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we I pledge allegiance to the flag of

the United States of




and and to the

Republic for which it





one nation under



indivisible with liberty and justice for





well thank you very much and you see the

spirit from the hostages and that's what

they are as hostages they've been

treated terribly and very unfairly and

you know that and everybody knows that

and we're going to be working on that

soon to the first day we

get into office we're going to save our

country and we're going to work with the

people to treat those

unbelievable Patriots and they were

unbelievable Patriots and are you see

the spirit just cheering they're Mak

they're cheering while they're doing

that and they did that in prison and

it's a disgrace in my opinion so I just

want to thank you and I want to say a

very special hello to Dayton because

Dayton turned out to be a big victory

for Trump and that was good for all of

us but I'm thrilled to be back with the

proud hardworking Patriot of the great

state of Ohio I won this state and you

won this

state but before going any further I

want to express our love for everyone

touched by the terrible tornadoes that

hit your state they really hit it hard

our hearts are with the families that

lost a home or loved ones and uh it's

very uh very serious situation going on

right now so we are all praying for them

and uh I know I know everybody here this

is a very big crowd and I know everybody

here feels the same way as you know this

has been uh something very important

news we see people in trouble they're

really people in trouble we're going to

help people in trouble right now our

country is in trouble and we're going to

help our country that's in trouble and

we're going to make it great again and

we're going to do it very

fast so as you know this has been an

incredible week for our campaign

unbeliev able week and on Tuesday we won

Georgia Hawaii Mississippi and


and we won them in record numbers by the

way I mean the numbers are crazy what

the hell is going on something's going

on here because nobody's ever seen

they've never seen numbers like this you

know what it is they see how bad these

people are that are destroying our

country that's what it is and that's in

my opinion what it really is

and uh we clinched a thing called the

Republican nomination for president of

the United

States and to all Republicans

Independence and disillusioned Democrats

of which there are many I invite you to

join our movement to save our country

we're going to save our country this is

the greatest movement in the history of

our country and you know I we say saying

the other day that uh in 2016 one of the

biggest issues was the border and I sort

of won on the border I guess maybe and

we fixed the Border we fixed it so good

that I couldn't even use it in 2020 even

though we got millions and millions more

votes in 2020 but we couldn't even talk

about it I say I want to talk about the

Border tell them what a good job they

said sir you fixed it nobody cares that

border was a tiny fraction of what this

border is this is the worst Border in

the history of of the world there's

never been anything millions and

millions of people are pouring into our

country probably 15 or 16 million people

that's almost larger than any state we

have in the union and they're coming in

from places you don't want to know about

so uh we're going to fix it again but

boy what a mess what these people have

done to our country it's almost hard to

believe frankly the fastest way to

reverse every single Biden disaster is

to very simp L just put me back in

office we'll get it done quick we'll get

it done very
quickly and we want to have a rock solid

majority in the Senate we want to take

over the house we have incredible people

here with us today some great leaders

and leaders that have been Warriors for

me and that's why we want to follow up

our historic Victory this week that was

a great Victory the biggest and the

fastest ever it's never been one that

quick we went we moved very quickly we

got very tough in the end didn't we we

had no choice we wanted to get a little

tough to get it over with and we got it

over with but it's the fastest ever and

uh that means we have the longest wait

ever 7 months is a long time a little

more than seven months it's like an

eternity when you have people that are

incompetent running your country into

the ground but if we could we're going

to take that Victory and we're going to

add to it with Bernie Marino is a


guy Bernie is a fantastic guy he's

getting some very tough Democrat fake

treatment right now and we're not going

to stand for it because I know this man

we all know this man he's a hero he's a

winner and uh we're not going to let

these people these people are sick

between Russia Russia Russia for two

years and Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine 51

intelligence agents I want one after

another one would stop and then they'd

lie again and all the way to where we

are right now where we're leading Biden

by numbers that nobody's ever seen

before and we have to keep it going so

Bernie Marina we want to I where is

Bernie is he around here ah there is

Bernie and a great family and Max we

love Max Max was with me for four years

our great congressman and uh Bernie I

heard you're doing really well I heard

you had a great poll today you got to

win Bernie don't leave me alone don't

leave me alone Bernie but Ohio needs to

defeat your horrendous radical left

Democrat Senator shered Brown who

pretends he's my best

friend he pretends he's my best friend

until he gets in and then he goes

radical left all the time you know if

you listen to his commercials he sounds

like he's running with Trump he's not

he's not I agree with the president on

borders I like the president on the

economy and on I like him I think he's

great he's not with me and the day he

gets out he votes with Biden all the

time and if you vote with Biden this

country is finished I'll tell you right

now and we have to elect Bernie to get

in there and to seal our border stop

inflation crush the Deep State we

started that when we got rid of Comey

drill baby drill and prevent World War

II and remember this

remember this Joe Biden is a great

threat to our democracy he's a

tremendous threat to our democracy his

incompetence is the number one reason

also he uses the justice department the

FBI to go after his political opponent

happens to be me how are we doing and

he's driven my numbers through the roof

do it one or two more times how about a

couple of more indictments Joe you dumb

son of a dumb son of a


somebody said they're inditing this guy

into the office and uh office of

president but uh they've never done that

in this country before that's never

happened but we're going to discuss that

you know the nice thing we have it's a

beautiful day a little windy out here I

must be honest with you but that's okay

you know it's good when you don't have

to use a teleprompter because I can't

read a word on they're moving around

I don't know what the hell I'm doing up

here Bernie these suckers are moving my

guys did a great job in planting them

solidly thank goodness we can do a non-

teleprompter speech it's actually much

better but these

teleprompter they're moving around I'm

trying to

go I'm trying to no we don't need him

isn't it nice to have a president who

doesn't need a telepromter that night

these suckers are moving around great

job fellas I appreciate it with your

vote we're going to take back the Senate

we're going to win Ohio in November

we're going to win by a lot you know

we're up like 16 or 18 points I saw one

we're up 20 points in Ohio and we're

going to look at Crooked Joe Biden and

we're going to say Joe you're fired get

out of here you've done a terrible

job you've done a terrible job you've

been a terrible president he's a

terrible pres he's the worst president

we've ever had there's never been a

president so bad as this guy there's

never been anything like it he's

incompetent he's crooked he doesn't know

what the hell he's doing can't walk off

a stage can't put two sentences together

he's a disaster for our country you know

I say it I say it a lot I used to say

five worst Presidents right now I say if

you took and I say it and I think I can

go up further what do you think another

three or four add another the three four

or five if you took the 10 worst

Presidents in the history of our country

put them together they will not have

done the damage to our country as this

incompetent crooked guy has done to our

country and that's what he

is and you know to be honest I treated

him with more respect than I do now I

don't treat him with respect because he

did this weaponization thing with the

doj and the FBI they raided my house and

and once he did that I said well I guess

that game is over nobody thought it was

possible in fact even the lunatics over

at CNN and msdnc they would say well no

these aren't crimes these aren't CRI you

know you fight an election and they end

up indicting you because you fought a

crooked election think of it you fight a

crooked election and they indict you

they don't indict the guys that made the

election crooked they go the people that

want to have honest election

get themselves in trouble because these

people are sick in Washington and we're

going to change it around fast I'll tell

you right

now but among my very first

actions upon taking office will be to

