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Operation proof

In the sequence of the request made by TANIA AVELINO CHONGO through the NETPlus service,
the Mobile Transfer (MPESA) operation was registered at 09:13 of day 01-02-2024 with the following

State Executed

Operation reference FT2403274219

Debit account 1183071691013

Beneficiary name DELFINA

Beneficiary Phone Number 258846584493

Debit amount 2.050,00

Debit currency MZN

Credit currency MZN

Service MPESA

Description tania

In case you need any additional information, contact the StandardBank Green Line (free) through
number 800 412 412.

With our best regards,

NETPlus Service

ID: 4d4e1761-decf-4181-9e06-d94fbd30319b, 01-02-2024 09:13

Standard Bank
Standard Bank Moçambique, Praça 25 de Junho, Nº 1, Caixa Postal nº 1119 Maputo – Moçambique
Tel: +258 21 329 777 | Fax: +258 21 300 662 | Email:

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