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Emile Lamm’s Self-propelled Tramcars 1870-72 and the Evolution of the Fireless Locomotive DG. TUCKER Introduction ile Lamm (usually refered wo as ‘De — be was, in fc, a demi by profession") of New Orla, Lousiana, U-S.A, seldom mentioned lm mdern books or artilen’ He aid receive some mention nD. Kinnear Claks clare work of 1574" bu even there no sty Of ‘Sear was made. Neverthles, examination fh inking ove «shore Period of just over to years, fom mi-1870 wo mb-187% i extremely [Rterestng and clany iat an important conept, many, hat Ueoredeally ideal bur complex saluton ol problem, ing hi isc, Han in pene, a ghee ay 00 pc tess Ces et ‘noch simpler saton. "The matter is examined here trough Lam's ftene specications. Lamm himself published very Hee, ana it has nt fovfar proved posable to obain even the eve paper by hin to whic feferene ha been Rua! “The publem Lamm acled was how to provide selépropulrion ina simctear (oe tama) without producing smoke. “His work led ‘ental tothe development of the type of Brel seu lacoste te extensively used in industrial applications during the past century. mel ope eying fori steam on the hea sere supe eter ue High presoe, dhe beat being injec! atthe tee sa Tprhigheprensute seam fe into the water he snulted comin the locomotive. Files steam propulsion fad ot es beleved, been tricd nthe USA. belo 1990, and) Lamon seas protuby” gute Unaware of Colbur’s caer propoal a Bas whieh, however id ot ead to practical rls of tr Breen yom Inthe twosyear period mentioned, Lamm was granted six US, Patent The systems disclosed in these patents are described ly, in the present autor’ terms and wing simpli schematic agra 106 ils La's Trancers Figure 2 Fie seam lomo heling ru en Sime nr, lecomotive was evidently success, for by IBT4 we rad that auch Tocomatives (i he pra) ave in regular we’ in New’ Orleans.” 11 Lamm’s Patents, 1870-72 1 US, PATENT No 105381 DATED 19 JULY 1870, AMMONIACAL A schematic diagram ofthe sats diloed by this patent i shown in Fag & Liucled ammonia pes @ pomped iio the yes indicated Through the pipe Aunt ie il This vse! comprises» number af ‘eral tuber below the dated lin, uo that alge Beating surface Provided, Ws immersed inthe out tank which twoivd fal of [ita ammenia slo in waters hs tank eile hough pipe: Band ptt through pipe C._The top and bettors ef the ammonia gas raul aze connected to dhe ber eae, fom which the gas spt to the engine t taken. ‘The exhuust fom the engine, be. tow-presare "Enmonta fms taken by dhe pipe shown to the botiom of the nk nmonia flvon, were dace ‘To prevent leakage of ammonia ee eee ee DG. Tuctr 7 Figee 8 Ua of Jay 180. Gupehs in all these pars ate enclosed in water, ich tends to circulate through the ‘oe ak by cae of the pipes show, The cok D cones the power and sped ofthe engine, Cocks and F eontral or inate the water tals ofthe engine The way cock G At the end of the operation, mot of the quel ammonia. has teen uted and fas been trated int sation in te tank Tei drained out through pipe Cand the aauton i treated forthe recovery ff he ammonia at feed gas, the tank being refled id ue {olution The incr ves is atthe se tine recharged wih gue Simoni gue sleady prepared. Te eogne then ready for the next Period of operation, US. Pant No, 121,327 dated 5 December 187, Tender for Gas Boilers wats small improvement, consisting ofthe addon of another ‘este containing liqueed ammonia gas and connected to the bottom ‘tthe main vest in Fig. 3. The objet appeared wo be the maintenance fa higher pressure o gi a the operation proceeded. This peter] Got nmrera Ges capac vpyeowe Aiagrammatclly in Fig. 4, The "blere new horizontal instead a Sertcal and instead of bing made of tubes, an ordinary cide ‘esc wth longi tabes ke the wateriaber ofan ora seam Ue. Te immersed in horizontal tank of te ammonia sation See ee rn eer ee ee ee: 100, nile Lanm's Troms: wags jt, oe SET Poe RE ost rc we" Figure. Lams smprved smn engine of Match 172 water seal ofthe previous scheme was not fund satsactory, as here is ow aol cl ih the engine. The exhaust pipe har baller chamber with a check valve in onder to releve hack presure onthe engine vase (Which othereise would tendo lit Helle seat at the moment of ‘shat Am overdo tank cntining ammonia solution fs povided, 50 thac if the ammonia gas ftom the exhaust of he engine does nat ‘sole quickly enough in the main ny he cxcean gas will