stop the invasion of our country and

send Joe Biden's illegal aliens back

home these are the roughest people

you've ever seen you know now we have a

new form of crime I call it Biden

migrant crime but it's too long so let's

just call it migrant crime we have a new

category you know you have vicious

crimes you have violent crimes you have

all these now we have migrant crimes and

they're rough they're rough and it's

going to double up and you see what's

happening you know throughout the world

right now I don't know if you know this

crime is way way down you know why

because they sent us their criminals

that's why it's true it's true they sent

do you know ven Venezuela is down

66% because they sent us their gang

members and their gangsters they sent us

their drug dealers and their murderers

they're all coming into our country and

Venezuela now their crime is down

66% and all over the world crime is down

because they've sent them to the United

States of americaas we have a stupid

president that allows this to

happen stupid


thank goodness we have JD here that's

all I can tell

you all right J oh we have Jim Jordan

here whoa we have the heavyweights we

have Jim we have the whole group wow



exciting now Jim Jordan doesn't mind the

fact that they've sent us all their

murders he's very liberal you know that

he thinks it's what now you know what

I'm looking at J I'm looking at these

guys they're like seething as I talk

seething they're so angry think of it

all over the world they're smart people

you know I know many of the leaders I

got to know them very well they're smart

they're tough they're StreetWise you

know we have a man that can't he can't

talk he can't even talk he doesn't know

where the hell he is he can't find his

way off his stage like this well this

one's tougher because we only have four

we only have four

stairs and a and a long ramp so this one

I can understand but he can't find his

way off his stage can't do anything and

he's in charge of dealing with Putin and

Chi and Kim Jong-un of North Korea the

whole thing is crazy it's crazy but when

these guys who are incredible when these

guys hear the stories about crime to me

that's one of the worst of all and this

is all over the world they're sending

from all over the world not just South

America Latin America they're sending

them from Asia they're sending them from

Africa the Congo last night 22 people

arrived from the Congo now the Congo is

a very nice place I would imagine but

they arrived from the Congo and they

came from prison where are you from in

the Congo what's your address

prison now these are rough people they

coming from Africa they coming from Asia

they're coming from the Middle East

they're coming from Yemen all over the

place from Yemen I thought we were

bombing Yemen here we go with the

bombing again you could solve that whole

problem with a phone call if they

respected you but they have no respect

for this guy they have no respect for

him whatsoever Victor Orban the prime

minister of Hungary very tough man

probably the toughest guy there is

frankly toughest in Europe a lot of

people don't like him because he's tough

he says I don't want to have criminals

in my country if that's okay with you

they asked him what's going on with the

world what's happening this is 3 weeks

ago they interviewed him what what do we

do the world is blowing up Israel

Ukraine the whole place is blowing up

what do you do he said you get back

president Trump when President Trump was

President we had none of this Ukraine

wouldn't have been attacked they

wouldn't be fighting with Russia Russia

wouldn't have attacked them for a lot of

reasons number one I said don't do it

and number two the oil prices were too

low for them to do it they couldn't have

afforded it October 7th Israel would

have never been attacked Iran was broke

I say it respectfully Iran was broke

they had no money because they weren't

allowed to sell oil I told China if you

buy one barrel of oil from Iran we're

not going to do business with you we're

going to put tariffs all over the place

we're going to raise your tariffs to

100% I already raised them to 50% we

took in hundreds of billions of dollars

from China no other president took in 10

cents from China not 10 cents we took in

hundreds of billions of dollars from

China and others and

others unbelievable when I see it when I

see it going but I got to know all these

people they're very smart very

StreetWise and I would do the same thing

if I had prisons that were teaming with

MS13 and all sorts of people that they

they've got to take care of for the next

50 years right young people they're in

jail for years and if you call them

people I don't know if you call them

people in some cases they're not people

in my opinion but I'm not allowed to say

that because the radical left says

that's a terrible thing to say they say

you have to vote against him because did

you hear what he said about Humanity

I've seen the humanity and these

Humanity these are bad these are animals

okay and we have to stop it we can't

have another Laken we have so many

we have so many people being hurt so

badly and being killed they're sending

their prisoners to see us they're

sending and they're bringing them right

to the border and they're dropping them

off and we're allowing them to come in

and these are tougher than anybody we've

got in the country these are hardened

criminals and we've got hundreds of

thousands of them and uh we're not going

to take it we're just not going to take

it we're destroying they are destroying

our country I'm telling you he's the

worst president we've ever had and the

most incompetent president we've ever

had and he's also the most crooked

President we have ever had now other

than that I think he's doing an

excellent job do we agree other than

that quite good right JD those few

things he's incompetent he's crooked

he's a dumbest guy how the hell this

happen what a fake election that was he

ran from the basement we got more votes

than any sitting president in history

but but we lost I was told if we got 63

million votes we couldn't lose by fabrio

great pollster John mclaughin great

pollster sir if you get 63 million you

cannot we got 75 we got much more than

that we got they report almost 75

million they report not

6375 we lost by a whisker just a whisker

you know with their mailing ballot

hoaxes you better go quickly to paper

ballots voter ID and one day voting or

you're not going to

have you're not going to have anything

one week ago I met with a family of

22-year-old nursing student incredible

person lak Riley who was brutally

murdered in Georgia last month while out

on a morning run she was so badly beaten

up unrecognizable can you believe it

lak's killer was set loose into the

United States through Joe B 's program

of releasing military age BS into our

communities after they've illegally

crossed our Southern border and that's

what happened that his animal came in

lak and Riley would be alive today if

Biden had not Unleashed this Savage

attack on America and that's what he's

done but instead of apologizing to

lakan's family Joe Biden apologized to

the killer for calling him illegal I

shouldn't have done that

oh oh I'm so sorry sorry I shouldn't

have called him illegal oh I'm so sorry

I'd like to apologize to to the killer

they're a he's more concerned with the

killer he couldn't even pronounce her

name right he's more concerned with the

killer than he is with Leen and that's

the problem they're more concerned with

criminals they are with the people of

our country that are that built our

country and that are keeping our country

afloat because that's all with the

policies they have all you can do is

keep it afloat and you'll be lucky if

you do that and let me tell you 7 months

is not a long time in one way in another

time it's eternity because these guys

can do damage like nobody's ever I don't

know they either hate our country or

they're grossly incompetent and anybody

that can cheat on elections the way they

do is not incompetent okay I think they

hate our

country so now they have a new term for

people like this they call them

neighbors neighbors they want to call

them neighbors so that people coming

into our country illegally Hi Neighbor

how you doing neighbor how's everything

then they punch you in the face and

whack you what a group of idiots we have

this country is this country has never

seen anything like what's happening to

it now and it's true there's we' have

never seen what's happening to our

country right now they're destroying our

country they're ruining our country in

the Republican party we believe that

lakens killer is an illegal alien


he is an illegal monster he should never

have been in our country and he would

have never been in our country never

ever would he have been in our country

if the election weren't rigged because

we didn't allow people like that into

our country we didn't welcome them and

they knew it you know does anybody like

the snake do you know the snake I don't

know I can't even hold this I I can't

even hold the sucker in this win but

we'll give it a shot you mind let's do

it because you know what it's as I'm

discussing this and on the uh

understanding that we have no

teleprompters at least let me read one

little thing here but this is um a

metaphor most of you have heard it

people love it it's a very accurate

metaphor and it's about our border it's

about the people we have coming in and

