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of a
Successful Leader
Jamie M. Brooks, M.H.R.
Jamie Brooks, Director of Lawrence & Memorial Hospital’s Education
Department, is a Results-oriented Administrator with over 20 years of
experience in fast-paced business and healthcare settings. She is a
catalyst in implementing positive change, innovative problem solving,
and creating efficient systems and protocols. In addition, she is a high
energy professional, dedicated and self-motivated with exceptional
team building and training skills.

She has a BA in Political Science and Public Administration from

Providence College and a Masters in Human Relations from the
University of Oklahoma. She is a member of the American Society for
Training and Development and is preparing for her certifications in
HR from SHRM and Training from ASTD.

Jamie has designed, implemented and delivered several successful

leadership development programs. Most notable, Jamie had the
opportunity to facilitate several strategic planning sessions for a NATO
team in Iceland for military leaders of several NATO countries. She is
married to Anthony for over 15 years and is the proud mother of three
children, Tiffany 6, and twin boys AJ and JJ who are 3.
• Identify 5 Qualities of a good leader
• Discuss at least 2 key concepts to improve
your management style
• Describe the 4 components of the FISH!
You can accomplish anything in life,
provided that you do not mind who gets
the credit

- Harry S. Truman
• Jim Collins’ book GOOD TO GREAT
• Level 5 Leadership
• Level 5 Hierarchy
• Don’t look for Good Leaders
• Data spoke for itself
• Cut from same cloth
• Goes against grain
• Present during transition
• Empirical not Ideological

Taken from Good to Great by Jim Collins

LEVEL 5 Level 5 Executive
Builds enduring greatness through a paradoxical blend of personal
humility and professional will.

Effective Leader
Catalyzes commitment to and vigorous pursuit of a clear and
compelling vision, stimulating higher performance standards.

LEVEL 3 Competent Manager

Organizes people and resources toward he effective and efficient
pursuit of pre-determined objectives

LEVEL 2 Contributing Team Member

Contributes individuals capabilities ft the achievement of group
objectives and works effectively with others in a group setting.

Highly Capable Individual

Makes productive contributions through talent, knowledge, skills and
good work habits.
Level 5 Hierarchy
Taken From Good to Great by Jim Collins
Jim Collins, Good to Great,
• Level 5 leaders look out the window to
apportion credit to the factors outside
themselves when things go well (and if they
cannot find a specific person or event to give
credit to, they credit good luck). At the same
time, they look in the mirror to apportion
responsibility, never blaming bad luck when
things go poorly.Jim Collins, GOOD TO GREAT
SUMMARY : The Two Sides of
Level 5 Leadership
• Professional Will • Personal Humility
– Creates superb results, a clear – Demonstrates a compelling modesty,
shinning public adulta6tion; never
catalyst in the transition from good
to great
– Acts with quiet, calm determination;
– Demonstrates and unwavering relies principally on inspired standards,
resolve to do whatever must be not inspiring charisma, to motivate.
done to produce the best long – Channels ambition into the company,
term results, no matter how not he self; sets up successors for
difficult even greater success in the next
– Sets the standard of building an
– Looks out the window, not in the mirror
enduring great company; will
to apportion credit for the success of
settle for nothing less the company – to other people,
– Looks in the mirror, not out the external factors and good luck.
window, to apportion responsibility
for poor results, never blaming
other people, external factors or
bad luck. Taken From Good to Great by Jim Collins
• A Successful Leader possess the following
– Personal Humility and Professional Will
– Display compelling modesty, self effacing
– Fanatically driven; infected with incurable need to
produce sustainable results
– Workman/woman like diligence
– Look out window to attribute success to factors other
than themselves
– Look in mirror and blame selves, taking full
responsibility Jim Collins, Good to Great
A connection…..
• The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a
Leader: Becoming the Person Others Will
Want to Follow
by John C Maxwell
Recognize, Develop, Refine
• Takes Time
• Develop Daily, NOT IN A DAY!
• Laws of Leadership
• Understanding VS Doing
• Inside Out

Taken From: 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Successful Leader by John C

Leadership is the capacity and
will to rally men and women to a
common purpose and the
character which inspires

