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Health is the most important thing for every human. Life without ilnesses is prettier and easier. You have less of
troubles, you can enjoy the life without any limits. The functionality of the body is interconnected between various
organs. Keeping the organs healthy is important.
Health is not simply the absence of sickness. health is the state of physical, mental and social well-being, This includes
regular excercise, plenty of rest, enough sleep, good eating habits, a lot of vitamins, no smoking and no alcohol, it can
help to avoid infections diseases, heart attacks and brain damage. When we fell sick we take vitamins, drink tea, stay in
bed, stay indoors, keep warm, eat a lot of fruit or some medicine. If it doesn’t help we go do the doctor, its better to
have appointment to overcome waiting in overcrowded waiting rooms. First of all we enter the waiting room. Then the
nurse says „next please“ and invited us into the consulting room. She wants to see our insurence card. Doctors may ask
you to strip to teh waist before they examine your chest and throat. They can also check our blood pressure, feel the
pulse ro put our blood or urine through lab-tests. Doctors ussually prescribe some medicine for us – pills, antibiotics,
eye drops, sleeping pills, ointments or they tell us to go on a diet. In more serious cases or if we get injured we can call
the doctor to our home. Sometimes we may be taken to hospital by an ambulance. For special accidents a helicopter
may be called up. Sometimes it is necessary to give first aid such as mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, to stop bleeding or
fix fractures. (try the pulse, try the breathing, put the head up, stick the tongue (the person can suffocate)). In the
hospital the injured people are examined and X-rayed at a casualty ward (emergency room). Serious cases are
immediately operated on in the operating room. Before the operation the patient must pass several tests and then just
before the operation he is anaesthetised by means of an injection or inhalation of narcotic. After the operation a scar
often remains. . We must go through many types of vaccination during our lives. Dentists may check our teeth and
sometimes pull out or drill and fill them. Each person should undergo a regular check-up at least once a year.
the most common illnesses are:
Allergies- a runny nose or sneezing, swollen eyes
Flu- fever, Cough, sore throat, muscle or body aches, headaches
Mononucleosis- sore throat, head and body aches, swollen liver
the most common injuries are: (causes)
Sprained ankle — Walking or exercising on an uneven surface, landing awkwardly from a jump
Fractures- fall from a height, motor vehicle accidents, running
Achilles tendon injuries- Increased amount or intensity of an activity or sport.

Conventional- offers treatment with painkillers, it fight against illness with drugs and surgery
Alternative – looks at the whole person, not just illness. new way of healing diseases
– there are different types –aromatherapy, hippotherapy, esotericism – special rituals to stay clean, yoga
– dividing of body and soul to bring harmony of both
Diseases of civilization? How can we protect ourselves?
hearth-attack, obesity, diabetes, headache, allergy, cancer, AIDS, problems with sleep, rheumy
In my opinion our health care system misses…

Hospitals – not very good, no place, badly equipped, expensive, bad food

Paying – medicaments are expensive, insurance companies do not want to pay them, sometimes doctors want to have
profit from selling medicaments

Insurance – everybody must be insured, expensive, some companies do not do what they should – they promise sth. and
then said that it is for some another people…

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