don't be surprised when bad things

happen because bad things will happen

and we're going to get them out fast

we're going to have the largest

deportation effort in history

but with all of that with all of that

we've got ourselves a problem when you

have 15 million people many of them many

of these people are people that should

not be allowed into our

country on her way to work one morning

down the path along the lake a

tenderhearted woman saw a poor half

Frozen snake his pretty colored skin had

been all frosted with the Dew poor

things she cried I'll take you in and

I'll take care of you very innocent very

innocent take me in oh tender woman Take

Me In For Heaven's Sake take me in oh

tender woman cried the tender sake she

wrapped him up all cozy in a comforter

of silk and laid him by her Fireside

with some honey and some milk she

hurried home from work that night and

soon as she arrived she found the pretty

snake she'd taken in

had been revived take me in oh tender

woman Take Me In For Heaven's Sake take

me in oh tender woman cried the vicious

whoa Front Row Joe got

it look I can't believe it that's you're

unbelievable they've come to

127 rallies I don't know what the hell

they do but they must have a lot of

money because there's a standof front

row Jo I can't believe it and that play

it fell right at look at it fold up

that's incredible there's nobody more

deserving of it than you guys you guys

are amazing thank you very much this is

number 127 for them and I don't like to

say it in front of them but we have

people that have actually come to more

you know our our wonderful women from

North Carolina right trying to figure

out about their husbands how they can

handle it but they seem to be handling

it she clutched him to her bosom you're

so beautiful she cried but if I hadn't

brought you in by now you truly would

have died she stroked his pretty skin

again and kissed and held him tight but

instead of saying thank you ma'am the

snake gave her a vicious

bite take me in O tender woman Take Me

In For Heaven's Sake take me in O tender

woman woman beside the vicious snake I

saved you cried the woman I saved you I

saved you and you've bitten me but why

you know your

Bo is poisonous your bite is

poisonous and now I'm going to

die shut up silly woman said the reptile

with a grin you knew damn well I was a

snake before you took me in now that's

what we're going through right

now we're taking in snakes we're taking

in snakes yeah maybe this one it gets to

you to we're taking in we'll get it to

you we got to smile about this look if

you don't have a little bit you know

it's just so crazy there's not much to

smile about but we have to keep our chin

up because what's happening to our

country has never happened before

nothing like this has ever happened

before there's a gentleman named Sean

Hannity he goes on every night he

says the good man he says 100% certain

that you're going to have massive

attacks and big problems and I have to

agree with him and you know I've been

right about everything they say Trump's

been right about everything uh I have to

agree that it's going to be we have to

work very quickly but unfortunately for

seven months and now really for two

months after that you're not going to be

working you're going to to be in the

world of politics and they'll be saying

what a wonderful thing it is that

they're destroying our country how

anybody can say what they say is

unbelievable not one more American life

should be lost to migrant crime when I'm

president of the United States we will

demand Justice for El Laken on day one


Administration will terminate every open

border policy of the Biden

Administration We Begin the largest

domestic deportation operation

in American history larger than that by

far of Dwight Eisenhower you know

Eisenhower had a similar problem but

peanuts by comparison it's like the

Border I did a great job in the border

the Border was terrible but it was

peanuts by comparison to what it is now

is like a little tiny a small

percentage now I mean nobody's ever had

to go through this nobody ever no one

has been hurt by Joe Biden's migrant

invasion more than our great

africanamerican and Hispanic American

communities you know that right because

they're taking your jobs and they're

creating lots of problems and you know

who else that hurt people on Social

Security because your Social Security

will be destroyed by the people coming

in there's too many of them it's not

sustainable Joe Biden is costing you

Medicare and he's costing you your

Social Security as sure as you're

sitting or standing look at the group of

people this was supposed to be a little

thing for Bernie that is a Bernie if

these people will vote which they will

you're going to win


wow that's a lot of people back there

wow that's very impressive they said

this is just a little rally for Bernie

that's not a little r i can't even see

the end of the

crowd well get out and vote good man get

out and vote with his open border policy

Joe Biden has repeatedly stabbed

africanamerican voters in the back

including by granting millions and

millions of work permits taking their

jobs the africanamerican community the

Hispanic Community are going to be the

ones that suffer the most and you know

who else unions because unions are

getting good solid High pay and guess

what's going to happen those unions are

going to go out of business because

people are owning trucking companies and

carpenters and people that employ

electricians and a lot of Trades they're

not going to be able to do this they're

not going to be able to do it the unions

are going to go out the teamsters are in

trouble I'm dealing with the teamsters

they should endorse me I don't know if

they will or not I know the teamsters

are going to vote for me the teamsters

the real the teamsters that do the work

the head team s Shan and everybody

they're good men they're good people and

I hope they're going to endorse Trump I

think it would be nice has it's been

many decades before that's happened but

if you look at the United aut workers

what they've done to their people is

horrible they want to do this all

electric nonsense where the cars don't

go far they cost too much and they're

all made in they're all made in

China and the head of the United Auto

Workers never probably shook hands with

the Republic before they're destroying

you know Mexico has taken over a period

of 30 years
34% of the automobile manufacturing

business in our country think of it went

to Mexico China now is building a couple

of massive plans where they're going to

build the cars in Mexico and think they

think that they're going to sell those

cars into the United States with no tax

at the border let me tell you something

to China if you're listening president

she and you and I are friends but he

understands the way I deal those big

monster car manufacturing plants that

you're building in Mexico right now and

you think you're going to get that

you're going to not hire Americans and

you're going to sell the cars to us no

we're going to put a 100% tariff on

every single car that comes across the

line and you're not going to be able to

sell those cars if I get elected now if

I don't get elected it's going to be a

blood bath for the whole that's going to

be the least of it it's going to be a

blood bath for the the country that'll

be the least of it but they're not going

to sell those cars they're building

massive factories a friend of mine all

he does is build car manufacturing

plants he's the biggest in the world I

mean honestly I joke about it he can't

walk across the street and that way he's

like Biden but for building a plant he

can do the greatest plants in the world

right that's all he cares about I said

I'd like to see one of your plants

recently I said I'd like to see where

can we go well we have to travel to


I said why Mexico he said because that's

where the big plants are building

China's building really big plants in

Mexico and Mexico's building what about

here well we're building much smaller

plants here can you believe it can you

believe it so what they're saying Jim

Jordan is that we're going to make cars


Mexico and they're going to do you're

not going to stand for that Bernie JD I

have a I have a feeling JD is not JD's

not big into that policy 100% tariff

they won't sell any cars over here

and I'll tell them if they want to build

a plant in Michigan in Ohio in South

Carolina they can using American workers

they can they can't send Chinese workers

over here which they sometimes do but

they if they want to do that we're

welcome right but they're not going to

build them in Mexico and they're not

going to do that we're going to tariff

them at 100% just like I've done I saved

the steel industry the people that like

me the most of the steel properties but

now I've been out for a little while and

guess what United States steal 50 years

60 years ago maybe the greatest company

in the world was just sold to Japan how

do you like that us steel owned and

controlled by Japan I wouldn't have

allowed it to happen hopefully they

won't allow it to happen when I'm

President we will end this Biden

betrayal of the African-American

Community we will stop the theft of

American jobs and protesting and all of

the things we have to protest we have no

choice we you know today people that

protest get arrested in this country we

never had that before they can rip down

Portland they can rip down