Bernard Montgomery, British Field Marshal

• “Character is more than Talk”
• “Talent is a gift, but character is a choice”
• “Character brings lasting success with
• “Leaders can not rise above the limitations
of their character”
Taken From: 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Successful Leader by John C Maxwell
Bringing It Home
• “Search for the cracks”
• “Look for patterns”
• “Face the Music”
• “Rebuild”

Taken From: 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Successful Leader by John C Maxwell

“How can you have charisma?
Be more concerned about
making others feel good about
themselves than you are making
them feel good about you.
Dan Reiland, VP of Leadership Development, INJOY
• “Love Life”
• “Put a ’10’ on Every Person’s Head”
• “Give people hope”
• “Share Yourself”

Taken From: 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Successful Leader by John C Maxwell

Reflecting On It
• Pride
• Insecurity
• Moodiness
• Perfectionism
• Cynicism
Taken From: 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Successful Leader by John C Maxwell
Bringing It Home
• Change your focus
• Play the first impression game
• Share yourself

Taken From: 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Successful Leader by John C Maxwell

Take Away
You never get a second chance
to make a first impression
• “Commitment starts in the heart”
• “Commitment is tested by action”
• “Commitment opens the door to

Taken From: 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Successful Leader by John C Maxwell

Reflecting On It
• “Cop-outs”
• “Hold-outs”
• “Dropouts”
• “All-outs”

Taken From: 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Successful Leader by John C Maxwell

Bringing It Home
• Measure It
• Know what’s worth dying for
• Use the Edison Method

Taken From: 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Successful Leader by John C Maxwell

Take Away
Educators take something simple
and make it complicated.
Communicators take something
complicated and make it simple.

-John C Maxwell
• Simplify your message
• See the person
• Sow the truth
• Seek a Response

Taken From: 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Successful Leader by John C Maxwell

Reflecting On It
• Inspire
• Motivate
• Do others understand?

Taken From: 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Successful Leader by John C Maxwell

Bringing It Home
• Be clear as a bell
• Refocus your attention
• Live your message

Taken From: 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Successful Leader by John C Maxwell

Take Away
Competence goes beyond words.
It’s the leader’s ability to say it,
plan it, and do it in such a way
that others know that you know
how - and know that they want to
follow you.

- John C. Maxwell
Flushing It Out
• Show up every day
• Keep improving
• Follow through with excellence
• Accomplish more than expected
• Inspire Others
Taken From: 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Successful Leader by John C Maxwell
Reflecting On It
• Those who can see it happen
• Those who can make it happen
• Those who can make things happen when
it really counts.

Taken From: 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Successful Leader by John C Maxwell

Bringing It Home
• Get your head in the game
• Redefine the standard
• Find three ways to improve

Taken From: 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Successful Leader by John C Maxwell

Take Away
The Rest…..
• Courage • Problem Solving
• Discernment • Relationships
• Focus • Responsibility
• Generosity • Security
• Initiative • Self-Discipline
• Listening • Servanthood
• Passion • Teachability
• Positive Attitude • Vision
Taken From: 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Successful Leader by John C Maxwell
The Fishmongers
4 Principles
• Play
• Make Their Day
• Be There
• Choose Your Attitude
• “Work made fun gets done, especially
when we choose to do serious tasks in a
lighthearted way. Play is not just an
activity; it’s a state of mind that brings new
energy to the tasks at hand and sparks
creative solutions.”
» Taken From Fish Tales
• “When you “make someone’s day” (or
moment) through a small kindness or
unforgettable engagement, you can turn
even routine encounters into special

» Taken From Fish Tales

• “The glue in our humanity is in being fully
present for one another. Being there is
also a great way to practice
wholeheartedness and fight burnout, for it
is those halfhearted tasks you perform
while juggling other things that wear you
» Taken from Fish Tales
• “When you look for the worst, you will find
it everywhere. When you learn that you
have the power to choose your response
to what life brings, you can look for the
best and find opportunities you never
imagined possible. If you find yourself with
an attitude that is not what you want it to
be, you can choose a new one.”
» Taken from Fish Tales
• Name 5 Qualities of a good leader
• Tell me 2 key concepts to improve your
management style
• What are the 4 components of the FISH!
Philosophy ?

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