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Version 1.0
12/27/2014 – 4:19PM MST

Compiled and Edited


Frater Fiet
1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 3
2.0 HISTORY ................................................................................................................................................ 3
3.0 ANALYSIS .............................................................................................................................................. 4
3.1 First Section ......................................................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Second Section ..................................................................................................................................... 5
3.3 Third Section ........................................................................................................................................ 5
3.4 Fourth Section ...................................................................................................................................... 6
3.5 Fifth Section ......................................................................................................................................... 6
3.6 Sixth Section......................................................................................................................................... 7
4.0 PERFORMANCE INSTRUCTIONS ...................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Materials: .............................................................................................................................................. 8
4.2 Steps: .................................................................................................................................................... 8
The Bornless Ritual is a unique magical ceremony that has undergone many changes over time and
was used by Aliester Crowely to achieve Knowledge and Conversation with his Holy Guardian
Angel. This document presents a limited history of the ritual and then provides a step by step
performance based on the reading and analysis of numerous work on the subject. This particular
instruction is one devised and used personally by Frater Fiet and is not intended to be authoritative
or an official instruction. The aspirant is advised to study the available texts on the subject and to
devise their own steps.

The books referenced for this analysis are:

 Fragment of A Graeco-Egyptian Work Upon Magic, Charles Wycliffe Goodwin, M.A., 1852
 Liber Samekh, Aliester Crowley,
 The Bornless Ritual - Several Versions and a Cursory Analysis, Israel Regardie, 1978
 The Goetia – The Lesser Key of Solomon the King, MacGregor Mathers, Second Edition, 1997
 Magick - Liber ABA – Book IV, Aliester Crowley, 2002 Edition
 Egyptian Magic, E.A. Wallis Budge, 1971 Edition
 The Egyptian Book of the Dead, E.A. Wallis Budge, 1967 Edition (general Egyptian Reference)
 Gems from the Equinox, Israel Regardie, 2007 Edition

As far as is known, this ritual first appeared in “Fragment of A Graeco-Egyptian Work Upon
Magic” by Charles Wycliffe Goodwin, M.A. in 1852 for the Cambridge Antiquarian Society. Next it
shows up in E.A. Wallis Budge’s The Book of the Dead in 1895. It was then published again in part
by E.A. Wallis Budge in 1901 in a book called Egyptian Magic which was the second volume of a
series by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., LTD. called “Books on Egypt and Chaldea”.

There is also a Greek text called PGM 5.96-172 provided in a German book, as edited by Karl
Preisendanz, Papyri Graecae Magicae: Die Griechischen Zauberpapyri, second edition, Verlag B. G.
Teubner, Stuttgart, 1928, vol. I, pp. 184-7. This text was then translated into English by D. E. Aune
in a Betz (ed.), called The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, including the Demotic Spells, second
edition, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992, p. 103. In these cases it has been called the Stele
of Jeu the Heiroglyphist and seems to be described as both an exorcism and a deliberate, possibly auto-
hypnotic, alteration of personality wherein the operator assumes the personality of either Moses or
the “Headless One.” In the case of ancient languages the words Bornless and Headless can often be
conflated as meaning “without beginning” thus indicating an eternal being.

Crowley then had it added to the introduction of The Goetia published in 1903 as a “Preliminary
Invocation”. The 1997 version of The Goetia has some interesting symbols, Hebrew letters, and
works printed above each section of the ritual, which will be explained in the analysis section of this
Finally sometime in the 1920’s Crowley made an adaptation of the ritual which he called Liber
Samekh and included a detailed commentary. This adaptation changed the spelling of several of the
words and “Barbarous” names used in the original version. These changes were likely to improve
the Qabalistic significance of the words. After that many individuals incorporated this ritual in
various systems, books and commentaries too numerous to list here.

