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Rules for the Classification

of Ships
Effective from 1 January 2024

Part B
Hull and Stability

Via Corsica, 12 - 16128 Genova - Italy
Tel. +39 01053851 - Fax: +39 0105351000
GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE RULES effective from 1/1/2021
Definitions: require the constant and continuous presence of the Surveyor. The
"Rules" in these General Conditions means the documents below Society may also commission laboratory testing, underwater
issued by the Society: inspection and other checks to qualified service suppliers, who
- Rules for the Classification of Ships or other special units; will carry out these duties under their responsibility. Survey prac-
- Complementary Rules containing the requirements for certifica- tices and procedures are selected by the Society based on its expe-
tion of products, plants, systems and other or containing the rience and knowledge and according to generally accepted
requirements for the assignment of additional class notations; technical standards in the sector.
- Rules for the application of statutory rules, containing the rules to Article 3
perform the duties delegated by Administrations; 3.1. - The class assigned to a Ship, like the reports, statements, cer-
- Guides to carry out particular activities connected with Services; tificates or any other document or information issued by the Soci-
- Any other technical document, as for example rule variations or ety, reflect the discretionary opinion of the Society concerning
interpretations. compliance, at the time the Service is provided, of the Ship or
“Services” means the activities described in Article 1 below, ren- product subject to certification, with the applicable Rules (given
dered by the Society upon request made by or on behalf of the the intended use and within the relevant time frame).
Interested Party. The Society is under no obligation to make statements or provide
“Society” or “RINA” means RINA Services S.p.A. and/or all the information about elements or facts which are not part of the spe-
companies in the RINA Group which provide the Services. cific scope of the Service requested by the Interested Party or on its
“Surveyor” means technical staff acting on behalf of the Society in behalf.
performing the Services. 3.2. - No report, statement, notation on a plan, review, Certificate
“Interested Party” means the party, other than the Society, having of Classification, document or information issued or given as part
an interest in or responsibility for the Ship, product, plant or sys- of the Services provided by the Society shall have any legal effect
tem subject to classification or certification (such as the owner of or implication other than a representation that, on the basis of the
the Ship and his representatives, the ship builder, the engine checks made by the Society, the Ship, structure, materials, equip-
builder or the supplier of parts to be tested) who requests the Ser- ment, machinery or any other item covered by such document or
vices or on whose behalf the Services are requested. information meet the Rules. Any such document is issued solely
“Owner” means the registered Owner, the ship Owner, the man- for the use of the Society, its committees and clients or other duly
ager or any other party with the responsibility, legally or contractu- authorised bodies and for no other purpose. Therefore, the Society
ally, to keep the ship seaworthy or in service, having particular cannot be held liable for any act made or document issued by
regard to the provisions relating to the maintenance of class laid other parties on the basis of the statements or information given by
down in Part A, Chapter 2 of the Rules for the Classification of the Society. The validity, application, meaning and interpretation
Ships or in the corresponding rules indicated in the specific Rules. of a Certificate of Classification, or any other document or infor-
“Administration” means the Government of the State whose flag mation issued by the Society in connection with its Services, are
the Ship is entitled to fly or under whose authority the Ship is governed by the Rules of the Society, who is the sole subject enti-
authorised to operate in the specific case. tled to make such authentic interpretation. Any disagreement on
"Ship" means ships, boats, craft and other special units, as for technical matters between the Interested Party and the Surveyor in
example offshore structures, floating units and underwater craft. the carrying out of his functions shall be raised in writing as soon
"Client" means the Interested Party and any other party who as possible with the Society, which will settle any divergence of
requires the Services. opinion or dispute.
3.3. - The classification of a Ship, or the issuance of a certificate or
Article 1 other document connected with classification or certification and
1.1. - The purpose of the Society is, among others, the classifica- in general with the performance of Services by the Society shall
tion and certification of ships and the certification of their parts have the validity conferred upon it by the Rules of the Society at
and components. the time of the assignment of class or issuance of the certificate; in
The Society: no case shall it amount to a statement or warranty of seaworthi-
- sets forth and develops Rules; ness, structural integrity, quality or fitness for a particular purpose
- publishes the Register of Ships; or service of any Ship, structure, material, equipment or machin-
- issues certificates, statements and reports based on its survey ery inspected or tested by the Society.
activities. 3.4. - Any document issued by the Society in relation to its activi-
1.2. - The Society also takes part in the implementation of national ties reflects the condition of the Ship or the subject of certification
and international rules and standards as delegated by various Gov- or other activity at the time of the check.
ernments. 3.5. - The Rules, surveys and activities performed by the Society,
1.3. – The Society carries out technical assistance activities on reports, certificates and other documents issued by the Society are
request and provides special services outside the scope of classifi- in no way intended to replace the duties and responsibilities of
cation, which are regulated by these General Conditions, unless other parties including, without limitation, Governments, design-
expressly excluded in the particular contract. ers, ship builders, manufacturers, repairers, suppliers, contractors
or sub-contractors, Owners, operators, charterers, underwriters,
Article 2 sellers or intended buyers of a Ship or other product or system sur-
2.1. - The Rules developed by the Society reflect the level of its veyed.
technical knowledge at the time they are published. Therefore, the These documents and activities do not relieve such parties from
Society, though committed, also through its research and develop- any fulfilment, warranty, responsibility, duty or obligation (also of a
ment services, to continuous updating, does not guarantee they contractual nature) expressed or implied or in any case incumbent
meet state-of-the-art science and technology at the time of publi- on them, nor do they confer on such parties any right, claim or
cation or that they meet the Society's or others' subsequent techni- cause of action against the Society. With particular regard to the
cal developments. duties of the ship Owner, the Services undertaken by the Society
2.2. - The Interested Party is required to know the Rules on the do not relieve the Owner of his duty to ensure proper maintenance
basis of which the Services are provided. With particular reference of the Ship and ensure seaworthiness at all times. Likewise, the
to Classification Services, special attention is to be given to the Rules, surveys performed, reports, certificates and other docu-
Rules concerning class suspension, withdrawal and reinstatement. ments issued by the Society are intended neither to guarantee the
In case of doubt or inaccuracy, the Interested Party is to promptly buyers of the Ship, its components or any other surveyed or certi-
contact the Society for clarification. fied item, nor to relieve the seller of the duties arising out of the
The Rules for Classification of Ships are published on the Society's law or the contract, regarding the quality, commercial value or
website: characteristics of the item which is the subject of transaction.
2.3. - The Society exercises due care and skill: In no case, therefore, shall the Society assume the obligations
- in the selection of its Surveyors incumbent upon the above-mentioned parties, even when it is
- in the performance of its Services, taking into account the level of consulted in connection with matters not covered by its Rules or
its technical knowledge at the time the Services are performed. other documents.
2.4. - Surveys conducted by the Society include, but are not lim- In consideration of the above, and within the limits of liability
ited to, visual inspection and non-destructive testing. Unless other- under art. 5 below, the Interested Party undertakes to relieve and
wise required, surveys are conducted through sampling hold harmless the Society from any third party claim, as well as
techniques and do not consist of comprehensive verification or from any liability in relation to the latter concerning the Services
monitoring of each component of the Ship or of the items subject rendered, where these are attributable to the Interested Party.
to certification. The surveys and checks made by the Society, either Insofar as they are not expressly provided for in these General
on board ships or with remote techniques, do not necessarily Conditions, the duties and responsibilities of the Owner and Inter-
ested Parties with respect to the services rendered by the Society from the date on which the Services were performed or THREE
are described in the Rules applicable to the specific Service ren- MONTHS from the date on which the damage was discovered.
dered. Failure to comply with the above deadline will constitute an abso-
Article 4 lute bar to the pursuit of such a claim against the Society.Article 6
4.1. – Any request for the Society's Services shall be submitted in 6.1. - Any dispute arising from or in connection with the Rules or
writing and signed by or on behalf of the Interested Party. Such a with the Services of the Society, including any issues concerning
request will be considered irrevocable as soon as received by the responsibility, liability or limitations of liability of the Society, will
Society and shall entail acceptance by the applicant of all relevant be determined in accordance with Italian Law and settled through
requirements of the Rules, including these General Conditions. arbitration assigned to a board of three arbitrators who will pro-
Upon acceptance of the written request by the Society, a contract ceed in compliance with the Rules of the Chamber of National
between the Society and the Interested Party is entered into, which and International Arbitration of Milan. Arbitration will take place
is regulated by the present General Conditions. in Genoa, Italy.
4.2. – In consideration of the Services rendered by the Society, the 6.2. - However, for disputes concerning non-payment of the fees
Interested Party and the person requesting the service shall be and/or expenses due to the Society for Services, the Society shall
jointly liable for the payment of the relevant fees and costs, even if have the right to submit any claim to the jurisdiction of the Courts
the service is not concluded for any cause not pertaining to the of the place where the registered or operating office of the Inter-
Society. In the latter case, the Society shall not be held liable for ested Party or of the applicant who requested the Service is
non-fulfilment or partial fulfilment of the Services requested. In the located.
event of late payment, interest at the legal current rate increased In the case of actions taken against the Society by a third party
by 2% shall be paid. before a judicial Court, the Society shall also have the right to
4.3. - The contract for the classification of a Ship or for other Ser- summon the Interested Party or the subject who requested the Ser-
vices may be terminated and any certificates revoked at the vice before that Court, in order to be relieved and held harmless
request of one of the parties, subject to at least 30 days' notice to according to art. 3.5 above.
be given in writing. Failure to pay, even in part, the fees due for Article 7
Services carried out by the Society will entitle the Society to imme- 7.1. - All plans, specifications, documents and information pro-
diately terminate the contract and suspend the Services. vided by, issued by, or made known to the Society, in connection
The Society may withhold, suspend or withdraw any certificate, with the performance of its Services, will be treated as confidential
report or service in the event of non-payment of fees due to any and will not be made available to any other party other than the
member of the RINA Group by the Client in relation to the entire Owner without authorisation of the Interested Party, except as pro-
business relationship between any member of the RINA Group vided for or required by any applicable international, European or
and the Client or by any other companies belonging to the same domestic legislation, Charter or other IACS resolutions, or order
group as the Client. This also applies when the obligation to pay from a competent authority. Information about the status and
rests with a builder or with the Ship's previous Owner. validity of class and statutory certificates, including transfers,
For every case of termination or suspension of the contract, the changes, suspensions, withdrawals of class, conditions of class,
fees for the activities performed until the time of the termination or operating conditions or restrictions issued against classed ships
of the suspension shall be owed to the Society as well as the and other related information, as may be required, may be pub-
expenses incurred in view of activities already programmed; this is lished on the website or released by other means, without the prior
without prejudice to the right to compensation due to the Society consent of the Interested Party.
as a consequence of the termination or of the suspension. Information about the status and validity of other certificates and
With particular reference to Ship classification and certification, statements may also be published on the website or released by
unless decided otherwise by the Society, termination of the con- other means, without the prior consent of the Interested Party.
tract implies that the assignment of class to a Ship is withheld or, if 7.2. - Notwithstanding the general duty of confidentiality owed by
already assigned, that it is suspended or withdrawn; any statutory the Society to its clients in clause 7.1 above, the Society's clients
certificates issued by the Society will be withdrawn in those cases accept that the Society will participate in the IACS Early Warning
where provided for by agreements between the Society and the System which requires each Classification Society to provide other
flag State. involved Classification Societies with relevant technical informa-
Article 5 tion on serious hull structural and engineering systems failures, as
5.1. - In providing the Services, as well as other correlated infor- defined in the IACS Early Warning System (but not including any
mation or advice, the Society, its Surveyors, servants or agents drawings relating to the ship which may be the specific property of
operate with due diligence for the proper execution of the activity. another party), to enable such useful information to be shared and
However, considering the nature of the activities performed (see used to facilitate the proper working of the IACS Early Warning
art. 2.4), it is not possible to guarantee absolute accuracy, correct- System. The Society will provide its clients with written details of
ness and completeness of any information or advice supplied. such information sent to the involved Classification Societies.
Express and implied warranties are specifically disclaimed. 7.3. - In the event of transfer of class, addition of a second class or
Therefore, subject to what provided for in paragraph 5.2 below, withdrawal from a double/dual class, the Interested Party under-
and also in the case of activities carried out by delegation of Gov- takes to provide or to permit the Society to provide the other Clas-
ernments, neither the Society nor any of its Surveyors will be liable sification Society with all building plans and drawings, certificates,
for any loss, damage or expense of whatever nature sustained by documents and information relevant to the classed unit, including
any person, in tort or in contract, derived from carrying out the its history file, as the other Classification Society may require for
Services. the purpose of classification in compliance with the applicable
5.2. – Notwithstanding the provisions in paragraph 5.1 above, legislation and relative IACS Procedure. It is the Owner's duty to
should any user of the Society's Services prove that he has suffered ensure that, whenever required, the consent of the builder is
a loss or damage due to any negligent act or omission of the Soci- obtained with regard to the provision of plans and drawings to the
ety, its Surveyors, servants or agents, then the Society will pay new Society, either by way of appropriate stipulation in the build-
compensation to such person for his proved loss, up to, but not ing contract or by other agreement.
exceeding, five times the amount of the fees charged for the spe- In the event that the ownership of the ship, product or system sub-
cific services, information or opinions from which the loss or dam- ject to certification is transferred to a new subject, the latter shall
age derives or, if no fee has been charged, a maximum of one have the right to access all pertinent drawings, specifications, doc-
hundred thousand Euro. Where the fees charged are related to a uments or information issued by the Society or which have come
number of Services, the amount of the fees will be apportioned for to the knowledge of the Society while carrying out its Services,
the purpose of the calculation of the maximum compensation, by even if related to a period prior to transfer of ownership.
reference to the estimated time involved in the performance of the
Service from which the damage or loss derives. Any liability for Article 8
indirect or consequential loss, damage or expense is specifically 8.1. – RINA shall not be obliged to perform any obligation towards
excluded. In any case, irrespective of the amount of the fees the Client (including, without limitation, obligation to (a) perform,
charged, the maximum damages payable by the Society will not deliver, accept, sell, purchase, pay or receive money to, from or
be more than 1 million Euro. Payment of compensation under this through a person or entity, or (b) engage in any other act) if this
paragraph will not entail any admission of responsibility and/or would be in violation of, inconsistent with or expose RINA to
liability by the Society and will be made without prejudice to the punitive measures under any United Nations resolutions and/or
disclaimer clause contained in paragraph 5.1 above. under any laws, regulations, decrees, ordinances, orders,
demands, requests, rules or requirements of EU, United Kingdom,
5.3. - Any claim for loss or damage of whatever nature by virtue of and/or United States of America and which relate to foreign trade
the provisions set forth herein shall be made to the Society in writ- controls, export controls, embargoes or international boycotts
ing, within the shorter of the following periods: THREE MONTHS
(applying, without limitation, to the financing, payment, insur- pretation of the Rules); art. 4.2., (as far as the payment of the fees is
ance, transportation, delivery or storage of product and/or ser- also due for services not concluded due to causes not attributable
vices) hereinafter referred to as "Trade Sanctions". to the Interested Party); art. 5.1. (as far as the exclusion of liability
Recurring the above circumstances during the performance of the is concerned); art. 5.2.; art. 5.3.; and art. 6.1. (as far as the jurisdic-
contract, RINA shall be entitled at its sole and absolute discretion: tion of a Board of Arbitrators based in Genoa is concerned).
I) to immediately suspend payment or performance of the Services Article 11
which are the object of the contract until such time as the Trading
11.1. – RINA and the Interested Party shall promote safety, protect
Sanctions are in force; and/or
human health and environment and create safe working condi-
II) to a full disengagement from the obligation affected by the
tions for their personnel.
Trading Sanctions, in the event that the inability to fulfill the said 11.2. – The Interested Party shall guarantee that the working envi-
obligation persists until the term provided for the fulfilment here- ronment in which RINA’s Surveyor will be required to work is ade-
under, provided that where the relevant obligation relates to pay-
quate, safe and in all respect compliant with the applicable
ments for activities and/or Services which have already been
legislation and Rules and shall adopt all necessary measures to
delivered, the affected payment obligation shall remain only sus-
mitigate and/or control any relevant risk.
pended until such time as the Trading Sanctions no longer apply to
11.3. – Furthermore, in accordance with the applicable legislation
the payment ; and/or and Rules, the Interested Party shall provide RINA with complete
III) to terminate the contract, without prejudice of the RINA’s rights and detailed information relevant to any actual or potential spe-
pursuant to article 4.3. cific risk existing in the work areas where the Surveyor will be
Article 9 required to operate and relevant to the performance of the Services
9.1. – Should any part of these General Conditions be declared as well as with any specific safety measure that RINA Surveyor is
invalid, this will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. requested to comply with.
11.4. – RINA reserves not to commence and/or to suspend the Ser-
Article 10 vices and/or to terminate the contract, claiming compensation for
10.1. – When the Society provides its Services to a consumer - i.e. any damage occurred, if it considers that the safety requirements
a natural person who does not act within the scope of his business listed in this article are not satisfactorily met.
or professional activity - the following provisions do not apply: art.
3.2. (as far as the Society is solely entitled to the authentic inter-

1. Reference edition 5. Rule subdivision and cross-references

The reference edition for Part B is the RINA Rules 2000 5.1 Rule subdivision
edition, which is effective from 1 June 2000. The Rules are subdivided into six parts, from A to F.
2. Amendments after the reference edition Part A: Classification and Surveys
2.1 RINA Rules 2000 has been completely rewritten Part B: Hull and Stability
and reorganised. Part C: Machinery, Systems and Fire Protection
2.2 Except in particular cases, the Rules are updated Part D: Materials and Welding
and published annually.
Part E: Service Notations
3. Effective date of the requirements Part F: Additional Class Notations
3.1 All requirements in which new or amended provi- Each Part consists of:
sions with respect to those contained in the refer-
• Chapters
ence edition have been introduced are followed by
• Sections and possible Appendices
a date shown in brackets.
• Articles
The date shown in brackets is the effective date of • Sub-articles
entry into force of the requirements as amended by • Requirements
the last updating. The effective date of all those
Figures (abbr. Fig) and Tables (abbr. Tab) are numbered
requirements not followed by any date shown in
in ascending order within each Section or Appendix.
brackets is that of the reference edition.
5.2 Cross-references
3.2 Item 6 below provides a summary of the technical
changes from the preceding edition. In general, this Examples: Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 1, [3.2.1]or Pt A, Ch 1,
list does not include those items to which only edi- App 1, [3.2.1]
torial changes have been made not affecting the • Pt A means Part A
effective date of the requirements contained The part is indicated when it is different from the part in
therein. which the cross-reference appears. Otherwise, it is not
4. Rule Variations and Corrigenda indicated.
• Ch 1 means Chapter 1
Until the next edition of the Rules is published, Rule
Variations and/or corrigenda, as necessary, will be pub- The Chapter is indicated when it is different from the
lished on the RINA web site ( Except in chapter in which the cross-reference appears. Other-
particular cases, paper copies of Rule Variations or cor- wise, it is not indicated.
rigenda are not issued. • Sec 1 means Section 1 (or App 1 means
Appendix 1 )
The Section (or Appendix) is indicated when it is differ-
ent from the Section (or Appendix) in which the cross-
reference appears. Otherwise, it is not indicated.
• [3.2.1] refers to requirement 1, within sub-article 2
of article 3.
Cross-references to an entire Part or Chapter are not
abbreviated as indicated in the following examples:
• Part A for a cross-reference to Part A
• Part A, Chapter 1 for a cross-reference to Chapter 1
of Part A.
6. Summary of amendments introduced in the edi-
tion effective from 1 January 2024
This edition of Part B contains amendments whose effec-
tive date is 1 January 2024.
The date of entry into force of each new or amended
item is shown in brackets after the number of the item

Part B
Hull and Stability

Chapters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Chapter 1 GENERAL

Section 1 General
1 Definitions 19
1.1 Still water loads
1.2 Wave loads
1.3 Dynamic loads
1.4 Local loads
1.5 Hull girder loads
1.6 Loading condition
1.7 Load case
2 Application criteria 19
2.1 Fields of application
2.2 Hull girder loads
2.3 Local loads
2.4 Load definition criteria to be adopted in structural analyses based on plate or
isolated beam structural models
2.5 Load definition criteria to be adopted in structural analyses based on three
dimensional structural models
2.6 Navigation coefficients

Section 2 Hull Girder Loads

1 General 22
1.1 Application
1.2 Sign conventions of vertical bending moments and shear forces
2 Still water loads 22
2.1 General
2.2 Still water bending moments
2.3 Still water shear force
3 Wave loads 24
3.1 Vertical wave bending moments
3.2 Horizontal wave bending moment
3.3 Wave torque
3.4 Vertical wave shear force
4 Dynamic loads due to bow flare impact 25
4.1 Application
4.2 Increase in sagging wave bending moment

Section 3 Ship Motions and Accelerations

1 General 28

RINA Rules 2024 3

2 Ship absolute motions and accelerations 28
2.1 Surge
2.2 Sway
2.3 Heave
2.4 Roll
2.5 Pitch
2.6 Yaw
3 Ship relative motions and accelerations 29
3.1 Definitions
3.2 Ship conditions
3.3 Ship relative motions
3.4 Accelerations

Section 4 Load Cases

1 General 31
1.1 Load cases for structural analyses based on partial ship models
1.2 Load cases for structural analyses based on complete ship models
2 Load cases 31
2.1 Upright ship conditions (Load cases “a” and “b”)
2.2 Inclined ship conditions (Load cases “c” and “d”)
2.3 Summary of load cases

Section 5 Sea Pressures

1 Still water pressure 34
1.1 Pressure on sides and bottom
1.2 Exposed decks
2 Wave pressure 34
2.1 Upright ship conditions (Load cases “a” and “b”)
2.2 Inclined ship conditions (Load cases “c” and “d”)

Section 6 Internal Pressures and Forces

1 Liquids 38
1.1 Still water pressure
1.2 Inertial pressure
2 Dynamic pressure in partly filled tanks intended for the carriage of liquid
cargoes or ballast 39
2.1 Risk of resonance
2.2 Dynamic pressure in the case of no restrictions on the filling level
2.3 Dynamic pressure in the case of restrictions on the filling level
3 Dry bulk cargoes 43
3.1 Still water and inertial pressures

4 RINA Rules 2024

4 Dry uniform cargoes 45
4.1 Still water and inertial pressures
5 Dry unit cargoes 45
5.1 Still water and inertial forces
6 Wheeled cargoes 45
6.1 Still water and inertial forces
7 Accommodation 45
7.1 Still water and inertial pressures
8 Machinery 45
8.1 Still water and inertial pressures
9 Flooding 46
9.1 Still water and inertial pressures
10 Testing 47
10.1 Still water pressures

Appendix 1 Inertial Pressure for Typical Tank Arrangement

1 Liquid cargoes and ballast - Inertial pressure 49
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Formulae for the inertial pressure calculation

Appendix 2 Guidelines for Ballast Loading Conditions of Cargo Vessels

Involving Partially Filled Ballast Tanks
1 General guidance note 51
1.1 Introduction
2 Case A and B 51
2.1 Case A
2.2 Case B
2.3 Limitation of consumables

RINA Rules 2024 5


Section 1 Strength Characteristics of the Hull Girder Transverse Sections

1 Application 59
2 Calculation of the strength characteristics of hull girder transverse sections
2.1 Hull girder transverse sections
2.2 Strength deck
2.3 Section modulus
2.4 Moments of inertia
2.5 First moment
2.6 Structural models for the calculation of normal warping stresses and shear

Section 2 Yielding Checks

1 Application 62
2 Hull girder stresses 62
2.1 Normal stresses induced by vertical bending moments
2.2 Normal stresses induced by torque and bending moments
2.3 Shear stresses
2.4 Simplified calculation of shear stresses induced by vertical shear forces
3 Checking criteria 65
3.1 Normal stresses induced by vertical bending moments
3.2 Shear stresses
4 Section modulus and moment of inertia 66
4.1 General
4.2 Section modulus within 0,4L amidships
4.3 Section modulus outside 0,4L amidships
4.4 Midship section moment of inertia
4.5 Extent of higher strength steel
5 Permissible still water bending moment and shear force during navigation
5.1 Permissible still water bending moment
5.2 Permissible still water shear force
6 Permissible still water bending moment and shear force in harbour
conditions 68
6.1 Permissible still water bending moment
6.2 Permissible shear force

6 RINA Rules 2024

Section 3 Ultimate Strength Check
1 Application 69
2 Partial safety factors 69
3 Hull girder ultimate strength check 69
3.1 Hull girder loads
3.2 Hull girder ultimate bending moment capacities
3.3 Checking criteria

Appendix 1 Hull Girder Ultimate Strength

1 General 70
2 Incremental-iterative method 70
2.1 Assumptions
2.2 Procedure
2.3 Load-end shortening curves
3 Alternative methods 77
3.1 Non-linear finite element analysis

RINA Rules 2024 7


Section 1 Plating
1 General 81
1.1 Net thicknesses
1.2 Partial safety factors
1.3 Elementary plate panel
1.4 Load point
2 General requirements 82
2.1 General
2.2 Minimum net thicknesses
2.3 Bilge plating
2.4 Inner bottom of cargo holds intended to carry dry cargo
2.5 Sheerstrake
2.6 Stringer plate
3 Strength check of plating subjected to lateral pressure 83
3.1 General
3.2 Load model
3.3 Longitudinally framed plating contributing to the hull girder longitudinal
3.4 Transversely framed plating contributing to the hull girder longitudinal strength
3.5 Plating not contributing to the hull girder longitudinal strength
4 Strength check of plating subjected to wheeled loads 86
4.1 General
4.2 Load model
4.3 Plating
5 Buckling check 87
5.1 General
5.2 Load model
5.3 Critical stresses
5.4 Checking criteria

Section 2 Ordinary Stiffeners

1 General 93
1.1 Net scantlings
1.2 Partial safety factors
1.3 Load point
1.4 Net dimensions of ordinary stiffeners
2 General requirements 95
2.1 General
2.2 Minimum net thicknesses
2.3 Struts connecting ordinary stiffeners
2.4 Deck ordinary stiffeners in way of launching appliances used for survival craft
or rescue boat

8 RINA Rules 2024

3 Yielding check 96
3.1 General
3.2 Structural model
3.3 Load model
3.4 Normal and shear stresses due to lateral pressure in intact conditions
3.5 Normal and shear stresses due to wheeled loads
3.6 Checking criteria
3.7 Net section modulus and net shear sectional area of ordinary stiffeners,
complying with the checking criteria
3.8 Net section modulus and net shear sectional area of ordinary stiffeners
subjected to lateral pressure in flooding conditions
3.9 Net section modulus and net shear sectional area of ordinary stiffeners
subjected to lateral pressure in testing conditions
4 Buckling check 102
4.1 Application
4.2 Load model
4.3 Critical stress
4.4 Checking criteria
5 Ultimate strength check of ordinary stiffeners contributing to the hull girder
longitudinal strength 105
5.1 Application
5.2 Width of attached plating
5.3 Load model
5.4 Ultimate strength stress
5.5 Checking criteria

Section 3 Primary Supporting Members

1 General 107
1.1 Application
1.2 Net scantlings
1.3 Partial safety factors
2 Minimum net thicknesses 109
2.1 General
2.2 Double bottom
2.3 Single bottom
2.4 Deck primary members in way of launching appliances used for survival craft
or rescue boat
3 Yielding check of primary supporting members analysed through an isolated
beam structural model 110
3.1 General
3.2 Bracket arrangement
3.3 Load point
3.4 Load model
3.5 Normal and shear stresses due to lateral pressure in intact conditions
3.6 Checking criteria
3.7 Net section modulus and net sectional shear area complying with the checking
3.8 Net section modulus and net shear sectional area of primary supporting
members subjected to lateral pressure in flooding conditions

RINA Rules 2024 9

4 Yielding check of primary supporting members analysed through a three
dimensional structural model 114
4.1 General
4.2 Analysis criteria
4.3 Checking criteria
5 Yielding check of primary supporting members analysed through a complete
ship structural model 115
5.1 General
5.2 Analysis criteria
5.3 Checking criteria
6 Buckling check 115
6.1 Local buckling of plate panels
6.2 Buckling of pillars subjected to compression axial load
6.3 Buckling of pillars subjected to compression axial load and bending moments

Section 4 Fatigue Check of Structural Details

1 General 119
1.1 Net scantlings
1.2 Application
1.3 Definitions
1.4 Partial safety factors
2 Load model 120
2.1 General
2.2 Lateral pressure
2.3 Hull girder normal stresses
3 Stress range 122
3.1 General
3.2 Hot spot stress range
3.3 Notch stress range
4 Allowable stress range 124
4.1 General
5 Checking criteria 125
5.1 General
6 Structural details located at ends of ordinary stiffeners 125
6.1 General
6.2 Determination of equivalent stress and pressure ranges
6.3 Net section modulus of ordinary stiffeners

Appendix 1 Analyses based on Three Dimensional Models

1 General 127
1.1 Application
1.2 Information required

10 RINA Rules 2024

2 Analysis criteria 128
2.1 General
2.2 Finite element model analyses
2.3 Beam model analyses
2.4 Structural detail analysis
3 Primary supporting members structural modelling 128
3.1 Model construction
3.2 Model extension
3.3 Finite element modelling criteria
3.4 Finite element models
3.5 Beam models
3.6 Boundary conditions of the whole three dimensional model
4 Primary supporting members load model 132
4.1 General
4.2 Local loads
4.3 Hull girder loads
4.4 Additional requirements for the load assignment to beam models
5 Stress calculation 135
5.1 Analyses based on finite element models
5.2 Analyses based on beam models
6 Buckling analysis based on fine mesh model 136
6.1 Buckling panel definition
6.2 Reference stresses on buckling panel
6.3 Checking criteria
7 Fatigue analysis 137
7.1 Elementary hot spot stress range calculation
7.2 Hot spot stresses directly obtained through finite element analyses
7.3 Hot spot stresses obtained through the calculation of nominal stresses

Appendix 2 Analyses of Primary Supporting Members Subjected to Wheeled

1 General 139
1.1 Scope
1.2 Application
1.3 Information required
1.4 Lashing of vehicles
2 Analysis criteria 139
2.1 Finite element model analyses
2.2 Beam model analyses
3 Primary supporting members structural modelling 140
3.1 Model construction
3.2 Model extension
3.3 Boundary conditions of the three dimensional model
4 Load model 141
4.1 General
4.2 Local loads

RINA Rules 2024 11

4.3 Hull girder loads
5 Stress calculation 142
5.1 Stresses induced by local and hull girder loads
5.2 Analyses based on finite element models
5.3 Analyses based on beam models
6 Grillage analysis of primary supporting members of decks 142
6.1 Application
6.2 Analysis criteria
6.3 Boundary conditions
6.4 Load model
6.5 Stress calculation

Appendix 3 Analyses based on Complete Ship Models

1 General 144
1.1 Application
1.2 Information required
2 Structural modelling 144
2.1 Model construction
2.2 Model extension
2.3 Finite element modelling criteria
2.4 Finite element models
2.5 Boundary conditions of the model
3 Load model 146
3.1 General
3.2 Load cases
4 Stress calculation 148
4.1 Stress components

12 RINA Rules 2024


Section 1 Design Loads

1 General 151
1.1 Definitions
1.2 Application criteria
1.3 Hull girder loads
1.4 Local loads
1.5 Navigation coefficients
2 Hull girder loads 152
2.1 General
2.2 Still water bending moments
2.3 Vertical wave bending moments
3 Ship motions and accelerations 153
3.1 General
3.2 Ship absolute motions and accelerations
3.3 Ship relative motion and accelerations
4 Sea pressures 154
4.1 Still water and wave pressures
4.2 Exposed decks
5 Internal pressures and forces 154
5.1 Liquids
5.2 Dry bulk cargoes
5.3 Dry uniform cargoes
5.4 Dry unit cargoes
5.5 Wheeled cargoes
5.6 Accommodation
5.7 Machinery
5.8 Flooding

Section 2 Hull Girder Strength

1 Basic criteria 158
1.1 Hull girder transverse sections
1.2 Strength deck
1.3 Section modulus
2 Yielding check 160
2.1 Normal stresses induced by vertical bending moments
2.2 Checking criteria
3 Section modulus and moment of inertia 161
3.1 General
3.2 Section modulus
3.3 Midship section moment of inertia
3.4 Extent of higher strength steel

RINA Rules 2024 13

4 Permissible still water bending moment 162
4.1 Permissible still water bending moment during navigation
4.2 Permissible still water bending moment in harbour conditions

Section 3 Plating
1 General 163
1.1 Application
1.2 Net thicknesses
1.3 Partial safety factors
1.4 Elementary plate panel
1.5 Load point
2 General requirements 164
2.1 General
2.2 Minimum net thicknesses
2.3 Bilge plating
2.4 Inner bottom of cargo holds intended to carry dry cargo
2.5 Sheerstrake
2.6 Stringer plate
3 Strength check of plating subjected to lateral pressure 165
3.1 General
3.2 Load model
3.3 Longitudinally framed plating contributing to the hull girder longitudinal
3.4 Transversely framed plating contributing to the hull girder longitudinal strength
3.5 Plating not contributing to the hull girder longitudinal strength
4 Strength check of plating subjected to wheeled loads 167
4.1 General
4.2 Load model
4.3 Plating
5 Buckling check for ships equal to or greater than 65 m in length 168
5.1 General
5.2 Load model
5.3 Critical stresses
5.4 Checking criteria

Section 4 Ordinary Stiffeners

1 General 171
1.1 Application
1.2 Net scantlings
1.3 Partial safety factors
1.4 Load point
1.5 Net dimensions of ordinary stiffeners
2 General requirements 172
2.1 General
2.2 Minimum net thicknesses
2.3 Minimum net section modulus of side vertical ordinary stiffeners

14 RINA Rules 2024

2.4 Struts of open floors
3 Yielding check 173
3.1 General
3.2 Structural model
3.3 Load model
3.4 Net section modulus and net shear sectional area of ordinary stiffeners
subjected to lateral pressure in intact condition
3.5 Net section modulus and net shear sectional area of ordinary stiffeners
subjected to wheeled loads
3.6 Net section modulus and net shear sectional area of ordinary stiffeners
subjected to lateral pressure in flooding conditions
4 Buckling check for ships equal to or greater than 65 m in length 176
4.1 Width of attached plating
4.2 Load model
4.3 Critical stress
4.4 Checking criteria

Section 5 Primary Supporting Members

1 General 179
1.1 Application
1.2 Net scantlings
1.3 Partial safety factors
2 Minimum net thicknesses 179
2.1 General
2.2 Double bottom
3 Yielding check 180
3.1 General
3.2 Bracket arrangement
3.3 Load point
3.4 Load model
3.5 Net section modulus and net sectional shear area of primary supporting
members subjected to lateral pressure in intact conditions
3.6 Net section modulus and net shear sectional area of primary supporting
members subjected to lateral pressure in flooding conditions
4 Buckling check 183
4.1 Buckling of pillars subjected to compression axial load

Appendix 1 Scantling Checks for Ships Less Than 65 m in Length

1 General 188
1.1 Application
1.2 Scantling reduction depending on the navigation notation
1.3 Gross scantling
2 Longitudinally framed single bottom 188
2.1 Scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members

RINA Rules 2024 15

3 Transversely framed single bottom 188
3.1 Scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members
4 Bilge 188
4.1 Bilge plating thickness
5 Double bottom 188
5.1 Scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members
5.2 Open floors in transversely framed double bottom
6 Side 192
6.1 Sheerstrake width
6.2 Plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members
6.3 Sheerstrake thickness
7 Decks 194
7.1 Stringer plate width
7.2 Minimum scantlings of pillars
7.3 Scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members
7.4 Scantlings of pillars subjected to compressive axial load
7.5 Scantlings of pillars subjected to compressive axial load and bending moments
7.6 Stringer plate thickness
8 Tank bulkheads 197
8.1 Scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members
9 Watertight bulkheads 197
9.1 Scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members
10 Non-tight bulkheads 197
10.1 Scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members

16 RINA Rules 2024

Part B
Hull and Stability

Chapter 5











RINA Rules 2024 17

Symbols used in chapter 5

n, n 1 : Navigation coefficients, defined in Pt B, Ch 5,

Sec 1, [2.6],
F : Froude’s number:
F = 0 ,164 -------
V : Maximum ahead service speed, in knots,
T1 : Draught, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 1,
[2.4.3] or Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 1, [2.5.3], as the case
may be,
g : Gravity acceleration, in m/s 2:
g = 9,81 m/s2,
x, y, z : X, Y and Z co-ordinates, in m, of the calculation
point with respect to the reference co-ordinate
system defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4].

