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8eseL general cu lmprlmanLa deconecLaLa de la reLea cu LasLele Ck sl AslsLenLa LlnuLe apasaLe se conecLeaza la reLea

Menlu 1
MlC 80623M
reporLs menu prlnLmech Lap LesLs
Lap LesL llsL
l/CA/lW lnfo menu dlsplay l lu ro[ecL lu0
SW verslon0
llC verslon0
dlsplay CA revlslon lu 12907
MlC 3
lAM 19
nuM 11
dlsplay lW revlslon
producL usage menu page counLers 1oLal 2
Copy 0
lax 0
Scan 0
lnk auLo level off 8eally level off PA?
PA lnk level lnfo
PA facLory lnk Lreshold lnk Lresh 100931
speclal LesLs menu run benchrun
Loogle copy dlag bars
l skew LesL
dlsplay lu/vlu vlu/lu 0x03f01138
scanner lnfo menu dlsplay noLch and orlgln LefLSqr(061434)
dlsplay mag error Mag error 00
mech lnfo menu acumen Lrade/hosL check k L ?1 lc1 C1 lm1 M1
usb lnfo menu dlsplay usb sLaLus usb dlsconnecLed
nvM/flrms menu clear flrms 8eally clear flrms?
clear nvM 8eally clear nvM?
booL code menu seL Lo mfg mode
seL Lo user mode
dlsplay booL mode lnlL mfg
nvm mfg
lW revlslon kramer 8ullL1ue !un 202006
013334M 80623Mxnxxn0ASlC ld
hold sl conflgurare dupa care hold sl Ck
k(13) ?(13) c(12) C(13) m(12) M(13)
Menlurl servlce P hoLosmarL C3180 All ln Cne
Menlu 2 hold sl conflgurare dupa care Ck
SupporL 80623M
lnformaLlon Menu lnfo menu 80623M model number hoLosmarL C3100
Servlce lu 19071
serlal number serlal number M?6A9P233704Mk
reglon/language romanla
counLers pages 2
cycles 4
flrmware verslon lW 80623M
lasL 3 evenLs evenL 1 69331
evenL 2 69336
evenL 3 69331
evenL 4 69336
evenL 3 69336
lasL 13 asserLs error 1 0x00000000
error 2 0x00000000
prlnLer reglon prlnLer reglon 2
pen supply reglon black pen reglon 2
yellow pen reglon 2
lL magenLa pen reglon 2
magenLa pen reglon 2
lL cyan pen reglon 2
cyan pen reglon 2
pen supply serlal number (Sn) black pen Sn 3666
yellow pen Sn 3671
lL magenLa pen Sn 3668
magenLa pen Sn 3670
lL cyan pen Sn 3667
cyan pen Sn 3669
pen supply level of lnk (LCl) black pen LCl Ck
yellow pen LCl Ck
lL magenLa pen LCl Ck
magenLa pen LCl Ck
lL cyan pen LCl Ck
cyan pen LCl Ck
relocks remalnlng relocks remalnlng 03
relock aLLempLs remalnlng relock aLLempLs remalnlng 030
gaLher/scramble scheme gaLher/scramble scheme 0000
checksum for relock daLa lnpuL checksum for relock daLa lnpuL 9803
nPlC 0
lLC 0
l8C 10
SysLem ConflguraLlon Menu hardware fallure sLaLus hardware fallure sLaLus Clear ress Ck Lo clear
lnk lnlLlallzaLlon sLaLus lnk lnlLlallzaLlon sLaLus Clear ress Ck Lo seL lL
seL booL mode Lo user mode booL mode seL Lo user mode ress Cancel Lo conLlnue
rlnL LesLs menu nozzle LesL
8eporLs Menu selfLesL
exLended selfLesL
Menlurl servlce P hoLosmarL C3180 All ln Cne
Menlu 3 hold sl conflgurare dupa care
Servlce 80623M SysLem conflguraLlon enLer serlal number enLer serlal number M?6A9P233704Mk
enLer servlce lu servlce lu 19071
enLer eLherneL MAC address MAC address 0018lL8u7l7l
medla sense callbraLlon 1o sLarL LesL load paper Lray and press Ck1o sLop LesLpress Cancel
LLu color callbraLlon LLu color callbraLlon Cnress Ck Lo Lunrned lL Cll
Speclal 8eporLs selfLesL
exLended selfLesL
Servlce LesLs LesL for scan conLamlnaLlon
LesL scan moLor
LesL carrlage
LesL servlce sLaLlon
LesL keys
LesL LLus
LesL dlsplay
LesL phoLo xu MS Cl Su
LesL sensors
deacLlvaLe door sensor
medla sense callbraLlon 1o sLarL LesL load paper Lray and press Ck1o sLop LesLpress Cancel
conL _prlnL_plck 1o sLarL LesLload paper Lray and press Ck1o sLop LesLpress Cancel
lnflnlLe Ps LesL 1o sLarL LesLload paper Lray and press Ck1o sLop LesLpress Cancel
lnflnlLe color Ps LesL 1o sLarL LesLload paper Lray and press Ck1o sLop LesLpress Cancel
prlnL head rec level 1
prlnL head rec level 2
prlnL head rec level 3
PA/luS dlagnosLlcs
lnk supplles reporL
maln CA conLrol panel check
booL code menu seL Lo mfg_mode
seL Lo user_mode
copy menu Copy lrom Memory
Copy ulagnosLlc 8ars
lshare menu seL lshare server CurrenL hLLp//servlceesharehpphoLocom/dlscovery/dlscoveryaspx?ver110
roducLlon hLLp//servlceesharehpphoLocom/dlscovery/dlscoveryaspx?ver110
lnLegraLlon A hLLp//servlcelnLesharehpphoLocom/dlscoveryaspx?ver110
lnLegraLlon 8 hLLp//servlcealLlnLdevhpphoLocom/dlscovery/dlscoveryaspx?ver110
lnLegraLlon C hLLp//servlcelnLcdevhpphoLocom/dlscovery/dlscoveryaspx?ver110
lnLegraLlon u hLLp//demodevhpphoLocom/dlscovery/dlscoveryaspx?ver110
seL lshare accounL
query lshare poll raLe
prlnL lshare demo reporL
vlew lshare seLLlngs
hold sl conflgurare dupa care hold sl Ck sl
Server u8L hLLp//servlceesharehpphoLocom/dlscovery/dlscoveryaspx?ver110

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