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Lesson-12 Date: Grade: 11th

The theme of the lesson: Passive voice.

The aims of the lesson: a)the aim of teaching: introducing with new theme “Passive voice”, to activate
pupils` reading, writing, translating skills, to develop speaking skills, to activate skills in making up
dialogues, to develop skills in monological and dialogical speech.
b)the aim of upbringing: love to Motherland, love to President, love to parents, respect elders. Respect to
national traditions and customs, respect to national values of the country of the learning language.
Visual aids and supplementary materials: Books, pictures, magazines.
Type of the lesson: Combined
Structure of the lesson:
I. Organizing moment: greetings, date, day, duty.
a) warm up activity: morning exercise.
b) phonetic drills: practice phonemes, stress and sentence stress.
II. Checking up the home work:
1.Learn the new words. 2. Retell the story.
III Summary of the home work: repeat the new words.
IV. Explaining the new materials: Passive voice.
Passive Voice (to be +V3) denoting or relating to voice of verbs in which the subject undergoes the action of
the verb. When we use the Passive Voice, we say what happens to the subject.
E.g. This house is quite old. It was built in 1915. This dress is very nice. It was made by my mother. They
were killed. (as opposed to) He killed them.
Gaýdym dereje.Işligiň gaýdym derejeli sözleminde sözlemiň eýesi näbelli , möhüm däl ýa-da gymyldy-
hereket diňe dogruçyl tarapdan ýerine ýetirliýär. Biz gaýdym derejäni ulananymyzda eýä näme bolup
geçendigini aýdýarys. Meselem: Jaý gaty köne. Ol 1915-nji ýylda gurlupdyr. Bu köýnek gaty owadan . Ol
ejem tarapyndan tikildi. Olar öldürilipdir. (onuň garşylykly manysy.) Ol olary öldüripdir.
V.Consolidation moments: Do these exercises in written form.
Complete these sentences using the Passive Voice.
1.The trees (to water) ....The trees were watered.
2.This story (to tell) by my friend. The story was told by my friend.
3.The classroom (to clean) by us. The classroom was cleaned by us.
4.The girls (to invite) to dinner. The girls were invited to dinner.
5.The flowers (to water) by me. The flowers were watered by me.
6.The clothes (to wash). The clothes were washed.
7.The book (to read) by me. The book was read by me.
Translate the following sentences using the Passive Voice.
1.Bu ýadygärlik geçen ýyl guruldy. This monument was built last year.
2.Men nahara çagyryldym. I was invited to dinner.
3.Tomusda agaçlar suwarylýar. In summer the trees were watered.
4.Pagta ýazda ekilýär we gűýzde ýygylýar. The cotton was sowed in spring and was picked in autumn.
5.Bu žurnal her aý çap edilýär. This journal was published every month.
6.Çörek her gűn alynýar.The bread was bought every day.
7.Barlag işler her aý ýazylýar. The control works were written every month.
8.Bu hat meniñ ene-atama ýazyldy. This letter was written to my parents.
9.Çagalar iýun aýynda Gökderä iberildi. Children were received to Gokdere in June.
10.Bu aýakgap Tűrkiýede edildi. This shoes were made in Turkey.
VI. Homework: 1.Learn the grammar rule.
2.Make up your own sentences using the Passive.
1. Our school (to repair) every summer.
2. Cotton-plant (to sow) every spring and(to pick) every autumn.
3. This newspaper (to publish) 3 times a week.
4. Sugar, butter and meat (to buy) every week.
VII. Summarizing the lesson and putting on mark.

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