18 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 1


1 Definitions 2 Application criteria

1.1 Still water loads 2.1 Fields of application

1.1.1 Still water loads are those acting on the ship at rest in 2.1.1 (1/7/2019)
calm water. The wave induced and dynamic loads defined in this
Chapter correspond to an operating life of the ship equal to
20 years.
1.2 Wave loads
2.1.2 Requirements applicable to all types of ships
1.2.1 Wave loads are those due to wave pressures and ship
motions, which can be assumed to have the same period of The still water, wave induced and dynamic loads defined in
the inducing waves. this Chapter are to be used for the determination of the hull
girder strength and structural scantlings in the central part
(see Ch 1, Sec 1) of ships equal to or greater than 90 m in
1.3 Dynamic loads
length, according to the requirements in Chapter 6 and
1.3.1 Dynamic loads are those that have a duration much Chapter 7.
shorter than the period of the inducing waves. The design loads to be used for the determination of the hull
girder strength and structural scantlings in the central part
1.4 Local loads (see Ch 1, Sec 1) of ships less than 90 m in length are
specified in Chapter 8.
1.4.1 Local loads are pressures and forces which are
directly applied to the individual structural members: 2.1.3 Requirements applicable to specific ship
plating panels, ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting types
members. The design loads applicable to specific ship types are to be
• Still water local loads are constituted by the hydrostatic defined in accordance with the requirements in Part E.
external sea pressures and the static pressures and
2.1.4 Load direct calculation (1/7/2023)
forces induced by the weights carried in the ship spaces.
As an alternative to the formulae in Sec 2 and Sec 3, the
• Wave local loads are constituted by the external sea Society may accept the values of wave induced loads and
pressures due to waves and the inertial pressures and dynamic loads derived from direct calculations, when
forces induced by the ship accelerations applied to the justified on the basis of the ship’s characteristics and
weights carried in the ship spaces. intended service.
• Dynamic local loads are constituted by the impact and
A long-term approach is generally required, assuming for
sloshing pressures.
the calculations the wave scatter diagram, the wave
1.4.2 For the structures which constitute the boundary of spectrum and spreading function provided in the latest
spaces not intended to carry liquids and which do not published version of IACS Rec. 34.
belong to the outer shell, the still water and wave pressures Seakeeping calculations are to rely preferably on a three
in flooding conditions are also to be considered. dimensional methodology. A strip theory approach is also
acceptable if its assumptions are satisfied. Non-linear
1.5 Hull girder loads effects can be assessed assuming linear radiation and
diffraction forces and calculating the non-linear
1.5.1 Hull girder loads are (still water, wave and dynamic) contributions of Froude-Krylov and hydrostatic forces.
forces and moments which result as effects of local loads Design loads are to be set applying an equivalent design
acting on the ship as a whole and considered as a girder. wave approach with regular waves.
The calculations are to be submitted to the Society for
1.6 Loading condition
1.6.1 A loading condition is a distribution of weights
carried in the ship spaces arranged for their storage. 2.2 Hull girder loads
2.2.1 The still water, wave and dynamic hull girder loads
1.7 Load case
to be used for the determination of:
1.7.1 A load case is a state of the ship structures subjected • the hull girder strength, according to the requirements
to a combination of hull girder and local loads. of Chapter 6, and

RINA Rules 2024 19

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 1

• the structural scantling of plating, ordinary stiffeners and • the still water and wave differential pressures (internal
primary supporting members contributing to the hull pressure minus external sea pressure) considering the
girder strength, in combination with the local loads compartment adjacent to the outer shell as being
given in Sec 5 and Sec 6, according to the requirements loaded.
in Chapter 7,
2.4.3 Draught associated with each cargo and
are specified in Sec 2. ballast distribution
Local loads are to be calculated on the basis of the ship’s
2.3 Local loads draught T1 corresponding to the cargo or ballast distribution
considered according to the criteria in [2.4.2]. The ship
2.3.1 Load cases
draught is to be taken as the distance measured vertically
The local loads defined in [1.4] are to be calculated in each on the hull transverse section at the middle of the length L,
of the mutually exclusive load cases described in Sec 4. from the moulded base line to the waterline in:
Dynamic loads are to be taken into account and calculated
• full load condition, when:
according to the criteria specified in Sec 5 and Sec 6.
- one or more cargo compartments (e.g. oil tank, dry
2.3.2 Ship motions and accelerations cargo hold, vehicle space, passenger space) are
The wave local loads are to be calculated on the basis of the considered as being loaded and the ballast tanks are
reference values of ship motions and accelerations specified considered as being empty
in Sec 3. - the still water and wave external pressures are
considered as acting alone without any
2.3.3 Calculation and application of local loads
counteraction from the ship’s interior
The criteria for calculating:
• light ballast condition, when one or more ballast tanks
• still water local loads
are considered as being loaded and the cargo
• wave local loads on the basis of the reference values of compartments are considered as being empty. In the
ship motions and accelerations absence of more precise information, the ship’s draught
in light ballast condition may be obtained, in m, from
are specified in Sec 5 for sea pressures and in Sec 6 for
the following formulae:
internal pressures and forces.
- TB = 0,03L  7,5 m in general
2.3.4 Flooding conditions
- TB = 2 + 0,02L for ships with one of the service
The still water and wave pressures in flooding conditions
notations bulk carrier ESP, ore carrier ESP,
are specified in Sec 6, [9]. The pressures in flooding
combination carrier ESP and oil tanker ESP.
conditions applicable to specific ship types are to be
defined in accordance with the requirements in Part E.
2.5 Load definition criteria to be adopted in
2.4 Load definition criteria to be adopted in structural analyses based on three
structural analyses based on plate or dimensional structural models
isolated beam structural models
2.5.1 Application
2.4.1 Application The requirements of this sub-article apply for the definition
The requirements of this sub-article apply for the definition of local loads to be used in the scantling checks of primary
of local loads to be used in the scantling checks of: supporting members for which a three dimensional
• plating, according to Ch 7, Sec 1 structural model is required, according to Ch 7, Sec 3, [4].
• ordinary stiffeners, according to Ch 7, Sec 2
2.5.2 Loading conditions
• primary supporting members for which a three
For all ship types for which analyses based on three
dimensional structural model is not required, according
dimensional models are required according to Ch 7, Sec 3,
to Ch 7, Sec 3, [3].
[4], the most severe loading conditions for the structural
2.4.2 Cargo and ballast distributions elements under investigation are to be considered. These
loading conditions are to be selected among those
When calculating the local loads for the structural scantling
envisaged in the ship loading manual.
of an element which separates two adjacent compartments,
the latter may not be considered simultaneously loaded. For ships with the service notation general cargo ship or
The local loads to be used are those obtained considering bulk carrier ESP completed by the additional service feature
the two compartments individually loaded. nonhomload, the loading conditions to be considered are to
For elements of the outer shell, the local loads are to be include the cases where the selected holds are empty at
calculated considering separately: draught T, according to the indications specified in the ship
• the still water and wave external sea pressures,
considered as acting alone without any counteraction Further criteria applicable to specific ship types are
from the ship interior specified in Part E.

20 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 1

2.5.3 Draught associated with each loading Table 1 : Navigation coefficients

Local loads are to be calculated on the basis of the ship’s Navigation Navigation
Navigation notation
draught T1 corresponding to the loading condition coefficient n coefficient n1
considered according to the criteria in [2.5.2]. Unrestricted navigation 1,00 1,00
Summer zone 0,90 0,95
2.6 Navigation coefficients
Tropical zone 0,80 0,90
2.6.1 The navigation coefficients, which appear in the
formulae of this Chapter for the definition of wave hull Coastal area 0,80 0,90
girder and local loads, are defined in Tab 1 depending on Sheltered area 0,65 0,80
the assigned navigation notation.

RINA Rules 2024 21

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2


For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to the list at 2 Still water loads
the beginning of this Chapter.
C : Wave parameter:
2.1 General
1 ,5
300 – L
C = 10 ,75 –  ------------------- for 90  L  300m
 100  2.1.1 Still water load calculation (1/7/2003)
C = 10 ,75 for 300  L  350m For all ships, the longitudinal distributions of still water
1 ,5 bending moment and shear force are to be calculated, for
L – 350
C = 10 ,75 –  ------------------- for L  350m each of the loading conditions in [2.1.2], on the basis of
 150 
realistic data related to the amount of cargo, ballast, fuel,
lubricating oil and fresh water. Except for docking condition
1 General afloat, departure and arrival conditions are to be consid-
1.1 Application Where the amount and disposition of consumables at any
intermediate stage of the voyage are considered more
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to ships hav-
severe, calculations for such intermediate conditions are to
ing the following characteristics:
be performed in addition to those for departure and arrival
• L < 500 m conditions. Also, where any ballasting and/or deballasting is
• L/B>5 intended during the voyage, calculations of the intermedi-
• B / D < 2,5 ate condition just before and just after ballasting and/or
• CB  0,6 deballasting any ballast tank are to be considered and
where approved included in the loading manual for guid-
Ships not having one or more of these characteristics, ships ance.
intended for the carriage of heated cargoes and ships of
The actual hull lines and lightweight distribution are to be
unusual type or design will be considered by the Society on
taken into account in the calculations. The lightweight dis-
a case by case basis.
tribution may be replaced, if the actual values are not avail-
able, by a statistical distribution of weights accepted by the
1.2 Sign conventions of vertical bending Society.
moments and shear forces
The designer is to supply the data necessary to verify the
1.2.1 The sign conventions of bending moments and shear calculations of still water loads.
forces at any ship transverse section are as shown in Fig 1, For ships with the service notation container ship, the
namely: torque due to non-uniform distribution of cargo, consuma-
• the vertical bending moment M is positive when it ble liquids and ballast is also to be considered, as specified
induces tensile stresses in the strength deck (hogging in Pt E, Ch 2, Sec 2.
bending moment); it is negative in the opposite case
(sagging bending moment) 2.1.2 Loading conditions (1/1/2022)
• the vertical shear force Q is positive in the case of Still water loads are to be calculated for all the design load-
downward resulting forces preceding and upward ing conditions (cargo and ballast) subdivided into departure
resulting forces following the ship transverse section and arrival conditions, on which the approval of hull struc-
under consideration; it is negative in the opposite case. tural scantlings is based.

Figure 1 : Sign conventions for shear forces Q and bending moments M

22 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2

For all ships, the following loading conditions are to be con- The maximum and minimum filling levels of the
sidered: above-mentioned pairs of side ballast tanks are to be
a) homogeneous loading conditions at maximum draught indicated in the loading manual.
App 2 contains the guidance for partially filled bal-
b) ballast conditions. Ballast loading conditions involving
last tanks in ballast loading conditions.
partially filled peak and/or other ballast tanks at depar-
ture, arrival or during intermediate conditions are not c) cargo loading conditions. For cargo loading conditions
permitted to be used as design conditions unless: involving partially filled peak and/or other ballast tanks,
the requirements specified in b) apply to the peak tanks
• the allowable stress limits (defined in Ch 6, Sec 2,
[3]) are satisfied for all filling levels between empty
and full, and d) sequential ballast water exchange: the requirements
specified in b) or c) are not applicable to ballast water
• for ships with the service notation bulk carrier ESP,
exchange using the sequential method
the requirements in Pt E, Ch 4, Sec 3, [4.4] and in
Pt E, Ch 4, Sec 3, [5.1], as applicable, are complied e) special loadings (e.g. light load conditions at less than
with for all filling levels between empty and full. the maximum draught, deck cargo conditions, etc.,
where applicable)
To demonstrate compliance with all filling levels
between empty and full, it is acceptable if, in each f) short voyage or harbour conditions, where applicable
condition at departure, arrival and, where required g) loading and unloading transitory conditions, where
in [2.1.1], any intermediate condition, the tanks applicable
intended to be partially filled are assumed to be: h) docking condition afloat
• empty i) ballast exchange at sea, if applicable.
• full For ships with the service notation general cargo ship com-
• partially filled at the intended level. pleted by the additional service feature nonhomload, the
Where multiple tanks are intended to be partially loading conditions to be considered are to include the cases
filled, all combinations of empty, full or partially where the selected holds are empty at draught T, according
filled at intended level for those tanks are to be to the indications specified in the ship notation.
investigated. Part E specifies other loading conditions which are to be
However, for ships with the service notation ore car- considered depending on the ship type.
rier ESP or combination carrier/OOC ESP, with
large wing water ballast tanks in the cargo area, Figure 2 : Propeller immersion and
where empty or full ballast water filling levels of one diameter (1/7/2006)
or maximum two pairs of these tanks lead to the
ship's trim exceeding one of the following condi-
• trim by stern equal to 3,0% of the ship's length
• trim by bow equal to 1,5% of the ship's length
• any trim that cannot maintain propeller immer-
sion (I/D) of at least 25%, where:
I : distance, in m, between the propeller centre-
line and the waterline, see Fig 2
D : propeller diameter, in m, see Fig 2,
It is sufficient to demonstrate compliance with maxi-
mum, minimum and intended partial filling levels of
these one or maximum two pairs of ballast tanks
such that the ship's condition does not exceed any
of these trim limits. Filling levels of all other wing
ballast tanks are to be considered between empty
and full.

RINA Rules 2024 23

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2

2.2 Still water bending moments 2.3 Still water shear force

2.2.1 The design still water bending moments MSW,H and 2.3.1 The design still water shear force Q SW at any hull
MSW,S at any hull transverse section are the maximum still transverse section is the maximum positive or negative
water bending moments calculated, in hogging and sagging shear force calculated, at that hull transverse section, for the
conditions, respectively, at that hull transverse section for loading conditions specified in [2.1.2].
the loading conditions specified in [2.1.2].
3 Wave loads
Where no sagging bending moments act in the hull section
considered, the value of M SW,S is to be taken as specified in
Chapter 6 and Chapter 7. 3.1 Vertical wave bending moments

3.1.1 The vertical wave bending moments at any hull

2.2.2 If the design still water bending moments are not
transverse section are obtained, in kN.m, from the following
defined, at a preliminary design stage, at any hull transverse
section, the longitudinal distributions shown in:
• hogging conditions:
• Fig 3, for ships with one of the service notations bulk
2 –3
carrier ESP, ore carrier ESP, combination carrier ESP M WV ,H = 190F M nCL BC B 10
and oil tanker ESP, or • sagging conditions:
• Fig 4, for other ship types, 2
M WV ,S = – 110 F M nC L B  C B + 0 ,7 10

may be considered. where:

In Fig 3 and Fig 4, MSW is the design still water bending FM : Distribution factor defined in Tab 1 (see also
moment amidships, in hogging or sagging conditions, Fig 5).
whose absolute values are to be taken not less than those
obtained, in kN.m, from the following formulae: 3.1.2 The effects of bow flare impact are to be taken into
account, for the cases specified in [4.1.1], according to
• hogging conditions: [4.2.1].
2 –3
M SW M ,H = 175n 1 CL B  C B + 0 ,7 10 – M WV ,H
3.2 Horizontal wave bending moment
• sagging conditions:
3.2.1 The horizontal wave bending moment at any hull
2 –3
M SW M ,S = 175 n 1 CL B  C B + 0 ,7 10 + M WV ,S
transverse section is obtained, in kN.m, from the following
2 ,1
where M WV,H, MWV,S are the vertical wave bending moments, M W H = 1 ,6 F M nL T C B
in kN.m, defined in [3.1].
where FM is the distribution factor defined in [3.1.1].

Figure 3 : Preliminary still water bending moment dis- Table 1 : Distribution factor FM
tribution for oil tankers, bulk carriers and ore carriers
Hull transverse section location Distribution factor FM

0  x  0 ,4L 2 ,5 ---

0 ,4L  x  0 ,65L 1

0 ,65L  x  L 2 ,86  1 – ---
 L

Figure 4 : Preliminary still water bending moment Figure 5 : Distribution factor FM

distribution for other ship types

24 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2

3.3 Wave torque Figure 6 : Ship condition 1 - Distribution factors FTM

and FTQ
3.3.1 The wave torque at any hull transverse section is to
be calculated considering the ship in two different condi-

• condition 1: ship direction forming an angle of 60o with

the prevailing sea direction

• condition 2: ship direction forming an angle of 120o

with the prevailing sea direction.

The values of the wave torques in these conditions, calcu-

lated with respect to the section centre of torsion, are
obtained, in kN.m, from the following formula:

HL- n  F C + F C d 
M W T = ------- Figure 7 : Ship condition 2 - Distribution factors FTM
4 and FTQ


H : Wave parameter:

250 – 0 ,7 L
H = 8 ,13 –  ----------------------------
 125 

without being taken greater than 8,13

FTM , FTQ : Distribution factors defined in Tab 2 for ship

conditions 1 and 2 (see also Fig 6 and Fig 7)

CM : Wave torque coefficient:

2 2
C M = 0 ,38 B C W
3.4 Vertical wave shear force
CQ : Horizontal wave shear coefficient:
3.4.1 The vertical wave shear force at any hull transverse
C Q = 2 ,8T C B
section is obtained, in kN, from the following formula:
CW : Waterplane coefficient, to be taken not greater Q WV = 30 F Q nC LB  C B + 0 ,7 10

than the value obtained from the following for- where:

FQ : Distribution factor defined in Tab 3 for positive
CW = 0 ,165 + 0 ,95C B and negative shear forces (see also Fig 8).

where CB is to be assumed not less than 0,6. In 4 Dynamic loads due to bow flare
the absence of more precise determination, C W
may be taken equal to the value provided by the
above formula.
4.1 Application
d : Vertical distance, in m, from the centre of tor-
sion to a point located 0,6T above the baseline. 4.1.1 The effects of bow flare impact are to be considered
where all the following conditions occur:
• 120 mL 180 m
Table 2 : Distribution factors FTM and FTQ • V  17,5 knots
100F A S
Ship Distribution factor Distribution factor • -------------------  1
condition FTM FTQ
1 2x 2x
1 – cos ---------- sin ---------- AS : Twice the shaded area shown in Fig 9, which is
to be obtained, in m2, from the following for-
2 L – x 2  L – x  mula:
2 1 – cos ------------------------ sin ------------------------
L L A S = ba 0 + 0 ,1L  a 0 + 2 a 1 + a 2 

RINA Rules 2024 25

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2

b, a 0, a1, a2:Distances, in m, shown in Fig 9. up to the extreme forward end of the ship and has the larg-
For multideck ships, the upper deck shown in Fig 9 is to be est breadth forward of 0,2L from the fore end.
taken as the deck (including superstructures) which extends

Figure 8 : Distribution factor FQ

Table 3 : Distribution factor FQ

Distribution factor FQ
Hull transverse section location
Positive wave shear force Negative wave shear force

0  x  0 ,2L 4 ,6A x--- – 4 ,6 x---


0 ,2 L  x  0 ,3L 0,92A - 0,92

x x
0 ,3 L  x  0 ,4L  9 ,2 A – 7   0 ,4 – --- + 0 ,7 – 2 ,2  0 ,4 – --- – 0 ,7

0 ,4 L  x  0 ,6L 0,7 - 0,7

x x
0 ,6 L  x  0 ,7L 3  --- – 0 ,6 + 0 ,7 –  10 A – 7   --- – 0 ,6 – 0 ,7
L  L 

0 ,7 L  x  0 ,85 L 1 -A

x x
0 ,85L  x  L 6 ,67  1 – --- – 6 ,67 A  1 – ---
 L  L
Note 1:
190 C B
A = ------------------------------------
110  CB + 0 ,7 

4.1.2 When the effects of bow flare impact are to be con- 4.2 Increase in sagging wave bending
sidered, according to [4.1.1], the sagging wave bending moment
moment is to be increased as specified in [4.2.1] and
4.2.1 General

4.1.3 The Society may require the effects of bow flare The sagging wave bending moment at any hull transverse
impact to be considered also when one of the conditions in section, defined in [3.1], is to be multiplied by the coeffi-
[4.1.1] does not occur, if deemed necessary on the basis of cient FD obtained from the formulae in Tab 4, which takes
the ship’s characteristics and intended service. into account the dynamic effects of bow flare impact.

In such cases, the increase in sagging wave bending Where at least one of the conditions in [4.1.1] does not
moment is defined on a case by case basis. occur, the coefficient FD may be taken equal to 1.

26 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2

4.2.2 Direct calculations Figure 9 : Area AS

As an alternative to the formulae in [4.2.1], the Society may
accept the evaluation of the effects of bow flare impact from
direct calculations, when justified on the basis of the ship’s
characteristics and intended service. The calculations are to
be submitted to the Society for approval.

Table 4 : Coefficient FD

Hull transverse section

Coefficient FD
0  x < 0,4L 1
0,4L  x < 0,5L x
1 + 10  C D – 1   --- – 0 4

0,5L  x  L CD

Note 1:
C D = 262 5 --------------------------------------
- – 0 6
CLB  C B + 0 7 

without being taken greater than 1,2

AS : Area, in m2, defined in [4.1.1].

RINA Rules 2024 27

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 3


For the symbols not defined in this Section, refer to the list 2 Ship absolute motions and accelera-
at the beginning of this Chapter.
aB : Motion and acceleration parameter:
2.1 Surge
h W
a B = n  0 ,76F + 1 ,875 ------
 L 2.1.1 The surge acceleration aSU is to be taken equal to 0,5
hW : Wave parameter, in m: m/s2.

L – 250 3
2.2 Sway
h W = 11 ,44 – ------------------- for L < 350 m
200 2.2.1 The sway period and acceleration are obtained from
h W = ---------- for L  350 m
L the formulae in Tab 1.

aSU : Surge acceleration, in m/s2, defined in [2.1] Table 1 : Sway period and acceleration
aSW : Sway acceleration, in m/s2, defined in [2.2] Period TSW, in s Acceleration aSW, in m/s2
aH : Heave acceleration, in m/s , defined in [2.3]
0 ,8 L -
------------------------ 0,775 aB g
R : Roll acceleration, in rad/s2, defined in [2.4] 1 ,22F + 1

P : Pitch acceleration, in rad/s2, defined in [2.5]

2.3 Heave
Y : Yaw acceleration, in rad/s 2, defined in [2.6]
TSW : Sway period, in s, defined in [2.2] 2.3.1 The heave acceleration is obtained, in m/s2, from the
following formula:
TR : Roll period, in s, defined in [2.4]
aH = aB g
TP : Pitch period, in s, defined in [2.5]
AR : Roll amplitude, in rad, defined in [2.4] 2.4 Roll
AP : Pitch amplitude, in rad, defined in [2.5]. 2.4.1 The roll amplitude, period and acceleration are
obtained from the formulae in Tab 2.
1 General Table 2 : Roll amplitude, period and acceleration

1.1 Amplitude AR, Period TR, in Acceleration R, in

in rad s rad/s2
1.1.1 Ship motions and accelerations are defined, with  2 2

their signs, according to the reference co-ordinate system in aB E 2 ,2 -------------- AR  -------

GM  TR 
Ch 1, Sec 2, [4].

The meaning of symbols in Tab 2 is as follows:

1.1.2 Ship motions and accelerations are assumed to be
periodic. The motion amplitudes, defined by the formulae GM
- B to be taken not less than 1,0
E = 1 ,39 ---------
in this Section, are half of the crest to through amplitudes. 

GM : Distance, in m, from the ship’s centre of gravity

1.1.3 As an alternative to the formulae in this Section, the to the transverse metacentre, for the loading
Society may accept the values of ship motions and acceler-
considered; when GM is not known, the follow-
ations derived from direct calculations, when justified on
ing values may be assumed:
the basis of the ship’s characteristics and intended service.
In general, the values of ship motions and accelerations to GM = 0,07 B in general
be calculated are those which can be reached with a proba- GM = 0,12 B for ships with the service notation
bility of 10-5 per cycle. In any case, the calculations, includ- bulk carrier ESP or oil tanker ESP
ing the assumed sea scatter diagrams and spectra, are to be GM = 0,16 B for ships with the service notation
submitted to the Society for approval. ore carrier ESP

28 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 3

 : roll radius of gyration, in m, for the loading con- 3.2.3 Inclined ship condition
sidered; when  is not known, the following val- In this condition, the ship encounters waves which produce
ues may be assumed: ship motions in the X-Y and Y-Z planes, i.e. sway, roll and
 = 0,35 B in general yaw.
 = 0,30 B for ships with the service notation
ore carrier ESP. 3.3 Ship relative motions

3.3.1 The reference value of the relative motion in the

2.5 Pitch upright ship condition is obtained, at any hull transverse
section, from the formulae in Tab 4.
2.5.1 The pitch amplitude, period and acceleration are
obtained from the formulae in Tab 3.
Table 4 : Reference value of the relative motion h1
in the upright ship condition
Table 3 : Pitch amplitude, period and acceleration
Reference value of the relative motion h1
Period TP, Acceleration Location
Amplitude AP, in rad in the upright ship condition, in m
in s P, in rad/s2
4 ,35
0 ,7  ----------- – 3 ,25 h1 , M if C B  0 ,875
h W 0 ,6 2 2  C 
Ap  -------
0 ,75
0 ,328 a B  1 ,32 – -------  -------- 0 ,575 L  Tp 
x=0 B
L CB h1 ,M if C B  0 ,875

h 1 ,A E – h1 ,M x
2.6 Yaw 0 < x < 0,3L h 1 ,A E – --------------------------
- ---
0 ,3 L

2.6.1 The yaw acceleration is obtained, in rad/s2, from the 0 ,42n C  CB + 0 ,7 

0,3L  x  0,7L
following formula:
without being taken greater than D-0,9T
aB g
 Y = 1 ,581 -------- h 1 ,FE – h 1 ,M  x---
L 0,7L < x < L - – 0 ,7
h1 ,M + --------------------------
0 ,3 L 

3 Ship relative motions and accelera- 4 ,35

----------- – 3 ,25 h 1 ,M
x=L  C 
tions B

Note 1:
3.1 Definitions C : Wave parameter defined in Sec 2
h1,AE : Reference value h1 calculated for x = 0
3.1.1 Ship relative motions h1,M : Reference value h1 calculated for x = 0,5L
h1,FE : Reference value h1 calculated for x = L
The ship relative motions are the vertical oscillating transla-
tions of the sea waterline on the ship side. They are meas-
ured, with their sign, from the waterline at draught T1. 3.3.2 The reference value, in m, of the relative motion in
the inclined ship condition is obtained, at any hull trans-
3.1.2 Accelerations verse section, from the following formula:
At any point, the accelerations in X, Y and Z direction are BW
h 2 = 0 ,5h 1 + AR ------
the acceleration components which result from the ship 2
motions defined in [2.1] to [2.6].
h1 : Reference value, in m, of the relative motion in
3.2 Ship conditions
the upright ship, calculated according to [3.3.1]
3.2.1 General BW : Moulded breadth, in m, measured at the water-
Ship relative motions and accelerations are to be calculated line at draught T1 at the hull transverse section
considering the ship in the following conditions: considered.

• upright ship condition

3.4 Accelerations
• inclined ship condition.
3.4.1 The reference values of the longitudinal, transverse
3.2.2 Upright ship condition and vertical accelerations at any point are obtained from
In this condition, the ship encounters waves which produce the formulae in Tab 5 for upright and inclined ship condi-
ship motions in the X-Z plane, i.e. surge, heave and pitch. tions.

RINA Rules 2024 29

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 3

Table 5 : Reference values of the accelerations aX, aY and aZ

Direction Upright ship condition Inclined ship condition

X - Longitudinal
aX 1 =
a SU +  AP g +  p  z – T 1  
2 ax 2 = 0
aX1 and aX2 in m/s2

Y - Transverse
a Y1 = 0 a Y2 = a S2W +  A R g +  R  z – T 1   2 +  Y2 K X L 2
aY1 and aY2 in m/s2

Z - Vertical
a Z1 = a H2 +  p2 KX L 2 a Z2 =  R y
aZ1 and aZ2 in m/s2
Note 1:
--- – 1 ,1 x
K X = 1 ,2  x --- + 0 ,2 without being taken less than 0,018
 L L

30 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 4


h1 : Reference value of the ship relative motion in 1.2 Load cases for structural analyses
the upright ship condition, defined in Sec 3, based on complete ship models
h2 : Reference value of the ship relative motion in 1.2.1 When primary supporting members are to be ana-
the inclined ship condition, defined in Sec 3, lysed through complete ship models, according to Ch 7,
[3.3] Sec 3, [1.1.4], specific load cases are to be considered.
aX1,aY1 ,aZ1: Reference values of the accelerations in the
upright ship condition, defined in Sec 3, [3.4] These load cases are to be defined considering the ship as
sailing in regular waves with different length, height and
aX2,aY2 ,aZ2: Reference values of the accelerations in the heading angle, each wave being selected in order to max-
inclined ship condition, defined in Sec 3, [3.4] imise a design load parameter. The procedure for the deter-
MWV : Reference value of the vertical wave bending mination of these load cases is specified in Ch 7, App 3.
moment, defined in Sec 2, [3.1]
MWH : Reference value of the horizontal wave bending
moment, defined in Sec 2, [3.2] 2 Load cases
MWT : Reference value of the wave torque, defined in
Sec 2, [3.3] 2.1 Upright ship conditions (Load cases “a”
Q WV : Reference value of the vertical wave shear and “b”)
force, defined in Sec 2, [3.4].
2.1.1 Ship condition
1 General The ship is considered to encounter a wave which produces
(see Fig 1 for load case “a” and Fig 2 for load case “b”) a
1.1 Load cases for structural analyses relative motion of the sea waterline (both positive and nega-
based on partial ship models tive) symmetric on the ship sides and induces wave vertical
bending moment and shear force in the hull girder. In load
1.1.1 The load cases described in this section are those to case “b”, the wave is also considered to induce heave and
be used for structural element analyses which do not pitch motions.
require complete ship modelling. They are:
• the analyses of plating (see Ch 7, Sec 1) 2.1.2 Local loads
• the analyses of ordinary stiffeners (see Ch 7, Sec 2)
The external pressure is obtained by adding to or subtract-
• the analyses of primary supporting members analysed
ing from the still water head a wave head corresponding to
through isolated beam structural models or three dimen-
the relative motion.
sional structural models (see Ch 7, Sec 3)
• the fatigue analysis of the structural details of the above The internal loads are the still water loads induced by the
elements (see Ch 7, Sec 4). weights carried, including those carried on decks. For load
case “b”, those induced by the accelerations are also to be
1.1.2 These load cases are the mutually exclusive load taken into account.
cases “a”, “b”, “c” and “d” described in [2].
Load cases “a” and “b” refer to the ship in upright condi- 2.1.3 Hull girder loads
tions (see Sec 3, [3.2]), i.e. at rest or having surge, heave
and pitch motions. The hull girder loads are:
Load cases “c” and “d” refer to the ship in inclined condi- • the vertical still water bending moment and shear force
tions (see Sec 3, [3.2]), i.e. having sway, roll and yaw
motions. • the vertical wave bending moment and the shear force.

RINA Rules 2024 31

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 4

Figure 1 : Wave loads in load case “a” 2.2.2 Local loads

The external pressure is obtained by adding or subtracting
from the still water head a wave head linearly variable from
positive values on one side of the ship to negative values on
the other.
The internal loads are the still water loads induced by the
weights carried, including those carried on decks, and the
wave loads induced by the accelerations.