pase via the check ake to diol in the oveilow tank The check salve prevents pasage back tothe emit tank if the presure in the overfoe fares tn mach "The ammonia tank ix filed vin cock A, Uhe outer tank via cock B. ‘The ammonia solution i drained, at the end of am operation, by {pening cocks C and E, and the press canbe acecerated by opening ck File A i lose) hat the residual gas pressure in te Inner ‘eel (or Bike) ai the gravity discharge 8 US. PATENT No, 184.304 DATED 12 MARCH 1872, “IMPROVEMENT IN CHLORIDE-OR-CALCIUM “The equipment on the vehicle was quite simple, at shown in Fig St). ‘The cquipment at the charging station was telaveycomples and [Laman evenly el H meena to cde it inthe patent i how schematically fo Fig. 30 The fer vse! im Fig. 5a) supplies steam om the suprbeatd ee ae eae a toes aa DG. Taker 100 eae es a PS ORS SERRTIIZIL SY i LESS eee 7 ie tel 6 4 cre s LLU, G J nt ‘aim chloride at ts boiling point, The exhaust seam fom the fogine ised via a check vale and. bufler chamber atin the "srmoniagas engine patent) Yo the botom of the alum chide ‘olution where conde. Tn ig. 3(b), both the main vessels, one for making the satratd solution andthe other the superheated water, age telers heated by Be. The water boler har sled pump driven by soe seam ehh cack G. To change the vestel on the schick with supereated wate, uh & be eceeed GGA Ga tak es Ge eee & ee 10 ile Lane's Trees sulficent fr the while. Cack H then closed, and cocks Land A ate fenneeed by a Wensle pipe and opens cocks J and Kare then ‘pened, andthe seam pressure dives the superheted water Irom the hanging tank into the vessel on the vei A similar process transfers {he calm chloride sluton to is charging tank wing cock Ly coche M dnd Bare concted by 3 flexible pipe and open tnd tam egress te slo to te ower tel on te [AC the end of the operation, cocks C and N ate connected and opened, and team pressure via cock F (A cloed) drives the weaken Sslution ‘back tothe boiler for concentrating. gain” Although tot ‘mentioned in the patent, cock Eis peesumaly sed or desing water from the veel at te end ofeach operation 4 US, PATENT No, 185,377, DATED 9 APRIL. 173, “IMPROVEMENT IN SUPPLYING STEAM TO ‘This is shown schematically in Fig. 6. The sytem is very simple, A Single veel ontains supereated water eich supplies seam 0.4 Steam engine. Te charge the vesc wen empty it fst heated by feanection through cack Ay tothe stam om he bey at the hanging station: then it connected wo the water ia the ber ao that ies de equed dept igure 6 Lam's ickes seam engine, Api 172 ned D.G. Tuer nm 5. US. PATENT No. 12440, DATED 90JULY 19, AMPROVEMENT IN SUBPLYING STEAM TO. TRAVELING ENGINES This ie shown io Fig. 7. eller frm the scheme of Fig. 6 one important say: instal ofthe sel Bing rchanged with superbested| tetera the beginning of cach dpration, the water is mat emened From uhe vessel, but instead is restuperheted by pasting steam into trough cock A and the pesorted tbe inthe Bator of the veal The eal ara of the peratons should equal she comactona aes af the tae “This patent was reisued with expanded description and claims as Reve No. 5083, dated | October 1672 IIL The Development of Fireless Locomotion ‘during the 18705 Lamm scems to hive made the fst-ver Seles steam locomotive ia 172" an decribed In Seton Te Other propl, however, were quik #2 ‘apy it Hom Lam's patent protection was used fatal, not ear. "Treo two fives locomotives wok place on he amy Ieqwren Bast New York and Canarsie (35 mes) in October 1873" find agnin-a'month oro Tater They were made by the Fels Engine Co" (president GL, Laugh, “consulting engineer “CH Hiswel). One ocmorive did the eum tip fast wader 90 minus running me, Haig 2 tamear carting 12) passengers, wi steam presnre fling trom 180 to #5 fin Nr weight wast ton 3 ott had onensers and workel without expansion. The second lncomaie was tented by RL Buel and HL Brevort seemed to be less succes, taking 35.5 minute o cover 44 rie, with steam presse fling fom 142 to 2 lyin’ This locomotive certainly sed the sistem of Fig. 7, td the ports infeed that both lcomatves were consucte 1 Tn 1579 6 cle stem eampcar was mace by Bide and Co. in Belglum for ase bythe Sects Generale de Tramps” The hotwatet ‘ste comprised four horizontal ones, paced under the seats, and 40 pvaht cach, wouling 30 cu, yall welagged. Thre elinder +3 in Dy 142 ing drove on to one anes Inia steam pressure was 163 If, hd the ear