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Conquest :
The Path to Power
& Mastery

About This Book
readers embark on a journey to uncover the
hidden truths of the world's power dynamics.
Through insightful exploration, this book
exposes the intricate workings of the matrix,
revealing the dark realities often concealed by
those in positions of authority.
Delving deep into the traps set by powerful
individuals, it sheds light on the dark secrets of
the wealthy and offers profound insights into
attaining mastery over one's destiny.
With a focus on achieving intense power to rise
above the 99%, this book serves as a guide for
those seeking to conquer the challenges of the
modern world and emerge victorious.

In this book all the Things, Topics are the

Personal Opinion of Author Towards World
About Author
Sachin Yadav is an accomplished
professional with a passion for
observing world, writing and sharing
knowledge. With over a decade of
experience in Psychology, He have
established himself as a respected
authority in Conetnt Creation.

Throughout his career, Sachin Yadav has contributed to

numerous projects, showcasing his expertise and
dedication to Psychology.
Beyond his professional achievements, Sachin Yadav is
deeply committed to Writing. He believe(s) in the power of
Observation, and his writing reflects his passion for
Observing this World.

For more information about Sachin Yadav and his work,


Special Thanks & Gratitude

To My Family, God, Friends
& Self Sync Team.
Copyright Notice

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photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical
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in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses
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For permission visit & Write to Publisher.

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© 2024 Self Sync. All rights reserved.


1. Law of Change
2. Motivation is a Trap
3. Pleasure: Worse than Shit
4. Dark Reality of Victory
5. The Trap of Sleep
6. Dark Game of Bolywood
7. Slow & Steady Trap
8. Smartwork is Game
9. The Don’t Do List
10. Throw Fake Friends
11. There is No Present
12. Game of Kings
13. Life is a Race
14. You Have to Define Yourself
15. Investing is Must
16. Daydreaming is a Trap
17. Controlling is Power
18. Only You is Stopping
19. Lying: The Must Skill
20. No Problem is Big
21. Network: The Hidden Truth
Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Chapter - 1


Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Every Rich says “NEVER GIVE UP”

But they all hides THE REAL TRUTH

In the pursuit of success, the mantra "never

give up" is often preached by the affluent and
Experts. Yet, obscured behind this
motivational facade lies a deeper truth - the
law of change.
Success isn't merely about persistence in
one direction but rather an understanding
that adaptation and evolution are inherent to
the journey. The wealthiest and most
influential individuals grasp this concept
intuitively; they recognize that the landscape
of opportunity is ever-shifting.
Embracing change isn't a sign of weakness
but a testament to resilience and foresight.
Those who navigate the currents of change
with agility find themselves not just surviving
but thriving in dynamic environments.
Therefore, while perseverance is vital, it's
equally crucial to remain attuned to the
winds of change, for therein lies the true
path to enduring success and mastery.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Logical Thinking!
Is repeatedly eating fruit enough to grant you
the taste of wine? This analogy encapsulates
the essence of the message: persisting in the
same actions won't yield different outcomes.
Just as consuming fruit won't magically
transform into the experience of savoring
wine, sticking to failed approaches won't
lead to success.
To truly savor the richness of life, one must
be willing to explore new avenues, to
embrace change, and to adapt to evolving
circumstances. The most successful
individuals understand this fundamental
truth and aren't afraid to pivot when
Instead of sticking to what you know, try
exploring new paths. That's where you'll find
the chance to discover new things and
accomplish amazing goals.

Doing a failed thing again and again

in Same Way is BULLSHIT.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Continuously engaging in the same actions
will inevitably yield identical outcomes—a
simple truth often overlooked in the pursuit
of success. If one desires a different
outcome, it's imperative to introduce change
into the equation. This principle underscores
the importance of adaptability and
innovation in achieving one's goals. The
most successful individuals understand that
stagnation is the enemy of progress, and
they embrace the necessity of change.
Whether it involves altering strategies,
seeking new perspectives, or exploring
uncharted territories, the willingness to
break free from routine and experiment with
different approaches is key to unlocking new
possibilities. Therefore, instead of resigning
oneself to the predictability of familiar
routines, dare to step outside the comfort
zone and embrace change—It's what makes
remarkable results possible.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

“Change is the silent force

that shapes our lives,
Molding us into
who we are meant to

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Chapter - 2


Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

It’s better to feel DEMOTIVATED


Seeking continuous motivation for every task

can lead to a sense of dependency and
Relying solely on external sources of
motivation may render us incapable of
finding intrinsic drive and resilience within
ourselves. In contrast, experiencing
moments of demotivation prompts us to
delve into our inner strength, fostering
independence and fortitude.
These lows serve as opportunities for
introspection and self-discovery, enabling us
to confront challenges with authenticity and
resilience. Thus, rather than perpetually
chasing external motivation, embracing
moments of demotivation empowers us to
cultivate our inner resolve, ultimately leading
to greater self-reliance and endurance in the
face of adversity.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Effect of motivation
Consuming Motivation often induces a sense
of well-being because it tricks the mind into
believing that action is being taken in reality,
even when it's not. This illusion creates a
continuous loop of positive feelings, where
the mind perceives progress and
accomplishment without the need for
tangible results
It's akin to the gratification one might feel
from imagining completing a task without
actually doing it. This cycle of pseudo-
productivity can be comforting, providing
temporary relief from the pressures of real-
world responsibilities.
However, it's essential to recognize that
while motivation serves as a valuable tool for
initiating action, true fulfillment and progress
stem from tangible efforts and concrete
achievements in the physical realm. Thus,
while the allure of motivational consumption
may offer a fleeting sense of satisfaction, it's
vital to channel that energy into actionable
steps toward real-world goals to attain lasting
fulfillment and success.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

How it’s a trap?

