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Frankensteins analysis

Main Character:
Victor Frankenstein
The whole book is about this arrogant and ambitious figure, Called Victor
Frankenstein or “The creator” I see Victor as an evolutive and the main character
following it he began seeking for knowledge and authority over the human body as
a raw material, in order to relive it, giving it consciousness and life, which in the
begining seems like an innovative and pro humanity research besides where his
expects were basically that his creation will express thankfulness and devotion
without any limitation; the story unfolds and Victor concluded with his experiment
an hideous and frightening creature has been created by him, this “Monster” as it is
called during almost the whole story murdered Victors brother and made big
damaged into the Frankenstein family, whitout a doubt all these events had a great
impact on Victors action and emotions, very soon he began feeling guilt over the
acts he made and this created a lust of “vendetta” against victors creation, not only
elimating it but also excusing him for everything he has done to his family apart
from this I could observe that Victors emotions were severe during almost the
whole narrative, as we can see “I gnashed my teeth, my eyes became inflamed”
(chapter 9 paragrph 4) his mind is relating about what has happened, on the other
hand some physical changes ocurred on his body, those were complaining and
ready to follow the trip in order to reach his target which was follow the monsters
steps to the Arctic and return it to death.
I can conclude that the stages this character went through make him a transitional
figure firstly showing that he has a thirst for knowledge and a powerful ambition
those feelings led him to eventually discover the “secret of life” even though he
hated his creation's ugliness, even when the creature was kind and loving but
victors abandonment created a cycle of guilt, anger, and feeling of destruction on it,
therefore lastly the monster takes revenge upon Victor subsequently Victor swears
vengeance on the monster, last but not least Victor resembles the hated ver the
monster more than he could ever imagine.

Main Theme:
Dangerous knowledge and revenge.
The thirst for knowledge is always something to take care of, this was evidenced
when Victor attempts to surge beyond accepted human limits and the secret of life
which is also observed when Dalton tries to exceed previous human explorations
on the North Pole, All of this demonstrates dangerous, as Victor's creations
become a killer and destroyer, then Walton during his exploration was trapped
between blocks of ice clearly both characters learned from this and quickly tried to
remedy it, Walton returning to his land and Victor following his creature to eliminate
Along with dangerous knowledge, revenge could be observed twice during the
narrative on Victor's side and his creation side, firstly Victor left and ill-treated the
monster producing only one effect on the monster pain and rejection causing a
particular feeling to hurt those who hurt me on it, as well as that the monster says
in one of the capitel novel, " feelings of revenge and hatred filled my bosom, and I
did not strive to control them, but allowing myself to be borne away by the stream, I
bent my mind towards injury and death" (chapter 16, paragraph 9), unfortunately
that cruel desire for revenge does not only consume Victors creation, it also does
consume Victor, which is the sufferer of his creation vendetta, slaughtering Victors
brother, father and his relatives, that is why Victor oathed to follow till the death
and hunt the monster until the end of his days; It should be also noted during the
whole narrative examplifying the human desire for revenge convert both Victor and
the monster into authentic beasts showing the same predicament as in real life
when we aim and demonstrate having any other feelings, desires or goals beyond
wreck our adversary, sometimes not only phisically but also mentally and
emotionally destroying as on the story our friendships, family, work and personal
The Project Gutenberg eBook of Frankenstein,. (1993, October 31). Mary
Wollstonecraft Shelley. Retrieved November 6, 2023, from

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