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Marketing in Hospitality

Industry and KPI´s.

What Is Market Orientation?

● Market orientation emphasizes identifying and understanding the needs and desires of consumers.
● It prioritizes creating products and services that directly address the preferences and requirements of
the target market.
● Companies with a market orientation integrate consumer opinions and needs into their research and
development (R&D) processes.
● Unlike the conventional approach, which often centers on promoting existing products, market
orientation seeks to design products based on consumer feedback and preferences.
● The goal of market orientation is to align the company's offerings with consumer demands, ultimately
leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
How Market Orientation Works?

● Market orientation prioritizes customer-centric product design.

● It involves conducting market research to identify immediate needs, primary concerns, and personal
preferences of consumers in a specific product category.
● Companies often use data analysis to uncover trends and unexpressed consumer desires, aiding in
meeting or anticipating customer needs.
● Market orientation can lead to product improvements that consumers may not have initially considered
as options.
● This approach enables companies to focus on developing products with the most in-demand
● In a global economy with numerous consumer choices, companies embracing market orientation can
gain a competitive advantage.
Advantages of Market Orientation

● Market orientation often involves enhancing customer service and

product support to address consumer concerns.
● This focus on customer satisfaction fosters brand loyalty and
positive word-of-mouth advertising.
● Successful implementation requires all company departments to
adopt and promote market orientation as part of the corporate
● Effective market orientation can lead to increased customer
retention and expansion into new demographics.
● Market orientation may uncover desires that are not currently
cost-effective or practical to implement.
● Such ideas can inform long-term development strategies and may
become feasible in the future due to changes in technology,
science, regulations, or market conditions.
Real World Examples of Market Orientation

● Amazon is an example of a market-oriented company. As it has grown and developed, it has

consistently added processes and features that clearly address concerns and desires expressed
by consumers.
● For example, many consumers, especially city dwellers, worry about getting packages delivered
when they're not at home. The company responded with Amazon Locker, a network of self-service
pickup boxes.
● Delivery charges, no matter how reasonable, are a chief irritant to consumers, and a reason to buy
locally instead of ordering online. Amazon Prime charges an annual fee for the free delivery of
most of its products.

● Hotel marketing involves employing various tools and

strategies to promote a hotel.
● The primary objectives are to attract new guests and
retain previous customers.
● Hotel marketing focuses on showcasing the hotel's
most appealing features to potential guests.
● A deep understanding of your target audience and
competition is crucial for successful hotel marketing.
● Achieving your marketing goals can lead to a
significant increase in hotel bookings and revenue.

● Without guests, there’s no business. Showing

potential guests that you are available and why they
should choose you over your competitors is the role
of hotel marketing.
● Additionally, it’s your chance to build a brand your
customers trust. And if they trust your hotel, then
they are more likely to tell their friends, and book
with you again for future stays!
● To understand your guests' desires, start by analyzing
online reviews for your property.
● Online reviews can provide insights into why guests
choose your hotel and what services they enjoyed the
● Reviews can reveal whether guests were drawn by factors
like dining options, spa services, or Wi-Fi speed.
● This information enables you to tailor your offerings to
meet each guest's specific preferences and needs.
● Highlighting your hotel's standout features is essential to
attract guests.
● Promote unique qualities like sprawling gardens, beachfront
views, or other distinct attributes.
● Utilize marketing methods such as email marketing, social
media, and user-generated content to raise awareness of
these features.
● Offer promotions and special deals to entice potential
customers, particularly during slower periods.
● Discounts, complimentary upgrades, and attractive offers can
capture customers' attention and increase bookings.

● Providing top-notch service is essential for success in the hotel industry.

● To encourage guest return visits, leverage modern technology for customer engagement.
● Digital marketing, including social media, enables you to keep long-time customers informed about
your latest updates and offerings.
● Email marketing allows you to send exclusive and personalized offers to retain customer loyalty.
Digital marketing in the hospitality industry
● The internet's emergence was a pivotal moment in world history, requiring businesses to adapt or risk
● Marketing strategies shifted significantly, emphasizing online presence and understanding customer
buying intentions.
● Given the majority of people spend considerable time online, hotel marketing campaigns have largely
moved to the internet.
● Embracing digital marketing is essential to leverage the vast opportunities available in reaching and
engaging with potential customers online.
It’s measurable
Through digital marketing, you can actually measure your campaign’s effectiveness. Explore Google Analytics
to learn more about how your visitors discovered your hotel. This is also a great tool to find your target
audience, understand user behavior, analyze conversion rates, and improve ads and SEO content.