Minneapolis and they can do whatever the

hell they want nothing happens if a

Republican or a Christian frankly and

what's happening with the Catholics the

Catholics are under siege any Catholic

that votes for this num skull is crazy

because you are being

persecuted you are being now I'm being

persecuted I think more than anybody but

who the hell knows you know all my life

you've heard of Andrew Jackson he was

actually a great General and a very good

president they say that he was

persecuted as president more than

anybody else second was Abraham Lincoln

this is just what they said this is in

the history books they were brutal

Andrew Jackson's wife actually died over

it they say died of a broken heart but

she died over it he was never quite the

same but they say Andrew Jackson they

say Abraham Lincoln was second but he

had a you know in all fairness he did

have a civil war so you would think that

would cause a problem right so you could

understand it but nobody comes close to

Trump and now even the wonderful

historians the fake historians they have

in CNN you ever see these guys Biden

makes a State of Union speech one of the

worst speeches anybody here has ever

heard and at CNN they said that was one

of the greatest speeches I've ever heard

that was one that was one of the great

msdnc Ms NBC a bunch of fakes they go

that was one of the greatest speeches

I've ever heard you know that CNN turned

off when here we are we campaigned for a

year and I obliterate my competition you

know and they said sir please don't talk

about these people that way they're

Republicans I said I don't give a

they're they're

terrible I said I don't care no

my my highly paid advisor sir you

shouldn't talk to them about that one of

the people said they said are you going

to run against the president he said I

have no comment to me that meant he's

running so I hit him hard I hit him low

I hit him high just like we did to Isis

we hit him hard we hit him low we hit

him high we hit him in the middle we hit

him from on top and we even came under

the ground we hit this guy so hard by

the time he announced nobody knew what

the hell happened they said what

happened to him he's a shell of the man

but we had other people too we have to

hit hard and the reason we have to hit

hard is we have to win we have to hit

our enemies hard we have to hit them and

treat them with respect but if they

don't treat us with respect we have to

do things because our country is in

trouble we don't have the same country

that we had three years ago we were

energy independent 3 years ago today

we're begging Venezuela for oil think of

it we're begging Venezuela for oil and

we're not going to stand for it we're

going to turn this around and we're

going to turn it around fast somebody

said we really like this person or that

because they can serve for eight years

they could serve I said if it takes you

more than a year to fix the problem you

have the wrong people that was actually

something that was a political attack

line JD they said he could be here for

eight years I said if it takes you more

than a year you got the wrong guy I said

if it takes you eight years to set this

thing up you don't want to vote for him

so that's the story it's my first term

that we built the greatest economy think

of it in my first term we built the

greatest economy in the history of the

world we had the highest tax cut ever

Ronald Reagan didn't do anything even by

comparison we had the biggest regulation

cuts and Rising wages for citizens of

every race religion color and Creed and

we had a thing called no inflation how

do you like the idea of no

inflation under Biden the cost of rent

is up 30% groceries are up

30% everything is up chicken's up bread

is up and I can't read this damn



this sucker is moving



around it's like reading uh a moving

flag at a 35 M hour when and then they

say Trump's a bad guy because I'll say

this don't pay the teleprompter company

don't pay don't pay pay and then he'll

say Trump didn't pay me and they'll say

oh Trump's a horrible human being he's

Terri they gave me a pile of crap that

this is the craziest thing and look look

at all the television I have up there I

got all the television and they won't

say that they'll say Trump made a speech

it wasn't so good it wasn't so good you

know it's funny I was asking Jim Jordan

about it because he was commenting that

we have the largest crowds in the

history of politics nobody comes if

Ronald Reagan came to a place called

Dayton Ohio have you heard of it if he

came to Dayton

Ohio honestly JD if he had three or 400

people in a ballroom that would be great

we get 25 30,000 people for every a

small rally is 20,000 people we had

88,000 people show up in South South

Carolina there was no there was no venue

we had so we used the whole town you

read we used the whole town the whole

town was flooded and and it was


and I said you know but nobody's ever

had we had one in Alabama I call it the

mo Brooks speech because Mo Brooks got

up he asked me for an endorsement he was

an election denier which is the right

thing because the election was crooked

and mo Brooks got up and he hired I

believe it was either Mitt Romney or


McCain's management

team but before that he asked me for an

endorsement I gave it to him he took a

54o lead then he called me he said I'd

like to do a rally Mo Brooks a friend of

Jim right Mo Brooks legendary where's Mo

what happened to Mo so he gets up I said

you don't need a rally you got a 50 PO

let me do rallies for people that need

sir I'd like to have a rally you have a

54-point lead it's Alabama where I won

it by 45 points okay I love Alabama but

they understand we don't have to be

there we have to be in places that are a

little closer than that although I

happen to think we won most of the

country you want to know the truth if

the voting if the voting were real I

actually think we won most of the

country I actually think we got a lot of

Ohio all over the place that you won't

really recognize but Mo Brooks got up he

said sir I'd really appreciate it and we

went to the state fair 68,000 people

showed up at the state fair and an old

guy came out he looked like he was about

103 he said you know you did something I

never thought would happen Alabama

he said this was the state fair and I

guess he owns it he said I've been at

this place for 60 years 70 years a long

time and you just broke the attendance

record of a man named Elvis

Presley can you believe

it he said you just broke it man said I

never thought that would be possible we

had 68,000 people so Mo Brooks gets up

and he says let's forget about the

election uh the election was fun fine

let's just forget we have to get on to

the future he got booed I was downstairs

being interviewed by ABC fake

news and what happened is I said you

couldn't hear anything the place

exploded with booze boo boo he took a

54-point lead into that rally and he

reduced it to he was losing by 20 by the

end of the night he dropped 74 points

and we have a very wonderful Senator I

endorsed her the following morning Katie

Katie Brit she was doing a good job who

liked the job she did the other night I

thought you did a very nice

job liberals didn't like it very much I

guess but I thought she did a very nice

job but we have another senator now

because people don't want to

hear they don't want to hear it

they want they want a country that's run

correctly that's run properly and they

want Fair elections and they want

borders they have to have borders if

they don't have borders you don't have a

country but if you don't have Fair

elections you don't and you know what I

add to it more and more the fake news

they should be the police of our country

because if they were legit they don't

you know the biggest problem I have with

them is the things they don't report

they barely until recently they would

not talk about the borders they wouldn't

talk about the fact that our country is

being destroyed at the borders it's what

they don't say that's a problem and it's

and they don't say a lot and what they

do say is fake news so other than that I

think they're

fantastic I'll move this

over great job fellas don't pay these

suckers please I'll pay whoever the hell

did that they son of a

gun these

people I think Joe Biden put him in

with your vote we will throw out the

bics and we will reinstate a thing



Magics crooked Joe Biden and his

socialist thugs are looting trillions

and trillions of dollars from the

American people and giving it to radical

left lunatics and friends but Biden's

reign of plunder and terrorist stops

today I take the oath of office the

hardworking americ American taxpayer

will once again have a friend and a

fighter and a champion in the White

House Biden socialist

spending his socialist spending is

really what's happening is uh your

Social Security is is going to be gone

you know they don't say it they never

say it they will not you will not be

able to have social security with this

guy in office because he's destroying

the economics of our country and that

includes Medicare by the way and

American seniors are going to be in big

trouble I made a promise that I will

always keep Social Security Medicare we

always will keep it we won't be cutting

it we have liquid gold under the ground

we'll be drilling like a son of a gun

but we're leaving your Social Security

around they won't and they can't make

that pledge because their economic

theory is no good because they're taking

