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onn aanny ywwerhee inre piangpe age

1. The only Chief Jus1ce of India to act as the President of India?

(a) Hidayathullah (b) V.V.Giri (c) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (d) Harilal J. Kania

2. The Erst Chief Jus1ce of the Supreme Court?

(a) M. Patanjali Sastri (b) Harilal J Kanya (c) B.K. Mukherjee (d) KG. Balakrishnan

3. The re1rement age of Supreme Court Judges is?

(a) 61 (b) 62 (c) 63 (d) 65
4. Who appoints the Chief Jus1ce of India
(a) Vice President (b) Speaker (c) President (d) Law Minister

5. Who among the following is in the equal rank with the speaker of the Lok Sabha?
(a) Vice President of India (b) Cabinet Ministers of Union
(c) Chief Jus1ce of India (d) Judges of the Supreme Court

6. Who is considered as the guardian of the Cons1tu1on of India

(a) Supreme Court (b) President (c) Prime Minister (d) Parliament

7. The Erst judge to face impeachment proceedings in the Rajya Sabha.

(a) Jus1ce V. Ramaswamy (b) Jus1ce A.N. Roy (c) Jus1ce Y.K. Sabarwal (d) Jus1ce Soumitra Sen

8. The Ar1cle which deals the power of President to consult Supreme Court
(a) Ar1cle 140 (b) Ar1cle 32 (c) Ar1cle 143 (d) Ar1cle 124

9. The power to increase or decrease the number of judges of the Supreme Court rests with the
(a) Chief Jus1ce of Supreme Court (b) Rajya Sabha (c) Lok Sabha (d) Parliament

10. India adopted the idea of Judicial Review from

(a) Britain (b) USA (c) Canada (d) Australia

11. Longest serving CJ of India.

(a) Y.V. Chandrachood (b) H.J. Kania (c) Patanjali Sastri (d) K.N. Singh

12. The Judges of High Court are appointed by the

(a) Prime Minister (b) President (c) Governor (d) CJI

13. Andaman Nicobar Islands comes under the jurisdic1on of

(a) Calcu^a High Court (b) Kerala High Court (c) Andhra Pradesh High Court (d) Orissa High Court

14. The Judges of the High Court shall hold o`ce un1l they a^ain the age of
(a) 60 yrs (b) 65 yrs (c) 63 yrs (d) 62 yrs

15. First High Court to establish a Green Bench in India.

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(a) Allahabad HC (b) Guwaha1 HC (c) Calcu^a HC (d) Bhopal HC

16. First state to start Mobile court in India.

(a) Haryana (b) Kerala (c) Rajasthan (d) Maharashtra

17. Kerala High court was established in the year.

(a) 1950 Nov. 1 (b) 1952 Nov. 1 (c) 1954 Nov. 1 (d) 1956 Nov. 1

18. The number of districts that come under the jurisdic1on of Kerala High Court,
(a) 14 (b) 15 (c) 13 (d) 17

19. The Erst Chief Jus1ce of Kerala High Court.

(a) P.T. Chacko (b) K.T. Sankaran (c) K.T. Koshi (d) M.A. Ansari

20. The Erst judge who resigned from Kerala High Court.
(a) K.T. Koshi (b) V. Giri (c) V.R. Krishna Iyer (d) Anna Chandi

21. The newly formed High Court in India

(a) Manipur (b) Meghalaya (c) Tripura (d) Assam

22. The number of High Courts in India.

(a) 20 (b) 21 (c) 18 (d) 24

23. The Union Territory having its own High Court.

(a) Delhi (b) Lakshadweep (c) Andaman-Nicobar (d) Puduchery
24. The High Court which has the most number of states in its jurisdic1on.
(a) Kolkata (b) Bombay (c) Punjab (d) Gawaha1

25. The oldest High Court in India.

(a) Madras HC (b) Calcu^a HC (c) Bombay HC (d) Patna HC

26. The power to increase or decrease the number of Judges of the Supreme Court rests with the'
(a) Chief Jus1ce of India (b) President (c) Parliament (d) None of the above

27. In which Police Sta1on was the FIR rela1ng to the assassina1on of Mahatma Gandhi registered?
(a) Parliament Street Police Sta1on (b) Tuglaq Road Police Sta1on
(c) Daryaganj Police Sta1on (d) None of the above

28. Who is the author of the book 'A Judges Miscellany'?

(a) J. H. R Khanna (b) J. Dalveer Bhandari (c) Lord M R. Dennings (d) J. M. Hidayathullah

