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Marine Environmental Research 171 (2021) 105471

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Elevated toxicity of resuspended mine tailings over time

Keshtav S. Ramdial *, 1, Richard Abell , Kim S. Last
The Scottish Association for Marine Science, Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory, Oban, UK


Keywords: Resuspension of disposed mine tailings is an important secondary source of heavy metal pollution in affected
Mine tailings regions. UK copper mine tailings were continuously resuspended in seawater over 14 days to understand po­
Resuspension tential metal dissolution and associated ecotoxicological impacts. Aqueous concentrations of arsenic increased
Heavy metals
859%, nickel 85%, manganese and cadmium over 40%, and vanadium and zinc over 20%. Green sea urchin
(Psammechinus miliaris) gametes were exposed to 18-h (18hr) and 14-day (14d) resuspension elutriates. Fertil­
Sea urchin isation success dropped from 72% (18hr) to 21.06% (14d). Toxicity Index (TI) values (reduced fertilisation
membrane quality and fertilisation success) increased from 1.6 (18hr) to 2.8 (14d). Embryo polyspermy fre­
quencies increased from 17.58% (18hr) to 21.13% (14d). Higher TI values and polyspermy rates indicate impacts
may go beyond standard bioassay endpoints. Current predictions of mine tailing impacts may be underestimated.
This is important for ecosystem resilience when considering other anthropogenic stressors such as climate
Capsule: Disturbance of metal contaminated sediments over prolonged periods results in ever increasing disso­
lution concentrations, and elevated toxicity of the water medium to biological receptors.

1. Introduction Northern Chile where 150 million tonnes were released over 50 years
leading to deposition down to 15 m in depth and; 3) Portman Bay, Spain
This study aimed to investigate the dissolution of metals from mine where 60 million tonnes were discharged into the Bay over roughly 34
tailings when continuously agitated for a prolonged event. Tailings from years and constitutes 10% of the Bay’s sediment content. The metal
a copper mine in the UK were used to represent mine waste that can be enrichment in this Portman Bay is stated as 10–60 times higher than
transported to or disposed into coastal and/or marine locations, natu­ other coastal sediments in the Mediterranean Sea (Mestre et al., 2017).
rally via rivers, accidently from mining waste spills, or intentionally In environments subjected to contaminated sediments from mine tail­
from mining operations. Mining wastes are recognised as a major con­ ings the biodiversity of various trophic groups is often markedly lower
stituent of contaminated sediment in many estuarine and coastal envi­ than unpolluted sites (Correa et al., 1999; Ramirez et al., 2005; Josefson
ronments worldwide as summarised by Koski (2012) and in detail for et al., 2008; Hughes et al., 2015).
various locations – northern Chile (Correa et al., 1999; Ramirez et al., Bourrin et al., (2021) and Mestre et al., (2017) described the his­
2005; Andrade et al. 2006), Alaska, USA (Kline and Stekoll 2001), torical impacts of mine tailings deposition and disposal in Portman Bay
Greenland (Josefson et al., 2008), Cornwall, UK (Pirrie et al. 2002, and investigated the results of a disturbance event (trawling) on the
2003), Papua New Guinea (Hughes et al., 2015) and Spain (Mestre et al., sediment. Both studies highlighted how these activities can result in the
2017; Bourrin et al., 2021). Mine tailings in the receiving aquatic en­ resuspension of contaminated sediments leading to increased aqueous
vironments create allochthonous sediments which act as the primary and bioavailable metal concentrations over prolonged periods of time
sink and source for metals (Miller 1997; Leblanc et al. 2000). For stark (hours to days). Resuspended contaminated sediments (RCS) may be
examples of mine tailings forming contaminated sediment in coastal and caused by natural processes (waves, tidal currents and storms) or
marine locations, Koski (2012) highlights the case of: 1) Marinduque anthropogenic perturbations (dredging, trawling, ship traffic and
Island, Phillipines where 200 million tonnes were discharged over 16 anchoring). These activities become important secondary sources of
years and cover 60 km2 of seafloor; 2) Chañaral Bay and Caleta Palito, contamination (de Carvalho et al., 1998; Latimer et al. 1999; Roberts

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (K.S. Ramdial), (K.S. Last).
Present affiliation: Coastal Dynamics Limited, Unit 5, Lot 2C, Chootoo Trace, El Socorro, San Juan, Trinidad and Tobago.
Received 29 March 2021; Received in revised form 29 July 2021; Accepted 27 August 2021
Available online 30 August 2021
0141-1136/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K.S. Ramdial et al. Marine Environmental Research 171 (2021) 105471

