Islamic Studies Scheme of Work Edexcel Tr. Farhana Muqith - Wordpress

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Pearson Edexcel

International GCSE Islamic Studies

How to use the scheme of work

This scheme of work (SoW) has been made available as a word document rather than PDF, allowing you to edit the document in a way that suits your teaching style and student needs.

International GCSEs have 120 guided learning hours.

Guidance provided within the course planners, schemes of work and lesson plans are suggested approaches that centres can adapt to suit their particular context.

The following SoW is based on 1 hour lessons.

Additional 4 hours built in to reinforce subject knowledge, revision and additional assessment support = 40 hours

The course planner in our Getting Started Guide provides alternative recommendations on the order of approach across two years.
The columns in this lesson plan indicate:

● an overview of the time allocated to lessons

● which content area this lesson (or group of lessons) relates to

● the learning outcomes of those lessons

● related passage to be examined as part of the content

● Exemplar teaching activities

● Suggested questions and tasks to be explored through teaching and extension tasks

● transferable skills support (more information on this can be found below).

Why transferable skills?

In recent years, higher education institutions and global employers have consistently flagged the need for students to develop a range of transferable skills to enable them to respond with confidence to the demands of
undergraduate study and the world of work. To support the design of our qualifications, we have mapped them to a transferable skills framework. The framework includes cognitive, intrapersonal skills and interpersonal
skills and each skill has been interpreted for each specification to ensure they are appropriate for the subject. Further information on transferable skills is available on the website. Pearson materials, including this
scheme of work, will support you in identifying and developing these skills in students.
In the final two columns of this scheme of work we have indicated which transferable skills are explicitly assessed, and also where there are opportunities for them to be developed through teaching. Our intention is that
teachers can use these columns to increase opportunities for transferable skills development in students.

Theme 1- Section A: The life, teachings and achievements of the Prophet Muhammad
Week/ Section Content Learning Related Exemplar teaching activities Suggested Extension Which Which
Hour Outcomes passage questions/tasks to Task transferable transferable
(Abstract be explored skills are skills could
version) through teaching explicitly also be
assessed acquired
through through
examination? teaching and

Week 1- 1.1 Personal a) The Prophet’s Students Qur’an 66:1-3 Prepare a family tree to show the Prophet’s What does the Students to Development Creativity
2 aspects of ancestry and the will be able ancestry. (Group work) Prophet teach about examine how of knowledge
respect for parents? the Prophet had and Communication
the main events of to: O Prophet, why
Early major events can be marked on this for support from understanding Problem solving
Prophet’s his early years Know and do you prohibit
example: Discuss specific his immediate ; analysis;
life from birth to understand [yourself from] Discussion skills
2x teachings about family and what evaluation
parenthood, the what Allah has Collaboration
2hour 1) The Prophet was born in the year of elephant - respect for impact does
including: Prophet’s made lawful for Research skills
how was this significant? What can be learnt from mothers/parents. that make in
- his parents and ancestry you. this pre-birth event? What was the society like at his mission.
early influences, and the the time? What can be learnt
including Abu Talib main events about the Prophet’s This can then
and Bahira of his early 2) Orphaned at young age - discuss the Prophet’s character building be turned into a
- his work and years from parents, his uncle Abu Talib’s role, who later before his short report
business before the birth to becomes very influential and a guardian for him. proclamation as the which students
revelation of the parenthood. prophet? Look at key are asked to
Qur’an 3) Wet nurse Halima - his respect for her. examples - his present in front
- his relationship trading, the titles of their peers.
with his wives and Split the class in two and ask them to debate on
that he was given
children. Know and why they think the Prophet was able to build his
because of his A follow up can
understand trust with the people & Lady Khadija during his
truthfulness. be that peers
how the business trips. What can be learnt from this?
b) The importance question the
Prophet was How he helped to
of the Prophet’s How can Muslims use this as an example in their report
involved in solve the replacing of
early life for his daily dealings? presenter to
business the black stone when
future work as understand how
before the there was a
the messenger of Students are asked to write a small tweet valuable the
revelation disagreement
Allah. message to show how Lady Khadija helped to reporter feels
of the amongst the tribes.
support the work of the Prophet. (Remember a this support
Qur’an and What does this teach
tweet message can have only 160 characters was.
analyse Muslims?
including commas) – this will help them to write
what impact Explain why the
precise answers when attempting the longer
it had in Question from SAM – Prophet was
answers instead of getting off the text.
building a Section A 1c given the titles
working Students are then asked to write a short of As- Sadiq
relationship Use the students’ and Al Ameen.
paragraph to show what they have understood
in the work to model
with this various sections from this topic. Teacher
answers. ‘The Prophet
to provide sentence starters for those who require

society. more support. Also use the model had to build
answers provided in trust in the
A task with questions can be prepared where a the Getting Started community
section has ‘fill in the blanks’ followed by short Guide (GSG). before he could
answer questions similar to a & b questions. take the
How was the message of God
Assess and More able Students can be given tasks that would Prophet’s uncle to the people.’
analyse the require evaluation rather than just fill in the helping him in the Assess this
Prophet’s blanks. (see extension) society at the time? statement.
with his Activity with the Qur’an passage: Why was it important
family. for the Prophet to
Qur’an 66:1-3 demonstrate his
character before his
Ask students to reflect on the meaning and then mission started?
Assess and support them to analyse when this was revealed
analyse the and why. More support can be
impact of given to students
the What is the passage discussing? What qualities of who need it through
message Allah is the passage showing? How are individuals giving them stimulus
that was meant to reflect on this? Why? What message is words for example:
delivered to given through this text? honesty, justice,
him as a stability.
guide to the Encourage students to use specialist terms when
people at writing any text. Also feel free to use other Give two examples of
the time. references from the Qur’an to extend learning. what the Prophet’s
message was to the
Use the student tracker to help them keep their Muslim community at
independent learning in progress. the time.
Some useful resources for this topic and the Describe the event
theme throughout: that took place in the
year that Prophet
The Message - A film divided in parts. This can be
Muhammad (pbuh)
used in various sections throughout the teaching.
was born.
Let students view sections and discuss what they
have seen. They could write a few points as a These can be peer
review about the section that they have seen. marked.
Alternatively select a section to focus on and
prepare a few questions on it for the students to
respond to after viewing it.
part 1 video ends when the journey to Madinah
starts - Hijra to Madinah begins
v=Dq7IvGmUtQU part 2
v=cLg4IxCwwEY&t=3s shorter version entry to
v=EwEO4LbApV4 shorter version- shows Bilal as

v=oVGieY0W6lY&t=2880s - BBC 3-part
documentary- can be used as a resource as well
throughout the theme.

Some books that are useful throughout the


Rizvi. A, (1975) 2nd Edition, The Holy Prophet

Subhani. J, (1984), The Message, Islamic

Seminary Publications, London

Datoo.M.H Dr, (2008) 3rd Edition, Prophet

Muhammad(pbuh) A concise Biography, COEJ,

Week 3- 1.2 The a) The events of the Students Qur’an 97:1-5 Examine how the Prophet received his first divine Question from SAM – How did the Development Creativity
4 Revelation ‘Night of Power’ will be able message through angel Jibrail. This is when the Section A 1b revelation of of knowledge
Prophetic mission starts. the first and Communication
of the (Night of Decree): to: Indeed, We sent
Give two ways how command to understanding Problem solving
Qur’an - The details of the Know and the Qur'an down
The angel Jibrail commands Prophet Muhammad the divine commands preach to the ; analysis;
conversation with understand during the Night Discussion skills
2x (pbuh) to “Read” (Surah Al Alaq 96:1-5). were revealed to community in evaluation
Jibrail in the cave the events of Decree…Peace Collaboration
2hour Prophet Muhammad. Makkah help
at Hira. of the ‘Night it is until the Research skills
Discuss how the Prophet used to spend his time in the Prophet in
- The importance of of Power’. emergence of meditation and solitude. The cave of Hira was Indicate two reasons his mission?
this experience in the dawn. where he used to spend most of his time in why it was important
establishment Know and remembrance of Allah. Only his wife Khadija and to compile the What are the
of Islam. understand his cousin Ali could visit him there. Qur’an. key challenges
that the
b) The importance to importance Discuss how the society was at the time full of Describe how the Prophet faced
Muslims of the to Muslims social evils, cruelty and injustice. Look at some Qur’an was compiled in Makkah? Are
revelation of the of the examples. in order to preserve similar
Qur’an. revelation it for Muslims and to challenges still
of the Students to write a report on the revelation from keep the words of around for
Qur’an. angel Jibrail to the Prophet in the cave at Hira. Allah safe. leaders? How
c) The way in which
Know and How was the divine command revealed to the are they
the Qur’an was Explain how the
understand Prophet? different?
compiled. Qur’an can guide
the way in Produce a
Muslims today.
which the How does the Prophet take the message to the spider diagram
Qur’an was people? ‘A revelation to the to show this.
compiled. Prophet in Makkah
How is it received? Who responded positively? The divine
and a guide to all
Assess and message was
Muslims in all
Activity: Ask students to make a list of all the received by
analyse the societies.’ Assess this
things that they feel are positive in school. Next some and
importance statement.
make a list of all the things that they would like to rejected by
of the
change in school. Collate them all as a class list some. Write a
events of
and add all findings into different subheadings. Let letter to your
the ‘Night of
students then vote on what their top three things ‘Muslims today do friend showing
Power’ in
might be that they would like to change in school. not have to struggle how the

establish- Students then write a message or draft a speech as much as the Prophet must
ment that they might present to the board of governors. society during the have felt at the
of Islam. Prophet’s time had time.
A few students can present this in the class whilst to.’ Assess this
Assess and a few become the panel of governors. Ask for statement.
analyse the opinions regarding the change. What might be
importance easy? What might be the challenges? These can be peer
to Muslims marked.
of the The night of Qadr when the Holy Qur’an was
revelation revealed - link back to the revelation of the Qur’an
of the and the Prophetic mission in a society that has its
Qur’an. own issues. How is the Qur’an helping the shaping
of the society at the time? What is the importance
of the divine messages? How do the Muslims at
the time benefit? How does it help the Prophet in
his mission?

Activity: Ask students to draw around their hand

on a paper. On the palm of the hand they need to
write out how the revelation of the Qur’an helped
Muslims grow in their faith. On each finger, they
mention different aspects of Islam that was
strengthened thorough the Night of Power.

Consider how the Holy Qur’an was compiled as

various verses were revealed over time. Some in
Makkah whilst others in Madinah. How did Muslims
receive the written version? What was the tool
used for compiling the text? Who were the
scribes? Why was it important to preserve it? How
will it be useful for future generations? How will
Muslims gain inspiration from the compilation of
the Qur’an without the Prophet around?

Activity with the Qur’an passage:

Qur’an 97:1-5

What is the passage discussing? What was sent

down? What does ‘better than a thousand months’
mean? Why do the angels and the Spirit descend?
What are Muslims encouraged to do on this night?
What is the significance of this night?

Encourage students to use specialist terms when

writing any text. Also feel free to use other
references from the Qur’an to extend learning.

Use the student tracker to help them keep their

independent learning in progress.

Week 5- 1.3 The a) The meaning of Students Qur’an 33:38- What does the title mean? Prophet Muhammad Question from SAM – Give two Development Creativity
Prophet- the title ‘Seal of the will be able (pbuh) was not only a prophet for all mankind but Section A 1d reasons why of knowledge

6 hood of Prophets’. to: 40 also the last prophet in a long line of Prophets Give two examples the Prophet did and Communication
Muhammad sent by Allah. Each was sent at different times to showing Prophet not preach to understanding
Know and Problem solving
There is not to different societies. Muhammad’s role in all the people ; analysis;
b) The importance understand
be upon the establishing Islam. immediately. evaluation Discussion skills
2x of Muhammad’s the meaning Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has the title of ‘Seal
of ‘Seal of Prophet any Collaboration
2hour role as prophet in of Prophets’ because of His unique position. There Describe the Describe how
the discomfort Research skills
the establishment are no prophets or messengers after him. opposition faced by the Quraish
Prophets’. concerning that
of Islam. Whatever has been brought through the divine the early followers of acted during
which Allah has
command stays. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Islam. the early days
Assess and imposed upon
through his teachings guided what is permitted of the Prophet’s
c) The opposition analyse the him…. And ever
and what is not. The Qur’an is the book of Explain how the mission.
faced in Makkah importance is Allah, of all
guidance and a new book will not be revealed. Prophet helped to
by the Prophet of Prophet things, Knowing.
However, as knowledge increases there is room teach equality in Explain how the
and Muhammad’s
for new interpretations and understandings. Makkah when role of the
his followers. role as a establishing Islam. Prophet was
prophet in Activity to help students understand the ‘Seal of different from
the Prophets’: create a table with rows to show how ‘Every society has its the role of any
establish- different leaders have different qualities. The task challenges and the other prophet
ment of can look at political leaders in the country or people in Makkah in their time.
Islam. inspirational leaders around the world today. What were not ready for
messages do the different leaders bring? Are there the message of the ‘The Prophet
Assess and prophet.’ Assess this was unique as
any that share similar messages? Ask students to
analyse the statement. he is a guide
choose the one leader that they might give their
opposition for all mankind
vote to and why? How is this person different?
faced in These can be peer and Muslims
What changes will be brought as a result of this
Makkah by marked. should follow
leader? Or how was this leader influential? The
the Prophet his teachings.’
activity is to help them reflect on how a leader can
and his Assess this
change a society through various hurdles and
followers. statement.
challenges. – Link to the society in the time of
Prophet Muhammad. His message was final and
how his character-shaping was important before
he could take up his Prophetic mission.

What happens when the Prophet declares his

mission in Makkah? Does everyone accept Islam
readily? What are his challenges? Use the example
of Abu Lahab. Also discuss other physical
opposition – name-calling, rubbish thrown,
mocking the Prophet, harassing him and also
bribing with riches and power. How does the
Prophet overcome this?