The proliferation of motivational speeches has
become a lucrative industry, with many wealthy
individuals capitalizing on the perpetual quest
for inspiration among the masses.
For those who continuously seek motivation, it's
easy to fall into the trap of placing unwavering
trust in charismatic speakers who promise
transformative insights and instant success.
However, the reality often reveals a different
narrative, as many of these motivational
messages lack substance and fail to deliver
tangible results.
Instead, they serve as vehicles for profit-making,
with wealthy individuals leveraging their
influence to monetize the aspirations of others.
By peddling empty promises and platitudes,
these speakers exploit the vulnerability of those
yearning for guidance and motivation, profiting
at their expense.
It's essential for individuals to exercise
discernment and critical thinking when engaging
with motivational content, ensuring that they
don't fall prey to manipulation and opportunism
disguised as inspiration.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Real Motivation doesn’t come

It’s Come from Progress.
When You START Something &
See THE PROGRESS you made


Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Chapter - 3


Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

It’s better to DRINK WINE & SLEEP

than watching ENTERTAINING SHIT !

Indulging in activities like mindless scrolling and

watching endless web shows etc. might offer
immediate pleasure, but they can also lead to a
cycle of complacency and distraction from our long-
term goals and aspirations.
These activities often trigger the release of
dopamine, the brain's pleasure chemical, which can
create a sense of contentment and relaxation in the
moment. However, relying solely on such pleasures
to escape from reality can cause us to neglect our
dreams and ambitions.
Watching mindless entertainment, on the other
hand, may provide temporary amusement but can
ultimately contribute to a sense of emptiness and
detachment from our true desires. Instead of
seeking fleeting pleasures, it's essential to channel
our energy into pursuits that align with our long-
term objectives and contribute to our personal
growth and fulfillment.
By prioritizing meaningful activities over instant
gratification, we can cultivate a sense of purpose
and achievement that goes beyond temporary joy.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

How this started?

In ancient Rome, as dissent against the activities
of the empire began to emerge, authorities
sought ways to divert the attention of the
To achieve this, the empire began promoting
various forms of entertainment, such as sports
competitions and gladiatorial fights.
These activities not only served as distractions
but also captured the imagination of the people,
drawing them away from political and social
The strategy proved effective, as the allure of
entertainment successfully pacified the masses
and mitigated potential uprisings.
Over time, this focus on pleasure and diversion
became deeply ingrained in Roman society,
shaping the culture and values of the era.
Thus, the origins of pleasure can be traced back
to the calculated efforts of the ancient Roman
Empire to maintain control and quell dissent
through the promotion of entertainment

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

In today's world, powerful individuals leverage
platforms like social media, movies, and series
to divert our attention from more significant
By promoting entertainment and pleasure
activities, the wealthy and influential aim to keep
the masses preoccupied and disengaged from
their goals.
Social media platforms inundate us with endless
streams of content, captivating our attention and
consuming valuable time that could be directed
towards personal growth and achievement.
Similarly, movies and series (almost but not all)
offer escapism, cheap dopamine and providing
temporary relief from the pressures of reality.
These distractions serve as a convenient means
for the rich to maintain control and influence
over the populace, perpetuating a cycle of
complacency and dependency. As we immerse
ourselves in the world of entertainment, we risk
losing sight of our ambitions and settling for a
life of passivity. It's essential to recognize the
tactics employed by the powerful to keep us
distracted and reclaim our focus on what truly
matters in our lives.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

“True fulfillment
lies beyond the
Pursuit of Pleasure”

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Chapter - 4


Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

No millionaire seek motivation to

30 Mins Motivation to just lift weights.
People who constantly seek motivation for trivial
tasks like lifting weights for just 30 minutes,
study one chapter etc. often fail to achieve
significant success in life. This stark contrast is
evident when comparing their approach to that
of millionaires.
Unlike those who rely on external motivation for
minor activities, millionaires possess an intrinsic
drive and discipline that propels them towards
their ambitious goals.
By fixating on seeking motivation for mundane
tasks, individuals risk becoming complacent and
dependent on external factors for productivity.
True success requires self-motivation,
perseverance, and the willingness to push
through challenges without constant external
Rather than seeking fleeting motivation for trivial
tasks, aspiring individuals should focus on
cultivating habits and routines that promote
long-term growth and achievement. This shift in
mindset is essential for navigating the path to
success with resilience and determination.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery


Obsession surpasses both motivation and

talent when it comes to achieving
extraordinary success.
An obsessed individual possesses an
unwavering determination and laser-like
focus that enable them to break through
limits and outperform even the most naturally
talented individuals.
While motivation may fluctuate and talent
alone may not suffice, obsession fuels an
insatiable drive to relentlessly pursue one's
goals. Obsessed individuals are willing to
sacrifice comfort, sleep, and even personal
relationships in their relentless pursuit of
Their singular focus allows them to push past
obstacles and setbacks that would deter
others, ultimately propelling them to
unparalleled success. In essence, obsession
becomes the driving force that propels
individuals to surpass their own limitations,
defy expectations, and emerge victorious in
their endeavors.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Obsession is a 24x7 Burning fire inside a
person that force someone to work all time in
any condition in hindi “JOONON”.
Like - I want that, no matter what it takes.
I will Die trying but I Want That.

When someone becomes obsessed, they are

compelled to push themselves beyond their
limits, often sacrificing personal comfort,
relationships, and even ethical boundaries in
their pursuit of their desired outcome.

