'Deep Within The Transparent Body of A Tiny Marine Animal... Lies The Secret To Eternal Life.' (Health & Alternative Medicine) (Real Advantage Nutrients)

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The tiny creature you see here should not exist.

In fact, its very existence defies the most fundamental laws of nature.

You see, instead of crumbling into a lifeless blob when old age, sickness or injury sets in...

It regenerates itself and comes back to life stronger than it was before.


Almost 25 years ago, a group of biologists from Genoa, Italy did an intensive study on this astonishing
phenomenon, and in 1996 they published a landmark paper called...

“Reversing the Life Cycle.”

This paper confirmed what some scientists had already suspected...

That the Turritopsis Dohrnii, or what is now referred to as the Immortal Scarlet Jellyfish...

Can indeed return back to the earliest stages of its life...regenerating its own cells to stay young... and
actually AGES IN REVERSE. You see, the shocking truth about the Immortal Jellyfish is...

It will not die of natural causes. Not ever.

Even after this amazing discovery went public in 1996, scientists still hadn’t figured out the potential
connection between the immortal jellyfish and human aging...

That is, until 2006 when marine biologists could no longer ignore that the jellyfish’s immortality was not a

Because it was continuing to thrive in oceans all over the world...

"Instead of sure death, [Turritopsis] transforms all of its existing cells into a younger state," says Professor
Pia Miglietta, a marine biologist at Texas A&M University.

In fact, scientists now believe the Immortal Jellyfish has been rejuvenating itself for millions upon millions
of years ...

Proving that the concept of aging in reverse is NOT science fiction...

Dr. Shin Kubota, considered the world’s premier expert on the Immortal Jellyfish, has dedicated his career
to studying them at his marine lab at Japan’s Kyoto University.

And Dr. Kubota and his colleagues are now realizing these tiny marine animals could hold the secret to
perpetual youth...

What this REALLY means, is yes...

So, if you thought the “fountain of youth” was just a myth...

Keep listening, because what you’re about to hear will change everything you’ve ever thought about
growing old...

This one secret can have you adding youth to your years...with a body that is resilient and strong, a mind
like a steel trap... vision as clear as crystal...and energy that will keep you active and engaged well into
your golden years...

Here’s what Dr. Kubota told the New York Times recently...

"The mystery of life is not concealed in the higher animals...it is concealed at the root, and at the root of
the tree of life...is the [scarlet] jellyfish."

Hold on a second... did you notice how Dr. Kubota called the immortal jellyfish “scarlet”?

That’s because the inner sanctum of this incredible creature is a bright scarlet red...

This red goblet-shaped pouch is the place where they take in all their nutrition...

And the question scientists are now asking themselves, is...

What’s in this mysterious RED source of nutrition that the immortal jellyfish thrives on?

Well, after decades of research into what they eat...and literally thousands of scientific tests and clinical

They found something so astounding it has shook the medical community at its core...

Because this RED source of nutrition is now considered one of the most powerful substances in the

It not only has the potential to keep immortal sea creatures healthy...

But keep humans young way beyond what’s considered normal...

In fact, Doctors and nutritionists are now considering RED to be the true color of youth...

Now, I’m not saying you’ll be able to live forever or even age in reverse...

But once you hear the details of this incredible breakthrough you’ll understand how dramatically different
your life can be...

Imagine gliding into your golden years...waking up day after day feeling absolutely transformed...because
you’ve got the energy you need to seize your day with the confidence and drive of someone much

And then as these energetic days turn into weeks...

You start to feel truly alive on a deep emotional and biological level...

You wake up every day as if you’ve got a new lease on life...

Your mind feels like it’s been given a re-boot...because you’re remembering details much clearer...

Your eyesight is so sharp, it’s like the world around you is emerging in high-def...

With the transformation you could experience...

No one will be able to deny it...

In the next few minutes you’ll hear how this can be your new reality...

But first let me introduce myself...My name is Cathy Ann Turner.

And I’m the Research Director here at an organization called Real Advantage Nutrients.

And I’ve spent the last several months pouring over the facts about this incredible anti-aging discovery.

My team and I work with an exclusive group of colleagues from around the globe, including MD’s, Ph.D.’s,
prize winning scientists and leading research labs to investigate the latest findings in food, nature and
medical science...

And what we’ve uncovered is...