Examine the teachings of Prophet Muhammad


Oneness of God- link to the polytheistic society at

the time- how was this received?

Belief in the hereafter and the day of Judgment-

(laws shaped for what is halal and what is haram
to help with the accounting on the final day).

Equality to all - the rich helping the poor, no one

feels higher than the other - link to the system of
master and slave, treatment of women, female

Discuss some of the followers of the Prophets and

how some faced opposition and others were
persecuted. Look at key examples: Bilal, Ammar
Yasir and his parents- Yasir and Sumayya, AbuZAr
Ghiffari. How did the Prophet support them
through this difficulty?

What is the morality of the people? What choices

is the Prophet left with?

Activity with the Qur’an passage:

Qur’an 33:38-40

What is the passage discussing? What does

‘imposed upon him’ mean? Why does the text
discuss “Muhammad is not the father”? What does
‘last of the prophets’ mean? Why are Muslims
being reminded by Allah is “all knowing”? What is
the significance of this passage?

How does this passage remind Muslims that the

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is a Prophet for all
time and for all generations?

Encourage students to use specialist terms when

writing any text. Also feel free to use other
references from the Qur’an to extend learning.

Use the student tracker to help them keep their

independent learning in progress.

Week 7- 1.4 a) The events of the Students Hadith: The 7th year of Prophethood, the message was Question from SAM – How did the Development Creativity
8 boycott and the will be able spreading and Abu Sufyan urges the Makkah Section A 2a, b, c boycott impact of knowledge
on the mission and Communication
Oppositio Mi’raj. to: "Actions are unbelievers to isolate the Prophet and his family.
Give two reasons of the Prophet? understanding Problem solving
n and Know and (judged) by A convenant is agreed amongst the chief of
why the Quraish ; analysis;
Hijrah understand motives Makkah and a message is put up on the Kabaa. Discussion skills
2x b) The plot to kill implemented the Consider the evaluation
the events (niyyah), his This begins with, “In the name of Lord.” It is to Collaboration
2hour the Prophet and boycott on Prophet personal
of the migration is to impose the boycott by stopping all trade with the Research skills
the details of the Muhammad (pbuh) tragedies that
boycott that for which he Prophet and his followers, his enemies to be
flight and his family. the Prophet
faced by the migrated." supported in all ways, no inter marriages would be
to Madinah. experienced.
Prophet and allowed. Describe what the How was this a
his family. What leads to the boycott? Why are the Makkans Muslims underwent major impact
c) The welcome by threatened by the spread of Islam? What actions during the period of on his prophetic
the people of Know and were part of the boycott? What part does Abu boycott by the mission? Write
Madinah and the understand Lahab play? Quraish. a condolence
building of the event of Ask students to reflect on how this might impact message to
mosques on Mi’raj. Describe the
on the Prophet’s mission and how it would impact show how you
arrival there. heavenly journey of

Know and on the lives of the followers too. Let them write mira’j. would have
understand out conversation bubbles in their books. supported the
d) The significance Explain how Allah
about the Prophet if you
and importance What plan of action is taken by Prophet protected His prophet
plot to kill were there at
of the events of Muhammad (pbuh)? How long does this boycott from the enemies
the Prophet the time.
the Hijrah in the continue? What role does Abu Talib, the uncle of when faced with
and the
life of the Prophet the Prophet, play during this boycott? Where do persecution by the Design a logo
Hijrah to
and the early they set themselves up for three years? What Makkans. to show Unity.
Islamic about the ‘truce months’? The buying of food This should
community. Assess and during the truce months was meant to make Explain how the incorporate
analyse the purchases harder for the Hashemite family as it Prophet created unity what happened
importance was sold at a higher price. In the valley of Abu amongst the people in Madinah and
e) The support given
of Hijrah in Talib children’s cries can be heard. After three in Madinah and those how the
to the Prophet during
the life of years a meeting is held. The message on the who had migrated Prophet helped
his lifetime by:
the Prophet Kabaa can be seen to have been eaten up except there. the Muslims to
● Abu Bakr and the for, “In the name of the Lord”. After a lot of become
early discussion, the boycott is lifted. Explain what the brothers to
● Ali ibn Talib Hijrah tells us about
Islamic How does this impact on the people? What are the each other.
community. challenges for the Prophet? Students to write a early Muslims.
● Uthman
small paragraph and then exchange with their Discussion
Umar. “The Prophet circle about the
● peers to read their views.
migrated to save difference in
In the same year - 10th year of Prophethood, the Islam and it is the
Prophet suffers the loss of his uncle Abu Talib who environment
f) The importance duty of every Muslim
has been his protector and guardian. This was between the
of the to migrate.” Assess
closely followed by the loss of his wife Khadija. two cities. How
contribution of this statement
The year is known as ‘year of sorrow’. was Makkah
the Prophet’s
different to
companions and How did this impact on the Prophet’s mission? These can be peer
helpers (Ansar) How would the Prophet feel about this personal marked.
Teachers could
to the loss? Describe this using less than 200 words. You divide the class
establishment must link to the impact on his mission of into two.
of Islam. spreading the divine mission.
Each section
has to speak
What is the event of Mi’raj? What happened to the
about what was
Prophet? How was the heavenly journey taken?
the best time
Where does the journey take the Prophet? What
that the
does the Prophet see? Discuss the Prophet telling
the unbelievers about the various caravans
enjoyed there.
heading towards Makkah and also describing
This will help to
Masjid e Aqsa in Jerus Salaam when they do not
retrieve the
believe about the heavenly ascension.
Students could make a profile page about the knowledge
heavenly journey with all the details and examine about the
how it helped the Prophet in continuing his Quraish in
mission. Makkah and the
In the 14th year of Prophethood the Quraish chiefs Ansar in
plan to kill the Prophet. A killer from each major Madinah.
tribe is chosen so that no single tribe would be Students could
blamed. On the 2nd of Rabi ul Awwal, Allah use artefacts to
commands Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to leave create an

Makkah for Madinah. Ali sleeps in his bed and he ambience about
is also instructed to return the people’s deposits. the situations in
He would join the Prophet in Madinah with the rest various areas.
of the family. The enemies do not see Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) leave his house.
He meets Abu-Bakr on the way and travels with
him to Mount Thaur, south of Makkah.
In the morning when the enemies discover that
the Prophet had left, a reward is offered for the
capture of the Prophet. Despite a search and
experts hired to track footprints, they do not
succeed. As they trace to the cave but see
undisturbed signs and are convinced that there
has been no recent entry. It was a miracle that an
unbroken spider cobweb covered the entrance and
a plant in front of the cave with pigeons hatching
eggs in a nest.
Ask students to create the scene in their books or
even a 3D scene, if possible, to show the outside
of the cave. How did Allah protect the Prophet?
What support did he get to keep the divine
mission? What does this tell Muslims today?
How does the journey to Madinah continue? What
happens on the way? The marking of Hijrah - It is
with this journey the Islamic calendar starts.
Discuss the welcoming of the prophet in Madinah.
Activity: Use the clip below (‘Tala al Badru’ – the
full moon rose over us) and ask the students to
imagine how the crowds might have gathered to
meet the Prophet. What is the reaction of the
people? Ask them to create a Facebook page in
their books that hosts the event of the arrival of
the Prophet in Madinah.

The city was renamed as Madinah-tun-Nabi.

People wanted the Prophet to stay with them. He
responded that wherever the camel will stop, that
is where the mosque and his house will be built.
Discuss how the mosque was built and what was
used to build the mosque. Ask students to
compare how the mosque is nowadays. If time
allows let them design the mosque, as it would
have been at the time.

A revelation is made about the method of calling

to prayers. Bilal becomes the first muezzin - link
to why the Prophet chose Bilal. Why has the
method of calling for prayer been established?
How will this be helpful for Muslims?

Analyse how this journey is important to the

mission. How is unity maintained through pairing
up an Ansar and a Muhajireen? This will help with
the political, spiritual and social unity for all the
Muslims in Madinah.
Analyse the support given to the Prophet by his
companions and helpers. How did they help in his
mission? What different roles did they play? How
was their role important in maintaining Islam’s
growth at the time?
Students could create a timeline of events to show
how the journey begins from Makkah and
proceeds to Madinah. There should be key
information on the timeline with reflective points
to show what message this gives to Muslims
Activity with the Hadith:


What is the passage discussing? What does

‘Actions are (judged) by motives (niyyah)’ mean?
What does the text discuss about migration? What
are Muslims being reminded by “each man will
have what he intended”? What is the significance
of this passage?

Encourage students to use specialist terms when

writing any text. Also feel free to use other
references from the Qur’an to extend learning.

Use the student tracker to help them keep their

independent learning in progress.

Week 9- 1.5 The a) The importance Students Qur’an 33: 36 Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Question from SAM – Activity: Write Development Creativity
10 Sunnah of for Muslims of the will be able It is not for a is the ‘final seal of the Prophets’. The Sunnah is Section A 2d a code of of knowledge
commands you and Communication
the teachings, deeds and to: believing man or the example or way of life, the teachings of the
Give two teachings of would like to understanding Problem solving
Prophet sayings of the Know and a believing Prophet as recorded in Hadith. This will inform
the Prophet on unity. bring in if you ; analysis;
2x Prophet. understand woman, when Muslims what to do when the Qur’an is not explicit Discussion skills
Allah and His about certain situations. There are many were given the evaluation
2hour the Identify two books of Collaboration
Messenger have collections of the Hadith. Bukhari and Muslim opportunity to
b) The recording of importance the Sunnah. Research skills
decided a (Sunni), Al-Kafi and Al-Istibsar (Shia) are the be a leader in
the Sunnah. for Muslims
matter…whoever most popular. your school.
of the Describe why the
disobeys Allah What are the
teachings, Also link 33:21- Prophet as an excellent model. actions of the

c) The role of the deeds and and His prophet are things that you
Sunnah in the sayings of Messenger has important to would focus on?
Discuss how the examples of the Prophet helped
establishment of the Prophet. certainly strayed Muslims. Why? What
in setting up the Islamic belief and its practices.
Islamic belief and into clear error. changes are
Know and Why was it important for the Prophet to be a role Explain how the
practice. you
understand model? Sunnah helps implementing?
the How can Muslims continue to imitate his teachings Muslims. Why?
recording of and way of life?
the Sunnah. How is it possible to ensure that the hadith is ‘The Sunnah is the
authentic? teachings of the
Assess and Prophet and the How is it
analyse the Qur’an is the possible that
role of the Activity with the Qur’an passage: command from Allah. the examples
Sunnah in Both are not set by the
the Qur’an 33: 36 necessary for Prophet many
establish- Muslims today.’ years ago can
ment of What is the passage discussing? What does Assess this still be
Islamic ‘strayed in error’ mean? Why does the text discuss statement. implemented by
belief and “believing men and women”? What are Muslims Muslims today?
practice. being reminded by Allah? What is the significance These can be peer What are your
of this passage? marked. thoughts?
Encourage students to use specialist terms when
writing any text. Also feel free to use other
references from the Qur’an to extend learning.

Use the student tracker to help them keep their

independent learning in progress

Week 1.6 Teachings a) The teachings Students Hadith: How has the Prophet taught justice between each Give two teachings of How has the Development Creativity
11-12 and and example of the will be able “The Dispensers other? What specific examples can be found in his the Prophet on justice of the of knowledge
human rights. Prophet helped and Communication
example Prophet on: to: of justice will be lifetime? Link to any incidents that directly show
of the seated on the the teaching of the Prophet on how Muslims to shape the understanding Problem solving
● Social and Know and Indicate two ways
Prophet pulpits….those should conduct themselves on matters of social Muslim society ; analysis; Discussion skills
2x understand how Prophet
on specific economic justice who do justice in and economic justice, human rights, relationship today? evaluation
2hour the Muhammad (pbuh) Collaboration
issues of ● Human rights teachings their rules, in with other religions, respect for mothers and for Research skills
changed the What key
justice and matters relating women.
treatment for women things did the
and ● relationship example of to their families
in the early days. Prophet have to
equality with people of other the Prophet and in all that
Consider the following: deal with then
religions on social they undertake Describe how the that still tends
and to do.” teachings of Prophet
● respect for to occur now
economic Religious freedom: how did the Prophet have a Muhammad (pbuh) and how can
mothers and for justice. good relationship with the Christians of Najran. influenced the early Muslim leaders
women. Use Qur’an 2:256 society. approach this?
Know and Racial equality: Bilal who was an Abyssinian and
b) The importance understand Salman Farsi, a Persian, were both slaves Explain How Prophet Write a letter to
of the teachings in the previously. The Prophet’s teaching was: ‘a white Muhammad’s (pbuh) the President of
understanding the teachings man has no superiority over a black man, nor teachings reformed a country to
nature of Muslim and does a black over a white, except by piety and the society. express your
beliefs about society. example of good action’ concern about
the Prophet Explain how the matters of
Human rights: How did the Prophet approach the

on human rights of women in the society? How did he reform justice of Prophet justice. Inform
rights. the treatment of widows? How did he help the Muhammad (pbuh) them of how
orphans at the time and what example did he helped to shape the the Prophet had
Know and Muslim society. dealt with
leave behind? Look at his approach to female
understand Justice in his
infanticide. Examine his approach to education
the ‘To be just is leadership. Give
and the need to get everyone educated in the
relationship important and examples of
society irrespective of gender, class or status.
with people Prophet Muhammad how the
of other Analyse how all these teachings of the Prophet (pbuh) had a hard Prophet
religions. help to show Islam is a religion of unity where the task in the early days approached key
society is cohesive. There are various rights in of Islam.’ Assess this issues at the
Know and place for everyone so that no one is hindered in statement. time.
understand their personal growth. If everyone followed the
the respect teachings correctly, the rights of individuals would These can be peer
for mothers not be taken away. marked.
and for Activity: This is an article that students can read.
women. Ask them to discuss views on it. How has the
article helped them in understanding the topic
that they have been learning about and what can
Assess and be added further?
analyse the
importance phet-muhammad-the-social-
of the reformer_b_3187443.html
teachings in Let them work in groups to create their own
understand- article to show how the Prophet was a role model
ing the and a reformer in his society at the time and still
nature of continues to be an inspiration for all Muslims
Muslim today. If you have a school magazine use the best
beliefs articles to publish in the school magazine.
about Activity with the Hadith:

What is the passage discussing? What does

‘dispensers of justice’ mean? Why does the text
discuss “justice in their rules”? What are Muslims
being reminded of through this passage? What is
the significance of this passage?

