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Communication system

The Communication system is a system which describes the information exchange between
two points. The process of transmission and reception of information is called
communication. The major elements of communication are the Transmitter of information,
the Channel or medium of communication and the Receiver of information.
A Communication system is a more general term that can include both wired and wireless
technologies, a wireless communication system specifically emphasizes the use of wireless
transmission methods for data exchange between devices.

Depending on the communication channel, the communication system is categorised as


1. Wired (Line communication)

• Parallel wire communication

• Twisted wire communication
• Coaxial cable communication
• Optical fibre communication
2. Wireless (Space communication)

• Ground wave communication

• Skywave communication
• Space wave communication
• Satellite communication

MODERN Communication System:

Modern communication systems and modern wireless communication systems are closely
related concepts, but there are differences between them. Let's explore these terms and
highlight their significant distinctions:

Definition: A communication system refers to the set of devices, channels, and protocols used
for the transmission of information between two or more points.

Components: It typically includes sources of information (transmitters), transmission medium

(such as cables or airwaves), and destination devices (receivers).

Examples: Communication systems can be wired or wireless and may include technologies
like telecommunication networks, computer networks, and broadcasting systems.

Wireless Communication System:

Definition: A wireless communication system specifically relies on wireless transmission
methods to transfer information between devices without the need for physical connections
like cables.

Transmission Medium: Instead of using cables, wireless communication systems utilize

electromagnetic waves (such as radio waves, microwaves, or infrared) for information

Examples: Mobile communication (cellular networks), Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, satellite

communication, and NFC (Near Field Communication) are all examples of wireless
communication systems.

Significance of Wireless Communication in Today's

Interconnected World:
1) Global Connectivity: Wireless communication facilitates instant and global
connectivity, allowing people to communicate and share information
regardless of geographical distances.
2) Mobile Communication: Mobile phones and smartphones rely on wireless
networks, enabling individuals to stay connected on the go, make calls, send
messages, and access the internet from virtually anywhere.
3) Internet of Things (IoT): Wireless communication is essential for the
functioning of the IoT, where interconnected devices communicate and share
data to enhance automation, efficiency, and convenience in various industries
and homes.
4) Data Transfer and Streaming: Wireless technologies support high-speed data
transfer, enabling seamless streaming of content, online gaming, and quick file
sharing without the constraints of physical cables.
5) Smart Devices and Wearables: The proliferation of smart devices, wearables,
and other connected gadgets is made possible by wireless communication,
allowing them to exchange information and enhance user experiences.
6) Smart Cities: Wireless communication contributes to the development of
smart cities by enabling the integration of technology in various urban
systems, such as transportation, energy management, and public services.
7) Business and Commerce: Wireless communication supports business
operations through efficient communication channels, remote collaboration,
and the enablement of mobile transactions.
8) Emergency Services: In times of emergencies, wireless communication plays a
critical role in enabling quick and effective communication for emergency
services, disaster response, and public safety.
9) Advancements in Medicine: Wireless technologies are increasingly used in
healthcare for remote patient monitoring, telemedicine, and the exchange of
medical data between devices, improving healthcare delivery.
10) Innovation and Future Technologies: The continued evolution of wireless
communication is driving innovation in technologies like 5G, edge computing,
and AI, paving the way for more advanced and interconnected systems.


The evolution of mobile networks began with the implementation of 0G networks. Here's a
simplified overview:

1. Conceptualization : The idea of mobile communication emerged, envisioning a wireless

system that allowed people to communicate while on the move.

2. Radio Telephony Development : Engineers developed the technology for radio telephony,
enabling voice communication over radio waves. Early systems like the Mobile Telephone
Service (MTS) and Improved Mobile Telephone Service (IMTS) were introduced.

3. Limited Deployment : Initial deployment was limited, often in specific regions or for
certain industries. The systems were not widespread due to technical constraints and the
relatively large size of the required equipment.

4. Analog Voice Calls : The primary function of 0G networks was to facilitate analog voice
calls. Users could make calls using radio waves, but these systems lacked features we take for
granted today, such as digital communication and data transfer.

5. User Adoption : As the technology improved and became more accessible, people
gradually adopted these early mobile systems for basic voice communication, especially in
areas where traditional wired telephone lines were impractical.

6. Foundation for Future Networks : The experience and lessons learned from 0G networks
laid the foundation for advancements that led to the development of 1G networks, which
introduced digital technology, improved voice quality, and set the stage for further
innovations in mobile communication.

In essence, the practical steps involved conceptualizing the idea, developing the technology
for radio telephony, limited deployment, user adoption for basic voice communication, and
continuous improvements that eventually led to more advanced generations of mobile

The early mobile communication systems, including 0G and 1G, are considered terrestrial-
based systems. "Terrestrial" refers to activities that occur on or relate to the Earth's surface,
and in the context of mobile communication, it means that the networks primarily relied on
ground-based infrastructure like towers, antennas, and other terrestrial elements.

These systems used a network of land-based towers and communication infrastructure to

transmit and receive signals between mobile devices. The communication signals travelled
over the Earth's surface rather than via satellites in space.