29. The Principal Bench of the Central Administra1ve Tribunal is at

(a) New Delhi (b) Kolkata (c) Mumbai (d) Chennai

30. Ignorance of law is

(a) Excused (b) Not excused (c) Many 1mes excused (d) None of these

31. Out of the following which statute is older than the others?
(a) Indian Contract Act, 1852 (b) Indian Penal Code, 1860
(c) Transfer of Property Act, 1862 (d) Companies Act, 1972

32. Lawyers are o`cers of the court and are cons1tuted into an independent profession under the
(a) Cons1tu1on of India (b) Indian Penal Code (c) Civil Procedure Code (d) Advocates Act

33. In rela1on to a case the term res subjudice means that

(a) The case has been decided by a court
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(b) The case decided by a lower court could be appealed to a higher court
(c) A case has been dismissed by a court
(d) The case is pending before a court

34. Remarks of a Judge, which are made casually and are not relevant to the case in hand, are known as
(a) Obiter dicta (b) Ra1o decidendi (c) Precedent (d) Binding source of law

35. In which landmark judgement did the S.C. of India lay down guidelines against sexual harassment of women at
(a) Nilbat Behera V. State of Orissa (b) Hussainara Khatoon V. State of Bihar
(c) Maneka Gandhi V. Union of India (d) Vishaka V. State of Rajasthan

36. Who is associated with the remark, 'the law, in its majes1c equality, forbids rich and poor-alike to sleep under bridges
to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread"?
(a) Anatole France (b) Glanville Williams (c) Charles Dickens (d) Victor Hugo

37. The act which is not enacted by the Bri1shers for India
(a) Indian Penal Code (b) Indian Contract Act (c) Preven1on of Corrup1on Act (d) Indian Evidence Act

38. Par1es to a dispute may refer their disputes to an independent third party under the provisions of
(a) CPC (b) CrPC
(c) Arbitra1on and Concilia1on Act, 1996 (d) Limita1on Act, 1963

39. Decision given by a court is named as

(a) Adjudica1on (b) Media1on (c) Concilia1on (d) Arbitra1on

40. Under the Indian Majority Act, a major is a person who has a^ained the age of
(a) 21 years (b) 18 years (c) 17 years (d) 15 years

41. A person whose guardian has been appointed, a^ains the age of majority at
(a) 18 years (b) 21 years (c) 25 years (d) 30 years

42. 'Lex fori' means

(a) The law of the place (b) The law of the court- in which case is tried
(c) The law of the place where contact is made (d) None of the above

43. What does the phrase ‘lex est norma rec1' mean?
(a) Law is a rule of right (b) Law ruler the right (c) Law is a rule of state (d) Law follows equity

44. The Uniform Civil Code was discussed at length in the case of
(a) Golak Nath case (b) Keshavanand Bhara1 case
(c) Shah Bano case (d) Indira Sawhney case

45. The Erst Law Commission was established in India under the chairmanship of which viceroy
(a) Lord Canning (b) Lord Maculay (c) Lord William Ben1ck (d) Lord Dalhousie

46. Where has been establish High Court for the State of U^arakhand?
(a) Nainital (b) Dehradun (c) Pauri (d) Ranchi

47. 'Persona non grata' means

(a) Personal favour which is legal (b) An unwelcome person
(c) Prisoner of war (d) Person not eligible for subsidies or grants

48. The term ' immemorial' under English Law refers to a usage which has existed prior to:
(a) 1600 AD (b) 1189 AD (c) 2 BC (d) 100 AD

Head Office: B- 61 Shastri Nagar, St. Paul's School Road, Jodhpur (Raj.) - 342003 Contact: 76659-44999, 94141-43101
49. The Erst country to legalise Euthanasia?
(a) Belgium (b) Netherland (c) Finland (d) Switzerland

50. The second country to legalise Euthanasia?

(a) Belgium (b) Netherland (c) Switzerland (d) Finland

51. The Indian concept of Lokpal and Lokayukta have their Scandinavian equivalent in
(a) Ombudsman (b) Human Rights' Commission (c) Public Guardian (d) None of the above

52. What is the meaning of 'Administra1on of Jus1ce'?

(a) Jus1ce according to the opinion of Judge (b) Jus1ce according to the version of par1es in a li1ga1on
(c) Jus1ce according to law (d) Jus1ce according to the opinion of highest Court of appeal

