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CPU (central processing unit)

Pronounced as separate letters it is the abbreviation for central processing unit. The CPU is the brains of the computer. Sometimes referred to simply as the central processor, but more commonly called processor, the CPU is where most calculations take place. In terms of computing power, the CPU is the most important element of a computer system. On large machines, CPUs require one or more printed circuit boards. On personal computers and small workstations, the CPU is housed in a single chip called a microprocessor. Since the 1970's the microprocessor class of CPUs has almost completely overtaken all other CPU implementations. The CPU itself is an internal component of the computer. Modern CPUs are small and square and contain multiple metallic connectors or pins on the underside. The CPU is inserted directly into a CPU socket, pin side down, on the motherboard. Each motherboard will support only a specific type or range of CPU so you must check the motherboard manufacturer's specifications before attempting to replace or upgrade a CPU. Modern CPUs also have an attached heat sink and small fan that go directly on top of the CPU to help dissipate heat. The CPU (central processing unit) is the part of a computer controls the interpretation and execution of instructions. Generally, the CPU is a single microchip, but that doesn't necessarily have to be the case. In the consumer desktop and laptop market, the CPU market is dominated by Intel, AMD, and IBM. These manufacturers supply the computer makers such as Dell, HP, and Apple. Due to its importance to every computing task, the speed of the CPU, usually measured in gigahertz (GHz) is the number that most vendors use in their marketing campaigns. In the past, the larger the number, the faster the computer could be expected to be. However, in recent years, the speed of the CPU has had less impact as other components of a computer take on more and more of the workload. Also, differences in technology mean that a slower chip that performs more calculations per cycle can actually be faster than a higher rate chip doing fewer calculations per cycle.

Two typical components of a CPU are the following:

The arithmetic logic unit (ALU), which performs arithmetic and logical operations. The control unit (CU), which extracts instructions from memory and decodes and executes them, calling on the ALU when necessary.

High CPU Usage

A collection of useful resources for determining and dealing with the source of 100% CPU usage problems, which cause the system to become unresponsive either intermittently or continuously. Note that the System Idle Process is supposed to have a high CPU usage rate at idle. This process accounts for unused system time. If your system is responsive and the System Idle Process CPU usage is high, then you do not have a CPU usage issue.

CPU performance
CPU performance is becoming a non-issue, because while CPUs and computers are speeding up exponentially, humans are not. There is a CPU speed that is actually good enough. Once the computer is able to process all types of information (sound, video, etc..) faster than we are, then we won't generally find ourselves waiting for our computer. Soon you'll find that people aren't even discussing clock speeds in computers anymore, though I'm sure that for a while the computer and software vendors will find ways to waste cycles just to convince us to buy newer hardware (see Microsoft for reference). Regardless, this won't last forever, and new issues will arise in computer design.

Internal storage areas in the computer the term memory identifies data storage that comes in the form of chips, and the word storage is used for memory that exists on tapes or disks. Moreover, the term memory is usually used as shorthand for physical memory, which refers to the actual chips capable of holding data. Some computers also use virtual memory, which expands physical memory onto a hard disk.

Every computer comes with a certain amount of physical memory, usually referred to as main memory or RAM. You can think of main memory as an array of boxes, each of which can hold a single byte of information. A computer that has 1 megabyte of memory, therefore, can hold about 1 million bytes (or characters) of information. ROM or Read Only Memory, Computers almost always contain a small amount of read-only memory that holds instructions for starting up the computer. Unlike RAM, ROM cannot be written to. It is non-volatile which means once you turn off the computer the information is still there. RAM (Random Access Memory) is a temporary (Volatile) storage area utilized by the CPU. Before a program can be ran the program is loaded into the memory which allows the CPU direct access to the program.

What is ROM?
ROM is an acronym for Read-Only Memory. It refers to computer memory chips containing permanent or semi-permanent pre-recorded programs. Unlike RAM, ROM is non-volatile. Even after you turn off your computer, the contents of the ROM remains available. Almost every computer comes with a small amount of ROM containing the boot firmware. This holds just enough information so that the computer can check its hardware and load its operating system into RAM. On a PC, the boot firmware is called the BIOS. Originally, ROM was literally "read-only". To update the programs in ROM, people had to remove and physically replace their ROM chips. Contemporary versions of ROM allow some limited rewriting (referred to as a flash update, as well as the dynamic side of the ROM, which can be written to by the OS), so you can usually upgrade firmware such as the BIOS by using installation software. Rewritable ROM chips include PROMs (programmable read-only memory), EPROMs (erasable read-only memory), EEPROMs (electrically erasable programmable read-only memory), and a common variation of EEPROMs called "flash memory".

What is RAM?
RAM stands for Random Access Memory. RAM is the place where your computer temporarily stores its operating system, application programs, and current data, so that the computer's processor can reach them quickly and easily. When people refer to your computer's memory, they mostly mean its RAM, and it is volatile. Not volatile in the common term, as it won't catch file or explode. Volatile in this instance means that when you turn off your computer, anything in RAM disappears or is erased. Desktop computers usually come with 16 or more megabytes of RAM, usually increasing in multiples of 8 megabytes. If you use graphic applications, you probably have 32, 64 or more megabytes of memory. Most personal computers are designed so that you can add more RAM modules up to the limit imposed by the motherboard. If you add more RAM to your computer, you reduce the number of times your processor must read data from your hard disk (Virtual Memory). This usually allows your computer to work considerably faster. Again, RAM is volatile. It requires a steady flow of electricity to maintain its contents, so data stored in RAM stays there only as long as your computer is running. As soon as you turn the computer off, you lose everything that was in RAM. When you turn your computer on again, your computer's boot firmware (called a BIOS on a PC) uses instructions stored semi-permanently in ROM chips to read your operating system and related files from the disk and load them back into RAM. On a Personal Computer, different parts of RAM may be more or less easily accessible to programs.

2 Types of RAM

SRAM Short for static random access memory, and pronounced ess-ram. SRAM is a type of memory that is faster and more reliable than the more common DRAM (dynamic RAM). The term static is derived from the fact that it doesn't need to be refreshed like dynamic RAM.

SRAM is often used only as a memory cache usually found in the CPU (L1, L2 and L3 Cache) DRAM stands for dynamic random access memory, a type of memory used in most personal computers.


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