Figure 3 : Wave loads in load case “c”

Figure 4 : Wave loads in load case “d”

Figure 2 : Wave loads in load case “b”

2.2.3 Hull girder loads

2.2 Inclined ship conditions (Load cases “c”
The hull girder loads are:
and “d”)
• the still water bending moment and shear force
2.2.1 Ship condition • the vertical wave bending moment and shear force
The ship is considered to encounter a wave which produces • the horizontal wave bending moment
(see Fig 3 for load case “c” and Fig 4 for load case “d”): • the wave torque (for load case “c”).
• sway, roll and yaw motions
• a relative motion of the sea waterline anti-symmetric on 2.3 Summary of load cases
the ship sides
2.3.1 The wave local and hull girder loads to be consid-
and induces: ered in each load case are summarised in Tab 1 and Tab 2,
• vertical wave bending moment and shear force in the respectively.
hull girder These loads are obtained by multiplying, for each load case,
• horizontal wave bending moment in the hull girder the reference value of each wave load by the relevant com-
• in load case “c”, torque in the hull girder. bination factor.

32 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 4

Table 1 : Wave local loads in each load case

Relative motions Accelerations aX, aY , aZ

Ship condition Load case
Reference value Combination factor Reference value Combination factor
Upright “a” h1 1,0 aX1 ; 0; aZ1 0,0

“b” (1) h1 0,5 aX1 ; 0; aZ1 1,0

Inclined “c” (2) h2 1,0 0; aY2; aZ2 0,7

“d” (2) h2 0,5 0; aY2; aZ2 1,0

(1) For a ship moving with a positive heave motion:

• h1 is positive
• the cargo acceleration aX1 is directed towards the positive part of the X axis
• the cargo acceleration aZ1 is directed towards the negative part of the Z axis
(2) For a ship rolling with a negative roll angle:
• h2 is positive for the points located in the positive part of the Y axis and, vice-versa, it is negative for the points located in
the negative part of the Y axis
• the cargo acceleration aY2 is directed towards the positive part of the Y axis
• the cargo acceleration aZ2 is directed towards the negative part of the Z axis for the points located in the positive part of
the Y axis and, vice-versa, it is directed towards the positive part of the Z axis for the points located in the negative part of
the Y axis.

Table 2 : Wave hull girder loads in each load case

Vertical bending Horizontal bending

Vertical shear force Torque
Ship Load moment moment
condition case Reference Comb. Reference Comb. Reference Comb. Reference Comb.
value factor value factor value factor value factor
Upright “a” 0,625 MWV 1,0 0,625QWV 1,0 0,625 MWH 0,0 0,625MT 0,0

“b” 0,625 MWV 1,0 0,625QWV 1,0 0,625 MWH 0,0 0,625MT 0,0

Inclined “c” 0,625 MWV 0,4 0,625QWV 0,4 0,625 MWH 1,0 0,625MT 1,0

“d” 0,625 MWV 0,4 0,625QWV 0,4 0,625 MWH 1,0 0,625MT 0,0

Note 1: The sign of the hull girder loads, to be considered in association with the wave local loads for the scantling of plating, ordi-
nary stiffeners and primary supporting members contributing to the hull girder longitudinal strength, is defined in Chapter 7.

RINA Rules 2024 33

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 5


For the symbols not defined in this Section, refer to the list 1.2 Exposed decks
at the beginning of this Chapter.
 : Sea water density, taken equal to 1,025 t/m3 1.2.1 Application (1/1/2023)
h1 : Reference values of the ship relative motions in The still water and wave sea pressures defined in [1.2.2]
the upright ship condition, defined in Sec 3, and [2.1.2] for exposed decks are to be considered inde-
[3.3] pendently of the pressures due to dry uniform cargoes, dry
unit cargoes or wheeled cargoes, if any, as defined in Sec 6,
h2 : Reference values of the ship relative motions in
[4], [5] and [6] respectively.
the inclined ship conditions, defined in Sec 3,
[3.3]. 1.2.2 Still water pressure on exposed
decks (1/1/2023)
1 Still water pressure The still water pressure on exposed decks is to be taken
equal to 10., where  is defined in Tab 2.
1.1 Pressure on sides and bottom
Table 2 : Coefficient for pressure on exposed
1.1.1 The still water pressure at any point of the hull is
decks (1/7/2011)
obtained from the formulae in Tab 1 (see also Fig 1).

Table 1 : Still water pressure Exposed deck location 

Still water pressure pS, Freeboard deck 1,00

in kN/m2 Superstructure deck 0,75
Points at and below the waterline 1st tier of deckhouse 0,56
(z T1) g  T 1 – z 
2nd tier of deckhouse 0,42
Points above the waterline
0 3rd tier of deckhouse 0,32
(z >T1)
4th tier of deckhouse 0,25
Figure 1 : Still water pressure 5th tier of deckhouse 0,20
6th tier of deckhouse 0,15
7th tier of deckhouse and above 0,10

2 Wave pressure

2.1 Upright ship conditions (Load cases “a”

and “b”)

2.1.1 Pressure on sides and bottom

The wave pressure at any point of the hull is obtained from
the formulae in Tab 3 (see also Fig 2 for load case “a” and
Fig 3 for load case “b”).

34 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 5

Figure 2 : Wave pressure in load case “a” 2.1.2 Pressure on exposed decks
The wave pressure on exposed decks is to be considered for
load cases “a, crest” and “b” only. This pressure is obtained
from the formulae in Tab 4.

2.2 Inclined ship conditions (Load cases “c”

and “d”)
2.2.1 The wave pressure at any point of the hull is
obtained from the formulae in Tab 5 (see also Fig 4 for load
case “c” and Fig 5 for load case “d”).

Figure 4 : Wave pressure in load case “c”

Figure 3 : Wave pressure in load case “b” Figure 5 : Wave pressure in load case “d”

RINA Rules 2024 35

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 5

Table 3 : Wave pressure on sides and bottom in upright ship conditions (load cases “a” and “b”)

Location Wave pressure pW, in kN/m2
crest trough (1)
Bottom and sides below the waterline with: – 2  T 1 – z 
L 1,0 -1,0
z  T1 – h C 1 ghe

Sides below the waterline with: – 2  T 1 – z  z – T1

T1 – h  z  T1
L 1,0 --------------
C 1  ghe h

Sides above the waterline: C 1 g  T 1 + h – z 

z  T1 1,0 0,0
without being taken less than 0,15 C1 L for load
case "a" only
(1) The wave pressure for load case “b, trough” is to be used only for the fatigue check of structural details according to Ch 7,
Sec 4.
Note 1:
h = CF1h1
CF1 : Combination factor, to be taken equal to:
• CF1 = 1,0 for load case “a”
• CF1 = 0,5 for load case “b”.

Table 4 : Wave pressure on exposed decks in upright ship conditions (load cases “a” and “b”)

Location Wave pressure pW, in kN/m2

0  x  0,5 L 17 ,5 n

0,5 L < x < 0,75 L

 19 6 H F – 17 ,5  x- 
 17 ,5 + ------------------------------------------  -- – 0 ,5  n
0 25 L 
 , 

0,75 L  x  L 19 ,6 n H

Note 1:
x VL
H = C F1 2 ,66  --- – 0 ,7 + 0 ,14 ------- –  z – T 1  without being taken less than 0,8
L  CB

 : Coefficient defined in Tab 2

HF : Value of H calculated at x = 0,75L
CF1 : Combination factor, to be taken equal to:
• CF1 = 1,0 for load case “a, crest”
• CF1 = 0,5 for load case “b”
V : Maximum ahead service speed, in knots, to be taken not less than 13 knots.

36 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 5

Table 5 : Wave pressure in inclined ship conditions (load cases “c” and “d”)

C2 (negative roll angle)

Location Wave pressure pW, in kN/m2
y 0 y<0
Bottom and sides below the waterline with: –2   T – z  –  T – z 
y - h e ------------------------------
C 2 C F 2  g ------ L

+ A R ye L
1,0 1,0
z  T1 – h BW

Sides below the waterline with: –2   T – z  –  T – z 

T1 – z
y - h e ------------------------------
C 2 C F 2  g ------ L

+ A R ye L
1,0 --------------
T1 – h  z  T1 BW

Sides above the waterline: y - h + A y – z

C 2 g T 1 + C F 2  ------
z  T1  BW 1 R

1,0 0,0
without being taken less than 0,15 C2 L for load case
"c" only
Exposed decks y
C 2 g T 1 + C F 2  ------- h 1 + A R y – z
 BW 
0,4 0,0
without being taken less than 0,15 C2 L for load case
"c" only
Note 1:
h = CF2h2
CF2 : Combination factor, to be taken equal to:
• CF2 = 1,0 for load case “c”
• CF2 = 0,5 for load case “d”.
BW : Moulded breadth, in m, measured at the waterline at draught T1, at the hull transverse section considered
AR : Roll amplitude, defined in Sec 3, [2.4.1].

RINA Rules 2024 37

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6


For the symbols not defined in this Section, refer to the list bulkhead; to this end, wash bulkheads are those
at the beginning of this Chapter. satisfying the requirements in Ch 4, Sec 7, [5]
L : Density, in t/m 3, of the liquid carried bC : Transverse distance, in m, between longitudinal
B : Density, in t/m , of the dry bulk cargo carried
3 watertight bulkheads or longitudinal wash bulk-
(see also [3]); in certain cases, such as spoils, heads, if any, or between a longitudinal water-
tight bulkhead and the adjacent longitudinal
the water held by capillarity is to be taken into
wash bulkhead; to this end, wash bulkheads are
those satisfying the requirements in Ch 4, Sec 7,
zTOP : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the highest point of the [5]
tank in the z direction
dTB : Vertical distance, in m, from the baseline to the
zL : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the highest point of the tank bottom.
z L = z TO P + 0 ,5  z AP – z TO P  1 Liquids
zAP : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the top of air pipe, to be
taken not less than zTOP 1.1 Still water pressure
pPV : Setting pressure, in bar, of safety valves 1.1.1 Still water pressure for completely filled tanks
M : Mass, in t, of a dry unit cargo carried
aX1,aY1,a Z1: Reference values of the accelerations in the The still water pressure to be used in combination with the
upright ship condition, defined in Sec 3, [3.4], inertial pressure in [1.2] is the greater of the values
calculated in way of: obtained, in kN/m2, from the following formulae:

• the centre of gravity of the compartment, in pS = L g  zL – z 

general p S =  L g  z TO P – z  + 100p PV
• the centre of gravity of any dry unit cargo, in
In no case is it to be taken, in kN/m2, less than:
the case of this type of cargo
0 8L 1 
aX2,aY2,a Z2: Reference values of the accelerations in the p S =  L g  --------------------
 420 – L 1
inclined ship condition, defined in Sec 3, [3.4],
calculated in way of:
1.1.2 Still water pressure for partly filled tanks
• the centre of gravity of the compartment, in
The still water pressure to be used in combination with the
dynamic pressure in [2] is to be obtained, in kN/m2, from
• the centre of gravity of any dry unit cargo, in the following formulae:
the case of this type of cargo
• in the case of no restrictions on the filling level (see
CFA : Combination factor, to be taken equal to: [2.2]):
• CFA = 0,7 for load case “c” p s = 0 2  L g  z – d TB 
• CFA = 1,0 for load case “d” • in the case of restrictions on the filling level (see [2.3]):
H : Height, in m, of a tank, to be taken as the verti- p S =  L g  d F + d TB – z 
cal distance from the bottom to the top of the
tank, excluding any small hatchways
1.2 Inertial pressure
dF : Filling level, in m, of a tank, to be taken as the
vertical distance, measured with the ship at rest, 1.2.1 Inertial pressure
from the bottom of the tank to the free surface of The inertial pressure is obtained from the formulae in Tab 1,
the liquid and is to be taken such that:
C : Longitudinal distance, in m, between transverse pS + pW  0
watertight bulkheads or transverse wash bulk-
heads, if any, or between a transverse watertight where pS is defined in [1.1].
bulkhead and the adjacent transverse wash For typical tank arrangements, see also App 1.

38 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6

Table 1 : Liquids - Inertial pressure

Ship condition Load case Inertial pressure pW , in kN/m2

Upright “a” No inertial pressure

“b”  L  0 5a X1 B + a Z1  z TO P – z  

Inclined “c”
(negative roll angle)  L  a TY  y – y H  + a TZ  z – z H  + g  z – z T O P  
Note 1:
B : Longitudinal distance, in m, between the transverse tank boundaries, without taking into account small recesses in the
lower part of the tank (see Fig 1)
aTY, aTZ : Y and Z components, in m/s2, of the total acceleration vector defined in [1.2.2] for load case “c” and load case “d”
yH, zH : Y and Z co-ordinates, in m, of the highest point of the tank in the direction of the total acceleration vector, defined in
[1.2.3] for load case “c” and load case “d”.

Figure 1 : Upright ship conditions - Distance  B 1.2.3 Highest point of the tank in the direction of the
total acceleration vector
The highest point of the tank in the direction of the total
acceleration vector AT, defined in [1.2.2], is the point of the
tank boundary whose projection on the direction forming
the angle  with the vertical direction is located at the
greatest distance from the tank’s centre of gravity. It is to be
determined for the inclined ship condition, as indicated in
Fig 2, where A and G are the vectors defined in [1.2.2] and
C is the tank’s centre of gravity.

Figure 2 : Inclined ship conditions

Highest point H of the tank in the direction
of the total acceleration vector

1.2.2 Total acceleration vector

The total acceleration vector is the vector obtained from the
following formula:

AT = A + G

A : Acceleration vector whose absolute values of X,
Y and Z components are the longitudinal, trans-
verse and vertical accelerations defined in
Sec 3, [3.4]
G : Gravity acceleration vector. 2 Dynamic pressure in partly filled
The Y and Z components of the total acceleration vector tanks intended for the carriage of
and the angle it forms with the z direction are defined in liquid cargoes or ballast
Tab 2.
2.1 Risk of resonance
Table 2 : Inclined ship conditions
Y and Z components of the total acceleration vector 2.1.1 Where tanks are partly filled at a level 0,1H  dF 
and angle  it forms with the z direction 0,95H, the risk of resonance between:
• the ship pitch motion and the longitudinal motion of the
Components (negative roll angle) liquid inside the tank, for upright ship condition
Angle , in rad • the ship sway and roll motion and the transverse motion
aTY , in m/s2 aTZ , in m/s 2
of the liquid inside the tank, for inclined ship condition
a TY
0,7CFAaY2 -0,7CFAaZ2 - g atan ------- is to be evaluated on the basis of the criteria specified in
a TZ
Tab 3.

RINA Rules 2024 39

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6

0,95H. In general, filling levels spaced at intervals of 0,1H

Table 3 : Criteria for the evaluation are to be considered with the additional level of 0,95H. The
of the risk of resonance Society may require examination of other filling levels
where deemed necessary on the basis of the tank’s shape
Ship Resonance and the ship’s characteristics.
Risk of resonance if:
condition due to:

Upright T dF Pitch Figure 3 : Length  S of the free surface of the liquid

-----X  0 ,7 and -----  0 ,1

Inclined T d Roll
0 ,7  ----Y-  1 ,3 and -----F-  0 ,1

TY d Sway
-  0 ,7 and
-------- -----F-  0 ,1

TX : Natural period, in s, of the liquid motion in the
longitudinal direction:

4  S
TX = ------------------------
g tanh ---------F
TY : Natural period, in s, of the liquid motion in the
transverse direction:

4 b S
TY = ------------------------
g tanh ---------F

S : Length, in m, of the free surface of the liquid,

measured horizontally with the ship at rest and
depending on the filling level d F, as shown in
Fig 3; in this figure, wash bulkheads are those
satisfying the requirements in Ch 4, Sec 7, [5]
bS : Breadth, in m, of the free surface of the liquid,
measured horizontally with the ship at rest and
depending on the filling level d F, as shown in
Fig 4 for ships without longitudinal watertight or 2.2.2 Risk of resonance in upright ship condition
wash bulkheads; for ships fitted with longitudi-
Where there is a risk of resonance in upright ship condition,
nal watertight or wash bulkheads (see Fig 5), bS
the sloshing pressure calculated according to [2.2.4] is to
is delimited by these bulkheads (to this end,
be considered as acting on the transverse bulkheads which
wash bulkheads are those satisfying the require-
form tank boundaries.
ments in Ch 4, Sec 7, [5])
TP : Pitch period, in s, defined in Sec 3, [2] Where tank bottom transverses or wash transverses are fit-
ted, the sloshing pressure calculated according to [2.2.5] is
TR : Roll period, in s, defined in Sec 3, [2]
to be considered as acting on them.
TSW : Sway period, in s, defined in Sec 3, [2].
The Society may also require the sloshing pressure to be
2.1.2 The Society may accept that the risk of resonance is considered when there is no risk of resonance, but the tank
evaluated on the basis of dynamic calculation procedures, arrangement is such that C/L > 0,15.
where deemed necessary in relation to the tank’s dimen-
sions and the ship’s characteristics. The calculations are to 2.2.3 Risk of resonance in inclined ship condition
be submitted to the Society for approval.
Where there is a risk of resonance in inclined ship condi-
2.2 Dynamic pressure in the case of no tion, the sloshing pressure calculated according to [2.2.4] is
to be considered as acting on longitudinal bulkheads, inner
restrictions on the filling level
sides or sides which, as the case may be, form tank bounda-
2.2.1 Evaluation of the risk of resonance
Where there are no restrictions on the filling level d F, the If sloped longitudinal topsides are fitted, they are to be con-
risk of resonance is to be evaluated, according to the proce- sidered as subjected to the sloshing pressure if their height
dure in [2.1], for various filling levels between 0,1H and is less than 0,3H.

40 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6

Figure 4 : Breadth b S of the free surface of the liquid, Figure 5 : Breadth bS of the free surface of the liquid,
for ships without longitudinal bulkheads for ships with longitudinal bulkheads

Figure 6 : Sloshing pressure pSL

in the case of no restrictions on the filling level

2.2.4 Sloshing pressure

The sloshing pressure is obtained, in kN/m 2, from the fol-

lowing formulae (see Fig 6):

z – d TB
p SL = ---------------- p0 for z  0 ,6H + d T B
0 ,6H
p SL = p 0 for 0 ,6H + d T B  z  0 ,7H + d TB
H + d TB – z
p SL - p0
= --------------------------- for z  0 ,7 H + d TB
0 ,3 H

where p0 is the reference pressure, in kN/m2, defined in

Tab 4 for upright and inclined ship conditions.

2.2.5 Sloshing pressure on tank bottom

transverses in the case of resonance in
upright ship condition

Where there is a risk of resonance in upright ship condition,

the sloshing pressure to be considered as acting on tank
bottom transverses is obtained, in kN/m2, from the follow-
ing formula:

p SL ,W = 0 ,8 L g  1 ,95 – 0 ,12 n   z – d TB 

where n is the number of bottom transverses in the tank.

RINA Rules 2024 41

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6

Table 4 : Reference pressure for calculation of sloshing pressures

Ship Reference pressure p0 ,

Meaning of symbols used in the definition of p0
condition in kN/m2
Upright  U L g S C AP U : Coefficient defined as follows:
U = 1,0 in the case of smooth tanks or tanks with bottom transverses
whose height, in m, measured from the tank bottom, is less than 0,1H
U = 0,4 in the case of tanks with bottom transverses whose height, in
m, measured from the tank bottom, is not less than 0,1H
S : Coefficient defined as follows:
S = 0,4 + 0,008 L if L  200 m
S = 1,2 + 0,004 L if L > 200 m
AP : Pitch amplitude, in rad, defined in Sec 3, [2].

Inclined B- I : Coefficient defined as follows:

1 ,15 I L gC S B  1 – 0 ,3 -----
 b C • if bC / B  0,3: I = 0
• if bC / B > 0,3:
I = 1 in the case of smooth tanks or tanks with bottom girders
whose height, in m, measured from the tank bottom, is less than
I = 0,4 in the case of tanks with bottom girders whose height, in m,
measured from the tank bottom, is not less than 0,1H
CS : Coefficient defined as follows:
CS =0,8 bC AR if there is a risk of resonance due to roll (see [2.1.1])
CS = 4,9 - 0,01L if there is a risk of resonance due to sway (see [2.1.1])
AR : Roll amplitude, in rad, defined in Sec 3, [2].

2.2.6 Impact pressure in the case of resonance in hT

upright ship condition  = 1 – -------------
0 ,3 H
Where there is a risk of resonance in upright ship condition,
to be taken not less than zero,
the impact pressure due to the liquid motions is to be con-
sidered as acting on: where hT is the height, in m, of the sloped part of the trans-
• transverse bulkheads which form tank boundaries, in verse bulkhead.
the area extended vertically 0,15 H from the tank top
2.2.7 Impact pressure in the case of resonance in
• the tank top in the area extended longitudinally 0,3 C inclined ship condition
from the above transverse bulkheads.
Where there is a risk of resonance in inclined ship condi-
The Society may also require the impact pressure to be con- tion, the impact pressure due to the liquid motions is to be
sidered as acting on the above structures when there is no considered as acting on:
risk of resonance, but the tank arrangement is such that C/L • longitudinal bulkheads, inner sides or sides which, as
> 0,15. the case may be, form tank boundaries, in the area
Where the upper part of a transverse bulkhead is sloped, the extended vertically 0,15 H from the tank top
impact pressure is to be considered as acting on the sloped • the tank top in the area extended transversely 0,3bC
part of the transverse bulkhead and the tank top (as the case from the above longitudinal bulkheads, inner sides or
may be) in the area extended longitudinally 0,3  C from the sides.
transverse bulkhead.
The impact pressure is obtained, in kN/m2, from the follow- Where the upper part of a longitudinal bulkhead, inner side
ing formula: or side is sloped, the impact pressure is to be considered as
acting on this sloped part and the tank top (as the case may
C be) in the area extended transversely 0,3bC from the longitu-
p I ,U = U  L g C A P  0 ,9 + -----  2 ,6 + 0 ,007 L 
 L dinal bulkhead, inner side or side.
where: The impact pressure is obtained, in kN/m2, from the follow-
U : Coefficient defined in Tab 4 ing formula:
AP : Pitch amplitude, in rad, defined in Sec 3, [2]. p I ,I = 0 ,8 I  L gC S  0 ,375B – 4 
Where the upper part of a transverse bulkhead is sloped, the
pressure pI,U may be multiplied by the coefficient  obtained where:
from the following formula: I, CS : Coefficients defined in Tab 4.

42 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6

Where the upper part of a longitudinal bulkhead, inner side where p0 is the reference pressure defined in Tab 4 for
or side is sloped, the pressure pI,I may be multiplied by the upright and inclined ship conditions.
coefficient  obtained from the following formula:
hT Figure 7 : Sloshing pressure pSL,R in the case of
 = 1 – -------------
0 ,3 H restrictions on the filling level
to be taken not less than zero,
where hT is the height, in m, of the sloped part of the longi-
tudinal bulkhead, inner side or side.

2.2.8 Alternative methods

The Society may accept that the dynamic pressure is evalu-
ated on the basis of dynamic calculation procedures, where
deemed necessary in relation to the tank’s dimensions and
the ship’s characteristics. The calculations are to be submit-
ted to the Society for verification.

2.3 Dynamic pressure in the case of restric-

tions on the filling level

2.3.1 Evaluation of the risk of resonance

Where there are restrictions on the filling level dF, the risk of
resonance is to be evaluated, according to the procedure in
[2.1], for the permitted filling levels where these are
between 0,1H and 0,95H.

2.3.2 Risk of resonance in upright ship condition

Where there is a risk of resonance in upright ship condition
for a permitted dF, the sloshing pressure calculated accord-
ing to [2.3.4] is to be considered as acting on transverse
bulkheads which form tank boundaries, in the area
extended vertically 0,2d F above and below d F (see Fig 7).
The Society may also require the sloshing pressure to be
considered when there is no risk of resonance, but the tank
arrangement is such that C/L > 0,15.

2.3.3 Risk of resonance in inclined ship condition 2.3.5 Impact pressure

Where there is a risk of resonance in inclined ship condi- Where there is a risk of resonance for a permitted dF, the
tion for a permitted d F, the sloshing pressure calculated impact pressure due to the liquid motions is to be calcu-
according to [2.3.4] is to be considered as acting on longi-
lated as per [2.2.6] and [2.2.7] for upright and inclined ship
tudinal bulkheads, inner sides or sides which, as the case
may be, form tank boundaries, in the area extended verti- conditions, respectively.
cally 0,2d F above and below d F (see Fig 7).
The Society may also require the impact pressure for upright
If sloped longitudinal topsides are fitted, they are to be con- ship condition to be considered when there is no risk of res-
sidered as subjected to the sloshing pressure if their height onance, but the tank arrangement is such that C/L > 0,15.
is less than 0,3H.

2.3.4 Sloshing pressure 3 Dry bulk cargoes

Where there is a risk of resonance for a permitted dF, the
sloshing pressure is obtained, in kN/m2, from the following
formulae: 3.1 Still water and inertial pressures

p SL ,R = -------------p 0 for d F  0 ,6 H 3.1.1 Pressures transmitted to the hull structures
0 ,6H
p SL ,R = p 0 for 0 ,6 H  d F  0 ,7 H The still water and inertial pressures (excluding those acting
H–d on the sloping plates of topside tanks, which may be taken
p SL ,R = ----------------F p 0 for d F  0 ,7H
0 ,3 H equal to zero) are obtained, in kN/m2, as specified in Tab 5.

RINA Rules 2024 43

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6

Table 5 : Dry bulk cargoes - Still water and inertial pressures

Ship condition Load case Still water pressure pS and inertial pressure pW, in kN/m2

Still water
  2
p S =  B g  z B – z    sin   tan  45 – ---
2 o
+  cos   
 2 

Upright “a” No inertial pressure

  2
p W =  B a Z1  z B – z    sin   tan  45 – ---
2 o
“b” +  cos   
 2 

Inclined “c” The inertial pressure transmitted to the hull structures in inclined condition may gen-
erally be disregarded. Specific cases in which this simplification is not deemed per-
“d” missible by the Society are considered individually.
Note 1:
zB : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the rated upper surface of the bulk cargo (horizontal ideal plane of the volume filled by the
cargo); see [3.1.2]
 : Angle, in degrees, between the horizontal plane and the surface of the hull structure to which the calculation point
 : Angle of repose, in degrees, of the bulk cargo (considered drained and removed); in the absence of more precise eval-
uation, the following values may be taken:
•  = 30o in general
•  = 35o for iron ore
• = 25o for cement.

3.1.2 Rated upper surface of the bulk cargo Figure 8 : Rated upper surface of the bulk cargo
The Z co-ordinate of the rated upper surface of the bulk
cargo is obtained, in m, from the following formula (see
Fig 8):
----------- + -------- +  h HT – h D B b H T
 B H H
z B = ---------------------------------------------------------------------- + h DB
2y H T
MC : Mass of cargo, in t, in the hold considered
H : Length, in m, of the hold, to be taken as the lon-
gitudinal distance between the transverse bulk-
heads which form boundaries of the hold
VLS : Volume, in m 3, of the transverse bulkhead lower
stool (above the inner bottom), to be taken
equal to zero in the case of bulkheads fitted
without lower stool
hHT : Height, in m, of the hopper tank, to be taken as
the vertical distance from the baseline to the top
of the hopper tank
hDB : Height, in m, of the double bottom, to be taken
as the vertical distance from the baseline to the
inner bottom
bHT : Breadth, in m, of the hopper tank, to be taken as
the transverse distance from the outermost dou-
ble bottom girder to the outermost point of the
hopper tank
yHT : Half breadth, in m, of the hold, measured at the
middle of H and at a vertical level correspond-
ing to the top of the hopper tank.

44 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6

4 Dry uniform cargoes 5 Dry unit cargoes

4.1 Still water and inertial pressures 5.1 Still water and inertial forces
4.1.1 General 5.1.1 The still water and inertial forces transmitted to the
The still water and inertial pressures are obtained, in kN/m2, hull structures are to be determined on the basis of the
as specified in Tab 6. forces obtained, in kN, as specified in Tab 7, taking into
In ships with two or more decks, the pressure transmitted to account the elastic characteristics of the lashing arrange-
the deck structures by the dry uniform cargoes in cargo ment and/or the structure which contains the cargo.
compartments is to be considered.

4.1.2 General cargo ships with the service notation 6 Wheeled cargoes
completed with the additional service feature
heavycargo (1/7/2005) 6.1 Still water and inertial forces
For ships with the service notation general cargo ship com-
pleted by the additional service feature heavycargo 6.1.1 General
[AREA1, X1 kN/m2 -AREA2, X2 kN/m2 - ....] (see Pt A, Ch 1,
Caterpillar trucks and unusual vehicles are considered by
Sec 2, [4.2.2]), the values of pS, in kN/m2, are to be speci- the Society on a case by case basis.
fied by the Designer for each AREAi, according to [4.1.1],
and introduced as Xi values in the above service feature. The load supported by the crutches of semi-trailers, han-
dling machines and platforms is considered by the Society
The values of Xi, in kN/m 2 , are to be greater than10 kN/m2
on a case by case basis.
or 6,9 h TD, as applicable, where hTD is the compartment
'tweendeck height at side, in m. 6.1.2 Tyred vehicles
Table 6 : Dry uniform cargoes The forces transmitted through the tyres are comparable to
Still water and inertial pressures pressure uniformly distributed on the tyre print, whose
dimensions are to be indicated by the Designer together
Ship Load Still water pressure pS with information concerning the arrangement of wheels on
condition case and inertial pressure pW, in kN/m2 axles, the load per axles and the tyre pressures.
Still The value of pS is generally specified by With the exception of dimensioning of plating, such forces
water the Designer; in any case, it may not be may be considered as concentrated in the tyre print centre.
taken less than 10 kN/m2.
The still water and inertial forces transmitted to the hull
When the value of pS is not specified by
structures are to be determined on the basis of the forces
the Designer, it may be taken, in kN/m2,
obtained, in kN, as specified in Tab 8.
equal to 6,9 hTD , where hTD is the com-
partment ‘tweendeck height at side, in
6.1.3 Non-tyred vehicles
The requirements of [6.1.2] also apply to tracked vehicles;
Upright “a” No inertial pressure
in this case the print to be considered is that below each
a Z1 wheel or wheelwork.
heave “b” pW ,Z = p S ------- in z direction
motion) g For vehicles on rails, all the forces transmitted are to be con-
Inclined “c” CFA a Y2
sidered as concentrated.
(negative p W ,Y = p S ----------------
- in y direction
roll “d” CFA a Z2
p W ,Z = p S ---------------- in z direction
7 Accommodation
angle) g

7.1 Still water and inertial pressures

Table 7 : Dry unit cargoes
Still water and inertial forces (1/7/2005) 7.1.1 The still water and inertial pressures transmitted to
the deck structures are obtained, in kN/m2, as specified in
Ship Load Still water force FS Tab 9.
condition case and inertial force FW, in kN
Still water FS = Mg 8 Machinery
Upright “a” No inertial force
(positive 8.1 Still water and inertial pressures
heave F W ,X = Ma X1 in x direction
motion) F W ,Z = Ma Z1 in z direction
8.1.1 The still water and inertial pressures transmitted to
Inclined “c” the deck structures are obtained, in kN/m2, as specified in
F W ,Y = MC FA a Y 2 in y direction Tab 11.
roll angle) “d” F W ,Z = MC FA a Z 2 in z direction

RINA Rules 2024 45

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6

Table 8 : Wheeled cargoes Ship Still water pressure pS

Still water and inertial forces case
condition and inertial pressure pW, in kN/m2

Ship Still water force FS Inclined “c” The inertial pressure transmitted to the
deck structures in inclined condition
condition case and inertial force F W , in kN
may generally be disregarded. Specific
Still water FS = Mg cases in which this simplification is not
(1) (2) “d” deemed permissible by the Society are
considered individually.
Upright “a” No inertial force
heave “b”
motion) F W ,Z = Ma Z 1 in z direction Table 10 : Still water deck pressure
(1) in accommodation compartments
Inclined “c”
Type of accommodation compartment pS , in kN/m2
(negative F W ,Y = MC FA a Y2 in y direction
roll angle) “d” F W ,Z = MC FA a Z2 in z direction Large public spaces, such as: 5,0
(2) restaurants, halls, cinemas, lounges
(1) This condition defines the force, applied by one wheel, Large rooms, such as: 3,0
to be considered for the determination of scantlings of games and hobbies rooms, hospitals
plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting Cabins 3,0
members, as defined in Chapter 7, with M obtained, in
Other compartments 2,5
t, from the following formula:
M = -------
Table 11 : Machinery
where: Still water and inertial pressures
QA :
Axle load, in t. For fork-lift trucks, the
value of QA is to be taken equal to the total Ship Load Still water pressure pS
mass of the vehicle, including that of the condition case and inertial pressure pW , in kN/m2
cargo handled, applied to one axle only. Still pS = 10
nW : Number of wheels for the axle considered. water
(2) This condition is to be considered for the racking analy- Upright “a” No inertial pressure
sis of ships with the service notation ro-ro cargo ship or (positive
ro-ro passenger ship, as defined in Ch 7, App 1, with M heave a Z1
“b” p W = pS -------
taken equal to the mass, in t, of wheeled loads located motion) g
on the structural member under consideration.
Inclined “c” The inertial pressure transmitted to the
(3) For fork-lift trucks operating in harbour conditions, the
deck structures in inclined condition
inertial force may be reduced by 50%.
may generally be disregarded. Specific
cases in which this simplification is not
“d” deemed permissible by the Society are
considered individually.
Table 9 : Accommodation
Still water and inertial pressures
9 Flooding
Ship Load Still water pressure pS
condition case and inertial pressure pW, in kN/m2 9.1 Still water and inertial pressures
Still The value of pS is defined in Tab 10 9.1.1 (1/7/2011)
water depending on the type of the accommo- Unless otherwise specified, the still water and inertial pres-
dation compartment. sures to be considered as acting on bulkheads, inner sides
Upright “a” No inertial pressure or internal decks, which constitute boundaries of compart-
(positive ments not intended to carry liquids are obtained, in kN/m2,
heave “b”
a Z1 from the formulae in Tab 12.
p W = p S -------
motion) g

46 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6

Table 12 : Flooding Table 13 : Testing -

Still water and inertial pressures (1/7/2022) Still water pressures (1/7/2020)

Still water pressure pSF , Inertial pressure p WF , Compartment or structure Still water pressure pST ,
in kN/m2 in kN/m2 to be tested in kN/m2

g  z F – z  0 ,6 a Z 1  z F – z  The greater of the follow-

ing: p ST = 10 [(zTOP - z) +
without being taken less than without being taken less than Double bottom tanks
dAP] pST = 10 [(zTOP - z) +
0,4 g d0 0,4 g d 0
2,4] p ST = 10 (zBD - z)
Note 1:
zF : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the deepest equilibrium The greater of the follow-
waterline, taking into account the transient ing: p ST = 10 [(zTOP - z) +
conditions. The deepest equilibrium waterlines Double side tanks dAP]
are to be provided by the Designer under his pST = 10 [(zTOP - z) + 2,4]
own responsibility.
pST = 10 (zBD - z)
In case the deepest equilibrium waterline is not
known, e.g. at the preliminary design stage, the Deep tanks other than those The greater of the follow-
Z co-ordinate, in m, of the freeboard deck at listed elsewhere in this Table ing: p ST = 10 [(zTOP - z) +
side in way of the transverse section considered dAP]
may be used in lieu.
d0 : Distance, in m, to be taken equal to: pST = 10 [(zTOP - z) + 2,4]
d0 = 0,02L for 90 m  L < 120 m Cargo oil tanks The greater of the following:
d0 = 2,4 for L  120 m. pST = 10 [(zTOP - z) + dAP]
pST = 10 [(zTOP - z) + 2,4]
10 Testing pST = 10 [(zTOP - z) +
10p pv]
10.1 Still water pressures
Ballast holds of ships with The greater of the following:
10.1.1 (1/7/2020)
service notation: pST = 10 [(zTOP - z) + dAP]
The still water pressure is to be considered as acting on bulk carrier ch xii or bulk pST = 10 (zh - z)
plates and stiffeners subject to tank testing is obtained, in carrier ch xii - double side-
kN/m 2, from the formulae in Tab 13. Where:
skin or bulk carrier ESP or
zh: Z co-ordinate, in m, of
No inertial pressure is to be considered as acting on plates self-unloading bulk carrier
ESP the top of hatch coaming
and stiffeners subject to tank testing.
Peak tanks The greater of the following:
pST = 10 [(zTOP - z) + dAP]
pST = 10 [(zTOP - z) + 2,4]

Chain locker pST = 10 (zcp - z)

zcp: Z co-ordinate, in m, of
the top of chain pipe
Ballast ducts The greater of the follow-
ing: p ST = 10 [(zTOP - z) +
10p pv] Ballast pump maxi-
mum pressure
Integral or independent The greater of the following:
cargo tanks of ships with pST = 10 [(zTOP - z) + 2,4]
service notation chemical pST = 10 [(zTOP - z) +
tanker 10p pv]

RINA Rules 2024 47

Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6

Compartment or structure Still water pressure pST ,

to be tested in kN/m2
Fuel oil tanks The greater of the following:
pST = 10 [(zTOP - z) + dAP]
pST = 10 [(zTOP - z) + 2,4]
pST = 10 [(zTOP - z) +
10p PV] pST = 10 (zBD - z)

Note 1:dAP: Distance from the top of air pipe to the top of
compartment, in m
zBD : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the bulkhead deck

48 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 5, App 1



1 Liquid cargoes and ballast - Inertial tified and the relevant formulae written using the tank
geometric characteristics.
1.1.2 This Appendix provides the formulae for calculating
1.1 Introduction the inertial pressure pW in the case of typical tank arrange-
1.1.1 Sec 6, [1] defines the criteria to calculate the inertial
pressure pW induced by liquid cargoes and ballast in any 1.2 Formulae for the inertial pressure calcu-
type of tank. The relevant formulae are specified in Sec 6, lation
Tab 1 and entail the definition of the highest point of the
tank in the direction of the total acceleration vector. As 1.2.1 For typical tank arrangements, the inertial pressure
specified in Sec 6, [1.2], this point depends on the geome- transmitted to the hull structures at the calculation point P
try of the tank and the values of the acceleration. For typical in inclined ship condition may be obtained from the formu-
tank arrangements, the highest point of the tank in the lae in Tab 1, obtained by applying to those tanks the general
direction of the total acceleration vector can easily be iden- formula in Sec 6, Tab 1.