Encourage students to use specialist terms when

writing any text. Also feel free to use other
references from the Qur’an to extend learning.

Use the student tracker to help them keep their

independent learning in progress.

Week 1.7 The a) The role of the Students Hadith: Ask students to write as many qualities as they Give two examples What are the Development Creativity
13-14 Prophet Prophet in the will be able "It is obligatory can find from the leadership of the Prophet. This showing the Prophet qualities of a of knowledge
can be through all the teaching they have had so as a leader. leader that any and Communication
as leader establishment of the to: for one to listen
Shari’ah. to and obey (the far or any extra information that they may have. human being understanding Problem solving
Know and Indicate two ways
ruler's orders) What are the main factors that they can recognize can adopt? Why ; analysis; Discussion skills
2x understand the Prophet showed
unless these within the Prophet’s leadership? How is he would they evaluation
2hour the role of

b) The consolidation the Prophet orders involve changing the society? What are his teachings how to treat adopt this? How Collaboration
and expansion of in the one disobedience doing at the time where polytheism is being prisoners of war. does this help Research skills
Islam after the establish- (to Allah)… practised? How does his teaching help to establish instill values in
ment of the a code of conduct? How is the Shari’ah Describe how the a person? What
Hijrah. disobedience (to
Shari’ah. implemented? What does the Prophet use as a Hijrah helped to qualities as a
Allah) is
guide? expand Islam under leader were
imposed, he
c) The Prophet’s Assess and the Prophet’s apparent in the
should not listen
treatment of analyse the leadership. leadership of
to or obey it."
opponents and importance the Prophet?
prisoners. of How does the Hijrah to Madinah help the Muslims? Explain how the How can
expansion How does it help to gain further conversion to leadership of the Muslims today
of Islam Islam? What particular teachings of Islam promote Prophet helped to adopt this?
d) The Prophet’s
after Hijrah. and encourage others to come and have expand Islam.
relationship with discussions with the Prophet? How does the Create a
other communities Explain how the
Assess and Prophet, as a leader, deal with different people? Facebook
and countries. Prophet was an
analyse the profile to show
Prophet’s example to Muslims the Leadership
treatment in conducting of the Prophet.
of Activity: Ask students to reflect about what relationships with
opponents happens after a war. How are the war victims other faith Write a twitter
and affected? What about prisoners of war? How are communities. message
prisoners. they treated? Let them look up case studies of (limited
recent day examples and write a brief of the after- ‘A leader is chosen characters)
Assess and effects of war especially for women, children and and the Prophet was showing the
analyse how those who are injured or taken as prisoners. divinely chosen. Prophet’s
the Prophet Muslims need to leadership style
maintained Look up the topic of human rights- focus on the follow his teachings.’ and values.
the rights of civilians - especially during the time of Asses this statement.
relationship war. Ask students to draw up their own rights What one key
with other charter. What might they include if they had to These can be peer thing can you
communities build one with only ten rights? marked. take away from
and the Prophet’s
Draw round their hand in their books. On each
countries. leadership and
finger, they need to explain what kind of
instill in your
leadership they might display if they were running
life. Why?
a country. On the palm, they could write about
the rights of the citizen and how they will ensure
that the citizens are looked after in their country.
If you were a
Now link to how it is different to what the Prophet reporter for a
taught. Give examples using the battles and the newspaper how
treatment of opponents, prisoners, women and would your
children. article discuss
the Prophet’s
Examine how the Prophet maintains relationships
by connecting with the other communities who
Write your
may not share the same faith. Also how at the
article in less
same time, he maintains similar relationships with
than 500
others in other countries. What brings them
together? How can each individual learn from this?
Give some key examples. Students could
debate about
Activity with the Hadith:
the different

Hadith issues and
discuss how
What is the passage discussing? What does ‘one Muslims can
to listen to and obey’ mean? Why does the text respond to
discuss ‘but if an act of disobedience’? What are them in their
Muslims being reminded about through the lives.
concept of ‘disobedience’? What is the significance
of this passage?

Encourage students to use specialist terms when

writing any text. Also feel free to use other
references from the Qur’an to extend learning.

Use the student tracker to help them keep their

independent learning in progress

Week 1.8 Battles a) The battles Students Qur’an 33:9 Examine each of the battles separately: Badr, Give two reasons Choose one of Development Creativity
15-16 fought by fought by the will be able O you who have Ohud, Trench (Khandaq) and Kyber. Explore the why the battle of the battles and of knowledge
reasons for why the battles were fought. What Badr was fought. write a detailed and Communication
the Prophet and his to: believed,
Prophet followers after the remember the events led to the battle? (Use the 6 W’s –where, account on it. understanding Problem solving
Know and Describe How the
Hijrah: favour of Allah… what, why, who, which, when and also how) How ; analysis; Discussion skills
2x understand Battle of Trench was Prepare an
And ever is many days did the battle take place? Where was it evaluation
2hour ● Badr the fought. interview Collaboration
Allah, of what fought? Who took part in the battles? Who was
different between a Research skills
you do, Seeing. the battle fought against? Why was it fought? How
● Ohud battles that Explain how the reporter and a
was victory gained? How were the war victims
took place Prophet showed good victim of the
● Trench dealt with? How was the environment of the
during the conduct in battles. war. Narrate
● Khyber. lifetime of how the victim
the Prophet. Activity: Ask students to prepare a fact file on ‘Lesser Jihad is wajib must have felt
each battle. Or alternatively they can work in when Islam is under and how were
b) The reasons the Assess and attack and the
groups where each group is allocated a battle and they dealt with.
Prophet chose to analyse the Prophet chose to go
they have to research on the battle.
fight the battles. reasons for to the battles in Imagine you
these Activity: Prepare a newspaper report on the order to protect are able to go
battles and battle. Islam.’ Assess this back in time.
c) The importance what role A word wall showing what can be learnt from each statement. How would you
of the battles for the they played of these battles is useful for students and also to respond to the
establishment of in understand the leadership of the Prophet even These can be peer battles? What
Islam. establishing further. The programme wordwall can be used for marked. part did they
Islam. this. play in the
growth of
Activity with the Qur’an passage: Islam? Why do
you think so?
Qur’an 33: 36

What is the passage discussing? What does

‘favour of Allah’ refer to? Why does the text
discuss ‘a wind and armies (of angels)’? What are
Muslims being reminded by Allah is ‘seeing’? What
is the significance of this passage?

Encourage students to use specialist terms when
writing any text. Also feel free to use other
references from the Qur’an to extend learning.

Use the student tracker to help them keep their

independent learning in progress.

Week 1.9 The a) The Prophet’s Students Qur’an 5:3 In 10 A.H Prophet did his farewell pilgrimage. Give two things that Prepare a Development Creativity
17-18 Prophet’s final pilgrimage and will be able Explore why the final pilgrimage is important. the Prophet left leaflet to give of knowledge
behind for Muslims. to a newly and Communication
final acts sermon. to: Prohibited to you
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) delivered a historical converted/ understanding Problem solving
and his Know and are dead
sermon on the land of Arafah in which he Describe the reverted ; analysis;
understand animals, blood, Discussion skills
2x b) The main themes reminded the people that he left behind two achievement of the Muslim. How evaluation
achievem the the flesh of Collaboration
2hour and the importance memorable things as a guide - the Book of Allah Prophet in the early will this guide
ents Prophet’s swine, This day Research skills
of the Prophet’s and his Sunnah. If Muslims abide by it, they will days of Islam. the person?
final those who
example and not be led astray. Think of easy
pilgrimage. disbelieve have
teaching in his later Explain how the steps for
despaired of On the way back the Prophet stopped at Ghadir to
years. Prophet’s teachings carrying on the
Assess and [defeating] your deliver another sermon and reminded the people
were instrumental in daily life as a
analyse the religion; so fear that he left behind the Book of Allah and his
guiding the Muslims. Muslim.
c) The significant importance them not, but progeny –the Ahlulbayt. He also appointed Ali as
achievements of the of the fear Me. This day his successor (Shia school of thought). ‘The Prophet is an
Prophet in the areas Prophet’s I have perfected example for all
of society, religion example for you your Examine how the Quran and the Sunnah (Sunni Muslims and if Write a short
and politics. and religion and school of thought) or the Quran and the family of Muslims follow the narrative about
teaching in completed My the Prophet (Shia school of thought) are Quran too they will how the
his later favour upon you important to a Muslim in leading their Islamic never be misguided.’
d) The events at the Prophet’s
years. & have approved daily lives. What guidance do they get? How does Assess this
Prophet’s death in teachings are
for you Islam as the Prophet’s teachings help them lead their own statement.
Madinah. influential for a
Assess and religion. … lives? Muslim and
analyse the
without it one
cannot preserve
of the Look at examples of the Prophet’s life in areas These can be peer
their identity.
Prophet’s within the society and the changes that he had marked.
achievemen helped to bring. What were the positive effects?
ts in areas How did the Prophet manage political affairs?
of society, What example has he left for Muslims?
religion and Students could write a short report based on a
politics. certain topic that you could discuss in the class.

Assess and
analyse the What happened at the time of the Prophet’s
events at death? How was the atmosphere before Prophet’s
the death?
Prophet’s How was the succession handled?
death in Examine both schools of thought so students can
Madinah. get both perspectives.

Activity with the Qur’an passage:

Qur’an 33: 36

What is the passage discussing? What does

‘perfected for you your religion’ mean? Why does
the text discuss ‘completed My favour’? What are
Muslims being reminded? What is the significance
of this passage?

Encourage students to use specialist terms when

writing any text. Also feel free to use other
references from the Qur’an to extend learning.

Use the student tracker to help them keep their

independent learning in progress.

Total guided learning hours for this Section: 40 hours- 36 timetabled plus 4 hours extra for recapping, revision & internal assessment

Theme 2- Section B: The key, beliefs, practices and features of the early Muslim community founded by the Prophet
Week/Hour Section Content Learning Related passage Exemplar teaching Suggested Extension Which Which
Outcomes (Abstract version) activities questions/tasks Task transferable transferable
to be explored skills are skills could
through explicitly also be
teaching assessed acquired
through through
examination? teaching and

Week 1-2 2.1 The nature a) The meaning and Students will be Qur’an 112:1-4 The teaching could start with Question from How can a Development Creativity
of belief in importance of able to: Know understanding Islam as a SAM Section B 3d believer of knowledge
Say, "He is Allah, [who religion, which was revealed understand the and Communication
Allah belief in the and understand
is] One…Nor is there to Prophet Adam and Identify two ways nature of Allah understanding; Problem solving
2x 2hour oneness of Allah the importance of
to Him any completed by Prophet to show Allah is in their analysis;
(Tawhid). belief in the Discussion skills
equivalent." Muhammad (pbuh). just. everyday life? evaluation
oneness of Allah. Collaboration
b) The meaning and Know and Explore the meaning of Give two How can Research skills
importance of the understand tawheed where it requires a examples to show human beings
attributes of Allah, attributes of believer to fully submit in the Allah’s mercy. participate in
including: Allah. belief of one God -only Allah. Allah’s
It forms part of the Shahadah Describe the characteristics?
Assess and
● His characteristics of
analyse the and then teaching extends to
omnipotence not associating any partners Allah. How does the
importance of
teaching about to God. Use Qur’an 4:48 to belief in Allah
● Allah as creator Explain the
shirk and nifaq. further develop this. further
importance of strengthen a
● Allah as
Look at how the belief in God Tawheed. person’s faith?
merciful and Assess and
just. analyse the requires a Muslim to practise
Explain the
characteristics of the religious duties well.
nature of Allah.
Allah using the Worship Allah alone and He
c) The meaning and becomes the focal point in
Quran. “To do shirk
importance of the everything that a Muslim does
teaching about would be against
in their life. the justice of
shirk and nifaq
(hypocrisy). Allah.” Assess this
Activity to support: Students
could work in small groups
d) The characteristics and give examples of how a “Allah’s
of Allah as shown in believer might practise omnipotence
the Qur’an. religious duties well in order to means He can
be able to put Tawheed in punish everyone”
action. Let students reflect on Assess this
their personal daily lives and statement.
give examples. They can then
extend to how the society also These can be peer
becomes part of a believer’s marked.
focal point in ensuring their
beliefs are practised well. So.
for example, how do they
keep Allah in mind at all times
and continue with their daily

routine when outside in the
wider community? What are
the consequences that
believers might be mindful of?
Link to Allah’s justice and His
all hearing and all seeing

Discuss how Islam as a

religion requires fully
submitting to the commands
of Allah in order to attain the
spiritual comfort. Students
could create a word wall with
ideas of how to maintain their

Ask students to mind map

what attributes they think
Allah has and why? Focus on
the key ones – His power over
everything – Omnipotence -
How is this evident? Is this
through His creation?

Do Muslims believe in the idea

of evolution? Or did Allah
using His power make
everything for a purpose?

What about Omniscience?

Allah’s knowledge? Hearing-
can Allah hear everything?
Seeing? Can anything be
hidden from him?

Does Allah’s knowledge mean

everything is predestined?
Does God control human
beings or do they have a

Does being all hearing and all

seeing help to understand
Allah’s justice?

Can a person be forgiven if

they repent? Does Allah’s
justice allow that?

Students to write
independently their thoughts
after having the discussions.

Teachers can provide a
framework for writing when
looking at particular attributes
of Allah.

