIO 121/121L)
• Foundations of Biology: Biodiversity Lab (BIO 123L)
• Human Sexuality (BIO 301)
• Scientific Communication (BIO 490)
• Independent Study (BIO 692)
• Microbial Physiology Lab (MIC 428L)
• Faculty Supervisor for BIO 121L (Supervised 6-8 Teaching Associates per quarter)
• Faculty Supervisor for MIC 428L (Supervised 1-2 Teaching Associates per quarter)

2009 – 2011
• Life Science Lab (BIO 111L)
• Foundations of Biology: Cycles and Flows Lab (BIO 121L)
2009 – 2020
Constituent-elected Board of Education member. Set policy for a 25,000-student public school district.
19. 2023/2024. Ultra-deep sequencing to develop pandemic early-warning surveillance methods.
SecureBio, Inc. and the Nucleic Acid Observatory. Co-PI.
Amount received: $100,000
18. 2023/2024. NIH-NIA T32 Postdoctoral Fellowship. Training in Neurobiology of Aging and Alzheimer’s
Disease. National Institutes of Health-National Institute on Aging and University of California Irvine.
Award #5T32AG000096-40.
Amount received: $71,572
17. 2023. Appointment and recognition as a Dennis D. Cunningham Scholar. University of California, Irvine.
16. 2021/2022. Dean’s Early Career Research Excellence Award. University of California, Irvine.
Amount received: $1,000
15. 2020/2023. Hewitt Foundation for Biomedical Research Postdoctoral Fellowship.
Amount received: $231,200

14. 2020/22. Sewage surveillance to monitor COVID-19 outbreak. Limited Competition: Continuation
Funding for Emergency COVID-19 Research Seed Awards. Co-PI. University of California. Award
Amount received: $195,000
13. 2019/20. Sewage surveillance to monitor COVID-19 outbreak. Emergency COVID-19 research seed
funding. Co-PI. University of California. Award #R00RG2814.
Amount received: $25,000
12. 2019/20. Speciation and distribution of selenium in bumble bees. Co-Investigator. Canadian Light
Source, University of Saskatchewan, Canada.
Amount received: Twelve shifts (approximately 96 hours) of synchrotron beamtime.
11. 2018/20. National Institute of Food and Agriculture Predoctoral Fellowship. United States Department
of Agriculture. Award #2018-67011-28123.
Amount received: $89,000
10. 2018. Metabolomics Seed Grant. UC Riverside.
Amount received: $3,000
9. 2017/18. Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Research Grant. UC Riverside.
Amount received: $780
8. 2016/18. Fellowships & Internships in Extremely Large Data Sets Graduate Student Fellowship. National
Aeronautics and Space Administration/Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Award #NNX15AP99A.
Amount received: $80,000
7. 2015/16. Mildred E. Mathias Graduate Student Research Grant. Mildred Mathias Association.
Amount received: $2,842
6. 2014/15. Dean’s Distinguished Fellowship. UC Riverside.
Amount received $31,682
5. 2013/14. Faculty Professional Development Mini-Grant. Cal Poly Pomona University.
Amount received: $497
4. 2013/14. Proven Course Redesign Online Sciences eAcademy Grant. California State University.
Amount received: $1,199
3. 2013/14. Proven Course Redesign Biology eAcademy Grant. California State University.
Amount received: $7,410
2. 2009/11. State University Grant: Access & Post-Baccalaureate. Cal Poly Pomona.
Amount received: $9,416
1. 2005/06. State of California Governor’s Scholarship. State of California.
Amount received: $1,083
9. 2023/24. Registration and Travel Award. Center for Microbiome Innovation.
Amount received: $1,150
8. 2021/22. Postdoctoral Travel Award. American Society for Microbiology.
Amount received: $1,405
7. 2019/20. Travel for the UC Davis “Speeding up Science in Environmental ‘Omics” workshop.
Amount received: $1,114
6. 2017/18. Earle C. Anthony Graduate Travel Award. UC Riverside.
Amount received: $985
5. 2016/19. Student Travel Grant (Received 2 times). Entomological Society of America.
Total amount received: $500
4. 2015/16. UC Symposium on Sexual Violence Travel Grant. University of California.
Amount received: $400
3. 2014/19. (Received 4 times) Student Association Conference Travel Grants. UC Riverside.
Total amount received: $1,491
2. 2012/13. Faculty Travel Fund. Department of Biological Sciences. Cal Poly Pomona.
