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Community Engagement,
Solidarity, and Citizenship
Quarter 4 – Module 6:
Plan Using Participatory Approaches

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Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship – Grade12
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 6: Plan Using Participatory Approaches
Second Edition, 2021

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis-Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Angelita T. Ocat
Editors: Jane Consejo C. Pinuto, Jovan Alcala and Bryan Miko M. Cadiz
Reviewer: Divina May S. Medez
Illustrator: Typesetter
Layout Artist: Lolita B. Parreño
Management Team: Senen Priscillo P. Paulin, CESO V Rosela R. Abiera
Joelyza M. Arcilla, Ed.D. Maricel S. Rasid
Marcelo K. Palispis, Ed.D. Elmar L. Cabrera
Nilita L. Ragay, Ed.D.
Carmelita A. Alcala, Ed.D.

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Department of Education –Region VII Schools Division of Negros Oriental

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Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear
learners, can continue your studies and learn while at home.
Activities, questions, directions, exercises, and discussions are
carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.
Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you
step-by-step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared
for you.
Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons
in each SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing
this module or if you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s
assistance for better understanding of the lesson. At the end of
each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check your
learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We
trust that you will be honest in using these.
In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher
are also provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and
reminders on how they can best help you on your home-based
Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on
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exercises and tests. And read the instructions carefully before
performing each task.
If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in
answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your
teacher or facilitator.
Thank you.


What I Need to Know



Plan Using Participatory Approaches

This module is a tool guide of learners to enhance their skills and widen their
knowledge to become more effective citizens of this country. The community action
plan is one of the participatory tools to be used in building the capacity of the
community members in taking action in accordance with the problems, needs, and
potentials of the community (see also problem analysis and decision making) Using
participatory approaches in evaluation means involving stakeholders, particularly the
participants in a program or those directly affected by a given policy along the
evaluation process.
The term covers a wide range of different types of participation, which differ in
terms of what is understood by ‘participation’, whose participation is wanted, and what
it is that those people are involved in and how they may participate. By asking the
question “Who should be involved, why and how” for each step of an impact
evaluation, an appropriate and context-specific participatory approach can be
developed. Participatory approaches can be used in any impact evaluation design –
they are not exclusive to specific evaluation methods or restricted to quantitative or
qualitative data collection and analysis. Participation by stakeholders can occur at any
stage of the impact evaluation process.

At the end of the module, you should be able to:

1. Discuss the relevance of participatory planning

2. Distinguish the value of participatory approaches to assess community
needs and resources
3. Recognize a national/local organized event that failed to realize its purpose,
thus making the activity unsuccessful.
4. Think of possible solutions and recommendations to make the organized
event successful and meaningful with regards to its objectives.

What I Know

Direction: Read each statement carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer
and write it down in your formative notebook.

1. It is the systematic recording and periodic analysis of information that has been
chosen and recorded by insiders with the help of outsiders.
a. Monitoring Planning b. Participatory Planning
c. Evaluation Planning d. Action Plan

2. It is a product of long-lasting interaction between researchers, development

workers, government agents and local populations.
a. Participatory Planning b. Participatory Approach
c. Participatory Monitoring d. Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
3. It is a process in which all the stakeholders who took part of a certain project are
engaged in the activities of monitoring, data collection and final evaluation
a. Participatory Planning b. Participatory Approach
c. Participatory Monitoring d. Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation

4. It is one of the participatory tools used to build the capacity of community

members in taking action in accordance with the problems, needs, and
potentials of the community (see also problem analysis and decision-making).
a. Participatory Planning b. Community Action plan
c. Participatory Monitoring d. Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
5. It is at the most basic level of something, down there in the dirt with the roots of
an idea or activity.
a. grassroots b. community roots
c. community grass d. none of the above

II. True or False. Write T if the statement is correct and F if otherwise.

___ 6. Participatory Monitoring provides information during the life of the project.

___ 7. Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PM&E) is a process in which all the
stakeholders who took part of a certain project are not engaged in the activities
of monitoring, data collection and final evaluation.

___ 8. Education may not be needed, for community members and the organization.

___ 9. A participatory planning process generally reflects the mission and goals of
grass roots and community-based organizations.