A number of excellent analysis and commentaries on this ritual exist, the most important and useful,
in the opinion of the author, are Crowley’s and Israel Regardie’s own. These go into great detail
behind the meaning of the words, Qabalistic analysis, and the psychological components of the
ritual. Due to the completeness and value of the aforementioned analysis the author will not attempt
to duplicate or add to them here, but will instead focus on the symbols, letters and words printed in
the Goetia and describe how they might related to the performance of the ritual. The aspirant is
advised to refer to the books listed in the introduction for a complete analysis of the meanings
behind the ritual and to verify the steps for themselves.

One small comment that the author will make is to note that the ritual highlights opposites and
polarities (the night and the day, the female and the male, etc.) and then focuses on a sort of unity
(every spirit of the firmament and of the ether, etc.) which contains contrasts within itself. Near the
end of the ritual a unification between the operator and the Bornless One occurs. This is a powerful
and deeply psychological formula which often produces a unique effect on the operator.

Upon reviewing The Goetia, it was noted that some versions had a number of symbols and words
either before each section of the Preliminary Invocation or as a footnote. These were examined and
decoded and it was interpreted by the author that these are actually instructions on actions to be
performed during the ritual, at the beginning of each section to be spoken.

3.1 First Section

The first section of the Preliminary Invocation had the following items displayed:

= The alchemical symbol for Air. Next to this symbol was the word “East” likely
meaning that the operator is to face the East, which is typically appropriate in relationship
to Air during a ritual. Then follows the words Golden Glory.

= One of the four Enochian Seals of the Watchtowers. Tahoeloj is the Elemental King of
Air and this symbol can be attributed to Air. It is unclear if an action is to be undertaken
by the operator or if this is simply to strengthen the Air connotation.

= The Invoking Pentagram of Air. Likely means the operator should draw this before
= YOD HEH VAU HEH, the Tetragrammaton should be spoken or likely vibrated
at this point in the ritual.

2°=9° Meaning that the operator is to give the Sign of the grade for 2°=9° or The God Shu
Supporting the Sky. (The Sign is shown in the Performance Instructions below.)

3.2 Second Section

The second section of the Preliminary Invocation had the following items printed:

= The alchemical symbol for Fire. Next to this symbol was the word “South” likely
meaning that the operator is to face the South, which is typically appropriate in
relationship to Fire during a ritual. Then follows the words “Red are the Rays” (color to
visualize?) and Verendum. Verendum means Wand or Phallus, likely meaning that the
operator is to use the Wand.

= The Invoking Pentagram of Fire. Likely intended for the operator to draw before them.

= One of the four Enochian Seals of the Watchtowers. Ohooohaatan is the Elemental
King of Fire and this symbol can be attributed to Fire. It is unclear if an action is to be
undertaken by the operator or if this is simply to strengthen the Fire connotation.

= ELHIM, A name of God. Should be spoken or likely vibrated at this point in

the ritual.

2°=9° Meaning that the operator is to give the Sign of the grade for 4°=7° or The Goddess
Thoum-Aesh-Neith. (The Sign is shown in the Performance Instructions below.)

3.3 Third Section

The third section of the Preliminary Invocation had the following items printed:

= The alchemical symbol for Water. Next to this symbol was the word “West” likely
meaning that the operator is to face the West, which is typically appropriate in relationship
to Water during a ritual. Then follows the words “Blue Radiance” (color to visualize?) and
Wand. The operator is to use the wand for this section but one could make the argument that using
a cup is more proper.
= The Invoking Pentagram of Water. Likely meant to be drawn before the operator.

= One of the four Enochian Seals of the Watchtowers. Thahebyobeeatan is the

Elemental King of Water and this symbol can be attributed to Water. It is unclear if an
action is to be undertaken by the operator or if this is simply to strengthen the Water

= EL, A name of God. Should be spoken or likely vibrated at this point in the ritual.

3°=8° Meaning that the operator is to give the Sign of the grade for 3°=8° or The Goddess
Auramoth. (The Sign is shown in the Performance Instructions below.)