Mother Nature created an incredible source of RED energy in the ocean’s food web eons ago,

It’s what the immortal scarlet jellyfish gets its nutrition from...

And when we delved deep into the scientific studies and clinical trials on this one nutrient....

We were astounded by what it can do for humans...

It actually has the power to...

Fortify and rebuild the most important part of your body that keeps you truly young from the inside out,
What I’m talking about is your...

Because your cell membranes are the very foundation of EVERY vital system in your body...

And your cell membranes are what holds every inch of your body together from head to toe...

Essentially, they are the core of your being.

But as the years go by, the toxins in our air, water, and food, and the stress of daily life TAKES ITS

Causing your cell membrane’s walls to weaken and break apart.

And when the membranes break, they release an army of “free radicals”...

Some Doctors believe free radicals are the number one reason why your body ages...

Because free radicals go on a rampage inside your body...

Damaging your DNA...


Your energy levels to wane,

Your joints to stiffen up,
Your eyesight to fade,
Your brain to slow down,
And your skin to get wrinkled and splotchy.

After years and years of your cells getting attacked by free radicals...

You feel tired, achy, mentally foggy and just plain OLD.

And over time... free radical damage can open the door to a whole host of conditions ...

Sending your quality of life in a downward spiral.

If that’s not how you want to grow old...

I’m going to show you how you can fight back, because...

Because you can not only rebuild the delicate walls of your cell membranes, but...

Fortify them to counter-attack free radical invaders and keep cell damage at bay.

A good way to do this is with something called “anti-oxidants.”

Now I’m sure you’ve heard about anti-oxidants, they are all the rage in fighting off free radicals...

And there are a group of RED hued anti-oxidants called carotenoids... think: tomatoes, strawberries and
red peppers...that do a pretty good job at fighting off free radicals.

But these ordinary red fruits and vegetables pale in comparison to the scarlet red, anti-oxidant nutrient
from the sea.

So just what is this mysterious red marine nutrient?

Well, it’s something called Astaxanthin (Az-ta-zan-thin)...

And it’s known as the “King of the Carotenoids” because some consider it the single best anti-oxidant
available in the world today...

In fact, the nation’s top doctors and health professionals have called Astaxanthin the...

“Number one supplement you’ve never heard of that you should be taking...” and “One of the
most profoundly beneficial supplements ever encountered...”

In fact, Astaxanthin has the strongest nutritional power of any anti-oxidant ever discovered...

One study found It’s packed with:

500 times more potency than Vitamin E

6,000 times more antioxidant capacity than Vitamin C...

40 times more powerful than the beta-carotene...

Well that’s pretty impressive, but what does this mean for you? It means...

Astounding energy all through the day... Taking longer walks and playing more tennis
without your muscles and joints aching as much...

A lightning quick brain, giving you the confidence to express your point of view because
you’ll recall facts and quotes like an expert...

Laser sharp vision...that will have you tearing through a stack of best sellers...

And here’s another thing that sets astaxanthin apart from any other antioxidant...

It has a unique molecular structure...

That allows it to help nourish and repair every one of your 35 trillion cell membranes in your body...
Outside AND inside your cells...from top to bottom...

Including thehard to penetrate cells in your eyes and brain...

So when it comes to fighting off free radicals, Astaxanthin is like a...

With all the powerful benefits you get from ruby red astaxanthin...

It’s like a complete renovation for your eyes, brain and body...

That can add happy, healthy years to your life...

Imagine how you’d like to spend the years to come...

Maybe tinkering in the garden on a bright, sunny day, whistling your favorite tune, and then going out and
two-stepping the night away...

Or if you’re the adventurous type, taking an energetic 5 mile trail ride with friends and then resting
creekside for a picnic lunch...

The best thing about taking control of your health is ...

It gives you the peace of mind knowing that you took action to...

Ensure your vitality for all the years you have in front of you.

But there’s one thing about astaxanthin that very few people know...

Only pure, natural astaxanthin can do everything I’ve described here.

There is an inferior form of synthetic astaxanthin that doesn’t give you the outstanding benefits that the
pure formulation does, and the synthetic version is actually almost worthless...

Only pure natural astaxanthin is easily absorbed into your body...

Giving you incomparable anti-aging benefits.

But astaxanthin is even MORE effective when it’s taken in combination with the essential Omega 3 fatty
acids - EPA and DHA.

You may already know how important Omega 3 fatty acids are for your body...