53. When a husband gives gik or ornaments, clothes etc. to his wife, then such transac1on is legally called
(a) Dowry (b) Paraphernalia (c) Bride Property (d) Mehr

54. Previous judgement quoted by court to decide on a similar set of facts.

(a) Judgement (b) Precedent (c) Obiter dicta (d) res subjudice

55. The term 'Quasi' means

(a) Void (b) Valid (c) As if it were (d) Null

56. The reason (or ground) of a judicial decision is known as

(a) Ra1onalism (b) Ra1o decidendi (c) Obiter dicta (d) Res judicata

57. "Precedents" are taken as binding and authorita1ve on later cases because of the binding principle of
(a) Ra1o decidendi (b) Stare decisis (c) Obiter dictum (d) None of the above

58. Which of the following is an act of parliament

(a) Legisla1on (b) Statute (c) Policy (d) Bill

59. 'Testament' means

(a) A will (b) Court decision (c) Documentary evidence (d) Parole evidence
60. The name and fame of a Trading Erm is legally called
(a) Trade Name (b) Good will (c) Trade Secret (d) Reputa1on

61. Which is referred as 'Fourth Estate'

(a) S. C. (b) President (c) Press (d) P. M.

62. Who is the Erst Indian Barrister.

(a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Chitaranjan Das (c) Gnanendra Mohan Tagore (d) Subhash Chandra Bose

63. Mukherjee Commission relates to

(a) Indira Gandhi Assassina1on case (b) Disappearance of Subash Chandra Bose
(c) Rajeev Gandhi Assassina1on case (d) None of the above

64. Under the Advocates Act 1961, punishment for person illegally prac1cing in courts and before other authori1es in India
amount to
(a) Imprisonment upto 5 years (b) Imprisonment upto 2 years
(c) imprisonment upto 1 year (d) Imprisonment upto 6 months

65. What is the meaning of 'Special Economic Zones' in India?

(a) The places wherein no economic policies do apply
(b) The places where industries can operate without any control
(c) The places where industries get certain tax advantages
(d) The places wherein abundant of' metal crust are found
66. The principles of non-interven1on of Govt. in Economic Anairs of the country-is termed as
(a) Economic Liberalisa1on (b) Laissez - faire (c) Globaliza1on (d) U1litarianism

67. Which is not a part of Alterna1ve Dispute Resolu1on?

(a) Media1on (b) Concilia1on (c) Li1ga1on (d) Arbitra1on

68. India's Erst Child Witness Court Room (CWCR) has been inaugurated at
(a) Tis Hazari Court Complex Delhi (b) Karkardooma Court Complex, Delhi
(c) Chandini Chawk Court Complex (d) Thihar Court Complex, Delhi

69. QualiEca1on for a person to prac1ce as an advocate in India is

(a) On obtaining a law degree from a recognised university'
(b) On obtaining a degree in law and being registered with Bar Council of India
(c) On obtaining a degree in law and being registered with a state Bar Council
(d) On obtaining a law degree and as appren1ceship under a registered legal .prac11oner

70. 'Contempt of Court' under Contempt of Courts Act, 1971, includes

(a) Civil Contempt (b) Criminal Contempt (c) Both (a) & (b) (d) Poli1cal contempt

71. Maximum term of punishment for contempt of court.

(a) 1 year (b) 3 months (c) 6 months (d) 2 months

72. First Law Commission was set up in the year

(a) 1954 (b) 1955 (c) 1948 (d) 1950

73. 'SITA' stands for

(a) South India Tharin Act (b) Suppression of Immoral Tra`c Act
(c) Soviet-India Trade Ac1vi1es (d) None of the above

74. First Law University in India has been established in August 1987 at
(a) Bangaluru (b) New Delhi (c) Ahmedabad (d) Pune

75. Find out which is not a principle of natural jus1ce

(a) Pacta sunt servanda (b) Jus1ce, equality and good conscience
(c) Audi Alteram Partem (d) Jus1ce must not only be done but also appears to be done
76. 'Na1onal Law Day' is observed on
(a) November 26 (b) December 26 (c) June 15 (d) July 16

77. Which Act was replaced by the Compe11on Act, 20(fe?'

(a) MRTP Act 1969 (b) Contract Act
(c) The Consumer Protec1on Act 1986 (d) The Sale of Goods Act, 1967

78. Powers of the Execu1ve is dealt in

(a) Civil Law (b) Administra1ve Law (c) Public Interna1onal Law (d) Cons1tu1onal Law