2012) that liberate metals, via desorption/dissolution from particulate (OECD 2002). The USEPA (2002) Sea Urchin, Arbacia Punctulata,
matter, and/or by mixing of released interstitial water, into the over­ Fertilization Test Method 1008.0. EPA-821-R-02-014 was used to test
lying water column (Kalnejais et al., 2007; van den Berg et al., 2001). the impact of remobilised metals on green sea urchin fertilization. This
This potentially releases contaminants in states which are once again framework aims to provide a broad understanding of metal dissolution
bioavailable to organisms in aquatic ecosystems (Weyhenmeyer 1998). from resuspended mine tailings and the potential ecotoxicological im­
It also represents a pathway by which different compartments of an pacts over time.
ecosystem, besides benthic habitats, can be exposed to previously
sediment-bound contaminants. 2. Material and methods
Resuspension mechanisms vary greatly in temporal extent and fre­
quency making RCS a complex form of pulsed pollution (Roberts 2012). 2.1. Mine tailing samples and bulk trace metal concentrations
For example, dredging is an infrequent event where sediment plumes
usually dissipate shortly after cessation of disposal (John et al., 2000; Copper mine tailings samples were obtained on April 16th, 2013
Peddicord 1987). However, natural processes such as wave action and from the Wheal Maid Mine, Cornwall, UK by members of the Camborne
tides may continuously resuspend sediments, or even enhance previ­ School of Mines. Samples were transported on ice by courier to the
ously initiated sediment resuspension, propagating effects across spatial Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) where they were stored
and temporal scales (Vale et al. 1998; Roberts 2012). The persistence of at 4 ◦ C until use. Ground tailings, 0.1000 ± 0.001 g, were transferred
RCS could facilitate dissolution of metals from mine tailing sediments into Teflon tubes CEM Omni XP 1500 vessels. Contents were acidified
beyond time scales investigated by standard methods. As such, there is a with 6 ml nitric acid (15.8 M HNO3), 3 ml hydrochloric acid (11.8 M
need to understand the effects of RCS for such sediments across pro­ HCl) and 2 ml hydrofluoric acid (28.4 M HF). All acids used in this study
longed time frames as previously explored by Saulnier and Mucci were of high purity trace metal analysis grade (VWR ARISTAR). All
(2000), van den Berg et al. (2001) and Mestre et al. (2017). samples were digested in a CEM Mars microwave digester under pres­
The dissolution of metals by resuspension may not only be influenced sure for a total digestion time of 1.5 h in three stages as follows: 20 min
by the type and duration of the perturbation event. Factors controlling at 100 ◦ C, 30 min at 150 ◦ C and 40 min at 190 ◦ C until tailings were
the quantities, fate and speciation of metals after resuspension are dissolved (Hughes et al., 2015). Post digestion, samples were evaporated
extensively described by Eggleton and Thomas (2004), Atkinson et al. and diluted to 5% v/v HNO3 for trace metal concentration analysis via
(2007) and Roberts (2012). These factors include changes in sediment Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). Complete
redox, lowering of pH and dissolved oxygen concentrations, and the digestion was assured by monitoring concentrations of the target metals
scavenging ability of metal oxides/hydroxides. Furthermore, partition­ in a certified reference marine sediment material GBW07315 (China
ing effects of metals in mineral structures (Torres and Auleda 2013) and National Analysis Center for Iron and Steel).
insoluble sulphide fractions (Mcgrath et al. 2002) play key roles in In order to understand the inherent environmental risk potentially
regulating the availability of sediment-bound metals. posed by the mine tailings, the bulk metals concentrations were
While the effects of abiotic factors on metal remobilisation are compared against appropriate criteria. Long et al. (1995) provides effect
relatively well understood, delineating potential impacts and setting range-low (ERL) and effect range-median (EMR) values for specific
environmental standards require a biological context, and the biological metals of interest in marine and estuarine sediments, as selected from an
effects of RCS, especially in environments impacted by mine tailings, extensive analysis of predicting toxicity impacts on benthic organisms
have been less researched (Hughes et al., 2015). Yet research is vital for based on sediment chemistry data (Long et al. 1998). At concentrations
quantifying potential impacts and establishing monitoring guidelines for below the ERL adverse biological effects are rarely expected to occur;
activities such as coastal reclamation, construction and dredging, the between the ERL and ERM adverse effect may occasionally occur; and
management of historically metal contaminated nearshore habitats, or above the ERM adverse effects may frequently occur. Action Level
the exploitation of exotic and vulnerable seabed habitats for deep-sea criteria devised by the Center for Environment, Fisheries and Aquacul­
mining (K. A. Miller et al., 2018). ture (CEFAS) is used as guidance to assess the suitability of dredged
Sea urchins are commonly used as a test species to investigate the material for disposal to sea. Two Action Levels (1 and 2) are applied
effects of contaminants with well-developed toxicity assays (Dinnel et al. whereby contaminant levels lower than Chemical Action Level 1 (cAL1)
(1987), and have been incorporated into various environmental pro­ are of no concern, but those greater than Action Chemical Level 2 (cAL2)
tocols (USEPA 2002; 2012; Environment Canada 2011). The sea urchin are deemed unsuitable for disposal at sea (MMO 2015). A risk charac­
was chosen as the specimen for investigating the impacts of metal terisation ratio (RCR) (Manuel Nicolaus et al., 2015) was used here to
remobilisation from copper mine tailings since it is abundant in coastal evaluate the risk for bulk tailings metal concentrations based on
ecosystems, not only around the UK, but globally. It can therefore be respective ERL, ERM or cAL2 criteria value (Eqn. (1)). RCR values > 1
considered a likely receptor of contaminants from tailings deposited in indicate adverse impacts may be likely when compared to ERL and ERM
coastal waters. Echinoderms such as sea urchins are favoured as bio­ values, or the tailings would be deemed unsuitable for sea disposal when
indicators of pollution due to the sensitivity of their early life stages to compared to the cAL2 criteria (assuming a scenario where the tailings
contaminants (G. Pagano et al., 1986; N. Kobayashi 1995) and their are proposed for dredging or extraction).
relative ecosystem performance in modulating ecosystems as keystone
Bulk tailings concentration
species (Brusca and Brusca 1990). The toxicity of whole sediments RCR = (1)
ERL or ERM or cAL2
and/or their associated pore water (Geffard et al., 2001; Volpi Ghir­
ardini, Arizzi Novelli, and Tagliapietra 2005; Fabbrocini, di Stasio, and
2.1.1. Laser particle size analysis (LPSA)
D’Adamo 2010) or that of specific metals such as cadmium (Vaschenko
Tailings were homogenised using a large plastic stirrer and added to
et al., 1999) and copper (Schäfer et al. 2009) have been previously
six 50 ml centrifuge tubes up to the 5 ml mark. Each tube was made up to
investigated by assessing the fertilisation success rates of sea urchin
25 ml with 5 ml of calgon solution (sodium hexametaphosphate) and 20
ml deionised (DI) water (18.2 MΩ). Clumps were broken up by vigor­
This study aims to determine the dissolution of metals into the
ously mixing on a Stuart Vortex mixer for 1 min and then in a Clifton
aqueous phase from the resuspension of mine tailings under general
ultrasonic water bath for 15 min. Small portions of the tailings suspen­
conditions, and whether remobilised metals inhibit sea urchin fertil­
sion were incrementally pipetted into a Beckman Coulter LS230 Laser
ization success in the green sea urchin Psammechinus miliaris. The pro­
Diffractometer until the Polarization Intensity Differential Scattering
tocol and general conditions for the dissolution of metals were followed
(PIDS) read between 40% and 45%. Tailing samples were analysed
as outlined in Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

K.S. Ramdial et al. Marine Environmental Research 171 (2021) 105471

alongside Coulter LS Control BG500 nominal 500 μm glass beads. LPSA environment with a standardized agitation. A total of 4 bottles were
outputs from the diffractometer were exported to GRADISTAT (Blott and placed on the shaker - 3 bottles with Continuously-agitated Tailings (CT)
Pye 2001) which returned the grain size distribution. and 1 bottle with FSW only as the negative Continuously-agitated
Control (CC). A bottle with tailings and FSW, which was not shaken,
2.2. Total organic content (TOC) represented the positive control i.e., Un-agitated Tailings (UT).

