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Example 4:

The diagram illustrates the process of electricity generation by a hydroelectric dam. Each
part of the dam is labeled in the figure. Overall, it can be observed the path of the water
through the dam and where the process of electricity generation occurs.
To begin, the water is stored in a large reservoir to accumulate potential energy. Then, the
water descends, passing through an intake and a penstock with high velocity converting the
potential energy into kinetic energy until it reaches the turbine. Here, the kinetic energy is
transformed into electricity through the rotation of the turbine, which is connected to the
generator inside the powerhouse.
Finally, using cables connected to the generator, the electricity is transported over long
distances through power lines until it reaches cities. After passing through the turbine, the
water is released back into the river to continue with its natural course, causing no damage
to the ecosystem.

(score: 8)

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