Table 1 : Liquid cargoes and ballast - Inertial pressure for typical tank arrangements

Ship condition Load case Inertial pressure pW , in kN/m2

Inclined “c”
(negative roll angle) 0 7C F A  L  a Y 2 bL + a Z 2 dH 
Note 1:
CFA : Combination factor, to be taken equal to:
• CFA = 0,7 for load case “c”
• CFA = 1,0 for load case “d”
L : Density, in t/m3, of the liquid cargo carried
aY2, aZ2 : Reference values of the acceleration in the inclined ship condition, defined in Sec 3, [3.4], calculated in way of the
centre of gravity of the tank
bL, dH : Transverse and vertical distances, in m, to be taken as indicated in Fig 1 to Fig 6 for various types of tanks; for the cases
in Fig 1 to Fig 4, where the central cargo area is divided into two or more tanks by longitudinal bulkheads, bL and d H
for calculation points inside each tank are to be taken as indicated in Fig 5 for the double side. The angle  which
appears in Fig 3 and Fig 4 is defined in Sec 6, Tab 2.

Figure 1 : Distances bL and dH Figure 2 : Distances bL and d H

RINA Rules 2024 49

Pt B, Ch 5, App 1

Figure 3 : Distances bL and d H Figure 5 : Distances bL and dH

Figure 4 : Distances bL and d H Figure 6 : Distances bL and dH

50 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 5, App 2



1 General guidance note however filling/partial filling of BW Tank no. 6 (P/S) may be
done at any step to keep acceptable trim and propeller
immersion during the ballast voyage.
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 (1/1/2022) To obtain full operational flexibility regarding the filling
level of BW Tank no. 6 (P/S), loading conditions A2 (full at
This Appendix is intended to provide guidance and inter-
departure)* and A8 (empty at arrival)* is to be added for
pretation of “Partially filled ballast tanks in ballast loading
strength verification. Additional conditions (full and empty
conditions” in Sec 2, [2.1.2] b).
BW Tank no. 6 (P/S)) related to the intermediate conditions
1.1.2 (1/1/2022) A3-A6 are not necessary as A2* and A8* will be the most
Case A and B are generally applicable for ballast loading critical one.
conditions for any cargo vessel which might have one
Ballast Water (BW) Tank (or one pair of BW Tanks) partially
2.2 Case B
1.1.3 (1/1/2022) 2.2.1 (1/1/2022)
Where applicable, similar considerations are to be given to Fig 3 and Fig 4 shows Case B, with a cargo vessel where
other cargo vessels covered by Sec 2 where ballast loading partial filling of BW Tank no. 6 (P/S) to a given level (f6-int%)
conditions involving partially filled ballast tanks may cause will be done after a specified % consumables is reached,
concerns for the longitudinal strength of the vessels. see conditions B2 and B3. Before this % consumables
1.1.4 (1/1/2022) (shown as 50% in this Figure) is reached, BW Tank no. 6
This Appendix does not apply to CSR Bulk Carriers and Oil (P/S) is to be kept empty. When reaching a given level of
Tankers or to container ships to which Pt E, Ch 2, App 1 is consumables (shown as 20% in Fig 2), BW Tank no. 6 (P/S)
applicable. is to be kept full, see conditions B5 and B6. Two additional
intermediate conditions (B4* and B7*) are to be added for
1.1.5 (1/1/2022)
longitudinal strength verification.
In the Figures, the conditions only intended for strength
verification (not operational) are marked with a star (*). In order to categorize a vessel according to Case B, clear
operational guidance for partial filling of ballast tanks, in
association with the consumption level as shown in Fig 3
2 Case A and B
and Fig 4, is to be given in the loading manual. If such oper-
ational guidance is not given, Case A is to be applied.
2.1 Case A
2.1.1 (1/1/2022) 2.3 Limitation of consumables
Fig 1 and Fig 2 shows Case A, with a cargo vessel where
partial filling of BW Tank no. 6 (P/S) is permitted and may 2.3.1 (1/1/2022)
take place at any time during the ballast voyage. Intermedi- Case A has no limitation of consumables, whereas Case B
ate condition(s) should be specified as shown in the Figures, has limitation of consumables.

RINA Rules 2024 51

Pt B, Ch 5, App 2

Figure 1 : Case A (1/1/2022)

52 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 5, App 2

Figure 2 : Case A (continued) (1/1/2022)

(1) For peak tanks intended to be partially filled, all
combinations of full or partially filled at intended level for
those tanks are to be investigated.
(2) The intermediate condition(s) to be specified incl. %
(3) For bulk carriers carrying ore and with large wing water
ballast tanks full/empty may be replaced with maxi-
mum/minimum filling levels according to trim limitations
given in Sec 2, [2.1.2], b).

RINA Rules 2024 53

Pt B, Ch 5, App 2

Figure 3 : Case B (1/1/2022)

54 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 5, App 2

Figure 4 : Case B (continued) (1/1/2022)

(1) For peak tanks intended to be partially filled, all
combinations of full or partially filled at intended level for
those tanks are to be investigated.
(2) The intermediate condition(s) to be specified incl.%
(3) For bulk carriers carrying ore and with large wing water
ballast tanks full/empty may be replaced with maxi-
mum/minimum filling levels according to trim limitations
given in Sec 2, [2.1.2], b).

RINA Rules 2024 55

Pt B, Ch 5, App 2

56 RINA Rules 2024

Part B
Hull and Stability

Chapter 6







RINA Rules 2024 57

Symbols used in chapter 6

E : Young’s modulus, in N/mm2, to be taken equal

• for steels in general:
E = 2,06.105 N/mm2
• for stainless steels:
E = 1,95.105 N/mm2
• for aluminium alloys:
E = 7,0.10 4 N/mm 2
MSW : Still water bending moment, in kN.m:
• in hogging conditions:
• in sagging conditions:
MSW,H : Design still water bending moment, in kN.m, in
hogging condition, at the hull transverse section
considered, defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [2.2],
MSW,S : Design still water bending moment, in kN.m, in
sagging condition, at the hull transverse section
considered, defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [2.2],
when the ship in still water is always in hogging
condition, MSW,S is to be taken equal to 0,
MWV : Vertical wave bending moment, in kN.m:
• in hogging conditions:
• in sagging conditions:
MWV,H : Vertical wave bending moment, in kN.m, in hog-
ging condition, at the hull transverse section
considered, defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [3.1],
MWV,S : Vertical wave bending moment, in kN.m, in sag-
ging condition, at the hull transverse section
considered, defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [3.1],
g : Gravity acceleration, in m/s 2:
g = 9,81 m/s2.

58 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 1



For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to the list at 2.1.4 Longitudinal girders between hatchways
the beginning of this Chapter. Where longitudinal girders are fitted between hatchways,
the sectional area that can be included in the hull girder
1 Application transverse sections is obtained, in m2, from the following
1.1.1 This Section specifies the criteria for calculating the ALG : Sectional area, in m2, of longitudinal girders,
hull girder strength characteristics to be used for the checks a : Coefficient:
in Sec 2 and Sec 3, in association with the hull girder loads
• for longitudinal girders effectively supported
specified in Ch 5, Sec 2.
by longitudinal bulkheads or primary sup-
porting members:
2 Calculation of the strength charac- a=1
teristics of hull girder transverse • for longitudinal girders not effectively sup-
sections ported by longitudinal bulkheads or primary
supporting members and having dimensions
and scantlings such that 0 / r  60:
2.1 Hull girder transverse sections
0 ,5
a = 0 ,6  ----- + 0 ,15
2.1.1 General  b1 
Hull girder transverse sections are to be considered as being • for longitudinal girders not effectively sup-
constituted by the members contributing to the hull girder ported by longitudinal bulkheads or primary
longitudinal strength, i.e. all continuous longitudinal mem- supporting members and having dimensions
bers below the strength deck defined in [2.2], taking into and scantlings such that 0 / r > 60:
account the requirements in [2.1.2] to [2.1.9].
These members are to be considered as having (see also 0 : Span, in m, of longitudinal girders, to be taken
Ch 4, Sec 2): as shown in Fig 1
• gross scantlings, when the hull girder strength character- r : Minimum radius of gyration, in m, of the longi-
istics to be calculated are used for the yielding checks in tudinal girder transverse section
Sec 2
s, b1 : Dimensions, in m, defined in Fig 1.
• net scantlings, when the hull girder strength characteris-
tics to be calculated are used for the ultimate strength Figure 1 : Longitudinal girders between hatchways
checks in Sec 3 and for calculating the hull girder
stresses for the strength checks of plating, ordinary stiff-
eners and primary supporting members in Chapter 7.

2.1.2 Continuous trunks and continuous lngitudinal

hatch coamings
Continuous trunks and continuous longitudinal hatch
coamings may be included in the hull girder transverse sec-
tions, provided they are effectively supported by longitudi-
nal bulkheads or primary supporting members.

2.1.3 Longitudinal ordinary stiffeners or girders

welded above the decks
Longitudinal ordinary stiffeners or girders welded above the 2.1.5 Longitudinal bulkheads with vertical
decks (including the deck of any trunk fitted as specified in corrugations
[2.1.2]) may be included in the hull girder transverse sec- Longitudinal bulkheads with vertical corrugations may not
tions. be included in the hull girder transverse sections.

RINA Rules 2024 59

Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 1

2.1.6 Members in materials other than steel Figure 2 : Calculation of b and bS

Where a member contributing to the longitudinal strength is

made in material other than steel with a Young’s modulus E
equal to 2,06 105 N/mm2, the steel equivalent sectional
area that may be included in the hull girder transverse sec-
tions is obtained, in m2, from the following formula:

A S E = ------------------------5- A M
2 ,06  10


AM : Sectional area, in m2, of the member under con-


2.1.7 Large openings

Large openings are:

• elliptical openings exceeding 2,5 m in length or 1,2 m

in breadth

• circular openings exceeding 0,9 m in diameter.

Large openings and scallops, where scallop welding is 2.2 Strength deck
applied, are always to be deducted from the sectional areas
included in the hull girder transverse sections. 2.2.1 The strength deck is, in general, the uppermost con-
tinuous deck.
2.1.8 Small openings In the case of a superstructure or deckhouses contributing
to the longitudinal strength, the strength deck is the deck of
Smaller openings than those in [2.1.7] in one transverse
the superstructure or the deck of the uppermost deckhouse.
section in the strength deck or bottom area need not be
deducted from the sectional areas included in the hull 2.2.2 A superstructure extending at least 0,15 L within 0,4
girder transverse sections, provided that: L amidships may generally be considered as contributing to
the longitudinal strength. For other superstructures and for
b S  0 ,06  B – b 
deckhouses, their contribution to the longitudinal strength
is to be assessed on a case by case basis, through a finite
element analysis of the whole ship, which takes into
bS : Total breadth of small openings, in m, in the account the general arrangement of the longitudinal ele-
strength deck or bottom area at the transverse ments (side, decks, bulkheads).
section considered, determined as indicated in The presence of openings in the side shell and longitudinal
Fig 2 bulkheads is to be taken into account in the analysis. This
may be done in two ways:
b : Total breadth of large openings, in m, at the
• by including these openings in the finite element model
transverse section considered, determined as
indicated in Fig 2 • by assigning to the plate panel between the side frames
beside each opening an equivalent thickness, in mm,
Where the total breadth of small openings bS does not ful- obtained from the following formula:
fil the above criteria, only the excess of breadth is to be
deducted from the sectional areas included in the hull Gh

t E Q = 10  P  ------------- + -----
girder transverse sections.  12E I J A J

2.1.9 Lightening holes, draining holes and single where (see Fig 3):
P : Longitudinal distance, in m, between the
Lightening holes, draining holes and single scallops in lon- frames beside the opening
gitudinals need not be deducted if their height is less than h : Height, in m, of openings
0,25 h W 10-3, without being greater than 75 mm, where h W
IJ : Moment of inertia, in m4, of the opening
is the web height, in mm, defined in Ch 4, Sec 3.
jamb about the transverse axis y-y
Otherwise, the excess is to be deducted from the sectional AJ : Shear area, in m2, of the opening jamb in
area or compensated. the direction of the longitudinal axis x-x

60 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 1

G : Coulomb’s modulus, in N/mm2, of the mate- where:

rial used for the opening jamb, to be taken
zD : Z co-ordinate, in m, of strength
equal to:
deck, defined in [2.2], with
• for steels: respect to the reference co-ordi-
G = 8,0.104 N/mm 2 nate system defined in Ch 1,
Sec 2, [4]
• for aluminium alloys:
• if continuous trunks or hatch coamings are
G = 2,7.104 N/mm 2. taken into account in the calculation of IY ,
as specified in [2.1.2]:
Figure 3 : Side openings
V D =  z T – N   0 ,9 + 0 ,2 -----T  z D – N
 B

yT, zT : Y and Z co-ordinates, in m, of
the top of continuous trunk or
hatch coaming with respect to
the reference co-ordinate system
defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [4]; yT
and z T are to be measured for
the point which maximises the
value of V
• if longitudinal ordinary stiffeners or girders
2.3 Section modulus welded above the strength deck are taken
into account in the calculation of IY , as
2.3.1 The section modulus at any point of a hull transverse specified in [2.1.3], VD is to be obtained
section is obtained, in m 3, from the following formula: from the formula given above for continu-
ous trunks and hatch coamings. In this case,
Z A = ---------------- yT and zT are the Y and Z co-ordinates, in m,
of the top of the longitudinal stiffeners or
where: girders with respect to the reference co-ordi-
IY : Moment of inertia, in m 4, of the hull transverse nate system defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [4].
section defined in [2.1], about its horizontal
neutral axis 2.4 Moments of inertia
z : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the calculation point
with respect to the reference co-ordinate system 2.4.1 The moments of inertia IY and IZ , in m4, are those,
defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [4] calculated about the horizontal and vertical neutral axes,
respectively, of the hull transverse sections defined in [2.1].
N : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the centre of gravity of
the hull transverse section defined in [2.1], with
respect to the reference co-ordinate system 2.5 First moment
defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [4].
2.5.1 The first moment S, in m3, at a level z above the
2.3.2 The section moduli at bottom and at deck are baseline is that, calculated with respect to the horizontal
obtained, in m 3, from the following formulae: neutral axis, of the portion of the hull transverse sections
• at bottom: defined in [2.1] located above the z level.

Z AB = ---- 2.6 Structural models for the calculation of
normal warping stresses and shear
• at deck: stresses
Z AD = ------ 2.6.1 The structural models that can be used for the calcu-
lation of normal warping stresses, induced by torque, and
where: shear stresses, induced by shear forces or torque, are:
IY, N : Defined in [2.3.1] • three dimensional finite element models
VD : Vertical distance, in m: • thin walled beam models
• in general:
representing the members which constitute the hull girder
VD = z D - N transverse sections according to [2.1].

RINA Rules 2024 61

Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 2


For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to the list at Ships not having one or more of these characteristics, ships
the beginning of this Chapter. intended for the carriage of heated cargoes and ships of
MWH : Horizontal wave bending moment, in kN.m, unusual type or design are considered by the Society on a
defined in Ch 5, Sec 2, [3.2] case by case basis.
MWT : Wave torque, in kN.m, defined in Ch 5, Sec 2, Ships with the service notation container ship, in addition
[3.3] to the requirements of this Section, are to comply with the
requirements of Pt E, Ch 2, Sec 2, [5].
QSW : Design still water shear force, in kN, defined in
Ch 5, Sec 2, [2.3]
QWV : Vertical wave shear force, to be calculated
2 Hull girder stresses
according to Ch 5, Sec 2, [3.4]:
• if Q SW  0, QWV is the positive wave shear 2.1 Normal stresses induced by vertical
force bending moments
• if QSW < 0, QWV is the negative wave shear 2.1.1 The normal stresses induced by vertical bending
force moments are obtained, in N/mm2, from the following for-
k : Material factor, as defined in Ch 4, Sec 1, [2.3] mulae:
x : X co-ordinate, in m, of the calculation point • at any point of the hull transverse section:
with respect to the reference co-ordinate system
M S W + M WV – 3
defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [4]  1 = -----------------------------10
IY : Moment of inertia, in m 4, of the hull transverse
section about its horizontal neutral axis, to be • at bottom:
calculated according to Sec 1, [2.4] M S W + M WV – 3
 1 = -----------------------------10
IZ : Moment of inertia, in m 4, of the hull transverse Z AB
section about its vertical neutral axis, to be cal- • at deck:
culated according to Sec 1, [2.4]
M S W + MW V – 3
S : First moment, in m3, of the hull transverse sec-  1 = -----------------------------10
tion, to be calculated according to Sec 1, [2.5]
ZA : Section modulus, in m3, at any point of the hull 2.1.2 The normal stresses in a member made in material
transverse section, to be calculated according to other than steel with a Young’s modulus E equal to 2,06 105
Sec 1, [2.3.1] N/mm2, included in the hull girder transverse sections as
ZAB,ZAD : Section moduli, in m3, at bottom and deck, specified in Sec 1, [2.1.6], are obtained from the following
respectively, to be calculated according to formula:
Sec 1, [2.3.2]
1 = ------------------------5-  1S
n1 : Navigation coefficient defined in Ch 5, Sec 1, 2 ,06  10
Tab 1
C : Wave parameter defined in Ch 5, Sec 2.
1S : Normal stress, in N/mm2, in the member under
consideration, calculated according to [2.1.1]
1 Application considering this member as having the steel
equivalent sectional area ASE defined in Sec 1,
1.1 [2.1.6].
1.1.1 (1/7/2016)
The requirements of this Section apply to ships having the 2.2 Normal stresses induced by torque and
following characteristics: bending moments
• L < 500 m
2.2.1 Ships having large openings in the strength
• L/B>5 deck
• B / D < 2,5 The normal stresses induced by torque and bending
• CB  0,6 moments are to be considered for ships having large open-

62 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 2

ings in the strength decks, i.e. ships for which at least one of y : Y co-ordinate, in m, of the calculation point
the three following conditions occur: with respect to the reference co-ordinate system
• b / B0 > 0,7 defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [4].

• A / 0 > 0,89
2.3 Shear stresses
• b / B0 > 0,6 and A / 0 > 0,7
2.3.1 The shear stresses induced by shear forces and
where b, B0 , A and 0 are the dimensions defined in Fig 1. torque are obtained through direct calculation analyses
In the case of two or more openings in the same hull trans- based on a structural model in accordance with Sec 1,
verse section, b is to be taken as the sum of the breadth b1 [2.6].
of each opening. The shear force corrections Q C and Q are to be taken
into account, in accordance with [2.4.1] and [2.4.2],
Figure 1 : Ships with large openings respectively.

2.3.2 The hull girder loads to be considered in these anal-

yses are:
• for all ships, the vertical shear forces Q SW and QWV
• for ships having large openings in the strength decks,
also the torques M T and MT,SW as specified in [2.2].
When deemed necessary by the Society on the basis of the
ship’s characteristics and intended service, the horizontal
shear force is also to be calculated, using direct calcula-
tions, and taken into account in the calculation of shear

2.3.3 As an alternative to the above procedure, the shear

stresses induced by the vertical shear forces QSW and
QWV may be obtained through the simplified procedure in

2.4 Simplified calculation of shear stresses

induced by vertical shear forces
2.4.1 Ships without effective longitudinal
2.2.2 Normal stresses bulkheads or with one effective longitudinal
The normal stresses are to be calculated for the load case bulkhead
constituted by the hull girder loads specified in Tab 1 In this context, effective longitudinal bulkhead means a
together with their combination factors. They are to be bulkhead extending from the bottom to the strength deck.
obtained, in N/mm2, from the following formula: The shear stresses induced by the vertical shear forces in the
calculation point are obtained, in N/mm2, from the follow-
M SW 0 ,4 MW V M WH
1 = ----------- + -------------------- + -----------
- y +  ing formula:
S- 
 1 =  Q S W + Q WV –  Q C  -----
where: IYt
 : Warping stress, in N/mm 2, induced by the where:
torque M WT and obtained through direct calcu-
t : Minimum thickness, in mm, of side, inner side
lation analyses based on a structural model in
and longitudinal bulkhead plating, as applica-
accordance with Sec 1, [2.6]; for ships with the
ble according to Tab 2
service notation container ship, it includes the
 : Shear distribution coefficient defined in Tab 2
contribution due to the still water torque M T,SW
defined in Pt E, Ch 2, Sec 2, [4.1]  = sgn  Q S W 

RINA Rules 2024 63

Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 2

Table 1 : Torque and bending moments

Still water loads Wave loads

Vertical bending Vertical bending Horizontal bending
Torque (1) Torque
moment moment moment
Reference Comb. Reference Comb. Reference Comb. Reference Comb. Reference Comb.
value factor value factor value factor value factor value factor
MT,SW (2) 1,0 MSW 1,0 MWT 1,0 MWV 0,4 MWH 1,0

(1) To be considered only for ships with the service notation container ship.
(2) MT,SW : Still water torque defined in Pt E, Ch 2, Sec 2, [4.1].

Table 2 : Shear stresses induced by vertical shear forces

Ship typology Location t, in mm  Meaning of symbols used in the definition of 

Single side ships without Sides tS 0,5
effective longitudinal
bulkheads - see Fig 3 (a)
Double side ships without Sides tS (1- ) / 2  = 0,275 + 0,25  = tISM / t SM
effective longitudinal Inner sides tIS /2
bulkheads - see Fig 3 (b)
Double side ships with one Sides tS (1- ) / 2  = 0,275 + 0,25  = tISM / t SM
effective longitudinal bulk- Inner sides tIS  / 2 1 
head - see Fig 3 (c)  = 1 ,9   2 + 1 + ------ – 0 ,17  = ----------------------------------
  0 0 ,85 + 0 ,17
Longitudinal tB 1- 
bulkhead 0 ,5tB M 0 ,75
 0 = ---------------------
-  = ----------------------------
tS M + t IS M 3 +  0 + 1
2 + 1 - B
 = ----------------------------  = --------
1 2D
4 + 1 + ------
Note 1:
tS, tIS, tB : Minimum thicknesses, in mm, of side, inner side and longitudinal bulkhead plating, respectively
tSM, tISM, tBM : Mean thicknesses, in mm, over all the strakes of side, inner side and longitudinal bulkhead plating, respectively. They
are calculated as (iti)/i, where i and t i are the length, in m, and the thickness, in mm, of the ith strake of side, inner
side and longitudinal bulkhead.

QC : Shear force correction (see Fig 2), which takes 0 , b 0 : Length and breadth, respectively, in m, of the
into account, when applicable, the portion of flat portion of the double bottom in way of the
loads transmitted by the double bottom girders hold considered; b0 is to be measured on the
to the transverse bulkheads: hull transverse section at the middle of the hold
• for ships with double bottom in alternate C : Length, in m, of the hold considered, measured
loading conditions: between transverse bulkheads
BH : Ship’s breadth, in m, measured on the hull
 Q C =  ------------ – T 1 transverse section at the middle of the hold con-
• for other ships: P : Total mass of cargo, in t, in the transversely
QC = 0 adjacent holds in the section considered
 : Sea water density, in t/m3:
0 b 0
 = g ------------------
-  = 1,025 t/m 3

2 +  ----0-
b0 T1 : Draught, in m, measured vertically on the hull
transverse section at the middle of the hold con-
 sidered, from the moulded baseline to the
 = 1 ,38 + 1 ,55 ----0-  3 ,7
b0 waterline in the loading condition considered.

64 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 2

Figure 2 : Shear force correction Q C

Figure 3 : Ship typologies (with reference to Tab 2)

2.4.2 Ships with two effective longitudinal  = sgn  Q S W 

pC : Pressure, in kN/m2, acting on the inner bottom
In this context, effective longitudinal bulkhead means a
in way of the centre hold in the loading condi-
bulkhead extending from the bottom to the strength deck.
tion considered
The shear stresses induced by the vertical shear force in the
pW : Pressure, in kN/m2, acting on the inner bottom
calculation point are obtained, in N/mm2, from the follow-
in way of the wing hold in the loading condition
ing formula:
considered, to be taken not greater than pC
1 =   Q SW + Q W V  +  Q Q  ------ bC : Breadth, in m, of the centre hold, measured
IY t
between longitudinal bulkheads
n : Number of floors in way of the centre hold
 : Shear distribution coefficient defined in Tab 3
 : Coefficient defined in Tab 3.
Q F – Q A
Q = sgn  -------------------
C 
3 Checking criteria
Q F, Q A : Value of Q SW, in kN, in way of the forward and
aft transverse bulkhead, respectively, of the hold 3.1 Normal stresses induced by vertical
bending moments
C : Length, in m, of the hold considered, measured
between transverse bulkheads 3.1.1 It is to be checked that the normal stresses 1 calcu-
t : Minimum thickness, in mm, of side, inner side lated according to [2.1] and, when applicable, [2.2] are in
and longitudinal bulkhead plating, as applica- compliance with the following formula:
ble according to Tab 3 1  1,ALL
Q : Shear force correction, in kN, which takes into where:
account the redistribution of shear force
1,ALL : Allowable normal stress, in N/mm2:
between sides and longitudinal bulkheads due
to possible transverse non-uniform distribution 1,ALL = 175/k N/mm2
of cargo:
• in sides: 3.2 Shear stresses
g  p C – p W C b C --------------------- n 3.2.1 It is to be checked that the normal stresses 1 calcu-
Q = -----------------------------------------
- –  1 – 
4 3 n + 1 
lated according to [2.3] are in compliance with the follow-
• in longitudinal bulkheads: ing formula:
g  p C – p W C b C --------------------- 2n 1  1,ALL
Q = -----------------------------------------
- –
4 3 n + 1  where:

RINA Rules 2024 65

Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 2

1,ALL : Allowable shear stress, in N/mm 2: 4 Section modulus and moment of

1,ALL = 110/k N/mm2. inertia

4.1 General
4.1.1 The requirements in [4.2] to [4.5] provide for the
minimum hull girder section modulus, complying with the
checking criteria indicated in [3], and the midship section
moment of inertia required to ensure sufficient hull girder

Table 3 : Shear stresses induced by vertical shear forces

Meaning of symbols used in the

Ship typology Location t, in mm 
definition of 
Single side ships with two effective lon- Sides tS (1- ) / 2  = 0,3 + 0,21 
gitudinal bulkheads - see Fig 4 (a) Longitudinal bulkheads tB   = tBM / tSM

Double side ships with two effective Sides tS (1- ) / 4  = 0,275 + 0,25 
longitudinal bulkheads - see Fig 4 (b) Inner sides tIS (1- ) / 4 t BM
 = ----------------------
tS M + t IS M
Longitudinal bulkheads tB /2
Note 1:
tS, tIS, tB : Minimum thicknesses, in mm, of side, inner side and longitudinal bulkhead plating, respectively
tSM, tISM, tBM : Mean thicknesses, in mm, over all the strakes of side, inner side and longitudinal bulkhead plating, respectively. They
are calculated as (iti)/i, where i and t i are the length, in m, and the thickness, in mm, of the ith strake of side, inner
side and longitudinal bulkheads.

Figure 4 : Ship typologies (with reference to Tab 3) 4.2.3 The k material factors are to be defined with respect
to the materials used for the bottom and deck members
contributing to the longitudinal strength according to Sec 1,
[2]. When material factors for higher strength steels are
used, the requirements in [4.5] apply.

4.2.4 Where the total breadth bS of small openings, as

defined in Sec 1, [2.1.8], is deducted from the sectional
areas included in the hull girder transverse sections, the val-
ues ZR and ZR,MIN defined in [4.2.3] may be reduced by 3%.
4.2 Section modulus within 0,4L amidships
4.2.5 Scantlings of members contributing to the longitudi-
4.2.1 For ships with CB greater than 0,8, the gross section nal strength (see Sec 1, [2]) are to be maintained within
moduli Z AB and ZAD within 0,4L amidships are to be not less 0,4L amidships.
than the greater value obtained, in m 3, from the following
formulae: 4.3 Section modulus outside 0,4L amid-
2 –6 ships
• Z R ,M I N = n 1 CL B  C B + 0 ,7 k 10
4.3.1 (1/7/2020)
M SW + MW V –3
• Z R = ----------------------------
- 10 Scantlings of members contributing to the hull girder longi-
175  k
tudinal strength (see Sec 1, [2]) may be gradually reduced,
outside 0,4L amidships, to the minimum required for local
4.2.2 For ships with CB less than or equal to 0,8, the gross
strength purposes at fore and aft parts, as specified in
section moduli Z AB and ZAD at the midship section are to be
Chapter 9.
not less than the value obtained, in m 3, from the following
formula: As a minimum, hull girder bending strength checks are to
be carried out at the following locations:
2 –6
Z R ,M I N = n 1 CL B  C B + 0 ,7 k 10
• in way of the forward end of the engine room
In addition, the gross section moduli ZAB and ZAD within • in way of the forward end of the foremost cargo hold
0,4L amidships are to be not less than the value obtained, in • at any locations where there are significant changes in
m3, from the following formula: hull cross-section
M SW + MW V –3 • at any locations where there are changes in the framing
Z R = ----------------------------
- 10
175  k system.