Approximately 100 g wet weight of homogenised tailings were 2.5. Leachate sampling
frozen and dried using an Edward Modulyo vacuum pump for 48 h.
Dried samples were re-weighed and the % water content determined. A The supernatant seawater in each bottle was sampled at four time
Retsch Planetary Ball Mill PM 400 ground the dried tailings into a fine points: start time zero (0hr); 18 h (18hr), 7 days (7d) and 14 days (14d).
texture. Six glass ampoules were filled with ~0.02 ± 0.002 g of the At each time point (excluding 0hr), agitation was stopped at least 1hr
ground tailings along with 0.8 ml sulphurous acid (1.6 M H2SO3) to prior to sampling to allow any particulate matter to settle out. Elutriate
dissolve calcium carbonates (CaCO3). All ampules were frozen and of the supernatant was collected, acidified and stored as previously
vacuum dried to eliminate excess H2SO3. Dried contents were trans­ described. At 18hr, one of the 3 bottles containing tailings on the shaker
ferred and folded into Sercon Ltd. pressed tin capsules. TOC analysis was was randomly selected. For the sea urchin bioassay an elutriate sample
performed using a Costech International Elemental Combustion System of 60 ml was drawn from the random bottle into acid cleaned 30 ml
(ECS) 4010 operating at 1000 ◦ C in the left combustion furnace, 650 ◦ C narrow-mouthed LDPE bottles, stored at 4 ◦ C, and used within 48 h of
in the right reaction furnace and 50 ◦ C in the gas chromatographic collection. After the required elutriate was collected, each bottle was
separation oven. Six standards of 0.1 mg–3.0 mg acetanilide (BDH replenished with a volume of FSW equal to that drawn. The bioassay
Chemicals – 10.36% Nitrogen, 71.09% Carbon) were analysed alongside elutriate sampling was also repeated after 14d from the same bottle
the tailings samples. sampled at 18hr. This allowed a comparison of elutriate toxicities for
18hr and 14d. The USEPA (2008) Toxicity Characteristic Leachate
2.3. ‘Available’ metal fractions Procedure (TCLP), which is regularly employed in commercial labora­
tory bioassays to obtain test solutions for use in fertilisation tests, ex­
Available metal fractions were targeted for extraction from the tracts leachates from sediment after 18hr agitations. During each
tailings samples. These fractions can be considered those metals which sampling event, water temperature, pH, salinity and dissolved oxygen
are loosely bound to soil/sediment particles and are readily remobilised levels in each bottle were recorded using a WTW Multi 340i Universal
via dissolution or chemical exchange. Available fractions include those Pocket meter.
which are soluble metal complexes, adsorbed onto organic matter, or are
in the form of Fe-Mn oxides or carbonates. Tailings were subjected to 2.6. ICP-MS analysis
Sequential Extraction Procedures (SEP) targeting water soluble and
exchangeable fractions of the tailings by adapting methods from Dold ICP-MS was used for all trace metal analyses. The acid digested bulk
(2003), and Torres and Auleda (2013). For extraction of the sediment samples were analysed alongside the digested reagent blank
water-soluble fraction (SEP1), secondary sulphates were primarily dis­ and marine sediment CRM GBW07315. Long term data using this
solved by adding 0.5 ± 0.05 g of freeze-dried tailings to acid cleaned digestion and analytical technique (n = 58) gives a recovery of metals in
centrifuge tubes and made up to 50 ml with oxygen (O2) free Filtered this study between 92 and 103% with the exception of As, which has a
Seawater (FSW). A tube with only O2 free FSW acted as a control. recovery of 119%.
All centrifuge tubes were agitated on a VWR ADV3500 shaker table For seawater samples, the instrument was preconditioned in a tuning
for 1 h at 100 revolutions per minute (rpm) and 15 ± 1 ◦ C in a controlled solution prepared in a seawater matrix. This allowed for the ICP-MS
temperature room. They were subsequently centrifuged at 3000 rpm for analysis to be calibrated and the seawater samples to be quantified,
15 min also at 15 ± 1 ◦ C. Filtered elutriate was collected by first using using a standard addition technique similar to those described by
acid cleaned 15 ml plastic syringes to extract 9 ml of supernatant from Engstron (1988). The aim of the standard addition technique was to
each tube. Each syringe was then fitted with an acid rinsed 0.2 μm nylon reduce measurement interference in the ICP-MS analysis caused by
filter before dispensing the supernatant into an acid cleaned 15 ml matrix effects due to the seawater medium. Seawater samples were
plastic vial. Triplicate 2.85 ml samples were pipetted, placed in acid analysed along reagent blanks and nearshore seawater CRM (CASS-4
cleaned narrow-mouthed 4 ml LDPE bottles, acidified to 5% v/v HNO3, National Research Council Canada). All standards, blanks and sediment
and stored in a fridge at 4 ◦ C until ICP-MS analysis. sample solutions were prepared using high purity water (18.2 MΩ-cm
The remaining supernatant from each tube was decanted and the resistivity), obtained from an Elga LabWater purification system. The
solid residue was treated with 20 ml of 1 M ammonium acetate (acidified accuracy for sediment and seawater CRMs runs were generally <6%
to pH 4.5 using 100% glacial acetic acid) to extract the second RSD.
exchangeable monosulphide and carbonate targeted fraction (SEP2). In
SEP2, metals associated with monosulphide and carbonate minerals 2.7. Preparation of equipment and seawater
were targeted. Tubes were agitated for 2 h on the shaker table, centri­
fuged, sampled, filtered, acidified and stored as previously described. All glass and plastic equipment were acid cleaned in a 10% HNO3
bath for 48 h and rinsed in deionised (DI) water prior to use. The 0.2 μm
2.4. Resuspension of tailings and dissolution of metals filters however were only rinsed in 10% HNO3 and DI water immedi­
ately before use. FSW was obtained by passing stored seawater through a
Resuspension of the tailings was conducted over 14 days (14d) Perspex gravity pump fitted with 150 mm diameter Grade 1:11 μm
following OECD (2002). Tailings were homogenised with 20 ± 0.1 g wet medium flow filter paper. O2 free water was necessary to prevent
weight subsamples each placed in four acid cleaned 2 L wide mouthed oxidation of reduced species and was achieved by bubbling nitrogen gas
LDPE bottles. Each bottle was topped off with 2 L of FSW. One additional (N2) through FSW overnight.
bottle was filled with 2 L of only FSW as a negative control. Resus­
pension of the tailings was achieved by agitation on an orbital VWR 2.8. Sea urchin bioassay
ADV3500 shaker table at 100 rpm and 15 ± 1 ◦ C in a controlled tem­
perature room. The resuspension conditions outlined in OECD (2002) 2.8.1. Gamete preparation
are stated as representative of those generally occurring in the Aquaria raised adult green sea urchins, Psammechinus miliaris, from

K.S. Ramdial et al. Marine Environmental Research 171 (2021) 105471

SAMS, were kept in aerated water baths (15 ± 1 ◦ C) and fed kelp at least may adhere to the base of the vials biasing observations (USEPA 2012)
48 h before spawning was induced. Spawning, gamete collection and a eggs in each vial were gently re-suspended prior to sampling and
gamete quality pre-test were carried out as outlined by Environment counting. The USEPA (2012) recommends that if fertilisation mem­
Canada (2011). If pre-test fertilization success rates >90% were ob­ branes described by images (e), (f) and (g) are copious in samples, then
tained, then use of gametes for the definitive bioassays were confirmed. all samples should be examined for any dose-related impact. The USEPA
Fertilisation success as identified by elevation of the fertilisation mem­ method recommends against counting distorted eggs to prevent a
brane around an egg is shown in Fig. 1 by images (a) – (g). To ensure skewed positive bias of unfertilised egg counts in case the egg was
consistency of sea urchin bioassay tests, a sperm-egg ratio of 2000:1 was already compromised.
prepared as outlined by Environment Canada (2011). The egg stock was Based on the proportions of normal or abnormal development of
prepared as outlined in USEPA (2002) with sperm added to stock just fertilisation membranes observed within a sample, an additional method
before the inoculation of test vials. of quantifying elutriate toxicity was applied. Eqn (2). defines a Toxicity
Index (TI) score from Carballeira et al. (2012) for the larval development
2.8.2. Fertilisation success test of the urchin, Paracentrotus lividus. The relative frequencies of each
Elutriate from the randomly selected shaker bottle after 18hr and fertilisation membrane type for each elutriate concentration contributes
14d was progressively diluted by a factor of 0.5 with FSW to create 5 ml to the TI score which ranges between 0 (no toxicity – normal fertilisation
test solutions of 5 different concentrations following USEPA 2002 pro­ membranes dominant) and 3 (high toxicity – unfertilised eggs
tocols: 100% (whole elutriate); 50%, 25%, 12.5%, 6.25%. A negative dominant).
control of only FSW (0% elutriate) was also prepared. Each concentra­
tion had 5 replicates and was prepared in 15 ml plastic vials. Four of the TI = [(0 x %Type 0) + (1 x %Type 1) + (2 x %Type 2) + (3 x %Type 3)]/100
5 test vials for each dilution were inoculated with 0.1 ml of the sperm (2)
suspension. Sperm were exposed for 60 min after which 1 ml of the The TI score was adapted to rank fertilisation membranes for
adjusted egg stock was added and incubated a further 20 min (USEPA P. miliaris as described in Fig. 1. The occurrence of polyspermic embryos
2002; 2012). Eggs only were added to the 5th vial of each concentration (i, j), indicated by unusual division or rupturing of egg surface, was also
and represented a positive control to check for sperm contamination in recorded but not applied to Eqn. (2). Immature or misshapen eggs (k, l)
the egg stock. were not counted even if they showed a fertilisation membrane. This
After the 20-min incubation period, the test was terminated by was done to prevent a positive bias of unfertilised egg counts if the egg
adding 250 μl of 10% buffered formalin in FSW to each vial. The per­ was already compromised or incapable of being fertilised.
centage fertilisation success was calculated from the observation of 100
eggs at random. Samples from each vial were viewed on a Sedgewick-
Rafter chamber under a Wild Heerbrugg Ltd. M20 microscope with a 2.9. Statistical analysis
x20 phase objective lens in a dimmed bright field. Since unfertilised eggs
The relationships between the water quality in the treatment bottles,