Activity with the Qur’an

Qur’an 112:1-4
This passage is recited in
salah everyday and so
Muslims are constantly
reminding themselves of the
unity of Allah. It is the second
shortest passage in the Qur’an
and is also said to be the one
third of the Qur’an. Ask
students to examine what it
means and use the
opportunity to further analyse
about the attributes of Allah.

Encourage students to use

specialist terms when writing
any text. Also feel free to use
other references from the
Qur’an to extend learning.

Use the student tracker to

help them keep their
independent learning in

Week 3-4 2.2 Risalah a) the nature and Students will be Qur’an 9:128-129 Students need to know what Question from How can the Development Creativity
importance of able to: Know Prophethood means. This can SAM Section B 3a Prophet be an of knowledge
influence on and Communication
Prophethood for and understand There has certainly be approached through linking
Identify two ways Muslims over understanding; Problem solving
Muslims. the importance of come to you a the concept of bringing the
2x 2hour to show the all analysis;
Prophethood for Messenger from message of God to the people. Discussion skills
importance of generations? evaluation
Muslims. among yourselves. Prophets are chosen leaders Collaboration
b) What the roles of Prophethood.
Assess and …….and He is the Lord who have received the divine Research skills
prophets teach How has
analyse the roles of the Great Throne." commands to bring to the
Muslims. Give two Prophet
of prophets and people. These are through examples of what Muhammad
what they teach miracles or directly through an Muslims can learn (pbuh) given
c) The lives of Muslims. angel. Risalah is the revealed from Prophet his message to
prophets before divine message of God. Muhammad’s Muslims?
Muhammad: Assess and (pbuh) life.
analyse the lives Teachers could explore how How are
● Adam
of prophets the divine messages were Describe the role believers still
● Ibrahim before Prophet revealed. What differentiates a a prophet plays in able to connect
Muhammad. prophet? What are his delivering the to the message
● Isma’il risalah to Muslims of Prophet
responsibilities to the people?

● Musa How does he deliver the today. Muhammad
message of God? How is the (pbuh) after
● Dawud Explain the nearly 1400
divine message received?
importance of years?
Look at how the messages
● Isa. Prophethood.
were revealed to various
How can the
prophets. Students can have Explain Prophet be an
resources given to them about importance of the example for all
a few prophets and they have message of communities?
to look for key findings. prophets before
What messages did the Muhammad
prophets bring to the people (pbuh)
through the risalah? Ask
students to prepare a memo “Prophets are
or a speech to show how each infallible and they
prophet may have taught in receive the divine
their community. message” Assess
this statement

Activity: Ask students to “Allah’s message

research on a leader who they was finalised with
know about. What are the the coming of
qualities of this leader? What Prophet
makes the leader different to Muhammad.”
others? How has this leader Assess this
been chosen? What messages statement.
does the leader give?
The activity is shared in the These can be peer
class. Students can have a marked.
poll to decide who is the best
leader out of all those who
have been named.
Each has to give their reasons
for their choice.

This activity will help to

understand the roles different
prophets played and how each
prophet came for a different
time with a message about
one God, however the
messages were either lost,
distorted or even forgotten,
and finally perfected by
Prophet Muhammad.

Look at the examples of the

messages of the of prophets
before Prophet Muhammad:

● Adam

● Ibrahim

● Isma’il

● Musa

● Dawud

● Isa
What key things can be found
in their lives?
Did they receive a divine
What were their messages?
What can be learnt from their
How can Muslims today relate
to the prophets in the past?
What message do they give
for Muslims in today’s society?
Divide students into groups for
researching each prophet.
Each group then has to come
up with possible answers for
the above questions for the
allocated prophet. Arrange a
roundtable activity so that one
person is showing the findings
of the group whilst others
rotate around the class to look
at the results of the other

Create competition in the class

by giving groups names of
each prophet. Prepare a quiz
with various topics included.
This will help in scaffolding
knowledge as well as team

Activity with the Qur’an

Qur’an 9:128-129 What
does it mean by: “a
Messenger from among
yourselves.” Students to
analyse the passage and

explain what role the prophets
have in Islam. How is the link
between Muslims and God
made strong through the
Prophet? What does bringing
the command of the divine to
the people mean for
everyone? Is it everyone’s
duty to follow it? What are the
consequences of disregarding

Encourage students to use

specialist terms when writing
any text. Also feel free to use
other references from the
Qur’an to extend learning.

Use the student tracker to

help them keep their
independent learning in

Week 5-6 2.3 The holy a) The nature of the Students will be Qur’an 4:163 Examine who the divine books Identify two holy Why was it Development Creativity
books of Islamic holy books, able to: Know were revealed to and why? books that played important to of knowledge
an important role have the and Communication
Islam specifically: and understand Indeed, We have What was the society like at
the nature of the revealed to you, [O the time? What was the in establishing earlier understanding; Problem solving
2x 2hour ● Tawrat Islam. messages? analysis;
Islamic holy Muhammad], as We teaching within the book? Discussion skills
books revealed to Noah and evaluation
● Zabur Where are the messages Give two ‘Distortion in Collaboration
the prophets after today? Research skills
Assess and examples of what the messages
● Injil him…and Solomon,
analyse the How did the message change the earlier holy needed more
and to David We gave
● Scrolls of importance of the from one to another? books might Prophets and
the book [of Psalms].
holy books in Was there a continuous cycle teach. further divine
establishing till the message of the Prophet guidance’ Do
Islam. Muhammad (pbuh)? Describe the you agree?
b) The importance of nature of the
the holy books in How were the prophets earlier books in
the establishment selected in receiving the establishing
of Islam. scriptures? Islam.
What role did the books play
in establishing Islam? Explain the
importance of
Injil in
Let students brainstorm how
leaders communicate with
their followers. Are the
methods of communication Explain
changing as societies evolve? importance of the
Do messages change? Do the Tawrat in
leaders’ messages change establishing
according to the event? Try Islam.
and link this activity to how

each prophet came for a “Islam would not
particular time or society and have been
brought divine message for established
the time. These were then without the
distorted, lost, or even earlier books.”
forgotten. However, the Assess this
greatest miracle is the Qur’an, statement.
which is the divine message to
“All books came
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh),
for different times
which set the seal. Thus, it
and the Qur’an is
meant the previous messages
universal.” Assess
helped in playing an important
this statement.
role in bringing the message
of God and the concept of the These can be peer
divine. marked.

Activity with the Qur’an

Qur’an 4:163 What does
it mean by: “We have
revealed to you, [O
Muhammad], as We revealed
to Noah and the prophets
after him….” Students to
analyse the passage and
explain what role the prophets
have in establishing Islam as
it is today. How is the link
between Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) and other prophets
made? What does ‘revealed to
you’ mean? What is the Quran
telling about the message of
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)?

Encourage students to use

specialist terms when writing
any text. Also feel free to use
other references from the
Qur’an to extend learning.

Use the student tracker to

help them keep their
independent learning in

Week 7-8 2.4 al-Qadr a) The nature and Students will be Hadith The concept that everything is Identify two ways Look at the Development Creativity
importance of able to: Know predestined and human beings to show human suffering in the of knowledge
beings are in world. Is Allah and Communication
predestination for and understand [The Prophet said], have no control in shaping
Muslims. the nature and "There is none among their destiny. Ask students control during allowing understanding; Problem solving
2x 2hour suffering. human beings analysis;
importance of you, and not a created open-ended questions to help Discussion skills

predestination soul, but has place them reach higher-level Give two to continue till evaluation Collaboration
for Muslims. either in Paradise or in thinking. examples to show an appointed Research skills
b) How al-Qadr and
Hell assigned for how a person can time? Or are
free will relate to the Know and
him….. he will be Sample questions: use their freewill. human beings
‘Day of Judgment’. understand how
among the blessed or using their
freewill relates to Describe what freewill in their
wretched."...”As for How will human beings ever
c) The significance of the Day of predestination is. decisions?
him who gives … have everything correct?
belief in al-Qadr Judgement. Reflect on the
(92:5-6) Explain the
for the early Assess and What if human beings make suffering. Can
Islamic analyse the importance of you
community. significance of predestination for differentiate
belief in al- Qadr some Muslims. between
If everything is predestined
for the early how will Allah show His manmade evil
d) The nature and Explain
Islamic justice? and natural
significance of evil and importance of
community. suffering? Who
suffering. freewill.
Assess and Introduce the concept of is in control? Is
analyse the freewill. Human beings control “Everything is it solely human
nature and their destiny through making predestined and beings? Or is
significance of their decisions. Allah’s justice is nature to
evil and clear.” Assess this blame as well?
suffering. Link to Allah’s attributes: All statement.
hearing, All seeing, All- For example,
powerful and how this shows earthquakes, is
He will use His justice. it nature or are
“Human beings human beings
Give examples from life where can control their harming the
direct consequences and destiny using earth and
rewards are linked for people freewill and the creating
for any good or bad actions. justice of Allah consequences?
Similarly, how using the allows this to
happen.” Assess Teachers can
freewill, human beings can
this statement. print out
perhaps take control of their
These can be peer pictures of
marked. various
Ask students to create a list of
good actions that are
around the
rewarded in society and a list
world. These
of bad actions that are
can be handed
punished in society. Then look
out within
through the list and identify
groups for
any actions that are on a
students to
personal level and those that
discuss. The
involve others around. This
images are a
activity will help in
useful resource
understanding how reward
to create
and punishment can be
discussion on
identified using the justice of
and freewill.
For example,
There are clear signs in the
was it
Qur’an encouraging everyone
predestined for
to do good hence Muslims

have been pre-warned and the a young child
consequences of doing evil to be born in a
has been discussed in the war zone area?
Qur’an using narratives from Or did the
the past. actions of
other human
beings cause
the child to
Activity with the Hadith:[The have been
Prophet said], "There is none born in that
among you, and not a created area?
soul, but has place either in
Paradise or in Hell assigned What about
for him… "...”As for him the victim who
who gives …(92:5-6) may have
suffered as a
Students to analyse the result of
passage and explain what poverty? Was
message is the Prophet telling this because of
the people? Is this a warning the
to human beings about their environment?
actions? What are the Did nature
consequences of disregarding cause the
commands? Is the Qur’an drought? Was
verse promoting Muslims to it predestined
enjoin in doing good for for the
example giving charity? Is the individual to go
passage encouraging Muslims through this
to change their test? Is it a
attitude/behaviour and use test for others
freewill to shape their destiny? in how helpful
they are
Encourage students to use towards
specialist terms when writing supporting the
any text. Also feel free to use victims?
other references from the
Qur’an to extend learning.

Use the student tracker to

help them keep their
independent learning in

Week 9-10 2.5 Akhirah a) the nature and Students will be Qur’an 101:1-11 Students need to examine Question from Muslims only Development Creativity
teachings about life able to: Know what the final judgment SAM Section B 3b take of knowledge
The Striking Calamity Communication
after death, including: and understand means. How is this important responsibility and
…..It is a Fire,
the nature and for Muslims in their daily lives? of their actions understanding; Problem solving
2x 2hour ● final judgment intensely hot.
teachings about Are people responsible for because of the analysis; Discussion skills
life after death. their actions? Who has to take fear of evaluation
● paradise Collaboration
the final responsibility for any Jahannam.
Know and Identify two ways Research skills
● (Jannah) and good or bad action? What is your
understand how to show life in
opinion? Ask
What are the rewards/

hell key things about sanctions? Barzakh someone else
(Jahannam) Akhirah and how in the class for
What is Barzakh? What
● life in the it affects a their view.
happens during Barzakh?
grave and Muslim. Does the soul live on? Is the Give two
Barzakh. Assess and physical body attached to the descriptions of
analyse Islamic soul? what Muslims Link the topic
b) how the Islamic teachings about Why do Muslims visit learn about of Allah’s
teachings about Akhirah. graveyards? Does this help heaven from the attributes and
life after death are the deceased? Is it a reminder Qur’an ask students to
expressed in the to those who are alive? write a
Give two paragraph
Qur’an. How will the day of judgment
descriptions of explaining
what Muslims ‘why the stage
Link to blowing of the trumpet learn about hell of Barzakh is
Qur’an 39:68 from the Qur’an. important.’
How will people know about
their actions? Describe what the
Prophet teaches
Discuss the book of deeds and
about life after
questioning on the day of
judgment Qur’an 16:93
Explain the
An activity to help: teachings about
Ask students to think about Akhira.
their assessments and how
“The heavens and
their grades matter. In a
earth was created
similar manner, whoever has
for human
lived as a good Muslim will be
beings.” Assess
rewarded accordingly whilst
this statement.
those who have not conducted
themselves well, will be “’It is the Day
accounted for as mentioned in when people will
the Qur’an. be like moths,’
You could ask students to and people have
keep a log in a dairy of the to take
activities they have done responsibility for
over one day and identity their actions.”
those that may be rewarded Assess this
whilst those that may not be statement.
considered good to be
reflected on, and how could These can be peer
they bring changes. marked.

Activity with the Qur’an

Qur’an 101:1-11
What does it mean by: “the
Day when people will be like
moths, dispersed.” Students
to analyse the passage and

explain how the passage links
to Akhirah. How is the link
between life in the world and
the day of judgment made?
How is the questioning in the
passage helping Muslims
understand Akhirah? Is it
everyone’s duty to follow what
has been asked of him or her
by religion? What are the
consequences of disregarding

Encourage students to use

specialist terms when writing
any text. Also feel free to use
other references from the
Qur’an to extend learning.