79. Due to the negligence on the part of a medical prac11oner, the pa1ent sunered huge Toss. The pa1ent meant to seek
compensa1on from the doctor. He can approach
(a) Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum (b) Criminal Court (c) District Court (d) Civil Court

80. Given one word for the meaning 'by reason of that fact'
(a) Ipso facto (b) Res ipsa loquitur (c) Factum valent (d) Factum probanda

81. Who is designated as 'Puisne judge' of a High Court

(a) A re1red judge (b) A judge other than a Chief Jus1ce
(c) An eminent judge (d) None of the above
82. Lakshadweep falls within the jurisdic1on of which High Court
(a) Delhi High Court (b) Madras High Court (c) Kerala High Court (d) Karnataka High Court

83. Medical Science used for inves1ga1ng crime is known as?

(a) Forensic Science (b) Criminology' (c) Forensic Medicine (d) Autopsy

84. 'Cha^el' means.

(a) Trespass (b) Movable property (c) Any property (d) Ca^le trespass

85. The Compe11on Act, 2002 aims to protect the interest of

(a) Monopoly restricted companies (b) Mul1na1onal Companies
(c) The consumers (d) Market

86. Na1onal Judicial Academy is in

(a) Mumbai (b) Bhopal (c) Maharashtra (d) Delhi

87. Oldest Law Code in India?

(a) Manusmri1 (b) Brihaspa1 code (c) Mahabharatha (d) Bhagavat Geetha

88. "Ignorance of the law excuses, no man, not that all men know the law, but because it is an excuse every man will plead"
whose words are these?
(a) John Aus1n (b) John Seldon (c) Rosco Pound (d) Bentham

89. "Jus1ce must not only be done but also appear to be done, and may I add, must be paid for being done" whose
statement is this?
(a) Henry Cecil (b) Hencry Marine (c) B.H. Brewster (d) Salmond

90. Death sentence pronounced by a Lower Court

(a) Must be conErmed by the President (b) Must be within the discre1onary power of the Court
(c) Must be conErmed by right Court (d) Must be conErmed by Supreme Court

91. "Li1ga1on is a game in which the Court is umpire" who said these words
(a) Rosco Pound (b) Pollock (c) John Aus1n (d) Rousseau v

92. Law can be broadly divided into two kinds, procedural law deals with the procedures to be followed by the courts for
obtaining jus1ce while substan1ve law which
(a) Create rights and du1es (b) Which supplements procedural laws
(c) Gives direc1ons to law enforcement agencies (d) Provides punishment to the wrong does
93. A Lok Adalat is dinerence from other courts
(a) Because its decision cannot be challenged in any court of law (b) People have more privileges
(c) Supreme Court guides the Lok Adalat (d) None of the above

94. Which of the following are included in the deEni1on of sexual harassment under the new sexual harassment of women
at workplace (preven1on, prohibi1on and redressal) Bill?
(a) Demand or request for sexual favours (b) Physical contact and advances
(c) Making sexually coloured remarks (d) All of the above

95. 'Wandering in Many World's is the autobiography of

(a) Jus1ce J.B. Koshy (b) Jus1ce K.T. Thomas (c) Jus1ce V.R. Krishna Iyer (d) Jus1ce Shah

96. Who was the Erst Judge of the Supreme Court to be directly appointed from the bar.
(a) Kuldip Singh (b) S.K. Sikri (c) V.Y Giri (d) K.T. Shah

97. Who was the Erst Chairman of Na1onal Human Right Commission?
(a) Jus1ce Ranganatha Misra (b) Jus1ce Ahmedi (c) Jus1ce Narayana Kurup (d) Jus1ce Barucha
98. House of Lords was the highest Judicial Tribunal of
(a) United Kingdom (b) United states (c) Germany (d) Canada

99. The right of a party to ini1ate an ac1on and be heard before a court of law is called
(a) Lex Loci (b) Right in rem (c) Locus standi (d) Legal right

100. The High court in India were Erst started at

(a) Delhi and Calcu^a (b) Madras and Calcu^a
(c) Bombay and Delhi (d) Bombay, Madras and Calcu^a

101. Who was the Chief Jus1ce of India during the emergency period?
(a) Jus1ce A.N. Ray (b) Jus1ce Arun Sahai (c) Jus1ce H.R. Khanna (d) Jus1ce Barucha