__ 10. The core principle of good governance is to facilitate public participation in the
decision-making process.

__ 11. Participatory Monitoring is the systematic recording and periodic analysis of

information that has been chosen and recorded by insiders with the help of

__ 12. Grassroots is at the most basic level of something, down there in the dirt with
the roots of an idea or activity.

__ 13. Monitoring planning approach avoids pitfalls caused by ignorance of the

realities of the community or the target population.

__ 14. Grassroots community refer to a group of activists generally focused on limited

number of issues.

__ 15. Equitable sharing of resources and benefits is also an issue of sustainable


What’s In


1. What is community Action Plan?

2. What are the parts of a Community Action Plan? Write your answer in your

What’s New

Task 1. Supply the concept map below with sufficient information.

What comes into your mind when you hear about Participatory Monitoring and
Evaluation? Write your answers in your activity notebook.

1 6 6

3 4

What is It

Task 2.

1. What is the difference between Participatory Approach and Participatory Planning?

2. What are the steps under Participatory Approach?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Participatory Approach?
4. Why are participatory monitoring and evaluation necessary?

The Community Action Plan is one of the participatory tools used to build the
capacity of community members in taking action in accordance with the problems,
needs, and potentials of the community (see also problem analysis and decision
making). Using participatory approaches in impact evaluation means involving
stakeholders, particularly the participants in a program or those affected by a given
policy in specific aspects of an evaluation process.

What is Participatory Planning?

I. Rationale and Definition: Participatory planning is an urban planning paradigm

that emphasizes involving the entire community in the strategic and management
processes of urban planning; or, community-level planning processes, urban or rural.
It is often considered as part of community development. Participatory planning aims
to harmonize views among all of its participants as well as prevent conflict between
opposing parties. In addition, marginalized groups have an opportunity to participate
in the planning process.

II. The Need for Participatory Action Planning

1. Public distrust of planning based on past practices Participatory planning is

needed when there is public distrust of previous planning practice and/or where
new development may lead to significant conflicts. Therefore, public relations
consultants have been hired to 'do public outreach, run community meetings,
provide public notices and informational items to get the public involved'. This
sounds less ambitious than many examples encountered in our research, but
the point remains that there is a perceived need to make a step-change from
past practices.

2. Governments' desire to improve the co-ordination. Planning needs to

change from a narrow, self-enclosed system of regulation to become a means
of delivering development that achieves broader objectives, social justice and
other sustainable development action initiatives.

3. Respect to Grassroots Community Planning practice needs to engage with

the reality of diversity in today's society. This means being aware of different
cultures and ensuring that issues of diversity are addressed throughout the
planning process. Traditional public participation has often failed to do this.
Participatory planning is built around diversity, conflicting interests and the need
to listen to the voices of marginalized groups. A recognition amongst
governments and non-governmental organizations that sustainable development
requires consensus building and engagement with citizens.
Grassroots involvement and local participatory democracy are much more
a part of a political culture while in other country it is a non-political culture, a sense
of resistance. Thus, there is a good deal of regional variability in attitudes toward
planning, government, and local activism. Planning is accepted widely and there
is an emphasis on grassroots participation and inclusivity.


There are a number of ways to be considered in participatory planning. As

demonstrated in the discussion regarding its advantages and disadvantages, this kind
of process always presents, even at best, a trade-off between efficiency and
inclusiveness. Time pressure, the needs of the community, the skills and experience
of those participating, and the nature of the intervention, among other factors, all help

to dictate the actual shape of the planning process. So what are the possibilities? Just
how participative do you want to be? David Wilcox, in his excellent "Guide to Effective
Participation," sets out the following as a model of the different possible levels of

1. Information - The least you can do is tell people what is planned.

2. Consultation - You offer a number of options and listen to the feedback you get.
3. Deciding together - You encourage others to provide some additional ideas and
options, and join in deciding the best way forward.
4. Acting together - Not only do different interests decide together what is best, but
they form a partnership to carry it out.
5. Supporting independent community initiatives - You help others do what they want
- perhaps within a framework of grants, advice and support provided by the
resource holder. Each of these levels may be appropriate in different
circumstances, or with different groups, although only at "deciding together" and
above do they really begin to be fully participatory in the sense that the term is
used in this section.

What is the history of Participatory Approach?

