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Safety Science 141 (2021) 105352

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A regulatory perspective on safety in design practices in New Zealand

Brian H.W. Guo a, *, Rory Weston b, Paul Jianphinitnan a, 1, Wanjun Liu a, 1, Eric Scheepbouwer a,
Daniel van der Walt a, Yang Miang Goh c
Department of Civil & Natural Resources Engineering, University of Canterbury, 69 Creyke Road, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand
WSP New Zealand, Level 1 Morrison Square, 77 Selwyn Place, Nelson 7010, New Zealand
Safety and Resilience Research Unit (SaRRU), Dept. of Building, School of Design and Environment, National Univ. of Singapore, 4 Architecture Dr., Singapore 117566,


Keywords: Previous research regarding safety in design (SiD) primarily focused on legal aspects of integrating health and
Safety in design safety into the design, identifying causal links between flawed designs and accidents, safe design tools and
Design for safety methods, and multi-stakeholder collaboration. Despite these advancements in SiD, there is a lack of studies
Prevention through design
investigating how new SiD regulations changed SiD knowledge, attitude, and practices. To fill the research gap,
Safe design
this paper aims to (1) examine current SiD knowledge, attitude, and practices after the introduction of the New
Zealand Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA), (2) examine stakeholders’ perceptions about the effects of
the HSWA on SiD, and (3) identify challenges of SiD implementation. This study adopted mixed methods con­
sisting of a survey and semi-structured interviews. Results indicated an urgent need for developing SiD capability
at the company and industry level, although the industry had a positive attitude toward SiD. Several challenges
in SiD implementation were identified, including (1) additional cost and time, (2) unclear scope of SiD, (3)
opaque SiD process, (4) lack of collaboration/support, and (5) lack of good practice. Both survey and interview
participants raised several significant concerns over the new SiD regulations, HSWA 2015. These include (1)
HSWA being vague and more details needed to promote the implementation, (2) lack of good practice examples
and case studies, (3) lack of non-compliance examples, and (4) compliance burden on small businesses. This
paper contributes to the body of knowledge of safe design regarding industry professionals’ perceptions of SiD
knowledge, attitude, practices, implementation challenges, and new SiD regulations. In addition, the regulatory
perspective on SiD offered insights into regulation and policy formulation.

1. Introduction become a statutory requirement for designers to eliminate or minimize

health and safety risks for down-stream stakeholders (e.g., construction
In 2017, the construction industry in New Zealand (NZ) had the workers, maintenance workers, and end-users). Designers, as upstream
second-highest number of work-related injury claims, accounting for stakeholders, have a legal duty to ensure that, so far as is reasonably
15.4% of all claims (Stats NZ, 2018). Internationally, NZ construction practicable, any designs of plant, substances and structures are without
safety performance is also poor. Compared to eight other Organization risks to the health and safety of people who construct, maintain, clean,
for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) member countries, repair and eventually demolish the structure (NZIOA, 2015). The addi­
NZ rated the worst, having a construction occupational fatal injury rate tional legal responsibility of designers can be seen as a result of the
of 15.3 per 100,000 person-years (Lilley et al., 2013). To improve established connection between design and construction accidents
workplace health and safety, NZ underwent its most significant reforms (Poghosyan et al., 2018).
for 20 years and issued the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA). Safety in Design (SiD) is the process of integrating hazard identifi­
The new workplace health and safety law came into effect on 4 April cation and risk management of a project’s lifecycle early in the design
2016. Since the introduction of the HSWA, Safety in Design (SiD) has phase. Globally, the concept of Safety in Design (SiD) takes various

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (B.H.W. Guo), (R. Weston), (P. Jianphinitnan),
(W. Liu), (E. Scheepbouwer), (D. van der Walt), (Y.M. Goh).
Received 15 November 2020; Received in revised form 26 February 2021; Accepted 18 May 2021
Available online 27 May 2021
0925-7535/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B.H.W. Guo et al. Safety Science 141 (2021) 105352