Use the student tracker to

help them keep their
independent learning in

Week 11-12 2.6 Malaikah a) The nature and Students will be Qur’an 2:97-98 Discuss what angels are and Question from How have the Development Creativity
importance of angels able to: Know what roles they play. Why are SAM Section B 3c angels helped of knowledge
Say, "Whoever is an Communication
for Muslims. and understand they important in delivering in ensuring the and
enemy to Gabriel…. Identify two
the nature and divine messages? Do they divine understanding; Problem solving
2x 2hour Whoever is an enemy angels and the
importance of have similar functions as a commands are analysis; Discussion skills
b) The roles and to Allah and His angels role they play.
angels for human being? Are they going delivered? evaluation
importance of the and His messengers Collaboration
Muslims. and Gabriel and to be accountable or do they Research skills
principal angels in What is the
Michael – then indeed, play specific roles only?
Islamic belief, purpose of
including: Allah is an enemy to Discuss the specific roles Give two angels?
Assess and
the disbelievers.” played by each angel. examples of what
Jibrail analyse the roles
● Ask students to write a blog angels can do.
and importance
● Mikail of some angels about the angels and their
Describe the role
within Islam. purpose. This can then be
of angel Jibrail in
● Israfil used in the next lesson as an
delivering the
activity to extend learning.
● Izrael. divine message to
Students are invited to carry
on the blog of another peer.

Activity using doughnut task. Explain the

Ask students to write an importance of
analysis about why angels are angel Israfil for
important within the smaller Muslims.
circle of the doughnut.
“Angels cannot
The outer circle can be used
descend without
for students to write out other
Allah’s permission
key information about angels
and Jibrail

that will help them understand brought the
the topic. divine message to
Activity with the Qur’an Assess this
passage: statement.
Qur’an 2:97-98
These can be peer
What does it mean by: “by
permission of Allah”? Students
to analyse the passage and
explain what role the angels
have in Islam. Encourage
students to use the passage
well with the topic.

Encourage students to use

specialist terms when writing
any text. Also feel free to use
other references from the
Qur’an to extend learning.

Use the student tracker to

help them keep their
independent learning in

Week 13-14 2.7 Shari’ah a) The principal Students will be Qur’an 5:48 To help understand this topic Question from Why would Development Creativity
sources and able to: Know design an activity that SAM Section B 4a Allah need to of knowledge
And We have revealed Communication
establishment of and understand examines looking at laws of a give mankind and
to you, [O Identify the two
Shari’ah law, the the principal country or rules in school. Ask laws? understanding; Problem solving
2x 2hour Muhammad], the Book sources of the
Qur’an and the sources and students to look at the rules in analysis; Discussion skills
in truth, To Allah is Shar’iah. How do the
Sunnah. establishment of school and choose those that evaluation
your return all laws help a Collaboration
Shariah law, the together, and He will they may like to change. Ask Give two Research skills
person? Use
Quran. [then] inform you their reasons. This can be examples of Fard
b)The importance of the different
concerning that over managed in a group. Let them actions.
the Shari’ah in the Assess and terminology in
which you used to come up with their proposed
early Islamic analyse the your answer.
differ.” rules and why they think they Describe the role
community. importance of the
might work. Examine why of Shari’ah today. How can a
Shari’ah in the
rules are important within the Muslim bring
early Islamic
c) Related sources of establishment or the country. Explain the
community. changes in
law, such as ijma How does it benefit the importance of
Know and their life?
(consensus) and qiyas system? Can it be biased? Can following
(analogy). understand the the rules have hidden Shari’ah.
various sources agendas? Who has the final
of law. say? Who makes the most Explain
d) The meaning and importance of the
Know and benefit out of the rules being
importance, in Qur’an within
understand followed?
Muslim acts, of the Shari’ah.
terminology and
difference between
its importance in
‘halal’ and ‘haram’, Transfer this learning to “A society needs
different actions.
including the students examining the laws and Shari’ah
distinction Shari’ah as Islamic laws. helps Muslims.”

between the five These laws have been sent Assess this
categories (Ahkam divinely through the statement.
pentad): messengers for mankind’s
“Allah’s message
guidance. Discuss how
● Fard is in the Shari’ah
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
(compulsory) and Muslims will
was the last messenger of
be accountable.”
● Mandub Allah and He brought the final
Assess this
and perfected laws from Allah.
(recommended statement.
Ask students to work in pairs These can be peer
● Mubah (neither marked.
and examine how the laws
obligatory, made by human beings may
recommended be different to those sent
or disliked) divinely.
● Makruh Points to think about:
(disliked) Class where all are equal - as
● Haram Islam teaches brotherhood.
Racial prejudice- The Ummah
is encouraged in Islam.
Status of women - link to
early society and the
treatment of female infants,
After this activity, students
can analyse the importance of
Shari’ah within the early
Muslim community and write a
paragraph to express their

Teachers can also examine the

different schools of thought
approach to Islamic law.

Teaching should also include

the sources of Shari’ah –
Qur’an and the teachings of
the Prophet – Sunnah.
The terminology related to
understanding how the rulings
are made should be taught
too: ijmaa, Qiyaas, Taqlid.

Look at the difference

between halal & haram. Ask
students to make a list of
actions that may be
considered halal & haram

respectively. What is guiding
them? How do they make
their decisions?
Are there other actions that
can be termed differently?
Link to compulsory and
optional actions. How are
these helping a person? How
does a person decide what to
do? How far can a person go
in keeping up with their set of
Islamic beliefs? Can they
overstep the boundary? What
are these actions known as?
What about actions that are
not liked? Students to give at
least three different examples
in each category with their

Activity with the Qur’an

Qur’an 5:48
What does it mean by: “is
your return all together, and
He will [then] inform you
concerning that over which
you used to differ.” Students
to analyse the passage and
explain what it means when
Allah will inform about that
which you differed? How is the
link between divine law and
returning to Him helping
mankind in this world? What
does revealed to ‘You the
book’ mean? Is it everyone’s
duty to follow it? What are the
consequences of disregarding
the commands?
Encourage students to use
specialist terms when writing
any text. Also feel free to use
other references from the
Qur’an to extend learning.

Use the student tracker to

help them keep their
independent learning in

Week 15-16 2.8 Islamic a) Islamic etiquette in Students will be Qur’an 49:11-13 Ask students to list out ways Identify two ways Lying is Development Creativity
etiquette, relations with other able to: Know that are acceptable in relating to show how permissible for of knowledge
O you who have Communication
attitude and people. and understand to various age groups. prejudice can a good cause and
believed, let not a
manners Islamic etiquette take place. as it can bring understanding; Problem solving
2x 2hour people ridicule Let them identify if it is formal
in relating to good results. analysis; Discussion skills
b) Islamic attitudes to [another] people; or informal. Give two
others. What is your evaluation
lying and harmful perhaps they may be The list could also include examples Collaboration
speech. Know and better than them…… different forms of stereotyping. Research skills
understand Indeed, the most communication tools and What is the
Islamic attitude noble of you in the languages. Describe how passage
c) Islamic manners sight of Allah is the
to lying and its Also ask students to make a equality helps a referring to
when eating. most righteous of you.
harmful effect. list of non-acceptable Muslim in when
Indeed, Allah is practising his or discussing a
Know and communication tools and
d) The importance for Knowing and her faith. backbiter?
understand languages for various age
Muslims of correct Acquainted. Why?
Islamic eating groups.
etiquette, attitudes Explain the
manners. This activity is a preamble to
and manners and importance of Design a chart
Assess and help shape the lesson. Prophethood.
the support for this for a code of
analyse the The lesson needs to bring in
found in the conduct
importance for the concept of treating Explain
Qur’an suitable for a
Islamic etiquette, everyone equally. This has to importance of the
and Sunnah. young person
attitudes and be addressed through linking treating everyone who wants to
manners using the concept of justice and equally. live his or her
the Qur’an. doing what is right and fair. life as an ideal
“Prejudice in
The concept of equality and Muslim person.
society is evil and
justice always work together. being noble is to How will you
Injustice leads to oppression obey Allah.” guide them?
and this leads to disobedience Assess this
towards the command of statement.
Students need to list on what “Allah’s message
basis could individuals be is followed
unjustly treated (skin colour, regardless of the
race, religion, gender etc.) gender or tribe
and this
Teaching Prejudice and
discrimination in
What does prejudice mean? society.” Assess
How does it happen? this statement.
Why do people judge others?
These can be peer
Why do people stereotype marked.
How do people learn to
Does Islam encourage
Islam is against prejudice
(pre-judging) as the passage
for this topic also points out
‘Indeed, the most noble of you
in the sight of Allah is the

most righteous of you’.
Therefore, individuals should
not be judging each other
according to their own
concepts but to how righteous
they are in the obedience
towards God.

Discrimination is the prejudice

against someone.
Questions to help teaching.
What is discrimination?
What forms of discrimination
can take place?
Why is it important to treat
everyone equally?
Who was the first muezzin?
What is the Prophet showing
by choosing Bilal as the first
Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh)
message on the last farewell
pilgrimage was to Muslims
about equality. What message
is he leaving for Muslims

“Should we judge people?’-

Give this question to each
group and ask them to answer
using their own thoughts after
discussing. This should be
presented onto an A3 paper.
Another group who will add on
extra details if necessary then
marks the presented work.

Examine what lying can do to

an individual. How does it
create mischief in the
How is lying an assumption
about somebody? Ask
students to give examples.
How can lying be linked to
What does Islam say about

What are the harms that can
be created as a result of an
individual lying either for
themselves or about others?
Students can make a comic
strip to show this.

Looking at eating manners,

ask students to come up with
what are acceptable and non-
acceptable manners. They
need to give their reasons for
Look at the guideline given by
Islam for what is permissible
to eat and what is not.
Halal foods are those that are
permissible. The Qur’an
guides a Muslim on what is
permitted. Holy Qur’an 5:1
Muslims eat only halal meat.
Those that are forbidden are
termed as Haram.
Muslims are not allowed to
drink alcohol. Holy Qur’an
2:219, 5:90
Haram acts are punishable.
Jai’z is another term.
However, this carries neither a
reward nor a punishment - for
example drinking tea.

Activity with the Qur’an

Qur’an 49:11-13
What does it mean by:
“perhaps they may be better
than them..” Students to
analyse the passage and
explain what are believers
asked not to do and why? How
is the link between backbiting
and Allah’s mercy made? What
does the passage suggest
when referring to being
created as male and female,

as well as in tribes? How does
this help human beings? What
is suggested through the

Encourage students to use

specialist terms when writing
any text. Also feel free to use
other references from the
Qur’an to extend learning.

Use the student tracker to

help them keep their
independent learning in

Week 17-18 2.9 The early a) The leadership of Know and Qur’an 9:117 Examine the differing views of Identify two ways The Qur’an is Development Creativity
leaders of Islam following the understand the leadership after the death of to show the more of knowledge
Allah has already Communication
the Muslim death of the Prophet. leadership of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). importance of important than and
forgiven the Prophet
community Islam following leadership. Prophet understanding; Problem solving
2x 2hour and the Muhajireen Sunnis believe leadership is
the death of the Muhammad analysis; Discussion skills
b) The role and and the Ansar ……. chosen by agreement among Give two
Prophet. (pbuh). Give evaluation
achievements of the Indeed, He was to other Muslims. Sunnis believe examples of what Collaboration
your opinion.
early leaders. Know and them Kind and in the succession of Khilafat. Muslims can learn Research skills
understand the Merciful. Caliph Abu-Bakr as the first, from the early Early leaders
role and Caliph Umar as second whilst leaders. were important
c) The importance of Caliph Uthman was the third
achievements of in helping the
the period of the early one and Imam Ali as the last
the early leaders. Describe the role Prophet (pbuh)
leaders for the Islamic in the Khilafat.
Assess and played by Imam in spreading
analyse the The term ‘Imam’ for Shias is Ali in the battle of his message.
importance of the also used for the successor of Badr. Write a letter
period of the the Prophet. Leadership is to your friend
based on divine appointment. Explain the to explain this.
early leaders for
Imam Ali is the successor of importance of
the Islamic
the Prophet. There are 12 Khilafat. Design a
Imams divinely appointed and profile card
Explain Sunni and with qualities
their Hadith is also accepted
Shia authorities. of the leaders
as part of the Shia Shariah.
Students to research on the and the roles
“Allah is all
differences between Sunni and they played.
forgiving and a
Shia on the concept of leader is there to
choosing the appointed leader guide.” Assess
after the Prophet. this statement.

Study some of the key
achievements within the life of
(pbuh) is the seal
the leaders. What role did
of the prophets
they have during the time of
and the Shari’ah
the Prophet (pbuh)?
is a guide to
What are their influences in mankind.” Assess
the time after the Prophet

(pbuh)? this statement.
Examine the battles that took
place at the time.
Some of the main ones are: These can be peer
Badr, Uhud, Khandaq, Khyber, marked.
Conquest of Mecca, Siege of
Ta’if, Expedition of Tab’uk,
Jamal, Siffin, Naharwan
What role did the leaders
How did they live their lives?
What did they achieve?
How is each of the leaders
seen as influential for the
Muslim community?
What key things can be learnt
from their lives?
Was their death a natural
cause or were they killed?
Examine the Day of Ashura
and the sacrifice of Imam
What were the reasons for
Kerbala to happen?
Why did Imam Hussain refuse
to bow to the demands of
(copy and paste link into the
search engine)
How is Imam Hussain
important as a leader for the
Muslim community?
How do all the leaders
influence Muslims in all
generations over time?
What message can Muslims
get from the leaders’
Students can prepare a poster
on leadership with key
information on it.
Arrange a round table
discussion for students to
discuss the different leaders

and what can be learnt from
their lives.

Activity with the Qur’an

Qur’an 9:117
What does it mean by: “He
forgave them.” Students to
analyse the passage and
explain what role the leaders
had during the migration to
Medina. What is the passage
telling Muslims? Should
Muslims be continuing to listen
to the commands of their
leaders? What is the passage
telling Muslims about

Encourage students to use

specialist terms when writing
any text. Also feel free to use
other references from the
Qur’an to extend learning.