in millions and millions of people in

this country and they're spending you

know I look at New York and New York is

very low on money for years and New York

State very very low and a lot of people

want to leave because of the lawfare

that's going a lot of companies are

leaving because they don't want to get

caught up into the crap that I got

caught up into where they go after you

for no reason whatsoever no victim no

this know that they let violent

criminals roam the streets roam in the

Subways but they go after Trump all the

time and uh people get tired of it

companies don't want to be subject to

that but if you take a look at all of

the things that are happening the money

the billions and billions of dollars and

I say where did they get this money

California the same thing Gavin nusum

does anyone

ever Gavin

ncum seum is his last no Gavin nusom he

uh this guy he's always talking about oh

California it's great great they're

losing unfortunate people are moving out

I have property there I love California

one of the most beautiful places

they're destroying it they're destroying

California this guy is a horrible

horrible governor in a certain way I'd

like him to run you know to be honest I

think it I just think it would be you

know he's a he's sort of a he's just a

artist it's like it's crazy

he's done such a bad job but you look at

what Democrats have done look at

Illinois I don't know how it continues

you have this guy pritsker I don't know

he's too busy eating he wants to eat all

the time
would you like a hamburger how many do

you want five I of Five Burgers please

you go to his office would you like a

hamburger okay I'll have Five Burgers

please who the hell orderers Five

Burgers but

look our country our country can't go

through it and we're not going to go

through it much longer you know we play

the song you know that hold on I'm

coming do we like

it who likes the rolling okay we had the

Rolling Stone stone song which we liked

that was for first you know that song

right you can't always get what you want

which made no sense you know but it was

a good song right it made no sense You

Can't Always Get they ask me I say no

they're talking about the Democrats I

said the Democrats can't always get what

they want so that way I at least saved

it but it was a good song or the salm

and Dave who likes the second better

hold on I'm coming

yes you like it better do you like it

better yeah both good the other does

bring back some good memories and all

fairness and no wonder it's really no

wonder that Joe Biden and his thugs are

so desperate to stop us they only know

and you remember this we're the only

ones and they know this that can stop

them we're the only ones there's nobody

else around if this election if this

election isn't one I'm not sure that

you'll ever have another election in

this country does that make sense I

don't think you're going to have another

election in this country if we don't win

this election I don't think you're going

to have another election or certainly

not an election that's meaningful and we

better get out or we better I actually

say that the date remember this November

5th I believe it's going to be the most

important date in the history of our

country I believe

that this country is weaponizing law

enforcement for high level election

interference against Biden's top

political opponent never happened we're

not going to let it happen we're not

going to let it happen I tell you what

my numbers are much higher than they

would have been had these idiots just I

have like like derange Jack Smith

somebody said why do you call him

deranged I said because I like telling

the truth he's a he's a deranged

individual they said but why don't you

be nice to him because if you were nice

to him he'd be much worse he's a he's a

bad guy there they're all bad people

they want to destroy our country and

we're not going to let them destroy our

country we're not going to let it

happen all of the persecution is only

happening because I'm running for

president and leading in the pulse if I

weren't running I wouldn't have any

indictments I got indicted more than Al

Capone does anybody know who Al Capone

is alons

Capone he would even take a guy like JD

and slap him around he' take JD who the

hell are you Senator little i' slap you

around no he used to kill people if he

didn't like their company at dinner he'd

kill them he got indicted less than I

did my father's looking down and my

mother was such a beautiful woman and

she's looking down with my father and

she's saying how the hell did our boy

get four indictments and not only that

all these local cases like funny

fny it's spelled

Fanny it's spelled Fanny like your ass

Fanny but when she became da she decided

to add a little French a little fancy

fny fonny and you know fonny

and Mr and Mrs

Wade which his wife did not appreciate

his wife didn't appreciate can you

imagine these two people trying to take

down a very popular I'm a very popular

president I mean again I got more votes

than any sitting president in history I

we have these two low lives trying to

take down a president of the United

States but you know equally badly they

went after 26 people they wanted to make

it 48 people they had some Senators that

these guys know very well who were

indicted who were ready to be indicted

and somebody stopped it and they wanted

to find out what the hell is going on in

Georgia what's going on over the

elections that it's so crazy and they

almost got indicted for that think of it

United States senators that were doing


job these people are low lives and they

were sent here by the Department of

Justice this isn't a local Georgia thing

this was done they would go in to

Washington DC and have meetings that

lasted for eight hours on numerous

occasions with the justice department in

the white house so it's all coming in

from it's all politics it's all coming

in from Biden the same thing with

Leticia James from New York this is

another real Lola she campaigned on I

will get Trump I will get him I will get

him then she goes to court oh no it's uh

I'm not political I'm not political at

all and then you have brag the da so in

the DA's office they didn't trust brag

so they took their top person from from

the doj his name is Colangelo and they

took him and they put him in the da of

Manhattan's office to get Trump think of

it other than that I'm having a lot of

fun I'm having a lot of fun you know

it's like an unbelievable situation but

I think with time it's become so

discredited don't you think Jim it's

become actually Jim Jordan had hearings

to un brag and how did they turn out

that was what a mess what a disgraceful

we can't let this happen to our country

in the latest everon poll general

election I'm up 9 points here in Ohio in

another poll I'm up 14

points and in another one we're up 17

points I only read polls when they're

good by the way Nationwide we're leading

in every single swing State against

Biden the largest in the largest margins

ever you know it was interesting Joe

Biden won against Barack Hussein Obama

has anyone ever heard of him Barack

Hussein Obama or as Rush limbal would

say Barack Hussein Obama he used to

scream out the name Hussein but he he

was uh think of this just think of this

every swing state Biden beat Obama but

every other state he got killed you

think that's an honest election I could

give you a hundred different different

things we better straighten out our

elections we better get smart because

the people of the country are not going

to take it we're not going to take it

we're not going to take it any longer

the radical left Democrats rigged the

presidential election in 2020 and we're

not going to allow them to rig the

presidential election in

2024 not going to allow it to

happen every time the radical left

Democrats Marxist Communists and

fascists indict me I consider it a great

badge of honor great badge of honor

because I'm being indicted for you and

never forget our enemies want to take

away my freedom because I will never let

them take away your freedom that's what

this is all

about they want to silence me because I

will never let them silence you and in

the end they're not after me they're

after you I just happen to be standing

in the way




okay but if you want to defeat the

radical left Democrats you first have to

get out you have to vote and vote for

Bernie Marina know these are great guy

they they're doing a number you know I

didn't think I'd say this cuz you know

you keep they're doing a number on him

just like they've done on everybody else

that's all they do disinformation and

misinformation they're Masters at it

they lie they cheat these people they

lie they cheat they make up fake stories

like Russia Russia Russia you know they

made up the Russia Russia Russia story

that I won that no collusion after 18

angry Democrats said there was no they

didn't have anything they went through

millions of phone calls not one call to

Russia it was a fake deal made up by

crooked Hillary for losing although I

don't call her crooked anymore I've

reversed it right no it was made up by

Hillary Clinton and how about this guy

he may end up being a United States

Senator right Shifty Adam shift think of

it and you believe

it he may end up being a senator this is

one of the most dishonest human beings

he made up my conversation that I had

with the president of Ukraine he made up

the conversation he said there was seven

times quidd proquo remember that quidd