Amount received: $1,121
1. 2012/13. Travel and Expenses Grant. The Genetics Society of America.
Amount received: $250

51. Rothman, JA, Faraci, G; Dunham, S; Mapstone, M; Whiteson, KL. 2024. Metabolic effects of a TREM2
mutation in mice. Research and Education in Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders
Emerging Scientists Symposium. University of California: Irvine. Irvine, CA.
50. Rothman, JA and Whiteson, KL. 2024. Investigations of the Human Salivary Microbiome and
Metabolome Through the Lens of the Family Life Project. Center for Microbiome Innovation
International Microbiome Meeting. Scripps Institution of Oceanography. San Diego, CA.
49. Rothman, JA and Whiteson, KL. 2024. Longitudinal Sequencing of Diverse Viruses Across Southern
California Wastewater. Microbes in Wastewater Symposium. Laguna Beach, CA.
48. Rothman, JA and Whiteson, KL. 2023. Investigations of the Human Salivary Microbiome and
Metabolome. Hewitt Biomedical Research Symposium. Salk Institute. San Diego, CA. (Invited seminar)
47. Rothman, JA and Whiteson, KL. 2023. Large-scale virus detection and variant sequencing across
Southern California’s wastewater. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Portland, OR. (Invited
46. Rothman, JA; Riis, JL; Granger, DA; Whiteson, KL. 2023. Investigations of the Human Microbiome and
Metabolome: Relationships between Children, Caregivers, and Environmental Tobacco Smoke
Exposure. American Society for Microbiology Microbe 2023. Houston, TX. (Invited in-depth seminar)
45. Marin, S. and Rothman, JA. 2023. College Students’ Views of the Nature of Science. 96th International
Conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching Conference. Chicago, IL.
(Invited roundtable talk)
44. Rothman, JA and Whiteson, KL. 2022. Longitudinal Sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 and Eight Tobamoviruses
Across Southern California Wastewater. Viral EcoGenomics & Applications (VEGA). Joint Genome
Institute, Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory, Berkley, CA. (Flash talk and poster)
43. Rothman, JA and Whiteson, KL. 2022. Longitudinal Sequencing and Variant Detection of SARS-CoV-2
Across Southern California Wastewater. Lake Arrowhead Microbial Genomics Meeting 2022. Lake
Arrowhead, CA. (Invited seminar and poster)
42. Rothman, JA and Whiteson, KL. 2022. Longitudinal Sequencing and Variant Detection of SARS-CoV-2
Across Southern California Wastewater. 8th Annual SoCal Microbiome Symposium. Irvine, CA.
41. Rothman, JA…[5 others]…Whiteson, KL. 2022. Longitudinal Metatranscriptomic Sequencing of
Southern California Wastewater. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Montreal, QC, Canada.
(Invited seminar)
40. Rothman, JA…[6 others]…Whiteson, KL. 2022. Longitudinal Sequencing and Variant Detection of SARS-
CoV-2 Across Southern California Wastewater from April 2020 – August 2021. American Society for
Microbiology Microbe 2022. Washington, DC. (Invited seminar and panelist)
39. Rothman, JA. 2022. Longitudinal Sequencing and Variant Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Across Southern
California Wastewater. Hewitt Biomedical Research Symposium. Salk Institute. (Invited seminar)
38. Rothman, JA. 2022. Multi-scale Computational Microbiology: From a Single Bee to 16 Million
Californians. California State University, Los Angeles. (Invited seminar)
37. Rothman, JA. 2021. Sequencing SARS-CoV-2 in Southern California wastewater. NSF SARS-CoV-2
Wastewater Surveillance Research Coordinating Network Fall Meeting. Online. (Invited talk & panelist)
36. Breen, P.; Rothman, JA; Kalikin, LM; LiPuma, JJ; Caverly, LJ. 2021. Role of itaconate in nontuberculous
mycobacterial infection in Cystic Fibrosis. North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference. Online.
35. Rothman, JA…[10 others]…Whiteson, KL. 2021. RNA viromics of Southern California wastewater and
single nucleotide variant detection of SARS-CoV-2. American Society for Microbiology World Microbe
Forum 2021. Online.