Fig. 1. Fertilisation Membrane Types based on USEPA (2012). Normal fertilisation with a well elevated membrane and an inner hyaline membrane (a); displaced
zygote touching the outer membrane after preservation (b); full but slender elevation of either membrane (c); folded or collapsed elevation (d); hemispheric elevation
(e); sliver (f); sporadic or blistered elevation (g); unfertilised egg (h); polyspermy as indicated by abnormal development of zygote (i) or bubbling/rupturing of
surface (j); immature/unviable eggs: clearly smaller or oversized, translucent or heavily darkened bodies, vacuolated bodies (k) and distorted shapes (l) were not
counted to prevent skewed results if eggs were not capable of fertilisation or producing a viable embryo. Toxicity rankings adapted from Carballeira et al. (2012).
Images captured using a Minolta DiMAGE 7 digital camera at x2 zoom and ISO 800 viewed on a Sedgewick-Rafter chamber under a Wild Heerbrugg Ltd. M20
microscope with a x20 phase objective lens in a dimmed bright field. Image source: Keshtav Ramdial.

K.S. Ramdial et al. Marine Environmental Research 171 (2021) 105471

the aqueous metal concentrations and resuspension times were tested

Metal concentrations in bulk tailings, SEP1 and SEP2 fractions and 14d dissolution elutriate. Highest 14d concentrations are presented for metals which underwent dissolution irrespective of bottle treatments. Un-agitated

adjustment for seawater density). <LOD – below Limit of Detection where LOD values (ppm) are as follows: Fe (0.00031), As (0.0001), Zn (0.00015), Cu (0.00107), Pb (0.00005), Mn (0.00007), Ni (0.0001), V (0.00012),
Tailings (UT), Continuously-agitated FSW Control (CC) or Continuously-agitated Tailings (CT). n = number of replicates. *Metal concentrations from the SEP aqueous fractions were converted to mg/kg (with an

±1 standard deviation (μg/L)

using a Principal Component Analysis (PCA). PCA was done on XLSTAT

concentrations and bottle

(Addinsoft 2015) to determine which abiotic variables best explained
metals concentrations in the treatment bottles following resuspension.

20.396 ± 0.150 (UT)

88.121 ± 14.85 (CT)
0.689 ± 0.002 (UT)

0.202 ± 0.004 (UT)

1.353 ± 0.152 (CC)
0.588 ± 0.025 (CT)
The Effective Concentration (EC) of elutriate that can be attributed to ≤

14d dissolution
50% fertilisation success, or EC50, was derived from dose response
curves using the drc add-on package (Ritz and Streibig 2005), for the R

Cr (0.00014) and Cd (0.00002). N/A (Not applicable – could not be calculated due to < LODs in the SEP fractions). (-) No dissolution after 14 days i.e., net negative concentration after 14d vs 0hr.


(n = 9)
statistical package version 3.0.1 (R Core Team 2012). The TI score and %
polyspermy results were modelled to best fit curves in order to deter­

mine response type of the observations after 18hr and 14d. Curve fitting
was also done in XLSTAT and the best models were chosen based on the

concentration (%)
lowest Akaike information criterion (AIC) scores.

SEP2 fraction of

bulk tailings



3. Results



3.1. Water content, TOC and grain size distribution

Gravimetric water content of the bulk tailings was 18.9% after an

SEP1 fraction of total bulk

tailings concentration (%)
initial wet weight of 108.91 g and post dried weight of 88.3 g. TOC was
calculated as the % carbon weight of the total ampoule sample weight
and averaged 0.07%. Grain size distribution by LPSA classed the tailings
as ‘very fine sand’ with a mean particle size of 103.83 ± 12.6 μm. The



standard deviation was small across all subsamples indicating that the
tailings can be described as homogenous with respect to particle size.



3.2. Bulk and SEP metal concentrations

bulk tailings* (mg/kg)

SEP2 concentration in
Only Mn was higher in the SEP1 (water soluble fraction) than in the
SEP2 (monosulphide and carbonate targeted fraction). V, Cr (III), Ni, Cu,
Cd and Pb were not detected in the SEP1 (water soluble) fraction. Fe, Zn,
As, V, Cr (III), Cu and Pb were all higher in SEP2. Metal concentrations in



the SEP aqueous fractions were converted to mg/kg (with an adjustment


for seawater density) and compared to the respective levels found in the
bulk tailings (Table 1). The SEP1 and SEP2 concentrations for all metals
were <1% of their respective bulk tailings concentration. For all metals,
bulk tailings* (mg/kg)
SEP1 concentration in

the majority of their bulk concentrations remained trapped within the

mineral lattice framework of the tailings. RCR values for the bulk con­
centrations against respective ERL/ERM and cAL2 values are presented
in Table 2. The RCRERM values were >1 for As, Cu, Zn, Pb and Ni (in


order of high to low) and these metals could elicit adverse effects, while N/A


Cd and Cr (III) pose low to no risk respectively. Arsenic would be of
particular concern with a RCRERM value of 38.1. RCRcAL2 results were
±1 standard deviation

similar with As, Cu, Zn and Pb (in order of high to low) having ratios >1,
1647.436 ± 32.575

with As at 26.67.
281.614 ± 6.211

10.519 ± 0.334
0.847 ± 0.001

1.775 ± 0.322
2.071 ± 0.062

1.261 ± 0.030
0.624 ± 0.085
(μg/L) (n = 9)
SEP2 aqueous

3.3. Long term tailings resuspension



3.3.1. Water quality parameters in bottle treatments

Dissolved oxygen and pH levels in each bottle declined on average
±1 standard deviation

over time by 1.92 mg/L and 0.26 units respectively. The decline in pH is
within acceptable ranges (6.0–8.5) defined by OECD (2002). Tempera­
16.734 ± 3.357

11.470 ± 0.630

17.426 ± 0.808

ture fluctuated within 1 ◦ C over the course of the experiment. Salinity

0.344 ± 0.032
(μg/L) (n = 9)
SEP1 aqueous

dropped negligibly from 33.2 psμ at 0hr to 33.1 psμ from 18hr onwards.



3.3.2. Change in aqueous metal concentrations after 14d resuspension

Arsenic recorded the greatest dissolution (net positive % change)
after 14d, with a concentration increase of 859.2% in the Continuously-
±1 standard deviation

2445.823 ± 159.214

1272.080 ± 141.890

agitated Tailings (CT), followed by Ni at 86.0%. Aqueous concentrations

1322.462 ± 89.617
Mean bulk tailings

609.377 ± 66.112
(mg/kg) (n = 10)

172.080 ± 1.102
100.449 ± 4.955

of Mn and Cd increased over 40.0% while V and Zn increased over

28.535 ± 0.970
20.736 ± 1.102

3.391 ± 0.285
305810.000 ±

20.0%. Cr (III), Fe, Cu and Pb however, were removed from the aqueous
phase during the resuspension period resulting in a net negative con­

centration after 14d.