How to be obsessed
In Major cases Obsession comes Naturally.
But, To become obsessed with a goal, one
must first identify a clear and compelling
objective that ignites passion and drive.
This goal should be deeply meaningful and
aligned with one's values and aspirations.
Once the goal is established, it's essential to
immerse oneself fully in the pursuit of it,
dedicating time, energy, and resources
towards its realization.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

because Your All Competitors

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Chapter - 5


Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Rich says 8 Hours Sleep is NEEDED


Many successful individuals advocate for the

importance of getting a full 8 hours of sleep
each night, emphasizing its role in
maintaining physical and mental well-being.
However, it's worth noting that many of these
same individuals, particularly those who
have reached high levels of success, often
prioritize productivity over extended periods
of sleep.
Instead of adhering strictly to the
conventional recommendation of 8 hours of
sleep, they may opt for shorter sleep
durations to maximize their waking hours for
work and other pursuits.
This mindset reflects a common belief
among successful people that sacrificing
some sleep in favor of increased productivity
can lead to greater achievements in the long

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Real question
Narendra Modi Sleep 4 Hours
Nikola Tesla used to sleep 2 Hours
Elon Musk sleep 6 Hours

You Still Thinks 8 Hours Sleep is Needed?

What About You?

It Depends Body to Body, This is the Reason of
Albert Einstein’s 10 Hours Sleep.
But, The notion that everyone needs a standard
8 hours of sleep each night is a common
In reality, sleep requirements can vary
significantly from person to person, depending
on factors such as age, genetics, lifestyle, and
overall health.
While some individuals may feel refreshed and
energized after a full 8 hours of sleep, others
may find that they function optimally with fewer
hours of rest.
Exercise, Yoga, Meditation & Diet Plays a
Crucial Role in Sleep Cycle of a Person.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

New sleep cycle

The notion that it takes 21 days to adopt a
new sleep cycle has been widely circulated,
suggesting that consistent practice over this
period can lead to lasting changes in sleeping
patterns. For those accustomed to sleeping
for a standard 8 hours each night, the idea of
transitioning to a shorter 6-hour sleep cycle
may seem daunting.
However, by gradually adjusting bedtime
routines and sleep schedules over the course
of 21 days, individuals can ease into this new
pattern and allow their bodies to adapt
It's essential to listen to signals from the body
during this transition period; if feelings of
tiredness or fatigue arise, then adjust sleep
cycle according to your body need.
By experimenting with different sleep
durations and patterns and paying attention to
individual needs and preferences, individuals
can develop personalized sleep routines that
promote better health and well-being in the
long term.

Practice Yoga & Meditation for Not Feeling

Tired if You are Reducing your Sleep Hours.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery


Quality of Sleep matters


Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Chapter - 6


Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Today’s Bolywood making US WEAK!

instead Watching it go Learn TABLE OF 2
The influence of Bolywood on society is
undeniable, and there's a growing concern that its
portrayal of love and relationships may be
contributing to a weakening of societal values.
Bolywood often portrays love as the ultimate goal
in life, overshadowing other important aspects such
as personal growth, career aspirations, and self-
Through its narratives, songs, and characters,
Bolywood perpetuates the idea that romantic love
is the key to happiness and fulfillment, leading
many to believe that their worth is tied solely to
their romantic relationships. This narrow focus on
love not only promotes unrealistic expectations but
also detracts from the importance of individual
agency and self-sufficiency.
By consistently reinforcing these ideals, Bolywood
may be inadvertently fostering a generation of
individuals who prioritize romantic pursuits over
personal development and resilience. As a result,
there's a growing concern that Bolywood's influence
is contributing to a societal mindset that values
love above all else, potentially leading to a
weakening of individual autonomy and

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Aim of it
Some Moves are Motivating Youth Toward
Success, Showing Reality and Opening Eyes.
But, The primary aim of Bolywood, from various
angles, seems to revolve around the portrayal of
love as the central focus of life, often
overshadowing other significant aspects such as
family and career. Through its storytelling
Bolywood frequently depicts romantic relationships
as the ultimate goal, emphasizing the idea that love
is the primary source of happiness and fulfillment.
This narrow focus on romantic love tends to
downplay the importance of familial bonds and
individual career aspirations, perpetuating the
notion that one's worth is primarily defined by their
romantic relationships.
While love certainly plays a crucial role in many
people's lives, the overwhelming emphasis placed
on it by Bolywood may inadvertently contribute to a
skewed perspective on life's priorities.
By portraying love as the sole aim of life, Bolywood
risks overlooking the multifaceted nature of human
existence and the diverse aspirations and goals
that individuals may have beyond romantic

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery


The open promotion of liquor and cigarettes in
Bolywood films has a significant impact on the
minds of the youth, shaping their perceptions and
behaviors in concerning ways. Through its portrayal
of characters using alcohol and tobacco as coping
mechanisms, particularly in the context of
breakups or emotional distress, Bolywood
normalizes and even glamorizes these harmful
habits. Consequently, impressionable young
audiences may internalize the message that turning
to liquor and cigarettes is the only viable option for
dealing with difficult emotions or situations.
This perpetuates a dangerous narrative that
undermines the importance of healthy coping
mechanisms and resilience-building strategies.
Instead of encouraging youth to confront their
emotions and seek support from friends, family, or
mental health professionals, Bolywood
inadvertently reinforces the idea that substance
abuse is a socially acceptable way to cope with
life's challenges. This normalization of destructive
behaviors not only contributes to the prevalence of
substance abuse among youth but also perpetuates
a cycle of dependency and vulnerability, ultimately
weakening the resilience and mental fortitude of
future generations.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Don’t try to be
of these Movies
Even in Imagination
Because, Your Life is

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Chapter - 7


Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Why Turtle win that Race?