proquo seven times now think of it that

means you've threatened somebody seven

times I want money I want this and then

you say it again I want money I want I

never spoke to the guy he would think

I'm a total lunatic okay but he said

seven times he yes and he made the

speech in Congress I said good I'll sue

this guy then I learned you can't sue

any Congressman because they have total

immunity if they say they can say

whatever they want in Congress but

here's what they didn't know the phone

call because it was a White House call

and for some reason it happened to be on

tape so I let them go more and more the

stories got Wilder and Wilder then we

released the tape and Nancy Pelosi who's

major sleeves by the way a major L Nancy

Pelosi she said to her people what the

hell did you get me into you hear this

call he didn't do any of this stuff and

you know what they said let's just

pretend he did and keep going forward

that's how that's how that whole thing

came so she knew it was false because

she heard it but I will tell you this

after they made up the story and then

after that they heard the tape they died

they didn't know that phone call was

taped that was one good case of a phone

called being taped and they were taped

and they got caught and you know what

they do they took two weeks off and then

they said Ukraine Ukraine if they went

into a new Scandal they do it these are

bad people these are sick people and

they're doing it here too they're doing

it to a very good man and we can't let

it happen I said on the plane I'm not

going to talk about it I won't talk

about it but I didn't know I wouldn't

have teleprompters I have nothing else

to talk about to be honest I have

nothing else to talk about

but you just have to remember these are

these are disinformation and misin

slightly different I won't go into the

difference but there is a slight

difference and their masters at lying

essentially and they make up stories

about people they made up many about me

and I fought them off I want to tell you

if anybody else were the nominee they

would have done the same thing to them

and they wouldn't have been able to take

it I think front row Joe's would agree

if those people that were running

against me in the Republican primary had

they succeeded and you have to say they

didn't even come close not even a little

close but had that you know why because

you love the job I did for four years

for four years you want to get back to

the best economy that we've ever had but

had they succeeded they would have come

in with the same kind of stuff and they

would have been hitting them and they

wouldn't have been able to handle it I

can promise you Bernie is a political

Outsider who spent his entire life

building up Ohio communities he's highly

respected all over the country and he's

going to be a warrior in Washington

Bernie's strong on borders he'll fight

to crush the cartels that are flooding

our towns and cities with fenel and

deadly drugs and we're going to stop

that we're going to get it stopped and

we're going to get it stopped fast we're

essentially at War you know we lose I

believe we lose 350,000 not 100 you know

they keep saying 100 100 90 100 I

believe you're losing 350,000 people a

year and no war you wouldn't lose that

many many of you were fighting a war and

fighting a war would be a lot easier

than fighting this and we're going to

get it stopped you know I almost had it

stopped and then we had the bad election

I went to president chi I said we're not

going to do any business if you keep

sending fento because it comes from

China and it comes through Mexico sort

of simple but they're smart and they're

you know not exactly uh look they're

they're the enemy when you think of it

they're the enemy but it comes through

Mexico but it's made in China said to

president shei if you keep doing this

we're going to stop doing business with

China you're not going to make your 500

billion a year and we had it down way

down nobody has ever talked to China the

way I did no President we never took in

10 cents I took in

$440 billion from China they were not

they were not exactly unhappy with that

election but I said to president she who

I actually had a great relationship with

other than he likes China and I love the

United States and I said you can't you

can't do this you can do this with what

you're doing sending fentol and if

you're going to continue to do it we're

not going to trade with you and we're

going to charge you the highest tariffs

of any country anywhere in the world and

it's going to be effective immediately

he says no no you don't have to do that

we will put maximum penalty on the

people that are making the fent andol I

said I know what your maximum penalty is

and you do too does that mean the death

penalty yes we will give them the death

penalty if they send fentol into the

United States and that was all done and

it was all set to go into effect and

then we had a thing called the rigged

election and it never got done because

when Biden came in he can't talk that

way to China because they've given him a

lot of money they give him a lot of

money do you ever notice how timid he is

with China the reason he's timid is

because they know much about him that

you'll never know he's a Manchurian

Candidate he's a pure Manchurian

Candidate they know things about him

that you'll never know unless they want

to reveal it so all of a sudden we have

a very weak president on China but I

expose China and I'm very proud to have

done it Bernie will vote to save the

American Auto industry along with me

we're working hard in JD and everybody

else that's working on it because our

Auto industry is going to be dead very

quickly because of the head the head of

the the head of the United Auto Workers

what the deal he made is so crazy it's

so bad short term two years but you're

not going to have any cars being made

here anymore they're all going for him

to allow an all electric mandate on cars

that just don't go far if I want to

drive to Washington DC from Dayton I

have to stop four times if you want to

drive on a you know tank of of gasoline

you can drive there it's not going to be

acceptable people aren't going to have

it you can't build that number of

chargers you know the charging booths if

you were going to build the charging

booths that are necessary our country

would be immediately bankrupt because it

would cost trillions and trillions and

trillions of dollars and by the way I'm

a big fan you can have electric cars if

you want them but you also have to have

other forms of movement you have to have

other forms you have to be able to have

and use gasoline here we are we have

more gasoline we have more oil and gas

than any country in the world you know

we have more than Russia we have more

than Saudi Arabia and we're not allowed

to use it and you know that this guy is

now getting his oil from Venezuela

Venezuela was the enemy Venezuela is

going to end up this guy running

Venezuela call him a dictator call him

what you want he's going to be the

richest guy in the world he's got all of

his criminals leaving and a lot of

people are leaving he's GNA end up with

Venezuela and about uh 50 friends and

the United States under a very stupid

president buying their Oil we're buying

oil from Venezuela you know where it's

you know where they purify the oil place

called Houston Texas Houston Texas

that's where they refine it so they take

out the oil and Venezuela has been o

they have tar they have tar which is a

very low level and you have to heat it

and heat it and the if you're a big

environmentalist we do it in Houston

Texas so we take it out there and think

of it if you believe in this like a lot

of people do and I'm okay with it those

fumes are leaving the United States

because the only Refinery that could do

that oil the tar it's not even oil the

only Refinery that can do it happens to

be in Houston and it's not a pretty site

I'll tell you what and that's where we

are now Bernie will be tough in China

ferocious on crime he'll be great on

Election Integrity he wants to get

wokness out of our military we have a

somewhat don't don't worry too much

about I watched our military knock out

Isis you know I did it in four weeks I

knocked out Isis in four weeks they said

it was going to take four to five years

we have great generals we have great

military they're going to be okay but

the on top is woke how about the

changing I get out how about the

changing of the names of we won Fort

Brag as an example you know the people

in the area are going crazy they Chang

the name of Fort brg they Chang the name

of Fort Robert El Lee they Chang the

name of the different forts we won World

War I we won World War II we won

everything we fought with really

essentially from those fors if we wanted

to win a lot of Wars we fight not to win

we fight just to fight because we have

stupid people on top we don't fight Wars

to win but we won World War I World War

II out of these Forts and now they

changed the name in disgrace it's a very

Terri terrible thing but Bernie will not

let the radical left Democrats raise

your taxes they want to raise your taxes

to a level that you've never seen before

and the TA the tax cuts that I got you

the biggest tax cuts in history they

expire soon and the Democrats don't want

to renew them that will go down as the

big biggest tax tax increase in the

history of our country and it's going to

be very bad but JD and Bernie and all of