Participatory approaches are a product of long-lasting interaction between

researchers, development workers, government agents and local populations. The
history of participatory methods in development co-operation began in the late 1970s
with the introduction of a new research approach called "Rapid Rural Appraisal
(RRA)", which immediately became popular with decision-makers in development
agencies. Building on close collaboration with local populations RRAs were designed
to collect first-hand data from the local people about their perceptions of their local
environments and living conditions in rural areas. RRAs were usually conducted as 1-
3 days workshops with villagers in the field and facilitated by small teams of RRA
specialists or researchers. RRA methods were specifically adapted to respond to local
conditions. Thus, communication processes with illiterate persons not used to
communication in abstract terms were carefully considered. Visualization using locally
comprehensible symbols, and tools like mapping, diagramming and ranking were
introduced. A limitation of RRA, however, was that it was extractive; the role of the
local people was limited to providing information, while the power of decision-making
about the use of this information remained in the hands of others.

These core principles of good governance are to facilitate public participation

in the decision-making process. Public participation increases the likelihood that
actions taken or services provided by public agencies more adequately reflect the
needs of people and that the benefits of development are more equitably shared.
Equitable sharing of resources and benefits is also an issue of sustainable
development. As such, public participation has been recognized as one of the core
principles of sustainable development. Here, participation means contributing to

development, benefiting from development and taking part in decision-making about
development, which could be realized through activities facilitated by authorities as
well as activities initiated or generated by the people themselves. Many people also
believe that further to merely contributing to the planning process, people can prepare
their own plans in most cases with some qualified help. The planner can limit his or
her role to that of a facilitator of the planning process and provider of technical inputs.
Participatory approaches may be practiced at all levels of planning. However, the
extent or nature of participation by various actors (beneficiaries/citizens, public officials
elected by the people, professionals and civil servants, and other stakeholders) may
vary. It may be recalled here that the involvement of citizens in governance of society
is the subject of history itself and is very important to any democratic society. However,
the term participation is open to varied interpretations and the level or intensity of
involvement by various groups of actors may greatly vary. The simplest terms, a
participatory approach is everyone who has a stake in the intervention of a voice,
either in person or by representation. he use of that term implies not just that you'll
ask for someone's opinion before you do what you were going to do anyway, but rather
that each participant becomes an important contributor to the planning process. A
true participatory approach is one in which everyone's perspective is considered. That
does not mean that people cannot challenge others' assumptions, or argue about what
the best strategy might be. It does mean, however, that everyone's thoughts are
respected, and it is not necessarily assumed that the professionals or the well -
educated automatically know what is best. Everyone actually gets to participate in the
planning process, and has some role in decision-making.

Steps of Participatory Approach

1. Form a planning team

2. Identify possible issues and list all broad groups of stakeholders
3. Carry out participants’ analysis
4. Determine the purpose and level of public participation
5. Identify constraints and special circumstances
6. Select a method (or a combination of methods) of participation
7. Decide

Participatory approaches are not about a ‘single’ method but about a way of
undertaking impact evaluation that is meaningful to different stakeholders – and
specifically to program participants. Many opportunities exist to use participatory
approaches in impact evaluation, so it is important to systematically think through who
is best involved in which aspect of the evaluation, and to be clear about the purpose
of more or different forms of participation. Participatory approaches can be used in
any impact evaluation design, and with both quantitative and qualitative data collection
and analysis methods.


 Participation carries with it feelings of ownership, and builds a strong base for the
intervention in the community. If people are integral to the planning of a community
intervention, then that intervention will be theirs. They have a stake in it not only as
its beneficiaries, staff, or sponsors, but also as its originators. They will do what
they can to see their work succeed.
 It ensures that the intervention will have more credibility in all segments of the
community because a group representing all segments of the community planned
it. If people know that others with the same point of view and experience as theirs
were instrumental in making the intervention happen, they will assume that their
interests were attended to.
 Bringing a broader range of people to the planning process provides access to a
broader range of perspectives and ideas.
 A participatory planning approach avoids pitfalls caused by ignorance of the
realities of the community or the target population. If, for instance, Muslims are part
of the planning process for an intervention in a community, which includes many
followers of Islam, they will know that lunch meetings during Ramadan, the Islamic
month of daytime fasting, are not likely to work. Long-time community members
will know what has failed in the past, and why, and can keep the group from
repeating past mistakes.
 It involves important players from the outset. If the intervention needs the support
of a particular individual, or that of a particular agency or group, and they have
been part of the planning from the beginning, their cooperation is assured.
 It can provide an opportunity for often-disenfranchised groups to be heard, and
teach the community that they have important things to say.
 It teaches skills, which last far beyond the planning process, and can help to
improve the community over the long term. People learn to run meetings, to
analyze data, to construct strategic plans - in short, to become community
resources and leaders.
 It can bring together and establish ties among community members who might
normally have no contact. Such relationships - between low-income people and
business leaders, for instance - are not only supportive of the intervention, but may
help to create long-term relationships and break down barriers in the community.
 A participatory planning process builds trust, both between your organization and
the community and among the individuals involved. This trust can serve as a
foundation for future community development and community action.
 A participatory planning process generally reflects the mission and goals of grass
roots and community-based organizations. With its underpinnings of collaboration,
inclusiveness, and empowerment, a participatory approach embodies the ideals
that form the foundations of most grass roots and community-based organizations.
 It implies respect for everyone in the community, and thus sets a standard for
community participation and empowerment that other organizations - and the
community at large - may feel compelled to follow.