Because, it’s just a STORY !
Yes, I accept that Story is about Consistency not
about Speed but giving this type of Moral can Make
Misconception of Moving Slowly on Mind of Childs.

dark reality
In the race of life, those who move with speed and
determination often outpace those who proceed
slowly and cautiously.
The adage "slow and steady wins the race" may
hold true in some contexts, but in today's fast-
paced world, agility and quick decision-making
often lead to success. Individuals who move swiftly
and decisively are better positioned to seize
opportunities, adapt to changing circumstances,
and overcome obstacles. Their proactive approach
enables them to stay ahead of the curve, while
those who hesitate or proceed with caution risk
being left behind. While it's essential to exercise
caution and diligence in certain situations, there
are times when taking decisive action and
embracing risk can yield greater rewards.
Therefore, in many instances, it is indeed the swift
and bold who emerge victorious in the race
towards their goals.
Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

speed is crucial
Slow Loses, Fast & Furios Wins
In today's fast-paced world, speed is undeniably
crucial for staying competitive and achieving
Even if you and your competitor possess similar
skills and abilities, the slightest edge in speed
can make all the difference. In a highly
competitive landscape where efficiency and
agility are paramount, being just 1% faster can
mean the distinction between winning and
The ability to act swiftly allows individuals and
organizations to seize opportunities, adapt to
rapidly changing market conditions, and stay
ahead of the curve.
From business point, Whether it's delivering
products and services to customers more
quickly, responding to market trends faster, or
making decisions with greater speed and
precision, the importance of speed cannot be
In a world where time is of the essence, those
who prioritize speed and agility are better
positioned to thrive and succeed in their

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

"Slow to act,
quick to fall;
in the race of life,
hesitation is defeat."

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Chapter - 8


Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Smartwork is must
In the pursuit of success, while traits like hard
work, passion, and discipline are undoubtedly
valuable, the true game-changer is smart work.
While dedication and perseverance are
important, it's the strategic and efficient
allocation of time, resources, and effort that
often determines the outcome.
Smart work involves identifying the most
effective and efficient ways to achieve one's
goals, leveraging one's strengths, and
maximizing opportunities while minimizing
wasted effort.
By working smarter, individuals can accomplish
more in less time, allowing them to stay ahead
of the competition and achieve their objectives
with greater ease.
While hard work and passion are necessary
ingredients for success, it's the application of
intelligent strategies and tactics that truly propel
individuals towards their desired outcomes.
Therefore, in the journey towards success, smart
work reigns supreme as the ultimate game-

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

dark reality
The prevailing belief that hard work alone
guarantees success is often debunked by the
reality that many laborers, who toil tirelessly
day in and day out, do not necessarily reach
the pinnacle of success.
This discrepancy highlights the importance of
working smartly rather than just working hard.
While it's true that some wealthy individuals
may put in long hours or pursue
unconventional passions, such as selling toilet
products, their success is not solely
attributable to their work ethic.
Rather, it's their ability to strategize, innovate,
and make calculated decisions that sets them
apart. Behind the scenes, these individuals
employ smart tactics, leveraging their
resources, networks, and opportunities to their
advantage. They understand the value of
efficiency, effectiveness, and maximizing
returns on their investments of time, energy,
and resources. Ultimately, it's not just about
working hard; it's about working smartly and
positioning oneself for success in a
competitive world.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

playing smartly
Playing smartly requires a combination of skills
and strategies aimed at maximizing efficiency and
achieving desired outcomes with minimal effort.
Firstly, one must possess strong analytical skills to
assess situations, identify opportunities, and
anticipate potential challenges. This involves
gathering relevant information, analyzing data, and
making informed decisions based on careful
evaluation. Additionally, effective time
management skills are essential for prioritizing
tasks, setting goals, and allocating resources
efficiently. This includes the ability to delegate
responsibilities, streamline processes, and avoid
time-wasting activities. Adaptability is also crucial,
as it enables individuals to respond quickly to
changes and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
Moreover, effective communication and
networking skills are vital for building
relationships, leveraging connections, and
accessing valuable resources. Ultimately,
mastering the game of smart work requires a
combination of strategic thinking, resourcefulness,
and adaptability, allowing individuals to
outmaneuver challenges and achieve success with
precision and finesse.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

“Smart work
hard work”

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Chapter - 9


Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Successful people says make TO DO LIST

But the main thing is DON’T DO LIST

While creating a to-do list is a common practice

recommended by many successful individuals,
equally even more important is the creation of
a "don't do list."
The concept of a don't do list involves
identifying and avoiding tasks, habits, or
distractions that detract from productivity and
hinder progress towards goals.
By consciously omitting non-essential or
counterproductive activities from their daily
routines, individuals can prioritize their time
and energy on tasks that align with their
objectives and contribute to their overall
The don't do list serves as a guide for
maintaining focus, discipline, and efficiency,
allowing individuals to eliminate time-wasting
activities and avoid unnecessary distractions.
In essence, while a to-do list outlines tasks to
be accomplished, a don't do list empowers
individuals to proactively manage their time
and resources by identifying and avoiding
activities that impede their progress towards

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

simple example
If two racers are training for a tournament.
Here, The importance of "don't do list" becomes
evident when considering scenarios where
individuals have identical training regimens,
diets, and to-do lists. In such cases, the
presence of a don't do list can distinguish the
first-place winner from the second-place
While both racers may invest equal effort into
their preparation, the racer with a don't do list
gains a crucial advantage.
By identifying and avoiding counterproductive
habits, distractions, or unnecessary tasks, this
individual can optimize their focus, conserve
energy, and enhance their performance.
The don't do list acts as a strategic tool for
prioritizing tasks and ensuring that efforts are
directed towards activities that contribute most
effectively to achieving desired outcomes.
Consequently, in competitions where marginal
gains can determine success, the
implementation of a don't do list can prove
instrumental in securing the first-place position.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery


before TO DO LIST
because this makes
a Little but a

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Chapter - 10


Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Trust King Cobra but, Never trust a