102. Delhi Police establishment is popularly known as

(a) Delhi Armed Force (b) RAW (c) NIA (d) CBI

103. Union territory of Andaman Nicobar Island is within the jurisdic1on of which High Court in India?
(a) Calcu^a (b) Bombay (c) Kerala (d) Delhi

104. Who was the Chief Jus1ce of India when Public Interest Li1ga1on was introduced in the Indian Judicial System?
(a) Jus1ce M. Hidayatullah (b) Jus1ce P.N. Bhagwa1 (c) Jus1ce K.G. Balakrishnan (d) Jus1ce A.M. Ahmadi

105. Ad Valorem means

(a) Valid price (b) Valid Law (c) Value added (d) Of no value

106. First High Court to establish a Green Bench in India?

(a) Madras High Court (b) Kerala High Court (c) Sikkim High Court (d) Calcu^a High Court

107. Separa1on of power between the Legislature, Execu1ve and Judiciary has been provided in which part of the Indian
(a) The Fundamental Rights (b) The preamble
(c) The Ninth Schedule (d) The Direc1ve Principles of State Policy

108. In criminal trials an accused is

(a) Deemed to be innocent un1l the contrary is proved (b) Deemed guilty un1l the contrary is proved
(c) Released on bail while pending trial (d) Always kept in jail un1l conclusion of trial

109. The longest heard Criminal Appeal in the history of the Indian Supreme Court
(a) Parliament a^ack case (b) Rajiv Gandhi Assassina1on case
(c) Bandhu Mukthi Morcha case (d) Union Carbide case

110. The Chief Jus1ce of India who resigned and contested in the Presiden1al elec1ons and lost
(a) Jus1ce Subbarao (b) Jus1ce SK Venkitachalaih (c) Jus1ce A.S. Anand (d) Jus1ce V.N. Khare

111. Permanent seat of Supreme Court is at

(a) Calcu^a (b) Mumbai (c) Delhi (d) Madras

112. The Erst Hindu Chief Jus1ce of Pakistan

(a) Govind Ranade (b) Madan Mohan (c) Rana Bhagawan Das (d) None of the above

113. The Legal Service Authori1es Act is of the year.

(a) 1987 (b) 1986 (c) 1990 (d) 2000

114. Who is the Execu1ve Chairman of Kerala Legal Service Authority?

(a) Jus1ce Kurian Joseph (b) Jus1ce K. Surendran Mohan (c) Jus1ce J.B. Koshy (d) Jus1ceV.V.Giri
115. Present Chief Jus1ce of Kerala High Court
(a) Antony Dominic (b) Ashok Bhushan (c) Manjula Chellur (d) Jus1ce R. Basant

116. The comment 'No Vakil, no Dalil, No Appeal' was made in rela1on to
(a) Regula1ng Act (b) The IIIbert Bill (c) The Rowle^ Act (d) Vernacular Press Act

117. The Erst Asian country to introduce NOTA

(a) India (b) Nepal (c) Bangladesh (d) Pakistan

118. Who held the shortest term (6 days) as Chief jus1ce of a High court?
(a) K.K. Usha (b) Leela Seith (c) Rajendranath Agarwal (d) Pios Kuriyakose

119. First Lok Adalath was held in

(a) Chennai (b) Kerala (c) New Delhi (d) Pune

120. A cons1tu1on Bench of the Supreme Court consists of at least

(a) 6 judges (b) 5 judges (c) 3 judges (d) None of the above

121. Who hears ci1zen's complaints against the Government?

(a) Chief Jus1ce of Supreme Court (b) Chief Jus1ce of High Court
(c) Ombudsman (d) Nyayadhikari

122. 'PIL' stands for

(a) Property Interest Li1ga1on (b) Public Interest Li1ga1on
(c) Paramount Interest in Li1ga1on (d) None of the above

123. The Erst Solicitor General of India was

(a) M.C. Setalwad (b) C.K. Daphtary (c) M.C. Chagla (d) Nani Palkiwala

124. In Shah Bano case the Supreme Court described which ar1cle of Indian Cons1tu1on as a dead later.
(a) Ar1cle 51 A (b) Ar1cle 21 (c) Ar1cle 14 (d) Ar1cle 44

125. The leading criminal lawyer Ramjethmalani was the law minister in ministry
(a) V.P. Singh (b) Indira Gandhi (c) P.V. Narasimha Rao (d) A.P. Vajpai