66 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 2

Buckling strength of members contributing to the longitudi- 4.5.2 When a higher strength steel is adopted at deck,
nal strength and subjected to compressive and shear members not contributing to the longitudinal strength and
stresses is to be checked, in particular in regions where welded on the strength deck (e.g. hatch coamings, strength-
changes in the framing system or significant changes in the ening of deck openings) are also generally to be made of the
hull cross-section occur. The buckling evaluation criteria same higher strength steel.
used for this check are determined by the Society.
4.5.3 The higher strength steel is to extend in length at
Continuity of structure is be maintained throughout the least throughout the whole midship area where it is
length of the ship. Where significant changes in structural
required for strength purposes according to the provisions
arrangement occur, adequate transitional structure is to be of Part B.
For ships with large deck openings sections at or near to the 5 Permissible still water bending
aft and forward quarter length positions are to be checked.
For such ships with cargo holds aft of the superstructure, moment and shear force during navi-
deckhouse or engine room, strength checks of sections in gation
way of the aft end of the aft-most holds, and the aft end of
the deckhouse or engine room are to be performed. 5.1 Permissible still water bending moment

4.4 Midship section moment of inertia 5.1.1 The permissible still water bending moment at any
hull transverse section during navigation, in hogging or sag-
4.4.1 The gross midship section moment of inertia about ging conditions, is the value MSW considered in the hull
its horizontal neutral axis is to be not less than the value girder section modulus calculation according to [4].
obtained, in m 4, from the following formula: In the case of structural discontinuities in the hull transverse
–2 sections, the distribution of permissible still water bending
I Y R = 3Z' R ,M I N L 10
moments is considered on a case by case basis.
where Z’R,MIN is the required midship section modulus
ZR,MIN, in m 3, calculated as specified in [4.2.3], but assum- 5.2 Permissible still water shear force
ing k = 1.
5.2.1 Direct calculations
4.5 Extent of higher strength steel Where the shear stresses are obtained through calculation
analyses according to [2.3], the permissible positive or neg-
4.5.1 When a material factor for higher strength steel is ative still water shear force at any hull transverse section is
used in calculating the required section modulus at bottom obtained, in kN, from the following formula:
or deck according to [4.2] or [4.3], the relevant higher QP =  QT – QW V
strength steel is to be adopted for all members contributing
to the longitudinal strength (see Sec 1, [2]), at least up to a where:
vertical distance, in m, obtained from the following formu-  = sgn  Q S W 
QT : Shear force, in kN, which produces a shear
• above the baseline (for section modulus at bottom): stress  = 110/k N/mm2 in the most stressed
1B – 175 point of the hull transverse section, taking into
V H B = -----------------------
- zD
 1B +  1D account the shear force correction QC and Q
in accordance with [2.4.1] and [2.4.2], respec-
• below a horizontal line located at a distance V D (see
Sec 1, [2.3.2]) above the neutral axis of the hull trans-
verse section (for section modulus at deck): 5.2.2 Ships without effective longitudinal
1D – 175 bulkheads or with one effective longitudinal
V HD = ------------------------  N + VD  bulkhead
1 B +  1D
Where the shear stresses are obtained through the simpli-
where: fied procedure in [2.4.1], the permissible positive or nega-
1B, 1D : Normal stresses, in N/mm 2, at bottom and deck, tive still water shear force at any hull transverse section is
respectively, calculated according to [2.1.1] obtained, in kN, from the following formula:
zD : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the strength deck, IY t
Q P =   110 - + Q C – Q WV
----------  -----
defined in Sec 1, [2.2], with respect to the refer-  k S 
ence co-ordinate system defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, where:
 = sgn  Q S W 
N : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the centre of gravity of
the hull transverse section defined in Sec 1,  : Shear distribution coefficient defined in Tab 2
[2.1], with respect to the reference co-ordinate t : Minimum thickness, in mm, of side, inner side
system defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [4] and longitudinal bulkhead plating, as applica-
VD : Vertical distance, in m, defined in Sec 1, ble according to Tab 2
[2.3.2]. QC : Shear force correction defined in [2.4.1].

RINA Rules 2024 67

Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 2

5.2.3 Ships with two effective longitudinal ging conditions, is obtained, in kN.m, from the following
bulkheads formula:
Where the shear stresses are obtained through the simpli-
MP ,H = M P + 0 6M WV
fied procedure in [2.4.2], the permissible positive or nega-
tive still water shear force at any hull transverse section is where MP is the permissible still water bending moment
obtained, in kN, from the following formula: during navigation, in kN.m, to be calculated according to
IY t
QP = 1
---   110 - –  Q Q – Q WV
----------  -----
 k S 
6.2 Permissible shear force
 : Shear distribution coefficient defined in Tab 3 6.2.1 The permissible positive or negative still water shear
force at any hull transverse section, in harbour conditions,
 = sgn  Q SW  is obtained, in kN, from the following formula:
t : Minimum thickness, in mm, of side, inner side QP,H = QP + 0,7 QWV
and longitudinal bulkhead plating, as applica-
ble according to Tab 3
Q : Defined in [2.4.2]  = sgn  Q S W 
Q : Shear force correction defined in [2.4.2]. QP : Permissible still water shear force during naviga-
tion, in kN, to be calculated according to [5.2].
6 Permissible still water bending
moment and shear force in harbour

6.1 Permissible still water bending moment

6.1.1 (1/7/2002)
The permissible still water bending moment at any hull
transverse section in harbour conditions, in hogging or sag-

68 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 3


For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to the list at moment capacity M versus the curvature  of the transverse
the beginning of this Chapter. section considered (see Fig 1).
The curvature  is positive for hogging condition and nega-
1 Application tive for sagging condition.
The curve M- is to be obtained through an incremental-
1.1 iterative procedure according to the criteria specified in
1.1.1 (1/7/2016) App 1.
The requirements of this Section apply to ships equal to or
greater than 150 m in length other than ships with the ser- Figure 1 : Curve bending moment capacity M
vice notation container ship. versus curvature 
For ships with the service notation container ship the
requirements in Pt E, Ch 2, Sec 2, [7] apply.

2 Partial safety factors

2.1.1 The partial safety factors to be considered for check-
ing the ultimate strength of the hull girder are specified in
Tab 1.

Table 1 : Partial safety factors

3.2.2 Hull girder transverse sections
Partial safety factor covering The hull girder transverse sections are constituted by the
Symbol Value
uncertainties on: elements contributing to the hull girder longitudinal
Still water hull girder loads S1 1,00 strength, considered with their net scantlings, according to
Sec 1, [2].
Wave induced hull girder loads W1 1,15

Material m 1,02 3.3 Checking criteria

Resistance R 1,08
3.3.1 It is to be checked that the hull girder ultimate bend-
ing capacity at any hull transverse section is in compliance
3 Hull girder ultimate strength check with the following formula:
3.1 Hull girder loads ---------- M
R m

3.1.1 Bending moments where:

The bending moment in sagging and hogging conditions, to MU : Ultimate bending moment capacity of the hull
be considered in the ultimate strength check of the hull transverse section considered, in kN.m:
girder, is to be obtained, in kN.m, from the following for-
• in hogging conditions:
= S1 SW +W1 WV
• in sagging conditions:
3.2 Hull girder ultimate bending moment MU = MUS
capacities MUH : Ultimate bending moment capacity in hogging
conditions, defined in [3.2.1]
3.2.1 Curve M-
The ultimate bending moment capacities of a hull girder MUS : Ultimate bending moment capacity in sagging
transverse section, in hogging and sagging conditions, are conditions, defined in [3.2.1]
defined as the maximum values of the curve of bending M : Bending moment, in kN.m, defined in [3.1.1].

RINA Rules 2024 69

Pt B, Ch 6, App 1


For symbols not defined in this Appendix, refer to the list at 2 Incremental-iterative method
the beginning of this Chapter.
ReH_S : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm 2, of the material 2.1 Assumptions
of the considered stiffener
ReH_p : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm 2, of the material 2.1.1 Procedure (1/7/2016)
of the considered plate
In applying the incremental-iterative method, the following
IY : Moment of inertia, in m 4, of the hull transverse assumptions are generally to be made:
section around its horizontal neutral axis, to be
• the ultimate strength is calculated at hull transverse
calculated according to Sec 1, [2.4]
sections between two adjacent transverse webs;
ZAB ,Z AD : Section moduli, in cm3, at bottom and deck,
• the hull girder transverse section remains plane during
respectively, defined in Sec 1, [2.3.2]
each curvature increment;
s : Spacing, in m, of ordinary stiffeners
• the hull material has an elasto-plastic behaviour;
 : Span, in m, of ordinary stiffeners, measured
between the supporting members (see Ch 4, • the hull girder transverse section is divided into a set of
Sec 3, Fig 2 to Ch 4, Sec 3, Fig 5) elements, see [2.2.2], which are considered to act
hw : Web height, in mm, of an ordinary stiffener
tw : Web net thickness, in mm, of an ordinary According to the iterative procedure, the bending moment
stiffener M acting on the transverse section at each curvature value
 is obtained by summing the contribution given by the
bf : Face plate width, in mm, of an ordinary stiffener stress  acting on each element. The stress  correspond to
tf : Face plate net thickness, in mm, of an ordinary the element strain,  is to be obtained for each curvature
stiffener increment from the non-linear load-end shortening curves
- of the element.
AS : Net sectional area, in cm 2, of stiffener, without
attached plating These curves are to be calculated, for the failure
mechanisms of the element, from the formulae specified in
tp : Net thickness, in mm, of the plating attached to [2.3]. The stress  is selected as the lowest among the
an ordinary stiffener of the plate of an hard values obtained from each of the considered load-end
corner or of the plate of a stiffened plate as shortening curves -.
The procedure is to be repeated for each step, until the
value of the imposed curvature reaches the value F, in m-1,
1 General in hogging and sagging condition, obtained from the
following formula:
1.1.1 (1/7/2016) M
 F =  0 003  -------
 El 
The method for calculating the ultimate hull girder capacity
is to identify the critical failure modes of all main where:
longitudinal structural elements.
 : the lesser of the values M and M, in kN.m
1.1.2 (1/7/2016)
Structures compressed beyond their buckling limit have  : 10-3 R eH Z AB
reduced load carrying capacity. All relevant failure modes  : 10-3 R eH Z AD
for individual structural elements, such as plate buckling,
torsional stiffener buckling, stiffener web buckling, lateral or If the value F is not sufficient to evaluate the peaks of the
global stiffener buckling and their interactions, are to be curve M- the procedure is to be repeated until the value of
considered in order to identify the weakest inter-frame the imposed curvature permits the calculation of the
failure mode. maximum bending moments of the curve.

70 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 6, App 1

2.2 Procedure relationship - is non-linear. The new position of the

neutral axis relevant to the step considered is to be obtained
2.2.1 General (1/7/2016) by means of an iterative process, imposing the equilibrium
The curve M- is to be obtained by means of an among the stresses acting in all the hull elements on the
incremental-iterative approach, summarised in the flow transverse section.
chart in Fig 2. Once the position of the neutral axis is known and the
In this procedure, the ultimate hull girder bending moment relevant stress distribution in the section structural elements
capacity, MU is defined as the peak value of the curve with is obtained, the bending moment of the section Mi around
vertical bending moment M versus the curvature  of the the new position of the neutral axis, which corresponds to
ship cross section as shown in Fig 1. The curve is to be the curvature i imposed in the step considered, is to be
obtained through an incremental-iterative approach. obtained by summing the contribution given by each
element stress.
Figure 1 : Curve bending moment capacity M
versus curvature  The main steps of the incremental-iterative approach
described above are summarised as follows (see also Fig 2):
a) Step 1: Divide the transverse section of hull into
stiffened plate elements
b) Step 2: Define stress-strain relationships for all elements
c) Step 3: Initialise curvature 1 and neutral axis for the
first incremental step with the value of incremental
curvature (i.e. curvature that induces a stress equal to
1% of yield strength in strength deck) as:

ReH 1
 1 =   = 0 01 -------
- -----------------
E zD – zn
zD : Z coordinate, in m, of strength deck at side.
Each step of the incremental procedure is represented by
the calculation of the bending moment Mi which acts on zn : Z coordinate, in m, of horizontal neutral
the hull transverse section as the effect of an imposed axis of the hull transverse section.
curvature i d) Step 4: Calculate for each element the corresponding
For each step, the value i is to be obtained by summing an strain, i= (zi - zn) and the corresponding stress i
increment of curvature  to the value relevant to the e) Step 5: Determine the neutral axis zNA_cur at each
previous step i-1.This increment of curvature corresponds incremental step by establishing force equilibrium over
to an increment of the rotation angle of the hull girder the whole transverse section as:
transverse section around its horizontal neutral axis. Ai i = Aj j (i-th element is under compression, j-th
This rotation increment induces axial strains  in each hull element under tension).
structural element, whose value depends on the position of f) Step 6: Calculate the corresponding moment by
the element. In hogging condition, the structural elements summing the contributions of all elements as:
above the neutral axis are lengthened, while the elements
below the neutral axis are shortened. Vice-versa in sagging
condition. MU =  i A i  z i – z NA cur 

The stress  induced in each structural element by the strain g) Step 7: Compare the moment in the current incremental
 is to be obtained from the load-end shortening curve - step with the moment in the previous incremental step.
of the element, which takes into account the behaviour of If the slope in M- relationship is less than a negative
the element in the non-linear elasto-plastic domain. fixed value, terminate the process and define the peak
The distribution of the stresses induced in all the elements value MU.
composing the hull transverse section determines, for each Otherwise, increase the curvature by the amount of 
step, a variation of the neutral axis position, since the and go to Step 4.

RINA Rules 2024 71

Pt B, Ch 6, App 1

Figure 2 : Flow chart of the procedure for the evaluation of the curve M-

2.2.2 Modelling of the hull girder cross section a) Hard corner element:
Hard corner elements are sturdier elements composing
Hull girder transverse sections are to be considered as being
the hull girder transverse section, which collapse mainly
constituted by the members contributing to the hull girder
according to an elasto-plastic mode of failure (material
ultimate strength.
yielding); they are generally constituted by two plates
Sniped stiffeners are also to be modelled, taking account not lying in the same plane.
that they do not contribute to the hull girder strength.
The extent of a hard corner element from the point of
The structural members are categorised into a stiffener
intersection of the plates is taken equal to 20 tp on a
element, a stiffened plate element or a hard corner element.
transversely stiffened panel and to 0.5 s on a
The plate panel including web plate of girder or side longitudinally stiffened panel, see Fig 3.
stringer is idealised into a stiffened plate element, an
attached plate of a stiffener element or a hard corner Bilge, sheer strake-deck stringer elements, girder-deck
element. connections and face plate-web connections on large
girders are typical hard corners.
The plate panel is categorised into the following two kinds:
• Longitudinally stiffened panel of which the longer side b) Stiffener element:
is in ship's longitudinal direction, and
The stiffener constitutes a stiffener element together with
• Transversely stiffened panel of which the longer side is
the attached plate.
in the perpendicular direction to ship's longitudinal
direction. The attached plate width is in principle:

72 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 6, App 1

• Equal to the mean spacing of the stiffener when the stiffeners are considered only as dividing a plate into
panels on both sides of the stiffener are various elementary plate panels.
longitudinally stiffened, or
• Where the opening is provided in the stiffened plate
• Equal to the width of the longitudinally stiffened
element, the openings are to be considered in
panel when the panel on one side of the stiffener is
accordance with Sec 1, [2.1]
longitudinally stiffened and the other panel is of the
transversely stiffened, see Fig 3. • Where attached plating is made of steels having
c) Stiffened plate element: different thicknesses and/or yield stresses, an average
The plate between stiffener elements, between a thickness and/or average yield stress obtained from the
stiffener element and a hard corner element or between following formula are to be used for the calculation.
hard corner elements is to be treated as a stiffened plate
element, see Fig 3.
t p1 S 1 + t p2 S 2
• In case of the knuckle point as shown in Fig 4, the t p = -----------------------------
plating area adjacent to knuckles in the plating with an
angle greater than 30 degrees is defined as a hard
corner. The extent of one side of the corner is taken R e Hp 1 t p1 S 1 + R eHp 2 t p2 S 2
equal to 20 tp on transversely framed panels and to 0.5 s R eH p = ---------------------------------------------------------
tp S
on longitudinally framed panels from the knuckle point.
• Where the plate members are stiffened by non- where R eH_P 1_ ReH_P2_, tp1, tp2, s1, s2 and s are shown in
continuous longitudinal stiffeners, the non- continuous Fig 5.

Figure 3 : Extension of the breadth of the attached plating and hard corner element (1/7/2016)

Figure 4 : Plating with knuckle point (1/7/2016)

RINA Rules 2024 73

Pt B, Ch 6, App 1

Figure 5 : Element with different thickness and yield strength (1/7/2016)

2.3 Load-end shortening curves Table 1 : Modes of failure of plating panels

and ordinary stiffeners
2.3.1 Stiffened plate element and stiffeners
element (1/7/2016) Curve-
Element Mode of failure
Stiffened plate element and stiffener element composing the defined in
hull girder transverse sections may collapse following one
Lengthened transversely Elasto-plastic [2.3.3]
of the modes of failure specified in Tab 1.
framed plating panel or collapse
• Where the plate members are stiffened by non- ordinary stiffeners
continuous longitudinal stiffeners, the stress of the
Shortened ordinary Beam column [2.3.4]
element is to be obtained in accordance with [2.3.3] to
stiffeners buckling
[2.3.8], taking into account the non-continuous
longitudinal stiffener. In calculating the total forces for Torsional buckling [2.3.5]
checking the hull girder ultimate strength, the area of
Web local buck- [2.3.6]
non-continuous longitudinal stiffener is to be assumed
ling of flanged pro-
as zero.
• Where the opening is provided in the stiffened plate
Web local buck- [2.3.7]
element, the considered area of the stiffened plate
ling of flat bars
element is to be obtained by deducting the opening area
from the plating in calculating the total forces for Shortened transversely Plate buckling [2.3.8]
checking the hull girder ultimate strength. framed plating panel
• For stiffened plate element, the effective width of plate
for the load shortening portion of the stress-strain curve 2.3.3 Elasto-plastic collapse of structural elements
is to be taken as full plate width, i.e. to the intersection (1/7/2016)
of other plate or longitudinal stiffener - neither from the The equation describing the load-end shortening curve -
end of the hard corner element nor from the attached for the elasto-plastic collapse of structural elements
plating of stiffener element, if any. In calculating the composing the hull girder transverse section is to be
total forces for checking the hull girder ultimate obtained from the following formula, valid for both positive
strength, the area of the stiffened plate element is to be (shortening) and negative (lengthening) strains (see Fig 6):
taken between the hard corner element and the stiffener  = R e HA
element or between the hard corner elements, as
ReHA : Equivalent minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, of
2.3.2 Hard corners element (1/7/2016) the considered element, obtained by the
following formula:
The relevant load-end shortening curve - is to be
obtained for lengthened and shortened hard corners
according to [2.3.3]. 10b E 1 t p l pe R EH S + A S l s E R EH S
R eH A = -----------------------------------------------------------------
R EH S + A S l s E

74 RINA Rules 2024

 : Edge function: IsE : Distance, in mm, measured from the neutral
= -1 for < -1 axis of the stiffener with attached plate of width
bE1 to the top of stiffener
=  for -1 < < 1
 : Relative strain defined in [2.3.3]
= 1 for > 1
E1 : Euler column buckling stress, in N/mm2 equal
 : Relative strain: to:
 = -----  E 1 =  2 E ---------
- 10 –4
Y AE l 2
E : Element strain IE : Net moment of inertia of ordinary stiffeners, in
Y : Strain inducing yield stress in the element: cm4, with attached shell plating of width bE1
R eH A bE1 : Effective width, in m, of the attached shell
 Y = ----------- plating, equal to:
b E 1 = ----- for  E  1 ,0
Figure 6 : Load-end shortening curve - for elasto- E
plastic collapse bE1 = s fo r  E  1 ,0

s -----------
 E = 10 3 ---
tp E
AE : Net sectional area, in cm2, of ordinary stiffeners
with attached shell plating of width bE
bE : Width, in m, of the attached shell plating:
2 ,25 1 ,25
b E =  ----------- – ----------- s fo r  E  1 ,25
 E  E2 
bE = s fo r  E  1 ,25

Figure 7 : Load-end shortening curve CR1- for beam

column buckling

2.3.4 Beam column buckling (1/7/2016)

The positive strain portion of the average stress - average
strain curve CR1- based on beam column buckling of
plate-stiffener combinations is described according to the
following (see Fig 6).
A S + 10b E t P
C R1 = C 1 ----------------------------
A S + 10 st P
 : Edge function defined in [2.3.3]
2.3.5 Torsional buckling (1/7/2016)
C1 : Critical stress, in N/mm2:
The load-end shortening curve CR2- for the flexural-
 E1 R eH B torsional buckling of stiffeners composing the hull girder
 C1 = ------- for E1  ----------
 2 transverse section is to be obtained according to the
R eH  R eH B following formula (see Fig 8):
 C1 = R eH  1 – ----------- for  E1  ----------
 4 E1 2 A S  C2 + 10 st P C P
 CR 2 =  -------------------------------------------
A S + 10 st P
where: where:
ReHB : Equivalent minimum yield stress, in N/mm , of 2  : Edge function defined in [2.3.3]
the considered element, obtained by the C2 : Critical stress, in N/mm2:
following formula: E2 ReH
 C2 = ------- for E 2  -------
 2
10 b E1 t p l pE R EH S + A S l s E R EH S
R eH B = ----------------------------------------------------------------- ReH  ReH
R EH S + A S l s E  C2 = R e H  1 – ----------- for  E 2  -------
 4  E 2 2
IpE : Distance, in mm, measured from the neutral E2 : Euler torsional buckling stress, in N/mm2,
axis of the stiffener with attached plate of width defined in Ch 7, Sec 2, [4.3.3]
bE1 to the bottom of the attached plate  : Relative strain defined in [2.3.3]
Pt B, Ch 6, App 1

CP : Buckling stress of the attached plating, in CP : Buckling stress of the attached plating, in
N/mm2: N/mm2, defined in [2.3.5]

2 ,25 1 ,25 C4 : Critical stress, in N/mm2:

 CP =  ----------- – ----------- R for  E  1 ,25
 E E2  eH p E4 ReH S
 C4 = ------- E 4  ---------
 CP = R eH p for  E  1 ,25  for 2

E ReH S ReH S
: Coefficient defined in [2.3.4].  C4 = ReH S  1 – ------------- for  E 4  ---------
 4 E4  2
Figure 8 : Load-end shortening curve CR2- for E4 : Local Euler buckling stress, in N/mm2:
flexural-torsional buckling
tW  2
 E 4 = 160000  ------
 h W

 : Relative strain defined in [2.3.3].

Figure 9 : Load-end shortening curve CR4 -for web

local buckling of flat bars

2.3.6 Web local buckling of stiffeners made of

flanged profiles (1/7/2016)
The load-end shortening curve CR3- for the web local
buckling of flanged stiffeners composing the hull girder
transverse section is to be obtained from the following

10 3 b E t P + R eH p +  h W E t W + b F t F R eH S 2.3.8 Plate buckling (1/7/2016)

 CR 3 =  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 3 st P + h W t W + b F t F The load-end shortening curve CR5- for the buckling of
transversely stiffened panels composing the hull girder
transverse section is to be obtained from the following
 : Edge function defined in [2.3.3] formula:
bE : Effective width, in m, of the attached shell
 ReH p 
plating, defined in [2.3.4] 
 CR5 = min  s 2 ,25 1 ,25 s  1 2
hWE : Effective height, in mm, of the web: R eH p -  ----------- – ----------- 
2  + 0 ,1  1 –   1 +
- -----2
E 
 l E E l

2 ,25 1 ,25
h W E =  ----------- – ----------- h for  W  1 ,25 where:
 E  E2  W
E : Coefficient defined in [2.3.4].
hW E = hW for W  1 ,25
 : Edge function defined in [2.3.3].
E : Coefficient defined in [2.3.4]

h W R eH S 3 Alternative methods
W = ------
- -------------
tW E

3.1 Non-linear finite element analysis

2.3.7 Web local buckling of stiffeners made of flat
bars (1/7/2016) 3.1.1 (1/7/2016)
The load-end shortening curve CR4- for the web local Advanced non-linear finite element analyses models may
buckling of flat bar stiffeners composing the hull girder be used for the assessment of the hull girder ultimate
transverse section is to be obtained from the following capacity. Such models are to consider the relevant effects
formula (see Fig 9): important to the non-linear responses.

10st P  C P + A S  C4 3.1.2 (1/7/2016)

 C R4 =  -------------------------------------------
A S + 10 st P Particular attention is to be given to modelling the shape
and size of geometrical imperfections. It is to be ensured
that the shape and size of geometrical imperfections trigger
 : Edge function defined in [2.3.3] the most critical failure modes.

76 RINA Rules 2024

Part B
Hull and Stability

Chapter 7









RINA Rules 2024 79

Symbols used in chapter 7

L1, L2 : Lengths, in m, defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, MWV,S : Vertical wave bending moment, in kN.m, in sag-
[2.1.1], ging condition, at the hull transverse section
E : Young’s modulus, in N/mm2, to be taken equal considered, defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [3.1],
to: MWH : Horizontal wave bending moment, in kN.m, at
• for steels in general: the hull transverse section considered, defined in
E = 2,06.105 N/mm2 Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [3.2],
• for stainless steels: MWT : Wave torque, in kN.m, at the hull transverse sec-
E = 1,95.105 N/mm2 tion considered, defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2,
• for aluminium alloys: [3.3].
E = 7,0.10 4 N/mm 2
 : Poisson’s ratio. Unless otherwise specified, a
value of 0,3 is to be taken into account,
k : material factor, defined in:
• Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1, [2.3], for steel,
• Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1, [4.4], for aluminium
Ry : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm 2, of the material,
to be taken equal to 235/k N/mm2, unless other-
wise specified,
tc : Corrosion addition, in mm, defined in Pt B, Ch 4,
Sec 2, Tab 2,
IY : Net moment of inertia, in m 4, of the hull trans-
verse section around its horizontal neutral axis,
to be calculated according to Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 1,
[2.4] considering the members contributing to
the hull girder longitudinal strength as having
their net scantlings,
IZ : Net moment of inertia, in m 4, of the hull trans-
verse section around its vertical neutral axis, to
be calculated according to Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 1,
[2.4] considering the members contributing to
the hull girder longitudinal strength as having
their net scantlings,
x, y, z : X, Y and Z co-ordinates, in m, of the calculation
point with respect to the reference co-ordinate
system defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4],
N : Z co-ordinate, in m, with respect to the reference
co-ordinate system defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2,
[4], of the centre of gravity of the hull transverse
section constituted by members contributing to
the hull girder longitudinal strength considered
as having their net scantlings (see Pt B, Ch 6,
Sec 1, [2]),
MSW,H : Design still water bending moment, in kN.m, in
hogging condition, at the hull transverse section
considered, defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [2.2],
MSW,S : Design still water bending moment, in kN.m, in
sagging condition, at the hull transverse section
considered, defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [2.2],
MSW,Hmin: Minimum still water bending moment, in kN.m,
in hogging condition, at the hull transverse sec-
tion considered, without being taken greater
than 0,3MWV,S,
MWV,H : Vertical wave bending moment, in kN.m, in hog-
ging condition, at the hull transverse section
considered, defined in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 2, [3.1],

80 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1


For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to the list at c r = 1 – 0 ,5s  r
the beginning of this Chapter.
to be taken not less than 0,75
pS : Still water pressure, in kN/m 2, see [3.2.2]
r : Radius of curvature, in m
pW : Wave pressure and, if necessary, dynamic pres-
tnet : Net thickness, in mm, of a plate panel
sures, according to the criteria in Ch 5, Sec 5
and Ch 5, Sec 6, [2], in kN/m2 (see [3.2.2])
1 General
pSF, pWF : Still water and wave pressure, in kN/m2, in
flooding conditions, defined in Ch 5, Sec 6, [9]
(see [3.2.3]) 1.1 Net thicknesses
FS : Still water wheeled force, in kN, see [4.2.2] 1.1.1 As specified in Ch 4, Sec 2, [1], all thicknesses
FW,Z : Inertial wheeled force, in kN, see [4.2.2] referred to in this Section are net, i.e. they do not include
X1 : In-plane hull girder normal stress, in N/mm 2, any margin for corrosion.
defined in: The gross thicknesses are obtained as specified in Ch 4,
• [3.2.5] for the strength check of plating sub- Sec 2.
jected to lateral pressure
• [5.2.2] for the buckling check of plating 1.2 Partial safety factors
1 : In-plane hull girder shear stress, in N/mm2, 1.2.1 The partial safety factors to be considered for the
defined in [3.2.6] checking of the plating are specified in Tab 1.
ReH : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm 2, of the plating
material, defined in Ch 4, Sec 1, [2] 1.3 Elementary plate panel
 : Length, in m, of the longer side of the plate
1.3.1 The elementary plate panel is the smallest unstiff-
ened part of plating.
s : Length, in m, of the shorter side of the plate
1.4 Load point
a, b : Lengths, in m, of the sides of the plate panel, as
shown in Fig 2 to Fig 4 1.4.1 Unless otherwise specified, lateral pressure and hull
ca : Aspect ratio of the plate panel, equal to: girder stresses are to be calculated:
• for longitudinal framing, at the lower edge of the ele-
s 2 s
c a = 1 ,21 1 + 0 ,33  -- – 0 ,69 - mentary plate panel or, in the case of horizontal plating,
  
at the point of minimum y-value among those of the ele-
to be taken not greater than 1,0 mentary plate panel considered
cr : Coefficient of curvature of the panel, equal to: • for transverse framing, at the lower edge of the strake.

Table 1 : Plating - Partial safety factors (1/7/2020)

Strength check of plating subjected to lateral pressure

Partial safety factors Flooding pres- Buckling check

covering uncertainties Symbol General sure (1) (see Testing check (see (see [5])
regarding: (see [3.2], [3.3.1], [3.2] [3.3.2], (see [3.2] [3.3.2],
[3.4.1], [3.5.1] and [4]) [3.4.2] and [3.4.2] and [3.5.2])
Still water hull girder loads S1 1,00 1,00 Not applicable 1,00
Wave hull girder loads W1 1,15 1,15 Not applicable 1,15
Still water pressure S2 1,00 1,00 1,00 Not applicable
(1) Applies only to plating to be checked in flooding conditions.
(2) For plating of the collision bulkhead, R =1,25

RINA Rules 2024 81

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1

Strength check of plating subjected to lateral pressure

Partial safety factors Flooding pres- Buckling check

covering uncertainties Symbol General sure (1) (see Testing check (see (see [5])
regarding: (see [3.2], [3.3.1], [3.2] [3.3.2], (see [3.2] [3.3.2],
[3.4.1], [3.5.1] and [4]) [3.4.2] and [3.4.2] and [3.5.2])
Wave pressure W2 1,20 1,20 Not applicable Not applicable
Material m 1,02 1,02 1,02 1,02
Resistance R 1,20 1,05 (2) 1,05 1,10
(1) Applies only to plating to be checked in flooding conditions.
(2) For plating of the collision bulkhead, R =1,25

2 General requirements 2.5 Sheerstrake

2.1 General 2.5.1 Welded sheerstrake

The net thickness of a welded sheerstrake is to be not less
2.1.1 The requirements in [2.2] and [2.3] are to be applied than that of the adjacent side plating, taking into account
to plating in addition of those in [3] to [5]. higher strength steel corrections if needed.

2.2 Minimum net thicknesses In general, the required net thickness of the adjacent side
plating is to be taken as a reference. In specific case,
2.2.1 The net thickness of plating is to be not less than the depending on its actual net thickness, this latter may be
values given in Tab 2. required to be considered when deemed necessary by the
2.3 Bilge plating
Table 2 : Minimum net thickness of plating
2.3.1 The bilge plating net thickness is to be not less than
the values obtained from:
Minimum net
• strength check of plating subjected to lateral pressure: Plating
thickness, in mm
- criteria in [3.3.1] for longitudinally framed bilges Keel 3,8 + 0,040Lk1/2 + 4,5s
- criteria in [3.4.1] for transversely framed bilges Bottom
• buckling check: • longitudinal framing 1,9 + 0,032Lk1/2 + 4,5s
- criteria in [5] for longitudinally framed bilge, to be • transverse framing 2,8 + 0,032Lk1/2 + 4,5s
checked as plane plating Inner bottom
- criteria in [5.3.4] for transversely framed bilge, con- • outside the engine room (1) 1,9 + 0,024Lk1/2 + 4,5s
sidering only the case of compression stresses per- • engine room 3,0 + 0,024Lk1/2 + 4,5s
pendicular to the curved edges.
The net thickness of longitudinally framed bilge plating is to • below freeboard deck (1) 2,1 + 0,031Lk1/2 + 4,5s
be not less than that required for the adjacent bottom or • between freeboard deck and 2,1 + 0,013Lk1/2 + 4,5s
side plating, whichever is the greater. strength deck
The net thickness of transversely framed bilge plating may Inner side
be taken not greater than that required for the adjacent bot- • L < 120 m 1,7 + 0,013Lk1/2+ 4,5s
tom or side plating, whichever is the greater. • L  120 m 3,6 2,2k1/2 + s
(1) Not applicable to ships with one of the service nota-
2.4 Inner bottom of cargo holds intended to tions passenger ship and ro-ro passenger ship. For such
carry dry cargo ships, refer to the applicable requirements of Part E.
(2) Not applicable to ships with one of the following ser-
2.4.1 For ships with one of the following service notations: vice notations:
• general cargo ship, intended to carry dry bulk cargo in • ro-ro cargo ship
holds • liquefied gas carrier
• bulk carrier ESP • passenger ship
• ro-ro passenger ship.
• ore carrier ESP
For such ships, refer to the applicable requirements of
• combination carrier ESP
Part E.
the inner bottom and sloping plating net thickness is to be (3) The minimum net thickness is to be obtained by line-
increased by 2 mm unless they are protected by a continu- arly interpolating between that required for the area
ous wooden ceiling. within 0,4 L amidships and that at the fore and aft part.

