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Digital Signal Processing

(EC 3096)
SPRING - 2024

School of Electronics Engineering

Name: Kamalika Dutta

Roll number: 2104025

Section: ETC-1

Student Signature:
Format of Laboratory Report

Experiment Number 08

Date of Experiment 21/03/2024

Date of Submission 28/03/2024

Name of the student ARKAPRAVA GHOSH

Roll Number 2104011

Section ETC-1

Aim of The Experiment :-

Realization of IIR filter using FDA tool and implementation of FIR filtering on DSK
6713 kit. (Generate filter coefficient from MATLAB FDA tool and use it)

Equipment and Software Required:-

The Equipment and Software required are as follows:
DSK 6713 kit, MATLAB


The DSK 6713 kit, also known as the TMS320C6713 DSP Starter Kit, is a development
board made by Texas Instruments (TI). It's designed to help engineers and developers
get started working with the TMS320C6713 DSP (Digital Signal Processor).

Overall, the DSK 6713 kit is a valuable tool for engineers and developers working on
projects that require a high-performance DSP with audio processing capabilities.

IIR Filter:
An IIR filter, which stands for Infinite Impulse Response filter, is a type of digital filter
with a key characteristic: its output depends on both past inputs and past outputs. This
results in an impulse response that theoretically never reaches zero, hence the name
IIR Filter Design with FDA Tool (MATLAB):
IIR Filters (Infinite Impulse Response): These filters have an infinite duration impulse
response, meaning their output depends on past inputs and outputs. They can be
designed using transfer functions with poles and zeros.

FDA Tool (Filter Design & Analysis Tool): A MATLAB toolbox for designing and
analyzing digital filters. It provides a graphical interface to specify filter requirements
and obtain filter coefficients.

FIR Filter Implementation on DSK 6713 Kit:

FIR Filters (Finite Impulse Response): These filters have a finite duration impulse
response, meaning their output depends only on a finite number of past inputs. They are
designed with filter coefficients.

DSK 6713 Kit: A development platform with a TMS320C6713 DSP processor for
implementing digital signal processing algorithms.

Code:- (or Block diagram)

clc; clear all;close all;
hold on
legend('Original Signal','Noise')

Results / Output/Graph:-

1. Filter Magnitude response

2. Phase Response
3. Impulse Response

4. Step Response

5. Pole Zero Plot

6. Filtered Output (FIR filter)

Discussion or Inference of the experiment

This experiment aimed to demonstrate the design and implementation of digital filters
for specific frequency responses. We achieved this through two methods:

IIR Filter Design with Verification:

The FDA tool in MATLAB proved to be a valuable tool for designing IIR filters. It
allowed us to easily specify filter requirements and obtain the corresponding coefficients.

By analyzing the generated frequency response, we ensured the designed IIR filter met
the desired specifications.

FIR Filter Implementation and Analysis:

We successfully implemented the FIR filter on the DSK 6713 development platform.
This involved translating the obtained coefficients (or designing a separate FIR filter)
and writing code for the FIR algorithm in C, considering the fixed-point architecture of
the TMS320C6713 processor.

Testing with an analog input signal verified the functionality of the implemented FIR
filter. By analyzing the filtered output, we were able to compare its frequency response
to the design goals.

Key Learnings:
The FDA tool simplifies the design process for IIR filters, making it accessible for
various applications.

FIR filters offer advantages like guaranteed stability and linear phase response, which
are crucial considerations depending on the specific filtering needs.

The DSK 6713 kit serves as a valuable platform for implementing and testing digital
signal processing algorithms in real-time.

Conclusion:- We have successfully implemented the code and generated the desired

Faculty Signature

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