Use the student tracker to

help them keep their
independent learning in

Total guided learning hours for this Section: 40 hours- 36 timetabled plus 4 hours extra for recapping, revision & internal assessment

Theme 3 - Section C: Living the Muslim life today

Week Section Content Learning Related Exemplar teaching activities Suggested Extension Which Which
Outcomes passage questions/ Task transferable transferable
/Hour (Abstract tasks to be skills are skills could
version) explored explicitly also be
through assessed acquired
teaching through through
examination? teaching and


3.1 a) The nature Students will Qur’an 3: 17- Examine the Shahadah with the students. Ask them to write Question from Questions to Development of Creativity
and role of be able to: 19 out 5 points why they think it is important in a Muslim’s life. SAM Section C reflect: knowledge and
Week 1-2 Shahadah Communication
Shahadah for Allah This can be as a think / pair & share activity. 5a understanding;
Know and What are the
Muslims. witnesses that analysis; Problem solving
understand Explore this further using deeper questions: consequences
there is no evaluation Discussion skills
what the of not
2x 2hour Shahadah is deity except Why does a Muslim have to bear witness about God? Describe the Collaboration
b) The following the
and what role Him…And impact of reciting Research skills
importance of Shahadah?
it plays in a whoever Why does a Muslim have to bear witness that Prophet Shahadah has in
Muslims life. disbelieves in Muhammad (pbuh) is the prophet of Allah? a Muslim’s life. Can a Muslim
Shahadah for
the verses of pick and
Assess and Allah, then How does this help to shape a person’s life? What does a Explain the choose from
analyse the indeed, Allah person have to do in order to put their beliefs in practice? importance of religion?
c) How the importance is swift in Shahadah.
Shahadah is of reciting [taking] Group tasks with an allocated leader where the students are Why do
used in practice. the Shahadah account. expected to present a role-play showing Shahadah in Muslims give
for Muslims. practice. so much
These can be respect to
Know and Students can also be asked to write a piece of article for a peer marked. Prophet
understand newspaper column to express the importance of reciting
how the Shahadah.
Shahadah is The clip
Students to write a paragraph on why Muslims must show
used in activity can be
they are following the Shahadah by how they live. This can
practice. extended
include examples from their personal lives as well as from
further with
Assess and other Muslims.
students given
analyse how a written task.
Ask students to identify occasions when part of the
a Muslim
Shahadah is also recited: adhaan, when a baby is born,
practices http://
during a funeral. Why is it important? How does it help? This
can be a discussion activity after which students are asked
to write a small report to show how it might be recited
during one of these occasions.
Use the related passage Qur’an 3: 17-19 and discuss the practices/
meaning with the students. shahadah.sht
Students can be split into mini groups. Each group is given a
paper with a large circle drawn onto and small circles around A short report
it. The large circle is meant to represent the essence of on the
Shahadah- Ask students to write their understanding using programme.
the Qur’an passage and how does this then relate to
individual’s lives (the smaller circles). Prepare a
script for a
meeting with the person
shahadah.shtml who has
Use this link to create a discussion within the classroom. The
What would
1st part of the link deals with declaring the Shahadah.
they ask and
Teachers are encouraged to listen to the clip beforehand so
why? Best
that there is clarity within the classroom in order to create
scripts will
discussion. The clip is discussing about conversion to Islam

and declaring Shahadah. It shows the key difference incorporate
between Shahadah for a Muslim who is born and raised as a the ideas of
Muslim and Shahadah taken as a declaration by someone Shahadah and
who converts or reverts to become a Muslim. This can be how it is used
stressed within the classroom to show that individuals that in practice.
are raised as Muslims start their journey when hearing the
Shahadah when they are born, whilst those entering the fold
of Islam later on, just need to declare the two lines to enter
the faith. However, this has to be done willingly and the
actions/ practices that follow will always be towards seeking
nearness to God. (If teachers wish they can share the clip up
to 7 mins).

Writing the Shahadah in Arabic text for students to preserve-

creative learning.

Encourage students to use specialist terms when writing any

text. Also feel free to use other references from the Qur’an
to extend learning.

Use the student tracker to help them keep their independent

learning in progress.

Week 3-4 3.2 Salah a) The nature Students will Qur’an 62:9- Students are asked to brainstorm on ‘Why Muslims pray?’ Question from Why is Salah Development of Creativity
and significance be able to: 11 This is then used as a discussion platform to understand the SAM Section C needed? Does knowledge and
significance of Salah for Muslims. 5b God need understanding; Communication
of Salah for Know and O you who
Muslims have believed, human beings analysis; Problem solving
2x 2hour understand Some questions to engage the discussion: Describe the
when [the to pray to evaluation Discussion skills
the nature actions of one
adhan] is Him?
b) The and Why is Salah made obligatory five times a day especially unit of a Salah. Collaboration
significance called for the when people have such busy lives? Research skills
importance of
of Salah for prayer on the Describe the
Salah in the life
Muslims. day of Why does Allah give human beings an opportunity to talk to actions of Arrange a
of Muslims.
Jumu'ah Him? Wudhoo congregational
Assess and [Friday] …… (ablution) Salah session
c) How Salah is analyse the Say, "What is Why is Salah an act of worship? Does Allah need human after which
performed: importance with Allah is beings to worship Him? Why is Salah in a prescribed Describe the students are
of Salah in better than method? importance of asked to
● Ablution diversion and
the life of Salah in a reflect their
Muslims. than a Is spiritual nurturing important for Muslims on a daily basis? Muslim’s life.
● Times thoughts.
transaction, Can it not be done once a week?
● Direct- and Allah is Describe how Prepare a
Know and Discuss the ways an individual would prepare for Salah. Is
ions the best of Salah is prayed collage of
understand there anything that is different and why does one need to
providers." in congregation various
● Move- how a Muslim prepare? Hot seat activity - Students share how they feel
prepares for mosques
ment before, when preparing, after praying, any difficulties etc. Explain the
Salah. around the
importance of world with
● Recitat- Print out pictures of specific actions within Salah to give to offering Salah information
ions Know and students. Actions should be jumbled up, as they will have to daily in the life of about
understand reorder them to make into a full Salah or a Rakah. Students Muslims. activities that
how to pray to research what happens at the selected action. This can be
d) Salah in the Salah at a pair/ group activity. This can also be extended to why each take place.
Explain how a
home and home. action is important and what does it signify. Research
Muslim prepares
mosque and using the

at Friday Know and A similar activity using actions of ablution- actions are for Salah daily. internet. What
(Jummah) understand jumbled up and students have to put them in correct order. is different?
prayer. how to pray Higher Thinking Order will include why might each be part of What is
Salah in a ablution (Wudhoo) be done as recommended. similar? What
congregation “Friday prayer is unifies all
e) exemptions and its Teachers to look at the students background and decide more important Muslims
from Salah. benefits. activity accordingly (Sunni/Shia) than the daily around the
Salah.” world?
The two clips below are useful to create classroom
discussion. Teachers have a pool of questions to follow the Assess this
clips as an activity. It can be fill in the blanks for specific statement.
actions when there is discussion in the clip. This will ensure
all students are engaged and are attentive to the
information. Students to also write a quick factsheet based
These can be
on the clips- teachers should inform students of what they
peer marked.
are expecting from the factsheet (for example 5 facts, 2
personal points you may have noticed).
Assess and
Helping students to understand congregational prayers -
divide the class into two. One section looks at the benefits of
benefits of
working together on a task/puzzle to solve with an allocated
praying Salah
leader whilst the other section is asked to work on the
in a
similar task individually. Students are then asked to reflect
on how the learning path was at the time and what methods
they used in order to make it easier for themselves. This can
be a five to ten-minute task, which then leads to praying in a
congregation. Discuss how congregational prayers are
performed and its benefits. Ask students to brainstorm
benefits of praying together. Bring in the concept of
brotherhood, social point, welfare of others, unity, everyone
at one level, handshaking or hugging also creates unity and
equality and enables people to inquire about each other.

Explain the role of the Imam who is the leader of the

congregational prayer. What qualities must they have? Are
these important? How can one decide to lead the prayer?
If possible, invite the local Imam so students can ask
questions about the role and what extra duties does an
Imam have.

Follow up activities can be: writing a letter to a friend to

invite him/her to join a congregational prayer in the nearest
mosque. Letter could include why it is important to pray
together and how one can pray in a congregation if they
have never been before.

Write a Blog on how it might feel when a Muslim goes to

offer Salah in congregation. This should also reflect the
benefits of praying together.
Send a Twitter message to your teacher “@Mr/MrsTeacher”
about Salatul Jamah (congregation) – (140-character limit
for the message).

Praying in the mosque- how is that different? What is the

mosque like? Is it only a praying place? What are the
features of the mosque both external and internal? What
prayer aids to worship are available in the mosque? (Prayer
mat, carpet laid facing Quibla, Tasbih, Chadaar, Turbah (for
some Muslims), Qur’an stand) If time allows students can
draw the features together with the labels.

Prayer mat activity- students make a prayer mat using A3

paper and creative resources. On this they can also add
some facts about Salah.

Compare praying in the mosque with the home environment-

how is praying in the home different to praying in the
mosque individually or in congregation? Is it the ambience of
the place? Is it the spiritual feeling? Is it being part of the
congregation that makes it different?

Can Salah be prayed anywhere? What if one is travelling?

Asking for personal prayers after the daily prayers- ‘Dua’-

this opportunity is at home and at the mosque as well
whether praying individually or in a congregation. Students
can reflect on what they might ask Allah for and why. What
connection does a Muslim feel with God after praying their
Salah and then doing Dua?

Activities with the following clips: this
Adhaan clip can be used at the beginning of the lesson.
Students experience how it feels when Adhaan is recited and
how it helps a Muslim to prepare for prayers. A link to the
Shahadah can be made as it helps students to connect that
the person is now disengaging from all worldly affairs and
committing his/her personal time towards Allah. Ask
students to write their feelings when hearing the Adhaan
being recited. How would it help them in preparing for their
prayers if they were in the mosque?
Know and
understand This clip
how to pray also has Adhaan (Shia version) and also includes a complete
Salatul Salah. Students to experience how it feels when Adhaan is
Jummah and recited and how it helps a Muslim to prepare for prayers. A
its link to the Shahadah can be made as it helps students to
importance. connect that the person is now disengaging from all worldly
affairs and committing his/her personal time towards Allah.

Assess and Ask students to write their feelings when hearing the Adhaan
analyse being recited. How would it help them in preparing for their
benefits of prayers if they were in the mosque? Within the clip the
Salatul section on the Salah can be used when teaching the various
Jummah and actions in Salah. An activity can be prepared to ensure
the students are focused which can include true or false
congregation statements, fill in the blanks followed by open ended
al benefits. questions to allow Higher Order Thinking.

Friday Prayers- use the clip below:

Know and

the How is Friday prayer offered? What preparation needs to be
exemptions done? How is it different to other regular Salah? Why does
from Salah. the Imam give Khutba? What does the Khutba (sermon)
consist of?

During the teaching, concentrate on specific actions that

form part of the Friday prayer.

Exemptions from Salah- discuss how Salah can be offered in

various different circumstances. For example: what ease is
offered for those who cannot offer Salah in a standing
position, what about those who have been taken ill, women
in their monthly cycle do not need to offer their missed out

Activity with the Qur’an passage Qur’an 62:9-11- Give

students a flashcard on which they have to write a word they
can quickly note from the text. Ask them for their reason –
paired activity. The pairs then share with the class where
each one has to report about the other one’s choice.
Discussion point using the passage - Why is Friday important
for Muslims? Why does Friday prayer need to be offered in
congregation? What does “Allah being the best of provider”
mean for a Muslim? (relate this to daily lives).
How does offering daily prayers in congregation help?
Compare this to the Friday congregational prayer. Students
can prepare a presentation in groups that can then be
shared within the classroom.

Encourage students to use specialist terms when writing any

text. Also feel free to use other references from the Qur’an
to extend learning.
Use the student tracker to help them keep their independent
learning in progress.
3.3 Sawm a) The nature, Students will Qur’an Students work in pairs to prepare a booklet that can be Question from How does Development of Creativity
role, be able to: 2:183-185 given to people who want to know more about fasting. The SAM Section C 5c fasting help a knowledge and
Week 5-6 booklet should include: Why Muslims fast? What is the Muslim bring understanding; Communication
significance Know and O you who
understand length of a fast? What activities take place whilst fasting? Describe the changes in analysis; Problem solving
and purpose have believed,
the What is encouraged to do whilst fasting? What should actions that can their personal

of fasting significance decreed upon Muslims not do whilst fasting? invalidate a fast. development? evaluation Discussion skills
during and purpose you is
2x 2hour Prepare traffic signs leaflet: ‘What can break a fast?’ Identify one Why does Collaboration
Ramadan. of fasting. fasting…. So,
Students to prepare a creative poster which shows ‘No entry’ action that fasting involve Research skills
Know and to mean ‘Do not’ for those things that can break a fast. Muslims cannot keeping away
among you is
b) Those who understand do when fasting. from food and
ill or on a Debate/Discussion within the classroom: “How does fasting
are exempt the nature of water? How
journey in the month of Ramadan help a Muslim spiritually? Can the Explain the
from fasting. fasting. does that help
[during them] spirituality be kept up within the year? importance of a Muslim
Assess and – then an fasting for become closer
c) The equal number Analyse how fasting helps a Muslim. Is fasting about self-
analyse Muslims. to Allah?
importance of of days [are to control or is it more than that? Also look at the concept of
benefits of
Laylat al-Qadr be made up) seeking Allah’s pleasure as well as reward for following what “All Muslims
fasting in Design a
for Muslims …. has been commanded. Students can prepare a radio or a should fast as
Ramadan. fasting game.
today. live chat show as an activity to support this learning. This Allah has made it Teachers can
Know and can be presented in the class where some students are the compulsory.” use a board
understand presenters whilst others can be the listeners/audience who Assess this game concept
those who have an opportunity to ask live questions. statement. for students to
are exempted design on a
from fasting. Discuss who is exempted from fasting and why? Is there a These can be paper.
penalty to pay? Is this the same for everyone? Do individuals peer marked.
Assess and who have missed out the fasts have to pay the fasts back as
analyse the qaza?
of Laylat al Why are some days more important in the month? Analyse
Qadr for the importance of Laylatul Qadr by examining what it
Muslims signifies. Why is it important to Muslims and how does it
today. make an impact for Muslims today? What do Muslims
achieve by celebrating the Layaltul Qadr? What difference
should a Muslim bring to their life with the coming of Laylatul
Qadr? Students can be placed into small groups to work on
these questions. They are then expected to produce a
PowerPoint. Every group has an allocated leader to ensure
everyone has an opportunity to give an input.