126. Indian Parliament is based on the principle of

(a) Universal Adult Franchise (b) Dyarchy (c) Bicameralism (d) Monarchy

127. The law dealing with me func1ons and powers of Government organiza1ons.
(a) Cons1tu1onal Law (b) Interna1onal Law (c) Civil Law (d) Administra1ve Law

128. In modern state the best source of law is

(a) Custom (b) Conven1on (c) Legisla1on (d) Precedents

129. Who is a Bankrupt?

(a) A person having money deposit in a bank (b) An insolvent person
(c) A customer dealing with the bank (d) Financial stringency of a banking ins1tu1on

130. Gross Negligence is called

(a) Culpa Lata (b) Culpa levis (c) Culpable (d) Cause célèbre

131. According to Hindu legal theory the origin of law is

(a) Dharma (b) Sruthi (c) Smrithi (d) Devine

132. Who founded the communist legal theory?

(a) Henry Maine (b) John Aus1n (c) Marx and Engels (d) Blackstone

133. The dis1nc1on between law and morals was made by

(a) Smrithi (b) Sruthi (c) King (d) Mimamsa

134. A buyer has a right to reject goods, repudiate a contract and claim damages under which of the following contract?
(a) Guarantee (b) Warranty (c) Quasi Contract (d) Garnisher

135. 'Due process of Law' means

(a) Interpreta1on of law (b) By the interference of the government
(c) In course through courts (d) By a disciplinary ac1on by appropriate forum

136. A person is assumed Sane, unless the contrary is proved. This assump1on legally called -
(a) Burden (b) Presump1on (c) Convic1on (d) Acqui^al

137. 'Adjudica1on means

(a) Process of a court (b) Arrest of a person (c) Judicial custody (d) Decision by a competent court

138. The jurisdic1on of the Supreme Court of India may be enlarged by

(a) The President (b) Parliament by resolu1on (c) Parliament by law (d) Union Cabinet

139. Dis/nc/on between Law and Morality?

(a) Law is made by man, Morality is made by Society (b) Law is enforceable, morality is not
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of the above

140. Ownership and Possession are

(a) One and the same (b) Dinerent (c) Circumstan1al (d) Par1ally the same

141. The symbol (V) in case names stands for

(a) Versus (b) And (c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None of the above

142. Under the; Medical Termina1on of Pregnancy Act, 1971, abor1on is

(a) Legal (b) Illegal (c) Circumstan1al (d) None of the above

143. The Preven1ve Deten1on Act restrains a person's

(a) Right to property (b) Right to life and personal liberty
(c) Right against exploita1on (d) Right to freedom

144. Laws made-by the execu1ve for administra1ve convenience are called
(a) Orders (b) Rules (c) Bylaws (d) Amendments

145. Na1onal Income es1mate are prepared

(a) RBI (b) Finance Minister (c) Central Sta1s1cal Organiza1on (d) SEBI

146. Criminal Law is closely related to

(a) Public Administra1on (b) Medical Science (c) Social Science (d) Poli1cal Science

147. The 1me limit for Eling dinerent kinds of suits as contained in
(a) C.P.C (b) Limita1on Act (c) SpeciEc Relief Act (d) Crpc
148. Right to way is covered under
(a) Transfer of Properly Act (b) Easements Act (c) Law of Torts (d) Contract Act

149. The longest Act passed by the parliament is

(a) Civil Procedure Code (b) Indian Penal Code (c) Nego1able Instruments Act (d) The Companies Act

150. Which case decision is popularly known as 'Mandal Judgement'?

(a) Kesavanantha Bhara1 V. Union of India (b) Indira Sahney V. Union of India
(c) Goiak Nath Case (d) Minerva Mills Case

151. Sales of goods Act, 1930 deals with

(a) Immovable Property (b) Movable Property (c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None of the above

152. The authority to resolve disputes between Bank and Customer

(a) Banking Ombudsman (b) Lokayukta
(c) Lok Adalate (d) Consumer Dispute Redressal Forum

153. Whose brain is behind the implementa1on of Mobile court in India?

(a) Rajeev Gandhi (b) Jus1ce V.R. Krishna Iyer (c) Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam (d) Mrs. Indira Gandhi

154. The chairman of Tehelka Enquiry, Commission.

(a) Jus1ce S.N. Phukan (b) Jus1ce Sharia (c) Jus1ce Kripal Id) Jus1ce Ashok Bhan

155. The term of all. Law Commissions of independent India is

(a) 3 years (b) 5 years (c) 2 years (d) 10 years

156. Res1tu1on means

(a) Possession of disputed property (b) Act of restoring anything to the righsul owner
(c) Maintaining the property of Chris1an Window (d) An ins1tu1on where property is registered