It was further found after 14d Mn, Zn and Cd concentrations were
highest in Un-agitated Tailings (UT). The 14d Ni concentrations were
Table 1


highest in the CT bottle but similar concentrations were recorded in the






UT bottle. V concentrations after 14d were highest in the Continuously-

K.S. Ramdial et al. Marine Environmental Research 171 (2021) 105471

Table 2
RCR values for maximum bulk tailings concentrations based on ERL and ERM values from Long et al., (1995), and CEFAS Action Level 2 (cAL2) criteria (MMO, 2020).
RCRERL/ERM values > 1 indicate potential for metal to cause adverse effects. RCRcAL2 values > 1 indicate material (dredged) is generally unsuitable for sea disposal.
Metal Maximum bulk tailings concentration (mg/kg) ERL mg/kg ERM (mg/kg) CEFAS cAL2 (mg/kg) RCRERL RCRERM RCRcAL2

As 2666.69 8.2 70 100 325.21 38.10 26.67

Cu 1434.65 34 270 400 42.20 5.31 3.59
Zn 1452.31 150 410 800 9.68 3.54 1.82
Pb 718.32 47 218 500 15.38 3.30 1.44
Ni 108.35 20.9 51.6 200 5.18 2.10 0.54
Cd 3.96 1.2 9.6 5 3.30 0.41 0.79
Cr (III) 22.19 81 370 400 0.27 0.06 0.06

agitated FSW Control (CC). Dissolution curves for select metals are 3.3.3. 14d dissolution vs. SEP concentrations
illustrated in Fig. 2. The error bars (±1 standard deviation) shown in The 14d metal concentrations which experienced dissolution were
Fig. 2 for the average of the triplicate concentrations measured for the compared to respective concentrations extracted from each SEP fraction
UT and CT treatments generally did not overlap with the error bars from (Table 1). SEP1 represented those metals highly labile in the aqueous
the previous sampling points. This indicates the change in concentra­ FSW medium (the same medium used in all resuspension treatments).
tions between sampling timepoints are greater than the uncertainty of All 14d metal concentrations were found to be greater than their
the measurements/analysis and the trends are meaningful. However, the respective SEP1 levels. It is likely that portions of these metals linked to
exception is the 14d Zn concentrations in the CT treatment where the the SEP2 fraction also underwent dissolution during resuspension. This
standard deviation overlapped with those from the 18hr and 7d is shown where 14d concentrations of V, Mn, Ni and Cd were greater
concentrations. than their respective SEP1 and SEP2 concentrations combined. Zn and
As dissolutions after 14d did not attain concentrations predicted by SEP1
and SEP2 combined, or by SEP2 only.

Fig. 2. Dissolution curves for select metals from time zero hours (0hr) to 14 days (14d) with error bars of ±1 standard deviation. Treatments: Continuously-agitated
FSW Control (CC); Un-agitated Tailings (UT); Continuously-agitated Tailings (CT).

K.S. Ramdial et al. Marine Environmental Research 171 (2021) 105471

3.3.4. PCA of variables affecting dissolution Criteria Maximum Concentration (CMC), concentration above which
PCA yielded 3 Principal Components (PCs) with eigenvalues >1, toxicological effects are likely to occur, for various contaminants of in­
with a cumulative variance = 93.58% (Fig. 3). PC1 explained 68.24% of terest. The CMCs are the highest concentrations recommended without
the total variance where V had a weak loading, Cd, pH and salinity had causing unacceptable impacts to aquatic life (USEPA, 2017). Table 3
moderate loadings and all other abiotic variables had strong loadings. provides a comparison of EC50 concentrations of the 14d tailings
PC2 explained 17.53% of the total variance where V had a strong elutriate with existing study and literature review EC50 concentrations
loading and salinity had a moderate loading. PC3 explained 7.81% of the listed by Novelli et al. (2003) and against CMCs for salt-water envi­
total variance where all variables had weak loadings except pH which ronments. The tailings EC50 concentrations for metals investigated in
had a moderate loading. For PC1 the metals Mn, Zn, As and Cd displayed this study were below those previously noted by Novelli et al. (2003)
statistically significant positive correlations with time (Pearson n = and outlined by the USEPA CMC (where available). The calculated EC50
0.898, 0.932, 0.774, 0.981 and 0.583 respectively; p = <0.05). value for As was the highest of the metals investigated suggesting it had
Conversely, As and Cd had statistically significant negative correlations the lowest effective dose. However, this EC50 value was closest to the
with pH (Pearson n = − 0.580 and − 0.628 respectively; p = <0.05). All respective CMC value outlined by the USEPA and it may be reasonable to
metals had statistically significant negative correlations with dissolved suggest As exerted the greatest influence on the acute toxic response
oxygen (Pearson n ranged between − 0.769 and − 0.923; p = <0.05). observed for fertilisation success rates based on the sheer dissolution
Note that dissolved oxygen and pH values decreased over time during rate observed after 14d (859.2%).
tailings resuspension. TI scores were calculated for the 18hr and 14d elutriates based on the
frequency of normal and abnormal fertilisation membranes. Trends
between the TI scores and concentrations of 18hr and 14d elutriate test
3.4. Sea urchin bioassay – fertilisation success, toxicity index and
solutions are shown in (Fig. 5). For the 100% elutriate samples the TI
scores increased from 1.6 (18hr) to 2.8 (14d). The increase in TI scores
followed a typical sigmoidal (S-curve) dose-response for the 14d
Bioassay results for P. miliaris gametes revealed that the 14d elutriate
elutriate but not for the 18hr elutriate. In the 14d elutriate solutions type
markedly reduced fertilization success compared to the 18hr elutriate. A
1 and type 2 fertilisation membranes were more frequent at concen­
fertilisation success rate of 72.0% was observed for the pure (100%)
trations ≥25% with an absence of type 0 (normally developed) fertil­
18hr elutriate, but drastically drops to 21.1% for the pure 14d elutriate.
isation membranes recorded in 3 of the 4 replicates for the 50% and
The decrease in fertilisation success was mirrored by the lowering of the
100% solutions.
estimated EC50 concentration from >100% (18hr) to 51.53% (14d).
Higher embryo polyspermy percentage observations were recorded
Fig. 4 illustrates the lower sea urchin fertilisation success rate (height­
after 14d (21.1%) vs after 18hr (17.58%) for the 100% elutriate solu­
ened toxic response) when P. miliaris gametes were exposed to the 14d
tions. The proportion of fertilised eggs exhibiting polyspermy increased
elutriate. The inflection points for the 14d elutriate dose response curve
with higher concentrations of the 18hr and 14d elutriate test solutions
occur at lower concentrations and are more pronounced compared to
with a spike in the 50% solution for both the 18hr and 14d elutriates.
the 18hr dose response curve. From the EC50 value derived for the 14d
This resulted in both responses fitting best to Gaussian curves with a
elutriate sample respective EC50 concentrations were estimated for
predicted peak in percentage polyspermy between 60% and 70%
metals that underwent dissolution. These concentrations represent the
elutriate concentrations (Fig. 5). At higher elutriate concentrations there
levels at which they may have contributed to 50% inhibition of fertil­
is a drop in polyspermy occurrence and expectedly mirrors decreased
isation success in P. miliaris. The estimated EC50 concentration for the
fertilisation success rates at these concentrations (refer to Fig. 4).
metals investigated ranged between 0.002 μg/L (Pb) and 45.409 μg/L
(As). Refer to Table 3.
4. Discussion
The USEPA Aquatic Life Criteria Tables (USEPA 2017) provides a
Copper mine tailings were subjected to continuous resuspension in
seawater over 14 days (14d). Aqueous concentrations of As increased
859%, Ni increased over 85%, Mn and Cd increased over 40% while V
and Zn increased over 20%. These increases after 14d were found to be
substantial compared to concentrations measured after 18 h (18hr). V
concentrations were highest in the Continuously-agitated FSW Control
(CC) bottle. It was noted that at 14d Mn, Zn and Cd concentrations were
highest in the Un-agitated Tailings (UT). This shows the dissolution
potential once the soluble phase concentrations are greater than that of
the receiving medium, even in the absence of a significant disturbance
event. Thus, remobilisation of metals from contaminated sediments into
coastal or marine waters can potentially occur for a very long time, even
in calm conditions and undisturbed seabeds, until an equilibrium is met.
The ecological implications of contaminated sediments even in low
energy unagitated waters, may therefore be severe.
To determine levels of toxicity due to mobilisation of the mine tail­
ings green sea urchin (Psammechinus miliaris) gametes were exposed to
18hr and 14d sample elutriates with fertilisation success dropping from
72% to 21% respectively as illustrated shown in Fig. 4. Toxicity Index
values for fertilisation membrane and embryo quality increased for the
14d elutriate. This meant reduced fertilisation membrane quality and
greater occurrence of embryo polyspermy were recorded over time
Fig. 3. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) correlation circle illustrating leading to reduced fecundity. These findings reveal that the biological
relationship between metals concentrations following resuspension (dissolu­ impacts due to remobilised metals can go beyond standard fertilisation
tion) vs. abiotic variables (time, temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and bioassay endpoints. Consequently, current predictions of the impacts of
salinity). PCA performed using XLSTAT (Addinsoft 2015). RCS such as from mining wastes or dredge spoils may be

