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The Nightcrawler

I received a letter with no return address, and it said something I never expected. It was written
“THE SHADOWS ARE NEVER GONE”. The same letter The Nightcrawler used to leave
beside his victims but this time with a different message. But how could this even be possible?. I
was there when Edward Lecter aka The Nightcrawler was hung to death. Detective Wiliiams
kept wondering. Without wasting a time he sent the letter to the forensic lab to testify whether it
was the same letter from the nightcrawler or not and kept praying it was better not be the same
letter. He kept asking himself was that the doppelganger of Edward Lecter who was hanged? or
any person from the judicial system helped him to escape?.

Many questions kept coming in his head and suddenly he gets a flashback about the dangerous
and cunning serial killer The Nightcrawler and how he caught that artist of disguise. It all started
four years ago during January 20th 1990, when a lady was murdered beside the alley of
Detective Williams residence. When Detective Williams went there to investigate he saw no
marks of the killer or whatsoever. But he found a letter beside the victim's body. It was written
opened a file about the unnamed killer and started to work on that. In the next month, February
20th the same way another lady was being killed but this time it’s two blocks away from the
Detective Williams office. This kept going on as The Nightcrawler came out from the dark every
20th of the month to commit his crime. Due to this the people of the country gave that killer a
nickname which is The Nightcrawler. As days passed Detective Williams started to get more
serious about this case as it turns out that this mysterious killer is not only a killer but a
dangerous and cunning serial killer. He started to investigate peoples related to the crime. But, he
failed to find any leads that would reveal the identity of his mysterious serial killer. He
continuously kept searching for records about any such killer but couldn’t find any. 4 years later
one day, while he was trying to match any similarity between the victims, out of his shock he
found out that all the victims Nightcrawler had killed at some point in life worked at a newspaper
printing factory named “WestSide Printing”. Soon Detective Williams realized that his
mysterious serial killer might be a former or current employee of that printing press. He rushed
to the factory and kept an eye on the employees working there. He was tense as the 20th of the
following month was near and suspected that this time as well The Nightcrawler would kill
someone. While Detective Williams was keeping an eye on the factory with his team at night, he
noticed that a masked man was entering the printing press. He suspected that this might be the
serial killer who came to print out the note that is left beside the victims. But he didn’t rush as he
can’t arrest someone out of suspicion. He kept following his suspect to see where he went. The
very next day it was the 20th of that month. Detective Williams was sure that the man would
come out again at night to attack his victim. He wanted this cat and rat game to end soon. So, he
alerted his team about the mission to catch the Nightcrawler red handed. Detective Williams then
started to follow the man. During the night the suspected Nightcrawler came out of his house
wearing a black vest and black pants with a hat. Detective Williams informed his team to remain
alerted and he kept following the man. The suspected killer was seen standing below an
apartment. A man came out of the apartment and the suspect started to follow that man.
Detective Williams understood this will be the next victim of their serial killer. As the suspect
approached behind the man with a knife in his hand, Detective Williams jumped on the killer
saving the victim from getting killed. The team of Detective Williams came and took the victim
to a safe place and arrested the Nightcrawler. Detective Williams finally took a deep breath and
realized the long 4 years of catching the The Nightcrawler game finally came to an end. Before
hanging the killer to death Detective Williams asked him why he did that. The Nightcrawler
replied “All the people I have killed are the ones who once neglected me. Some are my
co-workers, some are my senior managers. They never understood what it’s like to be harassed in
the workplace. They always tried to show me down.Sadly I never made any friends to call my
own. I was there working hard on my shift trying to earn money but they kept bullying me.One
Day I couldn't take it anymore and made up my mind to teach them a lesson. A lesson that would
make them feel what it’s like to stay alone and lonely. And that is why I send them to a place
where they will be lonely and can’t harass anyone.” After recording the statement of the
Nightcrawler Detective Williams presented him in the court and he was sentenced to death. On
20th February, 1994 the vicious killer Nightcrawler was hung to death.

Detective Williams then came back to reality and was waiting for the forensic test result to come.
The lab result came out and it confirmed his worst fears. The letter was actually the same as the
previous ones. The ink, the paper, the font styles everything matched. There could not be a single
doubt about it. Detective Williams realized the Nihghtcrawler is alive or someone pretending to
be. He then decided to reopen the case and start the investigation all over again. Carefully sifting
through the collected materials, he hunted for any unnoticed clues or data. His communication
with previous associates resulted in queries regarding potential updates or leads. He kept visiting
the crime scenes, hoping that he might find more evidence that could give a lead. Despite all the
tensions going on in his life he decided to keep his work life and personal life separate.As he
didn’t want to worry his wife Rebecca. She had always been supportive and loving towards her
husband. She is a nurse at a hospital and due to this she had to work long shifts and sometimes
night hours as well. Williams admired his wifes dedication. They were married for almost six

Returning back to the case, Williams noticed that something unusual and weird was happening.
Some of his files were missing or someone had been leaking information from them. He started
to doubt his colleagues but never showed it. He also realized his steps were continuously being
monitored by someone. Someone who knew his every move and plan. Someone who wants to
stop him from finding the truth.
He became more alerted and obsessed. He began to lose trust in everyone beside him. He trusted
no one but himself. He kept his information and leads hidden and secret from everyone, even his
wife.He started to carry his gun everywhere he went and slept with an open eye. He was
determined to catch the second Nightcrawler or whoever pretending to be. His instinct kept
saying there must be a connection between the old killings and the new letter. He was sure there
must be a small detail he missed or overlooked.