 Logically, a participatory planning approach should be effective. The fact that it
includes the views and perspectives of everyone affected by the intervention
should work to assure that all assets and needs are identified and addressed, and
that unintended consequences are minimized.
 Finally, it does things the way they should be done. It respects everyone's
intelligence, values everyone's ideas and experience, and affords everyone a
measure of control. By empowering the community, and particularly the target
population, rather than just superimposing its own ideas on a social structure that
already exists, your organization can give substance to its ideals. In the final
analysis, some level of participatory approach is usually the most ethical way to
plan a community intervention.



It is crucial to understand and anticipate these considerations, and to decide when and
how a participatory planning approach can work in your situation.

 A participatory process requires a lot of time. A diverse group always takes

more time to make decisions and come to conclusions than does an individual
or small group.
 Members of the target population or the community may not agree with the
"experts” about what is needed.
 Education may be needed, for community members and the organization.
Members of the target population and the community may not have important
technical knowledge or experience, and may need to understand some theory
or past practice in order to see what the organization is trying to do. Some may
need new skills in order to participate fully in the planning process. The
organization, on the other hand, may need to learn more about local culture,
political issues, and community history in order to tailor the intervention to the
community and avoid past errors. Education takes time.
 One determined individual could wreck the whole process if he is not handled
well. Someone who has a particular axe to grind, or who has convinced that
only he knows what's right for the community can make a participatory process
very difficult. Handling this situation can take both tact and toughness.
 It may be difficult to assure that all the right people get to the table. Some key
people may simply not want to participate. Factions in the community, a history
of failed attempts at communication or at dealing with problems, ignorance of
which groups or individuals are important, or just basic mistrust may complicate
the task of creating a participatory planning process. Overcoming this barrier,
however, can have profound positive consequences in the community over the
long term.
 A participatory planning process takes patience and commitment on everyone's
part. People have to maintain their commitment over time, remain civil while

discussing issues about which they may have strong feelings, and be willing to
compromise. A few misplaced words, or one or a small number of key people
losing interest can upset the whole process.

While these disadvantages present potential or real challenges to the success of a

participatory planning process, overcoming them may tremendously increase the
possibility of designing and carrying out an effective community intervention.

Why are Monitoring and Evaluation Relevant?

Participatory Monitoring is the systematic recording and periodic analysis of

information that has been chosen and recorded by insiders with the help of outsiders.
Both insiders and outsiders can monitor participation, but it may be for very different
reasons. Outsiders may be interested in equal community representation in decision
making, while insiders may be interested in equal distribution of costs and benefits.
Participation is often an outsider objective because they are concerned with equal
representation of all elements and groups in the community. Outsiders may want to
ensure, through monitoring participation, that all involved and affected people in the
community are represented when decisions regarding activities are made.
The main purpose of Participatory Monitoring is that it provides information
during the life of the project, so that adjustments and/or modifications can be made if
necessary. Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PM&E) is a process in which all
the stakeholders who took part of a certain project are engaged in the activities of
monitoring, data collection and final evaluation. All stakeholders SHARE the planning
framework, definition of indicators, control process, content, and final results. In the
end, all stakeholders together are able to identify obstacles and complications; this is
then followed by a series of learn-lessons, corrective actions and a possible project
reimplementation. It is an action-oriented tool where all stakeholders become active
participants rather than just sources of information.

What’s More

Task 3. Have the answers in your activity notebook.