It’s cost-effective
In the old days, marketing was only accessible to big companies. Advertising was expensive, leaving small
companies out of the competition. However, since digital marketing is considerably cheaper, any hotel can

It helps you find your audience

Through online marketing, you can find specific customers. Depending on their demographics, location, and
preferences, you’ll have the chance to develop a strategy focused on promoting your hotel to the right visitors.
It’s where people spend most time
According to “Digital 2022” report, an average internet user spends around 7 hours online! Whether it’s
professional or personal usage, we spend most of our waking time browsing the web. This is why the
internet is the perfect location to promote your hotel! People go online to search for accommodation
options, compare rates or check on guest reviews before booking a room.

It’s personalized advertising

With online marketing, you can direct your message to specific groups of customers based on their
preferences and make them feel you are speaking directly to them. Email marketing is the most used
option when it comes to personalization. You can segment your audience, and provide personalized
information on promotions and services that truly captivate your guests.
Hotel marketing strategies

Over the last century, travelers’ needs shifted, and the hospitality industry needed to adjust on
several occasions. As a result, hotel owners are avid “people-readers”, constantly identifying
new trends that satisfy the modern guest and lead the hotel business forward.
Define what makes you different?

Research your competition. Learn how they work. Find out their strong points and weaknesses. Finally,
ask yourself some questions: Why is your hotel better than the one down the road? What do you offer
that your guests won’t find anywhere else?

This exercise is the perfect opportunity to realize how your hotel will stand out among others. Focus on
showing potential guests something that your competition lacks.

Are you targeting families? Or maybe you offer pet-friendly accommodation, where families can enjoy
their vacation at your hotel with their fur babies!
Map the booking journey
A customer journey map is a powerful tool since it helps you understand why some of your guests
take long before completing a reservation. Additionally, you’ll have a clear insight into your customer
experience and how you can improve. So how do you go about it?

● Create a buyer persona

● Define your goals
● Identify the touchpoints and stages
● Retrieve data from customer surveys to compare results
● Map future customer journey stages
Reward direct bookings
Every hotelier knows how important direct bookings are to hotel
revenue. Besides saving a massive amount of money each year,
direct bookings are also proof your guests trust your business!

So, why shouldn’t you thank them?

A complimentary room upgrade, a fruit basket in their room upon

arrival, or a special discount are small gestures your guests will
definitely enjoy! Let them know you appreciate their preference.
That they are valuable to you. That you care about their
Promote the location
Marketing your hotel is important. However, potential guests aren’t booking a room only because of the
amazing and expensive décor! They want to explore the surroundings. To explore your location’s history
and culture!

Show your customers why they should stay at your hotel:

● What is there to do?

● What can they visit?
● What tips can you offer that only a local would know?
To complete this “information package”, you can build partnerships with local businesses. This way, you
can offer services that you don’t provide on your hotel property and will help your guests learn more about
your location.
Invest in the marketing budget during the reservation peak season

Do you know when your property’s occupancy is at its highest? If you don’t, then you’re missing out!

Knowing the time of the year when your customers book more rooms is a great marketing opportunity!
Explore the advantages of email marketing or social media advertising to reach your target audience
and get more bookings. Is there a world-class event happening close to your property? Learn what
that specific audience is looking for, and present your hotel as a perfect solution.
Improve your customer service

Yes… I know you’ve heard it a thousand times… But, the

truth is that your customer service must be top-notch from
the very beginning and even after your guests have
checked out!

You might have a bullet-proof marketing strategy, but if your

customer service fails, all your efforts will be in vain. Ensure
that your staff are well trained. A customer-first mindset is
key to guaranteeing your hotel is successful. However, to
accomplish this goal you must provide your employees with
the right tools.
Build a customer loyalty program

Repeat business is important to any organisation. But in the hotel industry, it’s essential. Having
returning customers means that you’ve successfully met their expectations. So, providing them with
exclusive offers, such as special rates or free room upgrades, is a way to reward their loyalty.
Additionally, you’ll ensure that they will keep coming back!

Most hospitality businesses segment their customers into different levels, depending on the previous
number of stays. Each new reservation will grant points or discounts that can be redeemed on the
next reservation. Find out which enrich your guest experience and what services you can offer.
Take advantage of technology

Nowadays, visiting a distant hotel is easier than you

think! With virtual reality, you can offer potential guests a
guided tour of your property. Show them the stunning
facilities and incredible services you have at their
disposal in promotional content.Provide guests with the
means check-in online or visit a virtual concierge. This
way, your customers will be able to make restaurant
reservations and spa appointments or check for
information on activities and places to visit from the
convenience of their own smartphone or computer.
1. Build a strong online presence
Most of your guests are miles away from your location. Yet, you can still keep in touch! Developing your
hotel’s digital presence will help you reach a wider audience while updating your most loyal customers.

Web design
This is your digital “home” and where you present your hotel to potential guests! So, it’s important to
guarantee they will easily find what they’re looking for. A user-friendly web page will help your guests
virtually explore your property and make a reservation.