157. Su`cient amount of evidence necessary to allow it to con1nue in the judicial process
(a) Secondary evidence (b) Documentary evidence
(c) Prima facie evidence (d) Circumstan1al evidence

158. Pronouncing a judgement is termed as

(a) Adjudica1on (b) Per incuriam (c) Cognizance (d) Judicial writ

159. To give a gik to someone through a will is termed as

(a) Gik (b) Bequeath (c) Will (d) Succession

160. Counsel means

(a) A judge (b) A court o`cer (c) A lawyer in a case (d) An arbitrator

161. The judges whose kith and kin are prac1cing in the same High court, are known as
(a) Puisne Judge (b) Uncle Judge (c) Brother Judge (d) Uterine Judge

162. Adjournment of proceeding of a court to a future date not Exed is termed as?
(a) Procedural adjournment (b) Adjourn sine die (c) Sine die (d) Sine quonon

163. Codicil means

(a) A wri^en code (b) Registra1on of a will
(c) An amendment to a previously executed will (d) A code of conduct for all lawyers prac1sing in Indian courts

164. Bye-laws means

(a) Rules followed by public servants (b) Rules of conduct to lawyers
(c) Rules adopted, by an associa1on or company to govern its ac1ons (d) Rules followed by courts

165. Contempt of court means

(a) An o`cial court record (b) Willful disobedience of a judge's command or of an o`cial court order
(c) An adjournment of court proceedings (d) A mere poli1cal crime

166. Forfeiture means

(a) Cancella1on (b) Commuta1on (c) Communica1on (d) Con1nua1on

167. A person who is "Party to legal proceedings whose true name is unknown" is referred as
(a) Interpleaders (b) Amicus Curie (c) John Doe (d) Interveners

168. Name the country where the judges are appointed for life 1me 1ll their death?
(a) France (b) USA (c) UK (d) Germany

169. In Lok Adalat disputes are se^led through

(a) Concilia1on and compromise. (b) A se^lement between court and lawyers
(c) An order from the Execu1ve - Magistrate (d) A Decree
170. Who among the following re1red Supreme Court Judges was previously a Law Minister in a state?
(a) Jus1ce V.R. Krishna Iyer (b) Jus1ce Gopal Ramaswamy
(c) Jus1ce Markandeya Katju (d) Jus1ce Ravindra Bhat

171. Dictum means?

(a) An observa1on by a judge on a ma^er arising during hearing of a case
(b) A remarkable judgement
(c) A direc1on from the part of the court during the inves1ga1on of a crime
(d) An interim relief by granted by the court

172. Jurisdic1on means

(a) Territorial limits within which legal authority may be exercised
(b) Professional barrier to advocates prac1cing in courts
(c) An unchallengeable extra ordinary power of legal authori1es
(d) None of the above

173. White paper is

(a) An important Banking rule published by the R.B.I
(b) An authorita1ve report published by Government about an issue
(c) A wri^en court order
(d) A report published by the Governor of RBI regarding interest rate of Na1onalised Bank

174. The principle which treats a man who ought to have known a fact as if he actually does know it
(a) Implied No1ce (b) Actual No1ce (c) Construc1ve No1ce (d) Legal No1ce

175. Summons is issued by

(a) Court (b) Prosecutor (c) Police O`cer (d) Advocate

176. Which of the following principle is closely associated with Environmental Protec1on?
(a) Principle of Strict Liability (b) Principle of Vicarious Liability
(c) Principle of Sustainable Development (d) Principle, of Indoor Management

177. The maximum period of deten1on for person under KAPPA is?
(a) 6 months (b) 3 months (c) 1 year (d) 2 years

178. A sum of money paid as compensa1on for loss or injury

(a) Legal compensa1on (b) Damages (c) Fine (d) Default payment
179. Solicitor is a person
(a) Engaged in conduc1ng proceedings against a foreign country
(b) Engaged in conduc1ng legal proceedings for the country
(c) Engaged in conduc1ng poli1cal crimes
(d) Engaged in conduc1ng legal proceedings for poli1cians only