us and we have a lot of good people in

the Senate we have great people in the

house and we're not going to let it

happen Jim is that right we're not going

to let it

happen so Bernie's running against

a weak Rhino named Matt Dolan now here's

what I know about mat I don't know much

about he's trying to become the next

Mitt Romney I think Mitt Romney is his

hero Matt Dolan once ran for office as a

Democrat and he's easily pushed around

by the woke left lunatics who renamed

his family's baseball team now think of

this you know I happen to like baseball

I like sports and I like tradition so

you have a team called the Cleveland

Indians Indians they're Indians

Indians and they took took the name

Cleveland Indians and made it the

Cleveland Guardians it almost like

they're in charge of a trust fund

they're in charge of a trust fund the


Guardians and my attitude is anybody

that changes the name of the Cleveland

Indians to the Cleveland Guardians

should not be a senator should not be a

governor I don't know Matt Dolan but I

just know that he's the guy that I guess

owns the team in some form and he was in

charge of changing the name who wants

okay we'll have a poll who wants to keep

the Cleveland Indian story

wait so much for that Paul okay ready

who wants to see the name change to the

and the way they did it to the Guardians

who wants the

Guardians okay nice and loud now who

wants to keep it that Cleveland

Indians that wasn't too tough right so

this guy Matt Doan who's weak on borders

weak on crime he wants to vote a mass

amnesty bill for a legal aliens he cares

more about spending your money to and

sending it to Ukraine and you know what

we got to we'll do things with Ukraine

we should loan them the money not send

them the money we should loan them the

money so that if they do make it if they

make it they're against tremendous odds

but if they make it they pay us back

loan them the money give it to them as a

loan let them be a little bit like they

have to be a little dice loan them the

money don't just hand them a check for

60 billion I tell you zalinski is one of

the greatest salesman in history every

time he comes to the country he walks

away with 50 or 60 billion dollars I've

never been able to do that he's a better

salesman he a much better salesman than

I am but think about it Dolan wants to

have left-wing gun control he voted

against a law to let Ohio citizens

defend themselves from dangerous

criminals you're not allowed to have

your gun but the criminals are allowed

because they're not going to follow the

law so they can walk into your place and

you'll say please please don't do it

it's crazy it's crazy Matt and I there's

nobody better to the Second Amendment

than me I the strongest and the best

ever it they never touched it and it was

not easy that doll it also strongly

supported Joe Biden's $1.2 trillion

green news scam it's called the green

news scam which helped cause rampant

inflation it's not the biggest the

biggest reason for inflation was what

they did with energy and oil when they

closed up the O now he's drilling like

crazy he went back to my policy you know

why because it was up to $6 $7 $8 a

gallon so now he said just go back just

go back after the election we'll kill

these people and that's what's going to

happen they went back to my drilling

policies they allowed them to continue

drilling but the day after the election

it's over they are sick that's why this

Tuesday you need to elect America First

Champion Bernie Marino to the US Senate

and Bernie if I could I'd like to have

you come up and say a few words please




ladies and gentlemen the Republican

nominee for

2024 and the future 47th president of

the United States of

America you know I want to clear

something up I want to clear something

up for everybody here I am so sick and

tired of Republicans that will say I

support president Trump's

policies but I don't like the


man this is a good

man this is a great

American this man wakes up every day

fighting for us fighting for this

country he loves this country like no

other leader of this nation has ever

never love this

country and we have Republicans that say

that because they'll bend the KNE to the

media and they want to be their best

friends and so they'll dis they

disparage this man how does Ohio feel

about President Donald J

Trump thank you B thank



thank you very much thank you you know

there's I I have to say so we did we did

all of us it's we it's not me it's all

of us we did great in 2016 we did great

in 2020 there was tremendous Spirit

there's never been Spirit like we have

now there's never been

2016 and we did much better in 2020 you

see it I mean you know it but and we had

unbelievable rallies unbelievable

there's never been Spirit like we have

right now and that's because you got a

glimpse of what these people are doing

to our country which you didn't have

before so it's been really pretty

amazing I will tell you that we're also

pleased to be joined by a friend of mine

and somebody that has really turned out

to be great you know when you endorse

somebody you don't know you think

they're got to be good and they turn on

you I'll give you plenty of examples but

perhaps not now but this guy turned out

to be an absolute star he's a young star

and he's a great Senator and a real

fighter JD Vance

JD great job great job you want to say

something JD we have it a s come on up

come on he should say I think we should

it's a hey it's a nice Saturday what the

hell we have nothing else to

do good to see man thank you thank you

well uh first of all I got to say the

teleprompter really does look like L

here the president's telling the truth

here but look um Let me let me say

something it's a real statistic sir I

look this up do you know that all of the

net job growth under Biden's presidency

has gone to the foreign born and Donald

Trump's presidency the job growth went

to American citizens let's rebuild

prosperity for America citizens and

reelect Donald J



I know he loves this country I know he

loves the state of Ohio and I know he

loves Bernie Marino Let's Help Help

Donald Trump out elect Bernie Marino and

elect Donald Trump in 2024 God bless you

sir thank

you thank


you thank you very much great now I'm

telling you there's never been there's

never been Spirit like this this party

has and I hate when I listen to these

people you know they say while Biden and

Trump are extremely unpopular I'm not

unpopular I got 92% approval rating with

the Republican Party we're not they like

to say Biden and Trump don't put me with

him these guy's unpopular he can't

talk we have a very special woman who's

hot as a politician she's uh she's uh

doing an incredible job in South Dakota

she's the governor chrisy Nome Christ

thank you Christie thank you very great

job come on


up thank you thank you Mr President Mr

President when you were in the white

house and I was governor of South Dakota

every single day I got to get up and be

on offense I could call the man in the

white house and I would tell him what

problem I had with a federal government

or a foreign country or a trade

agreement or helping a business be

successful and he would say Christie

let's do it we will fix it as soon as

Joe Biden got in the white house I went

on defense all I do now is fight to

protect the freedom of my people that is

the difference that leadership has

that's the difference that this man has

let's put him back in the white house so

we can be on offense we can make America

great again and we can and do it with US

senators Like Bernie Moreno thank you so

much for being here for Bernie we're

going to win we're going to win

big thank you very

much and you're not allowed to say it so

I will not you know you're not allowed

to say she's beautiful so I'm not going

to say that I will not say it because

that's the end of your political career

if you make if you make that statement

that's the end of your political so I

will not say that we also have a one of

my favorite people in Washington one of

my favorite people anywhere frankly he's

a fighter he's a warrior like you've

never seen you know people don't know

about Jim Jordan that he was a great

wrestler and in high school and this is

something it's almost hard to understand

because you know as a freshman and if

you're wrestling seniors a freshman

can't beat a senior he went undefeated

in all of high school he never was

defeated so he was wrestling as a

freshman against seniors and someday

he's explain to me how he did that

because that's pretty good he then went

on to be one of the greatest wrestlers

in the history of the NCAA I think he

also uh became an All-American and his

sons are all-American wrestlers and

they're just a fantastic family the

family is so incredible and he's

somebody he just gets it done he's a

warrior Jim Jordan Jim I gotta get him

come come up here come up here Jim we

got to get him up explain how please

explain how a freshman drats a

s well I I would just say this um the

left controls just about everything the

left controls big Media Left controls

big Tech the left controls big

corporations the left controls big

Sports I mean watch the NBA the left

controls Hollywood the left controls

higher education the left controls the

White House the left maybe most

importantly controls the Federal

bureaucracy but the left doesn't control

we the

people and we the people we the great

people of this great country are getting

set in November to put the best guy