3.4 Fourth Section

The fourth section of the Preliminary Invocation had the following items printed:

= The alchemical symbol for Earth. Next to this symbol was the word “North” likely
meaning that the operator is to face the North, which is typically appropriate in
relationship to Water during a ritual. Then follows the words “Green Flame” (color to
visualize?). It would make sense for the operator to use a disk or pentacle for this part of the ritual.

= One of the four Enochian Seals of the Watchtowers. Thahaaotahe is the Elemental
King of Earth and this symbol can be attributed to Earth. It is unclear if an action is to
be undertaken by the operator or if this is simply to strengthen the Earth connotation.

= Invoking Pentagram of Earth. Likely means the operator should draw this before them.

= ADONAI, A name of God. Should be spoken or likely vibrated at this point in the ritual.

1°=10° Meaning that the operator is to give the Sign of the grade for 1°=10° or Set Fighting. (The Sign
is shown in the Performance Instructions below.)

3.5 Fifth Section

The fifth section of the Preliminary Invocation had the following items printed:
= Active creative forces.

= The Active Invoking Pentagram of Spirit. Likely means the operator should draw
this before them.

= EHIHEH, A name of God. Should be spoken or likely vibrated at this point in

the ritual.

Then an instruction is given to perform the LVX Signs. (The Signs are shown in the Performance
Instructions below.)

3.6 Sixth Section

There is a sixth section that is often omitted from versions of the ritual, but which the author feels is
important to include as it completes the movement from action to reception and the conversion of
the personality of the operator to that of the Bornless One or even the HGA. The sixth section of
the Preliminary Invocation had the following items printed:

= The Passive Invoking Pentagram of Spirit. Likely means the operator should draw
this before them.

‫ = אגלא‬AGLA, A name of God. AGLA is a notariqon for Atah Gibor Le-olam Adonai or "You,
O Lord, are mighty forever." MacGregor Mathers has suggested "A the one first, A the one last, G,
the trinity in unity, L, the completion of the Great Work. The real God name for AGLA is Amen
(‫)ןמא‬, the Concealed One and one of the most ancient gods that is known. Should be spoken or
likely vibrated at this point in the ritual.

NOX Meaning that the operator is to give the Signs of NOX. (The Signs are shown in the
Performance Instructions below.)
The following instructions are based on the personal intuition, understanding, and reading of the
author and as such have the possibility of being entirely incorrect. The aspirant is strongly
encouraged to investigate for themselves via research and experimentation to determine the validity,
or not, of what follows.

4.1 Materials:
An alter
A Dagger representing Air placed in the East of the alter.
A Wand representing Fire placed in the South of the alter.
A Cup representing Water placed in the West of the alter.
A Pantacle or Disk representing Earth placed in the North of the alter.
A circle.
Whatever incense, candles, etc. as the operator may prefer.
A robe of the grade of the operator.

4.2 Steps:
1. Prepare the space by performing a banishing ritual such as LBRP. It is also advisable for the
operator to be ceremonially bathed and cleansed.
2. Facing the East (or perhaps Boleskine) before the alter, with arms outstretched say:

Thee I invoke the Bornless one, thee that didst create the Earth and the Heavens,
Thee that didst create the Night and the Day,
Thee that didst create the Darkness and the Light,
Thou art Asar-un-Nefer whom no man hath seen at any time.

Thou art IA-BESZ,

Thou art IA-APOPH-RAZ,
Thou hast distinguished between the Just and the Unjust,
Thou didst make the Female and the Male,
Thou didst produce the Seed and the Fruit,
Thou didst form men to Love one another and to Hate one another.
I am Fieti thy prophet unto whom thou didst commit thy mysteries, the ceremonies
of Khemii.
Thou didst produce the Moist and the Dry and that which nourisheth all creative life.
HEAR thou me for I am the Angel of PTAH-APO-PHRASZ-RA, this is thy true
name handed down to the prophets of KHEM.