could run for abut 30 minutes i was apparenly kept {he fra year or tw Bt was found expensive to operate ‘Nun In 1895, devas of freese ream trameardesgned by LJ “end of Leith in Sctland, were published!" A drawing ofthe care shown in Fi. 8s and an exterior Siew Off, showing the arrangement for charging the hovonter seercin reproduced in Fig. 9. Clark? ‘aes thatthe cot war constructed, but thee i am for doubt on this ee eee na ile Lam's rancars Coe Wt leseeoes Je ‘Gm The ae 38, 1075) tt the car was actully in existence, it crefily avoids definitely fying sand furthermore no repre of te tial have een found Todd was, however, an experienced designer of tramway vehicles ad jcomiives which’ had actualy been consucted, and. he bad Spproached de idea ofthe Gel steam engine quite logically, but by tproces of thinking very diferent fom Lamm He stout his eae ‘ey flyin B74" and ade fe lear that he ad already tried out 2 {cumway Icomrive which was designed to un manly om sored beat fn etre bolt, the very deep fie being used generate this ‘eat mainly we te hachine was witing atthe terminus and closed lip during” de journey v0 that no amc would be prodced. The Drogression from tht hes 10 the flee stam machine wa natural, tou he generously creed to Lamm "Tedid made s patcat application in’ 1875 which clearly describes the DG. Tater us ‘ass of the less eam Relates to tramcart,ommibanes et, which ate propled by seam ‘ecverated in staonary bolts and sored in recevrs onthe ‘Garages tn one arrangement, two receivers, placed longi Tinea the door, have atone end a ender and piston arranged 10 drive two coupled pace of whtels and atthe other en an ‘tron to balance the weight ofthe cylinder, domes oF sea spaces cng fied to the recvers 20 40 projet up laterally Under the seats. The cinders have jackets supplied with water ‘Mean fom the eee acme a sound and praca design ‘Oral the work done on Beles tocoroson during the 1870, the text documented is that by Son Francy Par He syste was ‘saclay that paeoted by’ Lamm in 872 (Rg 3. te carious dat ‘ tein 10 gins 230 in preere dime J pert pipe fram ony 0 ater k fam ont © siamppe o giiden peg trough crow prove Q specter us Emile Lee's Troe in an account of Francs work in 1879," i stated hat Francy “introduced the Sproved pan of eeeating the water i the reserva Uy the injection of steam at high preure’, wheren in Lary seheme “the reservoir appleby him this ocomaive was recharged with water (heated under pressure) at suitable ftervals Why ths myth those is not clear, ance Lam's locmotve of 1872, aoding to Clarks description already cited in Section Ip ite clay hat water" heated by steaminjecion. NevebeeesFrancq obtained Patents” His catest fees come, of 3 tons empty, wat tne fn the tamway between Saint Augustin and the Boulevard Bias” fie did the rund tip of eller wit presre fling Eom 136 to Sb. The exhaurt steam proved an annoyance. Later Incamotves hd condensers as-well_as the higher presure of 213 Ila thse prformed well on the vamway between Ruel! and Mary-leRoi (rear Pars), where over 10,000 were ron each month A rather similar tramway locomotive was but or Franeq by the Hunsee Engine Co. of {ede in 187%, bot t's not known i as ever put t work A fal ‘account of his work wag sven by Francg i 1879 the Toston af Mechanical Engineer and fom this the drawing of the Hunslet lecomtive is reproduced as ig. 10. Seme aetount of Francs later tok on fees foomotves is gen by Clark ™ By this time. the rele Tocomonive had been developed 0 substan it al orm IV. Conclusion Tecan be seen that the decade of the 1870s was the decisive period for the evclition of the felens steam Icom, aed tht, even if Ele {Udman was tot the at to have the base en, be eerily showed {eat originality in his approach via the ammonia engine and was most certainly the frat to demonstrate a tue filest scl-propelied ‘ehicle or locomotive: His bandonment of theoretically efit bat Tompen systems, for a lear eficent tnt snpleystean_ probably Utatrates 2 principle of general validity. Ii penkape mater of rme Surprae that dendnt that perio, with, afar ay fs Bnown, no Scientific or engncering training, should not only be able to invent and ‘esign eecuve and complex machines but sul also be abe w apply to the proces of invention an understanding of quite auble scene V_ Acknowledgements Lam very gratefil © Me J.A. Crabuee and Me GB. Mills for

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