180. A statute is a
(a) Conven1on (b) Judicial act (c) Legisla1ve enactment (d) Administra1ve policy

181. Verdict is a
(a) Judicial decision (b) Judicial act (c) Evidence by the prosecu1on (d) Evidence by the witness

182. A warrant shall be

(a) In wri1ng (b) Shall bear the seal of the court
(c) Shall be signed by the presiding o`cer (d) All the above

183. Code means

(a) A customary prac1ce followed by people, in a par1cular region
(b) A precise form of an enactment
(c) A systema1c wri^en collec1on of laws
(d) Rules and regula1ons made by non-legisla1ve bodies

184. Considera1on means

(a) Price for the promise to do something (b) Money given in return for a service
(c) Reduce the amount of Ene (d) Change of a punishment from greater to lesser

185. Conveyance means

(a) A wri^en document transferring land from one person to another
(b) Transporta1on charges given to the witness by a party to the suit
(c) A mode of se^lement of dispute
(d) Transfer of pending cases from one court to another

186. Coroner means

(a) Person who conducts medical examina1on of a body aker death
(b) O`cer who enquires into any violent or unnatural death
(c) A private detec1ve agency
(d) A commissioner appointed by the court

187. Covenant means

(a) Document containing the rights and du1es of par1es in an agreement
(b) Policy ma^ers of a non-governmental organisa1on
(c) An agreement in wri1ng between two persons, whereby, one is agreeing to do or not to do something
(d) Agreement between Interna1onal Organisa1on

188. Droit
(a) An unknown place (b) No rights to hold the property
(c) A legal right or a claim (d) An administra1ve ac1on

189. Contraband
(a) Prohibited by law (b) In the eye of law (c) An authority of legal right (d) Legal sanc1on

190. Domicile
(a) Place of origin (b) Ci1zenship
(c) A place where a person normally resides (d) A foreign ci1zenship

191. Sola/um means

(a) Suretyship (b) Lumsum amount (c) Compensa1on (d) Par1al Payment

192. Testator means

(a) A person who has not wri^en a will before his I her death
(b) A person who acts according to a will of a deceased person
(c) A person who has wri^en a will which is in enect at the 1me of his/ her death
(d) None of the above

193. Compos men1s means

(a) In good faith (b) Of sound mind (c) Mentally ill health (d) An idiot person

194. A^esta1on refers to

(a) Statement of a witness submi^ed
(b) Copy of an original document
(c) The authen1ca1on by an authorized person, who could be a commissioner or a notary public
(d) Evidence produced in a court

195. A reduc1on of period of sentence awarded by a court of law is termed as

(a) Stay of sentence (b) Suspension of sentence (c) Remission of sentence (d) Compound of sentence

196. Unauthorised/unlawful intrusion upon another's land, property etc. is termed as

(a) Deser1on (b) Mischief (c) Encroachment (d) Embezzlement

197. A crime or onence

(a) Malice (b) Malfeasance (c) Transferred Malice (d) MalaEde

198. Mandate
(a) A judgment
(b) A decree
(c) A wri^en submission to court to make a speciEed ruling or order
(d) An order from an appellate court direc1ng a lower court to take a speciEed ac1on

199. Immunity means

(a) Sending to Judicial custody
(b) A type of tax reduc1on
(c) Ah exemp1on from a duty or liability or service of process
(d) A person arriving in a country to se^le permanently

200. Narco Analysis means

(a) An analysis by the court on Narco1c and Psychotropic substances
(b) An analysis by the inves1ga1ng o`cer as to produc1on and use of narco1cs
(c) Injec1on of truth serum during interroga1on
(d) A test to determine whether one is under inuuence of narco1cs

201. Lacking a legal basis or legal right

(a) Forbearance (b) Hos1le (c) Frivolous (d) Prejudice

202. Waiver means

(a) Compel a person to abandon something
(b) Voluntary abandonment or relinquishment
(c) To release a person from jail
(d) To block someone from appearing before a judicial proceeding

203. The repairs needed to a building at the end of a tenancy is legally named as
(a) Dilapida1ons (b) Restructuring (c) Maintenance (d) Dies fasi

204. Legal problems in the form of imaginary case, argued by<two opposing students before a Bench pretending to be a real
(a) Legal Prac1ce (b) Moot courts in law school(c) A drama (d) None of the above

205. A person who prefers an appeal to the higher Court is known as?
(a) Accused (b) Respondent (c) Appellant (d) Co-accused

206. LLB stands for

(a) Legal Bachelor (b) Legum Baccalaureus
(c) Bachelor of Legal Profession (d) None of the above
Answer Key

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