Content marketing
Your website can be so much more than showing great hotel photos and booking a room! Along with your
user-friendly website, you can build a blog and offer video content, presenting the services provided, your
location, and events happening in and around your hotel.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
In today’s digital world, SEO is definitely the most powerful tool you’ll find!

When people search online for their next destination, they often choose the first results appearing on the
search engine results page. Why? It’s simple! Travelers understand Google ranks the most reliable options
for their search query first. In their minds, booking a room with a hotel raking first place is likely a safe

Because of this, if you’re looking to outrank your competitors, then you must definitely invest in SEO. It will
help you please Google’s algorithm and lead you to top page results.

● Use on-page SEO so that Google sees you as a reliable source of information. Keyword research,
optimized visual content, and backlinking are a few strategies that will definitely help you.
● Paid advertising will only take you so far. For Google’s algorithm, organic traffic is much more valuable
since your website gets visitors without you investing money. You’ll get better results if you improve
your website content and use social media to promote your business.
Conversion rate optimization
Once potential customers visit your optimized website, you must do everything you can to ensure they don’t
leave without booking a room!

Improving your CRO, or conversion rate optimization, means that you are actively guiding your visitors through
the sales funnels and convert them into paying customers. You can set an e-mail marketing campaign and
dedicated landing page providing an exclusive offer, or developing an optimized website and prompting
visitors with calls to action.

Remarketing is another strategy you can use to bolster your conversion rate.

Imagine someone visiting your website. You can clearly see what they were looking for but, for someone
reason, they left without booking a room. Why did that happen? Maybe they found a better offer elsewhere?
Or maybe, they just didn’t have enough time to complete the reservation!
2. Manage your guests’ preferences
In a people-centered business such as the hotel industry, knowing your
guests well will help you succeed. As your hotel brand grows, so to
does your customer base. For that reason, it becomes increasingly
harder to know every guest by name.

Customer relationship management (CRM) software is the perfect tool

to help you meet your guests’ expectations. Besides saving contact
details, you’ll have the opportunity to collect detailed information on
their preferences and reservation records.

With a CRM platform, you’ll have a unique database to keep your

customers engaged. Besides, you can use this valuable information to
build a loyalty program and boost repeated guest reservations.
3. Email your guests every now and then
Email marketing campaigns are a cost-effective strategy that’s perfect for up swinging direct bookings
and increasing customer loyalty.

However, before reaching out to your customers, ensure that you have their permission to use their
contacts for marketing purposes. In Europe, the United States, and Canada, for example, there are strict
regulations when it comes to data protection.

A CRM tool is key to building an email marketing campaign. You can segment your guests and offer
them valuable and exclusive offers they will love.
4. Engage your customers through social media

Scrolling through social media has become a routine for most of us. Without even realizing it, we
find ourselves reading the news headlines, checking on what our friends have been up to, and
following our favorite celebrities.

In fact, users stated they felt inspired to travel after seeing their friend’s social media posts. And
more than 70% said that they post photos of their vacations on social media.

For hotels, this is the perfect opportunity to promote business! Besides posting content on hotel
facilities and services, you can use it to engage with customers. Offer last-minute deals or limited
availability for exclusive offers. The fear of missing out will be so overwhelming that your guests
will definitely book a room!
5. Work side by side with third-party channels
I know that as a hotelier, commissions are at the front of your mind when it comes to third-party channels.
Even though you might be eager to convert these commissions into direct revenue for your hotel, they do
serve a purpose: third-party channels help you gain visibility with a broader audience that you would
struggle to find on your own!

Global Distribution System (GDS)

Travel agencies and travel operators use this system to get better deals with hotels when making a
reservation for their clients. For hotels, it means defining contract rates, allotments, booking windows, and
blackout dates that no other partners will have access to.

If you’re new to the hotel industry, this might seem tricky. Yet, with a channel manager, you’ll be able to
upload the contract information to the system. This way, your hotel availability is always updated.
Online Travel Agencies (OTAs)
As a traveler, if you haven’t booked a room with a tour operator or directly with the hotel, chances are that you
used an online travel agency. The same happens to your customers!

Popular platforms, such as or Expedia, show your property to millions of potential guests
worldwide. By defining the search filters, travelers will find your hotel, among others ranking for similar rates,
services, and location.

Because of that, you must use high-quality photos of your hotel and encourage guests to leave positive online
reviews on their stay. Hopefully you’ll outrank your competitors, and potential guests are more likely to book
their stay with you!
Another way to use third-party channels to your advantage is using metasearch. Ever heard of this before? In
a few words, metasearch engines, such as Trivago or TripAdvisor, gather information on hotel rooms and
present it to potential guests.

For guests, it’s easier to compare rates and services and find the best deals. However, their journey to
complete the purchase will be longer, as they will be redirected to different third-party websites.

To overcome a high abandonment rate, guarantee that guests will see the same rates for each room type or
use a remarketing strategy. If your guests get lost along the journey, they will easily get back on track to
complete the reservation.

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