82 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1

Minimum net 2.5.4 Net thickness of the sheerstrake in way of

Plating breaks of short superstructures
thickness, in mm
Weather strength deck and trunk The net thickness of the sheerstrake is to be increased in
deck, if any (2) way of breaks of short superstructures occurring within 0,6L
• area within 0,4 L amidships amidships, over a length of about one sixth of the ship’s
- longitudinal framing 1,6 + 0,032Lk1/2 + 4,5s breadth on each side of the superstructure end.
- transverse framing 1,6 + 0,040Lk1/2 + 4,5s This increase in net thickness is to be equal to 15%, but
• area outside 0,4 L amidships (3) need not exceed 4,5 mm.
• between hatchways 2,1 + 0,013Lk1/2 + 4,5s
• at fore and aft part 2,1 + 0,013Lk1/2 + 4,5s
2.6 Stringer plate
Cargo deck
• general 8sk1/2
2.6.1 General
• wheeled load only 4,5
Accommodation deck The net thickness of the stringer plate is to be not less than
• L < 120 m 1,3 + 0,004Lk1/2 + 4,5s the actual net thickness of the adjacent deck plating.
• L  120 m 2,1 + 2,2k1/2 +s
2.6.2 Net thickness of the stringer plate in way of
Platform in engine room
breaks of long superstructures
• L < 120 m 1,7 + 0,013Lk1/2 + 4,5s
• L  120 m 3,6 2,2k1/2 + s The net thickness of the stringer plate is to be increased in
Transverse watertight bulkhead
way of breaks of long superstructures occurring within 0,5L
amidships, over a length of about one sixth of the ship’s
• L < 120 m 1,3 + 0,004Lk1/2 + 4,5s
breadth on each side of the superstructure end.
• L  120 m 2,1 + 2,2k1/2 +s
Longitudinal watertight bulkhead This increase in net thickness is to be equal to 40%, but
• L < 120 m 1,7 + 0,013Lk1/2 + 4,5s need not exceed 4,5 mm.
• L  120 m 3,6 2,2k1/2 + s Where the breaks of superstructures occur outside 0,5L
Tank and wash bulkheads amidships, the increase in net thickness may be reduced to
• L < 120 m 1,7 + 0,013Lk1/2 + 4,5s 30%, but need not exceed 2,5 mm.
• L  120 m 3,6 2,2k1/2 + s
(1) Not applicable to ships with one of the service nota- 2.6.3 Net thickness of the stringer plate in way of
tions passenger ship and ro-ro passenger ship. For such breaks of short superstructures
ships, refer to the applicable requirements of Part E.
The net thickness of the stringer plate is to be increased in
(2) Not applicable to ships with one of the following ser- way of breaks of short superstructures occurring within 0,6L
vice notations:
amidships, over a length of about one sixth of the ship
• ro-ro cargo ship breadth on each side of the superstructure end.
• liquefied gas carrier
• passenger ship This increase in net thickness is to be equal to 15%, but
• ro-ro passenger ship. need not exceed 4,5 mm.
For such ships, refer to the applicable requirements of
Part E.
3 Strength check of plating subjected
(3) The minimum net thickness is to be obtained by line-
arly interpolating between that required for the area to lateral pressure
within 0,4 L amidships and that at the fore and aft part.
3.1 General
2.5.2 Rounded sheerstrake
The net thickness of a rounded sheerstrake is to be not less 3.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply for the
than the actual net thickness of the adjacent deck plating. strength check of plating subjected to lateral pressure and,
for plating contributing to the longitudinal strength, to in-
2.5.3 Net thickness of the sheerstrake in way of plane hull girder normal and shear stresses.
breaks of long superstructures
The net thickness of the sheerstrake is to be increased in 3.2 Load model
way of breaks of long superstructures occurring within 0,5L
amidships, over a length of about one sixth of the ship’s
3.2.1 General
breadth on each side of the superstructure end.
The still water and wave lateral pressures induced by the
This increase in net thickness is to be equal to 40%, but
sea and the various types of cargoes and ballast in intact
need not exceed 4,5 mm.
conditions are to be considered, depending on the location
Where the breaks of superstructures occur outside 0,5L of the plating under consideration and the type of the com-
amidships, the increase in net thickness may be reduced to partments adjacent to it, in accordance with Ch 5, Sec 1,
30%, but need not exceed 2,5 mm. [2.4].

RINA Rules 2024 83

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1

The plating of bulkheads or inner side which constitute the • pST - p S for bottom shell plating and side shell plating
boundary of compartments not intended to carry liquids is
• pST otherwise
to be subjected to lateral pressure in flooding conditions.
The wave lateral pressures and hull girder loads are to be Where:
calculated in the mutually exclusive load cases “a”, “b”, “c” pST : Still water pressure defined in Ch 5, Sec 6, Tab 13
and “d” in Ch 5, Sec 4. pS : Still water sea pressure defined in Ch 5, Sec 5, [1.1.1]
3.2.2 Lateral pressure in intact conditions for the draught T1 at which the testing is carried out.
The lateral pressure in intact conditions is constituted by If the draught T1 is not defined by the Designer, it may be
still water pressure and wave pressure. taken equal to the light ballast draught TB defined in Ch 5,
Still water pressure (p S) includes: Sec 1, [2.4.3].
• the still water sea pressure, defined in Ch 5, Sec 5, [1]
3.2.5 In-plane hull girder normal stresses
• the still water internal pressure, defined in Ch 5, Sec 6
The in-plane hull girder normal stresses to be considered for
for the various types of cargoes and for ballast.
the strength check of plating are obtained, in N/mm2, from
Wave pressure (pW) includes: the following formulae:
• the wave pressure, defined in Ch 5, Sec 5, [2] for each • for plating contributing to the hull girder longitudinal
load case “a”, “b”, “c” and “d” strength:
• the inertial pressure, defined in Ch 5, Sec 6 for the vari-  X1 =  S 1  S 1 +  W1  C F V  W V1 + C F H  WH 1 + C F    
ous types of cargoes and for ballast, and for each load
• for plating not contributing to the hull girder longitudi-
case “a”, “b”, “c” and “d”
nal strength:
• the dynamic pressures, according to the criteria in Ch 5,
X1 = 0
Sec 6, [2].
3.2.3 Lateral pressure in flooding conditions
S1, WV1, WH1 : Hull girder normal stresses, in N/mm2,
The lateral pressure in flooding conditions is constituted by
defined in Tab 3
the still water pressure pSF and wave pressure pWF defined in
Ch 5, Sec 6, [9].  : Absolute value of the warping stress, in N/mm2,
induced by the torque 0,625MWT and obtained
3.2.4 Lateral pressure in testing through direct calculation analyses based on a
conditions (1/7/2020) structural model in accordance with Ch 6,
The lateral pressure (pT), in kN/m2. in testing conditions is Sec 1, [2.6]
taken equal to: CFV, C FH, CF: Combination factors defined in Tab 4.

Table 3 : Hull girder normal stresses

Condition S1 , in N/mm2 (1) WV1 , in N/mm2 WH1 , in N/mm 2

S1 M SW ,S + 0 ,625 W 1 C FV M W V ,S M S W ,S –3 0 ,625F D M W V ,S –3

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 --------------  z – N  10 -  z – N  10
 S1 M SW ,H + 0 ,625 W 1 C FV M W V ,H IY IY
0 ,625 MW H –3
---------------------------y 10
S1 M SW ,S + 0 ,625 W 1 C FV M W V ,S M SW , H –3 0 ,625M W V ,H –3
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 ---------------  z – N  10 --------------------------------  z – N  10
 S1 M SW ,H + 0 ,625 W 1 C FV M W V ,H IY IY

(1) When the ship in still water is always in hogging condition, MSW,S is to be taken equal to 0.
Note 1:
FD : Coefficient defined in Ch 5, Sec 2, [4].

Table 4 : Combination factors CFV, CFH and CF tudinal strength are obtained, in N/mm2, from the following
Load case CFV CFH CF
 1 =  S 1  S 1 + 0 ,625C F V  W1  W 1
“a” 1,0 0 0
“b” 1,0 0 0 where:

“c” 0,4 1,0 1,0 S1 : Absolute value of the hull girder shear stresses,
in N/mm2, induced by the maximum still water
“d” 0,4 1,0 0
hull girder vertical shear force

3.2.6 In-plane hull girder shear stresses W1 : Absolute value of the hull girder shear stresses,
The in-plane hull girder shear stresses to be considered for in N/mm2, induced by the maximum wave hull
the strength check of plating which contributes to the longi- girder vertical shear force

84 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1

CFV : Combination factor defined in Tab 4. 3.3.3 Testing conditions (1/1/2021)

S1 and W1 may be calculated as indicated in Tab 5 where, The plating of compartments or structures as defined in
at a preliminary design stage, the still water hull girder verti- Ch 5, Sec 6, Tab 13 is to be checked in testing conditions.
cal shear force is not defined. Its net thickness is to be not less than the value obtained, in
mm, from the following formula:
3.3 Longitudinally framed plating contribut-
S2 pT
ing to the hull girder longitudinal t = 14 ,9 c a c r s  R  m -----------

3.3.1 General 3.4 Transversely framed plating contribut-

The net thickness of laterally loaded plate panels subjected ing to the hull girder longitudinal
to in-plane normal stress acting on the shorter sides is to be strength
not less than the value obtained, in mm, from the following
formula: 3.4.1 General
The net thickness of laterally loaded plate panels subjected
 S2 p S + W 2 p W
t = 14 ,9 c a c r s  R  m ---------------------------------- to in-plane normal stress acting on the longer sides is to be
L R y
not less than the value obtained, in mm, from the following
where: formula:
• for bottom, bilge, inner bottom and decks (excluding
S2 pS + W 2 pW
possible longitudinal sloping plates): t = CT c a c r s  R  m ----------------------------------
T R y
 x1 2 x1
L = 1 – 0 ,95  m ------- – 0 ,225 m ------- where:
 Ry  Ry
• for bottom, bilge, inner bottom and decks (excluding
• for side, inner side and longitudinal bulkheads (includ- possible longitudinal sloping plates):
ing possible longitudinal sloping plates):
CT : Coefficient equal to 17,2
 2  x1 2 x1
L = 1 – 3  m ----1- – 0 ,95   m ------- – 0 ,225 m ------- x 1
 T = 1 – 0 ,89  m -------
 R y  Ry  Ry Ry

3.3.2 Flooding conditions • for side, inner side and longitudinal bulkheads (includ-
ing possible longitudinal sloping plates):
The plating of bulkheads or inner side which constitute the
boundary of compartments not intended to carry liquids is CT : Coefficient equal to:
to be checked in flooding conditions. To this end, its net 17,2 for side
thickness is to be not less than the value obtained, in mm,
from the following formula: 14,9 for inner side and longitudinal bulk-
heads (including possible longitudinal slop-
 S2 p SF + W 2 p W F ing plates)
t = 14 ,9 c a c r s  R  m --------------------------------------
L R y
 2 x1
where L is defined in [3.3.1]. T = 1 – 3   m ----1- – 0 ,89 m -------
 R y Ry
Table 5 : Hull girder shear stresses
3.4.2 Flooding conditions

Structural element S1, W1 in N/mm2 The plating of bulkheads or inner side which constitute the
boundary of compartments not intended to carry liquids is
Bottom, bilge, inner bottom and decks to be checked in flooding conditions. To this end, its net
(excluding possible longitudinal slop- 0 thickness is to be not less than the value obtained, in mm,
ing plates) from the following formula:
Side, inner side and longitudinal bulk-
 S 2 p S F +  W 2 p WF
heads (including possible longitudinal t = 14 9c a c r s  R  m --------------------------------------
T Ry
sloping plates):
 0  0 ,5 + 2 ---
• 0  z  0,25D  D where T is defined in [3.4.1].

• 0,25D <z 0,75D 0 3.4.3 Testing conditions (1/1/2021)

z- The plating of compartments or structures as defined in
• 0,75D < z  D  0  2 ,5 – 2 ---
 D Ch 5, Sec 6, Tab 13 is to be checked in testing conditions.
Its net thickness is to be not less than the value obtained, in
Note 1: mm, from the following formula:
 6 3 
 0 = 47
------  1 – ---------  N/mm² S2 pT
k  L1  t = 14 ,9 c a c r s  R  m -----------

RINA Rules 2024 85

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1

3.5 Plating not contributing to the hull t = C WL  n P 0 k 

0 ,5
– tc
girder longitudinal strength
3.5.1 General CWL : Coefficient to be taken equal to:
The net thickness of plate panels subjected to lateral pres- 0 ,05  0 ,5
C WL = 2 15 – --------------- + 0 ,02  4 – --  – 1 ,7
0 ,25
sure is to be not less than the value obtained, in mm, from s  s
the following formula:
where /s is to be taken not greater than 3
 S2 p S +  W 2 p W
t = 14 ,9 c a c r s  R m ----------------------------------
Ry A
 = ------T where  is to be taken not greater than 5s
3.5.2 Flooding conditions AT : Tyre print area, in m2. In the case of double or
The plating of bulkheads or inner side which constitute the triple wheels, the area is that corresponding to
boundary of compartments not intended to carry liquids is the group of wheels.
to be checked in flooding conditions. To this end, its net
thickness is to be not less than the value obtained, in mm, n : Number of wheels on the plate panel, taken
from the following formula: equal to:
• 1 in the case of a single wheel
 S2 p SF +  W 2 p WF
t = 14 ,9 c a c r s  R m -------------------------------------- • the number of wheels in a group of wheels
in the case of double or triple wheels
3.5.3 Testing conditions (1/1/2021) P0 : wheeled force, in kN, taken equal to:
The plating of compartments or structures as defined in P 0 =  S 2 F S + 0 ,4 W 2 F W ,Z
Ch 5, Sec 6, Tab 13 is to be checked in testing conditions.
Its net thickness is to be not less than the value obtained, in
4.3.2 When the tyre print area is not known, it may be
mm, from the following formula:
taken equal to:
 S2 p T nQ A
t = 14 ,9 c a c r s  R  m -----------
- A T = 9 81 ------------
Ry nW pT
4 Strength check of plating subjected n : Number of wheels on the plate panel, defined
to wheeled loads in [4.3.1]
QA : Axle load, in t
4.1 General
nW : Number of wheels for the axle considered
4.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply for the pT : Tyre pressure, in kN/m2. When the tyre pressure
strength check of plating subjected to wheeled loads. is not indicated by the designer, it may be taken
as defined in Tab 6.
4.2 Load model
Table 6 : Tyre pressures pT for vehicles
4.2.1 General
The still water and inertial forces induced by the sea and the Tyre pressure pT , in kN/m2
various types of wheeled vehicles are to be considered, Vehicle type
depending on the location of the plating. Pneumatic tyres Solid rubber tyres

The inertial forces induced by the sea are to be calculated Private cars 250 Not applicable
in load case “b”, as defined in Ch 5, Sec 4.
Vans 600 Not applicable
4.2.2 Wheeled forces Trucks and trailers 800 Not applicable
The wheeled force applied by one wheel is constituted by
Handling machines 1100 1600
still water force and inertial force.
Still water force is the vertical force (FS) defined in Ch 5,
4.3.3 For vehicles with the four wheels of the axle located
Sec 6, [6.1].
on a plate panel as shown in Fig 1, the net thickness of deck
Inertial force is the vertical force (FW,Z) defined in Ch 5, plating is to be not less than the greater of the values
Sec 6, [6.1], for load case “b”, with the acceleration aZ1 cal- obtained, in mm, from the following formulae:
culated at x = 0,5L.
t = t1
0 ,5
4.3 Plating t = t 2  1 + 2 + 3 + 4 

4.3.1 (1/7/2009) where:

The net thickness of plate panels subjected to wheeled t1 : Net thickness obtained from [4.3.1] for n = 2,
loads is to be not less than the value obtained, in mm, from considering one group of two wheels located on
the following formula: the plate panel

86 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1

t2 : Net thickness obtained from [4.3.1] for n = 1, 5 Buckling check

considering one wheel located on the plate
2, 3, 4: Coefficients obtained from the following for- 5.1 General
mula, by replacing i by 2, 3 and 4, respectively
(see Fig 1): 5.1.1 Application (1/7/2016)
• for xi/b < 2: The requirements of this Article apply for the buckling
2 3
i = 0 ,8  1 ,2 – 2 ,02 i + 1 ,17  i – 0 ,23 i  check of plating subjected to in-plane compression stresses,
acting on one or two sides, or to shear stress.
• for xi/b  2:
i = 0 Rectangular plate panels are considered as being simply
supported. For specific designs, other boundary conditions
xi : Distance, in m, from the wheel considered to may be considered, at the Society’s discretion, provided that
the reference wheel (see Fig 1) the necessary information is submitted for review.
b : Dimension, in m, of the plate panel side per-
pendicular to the axle Ships with the service notation container ship, in addition
to the requirements of this Article, are to comply with the
 i = ----i requirements of Pt E, Ch 2, Sec 2, [6].

Figure 1 : Four wheel axle located on a plate panel 5.1.2 Compression and bending with or without
For plate panels subjected to compression and bending
along one side, with or without shear, as shown in Fig 2,
side “b” is to be taken as the loaded side. In such case, the
compression stress varies linearly from 1 to2 = 1 ()
along edge “b”.

5.1.3 Shear
For plate panels subjected to shear, as shown in Fig 3, side
“b” may be taken as either the longer or the shorter side of
the panel.

Figure 2 : Buckling of a simply supported rectangular plate panel subjected to compression and bending,
with and without shear

5.1.4 Bi-axial compression and shear is to be taken as the side in the direction of the primary sup-
For plate panels subjected to bi-axial compression along porting members.
sides “a” and “b”, and to shear, as shown in Fig 4, side “a”

RINA Rules 2024 87

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1

Figure 3 : Buckling of a simply supported rectangular S1, WV1, WH1 : Hull girder normal stresses, in N/mm2,
plate panel subjected to shear defined in Tab 7
 : Compression warping stress, in N/mm2,
induced by the torque 0,625MWT and obtained
through direct calculation analyses based on a
structural model in accordance with Ch 6,
Sec 1, [2.6]
CFV, C FH, CF :Combination factors defined in Tab 4.
X1 is to be taken as the maximum compression stress on
the plate panel considered.
In no case may X1 be taken less than 30/k N/mm2.
When the ship in still water is always in hogging condition,
X1 may be evaluated by means of direct calculations when
justified on the basis of the ship’s characteristics and
intended service. The calculations are to be submitted to
Figure 4 : Buckling of a simply supported the Society for approval.
rectangular plate panel subjected to
5.2.3 In-plane hull girder shear stresses
bi-axial compression and shear (1/7/2011)
The in-plane hull girder shear stresses to be considered for
the buckling check of plating are obtained as specified in
[3.2.6] for the strength check of plating subjected to lateral
pressure, which contributes to the longitudinal strength.

5.2.4 Combined in-plane hull girder and local

compression normal stresses
The combined in-plane compression normal stresses to be
considered for the buckling check of plating are to take into
account the hull girder stresses and the local stresses result-
ing from the bending of the primary supporting members.
These local stresses are to be obtained from a direct struc-
tural analysis using the design loads given in Chapter 5.
With respect to the reference co-ordinate system defined in
Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.1], the combined stresses in x and y direc-
tion are obtained, in N/mm2, from the following formulae:
 X = X 1 +  S2  X2 ,S +  W 2  X2 ,W

5.2 Load model  Y =  S2 Y 2 ,S +  W 2  Y2 ,W

5.2.1 Sign convention for normal stresses X1 : Compression normal stress, in N/mm2, induced
The sign convention for normal stresses is as follows: by the hull girder still water and wave loads,
• tension: positive defined in [5.2.2]
• compression: negative. X2,S,Y2,S: Compression normal stress in x and y direction,
respectively, in N/mm2, induced by the local
5.2.2 In-plane hull girder compression normal bending of the primary supporting members
stresses and obtained from a direct structural analysis
The in-plane hull girder compression normal stresses to be using the still water design loads given in
considered for the buckling check of plating contributing to Chapter 5
the longitudinal strength are obtained, in N/mm 2, from the X2,W,Y2,W: Compression normal stress in x and y direction,
following formula: respectively, in N/mm2, induced by the local
bending of the primary supporting members
 X1 =  S1  S1 +  W 1  C FV W V1 + C FH  WH 1 + CF   
and obtained from a direct structural analysis
where: using the wave design loads given in Chapter 5.

88 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1

Table 7 : Hull girder normal compression stresses

Condition S1 in N/mm2 (1) WV1 in N/mm2 WH1 in N/mm2

M SW , S –3 0 ,625F D M W V ,S –3
zN --------------  z – N 10 -------------------------------------  z – N 10
0 ,625 M WH –3
– --------------------------- y 10
M SW ,H –3 0 ,625M WV ,H –3
z<N ---------------  z – N 10 --------------------------------  z – N 10

(1) When the ship in still water is always in hogging condition, S1 for z  N is to be obtained, in N/mm2, from the following for-
mula, unless X1 is evaluated by means of direct calculations (see [5.2.2]):
MSW ,H m in –3
 S1 = ---------------------
-  z – N 10

Note 1:
FD : Coefficient defined in Ch 5, Sec 2, [4].

5.2.5 Combined in-plane hull girder and local shear 2 E t n e t 2

-  ------
 E = ------------------------- - K 1   10 –6
stresses 12  1 –   b  2 

The combined in-plane shear stresses to be considered for

the buckling check of plating are to take into account the K1 : Buckling factor defined in Tab 8
hull girder stresses and the local stresses resulting from the  : Coefficient to be taken equal to:
bending of the primary supporting members. These local
• =1 for 
stresses are to be obtained from a direct structural analysis
using the design loads given in Chapter 5. •  = 1,05 for <and side “b” stiffened by
flat bar
The combined stresses are obtained, in N/mm2, from the
following formula: •  = 1,10 for <and side “b” stiffened by
bulb section
 = 1 +  S2  2 ,S +  W2  2 ,W
•  = 1,21 for <and side “b” stiffened by
where: angle or T-section
1 : Shear stress, in N/mm 2, induced by the hull
•  = 1,30 for <and side “b” stiffened by
girder still water and wave loads, defined in primary supporting members.
 = a/b
2,S : Shear stress, in N/mm 2, induced by the local
bending of the primary supporting members 5.3.2 Shear for plane panel
and obtained from a direct structural analysis
using the still water design loads given in The critical shear buckling stress is to be obtained, in
Chapter 5 N/mm2, from the following formulae:
2,W : Shear stress, in N/mm 2, induced by the local ReH
c = E for  E  ----------
bending of the primary supporting members 2 3
and obtained from a direct structural analysis ReH
ReH  ReH
using the wave design loads given in Chapter 5. - 1 – ----------------
 c = ------- for E  ----------
3 4 3  E 2 3

5.3 Critical stresses where:

E : Euler shear buckling stress, to be obtained, in
5.3.1 Compression and bending for plane panel
N/mm2, from the following formula:
The critical buckling stress is to be obtained, in N/mm2,
from the following formulae: 2 E  t------
n e t
E = --------------------------
2 
- K 2  10 –6
12  1 –   b 
R eH
c =  E for  E  -------
2 K2 : Buckling factor to be taken equal to:
R eH R eH
c = R eH  1 – --------- for  E  -------
- 4
K 2 = 5 ,34 + ------2 for   1
 4 E 2 
where: 5 ,34
K 2 = -----------
+4 for   1

E : Euler buckling stress, to be obtained, in N/mm 2,
from the following formula:  : Coefficient defined in [5.3.1].

RINA Rules 2024 89

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1

Table 8 : Buckling factor K1 for plate panels

Load pattern Aspect ratio Buckling factor K1

8 ,4
1  + 1 ,1
0 
1 1  2 2 ,1
  + --- -------------------
   + 1 ,1

 1   
 1 +  K 1 – K 1 + 10   1 +  

1 – -  2 23 ,9  1 – -
 ------------ --- ------------
 2 
2 3

 
 1 ,87 1  2
1– 2
1– 2  15 ,87 + -------------------------2 + 8 ,6   -------------   -------------
 

 -------------  --- – - 2 2
2 3  1 ------------ 
  2  

Note 1:
 = -----

1  : Value of K1 calculated for  = 0

K 1 : Value of K1 calculated for  = 1

5.3.3 Bi-axial compression and shear for plane E : Euler buckling stress, to be obtained, in N/mm2,
panel from the following formula:
The critical buckling stress c,a for compression on side “a”  2 E -  t------
 E = ------------------------- n e t
- K3  10 –6
2  
12  1 –   b
of the panel is to be obtained, in N/mm2, from the following
formula: b : Width of curved panel, in mm, measured on arc
2 ,25 1 ,25 K3 : Buckling factor defined in Tab 9, depending on
 c ,a =  ----------- – ----------- R
   2  eH the load acting on the panel.
Table 9 : Buckling factor K3 for curved panels
 : Slenderness of the panel, to be taken equal to:

a- R
 = 10 3 ------ eH
Load Buckling factor K3
t net E
Compression stress per-
 b 4 -  10 –6 
 1 –  2 - -----------
without being taken less than 1,25. pendicular to the 2  1 + 1 + 12
------------------------- 
  4
r tn e t
2 2

The critical buckling stress c,b for compression on side “b” curved edges
of the panel is to be obtained, in N/mm2, from the formulae Lateral pressure perpen- 2
in [5.3.1]. dicular to the panel 4 –  -----
 r
The critical shear buckling stress is to be obtained, in
N/mm2, from the formulae in [5.3.2]. Note 1:
r : radius of curvature, in mm.
5.3.4 Compression and shear for curved panels
For curved panels, the effects of lateral pressure are also to The critical shear buckling stress is to be obtained, in
be taken into account. N/mm2, from the following formulae:
The critical buckling stress of curved panels subjected to
compression on curved edges and to lateral pressure is to ReH
c = E for  E  ----------
be obtained, in N/mm 2, from the following formulae: 2 3
Re H  ReH ReH
R eH - 1 – ----------------
 c = ------- for  E  ----------
c = E for E  -------
- 3  4 3  E 2 3
R eH R eH where:
 c = R eH  1 – --------- for E  -------
4 E 2 E : Euler shear buckling stress, to be obtained, in
where: N/mm2, from the following formula:

90 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1

2E t net 2 able, provided that the stiffeners located on the plate panel
-  ------
E = ------------------------- - K 4  10 –6 satisfy the buckling and the ultimate strength checks as
12  1 –  2   b 
specified in Sec 2, [4] and Sec 2, [5].
K4 : Buckling factor to be taken equal to:
12  1 –  2 -  b2 5.4.2 Compression and bending (1/7/2003)
K 4 = ------------------------- 5 + 0 ,1  ---------  10 2 
2   rt net  For plate panels subjected to compression and bending on
one side, the critical buckling stress is to comply with the
b, r : Defined above. following formula:
5.3.5 Compression for corrugation c
----------  b
flanges (1/7/2003) R m
The critical buckling stress is to be obtained, in N/mm2, where:
from the following formulae:
c : Critical buckling stress, in N/mm2, defined in
R eH [5.3.1], [5.3.4] or [5.3.5], as the case may be
c =  E for  E  -------
b : Compression stress, in N/mm2, acting on side
R eH R eH “b” of the plate panel, to be calculated, as spec-
c = R eH  1 – --------- for  E  -------
4 E 2 ified in [5.2.2] or [5.2.4], as the case may be.
where: In the case of corrugation flanges, when the
E : Euler buckling stress, to be obtained, in N/mm 2, thicknesses tf and tw of the corrugation flange
from the following formula: and web varies along the corrugation span, b is
to be taken as the maximum compression stress
2 E t
-  ----f   K 5  10 – 6 
 E = ------------------------- calculated in each zone of adjacent actual pairs
12  1 –  2   V of tf and tw.
K5 : Buckling factor to be taken equal to:
5.4.3 Shear
tw  V V 2  For plate panels subjected to shear, the critical shear buck-
K 5 =  1 + ----  3 + 0 ,5 ----- – 0 ,33  ----- 
 tf   V  V  ling stress is to comply with the following formula:
tf : Net thickness, in mm, of the corrugation flange ----------  b
R m
tw : Net thickness, in mm, of the corrugation web
V, V’ : Dimensions of a corrugation, in m, shown in
c : Critical shear buckling stress, in N/mm2, defined
Fig 5.
in [5.3.2] or [5.3.4], as the case may be
When the thicknesses tf and tw of the corrugation flange and
b : Shear stress, in N/mm2, acting on the plate
web varies along the corrugation span, C is to be calcu-
panel, to be calculated as specified in [5.2.3] or
lated for every adjacent actual pair of tf and tw.
[5.2.5], as the case may be.
Figure 5 : Dimensions of a corrugation 5.4.4 Compression, bending and shear
For plate panels subjected to compression, bending and
shear, the combined critical stress is to comply with the fol-
lowing formulae:
 com b Re H
F1 -  --------------
for ------------
F 2 R m
4 com b   com b  com b ReH
- 1 – -----------------------
F  ---------------------- -  -------------
for ------------ -
R e H  R  m  R e H   R  m F 2 R  m

co mb =  12 + 3 2

+  ------- – - 2   2
- 2
F = R m 1
------------- - + 3
------------ -----1 +  ---
4 E  4    E   E

E : Euler buckling stress, in N/mm2, defined in

5.4 Checking criteria [5.3.1], [5.3.4] or [5.3.5] as the case may be,
E : Euler shear buckling stress, in N/mm2, defined
5.4.1 Acceptance of results in [5.3.2] or [5.3.4], as the case may be,
The net thickness of plate panels is to be such as to satisfy
the buckling check, as indicated in [5.4.2] to [5.4.5]  = -----
depending on the type of stresses acting on the plate panel
considered. When the buckling criteria is exceeded by less 1, 2 and  are defined in Fig 2 and are to be calculated, in
than 15 %, the scantlings may still be considered as accept- N/mm2, as specified in [5.2].

RINA Rules 2024 91

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1

5.4.5 Bi-axial compression, taking account of shear n = 1 for 1 2

For plate panels subjected to bi-axial compression and n = 2 for 1 2
shear, the critical buckling stresses are to comply with the  = a/b
following formula: na
R a = 1 – ---
a n + b n  1 c
- ----------------
 c ,a  c ,b
----------R a ---------- R b - n b
R b = 1 – ---
 R m R m c
where:  : Shear stress, in N/mm2, to be calculated as
c,a : Critical buckling stress for compression on side specified in [5.2.3] or [5.2.5], as the case may
“a”, in N/mm 2, defined in [5.3.3] be
c,b : Critical buckling stress for compression on side c : Critical shear buckling stress, in N/mm2, defined
“b”, in N/mm 2, defined in [5.3.3] in [5.3.2]
a : Compression stress acting on side “a”, in na : Coefficient to be taken equal to:
N/mm2, to be calculated as specified in [5.2.2] na = 1 + 1   for   0 ,5
or [5.2.4], as the case may be
na = 3 for   0 ,5
b : Compression stress acting on side “b”, in
nb : Coefficient to be taken equal to:
N/mm2, to be calculated as specified in [5.2.2]
or [5.2.4], as the case may be n b = 1 ,9 + 0 ,1   for   0 ,5
n : Coefficient to be taken equal to: n b = 0 ,7  1 + 1    for   0 ,5

92 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2


For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to the list at Ae : Net sectional area, in cm2, of the stiffener with
the beginning of this Chapter. attached plating of width be
pS : Still water pressure, in kN/m2, see [3.3.2] and AU : Net sectional area, in cm2, of the stiffener with
[5.3.2] attached plating of width bU
pW : Wave pressure and, if necessary, dynamic pres-
ASh : Net shear sectional area, in cm2, of the stiffener,
sures, according to the criteria in Ch 5, Sec 5
to be calculated as specified in Ch 4, Sec 3,
and Ch 5, Sec 6, [2], in kN/m2 (see [3.3.2] and [3.4]
I : Net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the stiffener
pSF, pWF : Still water and wave pressures, in kN/m2, in
without attached plating, about its neutral axis
flooding conditions, defined in Ch 5, Sec 6, [9]
parallel to the plating (see Ch 4, Sec 3, Fig 4
FS : Still water wheeled force, in kN, see [3.3.5] and Ch 4, Sec 3, Fig 5)
FW,Z : Inertial wheeled force, in kN, see [3.3.5] IS : Net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the stiffener
X1 : Hull girder normal stress, in N/mm 2, defined in: with attached shell plating of width s, about its
• [3.3.6] for the yielding check of ordinary neutral axis parallel to the plating
stiffeners Ie : Net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the stiffener
• [4.2.2] for the buckling check of ordinary with attached shell plating of width be , about its
stiffeners neutral axis parallel to the plating
• [5.3.3] for the ultimate strength check of
IU : Net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the stiffener
ordinary stiffeners
with attached shell plating of width bU , about
 : Normal stress, in N/mm 2, defined in [3.3.6] its neutral axis parallel to the plating
ReH,P : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm 2, of the plating
IB : Net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the stiffener
material, defined in Ch 4, Sec 1, [2]
with bracket and without attached plating,
ReH,S : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm 2, of the stiffener about its neutral axis parallel to the plating, cal-
material, defined in Ch 4, Sec 1, [2] culated at mid-length of the bracket (see Ch 4,
s : Spacing, in m, of ordinary stiffeners Sec 3, Fig 4 and Ch 4, Sec 3, Fig 5)
 : Span, in m, of ordinary stiffeners, measured S : Radius of gyration, in cm, of the stiffener with
between the supporting members, see Ch 4, attached plating of width s
Sec 3, [3.2]
U : Radius of gyration, in cm, of the stiffener with
b : Length, in m, of one bracket, see [3.2.2], Ch 4, attached plating of width bU .
Sec 3, Fig 4 and Ch 4, Sec 3, Fig 5
cc : Coefficient which takes into account the effects
hw : Web height, in mm
of stiffener connections, equal to:
tw : Net web thickness, in mm
cc = 1,0 in general,
bf : Face plate width, in mm
cc = 0,9 when the stiffener is provided with
tf : Net face plate thickness, in mm
a soft toe connection with the supporting
bp : Width, in m, of the plating attached to the stiff- structure and no brackets are fitted.
ener, for the yielding check, defined in Ch 4,
Sec 3, [3.3.1]  = IB  I
be : Width, in m, of the plating attached to the stiff-  = b  
ener, for the buckling check, defined in [4.1]
bU : Width, in m, of the plating attached to the stiff- 1 General
ener, for the ultimate strength check, defined in
1.1 Net scantlings
tp : Net thickness, in mm, of the attached plating
w : Net section modulus, in cm 3, of the stiffener, 1.1.1 As specified in Ch 4, Sec 2, [1], all scantlings
with an attached plating of width bp , to be cal- referred to in this Section are net, i.e. they do not include
culated as specified in Ch 4, Sec 3, [3.3] any margin for corrosion.
AS : Net sectional area, in cm 2, of the stiffener with The gross scantlings are obtained as specified in Ch 4,
attached plating of width s Sec 2.