K.S. Ramdial et al. Marine Environmental Research 171 (2021) 105471

Fig. 4. Dose response curves for the inhibition of P. miliaris fertilisation success by elutriate of tailings resuspended for 18hr and 14d.

Table 3
Comparison of EC50 concentrations (μg/L) of the mine tailings vs. those from
Novelli et al. (2003) and the associated literature review, and USEPA (2017)
CMCs. Tailings EC50 was calculated as 51.53% of metal concentration in bottle
CT3 after 14d. N/A (Not Available).
Metals Calculated Sperm cell Lit review Saltwater CMC
tailings EC50 toxicity test EC50 (μg/L) (acute) (μg/L) (
(μg/L) EC50 (μg/L) ( Novelli et al. USEPA, 2017)
Novelli et al., (2003)

As 45.409 3940 N/A 69

Mn 10.402 N/A N/A N/A
Cu 0.457 57 10–60 4.8
V 0.441 N/A N/A N/A
Zn 0.309 210 280–380 90
Ni 0.303 5130 N/A 74
Fe 0.183 N/A N/A N/A
Cd 0.076 8400 8000–38000 40
Cr 0.040 3220 2070 and N/A
(III) 341800
Pb 0.002 16210 1300–19000 210

underestimated. This is important when considering community/eco­

systems resilience especially for habitats already compromised, or are
likely to be compromised, by other anthropogenic stressors such as
ocean acidification (Atkinson 2007; Roberts 2013).
The 14d resuspension experiment determined that the dissolution of
various metals from the mine tailings into the overlying seawater me­
dium, generally increased with the length of time resuspended. The
dissolution of various metals can be traced back to their composition and
associations with mineral complexes in the bulk tailings. The composi­
tion and levels of metals within the tailings were characteristic of Cor­
nish mine wastes. Pirrie et al. (2002) lists the maximum levels of As, Cu,
Zn and Pb ranging between 144 ppm–6100 ppm, 241 ppm–4300 ppm,
207 ppm–21200 ppm and 53 ppm–16000 ppm for each metal respec­
tively in various Cornish estuaries and where As contamination is
characteristic of the region (Beeston et al. (2008). RCRERM values indi­
cate metal fractions for As, CU, Zn, Pb and Ni within the bulk mine
tailings can cause adverse effects in marine environments. Additionally, Fig. 5. Response curve fitting for percentage elutriate concentration vs toxicity
RCRcAL2 for As, Cu, Zn and Pb also indicate the mine tailings would be index (upper) and percentage elutriate vs polyspermy concentration (lower) for
18hr (white circles/dotted line) and 14d (asterisks/solid line) resuspended
unsuitable for disposal at sea. A brief comparison of metal levels
tailings. The 14d toxicity index values were best fitted to a typical sigmoidal
detected in the copper mine tailings used in this study against impacted
dose response curve while the 18hr toxicity index values did not suggest a dose
coastal/marine locations found concentrations can vary depending on response. The percentage polyspermy responses were best fitted to gaussian
the source of the mine tailings (Cu vs Pb-Zn mines for example), see bell-shaped curves for both 18hr and 14d treatments.
Table 4. However, the general trend observed shows contamination in
mine tailings for enriched metals are in the ‘000 s mg/kg compared to in
the ‘00 s mg/kg for a bay historically contaminated by industrial wastes

K.S. Ramdial et al. Marine Environmental Research 171 (2021) 105471

(Bagnoli-Coroglio, Naples, Italy). Therefore, an investigation into the

Comparison of maximum (unless otherwise stated) metal concentrations (mg/kg) for mine tailings used in this study vs. mine tailings found in estuarine/coastal contaminated regions and an example industrially

Armiento et al. (2020)

mobilisation potential and ecotoxicological impact of metals from mine

tailings into the water column due to resuspension is merited as detailed
in this study.
The comparison of metal concentrations derived from acid digestion

of the bulk tailings and SEP (available) fractions indicated that the


majority of metals present in the tailings were locked within less reac­


tionary fractions usually associated with crystalline oxyhydroxide and

Pb-Zn Mine tailings (average

oxide structures, organic matter, pyrite compounds, and silicate re­
siduals (Dold 2003; Torres and Auleda 2013). The association of As
(Portman Bay, Spain)

concentrations with the SEP2 fraction suggested that their dissolution

Mestre et al., (2017)

would be promoted by acidic conditions. Tessier, Campbell and Bisson

(1979) and Inmaculada et al. (2004) have both previously discussed
how the lowering of pH in solution media can promote the dissolution of

trace metals adsorbed onto sediments. The concentrations of As in the




bottle resuspension tests increased substantially with agitation after
14d. However, the largest drop in pH in any of the resuspended tailings
bottle treatments was 0.26 units. This drop is small compared to what
(Dold 2006)(Chanaral

was required in the SEP2 test to lower the pH of the ammonium acetate
Cu mine tailings

leaching solution from pH7 to pH4.5 (drop of 2.5 units). Hence, disso­
lution concentration of As did not attain levels predicted by SEP2 and
Bay, Chile)

much more of their ‘available’ fraction in the tailings may have been


locked within the Acid-Volatile Sulphide (AVS) fraction. Metals such as



Cd, Ni, Cu, Pb and also Zn are also bound onto insoluble sulphide forms
such as mono- and secondary sulphides and pyrites which constitute
Hudson-Edwards et al., 1999 in Dold

AVS fractions (Mcgrath et al. 2002).