34. Rothman, JA. 2021. Poisoned pollinators, microbes to the rescue: toxicants affect bees and their
microbiomes. Rochester Institute of Technology. (Invited seminar)
33. Rothman, JA; Whiteson, K. 2021. Metagenomic sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 in Southern California
wastewater. UC-California Dept. of Public Health Modeling Consortium. Online. (Invited talk)
32. Rothman, JA; Phan, J; Gallagher, T; Carmody, LA; Kalikin, LM; Caverly, LJ; LiPuma, JJ; Whiteson, K. 2020.
The cystic fibrosis lung metabolome is individualized and stable during periods of baseline health.
North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference. Online.
31. Marin Rothman, S; Rothman, JA. 2020. Online courses increase accessibility to learning. 10th Annual
oSTEM Conference. Online.
30. Rothman, JA. 2020. Poisoned pollinators, microbes to the rescue: toxicants affect bees and their
microbiomes. University of Washington: Tacoma. (Invited seminar)
29. Rothman, JA. 2020. Personalized medicine: genomics, stem cells, and more. UC Irvine. BIO 12:
Molecular Basis of Human Disease. (Guest Lecture)
28. Rothman, JA. 2019. Poisoned pollinators: toxicant exposure affects bee microbiomes and impacts host
health. Biological Sciences Department Seminar Series. Cal Poly Pomona University. (Invited seminar)
27. Phan, J; Gallagher, T; Rothman, JA; Kapcia, J; Carmody, L; Kalikin, J; Caverly, L; LiPuma, J; Whiteson, K.
2019. Longitudinal insight into microbial community metabolism & composition in cystic fibrosis
sputum. North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference. Nashville, TN.
26. Rothman, SM; Rothman, JA. 2019. Online courses increase accessibility. Opening the Pathway to
Technician Careers: A Conference for Biology Teachers of Deaf Students. National Technical Institute
for the Deaf. Rochester, NY.
25. Rothman, JA; Russell, KA; Leger, L; McFrederick, QS. 2019. Microbial protection against selenate
exposure and the effects of toxins on the bumble bee microbiome. 103rd Annual Meeting of the Pacific
Branch of the Entomological Society of America. San Diego CA. (Invited talk)
24. Rothman, JA. 2019. The microbiome and you. Cal Poly Pomona University. BIO 1110: Life Science.
(Guest Lecture)
23. Rothman, JA; McFrederick, QS. 2018. Microbial protection against selenium toxicity and the effects of
metals on bee microbiomes. 2nd Annual Microbiome Initiative and Data Blitz Symposium. UC Riverside
22. Rothman, JA; McFrederick, QS. 2018. Microbe-mediated protection against selenium toxicity and the
sublethal effects of selenium and cadmium on the bee microbiome. American Society for Microbiology
ASM Microbe 2018. Atlanta GA.
21. Rothman, JA. 2018. Macromolecules and cellular metabolism. UC Riverside. BIOL 002: Cellular Basis of
Life. (Guest Lecture)
20. Rothman, JA; McFrederick, QS. 2018. Effects of metals on the bee microbiome. EDGE Institute
Graduate Symposium. UC Riverside.
19. Rothman, JA; McFrederick, QS. 2018. Microbe-mediated protection against selenium toxicity and
effects of selenium and cadmium on bumble Bees. 8th Annual Yosemite Symbiosis Workshop. Sierra
Nevada Research Inst.
18. Rothman, JA. 2017. The effects of metals pollution on the bee microbiome. Phinch End User
Workshop. UC Riverside.
17. Rothman, JA. 2017. Microbiology and the microbiome. Cal Poly Pomona University. BIO 110: Life
Science. (Guest Lecture)
16. Rothman, JA. 2017. The bumblebee microbiome protects against selenium toxicity. UCR Microbiome
Initiative Inaugural Symposium. UC Riverside. (Invited talk)
15. Rothman, JA. 2017. Longitudinal effects of supplemental forage on the honey bee microbiota and
microbiome variability. Microbiology Research Seminar. UC Riverside.
14. Rothman, JA. 2017. Relating the bee microbiome to the collection and visualization of big data.
NASA/JPL FIELDS Seminar Series. UC Riverside.
13. Rothman, JA. 2017. Explaining scientific research to the general public. Cal Poly Pomona University.
BIO 490: Scientific Communication. (Guest Lecture)
12. Leger, L; Graystock, P; Rothman, JA; McFrederick, QS. 2016. The effect of heavy metals on sperm
viability of bumblebees. 23rd Annual Entomology Student Seminar Day. UC Riverside.