RINA Rules 2024 93

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2

1.2 Partial safety factors 1.4.3 Angle

The net dimensions of an angle ordinary stiffener (see Fig 3)
1.2.1 The partial safety factors to be considered for the are to comply with the following two requirements:
checking of ordinary stiffeners are specified in Tab 1. hw
------  55 k
1.3 Load point bf
----  16 ,5 k
1.3.1 Lateral pressure hw tw
b f t f  ----------
Unless otherwise specified, lateral pressure is to be calcu-
lated at mid-span of the ordinary stiffener considered.
Figure 1 : Net dimensions of a flat bar

1.3.2 Hull girder stresses

For longitudinal ordinary stiffeners contributing to the hull
girder longitudinal strength, the hull girder normal stresses
are to be calculated in way of the neutral axis of the stiffener

1.4 Net dimensions of ordinary stiffeners

1.4.1 Flat bar

The net dimensions of a flat bar ordinary stiffener (see Fig 1)
are to comply with the following requirement: Figure 2 : Net dimensions of a T-section

------  20 k

1.4.2 T-section
The net dimensions of a T-section ordinary stiffener (see
Fig 2) are to comply with the following two requirements:

-----w-  55 k
----  33 k
hw tw
b f t f  ----------

Table 1 : Ordinary stiffeners - Partial safety factors (1/7/2020)

Yielding check
Ultimate strength check of
Partial safety factors Buckling
Testing ordinary stiffeners
covering uncertainties Symbol General (see Flooding pres- check
check contributing to the longitu-
regarding: [3.3] to sure (1) (see (see [4])
(see [3.3] dinal strength (see [5])
[3.7]) [3.8])
and [3.9])
Still water hull girder loads S1 1,00 1,00 Not appli- 1,00 1,00
Wave hull girder loads W1 1,15 1,15 Not appli- 1,15 1,30
Still water pressure S2 1,00 1,00 1,00 Not appli- 1,00
Wave pressure W2 1,20 1,05 Not appli- Not appli- 1,40
cable cable
(1) Applies only to ordinary stiffeners to be checked in flooding conditions.
(2) For ordinary stiffeners of the collision bulkhead, R =1,25.

94 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2

Yielding check
Ultimate strength check of
Partial safety factors Buckling
Testing ordinary stiffeners
covering uncertainties Symbol General (see Flooding pres- check
check contributing to the longitu-
regarding: [3.3] to sure (1) (see (see [4])
(see [3.3] dinal strength (see [5])
[3.7]) [3.8])
and [3.9])
Material m 1,02 1,02 1,02 1,02 1,02
Resistance R 1,02 1,02 (2) 1,20 1,10 1,02
(1) Applies only to ordinary stiffeners to be checked in flooding conditions.
(2) For ordinary stiffeners of the collision bulkhead, R =1,25.

Figure 3 : Net dimensions of an angle pSR : Pressure to be taken equal to the greater of the
values obtained, in kN/m2, from the following
pSR = 0,5 (pSR1 + pSR2)
pSR = pSR3
pSR1 : External pressure in way of the strut, in kN/m2,
acting on one side, outside the compartment in
which the strut is located, equal to:
pSR1 = S2pS + W2pW
pSR2 : External pressure in way of the strut, in kN/m2,
acting on the opposite side, outside the com-
partment in which the strut is located, equal to:
pSR2 = S2pS + W2pW
pSR3 : Internal pressure at mid-span of the strut, in
2 General requirements kN/m2, in the compartment in which the strut is
located, equal to:
2.1 General pSR3 = S2pS + W2pW
2.1.1 (1/1/2020)  : Span, in m, of ordinary stiffeners connected by
the strut (see Ch 4, Sec 3, [3.2.2])
The requirements in [2.2], [2.3] and where needed [2.4] are
to be applied to ordinary stiffeners in addition of those in SR : Length, in m, of the strut
[3] to [5]. AASR : Actual net sectional area, in cm2, of the strut.

2.2 Minimum net thicknesses 2.4 Deck ordinary stiffeners in way of

launching appliances used for survival
2.2.1 The net thickness of the web of ordinary stiffeners is craft or rescue boat
to be not less than the lesser of:
2.4.1 (1/1/2020)
• the value obtained, in mm, from the following formulae:
The scantlings of deck ordinary stiffeners are to be deter-
tMIN = 0,8 + 0,004Lk1/2 + 4,5s for L < 120 m mined by direct calculations, considering the following
tMIN = 1,6 + 2,2k 1/2
+s for L  120 m load cases as appropriate:
• vertical forces
• the net as built thickness of the attached plating.
• overturning moment
• slewing moment
2.3 Struts connecting ordinary stiffeners
2.3.1 (1/7/2020) Calculations models based on beam elements are in general
considered to be adequate.
The sectional area ASR, in cm 2, and the moment of inertia ISR
about the main axes, in cm4, of struts connecting ordinary 2.4.2 (1/1/2020)
stiffeners are to be not less than the values obtained from The loads exerted by launching appliance on relevant deck
the following formulae: stiffeners are to correspond to the SWL of the launching
p SR s
A SR = ------------- 2.4.3 (1/1/2020)
The combined Von Mises stress, in N/mm2, is not to exceed
0 ,75s  p SR1 + p SR 2 AA SR  SR the smaller of ReH/2,2 and R m/4,5 where Rm is the ultimate
I SR = --------------------------------------------------------------------
47 ,2 A ASR – s  p SR 1 + p SR 2 
minimum tensile strength of the ordinary stiffener material,
where: in N/mm2.

RINA Rules 2024 95

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2

3 Yielding check liquids are to be subjected to the lateral pressure in flooding


3.1 General The wave lateral loads and hull girder loads are to be calcu-
lated in the mutually exclusive load cases “a”, “b”, “c” and
3.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply for the yield- “d” in Ch 5, Sec 4.
ing check of ordinary stiffeners subjected to lateral pressure
3.3.2 Lateral pressure in intact conditions
or to wheeled loads and, for ordinary stiffeners contributing
to the hull girder longitudinal strength, to hull girder normal The lateral pressure in intact conditions is constituted by
stresses. still water pressure and wave pressure.
Still water pressure (pS) includes:
3.1.2 The yielding check is also to be carried out for ordi-
• the still water sea pressure, defined in Ch 5, Sec 5, [1]
nary stiffeners subjected to specific loads, such as concen-
trated loads. • the still water internal pressure, defined in Ch 5, Sec 6
for the various types of cargoes and for ballast.

3.2 Structural model Wave pressure (pW) includes:

• the wave pressure, defined in Ch 5, Sec 5, [2] for each
3.2.1 Boundary conditions load case “a”, “b”, “c” and “d”
The requirements in [3.4], [3.7.3], [3.7.4] and [3.8] apply to • the inertial pressure, defined in Ch 5, Sec 6 for the vari-
stiffeners considered as clamped at both ends, whose end ous types of cargoes and for ballast, and for each load
connections comply with the requirements in [3.2.2]. case “a”, “b”, “c” and “d”
The requirements in [3.5] and [3.7.5] apply to stiffeners • the dynamic pressures, according to the criteria in Ch 5,
considered as simply supported at both ends. Other bound- Sec 6, [2].
ary conditions may be considered by the Society on a case
by case basis, depending on the distribution of wheeled 3.3.3 Lateral pressure in flooding conditions
loads. The lateral pressure in flooding conditions is constituted by
the still water pressure pSF and wave pressure pWF defined in
For other boundary conditions, the yielding check is to be
Ch 5, Sec 6, [9].
considered on a case by case basis.
3.3.4 Lateral pressure in testing
3.2.2 Bracket arrangement conditions (1/7/2020)
The requirements of this Article apply to ordinary stiffeners The lateral pressure (pT) in testing conditions is taken equal
without end brackets, with a bracket at one end or with two to:
equal end brackets, where the bracket length is not greater
than 0,2 . • pST - p S for bottom shell plating and side shell plating

In the case of ordinary stiffeners with two different end • pST otherwise
brackets of length not greater than 0,2, the determination where pS is the still water sea pressure defined in Ch 5,
of normal and shear stresses due to design loads and the Sec 5, [1.1.1] for the draught T1 at which the testing is car-
required section modulus and shear sectional area are con- ried out.
sidered by the Society on a case by case basis. In general,
an acceptable solution consists in applying the criteria for If the draught T1 is not defined by the Designer, it may be
equal brackets, considering both brackets as having the taken equal to the light ballast draught TB defined in Ch 5,
length of the smaller one. Sec 1, [2.4.3].
In the case of ordinary stiffeners with end brackets of length 3.3.5 Wheeled forces
greater than 0,2, the determination of normal and shear
The wheeled force applied by one wheel is constituted by
stresses due to design loads and the required section modu- still water force and inertial force:
lus and shear sectional area are considered by the Society
on a case by case basis. • Still water force is the vertical force (FS) defined in Ch 5,
Sec 6, [6.1]
• Inertial force is the vertical force (FW,Z) defined in Ch 5,
3.3 Load model
Sec 6, [6.1], for load case “b”.
3.3.1 General
3.3.6 Normal stresses (1/1/2001)
The still water and wave lateral loads induced by the sea The normal stresses to be considered for the yielding check
and the various types of cargoes and ballast in intact condi- of ordinary stiffeners are obtained, in N/mm2, from the fol-
tions are to be considered, depending on the location of the lowing formulae:
ordinary stiffener under consideration and the type of com-
partments adjacent to it, in accordance with Ch 5, Sec 1, • for longitudinal stiffeners contributing to the hull girder
[2.4]. longitudinal strength:
 N = X 1 =  S 1 S 1 +  W1  C F V  WV 1 + C F H  WH 1 + C F   
Ordinary stiffeners of bulkheads or inner side which consti-
tute the boundary of compartments not intended to carry to be taken not less than 60/k N/mm2.

96 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2

• for longitudinal stiffeners not contributing to the hull S1, WV1, WH1 : Hull girder normal stresses, in N/mm2,
girder longitudinal strength, transverse stiffeners and defined in:
vertical stiffeners, excluding side frames: • Tab 2 for ordinary stiffeners subjected to lat-
 N = 45  k N  mm
2 eral pressure,
• for side frames: • Tab 3 for ordinary stiffeners subjected to
wheeled loads
 = 0 for load cases "a" and "c"
 : Absolute value of the warping stress, in N/mm2,
 = 30/k for load cases "b" and "d"
induced by the torque 0,625MWT and obtained
where: through direct calculation analyses based on a
structural model in accordance with Ch 6,
Sec 1, [2.6]
CFV, C FH, CF : Combination factors defined in Tab 4.

Table 2 : Hull girder normal stresses - Ordinary stiffeners subjected to lateral pressure

Condition S1 , in N/mm2 (1) WV1 , in N/mm2 WH1 , in N/mm2

Lateral pressure applied on the side
opposite to the ordinary stiffener, with
respect to the plating:
MSW ,S –3 0 ,625F D M W V ,S –3
• zN -  z – N  10
------------- -------------------------------------  z – N  10

M S W ,H –3 0 ,625M WV ,H –3
• z<N ---------------  z – N  10 --------------------------------  z – N  10 0 ,625M WH
IY IY ---------------------------y 10

Lateral pressure applied on the same
side as the ordinary stiffener:
M S W ,H –3 0 ,625M WV ,H –3
• zN ---------------  z – N  10 --------------------------------  z – N  10

MSW ,S –3 0 ,625F D M W V ,S –3
• z<N -  z – N  10
------------- -------------------------------------  z – N  10
(1) When the ship in still water is always in hogging condition, MSW,S is to be taken equal to 0.
Note 1:
FD : Coefficient defined in Ch 5, Sec 2, [4].

Table 3 : Hull girder normal stresses - Ordinary stiffeners subjected to wheeled loads

Condition S1 in N/mm2 (1) WV1 in N/mm2 WH1 in N/mm2

M SW ,H –3 0 ,625M WV ,H –3
• zN -  z – N  10
-------------- --------------------------------  z – N  10
0 ,625 M W H –3
---------------------------y 10
M S W ,S 0 ,625F D M WV ,S IZ
–3 –3
• z<N -  z – N  10
------------- -------------------------------------  z – N  10

(1) When the ship in still water is always in hogging condition, MSW,S is to be taken equal to 0.
Note 1:
FD : Coefficient defined in Ch 5, Sec 2, [4].

Table 4 : Combination factors CFV , CFH and CF 3.4 Normal and shear stresses due to lateral
pressure in intact conditions

Load case CFV CFH CF 3.4.1 General

Normal and shear stresses, induced by lateral pressures, in
“a” 1,0 0 0
ordinary stiffeners without end brackets are to be obtained
“b” 1,0 0 0 from the formulae in:
“c” 0,4 1,0 1,0 • [3.4.2] in the case of longitudinal and transverse stiffen-
“d” 0,4 1,0 0 • [3.4.5] in the case of vertical stiffeners.

RINA Rules 2024 97

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2

Normal and shear stresses, induced by lateral pressures, in 3.4.5 Vertical ordinary stiffeners without brackets at
ordinary stiffeners with a bracket at one end or with two ends (1/7/2001)
equal end brackets, are to be obtained from the formulae in: The maximum normal stress  and shear stress  are to be
• [3.4.3] and [3.4.4] in the case of longitudinal and trans- obtained, in N/mm2, from the following formulae:
verse stiffeners
 S 2  bS p S +  W2 b W p W  s
-  1 – ------ s 10 +  N
2 3
• [3.4.6] and [3.4.7] in the case of vertical stiffeners.  = c c ---------------------------------------------------
12w 2
 S 2  s S p S +  W2 s W p W  s
Normal and shear stresses, induced by lateral pressures, in - 1 – ------ s
 = 5 --------------------------------------------------
ASh  2
multispan ordinary stiffeners are to be obtained from the
formulae in [3.4.8]. where:

3.4.2 Longitudinal and transverse ordinary pSd – pSu

 bS = 1 + 0 ,2 --------------------
stiffeners without brackets at ends (1/7/2001) pSd + pSu
The maximum normal stress  and shear stress  are to be p W d – p Wu
 bW = 1 + 0 ,2 ------------------------
obtained, in N/mm 2, from the following formulae: p Wd + p Wu
pSd – pSu
 s S = 1 + 0 ,4 --------------------
 S2 p S +  W 2 p W  s
------ 2 3 pSd + pSu
 = c c ----------------------------------  1 – 2  s 10 +  N
12w p Wd – p W u
 s W = 1 + 0 ,4 ------------------------
 S2 p S +  W 2 p W  s p Wd + p W u
 = 5 ---------------------------------- 1 – ------ s
A Sh  2
pSd : Still water pressure, in kN/m2, at the lower end
of the ordinary stiffener considered
3.4.3 Longitudinal and transverse ordinary
stiffeners with a bracket at one end (1/1/2001) pSu : Still water pressure, in kN/m2, at the upper end
of the ordinary stiffener considered
The maximum normal stress  and shear stress  are to be
obtained, in N/mm 2, from the following formulae: pWd : Wave pressure, in kN/m2, at the lower end of
the ordinary stiffener considered.
 S2 p S +  W 2 p W  s
1 – ------ s 10 +  N
2 3
 =  b1 ---------------------------------- pWu : Wave pressure, in kN/m2, at the upper end of
12w  2 
the ordinary stiffener considered
 S2 p S + W 2 p W  s
 = 5  s1 ---------------------------------- 1 – ------ s
A Sh  2 
3.4.6 Vertical ordinary stiffeners with a bracket at
lower end (1/1/2001)
5 2
  1 –   +   1 –    6 – 3  + 8 
 b1 = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 The maximum normal stress  and shear stress  are to be
  1 –   + 2  2 –  
obtained, in N/mm2, from the following formulae:
to be taken not less than 0,55
 S 2  bS p S +  W2  bW p W  s
- 1 – ------ s 10 +  N
2 3
 =  b1 ---------------------------------------------------
1 –  + 5 1 –  +  
12w  2 
s1 = -------------------------------------------------------------------
  1 –   + 2  2 –    S 2  s S p S +  W2  s W p W  s
-  1 – ------ s
 = 5 s 1 --------------------------------------------------
ASh 2
3.4.4 Longitudinal and transverse ordinary
stiffeners with equal brackets at where:
ends (1/1/2001) b1, s1 : Coefficients defined in [3.4.3]
The maximum normal stress  and shear stress  are to be bS, bW, sS, sW: Coefficients defined in [3.4.5].
obtained, in N/mm 2, from the following formulae:
3.4.7 Vertical ordinary stiffeners with equal
 S2 p S +  W 2 p W  s
------ 2 3 brackets at ends (1/1/2001)
 =  b2 ----------------------------------  1 – 2 s 10 +  N
The maximum normal stress  and shear stress  are to be
 S2 p S +  W 2 p W  s
 = 5 s 2 ---------------------------------- 1 – ------ s obtained, in N/mm2, from the following formulae:
A Sh  2 
 S 2  bS p S +  W2  bW p W  s
- 1 – ------ s 10 +  N
2 3
where:  =  b2 ---------------------------------------------------
12w  2 
 S 2  s S p S +  W2  s W p W  s
- 1 – ------ s
3 2
  1 – 2   + 2   4 – 3   = 5 s 2 --------------------------------------------------
 b2 = ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 ASh  2
  1 – 2  + 2 
to be taken not less than 0,55 b2, s2 : Coefficients defined in [3.4.4]
 s2 = 1 – 2  bS, bW, sS, sW: Coefficients defined in [3.4.5].

98 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2

3.4.8 Multispan ordinary stiffeners Ry

---------- 
The maximum normal stress  and shear stress  in a multi- R m
span ordinary stiffener are to be determined by a direct cal- Ry
culation taking into account: 0 ,5 ---------- 
R m
• the distribution of still water and wave pressure and
forces, to be determined on the basis of the criteria 3.7 Net section modulus and net shear sec-
specified in Ch 5, Sec 5 and Ch 5, Sec 6
tional area of ordinary stiffeners, com-
• the number of intermediate decks or girders plying with the checking criteria
• the condition of fixity at the ends of the stiffener and at
intermediate supports 3.7.1 General
• the geometrical characteristics of the stiffener on the The requirements in [3.7.3] and [3.7.4] provide the mini-
intermediate spans. mum net section modulus and net shear sectional area of
ordinary stiffeners subjected to lateral pressure in intact
conditions, complying with the checking criteria indicated
3.5 Normal and shear stresses due to in [3.6].
wheeled loads
The requirements in [3.7.5] provide the minimum net sec-
3.5.1 General tion modulus and net shear sectional area of ordinary stiff-
eners subjected to wheeled loads, complying with the
Normal and shear stresses, induced by the wheeled loads,
checking criteria indicated in [3.6].
in ordinary stiffeners are to be determined from the formu-
lae given in [3.5.2] for longitudinal and transverse stiffeners. 3.7.2 Groups of equal ordinary stiffeners
Where a group of equal ordinary stiffeners is fitted, it is
3.5.2 Longitudinal and transverse ordinary
acceptable that the minimum net section modulus in [3.7.1]
stiffeners subjected to wheeled
loads (1/1/2001) is calculated as the average of the values required for all the
stiffeners of the same group, but this average is to be taken
The maximum normal stress  and shear stress  are to be
not less than 90% of the maximum required value.
obtained, in N/mm2, from the following formulae:
The same applies for the minimum net shear sectional area.
S P0  3
 = --------------10 + N
6w 3.7.3 Longitudinal and transverse ordinary
T P0 stiffeners subjected to lateral
 = 10 ----------- pressure (1/7/2001)
A Sh
The net section modulus w, in cm3, and the net shear sec-
where: tional area ASh , in cm2, of longitudinal or transverse ordi-
P0 : Wheeled force, in kN, taken equal to: nary stiffeners subjected to lateral pressure are to be not less
P 0 =  S2 F S + 0 ,4  W2 F W ,Z than the values obtained from the following formulae:

 S,  T : Coefficients taking account of the number of  S2 p S +  W2 p W  s

- 1 – ------ s 10
2 3
w = c c  R  m b ----------------------------------------
axles and wheels per axle considered as acting 12  R y –  R  m  N   2
on the stiffener, defined in Tab 5 (see Fig 4).  S2 p S +  W2 p W  s
A Sh = 10 R m s ---------------------------------- 1 – ------ s
Ry  2
Figure 4 : Wheeled load on stiffeners - Double axles
b : Coefficient to be taken equal to:
b = 1 in the case of an ordinary stiffener
without brackets at ends
b  b1 defined in [3.4.3], in the case of an
ordinary stiffener with a bracket of length not
greater than 0,2at one end
b  b2 defined in [3.4.4], in the case of an
ordinary stiffener with equal brackets of length
not greater than 0,2at ends
s : Coefficient to be taken equal to:
s = 1 in the case of an ordinary stiffener
without brackets at ends
s  s1 defined in [3.4.3], in the case of an
3.6 Checking criteria
ordinary stiffener with a bracket of length not
3.6.1 General greater than 0,2at one end
It is to be checked that the normal stress  and the shear s  s2 defined in [3.4.4], in the case of an
stress , calculated according to [3.4] and [3.5], are in com- ordinary stiffener with equal brackets of length
pliance with the following formulae: not greater than 0,2at ends.

RINA Rules 2024 99

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2

3.7.4 Vertical ordinary stiffeners subjected to 3.7.5 Ordinary stiffeners subjected to wheeled
lateral pressure (1/7/2001) loads (1/1/2001)
The net section modulus w, in cm3, and the net shear sec- The net section modulus w, in cm3, and the net shear sec-
tional area A Sh , in cm 2, of vertical ordinary stiffeners sub- tional area ASh , in cm2, of ordinary stiffeners subjected to
jected to lateral pressure are to be not less than the values wheeled loads are to be not less than the values obtained
obtained from the following formulae: from the following formulae:
S2  bS p S +  W2 bW p W  s S P0 
- 1 – ------ s 10
2 3 3
w = c c R  m  b --------------------------------------------------- w =  R  m -------------------------------------
- 10
12  R y –  R  m  N   2  6  Ry – R m N 
 S2  s S p S +  W2  s W p W  s T P0
- 1 – ------ s
A S h = 10 R  m s -------------------------------------------------- A S h = 20 R m -----------
Ry  2 Ry
where: where:
b, s : Coefficients defined in [3.7.3] P0 : Wheeled force, in kN, defined in [3.5.2]
bS, bW, sS, sW:Coefficients defined in [3.4.5]. S, T : Coefficients defined in [3.5.2].

Table 5 : Wheeled loads - Coefficients S and T

Single axle Double axles

S T S T
Single wheel

d 2 d
 1 0 ,5  2 – --- 2 + ---
  

Double wheels

y y  1 – y---  2 – d y d
2  1 – --- 2  1 – --- --- 2  1 – ---  2 + ---
 s  s  s    s  

Triple wheels

y y y d 2  3 – 2 y---  2 + d
3 – 2 --- 3 – 2 --- 0 ,5  3 – 2 ---  2 – --- 
s s s  s  

Note 1:
d : Distance, in m, between two axles (see Fig 4)
y : Distance, in m, from the external wheel of a group of wheels to the stiffener under consideration, to be taken equal to the
distance from the external wheel to the centre of the group of wheels.

100 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2

3.8 Net section modulus and net shear sec- equal to 1,16 in the absence of more precise
tional area of ordinary stiffeners sub- evaluation.
jected to lateral pressure in flooding
conditions 3.8.4 Vertical ordinary stiffeners (1/7/2020)

The net section modulus w, in cm3, and the net shear sec-
3.8.1 General tional area ASh , in cm 2, of vertical ordinary stiffeners are to
The requirements in [3.8.1] to [3.8.4] apply to ordinary stiff- be not less than the values obtained from the following for-
eners of bulkheads or inner side which constitute boundary mulae:
of compartments not intended to carry liquids.
 S 2  bS p S F +  W2 b W p W F  s
- 1 – ------ s 10
2 3
w =  R  m  b -------------------------------------------------------
These ordinary stiffeners are to be checked in flooding con- 12c P  R y –  R  m  N   2 
ditions as specified in [3.8.3] and [3.8.4], depending on the  S 2  s S p S F +  W2  sW p WF  s
type of stiffener. -  1 – ------ s
A S h = 10  R  m  s ------------------------------------------------------
Ry 2

3.8.2 Groups of equal ordinary stiffeners where:

Where a group of equal ordinary stiffeners is fitted, it is b , s : Coefficients defined in [3.7.3]

acceptable that the minimum net section modulus in [3.8.1]
is calculated as the average of the values required for all the cP : Ratio defined in [3.8.3]
stiffeners of the same group, but this average is to be taken
not less than 90% of the maximum required value. pSFd – pSFu
 bS = 1 + 0 ,2 ------------------------
pSFd + pSFu
The same applies for the minimum net shear sectional area. p W F d – p WF u
 bW = 1 + 0 ,2 ----------------------------
p W F d + p WF u
3.8.3 Longitudinal and transverse ordinary pSFd – pSFu
 s S = 1 + 0 ,4 ------------------------
stiffeners (1/7/2020) pSFd + pSFu

The net section modulus w, in cm3, and the net shear sec- p WF d – p W F u
 s W = 1 + 0 ,4 ----------------------------
p WF d + p W F u
tional area A Sh , in cm 2, of longitudinal or transverse ordi-
nary stiffeners are to be not less than the values obtained
pSFd : Still water pressure, in kN/m2, in flooding con-
from the following formulae:
ditions, at the lower end of the ordinary stiffener
S 2 p SF +  W2 p W F  s
- 1 – ------ s 10
2 3
w =  R  m  b ----------------------------------------------
12c P  R y –  R  m N   2  pSFu : Still water pressure, in kN/m2, in flooding con-
 S2 p SF +  W2 p W F  s ditions, at the upper end of the ordinary stiffener
A Sh = 10  R  m  s -------------------------------------- 1 – ------ s considered
Ry  2

where: pWFd : Wave pressure, in kN/m2, in flooding condi-

tions, at the lower end of the ordinary stiffener
b , s : Coefficients defined in [3.7.3] considered.

cP : Ratio of the plastic section modulus to the elas- pWFu : Wave pressure, in kN/m2, in flooding condi-
tic section modulus of the ordinary stiffeners tions, at the upper end of the ordinary stiffener
with an attached shell plating b p , to be taken considered

Table 6 : Hull girder normal compression stresses

Condition S1 in N/mm2 (1) WV1 in N/mm2 WH1 in N/mm 2

M SW , S –3 0 ,625F D M W V ,S –3
zN --------------  z – N 10 -------------------------------------  z – N 10
IY IY 0 ,625M WH –3
– ---------------------------y 10
M SW , H –3 0 ,625M WV ,H –3
z<N ---------------  z – N 10 --------------------------------  z – N 10

(1) When the ship in still water is always in hogging condition, S1 for z  N is to be obtained, in N/mm2, from the following for-
mula, unless X1 is evaluated by means of direct calculations (see [4.2.2]):
MSW ,H m in –3
 S1 = ---------------------
-  z – N 10

Note 1:
FD : Coefficient defined in Ch 5, Sec 2, [4].

RINA Rules 2024 101

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2

3.9 Net section modulus and net shear sec- p T d – p Tu

 s = 1 + 0 ,4 ---------------------
tional area of ordinary stiffeners sub- p T d + p Tu
jected to lateral pressure in testing p Td – p T u
 s = 1 – 0 ,4 ---------------------
conditions p Td + p Tu

3.9.1 General (1/7/2020) pTd : Still water pressure, in kN/m2, in testing condi-
tions, at the lower end of the ordinary stiffener
The requirements in [3.9.3] to [3.9.5] provide the minimum considered
net section modulus and net shear sectional area of ordi-
pTu : Still water pressure, in kN/m2, in testing condi-
nary stiffeners of compartments subject to testing condi-
tions, at the upper end of the ordinary stiffener
3.9.2 Groups of equal ordinary stiffeners (1/7/2020) 3.9.5 Multispan ordinary stiffeners (1/7/2020)
Where a group of equal ordinary stiffeners is fitted, it is The minimum net section modulus and the net shear sec-
acceptable that the minimum net section modulus in [3.9.1] tional area of multispan ordinary stiffeners are to be
is calculated as the average of the values required for all the obtained from [3.4.8], considering the pressure in testing
stiffeners of the same group, but this average is to be taken conditions and taking account of the checking criteria indi-
not less than 90% of the maximum required value. cated in [3.6].
The same applies for the minimum net shear sectional area.
4 Buckling check
3.9.3 Single span longitudinal and transverse
ordinary stiffeners (1/1/2021) 4.1 Application
The net section modulus w, in cm 3, and the net shear sec- 4.1.1 (1/7/2016)
tional area ASh, in cm2, of longitudinal or transverse ordi- The requirements of this Article apply for the buckling
nary stiffeners are to be not less than the values obtained check of ordinary stiffeners subjected to compression
from the following formulae: stresses.
Ships with the service notation container ship, in addition
 S2 p T  s to the requirements of this Article, are to comply with the
1 – ------ s 10
2 3
w =  R  m  b ------------
12 R y  2  requirements of Pt E, Ch 2, Sec 2, [6].
 S2 p T  s The width of the attached plating to be considered for the
- 1 – ------ s
ASh = 10 R  m  s -----------
Ry  2  buckling check of ordinary stiffeners is to be obtained, in m,
from the following formulae:
• where no local buckling occurs on the attached plating
b , s : Coefficients defined in [3.7.3] (see Sec 1, [5.4.1]):
be = s
3.9.4 Single span vertical ordinary stiffeners
(1/1/2021) • where local buckling occurs on the attached plating (see
Sec 1, [5.4.1]):
The net section modulus w, in cm3, and the net shear sec-
2 ,25 1 ,25
tional area A Sh, in cm2, of vertical ordinary stiffeners are to b e =  ----------- – ----------- s
 e e2 
be not less than the values obtained from the following for-
mulae: to be taken not greater than s
 S2 p T  s
1 – ------ s 10
2 3
w =  R  m  b  b ------------
12R y  2 s b 3
 e = --- -----10
 S2 p T  s tp E
A Sh - 1 – ------ s
= 10 R  m  s  s -----------
Ry  2  b : Compression stress X or Y, in N/mm2, acting
on the plate panel, defined in Sec 1, [5.2.4],
according to the direction x or y considered.
b , s : Coefficients defined in [3.7.3]
b : Coefficient taken equal to the greater of the fol- 4.2 Load model
lowing values:
4.2.1 Sign convention for normal stresses
p Td – p Tu The sign convention for normal stresses is as follows:
 b = 1 + 0 ,2 ---------------------
p T d + p Tu • tension: positive
p Td – p T u • compression: negative.
 b = 1 – 0 ,2 ---------------------
p Td + p Tu
4.2.2 Hull girder compression normal stresses
s : Coefficient taken equal to the greater of the fol- The hull girder compression normal stresses to be consid-
lowing values: ered for the buckling check of ordinary stiffeners contribut-

102 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2

ing to the hull girder longitudinal strength are obtained, in R eH ,S

c =  E for  E  ----------
N/mm2, from the following formula: 2
 X1 =  S1  S1 +  W 1  C FV  WV1 + C FH W H1 + C F    R eH ,S R eH ,S
c = R eH ,S  1 – ----------- for  E  ----------
 4 E  2
S1, WV1, WH1 : Hull girder normal stresses, in N/mm 2, where:
defined in Tab 6 E = min (E1, E2, E3)
 : Compression warping stress, in N/mm2, E1 : Euler column buckling stress, in N/mm2, given
induced by the torque 0,625M WT and obtained in [4.3.2]
through direct calculation analyses based on a E2 : Euler torsional buckling stress, in N/mm2, given
structural model in accordance with Ch 6, in [4.3.3]
Sec 1, [2.6]
E3 : Euler web buckling stress, in N/mm2, given in
CFV, CFH, CF : Combination factors defined in Tab 4.
For longitudinal stiffeners, X1 is to be taken as the maxi-
mum compression stress on the stiffener considered. 4.3.2 Column buckling of axially loaded stiffeners
In no case may X1 be taken less than 30/k N/mm . 2 The Euler column buckling stress is obtained, in N/mm2,
from the following formula:
When the ship in still water is always in hogging condition,
X1 may be evaluated by means of direct calculations when Ie
 E =  2 E ----------
-2 10 –4
justified on the basis of the ship’s characteristics and Ae 
intended service. The calculations are to be submitted to
the Society for approval. 4.3.3 Torsional buckling of axially loaded stiffeners
The Euler torsional buckling stresses is obtained, in N/mm2,
4.2.3 Combined hull girder and local compression from the following formula:
normal stresses
The combined compression normal stresses to be consid- KC
 2 EI w  ------ I
-2 -2 + m 2 + 0 ,385 E ---t
 E = -----------------
ered for the buckling check of ordinary stiffeners are to take 10 4 I p   m  Ip
into account the hull girder stresses and the local stresses
resulting from the bending of the primary supporting mem-
bers. These local stresses are to be obtained from a direct Iw : Net sectorial moment of inertia, in cm6, of the
structural analysis using the design loads as given in stiffener about its connection to the attached
Chapter 5. plating:
• for flat bars:
With respect to the reference co-ordinate system defined in h w3 t w3 –6
I w = -----------
- 10
Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.1], the combined stresses in x and y direc- 36
tion are obtained, in N/mm 2, from the following formulae: • for T-sections:
 X =  X1 +  S2  X2 ,S +  W2  X2 ,W t f b f3 h w2 –6
I w = ---------------
- 10
 Y =  S2  Y2 ,S +  W2  Y2 ,W 12
where: • for angles and bulb sections:
X1 : Compression normal stress, in N/mm2, induced b f3 h w2
by the hull girder still water and wave loads, I w = ------------------------------
- [t f b f2 + 2 b f h w + 4h w2
12  b f + h w  2
defined in [4.2.2] –6
+ 3t w b f h w ] 10
X2,S, Y2,S: Compression normal stress in x and y direction,
respectively, in N/mm2, induced by the local Ip : Net polar moment of inertia, in cm4, of the stiff-
bending of the primary supporting members ener about its connection to the attached plat-
and obtained from a direct structural analysis ing:
using the still water design loads as given in • for flat bars:
Chapter 5 h w3 t w –4
I p = ----------
- 10
X2,W, Y2,W:Compression normal stress in x and y direction, 3
respectively, in N/mm2, induced by the local • for stiffeners with face plate:
bending of the primary supporting members
h w3 t w
and obtained from a direct structural analysis I p =  ----------- + h w2 b f t f 10 –4
using the wave design loads as given in  3 
Chapter 5. It : St. Venant’s net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the
stiffener without attached plating:
4.3 Critical stress • for flat bars:
4.3.1 General h w t w3 –4
I t = ----------
The critical buckling stress is to be obtained, in N/mm2, 3
from the following formulae: • for stiffeners with face plate:

RINA Rules 2024 103

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2

t Figure 5 : Buckling of stiffeners parallel to the

It = 1
--- h w t w3 + b f t f3  1 – 0 ,63 ----f  10 –4
3  b f direction of compression

m : Number of half waves, to be taken equal to the

integer number such that (see also Tab 7):
2 2 2 2
m  m – 1   KC  m  m + 1 
C0 
- 10 6
K C = -------------
 4 EI w

C0 : Spring stiffness of the attached plating:

Et p3
C 0 = -------------
- 10 –3
2 ,73 s

Table 7 : Torsional buckling of 4.4.2 Stiffeners perpendicular to the direction of

axially loaded stiffeners - Number m of half waves compression
The net moment of inertia of stiffeners, in cm4, is to be not
less than the greatest value obtained from the following for-
KC 0  KC  4 4  K C  36 36  K C  144 2
• I = 360 
m 1 2 3 • for   ReH,P/2:
4.3.4 Web buckling of axially loaded stiffeners 4
 -  – 4
3  s
The Euler buckling stress of the stiffener web is obtained, in I = ---------- -----------------------   –  E ,0 

N/mm2, from the following formulae: 485  E ,1 –  E ,0

• for flat bars:

• for  > ReH,P/2:
tW 
 E = 16  ------
- 10  -  – 4
 h W
3  s R eH ,P
I = ---------- ----------------------- - – E ,0
• for stiffeners with face plate: 485  E ,1 –  E ,0   
41 – -----------
R eH ,P
tW 
 E = 78  ------
- 10
 h W
/s : Ratio to be taken not less than 1,41
4.4 Checking criteria E,0 : Euler buckling stress, in N/mm2, of the unstiff-
ened plate taken equal to:
4.4.1 Stiffeners parallel to the direction of 2
 E t 2
compression -  ---p K 1 ,0  10 –6
 E ,0 = -------------------------
2  
12  1 –   
The critical buckling stress of the ordinary stiffener is to
K1,0 : Coefficient defined in Sec 1, Tab 8 for:
comply with the following formula:
0    1 and  = a/
c  : Coefficient defined in Sec 1, [5.3.1]
----------  b
R  m
E,1 : Euler buckling stress, in N/mm2, of the plate
where: panel taken equal to:
2 2
c : Critical buckling stress, in N/mm2, as calculated  E t
-  ---p   K 1 ,1  10 –6 
 E ,1 = -------------------------
12  1 –     
in [4.3.1]
b : Compression stress xb or yb , in N/mm2, in the K1,1 : Coefficient defined in Sec 1, Tab 8 for:
stiffener, as calculated in [4.2.2] or [4.2.3]. 0    1 and  = s/.