AVS fractions have been recognised as a limiting factor in the
availability and potential toxicity of soils and sediments contaminated
(2006) (Rio Tinto, Spain)

with metals (Morse 1994). If the AVS fraction is greater than the
Cu/pyrite Mine tailings

opposing labile states the toxicity of the source sediment is low (Mcgrath
et al. 2002). Changes in the redox states of sediments can release metals
from their AVS sites. Resuspension events can oxidise sulphides into
sulphur species which readily desorb their previously bound metals.
This can explain the partial release of As and Zn from their assumed AVS

fraction state, since tailings were added to oxygenated FSW in agitated

treatments. Decreasing dissolved oxygen concentrations over the course
of resuspension may have moderated total release of As and Zn but the
Ramirez et al., (2005) (Caleta

14d concentrations of As and Zn were still far greater than at earlier

sampling points.
Pb-Zn Mine tailings

The effects of pH and changing redox potentials may also apply to

Palito Bay, Chile)

Mn, Ni and Cd which showed appreciable dissolution after 14d in our

study. This relationship was suggested by the PCA results (Fig. 3).
Atkinson, Jolley, and Simpson (2007) described Mn dissolution from


RCS being promoted by lower pH levels, with dissolution of other metals



being inversely related to declines in dissolved oxygen concentrations.

Our study found dissolved oxygen levels dropped by 1.92 mg/L and pH
levels dropped by 0.26 units after 14d respectively. It is reasonable to
assume continued resuspension beyond 14d could have led to lower
Pirrie et al., (2003) (Fal
estuary, Cornwall, UK)

Mine tailings (various)

dissolved oxygen and pH levels, and further dissolution of metals. A

recent study (Ruocco et al., 2020) found O2 enriched mesocosms (which
contained RCS) resulted in a lower occurrence of malformations in the
purple sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus) embryos and plutei compared to
mesocosms with no O2 enrichment (natural gas exchange), and where


dissolution of metals was the main driver of embryo malformations as

opposed to PAHs. This inferred active oxygenation of contaminated
Wheal Maid Cu mine tailings,

sediments and the overlying water column could be an effective reme­

diation tool for inhibiting redox processes that promote dissolution, and
thereby mitigating adverse ecological impacts.
Liberated Fe oxides are strong scavenging agents of other released
Cornwall, UK

metals. This occurs via flocculation onto Fe oxides/hydroxide pre­

contaminated region.

cipitates which draws metals out of solution within short time periods

(Jones-Lee and Lee 2005). Our study found Cu was rapidly removed

from dissolution between 0hr and 18hr and maintained low levels
thereafter; possibly due to the scavenging effect of Fe oxide/hydroxide
Table 4


precipitates. This relationship was observed where Fe was also rapidly





removed from dissolution between 0hr and 18hr in our study.

K.S. Ramdial et al. Marine Environmental Research 171 (2021) 105471

Scavenging may also occur with hydroxides of Mn (Saulnier and Mucci eggs may also express polyspermy upon fertilisation (images i and j)
2000) but may have played a much smaller role compared to Fe scav­ resulting in unviable eggs. Therefore, Fig. 5 highlights how the TI rank
enging. The results of our study noted Mn underwent significant disso­ index can be used as a response curve tool for understanding the rela­
lution during the resuspension study. Mn was found the have the second tionship between a toxicant, membrane quality and fertilisation success.
highest estimated EC50 concentration, and likely played a role in the Fig. 5 also highlights how polyspermy occurrence can be present as a
decreased fertilisation success response in the 14d elutriate. confounding factor to embryo viability when the gametes of a broadcast
Resuspended metals may become complexed by organic matter spawner are released into contaminated environments. Polyspermy
(OM). The negligible proportions of TOC in the tailings indicate OM occurrence could be a result of heightened sperm activity/encounters
complexes may not have been crucial in metal dissolution or re- combined with the inhibition of fast blocks at the egg wall with
adsorption. Interestingly, although fine grained particles usually bind increasing metal concentrations. The percentage polyspermy occurrence
metals strongly to the sediment phase and restrict their availability even expectedly drops off beyond a threshold elutriate concentration where
in conditions of lower pH levels (van den Berg et al., 2001), Hansen et al. the solution has become saturated with dissolved metals which either
(2005) found that Cu was more easily leached from the smallest particle inhibit sperm activity and/or fertilisation success at egg sites.
sizes (<38 μm) of tailings from a Chilean copper mine. Larger sized Loss of viable embryos and degraded embryo quality arising out of
particles had higher relative fractions of insoluble copper sulphides. If compromised fertilisation may amplify the likelihood for abnormal
this holds true for tailings from copper mines in general, then it would development beyond what is investigated in current standard bioassays.
explain the poor dissolution data observed for Cu. While the inhibition of normal larval development in sea urchins has
Given the notable rise in metals dissolution after resuspension in our been widely used in a range of ecotoxicological contexts (Beiras et al.,
study, a greater toxicological effect on sea urchin fertilisation success 2003; Carballeira et al., 2012), there are limited studies that link
was unsurprisingly induced by the 14d elutriate vs. 18hr elutriate. The membrane quality after fertilisation success assays with subsequent
elutriate contains metals that are simultaneously interacting with the larval development. The transmissible effects of exposed sperm on em­
sea urchin gametes with presumably synergistic, additive and even bryo development have been previously investigated (Warnau et al.,
antagonistic reactions. For a mixture of contaminants, in this case trace 1996; Pagano et al., 2002; Manzo et al. 2008). However, exposure to a
metals, the overall assumption for interactions is the receptor will toxicant is not restricted to any one gamete. This is particularly impor­
respond firstly and greatest to the most toxic contaminant. We can tant given that the ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ blocks to polyspermy in sea urchins
compartmentalise the tailings elutriate into toxic units for each metal are activated by influxes of sodium (Na+) and calcium (Ca2+) ions
investigated where the toxic unit is equated to the EC50 estimated from respectively. Ionic imbalances created outside and within eggs by
the dose response curves. Arsenic (As) had the markedly highest esti­ intense dissolution of metal ions (and possibly compounded by lowered
mated EC50, hence highest toxic unit and greatest toxic potential, sug­ pH) could play a pivotal role in fertilisation membranes development,
gesting this metal alone could explain the majority of the fertilisation polyspermy incidence and development of larvae into adults. Manzo,
success inhibition. Mn was found to have the second highest EC50 and Buono, and Cremisini (2010) investigated the impacts of Cu, Cd and Pb
may have played a role in the toxic response with As or with other and its mixtures on P. lividus offspring quality. Skeletal malformations
metals. For example, Kobayashi and Okamura (2005) noted additive were observed even at low concentrations but the toxicants represented
interactions between Mn, Zn, and Ni created higher rates of anomalous a small subset of contaminants that can be found in polluted sediments.
development in sea urchin embryos. This was concluded when ZnCl2 test A mechanism that can also be explored is the impact on sperm exposure
solutions diluted up to 50-fold with sample seawater near an abandoned to elutriates of resuspended sediments on curvilinear velocity and swim
mine resulted in poorly developed or no fertilisation membranes as path trajectories and frequency of non-motile sperm. Fabbrocini, di
observed for the undiluted solution, and confirmed the influence of Stasio, and D’Adamo (2010) describe methods for a sperm motility
other metals in the ecotoxicological response. bioassay. Very recent work by Ruocco et al., (2019) found sediments
Lowered pH levels have previously been identified as a potential contaminated from historical industrial inputs (Bagnoli-Coroglio, Gulf
constraint on fertilisation success (Pagano et al., 1986). The decline in of Naples, Italy) resulted in higher rates of embryo and plutei skeletal
pH levels observed during the resuspension experiment may have also malformations for P. lividus. This was after adults and fertilised embryos
had a role in the ecotoxicological response. Given the vulnerability of were exposed to the resuspended sediment in mesocosms. Toxicity
certain groups of marine organisms to elevated atmospheric CO2 driven analysis of the whole life-cycle would provide a better understanding of
ocean acidification, any further reductions to pH levels will also serve to potential population bottlenecks, causes and impacts on recruitment in
diminish these organisms’ resilience to pollution (Roberts et al., 2013). already polluted environments, or habitats likely to be impacted by
Additionally, the availability and toxicity of contaminants may be resuspension of disposed mine tailings, or mining activities in deep-sea
increased by ocean acidification (Atkinson et al. 2007; Roberts et al., area targeted for their enriched mineral content (Mestre et al., 2017).
2013) which can compound the impacts of RCS under predicted climate Notable limitations were encountered during this study. Firstly,
change scenarios. resuspension did not arrive at a dissolution endpoint after 14d for most
The observed degradation of fertilisation membranes and higher of the metals encountered and where concentrations become saturated
polyspermy with increasing metal concentrations after the 14d resus­ within the seawater media (typically signalled by plateaued S-curves).
pension raises the issue of quantifying physiological and sub-cellular Further studies should aim to extend the resuspension timeframes until
burdens on sea urchin eggs, and those of broadcast spawners in gen­ such endpoints are reached. This would provide a better understanding
eral. It is expected that within unimpacted natural habitats, the vast of the total contaminant concentrations that may be expected from mine
proportion of fertilised embryos would fall under the TI rank 0 with tailing sediments after a disturbance event. Secondly, variations in
well-developed fertilisation membranes, as pictured in Fig. 1 (images a salinity, water temperature, water depth (nearshore vs. offshore e.g.
and b). This would facilitate the development of viable embryos in deep-sea mining regions), and reduction in seawater pH due to ocean
sufficient numbers to enable the recruitment rates needed to support acidification could influence dissolution behaviour and cumulative im­
resilient and genetically diverse populations. A decrease in the quality of pacts experienced by organisms, and should be explored in similar
the fertilisation membranes due to pollution, as illustrated for TI rank 1 studies.
(images c to g), could result in cascade effects as the embryo develops. Lastly, the continuous nature of the experimental resuspension may
Severe pollution events, whether episodic or continuous, are likely to also have influenced the dissolution curves observed. The remobilisation
result in the dominance of eggs representative of TI rank 2 with very of contaminants associated with resuspension events may significantly
poor membranes and TI rank 3 (image h) where no membrane has vary depending on the properties of the resuspension event (weak/
formed due to failure of fertilisation. A proportion of highly impacted strong, periodic/continuous, brief/prolonged). Therefore, the type of