Especially your cell membranes, because remember your cells are partially made up of fats...

And the proper ratio of fats and water in your cell membranes are critical in supporting your brain, eyes,
heart and nervous system.

Our bodies cannot make Omega-3 fats, so we must get them through food or supplements...

As a child, you may have been required to choke down a giant tablespoon of cod liver oil every day...

Or heaven forbid, eat sardine sandwiches...

Well, not only is that unappetizing, it’s also not the best way to get your Omega 3’s.

Not by a long shot.

The IDEAL way to make sure you’re getting these amazing cell restoring ingredients is to blend
them together, in their purest form, in the perfect amount...

And we here at Real Advantage Nutrients have done just that...

We call it Ultra Vital Gold...

And frankly, it’s the only way to make sure you’re getting nature’s miracle nutrient, astaxanthin, AND the
perfect amount of EPA and DHA.

Will R. of Florida knows firsthand how powerful Ultra Vital Gold is, and at 85 years old he has the activity
level of someone much younger...

He wrote in to tell us...

And Eric W. of Dallas, age 64, is the envy of his “Power Hour” workout class...this is what he told us:

Now, you don’t have to be a jock to reap the benefits of Astaxanthin...it works miracles for all ages,
shapes, and sizes, no matter your level of fitness...

But once it’s had a chance to infuse your cells with all of its regeneration power,

You’ll start to see and feel the de-aging taking place all over your body...

To the point where you’ll have a whole different outlook on life...

Just like Dennis C. from New Mexico did...this is what he said:

Imagine how good you’ll feel... knowing you’re protecting yourself against not only an aging body,

But you are potentially...

But I have one more piece of great news to share with you today. And I know you’ll find this critical...

Because, it has to do with the MOST valuable part of your body that keeps you young...

It’s your BRAIN.

And nothing ages you faster than a forgetful brain...

Remember when it was easy to remember even simple things? Like how to spell difficult words off the
cuff, and the ease in calculating a 20% tip in your head?

That’s because when you were young the neurons in your brain sent lightning fast synapses to your brain
cells...and you didn’t have to think twice about much of anything...

But sadly, when your brain gets overloaded with free-radical buildup, it can cause the communication
between neurons to get tangled...

Making even simple things like the name of your favorite actor, hard to recall.

So let me ask you...

How many times have you been in the middle of an important point, and suddenly lost your train of

Or walked into a room and didn’t know why you went in there in the first place?

Well honestly, this happens to everyone at one time or another, but if it’s starting to happen to you more
frequently than not...

Please pay close attention...

No one really likes to talk about these things...

And no one wants to ever face the reality that they are losing their physical or mental prowess...

Or seeing their independence dwindle as the years go by...

And everyone would love to go into their golden years with a healthy body and mind...

But the statistics my team and I found on how people are aging these days...

Aren’t too uplifting...

The National Institute on Aging recently reported the chance of developing a slow memory is now
doubling every five years after age 65.

If there was something you could do NOW to support your brain and keep it in sync, you would do

You do not have to succumb to forgetting an important appointment or where you put your keys...

Or having all the knowledge you’ve acquired over your lifetime...

Slip away bit by bit...

Which is why when my team and I looked at these sobering statistics, we searched to find the very best
natural remedies that bolster brain health...

And the first one we uncovered is found in a bright golden spice that comes from the roots of the ginger

You may have heard of curcumin – we simply call it “the golden root.”

Besides being used to spice up exotic dishes and act as a natural inflammation balancer...

Here’s how curcumin is critical in supporting your brain...

After being subject to more than three thousand studies, the research on cognition found curcumin to
have a positive track record in supporting the neurons, or “signals” in your brain...

This is what recent studies showed:

Curcumin can latch on to memory erasing “free radicals”, dismantle them and flush them out of your brain
- and then out of your body as waste.

This means curcumin can help literally put the brakes on “senior moments” and “brain blips”...

And help your brain make the connections it’s supposed be making...

So the important conversation you shared with your best friend over coffee a few weeks ago...

Can still be locked down in your memory for years to come.

You deserve to recall ALL the special moments of your life...

And have the energy and confidence to face every day with a healthy brain and body...

And that’s why we added a full 500 mg of pure curcumin to Ultra Vital Gold in combination with
astaxanthin and the Omega 3’s EPA and DHA.

But there was something still missing...