names. For example, it is called Prevention through Design (PtD) in nationwide PtD program. The program focuses on four key areas to
North America, Design for Safety (DfS) in Singapore, Safe Design in promote PtD: research, education, practice, and policy. NIOSH also
Australia, and Construction (Design and Management) (CDM) in the UK made efforts to collaborate with the US Green Building Council to
(these terms are used interchangeably in this paper). These terms share explore the nexus between safe and sustainable design practices.
the core principle that designers should either ‘design out’ or minimize In Australia, early safe design initiatives commenced in the late
health and safety risks through safe designs. As an upstream stakeholder, 1980s (Creaser, 2008). In 1998/1999, the National Occupational Health
designers can play a vital role in identifying, assessing, and managing and Safety Commission (NOHSC) started a longer-term program, Safe
safety hazards early in the design process. As the lifecycle of a project Design Project. Early research conducted by NOHSC identified de­
progresses, the ability to improve safety decreases and the cost to ficiencies in the knowledge of safe design (Cowley et al., 2000) and
address safety issues increases (Soh et al., 2020). Thus, designers are in a causal effects of design on accidents and fatalities (Driscoll et al., 2008).
strong position to make construction and operation safe. Safe design is one of the priorities established by the National Occupa­
Previous research efforts focused on: legal aspects of integrating tional Health and Safety Strategy 2002–2012. The importance of safe
health and safety into the design (Gambatese, 1998; Hinze and Wiegand, design was re-emphasized in the Australian Work Health and Safety
1992), identifying causal links between flawed designs and accidents Strategy 2012–2022 (Safe Work Australia, 2012).
(Behm, 2005; Driscoll et al., 2008; Gambatese et al., 2008; Gibb et al.,
2004; Seo and Choi, 2008; Toole and Gambatese, 2008), safe design 2.2. Influence of SiD on construction safety performance
tools and methods (Cooke et al., 2008; Dewlaney and Hallowell, 2012;
Gambatese et al., 1997; Goh and Guo, 2018; Guo and Goh, 2017), de­ There have been many studies conducted to investigate the influence
signers’ hazard recognition ability (Hallowell et al., 2016), the effects of of SiD on construction safety performance. Evidence has gradually
decision-making processes on SiD initiatives (Lingard et al., 2012), accumulated that safe design contributes to better site safety perfor­
multi-stakeholder collaboration (Toh et al., 2016), and BIM-based DfS mance. An early study conducted by Gibb et al. (2004) suggested that
tool (Hossain et al., 2018). Despite these advancements in SiD, a liter­ there was a strong association between construction accidents and
ature review conducted by Poghosyan et al. (2018) indicated that only a permanent design of buildings. The authors reviewed 100 accident cases
small amount of research investigating legislation issues regarding SiD and identified 47% were linked with unsafe designs. Behm (2005)
implementation. In the SiD literature, very few studies investigated the claimed that SiD is a viable method to reduce construction injuries and
implementation of SiD-related regulations (Martínez-Aires et al., 2016). accidents. The study analyzed the fatalities investigated and recorded by
While regulations form a significant driving force for SiD implementa­ the National Institute for Occupational Safetyand Health (NIOSH) Fa­
tion (Aires et al., 2010; Poghosyan et al., 2018), there is a lack of studies tality Assessment Control and Evaluation (FACE) program. Chi-square
investigating how industry professionals perceived the new SiD regu­ tests of independence were applied to test if there was a relationship
lation and how the new SiD regulation changed SiD knowledge, attitude, between safe design and fatality. The results indicated that 42% of 224
and practices from a regulatory perspective. The enactment of the HSWA fatality cases reviewed could be linked to unsafe designs. A later study
provided an opportunity to examine the effects of the new legislation on by Gambatese et al. (2008) demonstrated that these previous results and
SiD and identify implementation challenges. expert panel opinions were in agreement for 71% of the cases reviewed.
To fill the research gap, this paper aims to (1) examine current SiD The study reinforced the evidence of design’s impact on site safety.
knowledge, attitude, and practices after the introduction of the HSWA, Similarly, Seo and Choi (2008) identified that there were 203 design
(2) examine stakeholders’ perceptions about the effects of the HSWA on elements of underground linked to accidents and injuries. Driscoll et al.
SiD, and (3) identify challenges of SiD implementation. (2008) assessed the contribution of design to work-related fatal injuries
in Australia. They found that 37% of the 210 identified fatalities had
2. Literature review unsafe design issues. Lingard (2013) pointed out that only one of the
analyzed fatalities was associated with the design of the permanent
2.1. Pioneering national safe design initiatives structure, while the majority were related to the “design of plant or
electrical equipment being used at the time” or “design of the process of
The European Union (EU) developed the European Framework work”.
Directive (89/391/EEC), which was applicable in all EU Member States. Despite the evidence, Hale et al. (2007) argued that no standard
The revolutionary Framework Directive established significant pro­ definition of “design error” existed. Hence, those studies of identifying
visions regarding safety and health standards, the legal responsibility of design attributes from accident analysis based on expert opinion were
employers, risk assessment methods and processes. Among the 19 in­ subject to large interpretation variations. Researchers (Hardison and
dividual Directives within the scope of the Framework Directive, Hallowell, 2019; Tymvios et al., 2020) called for more objective
Directive 92/57/EEC establishes provision on the implementation of evidence.
minimum safety and health requirements at temporary and mobile
worksites. Regarding SiD, Directive 92/57/EEC requires that “The 2.3. Implementation challenges and barriers
project supervisor, or where appropriate the client, shall take account of the
general principles of prevention concerning safety and health referred to in Several studies were conducted to investigate the status of SiD in
Directive 89/391/EEC during the various stages of designing and preparing terms of knowledge, attitude, practices, and implementation challenges,
the project.” (Legislation UK). A study by Aires et al. (2010) suggested such as Toft et al. (2003) in Australia, Toh et al. (2016) in Singapore,
that although member states adopted the Directive 92/57/EEC in a Abueisheh et al. (2020) in Palestine, and Tymvios and Gambatese
different way, the effects of the Directive 92/57/EEC on accident (2016) in the US. What is common among these studies’ results is that
reduction were mostly positive. the industry’s attitude toward SiD was generally positive, but the SiD
In the early 1990s, design causal factors of occupational injuries and practices level was still low. Gambatese et al. (2005) investigated the
illnesses were not adequately addressed in the US. As a result, the US feasibility and practicality of SiD as an intervention to improve site
National Safety Council established the Institute for Safety through safety. The study concluded that SiD is a viable intervention for
Design in 1995 (Manuele, 2008). The term “Safety through Design” was improving site safety performance, but there was a strong need for
initially adopted. According to Manuele (2008), early strategies were improving designers’ knowledge of and mindset towards safety. The
adopted to improve conceptual knowledge by promoting education and Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 required that
increase awareness by establishing liaison channels. Around 2008, the clients appoint competent individuals and/or organizations when
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) started a implementing SiD. Poghosyan et al. (2020) developed a web-based