1. What are the levels of Participatory Planning?

2. Differentiate Participatory Planning from Participatory Approach.
3. What are the steps of Participatory Approach?

4. What is the aim of Participatory Approach?

Task 4. Supply each item with the necessary information.

1. Make a constructive criticism of an organized event or activity published in the
newspaper, magazine, or website that failed to realize their objectives, making
the activity unsuccessful.
2. Based on our topic “Plan Using Participatory Approaches”, identify the reasons
that made the activity fail to achieve such goals?
3. What do you think are the right steps to undertake in order to successfully
materialize the said event?
4. Acknowledge the source of information, as well as the place of origin, date,
and time of the event.

What I Have Learned

Task 5.

As a Senior High School student, what are your goals in connection to this module’s

I have learned that ________________ ________________ ______.

I have realized that ________________ _________________ _____.

I will apply _____________ _________________ _______________.

What I Can Do

Task 6.
Directions: Unscramble the letters below to form the word being described in each
number. Write your answers in your notebook.


1. IPYRTICPTORAA - is a system, activity, or role which involves a particular person

or group.

2. PYRITICPTROAA NPLNIGA - is an urban planning paradigm that emphasizes

involving the entire community in the strategic and management processes of
urban planning; or, community-level planning processes, urban or rural.

3. IPYRTICPTORAA PRAOAHPCE - can be used in any impact evaluation design,

and with both quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis methods


Direction: Read each statement carefully and make sure to follow the instructions
provided for you.

I. True or False. Write T if the statement is correct and F if otherwise.

1. Participatory Monitoring provides information during the life of the project.

2. Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PM&E) is a process in which all the

stakeholders who took part of a certain project are not engaged in the activities
of monitoring, data collection and final evaluation.

3. Education may not be needed, for community members and the organization.

4. A participatory planning process generally reflects the mission and goals of

grass roots and community-based organizations.

5. The core principles of good governance is to facilitate public participation in the

decision-making process.

6. Participatory Monitoring is the systematic recording and periodic analysis of
information that has been chosen and recorded by insiders with the help of

7. Grassroots is at the most basic level of something, down there in the dirt with
the roots of an idea or activity.
8. Monitoring planning approach avoids pitfalls caused by ignorance of the
realities of the community or the target population.

9. Grassroots community refer to a group of activists generally focused on limited

number of issues.
10. Equitable sharing of resources and benefits is also an issue of sustainable
II. Read each statement carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer in your
activity notebook
11. It is the systematic recording and periodic analysis of information that has been
chosen and recorded by insiders with the help of outsiders.
a. Monitoring Planning b. Participatory Planning
c. Evaluation Planning d. Action Plan
12. It is a product of long-lasting interaction between researchers, development
workers, government agents and local populations.
a. Participatory Planning b. Participatory Approach
c. Participatory Monitoring d. Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
13. It is a process in which all the stakeholders who took part of a certain project are
engaged in the activities of monitoring, data collection and final evaluation
a. Participatory Planning b. Participatory Approach
c. Participatory Monitoring d. Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation

14. It is one of the participatory tools used to build the capacity of community members
in taking action in accordance with the problems, needs, and potential of the
community (see also problem analysis and decision making.
a. Participatory planning b. Community Action plan
c. Participatory Monitoring d. Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation

15. It is at the most basic level of something, down there in the dirt with the roots of an
idea or activity.
a. grassroots b. community roots
c. community grass d. none of the above

Pre Test
1. b 7. F 14. T
2. B 8. F 15.T
This: Task 1 3D 9.T
1. Participatory 4.B 10. T.
2. Participatory Planning 5. A 11.T
3. Participatory Approach 6. T 13.T
What’s In
A community action plan is a road map for implementing community change by
identifying and specifying WHAT will be done, WHO will do it and HOW it will be done.
The action plan is an actual document, presented with the following
1. Cover page
2. Executive summary or letter from the state or community's top elected
3. The table of contents
4. A community profile
5. An introduction to the plan
6. An explanation of how the plan was developed
7. Information about who was involved in the development of the plan
8. Information about who will manage the implementation of the plan
9. Other information that is important to the plan
10. The action plan
11. Appendices and supporting documentation
Answer Key
Task 2 Task 3
Answer may vary Answer may vary

Assessment/Post Test Task 4 answer may vary

15. 10.T 5.T

14.B 9. T 4.T
13 D 8.T 3.T
12. B 7.T 2.F
11. B 6. T 1. T

template/ Format)

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