In contrast, satellite-based systems involve the use of communication satellites orbiting the
Earth to relay signals between ground-based stations and mobile devices. This distinction
becomes more pronounced in later generations of mobile networks, such as 3G, 4G, and 5G,
where satellite communication is increasingly used to complement terrestrial networks,
especially for extending coverage to remote or challenging areas.

0G (Zero Generation) Networks:

0G networks refer to the earliest generation of mobile communication systems that laid the
foundation for modern cellular networks. These networks, developed in the mid-20th century,
were primarily analog and had limited capabilities compared to today's standards. 0G
networks were based on radio telephony and allowed basic voice communication through
radio waves. They lacked the features we associate with contemporary mobile networks, such
as data transfer and text messaging. Notable examples include the Mobile Telephone Service
(MTS) and Improved Mobile Telephone Service (IMTS).

1G (First Generation) Networks:

1G, or First Generation, refers to the initial generation of mobile telecommunications
technology. It marked the transition from traditional analog communication to the advent of
digital wireless communication. The first commercial 1G network was launched in the early
1980s, and it represented a significant leap in mobile communication technology.

Let's think of 0G networks as the first basic versions of mobile phone systems from a long
time ago. They were like early radios for talking on the phone, but with limited capabilities
compared to what we have today. These networks allowed people to make voice calls using
radio waves, but they didn't have features like texting or internet access. They were the
starting point for the mobile networks we use now.

The main difference between 0G and 1G lies in their technological advancements. 0G, or the
first-generation mobile networks, primarily supported analog voice calls and had limited
capabilities. In contrast, 1G, the next step in mobile communication, marked the shift to
digital technology. This upgrade allowed for better voice quality, improved capacity, and the
introduction of basic features like call encryption and text messaging. Essentially, 1G was a
step forward in terms of technology and paved the way for more advanced mobile networks.

Features of 1G Networks:
Analog Technology: 1G networks primarily used analog signals for voice communication.
Analog modulation techniques, such as Frequency Modulation (FM), were employed to
transmit voice signals over the airwaves.

Voice Calls: The primary purpose of 1G networks was to provide basic voice communication
services. Mobile phones in this era were large and bulky, featuring limited functionality
compared to today's smartphones.

Low Capacity: 1G networks had limited capacity, meaning they could support only a small
number of simultaneous connections. This limitation stemmed from the analog nature of the
technology and the available frequency bands.

Limited Roaming: Roaming capabilities were limited in 1G networks, restricting users'

ability to seamlessly switch between different service providers' networks, especially across
international borders.

No Data Services: 1G networks were designed exclusively for voice communication. They
did not support data services, mobile internet, or the transmission of digital information
beyond basic voice calls.
Security Concerns: The analog nature of 1G networks posed security challenges, making it
relatively easier for unauthorized parties to intercept and eavesdrop on conversations
compared to digital systems.

Limitations of 1G Networks:
Poor Call Quality: Analog signals in 1G networks resulted in comparatively poor call quality,
including issues like static, interference, and background noise.

Limited Capacity: Due to the analog technology, 1G networks had limited capacity, leading
to congestion and difficulties in handling a large number of users.

Inefficient Spectrum Use: 1G networks utilized frequency modulation with inefficient use of
the available spectrum, limiting the number of concurrent users and overall system capacity.

Lack of Interoperability: Different regions and countries had their own proprietary 1G
systems, lacking global standards. This lack of standardization hindered interoperability and
international roaming.

Large and Bulky Devices: 1G mobile phones were large, heavy, and lacked the portability of
modern smartphones. They typically had limited battery life.

No Advanced Features: Basic voice calls were the primary service offered by 1G networks,
lacking advanced features like text messaging, multimedia messaging, or internet

Vulnerability to Interference: Analog signals were susceptible to interference, leading to

potential disruptions in communication, especially in areas with electromagnetic interference.

While 1G networks laid the groundwork for mobile communication, their limitations
prompted the evolution towards more advanced generations (2G and beyond) that addressed
these shortcomings and introduced digital technologies, paving the way for the modern
mobile communication landscape.

The purpose of a communication system is to transmit an intelligence signal from a source to

a destination at some point away from the source.

The explanation:

A communication system is a model of a communication exchange between two stations, a

transmitter, and a receiver.

Signals or information go across a channel from source to destination.

It represents the signal's utilization of it to travel from a source to its destination.

In order to send signals in a communication system, they must first be processed, starting
with signal representation and progressing through signal shaping, encoding, and modulation.

After the broadcast signal has been prepared, it is sent to the channel's transmission line.

Signals traveling this medium are subjected to a variety of impairments, including noise,
attenuation, and distortion. Communication is the process of transmitting information
between two sites.

The transmitter sends the information, the medium sends the information, and the receiver
receives the information on the other end are the basic elements required for communication.

The use of a communication system:

A communications system, often known as a communications network, is a collection of

independent telecommunications networks, transmission systems, relay stations, tributary
stations, and terminal equipment that can usually be interconnected and inter-operated to
form a unified whole.

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