And then he found it.

It was a small detail but it changed everything. It was a birth certificate of Edward Lecter aka
The Nightcrawler. It showed that Edward has a twin brother whose name is Kemper Lecter.
Detective Williams then started to search for any information he might get about the Kemper
Lecter. He found out that Edward and Kempers parents died in a car accident and Kemper had
been adopted by another family when he was a baby. Williams realized that Kemper Lecter is the
second Nightcrawler. He was the one who sent him a letter. He was the one who continued his
brother's legacy and murder madness. Detective Williams also realizes that this time he will be
the final target of the Nightcrawler and this time his killer is not alone. He had set someone else
among Detective Williams' team who could have leaked information about the case. Williams
decided to find out for himself. He successfully tracked down Kempers address and drove there
at night. He called for backup and waited for them to arrive. He suddenly noticed that Kemper
was leaving his house, wearing the same black vest, pants and a hat like his brother used to wear.
Williams started to follow him, maintaining safe distance.

He saw Kemper entering an apartment and was shocked as Williams recognized the apartment as
the Detectives Joey’s apartment. His partner who had worked with him in the Nightcrawler case.
He realized that Joey was Kemper’s next victim. He rushed into the apartment and broke down
the door, entering the house with his gun in hand. He saw Kemper was standing over Joey, who
was lying on the floor and was bleeding heavily due to multiple wounds. He saw Kemper
holding a knife and a note in his hands.Kemper looked at Detective William with a twisted smile.
Williams shouted at Kemper to drop the knife and the note and to surrender himself. Kemper
laughed and said “Too late, detective. You’re too late. I’ve already done what I came here to do.
I’ve already sent you my final message.” He threw the note at Williams and said “Read it. Read
it and weep.” Williams caught the note and read it. It said “THE SHADOWS ARE NEVER
GONE”. Williams felt a chill down his spine..He recognized the note as the same kind Kemper
had mailed him when his brother died. He stared at Kemper and said “What are you talking
about?” Kemper said angrily “You’ll find out soon enough. But first, let me finish what I started.
I have killed your partner that helped you to catch my brother and now it is your turn…….
DETECTIVE WILLIAMS” He raised the knife and stabbed Jones in the heart, killing him and
came running towards Williams. Without wasting a second Williams fired his gun and shot
Kemper wounding him. In the meantime his backup arrived and helped him arrest Kemper.
Williams felt relieved when he caught the other Nightcrawler

Upon taking Kemper to custody Williams started to investigate him. He asked Kemper why he
chose the path of his brother, why he sent him a letter after his brother was hanged to death.
Kemper looked at Williams with a cold and calm expression. He said he learned about his
brother’s crimes from the news, and he felt a connection with him. He said he admired his
brother’s courage and skill. He said he wanted to continue the legacy of his brother. He wanted
the fear among the people about his brother to never end. And that letter he sent to Williams was
meant to challenge him to his own game. He wanted to have some fun with him by playing the
hide and seek game. Williams was shocked and disgusted by Kemper’s words. He asked him
how he knew so much about him, how he followed his every move, how he accessed his files
and contacts. Kemper smiled and said “I had a little help from someone very close to you.
Someone who knows you better than anyone else. Someone who hates you more than anyone
else.” Williams was shocked and kept wondering who could have hated him more than the iller
sitting in front of him.

With a hard and shaky voice he asked “Who is it?”

Kemper replied laughingly “Your Wife.”

Williams couldn’t believe it. He asked him why his wife would help him, what did she have to
do with this. Kemper said “She is my sister. Williams was stunned.and asked him what he meant
by that. Kemper said “She is Rebecca Lecter, our younger sister. She also got a new family
when our parents passed away. She grew up in a different city with different surnames and
parents. But, we had our bondings and connection. Four years ago when she saw Edward in the
newspaper she recognized her brother and contacted me. We decided to reunite and take revenge
on those who wronged us.” He also said Rebecca was the one who followed Williams every
movement. She was the one who messed up with the investigation files. She was the one who
told him everything. He also said Rebecca started hating Williams for killing her brother, for
ruining her family, for lying to her.

Williams felt betrayed and heartbroken. He asked Kemper where Rebecca is now and what she is
doing. Kemper said “She is waiting for you at your home. She has a surprise for you.” Williams
felt a surge of fear and anger. He left Kemper in the custody of his colleagues and rushed home.
He prayed it wasn’t too late. He hoped Rebecca hadn’t done anything stupid or dangerous. He
somehow still hoped that Rebecca loved him the same way she used to love him before. But
when he reached home he found out it was actually too late. Rebecca set their house on fire with
herself inside. She had killed herself taking everything they had with her.

Williams collapsed on the ground, crying and screaming. He couldn’t control himself and started
to blame himself for everything. He had lost everything. He had unmasked many killers but
failed to recognize the false veil of his wife. He did catch The Nightcrawler twice, but he
couldn’t catch the shadows in his own life.

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