What happens after a month of fasting? Is Eid ul Fitr just

meant to be a celebration? What is Fitra? How does it help in
the society? Students to write a paragraph on why Eid ul Fitr
is important to Muslims. This can be peer marked with
formative comments. Teachers to provide structure for
marking. (Can link to SAM question 5c -see marksheet).

Activity with the Qur’an passage Qur’an 2:183-185

- Ask students to write what two things they can
immediately find from the passage. This is then shared with
the class. A scribe to write some points on the board.
Teachers then takes the discussion forward with open-ended

Activity with the clip below - discuss after seeing the clip
how fasting helps- does it help at a family level? Does it help
to remember the pangs of the poor and needy? Is it good
enough to be an observing Muslim during the month of

fasting or does one need to continue?

Encourage students to use specialist terms when writing any

text. Also feel free to use other references from the Qur’an
to extend learning.

Use the student tracker to help them keep their independent

learning in progress.

Week 7-8 3.4 Zakah a) The nature Students will Qur’an 9:58- Students need to know what Zakah is, how it is practised - Question from How does Development of Creativity
and Khums and purpose of be able to: 60 what Zakah is given as well, as understanding how Muslims SAM Section C Zakah help knowledge and
should share their wealth with the less fortunate members of 6b with financial understanding; Communication
Zakah Know and And among
understand the Muslim Ummah. Students can be given an independent stability for analysis; Problem solving
2x 2hour them are some Describe the
what Zakah research task and are asked to produce a Zakah support all? evaluation Discussion skills
b) The nature who criticize features of the
is. leaflet.
and purpose of you payment of Is Zakah Collaboration
Khums. concerning the Zakah as an Islamic tax that is obligatory and purifies the Khums by relevant for Research skills
Know and
[distribution wealth of Muslims. It helps to support the poor and needy. Muslims. everyone
of] charities… When paying Zakah, a Muslim shows thankfulness to Allah today?
c) The what Khums
is. Zakah through sharing His blessings that he/she has been granted. Give two ways
importance of
expenditures It also shows a caring attitude by sharing their wealth with that Zakah can Is poverty
Zakah and
Assess and are only for the less fortunate. It is a redistribution of wealth within be used. going to be
Khums for
analyse the the poor and society to help bring balance and harmony. It is only 2.5% eradicated by
Muslims. Give two ways
importance for the needy… of the individual’s wealth. Muslims
of Zakah and that Khums can ensuring they
d) The global Khums for It is an Islamic tax practised by both the Sunni & Shia be used. give Zakah?
importance of Muslims. School of Thought. It is the second pillar within the Sunni Give your
School of Thought and the fourth branch (Furoo e Deen) Explain the reasons.
giving support
Assess and within the Shia School of Thought. importance of
to those in
analyse Zakah.
global the Students need to understand how Khums differs from zakah.
Explain the
Khums is also another Islamic tax mentioned in the Qur’an. importance of
of giving
Shia Muslims practise this as part of the fifth branch of Khums.
support to
those in religion. One-fifth (20%) tax upon an individual’s annual
surplus. By giving out Khums it purifies the wealth and also “Zakah helps to
need. share wealth
like Zakah helps to take care of the needy.
within the
Discuss with students to help them assess: Why are Zakah Muslim Ummah
and Khums each obligatory? What are they used for? Why and everybody
should Muslims keep up with the Islamic tax and help those becomes equal.”
in need? Why is it important for Muslims to show their Assess this
thankfulness by obeying Allah’s commands and practising statement.
either Zakah or Khums? Why is it important to give to those
in need? How does this help the Muslim community, the “Share your
Ummah? Teachers can start a whole class discussion on a wealth and be
couple of the points and then students are put into smaller thankful to Allah
groups so that they can produce a summary of the as HE has
discussion through a written form. It can be a mind map or a provided for you
news bulletin. and your family.”
Assess this
Activity with the Qur’an passage Qur’an 9:58-60

Ask students to reflect on what the passage is talking about. statement.
Examine how the passage links to the use of Zakah for the
These can be
poor and needy, therefore Allah is directly commanding
peer marked.
believers to give from their wealth. Why is this being asked?
How will this help the Muslim Ummah? Is the passage
important for all Muslims?
Ask students to draw a table to show this information. They
need to develop their reasons.

Activity using global pictures showing poverty- print out

pictures from different parts of the world where poverty is
evident. Show examples of children, young people and even
families suffering in extreme conditions. This can be a group
activity where students use the pictures as a stimulus and
discuss what is happening in the picture and why the
individuals have ended up in such situations. They are then
expected to report back to the whole class in the form of an
oral presentation. Allocate a leader who ensures all are
involved in the discussion. Some questions to help the
discussion: Is it because of the greed of other human
beings? Is it because of the environment? Was it self-
destruction? Or are there other reasons involved? What can
be done to support? How and is it achievable? What is the
duty of every individual Muslim? Are these short term/long
term solutions? How should the Muslim Ummah respond to
this? How do Zakah and Khums money help? What about
giving out other types of Sadaqah?

Finding out about the local centre/mosque and its support

system for the less fortunate. Ask students to carry out an
independent research using the internet. How are mosques
or local centres using Zakah or Khums money?

What other charities are around locally to support Muslims

and non-Muslims? What about support from a national level?

Is there an organisation that helps to look after the welfare

of those less fortunate? How do they collect funds? Why is
this important? How is it helping?

Activity with the clip below: see classroom ideas tab on the

Use the link below for more on Zakah.

Use the link below to find out more information about


Encourage students to use specialist terms when writing any
text. Also feel free to use other references from the Qur’an
to extend learning.

Use the student tracker to help them keep their independent

learning in progress.
Week 9-10 3.5 Hajj a) The nature, Students will Qur’an Ask students to reflect on a journey they may have taken Question from Ask students Development of Creativity
role, origins and be able to: 2:197-199 recently. What preparations did they do? How long was this SAM Section C to draw round knowledge and
for? What was the need for this journey? What part of the 6a their hand and understanding; Communication
significance of Know and Hajj is
Hajj. understand journey do they remember most? What was very difficult? then on each analysis; Problem solving
2x 2hour [during] well- Identify one
what Hajj is. What did they enjoy the most? Were there any particular of the five evaluation Discussion skills
known thing that
instances that they felt they missed home? Why? Students fingers they
b) Key actions months, so happens in Hajj. Collaboration
Know and need to write a page of a reflective diary with all these write out a
performed whoever has Research skills
understand responses. They are then invited to share with others about key aspect
during Hajj. made Hajj Give two
the key their experience. about Hajj.
obligatory conditions for
actions Towards the
upon himself Link this to the special journey that Muslims have to go on; when a Muslim
c) The performed palm they
therein [by however, it has conditions attached to it. Look at what are can go for Hajj.
importance of during Hajj. analyse what
entering the the conditions, who is exempted and why. Students need to
Hajj for Muslims Hajj means to
Know and state of understand what Hajj is by knowing that it is an obligatory Give two things
a Muslim
understand Ihram]…Then journey that requires a Muslim to enter the state of Ihram. that a person
d) Benefits and. exemptions depart from wearing Ihram
challenges of from the the place from Discuss what the Ihram is and what it means once an cannot do. Students can
attending Hajj performance where [all] the individual has made the niyyat (intention) of wearing Ihram also interview
people depart on taking the journey of Hajj. What difficulties might they Describe what
for Muslims. during Hajj. someone who
and ask come across? What are their limitations? What are their happens in
has taken the
Assess and forgiveness of expectations? What challenges will a Hajji or Hajja face when Mecca.
e) Exemptions journey and
analyse the Allah. Indeed, having to abstain from some actions whist in the state of write an
from the Allah is Describe what
importance Ihram? interview
performance of Forgiving and happens in
of Hajj for script to retell
Hajj for Merciful. Look at the various actions that are performed in Hajj. Arafat.
Muslims. the reflective
Describe what journey.
Assess and The Tawaaf of Holy Ka’baa, Saee (walking between Safa and
happens in Mina. Questions that
analyse the Marwa, Taqseer (cutting of hair/ clipping nail), Spending
can be asked
benefits and night at Arafat to reflect and seek forgiveness, picking
Describe what to the
challenges of pebbles at Muzdalifa, stoning the pillars at Mina, sacrifice of
happens in Haji/Hajja:
going for an animal in Mina and shaving hair (men) in Mina, return to
Hajj. Mecca. How was your
Describe why the journey? Why
Discuss about the well of zamzam and the black stone. What
water of zamzam did you go for
is their significance? Why is it still important?
is important to Hajj? What
Students can prepare a fact sheet for each action that takes Muslims. was the most
place in Hajj. Explain how pilgrims perform an Umrah before challenging
proceeding to Arafat. action for
you? How did
If time allows use a creative task where students prepare a you overcome
3D version of what happens in Hajj with useful information this? Would
attached to it. This can be displayed for future use. you take the
Why is Hajj important? What happens after the Hajj? What again? How
does the Eid ul Hajj signify for the Haji/ Hajja? (Eid ul Hajj has the Hajj

will be studied in depth). Does going for Hajj help the benefitted
individual in strengthening their spirituality? Is there a you?
significant change to the individual’s life after Hajj? Link to Explain the
Arafat and asking forgiveness, so does this mean a Muslim importance of Find other
has a new opportunity and perhaps can rebuild their life wearing the passages from
again ensuring they are more focused in their Islamic belief. Ihram. the Qur’an
Students can be paired and each pair has to come up with that discuss
their reasons/ opinions. Teacher then brings in it a whole Explain the Hajj. What is
class discussion and questions even deeper to enable higher importance of the message
order thinking. sacrificing an for Muslims?
animal during
A newspaper with various articles on Hajj can be produced Hajj.
by students that look at the various different aspects of Hajj,
challenges, importance of Hajj and also how Hajj brings Explain the
unity amongst the Muslim Ummah. Teacher can allocate importance of
various sections to students to work on within small groups. the Ka’bah.
Each group has a producer allocated to ensure everyone has
Explain the
an input into their article.
importance of
The three clips below are useful to help students produce a Eid ul Hajj for
colour coded mind map. View clips separately and after each Muslims.
clip has been thoroughly examined; students are split into
“Wearing the
smaller groups to produce the work. Work can be shared
Ihram has
with others through a carousel show, an opportunity to add
more information. Also see the classroom ideas tab for more
Assess this
Activity with the clip below: see classroom ideas tab on the
from Allah can
only be achieved day one
on the land of
Activity with the clip below: see classroom ideas tab on the Arafat.” Assess
link this statement. day two

These can be
Activity with the clip below: see classroom ideas tab on the
peer marked.
link day three

Activity with the Qur’an passage Qur’an 2:197-199
Ask students to reflect on what the passage is talking about.
Examine how the passage links to Hajj and what is the
deeper message. How can Muslims today live up to this
message? What does entering the state of ihram mean? The
Hajj journey is taken during a specific month only, why?
What is forgiveness about? Can Muslims ask for forgiveness
anywhere or do they need to go to Arafat only?

Students write their own notes and then are expected to

write an extended paragraph about Hajj. The work produced

should also discuss about Allah being the most forgiving and
how Hajj helps in this process of asking for forgiveness from
Allah. Students should be able to analyse the passage and
feed it into their work. They can also use other references
from the Qur’an to extend their learning.

Encourage students to use specialist terms when writing any

text. Also feel free to use other references from the Qur’an
to extend learning.

Use the student tracker to help them keep their independent

learning in progress.

Week 11- 3.6 Jihad a) The origins, Students will Qur’an 49:15 Students to learn about Jihad and its significance in Islam. Question from Look at news Development of Creativity
12 meaning and be able to: They need to understand the term jihad as a sacrifice as well SAM Section C headlines knowledge and
The believers Communication
significance of Know and as understand the two types of jihad. They need to be able 5d where the understanding;
are only the
jihad in Islam. understand distinguish between the greater and lesser Jihad with clear term jihad is analysis; Problem solving
ones who have Describe what
what Jihad is. examples and what is necessary according to the individual’s used. Now evaluation Discussion skills
2x 2hour believed in Jihad is.
living environment and circumstances. write a
b) The Allah and His Collaboration
Know and response to
distinction Messenger and Hexagon activity: Students use the hexagons on the paper Explain the Research skills
understand this article.
between the then doubt not to write their different thoughts about Jihad and its difference
the greater
greater but strive with importance for Muslims. They incorporate the conditions for between the
and lesser
(inner) jihad their the lesser jihad for Muslims today, particularly if they are greater and the
and the properties and living in a non-Muslim country. Teachers need to make lesser Jihad. Organise an
lesser Assess and their lives in reference to Surah 2: 190–194 and 22:39 and discuss with event that will
(outer) analyse the the cause of the students what do the passages mean. Examine how the Explain the help others
jihad. importance Allah. It is conditions of the lesser jihad are in place. Does that make it importance of around to
of the greater those who are difficult? Is there a time when there is a need for the lesser carrying out the understand
jihad in the the truthful. jihad for Muslims? When is it necessary to pledge Muslim greater Jihad for what jihad
c) The Muslim’s in
life of war- students to do further research on it. means to a
importance of today’s society.
Muslims. Muslim. How
the greater What is the greater Jihad? How is this important in society? are you going
jihad in the life Assess and “Believers should
How is this important for the individual? Organise a hot seat to plan this?
of Muslims. analyse the carry out both
activity where students get to ask each other about what is What
conditions for the greater jihad in their opinion and why? Data is then the inner and difficulties will
declaration of gathered for students to reflect on and they analyse why it is outer jihad.” you face?
d) The
the lesser important for Muslims to carry out the greater jihad. A follow Assess this What will be
jihad. up activity using the inner and outer circle, where the inner statement. your aim and
declaration stands for the individual and what is important for him/ her how are you
of lesser whilst the outer are the factors that will help to ensure the going to
jihad, greater jihad is carried out. These can be achieve this?
including peer marked.
reference to Design a peaceful campaign for something you feel that
Surah 2: needs to change. This can be an advert, poster or a
190–194 and newspaper insert.
Examine jihad through Prophet Muhammad’s teachings-
What has the Prophet taught? - Use the knowledge from
previous themes.

