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2-Most societies are based on rules and laws.

If individuals were free to do whatever they

wanted, society could not function.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Rules that we are living with builded the world and society we shared today. For so many citizens,
these rules are pretty easy to follow, however some individuals can always have some issues with it.
To those whose can not afford these expectations of the society, which as we know called rules, could
get some punishments because of it. It brings up some discussions and consquensences with it that
some may not could always agreed on it. Today, we are going to take a look at the statements main
points and discuss whether if the statement is valid or not.

On the one side of the discussion, people tend to believe on the benefits of the rules that we are living
with today. To those who believes on that path are agreeing that life without rules can be predictable.
For a good example for it, people may tend to do more crimes than they used to do before which can
crucially affect the society. When we marked the posibilities of the different situations that can happen
it is a good state to consider. Furthermore, in the studies that were made on the countries that do not
have strong laws and rules fort he citizens, individuals are more likely to act on a crimes. Especially,
on the robbery and the harrestment crime rates are increasing massively.

On the other hand of the discussion, things and ideas can be getting little complicated. People who do
not believe in the pros of the rules, can defend the benefits of a free society. Some can see the affects
and rights of the goverments as non-sense. For them, people can punish the others who can not keep
up with the society. We also have some examples for such a situations, however we do not have
reliable studies and data that were made for it.

With the lack of evidence, I can sum the statement up as a reliable thing. I hardly advocate the upsides
of the rules for the society when I consider the forward sides ideas, beliefs and evidences they have.
Communities without such a rules and barriers for them, society surely could not function as we
obviously see on the east side of the world.

29 min 29 sec 372 words

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