B.H.W. Guo et al. Safety Science 141 (2021) 105352

system to measure an organization’s design for safety capability using 3.1.1. Survey
18 attributes. Similarly, Adaku et al. (2021) developed a theoretical Survey questions were developed based on the literature review
framework to define and measure an organization’s capability of SiD. findings and a review of various NZ SiD guidelines. The survey was
These theoretical advancements are useful for both firms and govern­ created using the software package Qualtrics (Qualtrics, 2019). A pilot
ment agencies to measure and monitor SiD performance. survey was carried out to ensure that the survey questions were clear
In addition, legal liability concerns were frequently raised in SiD and comprehensible by practitioners and that the results obtained would
literature over the past three decades (Coble and Blatter, 1999; Gam­ be useful in concluding the data. The link to the survey was distributed
batese, 1998; Gambatese et al., 2005; Toole and Erger, 2019). Designers’ in three primary ways. Initially, the link was sent to local government
lack of knowledge of safety presents significant challenges (Hardison agencies (e.g, local city councils) and private companies in the New
and Hallowell, 2019; Toole, 2005; Tymvios and Gambatese, 2016). This Zealand AEC industry. WorkSafe New Zealand was also contacted, who
issue exists on both the individual and organizational level. Research were able to distribute the survey. Lastly, Engineering New Zealand
effort was made to help measure the organizational capability of safe (ENZ) assisted in distributing the survey to members in their weekly
design. For example, Poghosyan et al. (2020) developed a web-based email.
safe design capability maturity model. The five-level maturity indica­ The survey consisted of four sections. The first section aimed to
tor is useful for an organization to self-assess, develop, and improve safe assess participants’ knowledge of various SiD concepts and the HSWA.
design capability. Adaku et al. (2021) proposed a theoretical framework The second section asked participants about their attitude towards SiD,
to measure a design firm’s organizational capability of SiD. and whether they believe SiD is effective and/or necessary. The third
section sought to determine the current practice of SiD within the AEC
industry, including the effect of the HSWA. Each of these sections con­
2.4. SiD methods and tools sisted of a variety of questions, either utilizing a Likert Scale, multi-
choice or open questions. The questions of the first third sections are
Seo and Choi (2008) presented a safety impact assessment method listed in Table 1. The final section asked the discipline and experience of
applying a risk-based approach for underground construction projects. the participants.
The method can be used to identify the relationships between risk events In total, 231 responses to the survey were recorded. To be deemed as
and design factors. The Australian Council of Building Design Pro­ useable data, two separate criteria were used to filter the responses.
fessionals and the Royal Australian Institute of Architects developed the Firstly, any responses in which at least 95% of questions were answered
Construction Hazard Assessment Implication Review (CHAIR) tool to was considered useable as suggested by Seo, (2005). Secondly, any re­
facilitate SiD (Workcover, 2001). The tool aims to assist designers, sponses which left either the general information empty or had a
constructors, clients, and other key stakeholders to collaborate to discipline considered unlikely to be involved in the AEC industry were
eliminate or reduce construction, maintenance, repair, and demolition removed. Because of the screening process, 176 responses were deemed
safety risks associated with design. The process consists of three main to be useable. Note that 12 responses from several other disciplines were
phases. Phase I is performed at the conceptual design, Phase II focuses on removed from group comparisons. The professional discipline and
construction and demolition issues during the detailed design, and Phase experience of the respondents are displayed in Table 2 and Fig. 1,
III is concerned with maintenance and repair issues. respectively.
Research was conducted to identify challenges in implementing SiD
internationally. For example, Lingard (2013) pointed out that the level 3.1.2. Interview
of construction safety knowledge possessed by designers may be limited. To complement the survey data, this study conducted fifteen semi-
Toh et al. (2016) and Goh and Chua (2016) suggested that there is a structured interviews. The discipline and experience of interviewees
positive attitude towards SiD, but lack of knowledge is a concerning are shown in Table 3.
issue. Early research efforts were made to develop decision support Interviewees were recruited from a link at the end of the survey.
systems to facilitate SiD. For example, Gambatese et al. (1997) collected Interviewee selection was based on the following criteria: (1) a mini­
400 design suggestions from multiple sources (e.g., Safety design man­ mum of five years in the AEC industry, (2) knowledge of SiD within the
uals and checklists, interviews with experts, journal articles, etc.). The NZ AEC industry. All interviewees were asked a selection of core ques­
authors claimed that all types of construction site hazards could be tions which supplement the KAP questions within the survey. These
addressed by the design suggestions. The authors further developed a included: the most significant challenges they face in implementing SiD;
workable software package, Design for Construction Safety ToolBox, the effect of the HSWA on their work, and their perception of the KAP of
that can identify hazards and present design suggestions to manage the different stakeholders. Additional questions were also asked based on
hazards. Cooke et al. (2008) developed a web-based rule-based the discipline of the interviewee and the nature of the responses pro­
reasoning tool (ToolSHeDTM) to provide decision support for SiD. vided. All the interviews were recorded and transcribed.
ToolSHeDTM can assess the risk of fall from height and offer practical
design suggestions. It represents a significant effort to give the designers 3.2. Data analysis
easy and inexpensive access to expert safety knowledge.
Descriptive analysis of the survey data was first conducted to mea­
3. Methods sure respondents’ knowledge, attitude, and practices of SiD. In the
analysis of the survey, the Likert scale questions were converted to nu­
3.1. Data collection merical values, where “1′′ corresponded to ‘strongly disagree’ to “5”
which corresponded to ‘strongly agree’ or equivalent with the value “3”
Mixed methods were adopted in this study to collect both quantita­ corresponding to the neutral value, in which participants neither agree
tive and qualitative data by conducting a survey and semi-structured nor disagree.
interviews. Mixed methods were applied because they offer several ad­ A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test (Miller, 1997) was then
vantages. For example, qualitative findings can be collected from in­ performed using SPSS (Field, 2013) to identify if there is any statistically
terviews to explain quantitative results by a survey. This can enhance significant difference between groups regarding SiD knowledge, atti­
the validity and reliability of the study (Tashakkori et al., 1998). As the tude, and practice. Three main assumptions were tested and met: outlier,
third research paradigm, mixed methods lead to great depth and breadth homogeneity of variances, and normality. The results of the inspection
in overall results and enable the researchers to make more accurate of a box-plot for values greater than 1.5 box-lengths from the edge of the
inferences with increased credibility (Jogulu and Pansiri, 2011). box suggested that there were no outliers in the data. In addition,

B.H.W. Guo et al. Safety Science 141 (2021) 105352

Table 1 Table 2
Survey questions and statements. Professional disciplines of respondents.
Section Questions/Statements Discipline Number of respondents

SiD knoweldge 1: When did you initially hear of the concept of SiD? Engineer 90
2: Where did you initially hear of SiD? Architect 25
3: How would you describe your knowledge of SiD Project manager 24
and the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA Health and safety (H&S) professional 25
2015)? Other 12
4: Since the introduction of the HSWA 2015, your
knowledge of SiD has increased.
5: You know how to address safety risks associated
with construction and operation in the project
6: Do you believe there is a lack of knowledge within
the New Zealand AEC industry on SiD?
7. The HSWA 2015 clearly defines the roles and
responsibilities of each party during the life cycle of a
8. Have you attended a SiD course or seminar?
9. Please rank your familiarity of controls for the
following hazards?
Falls from height; structural or equipment collapse;
moving plant/objects; collapse of formwork; caught
between objects
SiD attitude 10. Do you think that the implementation of SiD is
very important?
11. Do you feel the HSWA 2015 has been effective in
creating greater awareness of SiD?
If you disagreed with the previous question. What
materials would you like to see in making SiD more
effective? Fig. 1. Experience of respondents.
12. What would you consider the main benefits of
13. The implementation of SiD leads to a significant Table 3
reduction in accidents and illnesses throughout the
List of Interviewees.
building life cycle.
14. What do you consider the main negatives of SiD? Interviewee Discipline Years of experience
15. If you were given a choice, would you include
I1 Civil Engineer 28
SiD in your work?
I2 Civil Engineer 5.5
16. What do you think the main factors contributing
I3 Mechanical Engineer 39
to the effectiveness of SiD are?
I4 Health and Safety (H&S) Professional 28
SiD practices, 17. How often do you participate in SiD risk
I5 Electrical Engineer 10+
implementation assessments?
I6 H&S Professional 14
challenges 18. Undertaking SiD risk assessments is an
I7 Maintenance 25
I8 H&S Professional 14
19. Who do you believe has the greatest influence on
I9 Civil Engineer 15.5
the SiD during its lifecycle?
I10 Civil Engineer 30
20. Optional: How would you say the knowledge of
I11 Project Manager 25
SiD obligations and attitude towards SiD varies
I12 Civil Engineer 5
between stakeholders?
I13 Architect 10
21. Has the HSWA 2015 had any impact on your
I14 Architect 5
engineering design work?
I15 Architect 5
22. How much impact do the following factors have
on the SiD process?
Project budget; Procurement method; length of project;
public vs. private client; number of stakeholders 4. Results of the survey
23. What are the main challenges faced by a designer
when they perform their Safety in Design duties? 4.1. SiD knowledge
24. Since the introduction of the HSWA 2015, have
you noticed an increased collaboration between all
parties involved in the project life cycle regarding
The concept of SiD is relatively new to some respondents, with 19.3%
the safety and buildability of a design? of all being first aware of it after the implementation of HSWA in April
25. Currently individual companies develop their
own SiD guidelines. Do you think having a national
Table 4
guideline would be beneficial?
26. Does a lack of a national guideline lead to
First knowledge and knowledge sources of SiD.
confusion about SiD obligations between When and where did respondents initially hear of SiD Proportion
When After April 2016 (implementation of HSWA) 19.3%
2013–2016 34.7%
2010–2013 13.6%
Levene’s Test for homogeneity of variances indicated that the popula­
2007–2010 11.4%
tion variances in each group were equal. A Sharpiro–Wilk’s test (p BEFORE 2007 20.5%
greater than 0.05) was conducted to test normality. Results revealed that Where Tertiary education 17.0%
the dependent variables are normally distributed in each group. The Through your work or company 71.6%
interview data collected were transcribed and analyzed using NVivo 12 Publication/Seminars 4.0%
Media 2.3%
(Edhlund and McDougall, 2019). Other 4.5%
Never heard of it before 0.6%