Because we wanted to make sure Ultra Vital Gold was the ultimate anti-aging formula available to you

Which is why our entire research team agreed to add another vital nutrient...

One that is backed by credible science showing how it can keep your brain healthy.

When our researchers read this recently published in vitro study that found...

If you are low in Vitamin D... the risk of memory loss can skyrocket...

And when another just published study by the American Academy of Neurology Journal said...

Vitamin D can help clear free radical buildup in the frontal lobe of the human brain and provide amazing
support for memory retention...

Our research team knew 1000 IU’s of Vitamin D was the missing link in Ultra Vital Gold’s awesome
combination of TOTAL BODY anti-aging ingredients...

So, just for a second...

Think what all this means...

Ultra Vital Gold...

Gives you everything you would ever need to face the years in front of you...

Astaxanthin is what nourishes long-lived marine animals ... and it’s safe and natural...truly. It’s
the only anti-oxidant that helps protect every inch of your cell membranes and can add health to
your years...

Omega-3s DHA and EPA are a helping hand to astaxanthin...so it can cross over the blood brain
border, helping to protect your precious eyesight and memory recall...

Curcumin, the powerful golden root, helps support healthy inflammation in the body, helps clear
out the memory destroying free radicals in the brain...giving you a fighting chance to hold on to
your precious memories...

And vitamin D, like a healing ray of sunshine, helps maintain cardiovascular health, balance your
immune system and support brain health and memory retention...

So do me a favor for a second... imagine how you felt when you were 35 or even 40...

And how uplifting it was to wake up every morning feeling better than you did the day before, full of
renewed energy, ready to blaze through your day...

Well, when you replenish your worn-out cells with the pure, potent, life-restoring ingredients in Ultra Vital


Get ready to feel the incredible energy like you had decades ago...

Get ready to see clearly during the day and night, keep reading like you used to, with laser sharpness...

Get ready to recall all of the special memories you’ve made throughout your life...and retell them with
clarity and confidence...

Adding Ultra Vital Gold to your life is your chance to add healthy, happy, fun filled years to your future...

And can give you the chance to live life the way YOU want to...getting outside, feeling the warm sun on
your face, and making special memories with your friends and family...

Sounds like a happy future, wouldn’t you agree?

Well, here’s proof it’s never too late to start living life to the fullest:

—Gail R., California

And Glenn T. of Myrtle Beach is noticing a difference after just 7 days!

And we have stacks and stacks more testimonials just like these– folks can’t wait to tell us how
dramatically their lives have improved!

Making Ultra Vital Gold part of your everyday routine could have you experiencing...

Energy to walk a mile in record time... breathing easily and feeling completely energized...

Eyesight so vivid, you can read the fine print on the menu without squinting...

Memory recall so sharp, you can remember those entertaining high school escapades in a split

Brilliant results at your next doctor’s appointment when he says “keep doing what you’re doing,
‘cause it’s working great!”...

Wonderful compliments from friends saying you're looking younger and your skin even looks

Less pain after exercise, because the stiffness in your joints and soreness in your muscles is

Already, 33,993 folks just like you have cashed in on the incredible power of Ultra Vital Gold...

They write to us just about every day, reporting how their lives have changed, and how they seem to be...

Linda G. from Oklahoma says:

And Polly L. of Wisconsin had a life changing experience:

The good news is...you can be the next to write your story of how Ultra Vital Gold has helped you feel
young and vibrant again...

I’ll show you in a moment how you can join the ranks of the thousands of happy people who already have.

But right now, may I ask you...

Do you have a plan to fight back on the effects of an aging brain and body?

How are you going to embrace of all the decades you have in front of you?

Are you ready to make the rest of your years your best ones?

George M. from Houston, TX who is 79 years old plans to keep Ultra Vital Gold in HIS life...

This is what he told us recently...

You, too can have the same life changing benefits like George when Ultra Vital Gold is added to your
daily regimen.

Even if this is the ONLY supplement you take, because it’s so powerful.

In fact, it is the only one you’ll ever need.

Imagine experiencing...

100 years of golden sunsets...

Your platinum wedding anniversary...

Your grandchildren’s children...

It’s been said a million times, but it’s worth repeating...

If you have your health you have everything you need in life...

And Ultra Vital Gold is your chance to live the way you want...and do all the things you didn’t have time
for when you were younger...