Poll in the class- ask students to vote for what is most

difficult – the lesser or the greater jihad? Select some

students to give their views.

Activity with the Qur’an passage Qur’an 49:15

Ask students to reflect on what the passage is talking about.
Examine how the passage links to Jihad. What is the
message for Muslims? How is the message clear about types
of jihad? How do Muslims apply the message from this
passage into their lives?

Ask students to tweet (160 characters) @the Teacher with

their understanding of Jihad.

Activity using an online video. Teachers will have to sign up

to this website. It is a free website. There is also a teacher’s
downloadable support. Please copy the URL into the search
engine for access.

Encourage students to use specialist terms when writing any

text. Also feel free to use other references from the Qur’an
to extend learning.

Use the student tracker to help them keep their independent

learning in progress.

Week 13- 3.7 Islamic a) The origins Students will Hadith Students need to learn that Eid- ul- Fitr not only marks the Question from What key Development of Creativity
14 festivals and activities of be able to: end of the month of fasting but is also seen as a marker for SAM Section C 6c message can knowledge and
“…..As for the Communication
the Islamic Know and the spiritual uplift during the entire month. It is important to be picked up understanding;
Day of Fitr, it Identify one
festivals: understand ensure that the Fitra tax has been paid to the poor. Muslims from the two analysis; Problem solving
is the day lesson you can
the two Eids. offer Salaatul Eid where the Imam (leading the prayer) festivals? evaluation Discussion skills
2x 2hour ● Eid-ul- when you learn from Eid ul
would also deliver two sermons. One would remind Muslims
break your Adha. How is Ashura Collaboration
Adha Know and to pay their Fitra and the rules for it whilst the second one
fast, and on helping to Research skills
understand will discuss about keeping up the spirituality that was
● Eid-ul- the Day of Identify one teach Muslims
what Ashura practised over the month of Ramadhan.
Fitr Adha you eat lesson you can an effective
the meat of Families may gather for a meal, visiting each other, learn from Eid ul lesson for
● Ashura. your Fitr.
Assess and exchange presents especially for the children. Visit the their lives
analyse the sacrifices.’’ graveyard to remember and pray for their deceased loved today? Write a
importance ones. Give two paragraph
b) The meaning
of each teachings from showing this.
and significance
occasion. Teachers may use the clip below and follow up with a Ashura.
of the Islamic
festivals classroom discussion. Teachers could also give out three Muslims need
questions about the clip so that students are independently Explain the to show
for Muslims. importance of
looking for the information whilst the clip is running. harmony
Eid ul Adha. through celebrating
Explain the
the festivals.
Students need to understand that Eid- ul- Adha is celebrated importance of
Do you agree?
after the sacrifice in Mina. This is the one essential part of Ashura
Hajj that every Muslim around the world celebrates with the
Describe how Eid
Hajjis in Mecca. For those who are not at Mina doing Hajj,
ul Fitr is
they can still offer a sacrifice of an animal in their
hometown. All other activities that take place are similar to

Eid-ul- Fitr. Describe how Eid
ul Adha is
Teachers could use this link for students to carry out a celebrated
research on what this Eid means. Students then design a
fact sheet to show the significance of the festival. Describe how
Ashura is commemorated.
“Eid Festivals are
Students to produce a leaflet showing the importance of the mostly for
two Eids and how it may help in creating harmony and unity children as they
not only within the family but the Muslim ummah as well. get gifts.” Assess
this statement.
Teachers can deepen the learning through questioning: How
is social cohesion promoted through the two Eids? How does “Eid ul Fitr is
the Muslim Ummah show care for each other in Eid? more important
than Eid ul Hajj.”
Students need to understand the significance of Ashura and Assess this
why it is commemorated. What is the key message behind statement.
Ashura and what does Ashura teach Muslims today? What
did Imam Hussain (the Prophet’s grandson) stand against? “Ashura is a
tragedy that
Teachers could use the link below for students to carry out a cannot be
research on what Ashura means. Students then design a fact forgotten.”
sheet to show the significance of Ashura. Assess this

Activity with the Hadith:

Ask students to reflect on what the passage is talking about.
Examine how the passage differentiates about the two Eids.
What is it telling the Muslims? What is the duty of Muslims
today? How are they supporting those who may not get to
break their fasts nor will they eat the sacrifice due to the
conditions of their surroundings? Why is there poverty if
Muslims give their Islamic tax?

Encourage students to use specialist terms when writing any

text. Also feel free to use other references from the Qur’an
to extend learning.

Use the student tracker to help them keep their independent

learning in progress.

Week 15- 3.8Marriage a) The Students will Qur’an 30:21 Students need to understand the significance of marriage Question from How can the Development of Creativity
16 and the significance of be able to: where both the man and woman share their lives with love SAM Section C family knowledge and
And of His Communication
family marriage in Know and and companionship. It is also a place where sex is enjoyed 6d continue to be understanding;
signs is that
Islamic life. understand lawfully as the way God wanted. Procreation takes place and a supportive analysis; Problem solving
He created for Identify one
the this in turn helps the Ummah as the children are brought up system in evaluation Discussion skills
2x 2hour you from purpose of
significance as good Muslims within the family setting. Prophet today’s
b) Muslim yourselves marriage. Collaboration
of marriage Muhammad (pbuh) has encouraged marriage amongst his modern life
teachings about mates that Research skills
in Islam. Ummah in his saying: “Marriage is my practice, so whilst still
marriage. you may find Give two reasons
whoever rejects my practice is not from me.” keeping up
tranquility in why Islam
Know and

c) Muslim understand them; …. Ask students to discuss in small groups for 5 minutes what a encourages within the
teachings about the Islamic marriage may mean to them. They then have a switchover family life. Islamic code?
the purpose of teachings on where at least two students from each group move to the
46:15-18 Describe a “Divorces can
families. marriage. next group. This would help in sharing ideas. Continue this
And We have activity for at least three rounds then have a roundup of all Muslim wedding happen,
Assess and enjoined upon the ideas/ discussions that have happened in the classroom. ceremony. therefore
d) Ceremonies analyse the man, to his Use open-ended questions to encourage higher order couples should
relating to birth Muslims parents, good thinking. Describe what not put in
and death and teachings on treatment. happens on an their best
their meaning. the purpose …..But one Link for wedding rituals: Aqiqah effort into a
of families. who says to ceremony. marriage.”
his parents, Assess this
e) The Explain what
Know and "Uff …passed weddings_1.shtml statement.
importance of happens when a
understand on before
procreation in The Key essentials to a Muslim marriage: Muslim dies.
ceremonies them of jinn “Families
the related to and men. provide the
strengthening of Explain how
birth and Indeed, they ● The wedding ceremony would differ with different stability for
death. procreation helps the Ummah”
[all] were cultures, however most would still have the couple taking
the Ummah. to strengthen the
losers. their wedding declaration ‘Nikaah’ in front of witnesses. The What do you
Assess and Ummah. think?
most important requirement is that neither the groom nor
analyse the
the bride should have been forced to enter the marriage. “Divorce should
of never happen as
procreation ● The groom gives a gift known as ‘Mahr’ to the bride, children suffer.”
in the which is agreed upon before the Nikaah takes place. Assess this
strengthenin statement.
g of the ● Both of them may agree to draw up a marriage
contract that would have details of what they are expecting
from each other. This helps in the event of a breakdown in
the marriage.

● A celebratory feast – walimah is arranged by the


Teachers can extend learning by looking at the different

school of thought.

Examine the above with the students with questions like:

Why is it important to ensure that a person enters the
marriage freely? Why is marriage celebrated? Ask students
to prepare a marriage booklet for all the different
information. This can be a guide to marriage in Islam.

Link for marriage and divorce

Discuss what happens when a marriage breaks down.

Divorce is a last resort after all negotiations have taken
place and the couple cannot find any solution at all to save
the marriage. Who has to take on the financial maintenance
of the children? Why is divorce permissible? How long does a

woman have to wait before they can remarry? Discuss how
divorce takes place. Look at the difference between the
Sunni and Shi’a school of thought to extend learning.

What is the Islamic perspective on remarriage? After a

divorce the woman has to wait for three months before she
can remarry. Qur’an 2:228

Polygamy (marrying up to four wives) - Is this applicable

today? Was this really for the time of the Prophet when
families had lost the man of the household? Can polygamy
work in today’s society? Can the husband be just to all his
wives? Will the wives and children not be jealous? Is it legal
in all countries? Split the class into two and hold a debate on
this topic.

Relationship outside marriage: Premarital sex, Adultery –

discuss what the terms mean and why are they forbidden in
Islam. Link to the idea of sex within a marriage that is seen
as the lawful way. Prepare a card activity with some of the
technical terms and ask students to pick one. They then
have to write about the term and how it helps them
understand the significance of marriage.

Examine Muslim attitudes to homosexuality. Link in the

concept of marriage between a man and a woman.

Activity about family: Each student is asked to write out five

things that they remember doing with the family as a young
child. This is discussed with their peer. Then ask them to
write about five things that they are now enjoying doing with
their family. How is this supporting them? How does that
make them feel? Bring the discussion to what Islam
encourages about family life and the ways the different
members of the family play a role in strengthening an
individual’s beliefs.

Look at the various rites of passages: a baby is born Adhaan

recited in the right ear and Iqama in the left ear, birth and
Aqiqah ceremony? What happens when someone dies how
is the funeral arranged? What other role does the family
play? What is the importance of parents? How should they
be respected? How should children be brought up in a

Activity with the Qur’an passages:

Qur’an 30:21 Qur’an 46:15-18
Ask students to reflect on what the passages are talking
about. Take each passage separately and link to marriage
and the family. Students will need to use the text in the
exams as part of the (d) question and so should be able to
link it well to marriage and the family. They can write a short
paragraph on both passages and is peer marked with criteria

set by the teacher.

Encourage students to use specialist terms when writing any

text. Also feel free to use other references from the Qur’an
to extend learning.

Use the student tracker to help them keep their independent

learning in progress.

Week 17- 3.9 Muslim a) Muslim Students will Hadith Students need to understand the concept of care and Identify one How is Islamic Development of Creativity
18 citizenship beliefs about the be able to: guardianship. Teachers need to bring in the concept of how a characteristic leadership knowledge and
Every one of Communication
and nature of Know and society becomes cohesive and harmonious when individuals that a religious different to a understanding;
you is a
religious leadership and understand take responsibility as well as ensure their Islamic duty is leader should political analysis; Problem solving
guardian and
and political the concept of being discharged. Ask students to brainstorm on how they have. leadership? evaluation Discussion skills
2x 2hour is responsible
leadership responsibility of care and can act as guardians - ‘Khalifa’ - within the family,
for his Give two How does Collaboration
religious and guardianship community and the wider society.
charges. The examples to being a Research skills
political leaders. ruler who has
Know and Look at examples of leaders around the world. What are the show how an Khalifa help to
authority over key characteristics? What makes an effective leader? How individual can be become a
b) The people, is a does a leader show care for the people? What are the a guardian in the ‘Good’
challenges faced guardian and differences between a political and a religious leader? Set a society. Muslim?
and its
by leaders of is responsible project for students to carry out a research on a political
responsibiliti for them, a
Islam in the leader or a religious leader. Describe the What can be
es man is a responsibilities of done to
modern world.
by looking at guardian of his Students working in small groups to come up with what a religious leader strengthen the
religious and family and is challenges maybe faced by Muslim leaders today. in the society Ummah even
c) The political responsible for Discussions could look at Terrorism, Radicalisation, Prejudice today. further and
challenges and leaders. them; ….. in society, Stereotypes. overcome the
responsibilities Explain what recent
of citizenship for Assess and Why are these challenges there? What can be done to challenges might challenges
Muslims. analyse the overcome such challenges? Are the challenges from Muslims be faced by that Muslim
challenges or external? What support is available? Is the individual Muslim leaders in leaders are
faced by responsible? How can the mind frame be changed? Students the present day.
d) The Prophet facing?
leaders of can produce a mind map with their thoughts and share this
and his Islam within with others in the class. Explain what are
successors as the present the
models of day. Looking at the individuals’ responsibilities in leading a responsibilities of
responsible civic life. How do they overcome any challenges? every individual
Assess and within society.
analyse the What lessons can be learnt from the life of the Prophet and
challenges His successors? How can we use their leadership and role Explain how the
and model in individual lives? How did the Prophet show his Prophet and His
responsibiliti message of peace at all times? successors are
es of role models for
citizenship The links below are for Muslim organisations who are leadership.
for Muslims. actively involved. Use the links to find information on how
support is given. “No one can be
Assess and like the Prophet,
analyse the leaders need to
Prophet and build their skills
his and be a
successors as guardian.”
models of Activity with the Hadith:
Assess this
leadership. Ask students to reflect on what the passage is talking about.

Examine how the term guardian changes within the family, statement.
and when it is used as an authority as a leader over people.
What may be different? What remains the same? What
support is necessary? How does it work?

Encourage students to use specialist terms when writing any

text. Also feel free to use other references from the Qur’an
to extend learning.

Use the student tracker to help them keep their independent

learning in progress.


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