3. Facing the East, take up the Dagger and draw the Invoking Pentagram of Air.
4. Replace the Dagger on the alter and vibrate YOD HEH VAU HEH
5. Give the Sign of 2=9 (Shu supporting the sky) and say:

Hear me!




6. With arms outstretched say:

Hear me and make all spirits subject unto me so that every spirit of the firmament
and of the ether, upon the earth and under the earth, on dry land and in the water, of
whirling air and of rushing fire and every spell and scourge of God may be made
obedient unto me!


7. Turn clockwise to the South, take up the Wand and draw the invoking Pentagram of Fire.
8. Replace the Wand and vibrate ELOHIM.
9. Give the Sign of 4=7 (Fire, Thoum-aesh-neith) while saying:

I invoke thee the terrible and invisible God

that dwellest in the void place of the spirit.




The Bornless One

10. With arms outstretched say:

Hear me and make all spirits subject unto me so that every spirit of the firmament
and of the ether, upon the earth and under the earth, on dry land and in the water, of
whirling air and of rushing fire and every spell and scourge of God may be made
obedient unto me!


11. Turn clockwise to the West, take up the Cup and draw the Invoking Pentagram of Water.
12. Vibrate EL.
13. Replace the Cup and give the Sign of 3=8 (Water, The Goddess
Auramoth) and say:

Hear me!





Mighty and Bornless One!

14. With arms outstretched say:

Hear me and make all spirits subject unto me so that every spirit of the firmament
and of the ether, upon the earth and under the earth, on dry land and in the water, of
whirling air and of rushing fire and every spell and scourge of God may be made
obedient unto me!


15. Turn clockwise to the North, take up the Disk and draw the Invoking Pentagram of Earth.
16. Replace the Disk and vibrate ADNI.
17. Give the Sign of 1=10 (Set Fighting) and say:

I invoke thee!


18. With arms outstretched say:

Hear me and make all spirits subject unto me so that every spirit of the firmament
and of the ether, upon the earth and under the earth, on dry land and in the water, of
whirling air and of rushing fire and every spell and scourge of God may be made
obedient unto me!


19. Turn clockwise to the East, take up the Dagger and draw the active Invoking Pentagram of
20. Vibrate EHIHEH.
21. Give the LVX Signs and say:

Hear me!

This is the Lord of the Gods!

This is the Lord of the Universe!
This is He whom the Winds fear!
This is He who having made Voice by his Commandment is Lord of all things, King,
Ruler and Helper!

22. With arms outstretched say:

Hear me and make all spirits subject unto me so that every spirit of the firmament
and of the ether, upon the earth and under the earth, on dry land and in the water, of
whirling air and of rushing fire and every spell and scourge of God may be made
obedient unto me!


23. Still facing the East again take up the Dagger and draw the passive Invoking Pentagram of
24. Replace the Dagger and vibrate AGLA.
25. Give the signs of NOX and say:

Hear me!



26. Still facing the East, give the 5=6 Sign, (Osiris Slain, The Cross) and say:

I am He! The Bornless Spirit having sight in the feet Strong and the Immortal fire!
I am He the Truth!
I am HE! Who hate that evil should be wrought in the world.
I am He that Ligteneth and Thundereth!
I am He whose mouth ever flameth!
I am He the Begetter and Manifester onto the Light!
I am He the Grace of the World!

Come thou forth and follow me and make all spirits subject unto me so that every
spirit of the firmament and of the ether, upon the earth and under the earth, on dry
land and in the water, of whirling air and of rushing fire and every spell and scourge
of God may be made obedient unto me!


Such are the words!

Fr. Fiet

Replace with the chosen name of the operator. Some have used Mosheh, Moses, or even Therion.
Replace with the chosen “magickal” land of the operator. Some have used Israel or other locations.

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