B.H.W. Guo et al. Safety Science 141 (2021) 105352

2016, as shown in Table 4. Only 0.6% of respondents had never heard of Table 6
SiD before the survey. The majority of respondents learned SiD through Factors contributing to the effectiveness of Safety in Design.
their work or company, which is followed by tertiary education (17.0%). Factors Architects Engineers Project H&S
This implies that more SiD-related curriculums can be designed and managers professionals
implemented in tertiary education. The designer’s mindset 1st 1st 1st 1st
Regarding Question 5 (You know how to address safety risks asso­ towards safety
ciated with construction and operation in the project design), Health The availability of SiD 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd
and safety professionals had the highest self-rated score, 4.1 (with “1′′ tools and guidelines
Engagement of 3rd 2nd 2nd 3rd
representing very low and “5” representing very high). Engineers and knowledgeable and
architects had a similar self-rated score, with 3.7 and 3.8, respectively. experienced designers
Project manager showed the lowest score. This may be caused by the fact in safe design
that project managers are generally less involved in building design. modification
The emphasis of SiD by 4th 4th 2nd 4th
Respondents were also asked to rate their knowledge of how to address
the authority
safety risks associated with construction and operation in design. The
perceptions by discipline are consistent with self-rated knowledge of
Table 7
Although respondents were generally confident that they have good
Other factors identified from comments.
knowledge of SiD, over 70% of respondents believed that there was a
lack of knowledge of SiD within the New Zealand AEC industry. Other factors Comments by respondents

Client buy-in • Buy-in from clients.

• Communication with the client.
4.2. SiD attitude • Client buy-in and preparedness to pay for the additional
Respondents were asked to rate the importance of SiD, with ‘1′ being Multi-stakeholder • Client and contractor participation.
very unimportant and ‘5′ being very important. The average rating was collaboration • Bringing all parties together with a Safety in Design
focus, rather than each discipline, or project phase, acting
4.76, which indicated that the majority of respondents hold a view that
SiD is very important. Table 5 shows the distribution of the attitudes of • Having the right people involved - designers, clients,
different disciplines towards the effectiveness of SiD in accident pre­ constructors, operators, maintainers.
vention. In general, most respondents agreed on the effectiveness of SiD • SiD workshop to include experience from all fields of
in accident prevention. Over 83% of H&S professionals agreed (with expertise (operators, designers, owners).
SiD culture • Positive safety culture by all persons involved in
53.85% strongly agree) that the implementation of SiD leads to a sig­
projection management and operational or asset
nificant reduction in accidents and illnesses throughout the building life management.
cycle. Interestingly, ‘architects’ had the highest proportion of being • A culture that actively encourages SiD and H&S on a
natural to the effectiveness of SiD (28%), and there were two cases in the daily basis.
SiD knowledge and • Experience across all project phases (design and
‘engineer’ group that disagreed on the effectiveness of SiD.
experience construction) allows an individual or company to reinject
Respondents were also asked to choose the main factors that that knowledge into future designs.
contribute to the effectiveness of SiD. Table 6 presents the differences in • Experience in areas other than design. One cannot
the ranking of factors by discipline. All groups deemed that designers’ design plant, equipment, and systems, that are safe to
mindset towards safety is the most driving factor contributing to SiD. install, operate, and maintain unless one has installed,
operated, and maintained plant and equipment. The great
Respondents also believed in the importance of the availability of SiD
majority of modern consultants have never been in such
tools and guidelines and peer support. roles, and have little concept of the realities.
In the survey, respondents were given the opportunity to list other • Mind-set of construction and design industry as a whole.
factors and comments contributing to the effectiveness of SiD. Five main Knowledge of legal • The knowledge that failure to comply will cause legal or
duties compliance action.
factors were identified from the comments by respondents, including (1)
• Lack of case law demonstrating the Person Conducting a
client buy-in, (2) multi-stakeholder collaboration, (3) SiD culture, (4) Business or Undertaking (PCBU) liability in design.
SiD knowledge and experience, and (5) knowledge of legal duties (see
Table 7). Note: PCBU is a broad concept used throughout the HSWA 2015 to describe all
types of modern working arrangements which are commonly referred to as
4.3. SiD practice
more than 20% of all respondents agreed, with about 55% choosing
Participants were asked to report the frequency of SiD participation either “somewhat disagree” or “strongly disagree”, and 24.31% adopt­
in practice. As shown in Table 8, note that, on average, about 16% of all ing a neutral attitude. Survey participants were asked to choose the
respondents never, or rarely, had been involved in SiD practices before. stakeholder who has the most significant influence on SiD. 43% of all
Only 47.9% often, or very often, participated in SiD risk assessment. respondents believed that owners/clients have the most significant
When asked if undertaking SiD risk assessment is an inconvenience,

Table 5
Perceptions of the effectiveness to reduce accident.
Discipline Mean (M) Standard deviation (SD) The implementation of Safety in Design leads to a significant reduction in accidents and illnesses throughout the
building life cycle.

Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree

Engineer 4.0 0.73 22.50% 65.00% 10.00% 1.25% 1.25%

Architect 4.0 0.74 28.00% 44.00% 28.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Project manager 4.0 0.76 41.67% 37.50% 20.83% 0.00% 0.00%
H&S professional 4.0 0.73 53.85% 30.77% 15.38% 0.00% 0.00%
Total 4.0 0.74 36.51% 44.32% 18.55% 0.31% 0.31%

B.H.W. Guo et al. Safety Science 141 (2021) 105352

Table 8 impact on their engineering design work. About 62.8% of all re­
SiD participation frequency by discipline. spondents believed that the HSWA had successfully promoted collabo­
Discipline How often do you participate in Safety-in-Design risk ration among project stakeholders regarding safety and constructability
assessments? of building design, while 25% were unsure about the impact. Note that
Very often Often Occasionally Rarely Never there were about 12% did not see any increased collaboration among
project stakeholders since the introduction of the HSWA.
Engineer 11.11% 46.91% 33.33% 7.41% 1.23%
Architect 15.38% 30.77% 30.77% 15.38% 7.69%
Project manager 5.00% 20.00% 45.00% 20.00% 10.00% 4.5. Downside and challenges of SiD
H&S professional 12.50% 25.00% 50.00% 12.50% 0.00%
Total Mean 11.00% 30.67% 39.78% 13.82% 4.73% Table 10 lists the principal negative aspects of current SiD practices
that respondents perceived and raised in the survey. These negative
aspects include (1) additional cost and time, (2) unclear scope of SiD, (3)
impact on SiD, which was followed by consultants with 36.8%. Only
opaque SiD process, (4) lack of collaboration/support, and (5) lack of
7.64% deemed that contractors are the driving group.
good practice. Although it is true that SiD does cause additional upfront
cost, some respondents appreciated the fact that it can save money over
4.4. Perceptions of the HSWA 2015 the lifetime. In addition, respondents expressed their worries over the
scope and “box-ticking” exercise in SiD practices.
Overall, about 60% of all respondents agreed that their SiD knowl­ Survey participants were asked to select the main challenges faced by
edge has increased since the introduction of the HSWA. However, there designers when they perform SiD duties. Results revealed that “stake­
were still about 40% holding the opposite view. This may be because of holders lack of understanding of their roles in SiD” was the most
the fact that SiD was not a new practice and the guidelines provided by frequent challenge selected by engineers, project managers, and H&S
the government were limited. professionals (see Table 11). The cost was the challenge that appeared
Regarding the impact of the HSWA on SiD awareness, over 72% of all most frequently in architects’ responses.
respondents believed that the HSWA has been effective in creating
greater awareness of SiD. However, about 13.8% either somewhat or
strongly disagreed with the statement. In the survey, respondents who
disagreed were asked: “What materials would you like to see in making
SiD more effective?” Table 9 lists the main material categories and Table 10
specific comments made by respondents. Negative aspects of current SiD practices.
Participants were asked if the HSWA had any influence on their Negative aspects Specific comments by respondents
engineering design work and collaboration among project stakeholders.
Additional cost and • Many clients (specifically public sectors, e.g. Councils)
Results suggest that 12.78% stated that the HSWA had a significant time expect SiD to not cost any extra than before the Act was
impact on their engineering design work, and 47.37% chose “some introduced, however, to meet obligations it does cost more
impact”. More than 38% hold a view that the HSWA had little or no in time however is not always accepted by these clients in
• In my experience, it generally saves money over the
Table 9 lifetime but does front-load the implementation time.
SiD materials requested by respondents. • Delays to the design process, often on a tight timeline.
• If it is misunderstood, it wastes a lot of time
Material category Specific comments by respondents
Good SiD • Case law, good practice examples which include why they Unclear scope of SiD • I don’t think the scope of “Safety in Design” is clearly
practices took the specific approach and how the process was done (not identified and the leads to misconceptions about what is
just the outputs). “Safety in Design”.
• Not necessarily documents, but campaigning by WorkSafe, e. • The difference in opinions as to whether something is
g. roadshows around the country aimed at engineering/ truly a safety risk that can be solved by design.
architectural/project management institutes to engage those • Challenges in obtaining approval or acceptance of
who have the biggest opportunity to eliminate risks through residual risks that were uneconomical to resolve during
planning and design. Hearing from people who have the design phase.
implemented real-time solutions. Campaigning of “what good Opaque SiD process • People often don’t know how to do it effectively. There
looks like”. isn’t a great understanding of the process.
SiD processes and • Formatted design process that is implemented. All PCBU’s • People take it too far and create ridiculous scenarios that
tools requiring this as part of the process of tendering. add little benefit to the process.
• Guidance on Safety in Design risk assessment. • It has become its own process and because of time can
• More standardized tools to use to meet obligations outlined in often be a checklist process rather than an embedded
HSAW Act. The Act itself does not explicitly require Safety in process of design.
Design, only that due diligence is completed by all involved in • Can potentially become a “box-ticking” exercise.
the design process and is correctly documented. For many • Sometimes overzealous approach can create more issues
small companies, SiD is completed but not necessarily than solutions - practical knowledge is gained through
recorded, and the introduction of the Act resulted in a lot of experience.
time for these smaller companies to develop SiD templates. • Poorly implemented safety in design processes can lead
Larger international companies tended to have these resources to a false sense of security, especially when it is considered
already. It would be good for WorkSafe or likes to have a tool to as a specific action to take instead of just being part of
use at minimum as a base to meet these new obligations. being a good designer considering risk throughout the
• Needs to be a cultural shift in the way the design process is entire design process.
approached; safety should always be considered first in any • It is not implemented consistently enough across all
design process. clients, engineers and contractors, most likely due to a lack
SiD legal duties • Expansion and highlight of “upstream” responsibility of of understanding and training.
PCBU’s in particular the utility industry where they often Lack of collaboration/ • Designers are not always best placed to determine safety
consume their own designs with use of subcontractors. The support improvements and need contractor/maintenance support.
gaps are often attempted to be filled using ‘standards’ for Lack of good practice • Much of it is already happening but not recognized as
contractors to follow. such, although there are glaring omissions, there needs to
• The prosecution, penalties for non-compliance, and law be a body of Knowledge of “Good Practice” made freely
enforcement. available for everyone’s benefit.

B.H.W. Guo et al. Safety Science 141 (2021) 105352

Table 11 Interviewees who have working experience in the UK compared

SiD challenges perceived by discipline. current SiD regulations in NZ to the Construction (Design and Man­
Challenges Architects Engineers Project H&S agement) (CDM) Regulations 2015 implemented in the UK. As Inter­
managers professionals viewee 11 pointed out:
Stakeholders’ lack of 2nd 1st 1st 1st
“The legislation (i.e., CDM) is very clear at the start and it was a lot of
understanding of their
roles in Safety in
pressure on all the consultants and the client to adopt the CDM process
Design and it becomes difficult to deal with the project without doing CDM. I
Lack of design guides/ 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd think it’s the way to get everyone on-board with it. I think one of the
examples of safe concerns that I have on SiD legislation in NZ; it’s been softened quite a
Cost consideration from 1st 3rd 2nd 2nd
the client and/or
This was complemented by the view of Interviewee 3 that:
No mechanism to check 4th 4th 4th 4th
“I was working in the UK at the time when the CDM regulations came in
for consistency in
Safety in Design
when they introduced the construction, design and maintenance regula­
tions. When they came out, they also came out with a very good guidance
booklet and what it actually means, and what people actually need to
4.6. One-Way ANOVA analysis do.”

