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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Persona 5
Relationships: Persona 5 Protagonist/Sakura Futaba, Amamiya Ren & Sakura Futaba,
Kurusu Akira & Sakura Futaba, Amamiya Ren/Sakura Futaba, Kurusu
Akira/Sakura Futaba
Characters: Sakura Futaba, Amamiya Ren (Persona Series), Persona 5 Protagonist,
Kurusu Akira
Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, Drabble, Fluffy, sweet stuff, Character Study, Short,
what are you doing stepbro, Idiots in Love, big dumbass energy
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2020-05-08 Words: 539 Chapters: 1/1
by FunAO3 (orphan_account)


Futaba couldn’t always tell if that contradiction was by design or not — if he were somehow
just Joker wearing a Ren mask, taking it off only to save the day.


The shortest thing I'll ever submit. A drabble that came to mind while thinking of someone
special. Probably a precursor to a larger piece from the future.
Ren was not an easy man to understand. He was quiet more often than he wasn’t, peering out
at the world from behind the scopelike lens of his black-rimmed glasses. The curly hair that
crowded his face and eyes may as well have been a forest dark and deep. His fingers were
lithe and soft, they played across her cheek at night when he thought she was asleep, but the
ridge of his knuckles were almost always bruised. When he did speak, it was always rife with
sarcasm or wry mockery, but the extent of his devotion to everyone around him hardly
mirrored that.

Futaba couldn’t always tell if that contradiction was by design or not — if he were somehow
just Joker wearing a Ren mask, taking it off only to save the day.

Her boyfriend wasn’t Batman.

He was more like Bruce Wayne. Affable and charming when he wanted to be, but a total
grump on the surface. She noted that when he pulled the controller out of her hands one night
and despite her totally legitimate protests that he was being an asshole and that she totally
could have gotten one more game in before bed.

As a boyfriend, he functioned a little like a second dad. He was caring and a little
overprotective. He tried to keep a subtle interest in everything she did. Ren played games
with her when nobody else would, and when he wasn’t in the mood, he let her cuddle up in
his arms while she played. Watching with his chin resting on the crown of her red hair, he
was content to quietly observe.

And shit talk her whenever she died.

During the day, Ren was always moving. Cleaning, cooking, preparing some plan or another
that may or may never pan out. He didn’t communicate much of any of it. Futaba only knew
he was going to clean the kitchen after the fact, when she came downstairs to find everything
sparkling and the floor completely free of dust bunnies. He was aggressive like that, even
doing the same to her room while she slept or in the scant moments when she left the house.

It was a little frustrating to come home and find that her perfectly organized pile of loose
notes were not where she left them, but instead put together into a neat little folder… but it
was proof that he cared, and those proofs were sometimes hard to find. Ren didn’t shy away
from complimenting her in private, or lauding her achievements (even if they were lame
things that everyone could do), but finding the actual, concrete proofs were what mattered to

Proofs like the way he kissed her forehead at night, or how he’d sneak into her bed to cuddle
with her on nights she couldn’t sleep. Like the incredibly annoying and not at all endearing in
the slightest way that he patted her head. How he’d try so hard to fluster her throughout the
day, making wry comments about how pretty she was or hitting her with dumb pickup lines
when she came down to get something from the fridge.

Her boyfriend wasn’t Batman.

He was an idiot and a half.

She loved him, though.

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