K.S. Ramdial et al. Marine Environmental Research 171 (2021) 105471

resuspension event should also be heavily considered when deriving resuspended material and 2) the potential ecological risks posed by
meaningful sediment guidelines and methods (Roberts 2012) especially contaminated (or naturally enriched) sediments at risk for disturbance,
for managing sediment historically contaminated by industrial waste or currently experiencing natural or anthropogenic resuspension events.
from mining activities. Natural tidal environments would be more
complex than the resuspension created by a shake table on a single Funding
continuous rpm setting, and are likely to be punctuated by events of
severe sediment disturbance such as the tidal spring/neap tidal cycles This work was supported by the Scottish Association for Marine
and storm seasons. For examples of other studies replicating disturbance Science (SAMS) through an internal small grant for the ICP-MS analysis.
events, Ruocco et al. (2019) configured resuspension mesocosms to
mimic two different turbulence scenarios generated by the passage of CRediT authorship contribution statement
storms over 30 days where resuspension was initiated by a centrifugal
pump (capacity 4500L/h). Pelusi et al. (2020) derived sediment elutri­ Keshtav S. Ramdial: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investiga­
ates by stirring on an orbital shaker at 300 rpm for 1 h based on (USEPA tion, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. Richard Abell:
1991) for evaluation of dredge material for disposal. Rial and Beiras Methodology, Formal analysis, Validation, Resources, Writing – review
(2012) obtained elutriate for 60 rpm for 30 min for an Ecological Risk & editing, Supervision. Kim S. Last: Conceptualization, Methodology,
Assessment of resuspended estuarine sediment for viaduct construction. Writing – review & editing, Supervision, Project administration, Fund­
Note that our study carried out resuspension on a shaker table at 100 ing acquisition.
rpm over 14 days as a representation of general agitation conditions
(OECD, 2020). A dedicated study towards understanding different
resuspension events and applying appropriate mechanical forcing (rpm) Declaration of competing interest
and disturbance frequencies to reflect temporal variabilities would help
inform which criteria should be applied to better represent site specific The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
conditions. interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
This study provides an insight into the possible contaminant release the work reported in this paper.
pathways and ecological consequences of RCS from disposed mine
tailings, with many experimental design permutations that make this Acknowledgments
approach applicable for estimating such effects in various receiving
environments. While several Lines of Evidence (LOE) were explored This work was completed as part of an MRes in Ecosystem-based
(chemical levels in the tailings and elutriate; fertilisation bioassay; TI Management of Marine Systems run jointly between the Scottish Asso­
index and polyspermy), additional methods to assess risks posed by ciation for Marine Science (SAMS) and the University of St Andrews, UK.
resuspended mine tailings should also be considered. Such methods Dr. David Roberts (James Cook University, QLD, Australia), David
include bioavailability of metals to test organism and/or gametes/em­ Hughes and Dr. Helena Reinardy (SAMS), and anonymous reviewers
bryos and sub-cellular biomarker testing (Morroni et al., 2020). contributed to improved manuscripts of this research. Gratitude is
Sequential Extraction Procedures (SEPs) can also be modified to better extended to SAMS staff in particular - Tim Brand, Leah Morrison and
replicate realistic pH and redox conditions in the sediment under Gangi Ubbara who greatly assisted with the ICP-MS analysis; Lars
investigation, and derive bioavailability potentials for metals undergo­ Brunner provided sea urchins and guidance in spawning methods; Peter
ing dissolution as additional LOE for assessing contaminated sediments. Lamont, Dr. Phil Kerrison and Chris Beveridge granted access to mi­
SEPs can also be tailored to investigate the availability of Rare Earth croscopy and camera equipment; and sadly and posthumously, to John
Elements (REE) where these elements maybe of concern in site specific Kershaw for use and troubleshooting of the aquarium and controlled
scenarios due to their increasing rates of extraction for use in modern temperature facilities. Terrie Sawyer and Kim Moreton from the Cam­
technology (Mittermüller et al. 2016). Such methods will improve the borne School of Mines kindly provided the mine tailing samples. Special
Weight of Evidence (WOE) generated and facilitate a more holistic thanks to Shazara Ali, Richard Cottrell and Tara Beardmore.
approach to understanding impacts, mechanisms and effective man­
agement tools for sediments affected by industrial wastes. As a case
study, Ruocco et al., 2019, can be used to further investigate active
oxygenation of contaminated sediments and the overlying water column Addinsoft, 2015. XLSTAT - Statistical Software for MS Excel.
as an effective remediation tool for inhibiting redox processes that Andrade, Santiago, Moffett, James, Correa, Juan A., 2006. Distribution of dissolved
promote dissolution, thereby mitigating adverse ecological impacts. species and suspended particulate copper in an intertidal ecosystem Affected by
copper mine tailings in northern Chile. Mar. Chem. 101 (3–4), 203–212. https://doi.
5. Conclusion Armiento, Giovanna, Caprioli, Raffaela, Cerbone, Antonietta, Chiavarini, Salvatore,
Crovato, Cinzia, de Cassan, Maurizio, de Rosa, Luigi, et al., 2020. Current status of
coastal sediments contamination in the former industrial area of bagnoli-Coroglio
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