ANOVA tests were then conducted to investigate whether there are Some interviewees raised the issue that the requirements by the
statistically significant differences in SiD knowledge, attitude, and HSWA are vague. As the Interviewee 12 pointed out:
practice between the four groups (i.e., engineer, architect, project “But it’s the processes the HSWA asks for. It’s all vague. Like what does it
manager, and H&S professional). Table 12 presents the results of one- mean necessarily by ‘place documentation’? Do you need calculations?
way ANOVA tests, which show that project managers’ self-rated SiD Do you need a registration? Do you need a letter? What exactly do you
knowledge was significantly lower than H&S professional at the 0.1 need? It needs more standardization, but ultimately that comes down to
level. Engineers’ perception about whether HSWA increased their SiD cost consideration.”
knowledge was significantly different from H&S professionals at the
0.05 level. In addition, Engineers’ perception about whether there is a
lack of SiD knowledge in the NZ AEC industry was significantly different
to both H&S professionals and project managers. Regarding the fre­ 5.2. Mindset, attitude, and awareness
quency of SiD practice, engineers were statistically significantly higher
than project managers. In order to facilitate effective SiD implementation, interviewees
ANOVA tests were also conducted on Questions 7, 9, 10, 11,13,15, pointed out a need for a mindset shift in SiD. They highlighted the
18, and 19 and no statistically significant differences were found among importance of taking ownership of SiD. SiD is not new to most designers.
different stakeholders. The difference lies in the fact that health and safety were only (volun­
tarily) considered in design previously, and now it has become a legal
5. Results of the interviews requirement and process. Interviewees mentioned that although the
HSWA has been implemented for years, there is still a “not my problem”
Four themes were identified from the theoretical coding of the attitude. Interestingly, a few interviewees criticized architect’s attitudes
interview data, including (1) SiD regulations, (2) mindset, attitude, and towards SiD in general. For example, Interviewee 3 stated that:
awareness, (3) SiD knowledge, and (4) SiD process.
“The area where I do find problems is architects. They don’t want to mess
up the beauty of the design. Architects are not as keen. They don’t want to
5.1. SiD regulations see anything (referring to mechanical stuff). This stuff isn’t difficult. They
are far too worried about aesthetics and lesser levels on safety and
Overall, most interviewees agreed with the positive changes led by functionality.”
the HSWA. When asked if the new Act (i.e., HSWA) has made changes in
This was echoed by Interviewee 12 and 6, who both mentioned that
SiD, Interviewee 10 stated that:
from an architect’s perspective, aesthetics appeal is more important than
“I’d say so; it’s upped the game.” SiD. In some situation, the demands are conflicting.

Table 12
One-Way ANOVA Tests.
Questions Discipline (I) Discipline (J) Mean Standard Significance 95% confidence
Difference (I- error interval
Lower Upper
bound bound

Q3: How would you describe your knowledge of Safety in Design Project H&S -0.708* 0.261 0.056 -1.35 -0.06
and the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015? manager Professional
Q4: Since the introduction of the Health and Safety at Work Act Engineer H&S 0.561* 0.215 0.073 0.03 1.09
2015, your knowledge of Safety in Design has increased. Professional
Q6: Do you believe there is a lack of knowledge within the New Engineer Project -0.664** 0.219 0.023 -1.27 -0.06
Zealand AEC industry on Safety in Design? manager
Engineer H&S -0.581* 0.219 0.065 -1.12 -0.04
Q17: How often do you participate in Safety-in-Design risk Engineer Project 0.693** 0.238 0.034 0.03 1.35
assessments? manager

Note: * the mean difference is significant at the 0.1 level. ** the mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

B.H.W. Guo et al. Safety Science 141 (2021) 105352

5.3. SiD knowledge cost, but this is a significant challenge for small businesses. Interviewee
7 argued that:
In general, it was interviewees’ perception that the current knowl­
“… the cost of the compliance was difficult, so the big companies did
edge level of SiD in NZ is average, which is consistent with the survey
alright while the smaller company get squeezed. Then what happens to the
smaller company is they are trying to make it cheaper to provide advice, so
Although SiD is not new, interviewees highlighted a strong need for
what they get is saving money in the short term, but not making compli­
SiD case studies and examples. As Interviewee 9 argued:
ance to H&S. But now we have been told something by someone saying
“It would be beneficial to have some kind of case studies or examples, of “No, that’s how it is”. There is a lot of assumption and proof floating up
how design can impact safety issues, that is something I think is lacking. there from huge variety because people now realize we can make money of
Need something to open the door, let people know how they can have an this we don’t even have to know what we are talking about.”
impact and why they are doing it. I think that would be really useful.”
Due to the lack of standardizes processes and tools, developing their
The effectiveness of SiD largely depends on practitioners’ knowledge own methods, tools, and templates is another level of challenge for small
of risk assessment. However, this is a significant issue, considering some businesses.
designers do not have any construction and facility maintenance expe­
rience. As Interviewee 3 pointed out: 6. Discussion
“To have an understanding of the risks you have to have built stuff, you
6.1. Comparison with previous research
have to have operated machinery; you have to have maintained it. If you
haven’t done that, you can’t understand it. If you haven’t done that,
This study investigated stakeholders’ perceptions of the knowledge,
that’s when you fall down. That’s where most of them are falling down.”
attitude, practices, and challenges of SiD in New Zealand. Table 13
compares the results of this study with those of previous research on SiD.
Overall, the results are mostly consistent concerning the knowledge,
5.4. SiD process attitude, and practices of SiD. In specific, a consensus existed that there
was a lack of SiD knowledge within the AEC industry and it has been a
Interviewees raised several significant issues regarding SiD process, significant barrier to SiD adoption and implementation. In general,
including lack of standardization, inconsistencies, reliance on a checklist knowledge of SiD can be divided into two main dimensions: (1)
approach, and lack of an implementation framework. These issues knowledge of compliance (or implementation) processes and (2)
identified from interviews are consistent with those found from the knowledge of safe design.
survey (see Table 11). The problem of lack of standardization and con­ Most of the previous research focused on the second dimension: the
sistencies in SiD practices is associated with the vague requirements scientific knowledge of safe design. Hardison and Hallowell (2019), in a
made by the HSWA. As Interviewee 1 pointed out: review of construction hazard prevention through design, called for
more scientific exploration to objectively test the hypothesis: design
“They (SiD processes) are still not consistent. There needs to be more
changes do not cause reductions in injuries and fatalities. The authors
industry training and workshops on real case studies. This would be
argued that previous studies of SiD tend to focus on perceptions and
beneficial to help people understand the importance of SiD.”
conceptual aspects of SiD and SiD is still a theory to be tested, rather
Interviewees also expressed the concern that organizations may than a fact. This perspective has significant implications for SiD imple­
apply a checklist approach blindly and advocated for a framework that mentation. For example, the survey results indicated that there was still
can better facilitate SiD efficiency and effectiveness. When asked if each a considerable proportion of participants that were sceptical of the
company should use the same checklist, Interviewee 5 answered: effectiveness of SiD to reduce accidents (refer to Table 5). From Vroom’s
expectancy theory of motivation (Vroom, 1964), such scepticism would
“I don’t think a checklist is a way to go, but I think a framework. decrease people’s expectancy that safe designs can effectively reduce
Checklists can be quite binary. A framework focuses on more what your accidents and injuries. Both survey participants and interviewees called
risk appetite looks like and what aspects of the design could breach this for more SiD examples and cases. Without a robust scientific knowledge
level of appetite, then what are you going to do in terms of the level of basis of safe design, SiD would quickly turn into paper exercise, which
control. So it’s more of (a) framework, you can’t get a one size fits all only aims to meet compliance requirements (Goh and Goh, 2016). To
solution, but at least a framework can provide guidance.” date, there is a lack of scientific measurement of SiD effectiveness, which
Another concern is that new SiD legal requirements resulted in makes evaluation and enforcement difficult.
additional time and costs for stakeholders. Although interviewees It seems that there was a consistent picture of people’s attitude to­
agreed that SiD saves money in the lifetime, it indeed causes significant wards SiD at the global level. This study indicated that both survey and
upfront costs. Interviewee 11 stated that the biggest barrier to the interview participants hold a positive view on the importance of SiD,
implementation of SiD is cost: which reinforced the studies (Abueisheh et al., 2020; Gambatese et al.,
2005; Gambatese et al., 2008; Toft et al., 2003; Toh et al., 2016) that
“(The biggest barrier is) the cost, if it’s more expensive it’s frowned upon, investigated SiD attitude. Despite the positive attitude towards SiD, the
we have to find the cheaper way to do it and sometimes hard to achieve.” level of industry engagement in SiD was still very low. Abueisheh et al.
(2020) and Toh et al. (2016) depicted a similar picture in Palestine and
Clients may not realize these upfront costs caused, and this would put
Singapore, respectively.
consultants who bid for projects into an uncompetitive situation. As
Globally, the low level of industry engagement can be attributed to
Interviewee 12 pointed out:
several common barriers, including time and cost constraints, legal is­
“Consultants want the best price. But adding SiD, clients may see it as sues, lack of collaboration, and lack of knowledge and capability.
something you don’t need to worry about, just put it into your Health and
Safety stuff. It is extra work; you have to do a risk register and run extra
6.2. A hybrid regulatory approach to SiD?
workshops with 4 or 5 high-level consultants, $2000 for an hour. A lot of
Both survey and interview participants raised several significant
Public clients are more willing and capable to pay the compliance concerns over the new SiD regulations, HSWA 2015. These include (1)