we've ever had in the White House back

in the White House and starting Tuesday

we're getting ready to put Bernie Marino

in the United States Senate God bless

you all thank you very

much thank you great


we also have Ohio attorney general Dave

Yos Dave thank you very much thank you

thank you Dave great job you're doing I

you great job Indiana attorney general


Roa Todd thank you thank you nice seeing

you Todd great job you're

doing Ohio GOP chair where are you where

are you what a job where are you come up

just come up wave to everybody very

quickly because you have done an

incredible job and thank you very much I

appreciate it thank

you former State GOP chair Jane timkin a

friend of mine and a wonderful woman

hello Jane there you I'm looking for

Jane I called her before how's things

going she said things are going good

Kareem lenir and Jr mausi now Jr you

know they hit Jr very hard I have to

tell you these are friends of mine Jr

was a hero and is a hero and they hit

him very hard with false stuff that he

wasn't a hero and after the election

they found out he was and on behalf of

our country I'd like to apologize to Jr

mjusi because you were treated very

unfairly so okay you were treated very

unfairly the guy was a hero and they

came out with a narrative that he wasn't

a hero and I think it's a disgrace a

disgrace I got to know him because he

was carving the name Trump into Farmland

as I was flying over your state and I'd

say boy that's the biggest Trump I've

ever seen those are the biggest letters

and I said who did that and his name is

J.R majis and I just thought it was

great and I introduced him and then he

went into a primary with six very

talented good people and he was not even

thought about and he ended up winning

that primary because of one rally where

I introduced him uh but he is a hero and

everybody now knows it thank you J.R

very much appreciate it

from the very first day that we take

back the White House from crooked Joe

Biden I believe we are going to have the

four greatest years in the history of

our country in my first four years I

kept my promise to the workers of Ohio

to the workers of our country we ended

the disaster known as NAFTA the worst

trade deal ever made and replaced it

with the Brand New usmca Mexico Canada

that's the best trade deal they say ever

made actually the best trade deal I made

was the deal with China but I don't even

talk about it they have to buy $50

billion worth of our products but after

we all had a suffer through that

horrible China virus or covid uh I don't

I don't talk about it but this was a

great win for Ohio farmers and for Ohio

manufacturers I took on communist China

like no Administration in history

bringing in hundreds of millions think

of this we started with hundreds of

millions of dollars the first couple of

months and I said this is pretty good we

ended up taking in hundreds of billions

of dollars from China not one president

ever took in 10 cents they never asked

him for anything and we were rocking and

rolling and we were doing great we had

the greatest economy ever and for our

great veterans we passed VA

accountability and VA choice we did

something that nobody and we had to get

that because of guys like Jim Jordan we

had to get it passed through Congress

and we got it passed through Congress

and that was a big deal we fully rebuilt

the US Military and we created space

force and I was the first president in

decades who started no new Wars except I

brought our troops back home we had no

new Wars but we defeated Isis everybody

said couldn't be done we did it very

quickly and we have a great military I

tell you I saw that with Isis once I let

him go I said go ahead fellas do what

you have to do General raisen Kan what's

your name General rais sir what's your

last name Kane I said Your name's raisin

Kane I love you this is what I've been

looking for I've been looking for a guy

named raison Kane and he knocked him out

before I even arrive at the Oval Office

shortly after we win the presidency I

will have the horrible war between

Russia and Ukraine settled and we will

restore peace through strength that's

what we need peace through

strike and I will pass pass the Trump

reciprocal trade act if China or any

other country makes us pay 100 or 200%

tariff which they do we will make them

pay a reciprocal Tariff of 100 or 200%

in other words you screw us and we'll

screw you it's very simple very fair we

don't do
that and as tariffs on foreign countries

go up taxes on American workers and

families will go very substantially down

and will bring business businesses back

to our country because people are going

to they want to avoid paying the tariffs

it's very simple it's what other

countries do to us and I had it going

and then we had the gift from China the

covid come in we did a phenomenal job in

that never got the cred always got the

credit for the military always got the

credit for Isis and so many things

always got the credit for the economy

and for no inflation we did a great job

with some unknown disease at the time

nobody knew what the hell it was was and

what we did was a miracle and we led the

world and when I left office our stock

market was higher than it was just prior

to covid coming in which is a tremendous

achievement we would have gone down the

tubes that would have been a

1929 and speaking of 1929 there are some

brilliant Wall Street analysts like

Scott and some others but a brilliant

very brilliant Wall Street analysts that

say the only thing good right now about

our economy is the stock market and the

only reason that that's good is because

people think that Trump is going to be

elected president and if they ever

thought that he wasn't you would end up

with a crash the likes of which we

haven't seen since

1929 so they can take that the way they

want but I happen to agree that uh

there's a lot of there's a lot of hope

that we get back in we had a great stock

market we had the most successful

economy in the history of our country by

far we had really the most successful

economy probably in the history of the


and people weren't taking advantage of

us and China was paying up nobody could

get away with what they were getting

away with I made new trade deals with

Japan with South Korea with Vietnam we

made so many new trade deals the deals

were so bad I used to sit back and look

at these deals I said who could have

negotiated these deals they were so

one-sided we changed them all on day one

I will terminate crooked Joe Biden's

insane electric vehicle mandate we will

restore Law and Order to our

country and I'm going to indemnify all

police officers and law enforcement

officials throughout the United States

to protect them from being destroyed by

the radical left for taking strong

action on

crime we're going to rebuild our cities

into beacons of Hope safety and Beauty

better than they ever have been before

and we're going to be working with

Democrat Mayors and Democrat Governors

if we have to you know our dying cities

they're all run by democrats we're going

to work with them and we're going to

restore our cities we will take over our

horribly run horrible horrible horrible

the capital of the United States of

America Washington DC we will clean it

up renovate it rebuild our Capital

Cities so that it will be an absolute

Beacon of beauty and peace and

prosperity and no longer

be the crime Capital virtually of the

world people are being killed there

every single week people are being

killed I lost a young man who was

fantastic in the

administration two weeks ago he was

going to pick up his wife and he was

waiting for her and a thug came along

and said I want your car and he shot him

and killed him as the wife is coming out

to be picked up by her husband who she

loved and he died almost

immediately and uh we can't let this

happen to our country we can't let this

happen on day one I will sign a new

executive order to cut Federal funding

for any school pushing critical race

Theory transgender insanity and other

inappropriate racial sexual or political

content onto our

children and I will not give one penny

to any school that has a vaccine mandate

or a mask


and something I can't believe I have to

say but I have to say it because the

Democrats are pushing it I will keep men

out of women's sports

okay I will fully uphold the Second

Amendment we will protect innocent life

and we will re and we don't have free

speech anymore today you speak and they

want to put you in jail today you speak

and they want to put you in jail even if

you're telling the truth they want to

put you in jail we will restore free

speech to our nation and I will secure

our elections we will have fair and

honest elections
again but until then you have to go and

you have to vote you have to vote like

you've never voted before and I said it

before and I'll say it again this is all

about November 5th the most important

day I believe I really believe this you

know I used to say in 2016 is going to

be the most important vote I didn't say

that in 2020 because we had the country

going really well in fact we had a

statement keep America great it was

going to replace Maga in a certain way

I'm glad it didn't because Maga is Maga

it's always going to be magga as opposed

to keg but it was keep America great and

America was great we made it great and

then we had a bad election a horrible

horrible thing happened because

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