In the journey of life, it's important to know

who your real friends are in order of personal
growth and well-being.
Even though the King Cobra might scare us
with its venom, at least it's intentions are clear,
we know where we stand with it.
But, A Fake friends pretend to care you but
observe you deeply and closely in order to hurt
you deep in future.
This betrayal of trust can inflict deep emotional
wounds and undermine one's sense of security
and self-worth.
Thus, it is crucial to recognize the signs of
insincerity and promptly remove fake friends
from our lives.
By prioritizing genuine connections built on
mutual respect and trust, individuals can
cultivate a supportive network that uplifts and
empowers them on their journey towards
fulfillment and success.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

dark reality
Having enemies may seem daunting, but in
reality, they may be preferable to having fake
It's often said that it's better to have eight
enemies than four fake friends, and for good
reason. While enemies may oppose us openly,
they don't linger around us like fake friends do,
constantly observing and judging our every
With enemies, there's a clear boundary and you
know where you stand, whereas with fake
friends, there's constant uncertainty and
Enemies may challenge us, but they don't
pretend to be something they're not, whereas
fake friends can manipulate and deceive us,
causing greater harm in the long run.
In essence, enemies may push us to become
stronger, but fake friends can erode our trust
and self-esteem, making them far more
detrimental to our well-being. Therefore, it's
often wiser to keep our circle small and
surround ourselves with genuine individuals,
even if it means having a few enemies along
the way.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

who is fake?
Identifying a fake friend can be challenging, but
there are certain behaviors and traits that can
help distinguish them from genuine friends.
One telltale sign of a fake friend is
inconsistency in their actions and words. They
may offer support and kindness one moment,
only to betray or gossip about you behind your
back the next. Fake friends often prioritize their
own needs and desires over yours, showing
little genuine concern for your well-being. They
may also display jealousy or resentment
towards your successes and accomplishments,
rather than celebrating them with you.
Additionally, fake friends tend to be unreliable
and flaky, making excuses or canceling plans
without genuine remorse. They may also exhibit
manipulative tendencies, using flattery or
charm to get what they want from you.
In contrast, genuine friends consistently
demonstrate honesty, loyalty, and empathy.
They are dependable, supportive, and
genuinely interested in your happiness and
success. By paying attention to these red flags
and trusting your instincts, you can identify and
distance yourself from fake friends, ultimately
fostering healthier and more fulfilling
Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

“Even Real friends

change with time
so, what THING are
fake friends”

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Chapter - 11


Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

hidden reality
The idea of living in the present is often
promoted as a means to find happiness and
Aim of encouraging individuals to focus on
the here and now and the Idea of living in
the present is made to alleviate the
anxieties about the past and future.
However, it's essential to recognize that
while the present may offer moments of joy
and fulfillment, it's ultimately a fleeting

Because, The reality is Time flows

continuously, with each passing moment
becoming part of the past in the blink of an
eye while the future unfolds before us.
In this perpetual motion, there is no fixed
point that can be defined as the present.
The seconds that slip away are immediately
relegated to the past, while the moments
yet to come remain shrouded in uncertainty.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

How to live
It's Bullshit to Only living in Present and
forgot everything about past & future, by
living like this you have Only one thing that
is Endless Regret.
The right way to live is to strike a delicate
balance between the past, present, and
Remembering the mistakes made in the
past serves as a guide for navigating the
future, helping to avoid repeating past
errors and fostering personal growth.
At the same time, it's essential to plan for
the future with a little worries but don't
allow anxieties by overthinking about what
lies ahead to overwhelm the present.
Taking constructive steps towards shaping a
better future can provide a sense of
purpose and direction in life. By
incorporating these principles into our life,
we can live more fully, making the most of
each moment while also preparing for what
lies ahead.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery


Rest you are WISE ENOUGH

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Chapter - 12


Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

why king is king?

A king is king because he is worth it &
A slave is slave because he is worth it.

The distinction between a king and a slave

lies not only in their societal roles but also
in their inherent traits and abilities. A king
embodies leadership, resilience, willpower
and vision, traits that enable them to rise to
power and build kingdoms.
Even if stripped of their title and placed in
an unfamiliar environment, a true king will
exhibit adaptability and determination,
eventually rebuilding their kingdom from
the ground up.
In contrast, a slave may lack the innate
qualities necessary to lead and innovate.
While elevating a slave to the status of king
may grant them power temporarily, their
inability to govern effectively and navigate
challenges may lead to the downfall of their
kingdom. Ultimately, it is the combination
of inherent traits and mindset that
determine why a king is king and a slave is

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Mindset of king
To cultivate a mindset like a king, one must
adopt a vision that is expansive, forward-
thinking, and ambitious.

For instance, while a slave may see a sword

merely as a commodity worth a certain
amount of currency, Where a king views a
sword as a powerful weapon capable of
shaping the course of history,
Individuals aspiring to emulate a king's
mindset should perceive opportunities and
challenges with a broader perspective.
Rather than focusing solely on immediate
gains or limitations, they should envision
long-term goals and possibilities.

By adopting a visionary outlook that

transcends immediate circumstances and
embraces future possibilities, individuals
can cultivate a mindset like a king,
characterized by strategic thinking,
resilience, and the pursuit of greatness.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

"Kings rule
not only with crowns,
but with vision."

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Chapter - 13


Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

is life a race?
Life is undeniably a race, with individuals
from all walks of life relentlessly pursuing
their respective goals and aspirations.
From the boardroom to the classroom, from
the job market to the pursuit of personal
passions, we're all part of the race of life. It
pushes us to go beyond our limits, face
challenges, and aim for greatness. In this
race, we're both competitors and
participants, all working towards our goals
and dreams.