11. Marquez, S; Rothman, JA; McFrederick, QS. 2016. Transformation of Lactobacillus micheneri to study
floral transmission. Research in Science and Engineering Symposium. UC Riverside.
10. Rothman, JA; Le, P; Russell, K; McFrederick, QS. 2016. The effects of metal bioaccumulation on the
microbiomes of pollinators. 6th Annual Yosemite Symbiosis Workshop. Sierra Nevada Research Inst.
9. Russell, K; Graystock, P; Vuong, H; Rothman, JA; McFrederick, QS. 2016. The effects of microbes on the
nutrition of an important pollinator Megachile rotundata. 100th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Branch
of the Entomological Society of America. Honolulu, HI.
8. Rothman, JA. 2014. Microbial Physiology Laboratory Manual. Cal Poly Pomona University.
7. Rothman, JA; LaMunyon, CW. 2013. Folate metabolism and rescue of folate deficiency by thiamine
supplementation. 19th Int’l C. elegans meeting. UC Los Angeles
6. Rothman, JA; LaMunyon, CW. 2011. Riboflavin metabolism and transport in nematodes. California State
University Agricultural Research Institute, Cal Poly Pomona.
5. Rothman, JA; LaMunyon, CW. 2011. Knockout of the folate transporter folt-1 induces sterility and
metabolic defects that are alleviated by supplementation with other B vitamins. 18th Int’l C. elegans
meeting. UC Los Angeles.

4. LaMunyon, CW; Biswas, A; Rothman, JA; Said, H. 2011. Y47D7A.16: A C. elegans homolog of human
Riboflavin Transporter 2. 18th Int’l C. elegans meeting. UC Los Angeles.
3. Rothman, JA; LaMunyon, CW. 2010. Vitamin metabolism and transport in nematodes. California State
University Agricultural Research Institute, Cal Poly Pomona. (Invited talk)
2. Rothman, JA; LaMunyon, CW. 2009. Vitamin metabolism and deficiency in nematodes. California State
University Agricultural Research Institute, Cal Poly Pomona. (Invited talk)
1. Rothman, JA; Liau, WS; Ashokkumar, B; Said, H; LaMunyon, CW. 2009. Vitamin metabolism in a folate
transporter, folt-1 knockout mutant. 17th Int’l C. elegans meeting. UC Los Angeles.
2022. Dismantling Barriers to STEM: Innovative & Culturally Responsive Models for Student Preparedness
& Success Workshop. Sigma Xi IFoRE Conference and Workshop. Alexandria, VA.
2022. NSF Universal Rules of Life: Harnessing Microbiomes for Societal Benefit. Online.
2019. NSF Deciphering the Microbiome: Empowering theory, cross-system analyses, and innovative
analytics to propel advances in microbiome science. Led by Linda Kinkel. Alexandria, VA.
2019. Speeding up Science in Environmental ‘Omics Workshop. Led by Holly Bik. UC Davis.
2019. Certificate in Teaching Excellence Program (currently attending). UC Irvine.
2019. “Spit Camp” Institute for Interdisciplinary Salivary Bioscience Research. UC Irvine.
2018. Intense Anvi’o User Workshop. Led by A. Murat Eren. UC Irvine.
2017. Phinch End User Workshop. Led by Holly Bik. UC Riverside.
2016. UC Peer Education Symposium and Workshop on Sexual Violence. UC Davis.
2022 – 2023. UC Irvine Institute for Clinical & Translational Science Proposal Reviewer.
2021 – Present. National Microbiome Data Collaborative Champion.
2019 – 2020. UC Irvine Microbiome Initiative Proposal Review Committee.
2015 – 2016. UC Systemwide Committee on Academic Freedom.
2014 – 2015. UC Systemwide Committee on Research Policy.
2014 – 2015. UC Riverside Student Services Fee Advisory Committee.
2013 – 2014. Cal Poly Pomona Advising Taskforce.
2013 – 2014. Cal Poly Pomona Learning Communities Committee.
2012 – 2014. Cal Poly Pomona Lecturers’ Council.
Reviewer Board Member for the journal Insects.
Journal Reviewer for: Molecular Ecology, Microbial Ecology, mSphere, mSystems, Journal of Chemical
Ecology, Environmental Entomology, FEMS Microbial Ecology, Apidologie, PLoS One, PeerJ, Insects,
Microorganisms, Microbiome.
Textbook Chapter Reviewer for Sinauer Associates, Oxford University Press and Pearson.

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