You won’t be able to cheat death, but adding happy, healthy years to your life is priceless...

So now’s your chance to get started on your journey of feeling and looking younger...

It’s as simple as hitting the “Order Now” button at the bottom of the page.

That’s how you’ll really know if Ultra Vital Gold is giving you the feeling of youth...mental
sharpness...energy...and independence just like the thousands of people before you.

But I want to be clear – we don’t want you take any risk in trying Ultra Vital Gold.

That’s right. If, after you give Ultra Vital Gold a chance to work wonders for you, and you’re not thrilled
with the results, and you don’t feel the years rewinding...

Simply return the bottle, and we’ll refund every penny of your purchase price.

Let me repeat that one more time...

You have to be completely delighted with Ultra Vital Gold...

Or we’ll give you a refund. Period.

It’s part of our philosophy here at Real Advantage Nutrients...

We offer an honest to goodness...

Because the only way you’ll know for sure if it’s right for you, is if you give it a try.

So when you place your order right now, we’ll get it shipped out as soon as the last button is clicked...

And in a few days, when your first bottle arrives at your door, open the box immediately.

Be sure to take one of the softgels either with or after your next meal.

Then after you’ve given Ultra Vital Gold a fair chance to start rebuilding your cell membranes, knocking
out the free radicals...

You’ll no doubt feel...

Your mood is getting brighter because you’re feeling sharp as a tack...

You’re more energetic and ready to exercise because your body feels so good...

And if you’ve misplaced your glasses, it won’t be a crisis...

Because just maybe you’re not using your glasses as much these days...

At the very least you should give yourself a couple of days to start experiencing subtle changes in your
body...and then as the weeks go by, suddenly you’ll start to realize...


Things are really changing for the better, because you’re starting to see and feel an incredible difference
in how you’re living each day.

But, just so you know, if you want to give Ultra Vital Gold a try...

You need to act immediately.

Because it’s ONLY available to you through Real Advantage Nutrients.

You won’t see Ultra Vital Gold advertised on TV, in a magazine or on the shelf at the local Vitamin

Here’s why.

Ultra Vital Gold is only processed in small, tightly-controlled batches to ensure the absolute highest
quality, and purity.

In fact, the production process of the premier ingredient, PURE astaxanthin takes hours of manpower to
produce and package.

So... as soon as each small batch of Ultra Vital Gold has passed inspection with our quality control
department, it flies off the shelves. In fact, just a short time ago, the demand was so high, we could not
keep up with the orders.

So through this exclusive invitation, you have the chance of a lifetime to try Ultra Vital Gold for yourself

When you click on the Order button below, it will show you how you can get started.

The decision is in your hands...

But please remember, with our Ultimate Guarantee there’s really no reason to hesitate.

Because you have to be head over heels with the results you’re experiencing, or you can send the bottle
back for a full refund of what you paid!

It doesn’t matter if it’s your first bottle of Ultra Vital Gold, your eleventh bottle...

And it doesn’t even matter if the bottle is empty...

Our guarantee won’t ever disappear...

We are willing to take this financial risk, so you can see for yourself just how powerful Ultra Vital Gold is.

Already, 33,993 folks just like you have taken this first step...

So why not join them?

To make this even easier for you, we’ve tacked on a few exceptional benefits when you order today.

First when you use your credit card to order Ultra Vital Gold today, you’ll be instantly upgraded to
Auto-Delivery Service.

Which means when your bottle of Ultra Vital Gold is just about gone, we’ll charge the same credit card
you use today, and send out a fresh order to your same address!

You don’t have to lift a finger...

And here’s another benefit you’re going to love: When you choose Auto-Delivery Service you’re entitled
to FREE SHIPPING on every single bottle of Ultra Vital Gold.

You can tweak the auto-delivery schedule to fit your lifestyle... at any time, for any reason...

And remember our Ultimate Guarantee always stands.

Just for a second imagine, that you’re feeling like your old self again, like you did 10-15 years ago...

What’s the thing that you loved most about these years?

Memory recall that came lightening quick?

Feeling rejuvenated and alive every day?

The freedom you had?

So now’s your chance to feel like you used to...

But remember, life is short, and every minute counts...so click ORDER now while you have the chance...

You’ll be so glad you did.

Here’s to a bright, healthy future,

Cathy Ann Turner

Research Director
Real Advantage Nutrients

Order Now
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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