Open Eyes & See Around

Our Parents Working Hard & Running in
Race of Money.
You are burning the midnight oil to excel in
their academic endeavors and secure a
promising future.
Your Neighbor Running Even in the race of
employment, engaged in a perpetual race,
competing for desired jobs, promotions,
and recognition in their chosen fields.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Following your passion is indeed a great
thing, but it's crucial to understand that
even passion itself can be likened to a
While it's inspiring to chase after what
ignites our hearts and souls, assuming
that life isn't a race when following our
passion can be a misguided belief that
ultimately leads to failure.
Take, for instance, aspiring cricketers. If
your passion is to become a professional
cricketer, you're not alone in this dream.
There are thousands, if not millions, of
individuals around the world who share
the same aspiration. And if you don't run
faster then them YOU WILL LOSE.
In this world of highly competitive field,
merely following your passion isn't
Just as in a race, In Passion you need to
run faster, train harder, and outperform
your competitors to emerge victorious.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

“Life is a Race
If You don’t
Run Fast, You
Will be Crushed”

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Chapter - 14


Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Successful People says Know Yourself

but there is nothing like this
If you are a Hermit then definitely know
Yourself, But if you are not Than Stop Knowing
The concept of defining oneself is often
emphasized by successful individuals who
advocate for self-awareness and personal
growth. While the idea of "knowing yourself" is
frequently touted as a crucial step towards
achieving success, but the reality is that true
self-discovery goes beyond than thinking about
Rather than relying on preconceived notions or
external perceptions, individuals must actively
engage in the process of defining themselves.
This involves clarifying one's values, aspirations,
strengths, and weaknesses, and consciously
shaping one's identity based on these insights.
Instead of passively accepting societal labels or
conforming to expectations, individuals are
encouraged to take ownership of their identity
and chart their own course. By defining
themselves on their own terms, individuals can
cultivate authenticity, confidence, and a sense
of purpose that push them towards their goals
and aspirations.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

defining Yourself
Defining yourself involves a deliberate process
of self-exploration and growth.
One effective approach is to study the Father
People of your career field. By examining their
actions, behaviors, and principles, you can
gain valuable insights into what sets them
apart and fuels their success.
Observe what they do and what they don't do,
and notice how they do things differently.
Then, break down these observations into
actionable tasks and behaviors that align with
your own values and aspirations.
Use this information as a blueprint to guide
your personal and professional development,
adapting and refining your approach as you
By learning from the successes and failures of
those who have come before you, you can
build a foundation for defining yourself and
forging your own path towards success.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

"Your identity is
not found,
it's created.
Define yourself on your
own terms."

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Chapter - 15


Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery


A Billionaire lose millions

to earn billions
A millionaire lose thousands
to earn millions. But,
You Want to Become Rich
without Investing ₹100

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Investing in self?
Investing in oneself is not solely about
financial endeavors like the stock market; it
encompasses a broader concept of personal
development and growth.
To achieve success, one must allocate
resources towards enhancing their skills,
knowledge, and capabilities.
This investment in oneself can take various
forms, such as pursuing education, acquiring
new skills, or developing talents.
By continuously learning and expanding
one's abilities, individuals can position
themselves for greater opportunities and
success in both personal and professional
Just as one would strategically invest in
stocks to yield returns, investing in oneself
yields dividends in the form of Success.
Ultimately, the most valuable asset one can
possess is oneself, and dedicating time and
effort to self-improvement is a wise
investment that pays dividends throughout
life's journey.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

untold truth
Investing in oneself doesn't always necessitate a
Thousands of dollars. In fact, the most valuable
investments often come from allocating
resources wisely, rather than simply spending
large sums of money.
Consider two businessmen with equal talent
and intelligence; if first one chooses to invest
time in reading books while the other does not,
the second one is at risk of falling behind.
Similarly, instead of splurging on indulgences
like junk food, individuals can redirect their
resources towards activities that promote
personal growth and development.
This may include investing in health through
nutritious food and exercise, enrolling in
courses or seeking guidance from mentors, and
expanding knowledge through reading books.
These investments, though relatively small in
monetary terms, can yield significant returns in
terms of personal and professional
advancement. By prioritizing such investments,
individuals can unlock their full potential and
pave the way for long-term success and

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

“Stocks Investment
may sink. But,
Investing in Yourself
WILL 101%

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Chapter - 16


Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Imagining success
Good or bad?
Daydreaming is often portrayed as a tool for
motivation and envisioning success by
wealthy individuals, who advocate for the
power of visualization in achieving one's
However, while imagining success can be a
source of inspiration, excessive daydreaming
can become a trap. Instead of taking
real actions to make their dreams come true,
individuals may find themselves lost in a
world of fantasy, detached from the reality of
their circumstances.
This can lead to a false sense of
accomplishment and complacency,
hindering progress towards actualizing goals.
Moreover, daydreaming without action can
breed procrastination and inertia, preventing
individuals from taking the necessary steps
to turn their dreams into reality.
While visualization can be a valuable tool
when coupled with strategic action, It's
important to find a balance and make sure
daydreaming doesn't stop you from working
hard to achieve your goals.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery


1. Setting aside a specific time, such as

15 minutes, exclusively for daydreaming
can be a beneficial strategy.
By allowing yourself this short window for
imaginative reflection, you can harness the
power of visualization to motivate yourself
and set a positive tone for the day.
This focused daydreaming session can help
clarify your goals, visualize success, and
generate excitement for the tasks ahead.
Moreover, by confining daydreaming to a
designated timeframe, you can ensure that
it doesn't interfere with your productivity or
distract you from important tasks. With
renewed motivation and a clear focus, you
can approach your day with greater
enthusiasm and determination, maximizing
your potential for success.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

2. However, while daydreaming can be a

valuable tool for inspiration, it's essential to
remember that actions speak louder than
Simply thinking about your goals won't
make them a reality; you need to take
concrete steps towards achieving them.
Starting to work towards your aspirations is
crucial for progress and success.
Whether it's taking small, actionable steps
or diving into larger tasks head-on, the key
is to initiate forward momentum. By
channeling your energy and focus into
tangible actions, you can turn your dreams
into achievable goals and make meaningful
progress towards realizing them.
Remember, it's through consistent effort
and perseverance that true
accomplishments are made, not through
idle daydreams alone.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

"Daydreams are the

canvas of our desires,
but action is the brush
that paints our future."