B.H.W. Guo et al. Safety Science 141 (2021) 105352

Table 13 Table 13 (continued )

A comparison with previous research. Aspects of SiD Previous research This study (New Zealand)
Aspects of SiD Previous research This study (New Zealand)

Awareness, UK Only 0.6% of respondents Only 19.3% of engineers

knowledge and Designers lack exposure to had never heard of SiD and 5.4% of architects
understanding onsite activities and before the survey. responded that their firm
operations (Larsen and practiced some form of safe
Whyte, 2013) Survey respondents’ self- design in their designs (
rated knowledge of SiD was Tymvios and Gambatese,
US high. 2016).
Four (21%) of the 19
designers interviewed were Both survey and interview UK
judged to be knowledgeable participants believed that (Morrow et al., 2016)
of the concept (Gambatese there is a lack of SiD identified three types of
et al., 2005) knowledge in the AEC designers regarding the
Knowledge of design for industry. implementation of safe
construction worker safety design:
is very minimal (Tymvios The doer: make conscious
and Gambatese, 2016) efforts to dealing with
health and safety issues in
Singapore their designs;
DfS knowledge needs to be The receiver: want to
improved (Toh et al., 2016) implement safe design but
struggle to do so;
Palestine The giver: are not concerned
70% of 25 survey with health and safety issues
respondents were aware of in their designs.
the concept of design for
safety (Abueisheh et al., Palestine
2020). Engagement in safe design
Attitude, interest, US Both survey and interview practices was very low. Only
and willingness Among the 19 designers participants hold a very one out of the 15 practices
interviewed, 7 respondents positive view on the can be regarded as being
(37%) were willing to importance of SiD. implemented at least
implement SiD, while 47% “Often” by the participants (
gave a neutral response, Over 80% of the survey Abueisheh et al., 2020).
16% expressed negative respondents believed that
interest concept (Gambatese SiD leads to accident Singapore
et al., 2005). reduction. The level of design for safety
Experts agreed that SiD is a practice was low (Toh et al.,
viable method to improve 2016).
site safety (Gambatese et al., most civil & structural
2008). engineers were not
Architects were the least practicing DfS and few had
receptive to the idea (Toole attended design for safety
et al., 2017). training (Goh and Chua,
Australia Challenges and US (Gambatese et al., 2005) • Additional cost and time;
Members of the Australasian barriers to and (Tymvios and • Unclear scope of SiD;
Association for Engineering implementation Gambatese, 2016) • Opaque SiD process;
Education had a positive Increased liability; • Lack of collaboration/
attitude toward SiD (Toft Designer have limited or no support;
et al., 2003) construction experience; • Lack of good practice.
Time constraints;
Singapore Designers have no control
Stakeholders had a positive over who gets the bid;
attitude towards the concept Economic and contractual
of design for safety (Goh and obstacles.
Chua, 2016; Toh et al., UK (Larsen and Whyte,
2016). 2013)
Designers were driven by
Palestine aesthetics, not health and
82% of 25 survey safety
respondents considered the Singapore (Goh and Chua,
importance of design for 2016)
safety to be “very high” or Client’s cost consideration;
“high” (Abueisheh et al., Lack of early involvement of
2020). the contractor;
Practice and US Only 47.9% of the survey Lack of mechanism to check
implementation 47% of the 19 designers participants often, or very for consistency in design for
interviewed addressed often, participated in SiD safety
construction safety in their risk assessment.
design on an informal basis;
42% made modifications to HSWA being vague and more details needed to promote the imple­
a design to eliminate safety mentation, (2) lack of good practice examples and case studies, (3) lack
risks (Gambatese et al.,
of non-compliance examples, and (4) compliance burden on small
To set up a proper regulatory perspective to interpret these concerns,