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Chapter - 17


Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

is Controlling power?
The concept of power often intertwines with
the notion of controlling others, suggesting
that those who can assert authority over
people hold significant influence. In many
contexts, individuals who adhere strictly to
rules and prioritize making everyone happy
may find themselves unable to ascend to the
highest levels of power and influence.
While striving to please everyone may foster
goodwill and harmony in the short term, it
can also be perceived as a sign of weakness
of indecision, making it difficult to command
respect and authority.
In contrast, those who are willing to assert
themselves, make tough decisions, and
occasionally challenge the status quo are
often better positioned to rise to positions of
power and influence.
Controlling others might make you feel
powerful, but it's important to think about
how it affects others and find better ways to
work together with empathy and respect
instead of trying to dominate them.
Ultimately, true power lies not in the ability
to control others, but in the capacity to
inspire, uplift, and lead with integrity.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

How to control
When delving into the realm of controlling
people, it becomes apparent that certain
skills are essential to wield influence and
steer interactions effectively.
Among these skills, the ability to inspire
individuals to work towards common goals
stands out as paramount. Learning how to
motivate and engage others can facilitate
collaboration and ensure collective efforts
are aligned with desired outcomes.
Additionally, mastery of persuasive
communication techniques is invaluable in
influencing others' behavior and attitudes.
This includes the art of articulating
compelling arguments, tailoring messages to
resonate with different audiences, and
leveraging emotional appeals to sway
opinions. Furthermore, adept leadership
skills play a crucial role in guiding teams and
managing interpersonal dynamics.
commitment to collective success.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Effective leaders possess the ability to

inspire trust, foster a sense of unity, and
navigate complex social hierarchies with
However, it's essential to approach the
acquisition of these skills with a sense of
responsibility and ethical awareness.
While the pursuit of controlling people
may necessitate the development of
these abilities, it's imperative to refrain
from unethical practices such as
manipulation or coercion. Instead, the
focus should be on leveraging these skills
to foster collaboration, empower
individuals, and promote positive
outcomes for all involved parties.
Ultimately, true mastery of controlling
people lies not in domination or
manipulation, but in the ability to lead
with integrity, empathy, and a genuine

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

“If You want to make

people happy
Than Sell Icecream
To become Powerful
You have to
Control People”

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Chapter - 18


Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

logical thinking
The adage "the only thing that is stopping you is you"
underscores the profound impact of self-limiting
beliefs and fears on our ability to pursue our dreams
and achieve our goals. Often, it's our own doubts,
insecurities, and hesitations that serve as the
primary barriers to realizing our full potential.
However, when we entertain the notion of a
guaranteed absence of failure, our capacity to dream
expands exponentially.
Freed from the shackles of fear and uncertainty, we
are emboldened to envision grander aspirations, set
loftier goals, and pursue audacious dreams without
In this hypothetical scenario where failure is off the
table, the boundaries of what we can achieve are
boundless, limited only by the scope of our
imagination and ambition. The absence of fear of
failure liberates us to explore uncharted territories,
take calculated risks, and dare to pursue endeavors
that were previously deemed unattainable.
Moreover, it prompts us to confront and challenge
the self-imposed limitations that have hindered our
progress, empowering us to embrace a mindset of
possibility and abundance. Realizing that our own
fears are the main thing stopping us can push us to
grow, become stronger, and chase our biggest
Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

role of thinking big

The concept that "if you can't think it, you can't do it"
underscores the crucial role of imagination and
vision in the process of achieving success.
Indeed, the journey towards any significant
accomplishment begins with a seed of thought, a
spark of inspiration that ignites the imagination and
fuels the creative process.
If you don't have ability to imagine big goals, it's not
possible to make plans to achieve them.
Consider, for instance, the pursuit of financial
wealth: if one cannot envision themselves earning
millions, the idea of such an achievement is unlikely
to manifest. Without this initial conceptualization,
there is no foundation upon which to build a
roadmap towards financial success.
In essence, the power of imagination serves as the
catalyst for action, propelling individuals to dream
big, set audacious goals, and chart a course towards
their aspirations. Thus, the ability to think
expansively and imagine possibilities is not only the
first step towards accomplishment but also the
driving force behind the formulation of plans and
the execution of strategies that lead to tangible
achievements. In this way, the maxim "if you can't
think it, you can't do it" serves as a poignant
reminder of the profound connection between
imagination, planning, and the realization of one's
Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

big thinking is free

The notion of "thinking as big as you can"
underscores the power of expansive imagination and
bold vision in shaping one's destiny. Importantly,
this approach does not hinge on financial resources
but rather on the boundless potential of the human
mind. Indeed, the distinction between a king and a
slave lies not in material wealth or status, but in the
magnitude of their aspirations and the audacity of
their dreams.
A king becomes powerful not just because of wealth
or luck, but because of their powe of thinking big
dreams and ambitions.
Conversely, a slave remains bound by limitations
not imposed by external circumstances, but by the
confines of their own imagination. By thinking as big
as one can, individuals can transcend the
constraints of their current reality and unlock
untapped potential.
Accepting a mindset of abundance and possibility
enables individuals to envision bold goals, chart
daring paths, and manifest their most audacious
dreams into reality. In this way, the act of thinking
big serves as a catalyst for personal growth,
empowerment, and the attainment of extraordinary
achievements, regardless of one's starting point or
external circumstances.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

“ONLY Thinking
won't get you anywhere.
ACTION is the key to

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Chapter - 19


Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

need of lying
The notion of "learning to lie" may initially seem
contradictory to the moral teachings instilled in
us from childhood, where honesty is often
upheld as a virtue.
However, in the realm of power dynamics and
navigating complex social interactions, the
ability to strategically employ deception can be
an invaluable skill. Not Every lying is bad, even
though we're taught it is.
In many scenarios, particularly in competitive
environments or high-stakes negotiations,
withholding certain truths or crafting strategic
narratives can serve as a means of self-
preservation or gaining a strategic advantage.
Moreover, mastering the art of Lying requires a
keen understanding of human psychology and
social dynamics, as well as the ability to
understand when and how to deploy falsehoods
By learning to navigate the delicate balance
between truth and Lying, individuals can
enhance their ability to influence outcomes,
protect their interests, and assert their authority
in various contexts.
Thus, while honesty remains a fundamental
principle in ethical conduct, sometimes you
need to be Lying in the pursuit of power and
Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

understand the game

The connection between lying and power is often
indirect yet significant, particularly evident in the
realms of business and politics. In these arenas,
individuals who wield influence and hold
positions of authority frequently demonstrate
adeptness in the art of deception. While lying is
commonly viewed as a Ethical violation, the
pragmatic realities of competitive environments
often incentivize strategic falsehoods as a means
of achieving one's objectives and consolidating
Business leaders and politicians, regarded as
masters of persuasion, leverage deceitful tactics
to shape public opinion, manipulate perceptions,
and advance their agendas.
By lying strategically, these people can influence
others, weaken competitors, and strengthen their
control over power.
Moreover, the ability to skillfully navigate the
details of deception can confer a competitive
edge, enabling individuals to Outsmart opponents
and secure strategic advantages in complex and
dynamic environments. Thus, while lying may not
be directly synonymous with power, its strategic
deployment has emerged as a potent tool for
influencing outcomes and shaping the trajectory
of success in competitive arenas where power
dynamics are at play.
Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Learn to Lying
Learning the art of deception involves a
paradoxical approach that revolves around
mastering the subtleties of truth-telling and
strategically deploying falsehoods.
The journey to becoming a proficient liar
begins with a foundation of honesty.
By consistently speaking the truth in
everyday interactions and intentionally
revealing minor lies with noticeable
discomfort, individuals can establish a
reputation for transparency and sincerity.
By being honest most of the time, people
trust him. So, when he needs to lie, they
believe him easily.
Thus, the journey to mastering the art of
lying entails a deliberate and calculated
approach that hinges on cultivating trust,
strategically revealing minor lies, and
ultimately deploying falsehoods with
confidence when necessary.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

the most powerful weapon
is the truth.
Other times,
it's a well-told lie."

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Chapter - 20


Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

“If you think

leaving of your partner
is a very big problem
then think about
your parents leaving you”

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

overthinking problem
The perception of problems often
magnifies with overthinking, creating
mountains out of molehills.
Reflecting on past challenges can offer
valuable insight into the transient nature
of perceived obstacles. What once
seemed insurmountable may now appear
trivial, this highlighting the tendency of
the mind to inflate the significance of
difficulties in the heat of the moment.
In reality, problems are often temporary,
and their magnitude diminishes with time
and perspective
By staying calm and thinking clearly,
people can stop making problems seem
bigger than they really are.
Rather than succumbing to the grip of
overthinking, embracing a mindset of
resilience and adaptability enables
individuals to confront problems with
clarity and composure.
Thus, realize this that no problem is
inherently insurmountable .

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

solution of it
When a problems comes to our life, it's
natural for our minds to spiral into
overthinking and thinking that we are the
only person with this king of bad luck.
However, a simple yet effective solution to
counter this tendency is to consciously
shift our perspective.
Instead of fixating on the negative
possibilities, take a moment to consider
the absolute worst-case scenario.
Surprisingly, this exercise often reveals
that the imagined catastrophes are far less
likely to occur than initially feared.
By confronting the extreme possibilities
head-on, we gain a clearer understanding
of the actual risks involved, helping to
diminish the perceived magnitude of the
Ultimately, if we stop making problems
seem bigger than they are by imagining
the worst-case scenarios, we can face
them more calmly and confidently.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

“there's always
something worse
than the bad”

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Chapter - 21


Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

Networks are like salt in food

It increase the Taste

While passion, hard work, and discipline are

undeniably crucial components of success,
one often overlooked aspect is the power of
networks. Building and maintaining
connections with others can open doors to
opportunities, provide valuable support and
guidance, and offer access to resources and
In today's interconnected world, success is
often not just about what you know, but
also about who you know. Networking
allows individuals to tap into a wealth of
collective knowledge and expertise,
collaborate on projects, and even find
mentorship from those who have walked
the path to success before them.
Ultimately, networks serve as a vital tool in
navigating the complexities of the
professional landscape and achieving one's

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

role of Networks
Networking is indispensable on the path
to success, serving as a crucial resource
when challenges arise in one's career
While personal skills and expertise are
valuable, there are moments when the
solution to a problem lies beyond
individual capabilities.
In such instances, networks become
instrumental, providing access to diverse
perspectives, expertise, and resources
that can offer innovative solutions.
Sometimes, the key to overcoming a
hurdle lies solely in leveraging one's
network – whether it's seeking advice from
a mentor, collaborating with industry
peers, or tapping into specialized
knowledge from within one's professional
In today's dynamic and interconnected
world, the ability to harness the power of
networks is not just advantageous but
often essential for navigating obstacles
and achieving success.

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery

"Networks are the

veins of progress,
connecting ideas, people
and possibilities."

Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery


You've reached the end of

CONQUEST’s 1st Edition
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to you for
embarking on this transformative journey
with us.

As you close these pages, may you carry the

wisdom and insights gained from this book
into every facet of your life.
Remember, true mastery lies not only in
knowledge but also in the application of
that knowledge to shape your reality.

Wishing you boundless success and

fulfillment on your journey ahead.

With gratitude,
Sachin Yadav & Self Sync Team
Conquest: The Path to Power and Mastery


Conquest :
The Path to Power
& Mastery


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