B.H.W. Guo et al. Safety Science 141 (2021) 105352

a brief comparison between SiD related regulations in NZ, Australia, philosophy is to provide flexibility. It may come at the cost of being
Singapore, and the UK was made (see Table 14). Note that the com­ vague, however. For example, both survey participants and interviewees
parison is by no means comprehensive, and the primary intention is to criticized the HSWA for being vague regarding SiD legal duties and
provide a meaningful international regulatory context to interpret both processes. To reduce the vagueness, a hybrid approach was often
survey and interview participants’ perceptions of the new regulation, adopted to combine performance standards with either code of practice
HSWA 2015. or guidelines. In effect, these code of practices and guidelines developed
The OHS legislative systems of the four countries are based on the UK by government and industry bodies take the form of prescriptive stan­
Robens model (Robens, 1972). Robens report marked a significant shift dards. As shown in Table 14, under the umbrella of the Work Health and
of regulatory practice from prescriptive to performance-based concepts. Safety Act, only the UK and Singapore have SiD-related regulations. In
The Robens model is underpinned by three main principles: particular, the Singapore Workplace Safety and Health (Design for
Safety) Regulations 2015 was explicitly designed for SiD, where legal
1. Define general duties and overall objectives that are to be achieved, duties of regulated entities are expressly specified. For example, the
2. Approved codes of practice, standards, and guidelines of guidance to Regulations even require that the developer must convene design-for-
support duty holders, safety review meetings and ensure that each meeting is attended by
3. A more effective self-regulating system that allows duty holders to all the relevant designers and contractors appointed. As such, the reg­
choose means to comply with general duties. ulations are far more prescriptive. Similar specified duties are imposed
on regulated entities in the UK Construction (Design and Management)
Performance-based regulations have widely been recognized as a Regulations 2015. On the other hand, such a level of clarity is generally
superior approach over prescriptive regulations, as they are more missing in the New Zealand Work Health and Safety Act 2015 and the
adaptable and accommodate innovations. However, performance-based Health and Safety by Design – an Introduction (Good practice guide­
regulations depend on the ability of regulators to “specify, measure, and lines). One could argue that flexibility is deliberately reserved, being
monitor performance, but reliable and appropriate information about per­ consistent with the Robens philosophy. However, flexibility may be seen
formance may sometimes be difficult to obtain” (Coglianese et al., 2003). as a burden for small businesses. Small businesses need more support,
The main advantage of performance-based regulations is that regulated and a high amount of guidance is beneficial (Anderson, 2007; Guo et al.,
entities are provided with the freedom to choose any (cost-effective and 2018; Wright et al., 2005). They may prefer to be advised what specific
innovative) means to meet the required outcomes. From this perspec­ duties are and what to do, rather than incur costs to develop SiD pro­
tive, the inconsistencies in SiD practices raised in the survey and in­ cesses and tools needed. This concern was well manifested in both the
terviews are somewhat understandable since companies are permitted survey and interview results.
the freedom to meet the mandated outcomes in anyways. However, Again, a common argument for performance-based regulations is
performance-based regulations are not a perfect approach without lim­ that they accommodate innovations. Nevertheless, prescribing SiD
itations. Coglianese et al. (2003) argued that regulators need to consider process requirements does not necessarily stifle innovations. For
the conditions in which the regulations are applied. Performance-based example, mandating SiD review meetings does not hinder creating safer
regulations are often loosely specified, which can introduce not only designs. The real test lies in duty holders’ SiD knowledge and
flexibility but also vagueness and imprecision. Large firms may enjoy the commitment.
flexibility, as they are more capable of searching and determining the In addition, the role of upstream Person Conducting a Business or
means to comply. In contrast, small businesses may prefer prescriptive Undertaking (PCBU) (i.e., designer) is highlighted in the HSWA, while
standards, codes of practices, and guidelines. According to the Robens the Singapore Workplace Safety and Health (Design for Safety) Regu­
philosophy, a high-level Act provides only general duty requirements lations emphasized the leadership of developers in leading and facili­
and performance standards. One of the primary purposes of Robens tating SiD processes (e.g., documentation, meeting, cooperation, and

Table 14
A brief comparison of SiD regulations.
Country New Zealand Australia Singapore UK

WSH Act Work Health and Safety Act 2015 Work Health and Safety Act Workplace Safety and Health Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
2011 (WSH) Act 2011
SiD-related Regulations / / Workplace Safety and Health Construction (Design and
(Design for Safety) Regulations Management) Regulations 2015
Regulation type Performance-based Performance-based Performance-based Performance-based
National SiD related / Safe Work Australia Code of / /
code of practice Practice Safe Design of Structures
National SiD related • Health and Safety by Design – • Safe Work Australia Handbook • Guidelines on Design for Safety in • Managing health and safety in
guidelines an Introduction (Good practice Principles of Good Work Design Buildings and Structures (2011) construction – Guidance on
guidelines) (2015) • Workplace Safety and Health Regulations
• Safe Work Australia Guide Guidelines—Design for Safety • Need building work done? – A
for Safe Design of Plant (2014) short guide for client on the CDM
Regulations 2015
Industry All workplaces All workplaces Construction projects Construction projects
Scope Design of plant, a substance, or Design of plant, a substance, or Design of a structure Design of a structure
structure structure
Duty holders PCBU PCBU • Developer • Client
Officer Officer • Designer • Designer
Workers Workers • Contractor • Principal designer
Other persons at workplaces (e.g., Other persons at workplaces (e. • Contractor
visitors) g., visitors) • Principal contractor
Methods for transferring Design Safety Report, • Safety report DfS register Health and safety file
safety-related Work health and safety file • Work health and safety file

B.H.W. Guo et al. Safety Science 141 (2021) 105352

communication). Both the Workplace Safety and Health (Design for nature of the problem (Coglianese et al., 2003). With respect to SiD, the
Safety) Regulations and CDM Regulations 2015 require developers/cli­ current major challenge is the low level of SiD knowledge and organi­
ents to allocate sufficient time and resources for SiD. However, such zational capability. The results of this study suggested that industry
requirements are missing in the HSWA. As a result, it is not surprising stakeholders expected more detailed case studies and good practices
that survey participants believed that there is a lack of client buy-in, and from the government agencies. This calls for a hybrid approach that
their awareness of SiD can be improved. Note that client buy-in would combines higher-level performance-based regulations with lower-level
directly affect procurement strategies and processes (Guo et al., 2015). rigid standards and guidelines. More flexibility can be provided once
Without sufficient time and resources from the client, it would be the organizational capability of SiD is significantly improved at the in­
challenging for designers and downstream stakeholders to lead and dustry level.
facilitate SiD processes. In response to Worksafe New Zealand regarding
the document “Work-related Health Strategy – Health and Safety by Declaration of Competing Interest
design”, the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (now
Engineering New Zealand) highlighted the importance of collaboration The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
among all relevant stakeholders and leadership of client (The Institution interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
of Professional Engineers New Zealand, 2016). However, the duties and the work reported in this paper.
roles of clients are mostly missing in the Health and Safety by Design –
an Introduction (Good practice guidelines) (Worksafe New Zealand, Acknowledgements
2018). It would make a significant difference whether or not client place
demands on designers and contractors to meet specific SiD standards. The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their
constructive comments. Appreciation also goes to all respondents for
7. Conclusions their participation in this study.

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