104 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2

Figure 6 : Buckling of stiffeners perpendicular where:

to the direction of compression
s  X1E 3
 U = --- ---------
- 10
tp E
X1E : Stress defined in [5.4].

5.3 Load model

5.3.1 General
The still water and wave lateral pressures induced by the
sea and the various types of cargoes and ballast in intact
conditions are to be considered, depending on the location
of the ordinary stiffener under consideration and the type of
Where intercostal stiffeners are fitted, as shown in Fig 7, the compartments adjacent to it, in accordance with Ch 5,
check of the moment of inertia of stiffeners perpendicular to Sec 1, [2.4].
the direction of compression is to be carried out with the The wave lateral pressures and hull girder loads are to be
equivalent net thickness teq,net , in mm, obtained from the calculated in the mutually exclusive load cases “a”, “b”, “c”
following formula: and “d” in Ch 5, Sec 4.
s 2
1 +  ---- 5.3.2 Lateral pressure
  1
t eq ,net = ---------------------2- t net Lateral pressure is constituted by still water pressure and
1 + - wave pressure.
 
Still water pressure (pS ) includes:
where 1 is to be taken not less than s.
• the still water sea pressure, defined in Ch 5, Sec 5, [1]
Figure 7 : Buckling of stiffeners perpendicular to the • the still water internal pressure, defined in Ch 5, Sec 6
direction of compression (intercostal stiffeners) for the various types of cargoes and for ballast.
Wave induced pressure (pW) includes:
• the wave pressure, defined in Ch 5, Sec 5, [2] for each
load case “a”, “b”, “c” and “d”
• the inertial pressure, defined in Ch 5, Sec 6 for the vari-
ous types of cargoes and for ballast, and for each load
case “a”, “b”, “c” and “d”.

5.3.3 Hull girder compression normal stresses

The hull girder compression normal stresses X1 to be con-
sidered for the ultimate strength check of stiffeners contrib-
uting to the longitudinal strength are those given in [4.2.2],
5 Ultimate strength check of ordinary where the partial safety factors are those specified in Tab 1
stiffeners contributing to the hull for the ultimate strength check.
girder longitudinal strength
5.4 Ultimate strength stress
5.1 Application 5.4.1 The ultimate strength stress U is to be obtained, in
N/mm2, from the formulae in Tab 8, for resultant lateral
5.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply to ships equal
pressure acting either on the side opposite to the ordinary
to or greater than 150 m in length. For such ships, the ulti-
stiffener, with respect to the plating, or on the same side as
mate strength of stiffeners subjected to lateral pressure and
the ordinary stiffener.
to hull girder normal stresses is to be checked.

5.5 Checking criteria

5.2 Width of attached plating
5.5.1 The ultimate strength stress of the ordinary stiffener is
5.2.1 The width of the attached plating to be considered
to comply with the following formula:
for the ultimate strength check of ordinary stiffeners is to be
obtained, in m, from the following formulae: U
----------  X 1
R  m
• if U  1,25:
bU = s
U : Ultimate strength stress, in N/mm2, as calcu-
• if U > 1,25:
lated in [5.4.1]
2 ,25 1 ,25 X1 : Compression stress, in N/mm2, as calculated in
b U =  ----------- – ----------- s
 U  U2  [5.3.3].

RINA Rules 2024 105

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2

Table 8 : Ultimate strength stress

Resultant load pressure acting on the side opposite to the ordi- Resultant load pressure acting on the same side
nary stiffener, with respect to the plating, in N/mm2 as the ordinary stiffener, in N/mm2

A s
U f ------U  1 – ------------- R eH ,P ReH,S f
AS  10b U

 2 1–
f --- – ----- – --------------------------2-
2 4  1 +  P U

1– 1 + P + 
 --------------- + --------------------------
1 +  P  1 +  P U2

125p s 2 d P ,U
--------------------------------------------- 41 7p s 2 d F ,S
 s ---------------------------------
R eH ,P I U  1 – ------------- R eH ,S I S
 10b U

  + 13 ps 4 d P ,U 1 5 ps 4 4 d F ,S
 ------------------10 4 --------
-  0 577 + --------------------
-10 -------2-
 0 ET IS  U2  0
ET I S  S

1 1 d P ,U
P d P A  ------ – ----- --------
- 0
 AU A S   2

31 ,8 - R eH ,P  s 18 ,4 R eH ,S
U -------------- ----------- 1 – ------------- --------------- -----------
U ET  10 b U S ET

Note 1:
C2 : Critical torsional buckling stress, in N/mm2, defined in [4.3.1]
dP,U : Distance, in cm, between the neutral axis of the cross-section of the stiffener with attached plating of width bU and the
fibre at half-thickness of the plating
dF,S : Distance, in cm, between the neutral axis of the cross-section of the stiffener with attached plating of width s and the
fibre at half-thickness of the face plate of the stiffener
dP : Distance, in cm, between the neutral axis of the ordinary stiffener without attached plating and the fibre at half-thick-
ness of the attached plating
A : Net sectional area, in cm2, of the stiffener without attached plating
p : Lateral pressure acting on the stiffener, equal to: p = S2 pS + W2U pW
0 : Pre-deformation, in cm, of the ordinary stiffener, to be assumed, in the absence of more accurate evaluation:
0 = 0,2 
ET : Structural tangent modulus, equal to:

 X1E   X1E
E T = 4 E ----------- 1 – ----------- for  X1 E  0 ,5 R eH ,P
R eH ,P  R eH ,P
ET = E for  X1E  0 ,5 R eH ,P

X1E : Stress to be obtained, in N/mm2, from the following formulae:

 22 ,5st ,5 s t P  2 12 ,5 s t P 
 – -------------------P +  22 ------------------
- + 4A  A S + 10st P  X1 +
- 
     2  1 ,25
X 1E =  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  if   ---------------
 2A   X1
 
 
1 ,25
X 1E = X 1 if   ---------------
 X1

s -
 = 1000 ----------
tP E

X1 : Compression stress, in N/mm2, acting on the stiffener, as defined in [5.3.3].

106 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3


For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to the list at Depending on their arrangement, primary supporting mem-
the beginning of this Chapter. bers are to be analysed through one of the following mod-
pS : Still water pressure, in kN/m2, see [3.4.2] and els:
[3.4.4] • an isolated beam structural model
pW : Wave pressure, in kN/m2, see [3.4.2] and • a three dimensional structural model
• a complete ship structural model.
pSF, pWF : Still water and wave pressures, in kN/m2, in
flooding conditions, defined in Ch 5, Sec 6, [9] 1.1.2 Isolated beam models
X1 : Hull girder normal stress, in N/mm 2, defined in In general, an isolated beam model is to be adopted where
[3.4.5] the primary supporting member arrangement is not of a gril-
 : Normal stress, in N/mm 2, defined in [3.4.5] lage type, i.e. where the primary supporting members are
s : Spacing, in m, of primary supporting members fitted in one direction, or where the primary supporting
members are fitted in two directions and their inertia in one
 : Span, in m, of primary supporting members,
direction is at least three times that in the other direction.
measured between the supporting elements, see
Ch 4, Sec 3, [4.1] 1.1.3 Three dimensional models
b : Length, in m, of one bracket, see [3.2] and Where the conditions in [1.1.2] do not occur, primary sup-
Ch 4, Sec 3, [4.4] porting members are to be analysed through three dimen-
bp : Width, in m, of the plating attached to the pri- sional models, according to [4], unless analyses using
mary supporting member, for the yielding complete ship models are required on the basis of the crite-
check, defined in Ch 4, Sec 3, [4.2] ria in [5].
w : Net section modulus, in cm 3, of the primary In general, a three dimensional model is to be adopted for
supporting member, with an attached plating of the analysis of primary supporting members of ships greater
width b p , to be calculated as specified in Ch 4, than 120 m in length.
Sec 3, [4.3]
ASh : Net shear sectional area, in cm2, of the primary 1.1.4 Complete ship models
supporting member, to be calculated as speci- Complete ship models may be required to be carried out in
fied in Ch 4, Sec 3, [4.3] order to analyse primary supporting members for the cases
m : Boundary coefficient, to be taken equal to: specified in [5].
• m = 10 in general
1.1.5 Analysis documentation
• m = 12 for bottom and side girders
Adequate documentation of the analyses based on three
I : Net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the primary dimensional models (structural model, load and stress cal-
supporting member without attached plating, culation, strength checks) carried out by the Designer are to
about its neutral axis parallel to the plating be submitted to the Society for review.
IB : Net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the primary
supporting member with bracket and without 1.1.6 Yielding check
attached plating, about its neutral axis parallel The yielding check is to be carried out according to:
to the plating, calculated at mid-length of the • [3] for primary supporting members analysed through
bracket isolated beam models
 = IB  I
• [4] for primary supporting members analysed through
 = b   three dimensional models
• [5] for primary supporting members analysed through
1 General complete ship models.

1.1 Application 1.1.7 Buckling check

The buckling check is to be carried out according to [6], on
1.1.1 Analysis criteria the basis of the stresses in primary supporting members cal-
The requirements of this Section apply for the yielding and culated according to [3], [4] or [5], depending on the struc-
buckling checks of primary supporting members. tural model adopted.

RINA Rules 2024 107

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3

Table 1 : Primary supporting members analysed through isolated beam models - Partial safety factors (1/1/2001)

Yielding check Buckling check

Partial safety factors
covering uncertainties Symbol Watertight bulkhead pri-
General Plate panels Pillars
regarding: mary supporting mem-
(see [3.4] to [3.7]) (see [6.1]) (see [6.2] and [6.3])
bers (1) (see [3.8])
Still water hull girder loads S1 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00

Wave hull girder loads W1 1,15 1,15 1,15 1,15

Still water pressure S2 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00

Wave pressure W2 1,20 1,05 1,20 1,20

Material m 1,02 1,02 1,02 1,02

Resistance R • 1,02 in general 1,02 (2) 1,10 For [6.2]: see

• 1,15 for bottom Tab 13
and side girders For [6.3]: 1,15
(1) Applies also to primary supporting members of bulkheads or inner side which constitute boundary of compartments not
intended to carry liquids.
(2) For primary supporting members of the collision bulkhead, R =1,25

Table 2 : Primary supporting members analysed through three dimensional models - Partial safety
factors (1/1/2001)

Yielding check (see [4]) Buckling check

Partial safety factors
covering uncertainties Symbol Watertight bulkhead
Plate panels Pillars
regarding: General primary supporting
(see [6.1]) (see [6.2] and [6.3])
members (1)
Still water hull girder loads S1 1,05 1,05 1,05 1,05

Wave hull girder loads W1 1,05 1,05 1,05 1,05

Still water pressure S2 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00

Wave pressure W2 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10

Material m 1,02 1,02 1,02 1,02

Resistance R Defined in Tab 4 Defined in Tab 4 1,02 For [6.2]: see

and Tab 5 and Tab 5 Tab 13
For [6.3]: 1,15
(1) Applies also to primary supporting members of bulkheads or inner side which constitute boundary of compartments not
intended to carry liquids.
Note 1: For primary supporting members of the collision bulkhead, R =1,25

Table 3 : Primary supporting members analysed through complete ship models - Partial safety factors (1/1/2001)

Partial safety factors Buckling check

Yielding check (see
covering uncertainties Symbol
[5]) Plate panels (see [6.1]) Pillars (see [6.2] and [6.3])
Still water hull girder loads S1 1,00 1,00 1,00

Wave hull girder loads W1 1,10 1,10 1,10

Still water pressure S2 1,00 1,00 1,00

Wave pressure W2 1,10 1,10 1,10

Material m 1,02 1,02 1,02

Resistance R Defined in Tab 4 1,02 For [6.2]: see Tab 13

and Tab 5 For [6.3]: 1,15

108 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3

Table 4 : Primary supporting members analysed 2.2 Double bottom

through three dimensional or complete ship models
Resistance partial safety factor (1/7/2018) 2.2.1 In addition to the requirements in [2.1], the net
thickness of plating which forms primary supporting mem-
Resistance partial safety factor R (see bers of the double bottom is to be not less than the values
Type of three [4.3.1] and [5.3.1]) given in Tab 6.
dimensional model
(see App 1) Watertight bulkhead pri-
General Table 6 : Minimum net thicknesses of
mary supporting members
double bottom primary supporting members
Beam model 1,20 1,02
Minimum net thickness, in mm
Coarse mesh finite 1,20 1,02 Primary supporting
element model member Area within 0,4L Area outside 0,4L
amidships amidships
Fine mesh finite 1,10 1,02
element model Centre girder 2,2 L1/3 k 1/6 1,8 L1/3 k 1/6
Refined local mesh 1,10 1,02 Side girders 1,7 L1/3 k 1/6 1,6 L1/3 k 1/6
finite element
model Floors 1,7 L1/3 k 1/6 1,6 L1/3 k 1/6
Girder bounding a 1,5 + 0,8 L1/2 k1/4 1,5 + 0,8 L 1/2 k1/4
duct keel (1)
Table 5 : Additional criteria for analyses based on
fine mesh and refined local mesh finite element mod- Margin plate L1/2 k1/4 0,9 L1/2 k 1/4
(1) The minimum net thickness is to be taken not less than
Resistance partial safety factor (1/7/2018)
that required for the centre girder.
Resistance partial safety factor
(see [4.3.2] and [5.3.2]) 2.3 Single bottom
Watertight bulkhead primary 2.3.1 In addition to the requirements in [2.1], the net
supporting members thickness of plating which forms the webs of primary sup-
R 1,10 1,02 porting members of the single bottom is to be not less than
the values given in Tab 7.
1.1.8 Minimum net thicknesses
Table 7 : Minimum net thicknesses of the webs of
In addition to the above, the scantlings of primary support-
single bottom primary supporting members
ing members are to comply with the requirements in [2].
Minimum net thickness, in mm
1.2 Net scantlings Primary supporting
member Area within 0,4L Area outside 0,4L
1.2.1 As specified in Ch 4, Sec 2, [1], all scantlings amidships amidships
referred to in this Section are net, i.e. they do not include Centre girder 6,0 + 0,05L2 k1/2 5,0 + 0,05L2 k1/2
any margin for corrosion.
The gross scantlings are obtained as specified in Ch 4, Floors and side gird- 5,5 + 0,05L2 k1/2 4,0 + 0,05L2 k1/2
Sec 2. ers

1.3 Partial safety factors 2.4 Deck primary members in way of

launching appliances used for survival
1.3.1 The partial safety factors to be considered for check- craft or rescue boat
ing primary supporting members are specified in:
2.4.1 (1/1/2020)
• Tab 1 for analyses based on isolated beam models
The scantlings of deck primary supporting members are to
• Tab 2 for analyses based on three dimensional models be determined by direct calculations, considering the fol-
• Tab 3 for analyses based on complete ship models. lowing load cases as appropriate:
• vertical forces
2 Minimum net thicknesses • overturning moment
• slewing moment
2.1 General
Calculations models based on beam elements are in general
2.1.1 The net thickness of plating which forms the webs of considered to be adequate.
primary supporting members is to be not less than the value
2.4.2 (1/1/2020)
obtained, in mm, from the following formulae:
The loads exerted by launching appliance on relevant deck
tMIN = 3,7 + 0,015Lk1/2 for L < 120 m
primary supporting members are to correspond to the SWL
tMIN = 3,7 + 1,8k1/2 for L  120 m of the launching appliance.

RINA Rules 2024 109

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3

2.4.3 (1/1/2020) conditions are to be considered, depending on the location

of the primary supporting member under consideration and
The combined Von Mises stress, in N/mm2, is not to exceed
the type of compartments adjacent to it, in accordance with
the smaller of R eH/2,2 and Rm/4,5 where Rm is the ultimate
Ch 5, Sec 1, [2.4].
minimum tensile strength of the primary supporting mem-
ber material, in N/mm 2. Primary supporting members of bulkheads or inner side
which constitute the boundary of compartments not
intended to carry liquids are to be subjected to the lateral
3 Yielding check of primary support- pressure in flooding conditions.
ing members analysed through an
The wave lateral pressures and hull girder loads are to be
isolated beam structural model calculated in the mutually exclusive load cases “a”, “b”, “c”
and “d” in Ch 5, Sec 4.
3.1 General
3.4.2 Lateral pressure in intact conditions
3.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply for the yield- The lateral pressure in intact conditions is constituted by
ing check of primary supporting members subjected to lat- still water pressure and wave pressure.
eral pressure or to wheeled loads and, for those contributing
to the hull girder longitudinal strength, to hull girder normal Still water pressure (pS) includes:
stresses, which are to be analysed through an isolated beam • the still water sea pressure, defined in Ch 5, Sec 5, [1]
model, according to [1.1.2].
• the still water internal pressure, defined in Ch 5, Sec 6
3.1.2 The yielding check is also to be carried out for pri- for the various types of cargoes and for ballast.
mary supporting members subjected to specific loads, such
as concentrated loads. Wave pressure (pW) includes:
• the wave pressure, defined in Ch 5, Sec 5, [2] for each
3.2 Bracket arrangement load case “a”, “b”, “c” and “d”
• the inertial pressure, defined in Ch 5, Sec 6 for the vari-
3.2.1 The requirements of this Article apply to primary ous types of cargoes and for ballast, and for each load
supporting members with brackets at both ends of length case “a”, “b”, “c” and “d”.
not greater than 0,2 .
3.4.3 Lateral pressure in flooding conditions
In the case of a significantly different bracket arrangement,
the determination of normal and shear stresses due to The lateral pressure in flooding conditions is constituted by
design loads and the required section modulus and shear the still water pressure pSF and the wave pressure pWF
sectional area are considered by the Society on a case by defined in Ch 5, Sec 6, [9].
case basis.
3.4.4 Wheeled loads (1/7/2009)
3.3 Load point For primary supporting members subjected to wheeled
loads, the yielding check may be carried out according to
3.3.1 Lateral pressure [3.5] to [3.7] considering uniform pressures equivalent to
the distribution of vertical concentrated forces, when such
Unless otherwise specified, lateral pressure is to be calcu- forces are closely located.
lated at mid-span of the primary supporting member con-
sidered. For the determination of the equivalent uniform pressures,
the most unfavourable case, i.e. where the maximum num-
3.3.2 Hull girder normal stresses ber of axles are located on the same primary supporting
member, according to Fig 1 to Fig 3, is to be considered.
For longitudinal primary supporting members contributing
to the hull girder longitudinal strength, the hull girder nor- The equivalent still water pressure and inertial pressure are
mal stresses are to be calculated in way of the face plate of indicated in Tab 8.
the primary supporting member considered.
For arrangements different from those shown in Fig 1 to
For bottom and deck girders, it may generally be assumed Fig 3, the yielding check of primary supporting members is
that the hull girder normal stresses in the face plate are to be carried out by a direct calculation, taking into account
equal to 0,75 times those in the relevant plating. the distribution of concentrated loads induced by vehicle
3.4 Load model In particular, the load redistribution effect of longitudinal
girders not supported by pillars is to be taken into account
3.4.1 General by a grillage direct calculation or, as an a alternative, an
equivalent load obtained by previous analysis can be used.
The still water and wave lateral pressures induced by the
sea and the various types of cargoes and ballast in intact

110 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3

Table 8 : Wheeled loads Figure 3 : Wheeled loads

Equivalent uniform still water and inertial Distance between axles of two consecutive vehicles
pressures (1/7/2009)

Still water pressure pS and

Ship condition inertial pressure pW, in
Still water condition pS = 10 peq

Upright condition “a” No inertial pressure

“b” pW = peqaZ1
3.4.5 Normal stresses (1/1/2001)
Inclined condition “c” The inertial pressure may
be disregarded The normal stresses to be considered for the yielding check
of primary supporting members are obtained, in N/mm2,
“d” pW = peqaZ2 from the following formulae:
Note 1:
• for longitudinal primary supporting members contribut-
nV QA  X 1 + X2
- 3 – ------------------
p eq = ------------- ing to the hull girder longitudinal strength:
s  s 
N =  X1 =  S1  S1 +  W1  C FV  W V1 + C FH  WH 1 + C F   
nV : Maximum number of vehicles possible located
on the primary supporting member • for longitudinal primary supporting members not con-
QA : Maximum axle load, in t, defined in Ch 5, Sec 6, tributing to the hull girder longitudinal strength and for
Tab 8 transverse primary supporting members:
X1 : Minimum distance, in m, between two consecu-
tive axles (see Fig 2 and Fig 3)  N = 45  k N  mm

X2 : Minimum distance, in m, between axles of two

consecutive vehicles (see Fig 3). In the case indi-
cated in Fig 2, X2 is to be taken equal to s.
S1, WV1, WH1 : Hull girder normal stresses, in N/mm2,
Figure 1 : Wheeled loads - Distribution of vehicles defined in:
on a primary supporting member • Tab 9 for primary supporting members sub-
jected to lateral pressure,

• Tab 10 for primary supporting members sub-

jected to wheeled loads

 : absolute value of the warping stress, in N/mm2,

induced by the torque 0,625MWT and obtained
through direct calculation analyses based on a
structural model in accordance with Ch 6,
Sec 1, [2.6],

CFV, C FH, CF : Combination factors defined in Tab 11.

Figure 2 : Wheeled loads 3.5 Normal and shear stresses due to lateral
Distance between two consecutive axles pressure in intact conditions

3.5.1 General

Normal and shear stresses, induced by lateral pressures, in

primary supporting members are to be determined from the
formulae given in:

• [3.5.2] in the case of longitudinal and transverse pri-

mary supporting members

• [3.5.3] in the case of vertical primary supporting mem-


RINA Rules 2024 111

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3

Table 9 : Hull girder normal stresses - Primary supporting members subjected to lateral pressure

Condition S1 , in N/mm 2 (1) WV1 , in N/mm2 WH1 , in N/mm 2

M SW , S –3 0 ,625F D M WV ,S –3
Lateral pressure applied on zN --------------  z – N  10 -------------------------------------  z – N  10
IY IY 0 ,625 MW H –3
the side opposite to the pri- ---------------------------y 10
mary supporting member, IZ
M SW ,H –3 0 ,625M WV , H –3
with respect to the plating: z<N ---------------  z – N  10 --------------------------------  z – N  10

Lateral pressure applied on M SW ,H –3 0 ,625M WV , H –3

zN ---------------  z – N  10 --------------------------------  z – N  10
the same side as the primary IY IY
supporting member:
M SW , S –3 0 ,625F D M WV ,S –3
z<N --------------  z – N  10 -------------------------------------  z – N  10

(1) When the ship in still water is always in hogging condition, MSW,S is to be taken equal to 0.
Note 1:
FD : Coefficient defined in Ch 5, Sec 2, [4].

Table 10 : Hull girder normal stresses - Primary supporting members subjected to wheeled loads

Condition S1 in N/mm2 (1) WV1 in N/mm 2 WH1 in N/mm2

M SW ,H –3 0 ,625M W V ,H –3
zN ---------------  z – N  10 -  z – N  10
0 ,625 M WH –3
--------------------------- y 10
M SW , S 0 ,625F D M WV , S
–3 –3
z<N --------------  z – N  10 -------------------------------------  z – N  10

(1) When the ship in still water is always in hogging condition, MSW,S is to be taken equal to 0.
Note 1:
FD : Coefficient defined in Ch 5, Sec 2, [4].

3.5.3 Vertical primary supporting members

Table 11 : Combination factors CFV, CFH and CF The maximum normal stress  and shear stress  are to be
obtained, in N/mm2, from the following formulae:
Load case CFV CFH CF  S 2  bS p S +  W2 b W p W 2 3
 =  b ---------------------------------------------------
-s 10 + A
“a” 1,0 0 0
 S 2  sS p S +  W2  s W p W
“b” 1,0 0 0  = 5 s --------------------------------------------------
- s
“c” 0,4 1,0 1,0 where:
“d” 0,4 1,0 0 b, s : Coefficients defined in [3.5.2]
pSd – pSu
 bS = 1 + 0 ,2 --------------------
3.5.2 Longitudinal and transverse primary pSd + pSu
supporting members (1/1/2001) p W d – p Wu
 bW = 1 + 0 ,2 ------------------------
The maximum normal stress  and shear stress  are to be p Wd + p Wu
obtained, in N/mm 2, from the following formulae: pSd – pSu
 s S = 1 + 0 ,4 --------------------
pSd + pSu
 S2 p S +  W 2 p W 2 3
 =  b ----------------------------------s 10 +  N p Wd – p W u
mw  s W = 1 + 0 ,4 ------------------------
p Wd + p W u
 S2 p S +  W 2 p W
 = 5 s ----------------------------------s
ASh pSd : Still water pressure, in kN/m2, at the lower end
of the primary supporting member considered
pSu : Still water pressure, in kN/m2, at the upper end
3 2
  1 – 2   + 2   4 – 3  of the primary supporting member considered
 b = ------------------------------------------------------------------
  1 – 2  + 2
pWd : Wave pressure, in kN/m2, at the lower end of
to be taken not less than 0,55. the primary supporting member considered
pWu : Wave pressure, in kN/m2, at the upper end of
 s = 1 – 2 the primary supporting member considered

112 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3

A : Axial stress, to be obtained, in N/mm 2, from the A : Defined in [3.5.3].

following formula:
F 3.8 Net section modulus and net shear sec-
A = 10 ----A-
A tional area of primary supporting mem-
FA : Axial load (still water and wave) transmitted to bers subjected to lateral pressure in
the vertical primary supporting members by the flooding conditions
structures above. For multideck ships, the crite-
ria in [6.2.1] for pillars are to be adopted. 3.8.1 General
The requirements in [3.8.1] to [3.8.3] apply to primary sup-
A : Net sectional area, in cm2, of the vertical pri-
porting members of bulkheads or inner side which consti-
mary supporting members with attached plating
tute the boundary of compartments not intended to carry
of width b P.
These primary supporting members are to be checked in
3.6 Checking criteria
flooding conditions as specified in [3.8.2] and [3.8.3],
3.6.1 General depending on the type of member.
It is to be checked that the normal stress  and the shear
3.8.2 Longitudinal and transverse primary
stress , calculated according to [3.5], are in compliance supporting members (1/7/2020)
with the following formulae:
The net section modulus w, in cm3, and the net shear sec-
Ry tional area ASh , in cm2, of longitudinal or transverse primary
---------- 
 R m supporting members are to be not less than the values
Ry obtained from the following formulae:
0 ,5 ---------- 
R m  S 2 p S F +  W2 p WF 2 3
w =  R  m  b ----------------------------------------------
- s 10
12c P  R y – R  m N 
3.7 Net section modulus and net sectional S 2 p S F +  W2 p W F
A S h = 10 R  m  s -------------------------------------- s
shear area complying with the checking Ry
criteria where:
3.7.1 General  b,  s : Coefficients defined in [3.5.2]
The requirements in [3.7.2] and [3.7.3] provide the mini- cP : Ratio of the plastic section modulus to the elas-
mum net section modulus and net shear sectional area of tic section modulus of the primary supporting
primary supporting members subjected to lateral pressure in members with an attached plating bp , to be
intact conditions, complying with the checking criteria indi- taken equal to 1,16 in the absence of more pre-
cated in [3.6]. cise evaluation.

3.7.2 Longitudinal and transverse primary 3.8.3 Vertical primary supporting

supporting members (1/1/2001) members (1/7/2020)
The net section modulus w, in cm3, and the net shear sec- The net section modulus w, in cm3, and the net shear sec-
tional area A Sh , in cm 2, of longitudinal or transverse primary tional area ASh , in cm2, of vertical primary supporting mem-
supporting members are to be not less than the values bers are to be not less than the values obtained from the
obtained from the following formulae: following formulae:

 S2 p S +  W2 p W  S 2  bS p S F + W 2  bW p WF 2 3
w =  R  m b ---------------------------------------
s 10
3 w =  R m  b -------------------------------------------------------
-s 10
m  Ry – R m N  12c P  R y – R  m  A 
 S2 p S +  W 2 p W  S 2  s S p S F +  W2  s W p W F
A Sh = 10 R  m s ----------------------------------s A S h = 10 R m s ------------------------------------------------------
- s
Ry Ry

where b ands are the coefficients defined in [3.5.2]. where:

 b,  s : Coefficients defined in [3.5.2]
3.7.3 Vertical primary supporting members cP : Ratio defined in [3.8.2]
The net section modulus w, in cm3, and the net shear sec-
pSFd – pSFu
tional area ASh , in cm 2, of vertical primary supporting mem-  bS = 1 + 0 ,2 ------------------------
pSFd + pSFu
bers are to be not less than the values obtained from the
p W F d – p WF u
following formulae:  bW = 1 + 0 ,2 ----------------------------
p W F d + p WF u
S2  bS p S +  W2  bW p W 2 3
w =  R  m  b ---------------------------------------------------
-s 10 pSFd – pSFu
m  R y –  R m  A   s S = 1 + 0 ,4 ------------------------
pSFd + pSFu
 S2  s S p S +  W2 s W p W
ASh = 10 R  m  s --------------------------------------------------
- s p WF d – p W F u
Ry  s W = 1 + 0 ,4 ----------------------------
p WF d + p W F u
where: pSFd : Still water pressure, in kN/m2, in flooding con-
b, s : Coefficients defined in [3.5.2] ditions, at the lower end of the primary support-
bs, bW, sS, sW : Coefficients defined in [3.5.3] ing member considered

RINA Rules 2024 113

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3

pSFu : Still water pressure, in kN/m2, in flooding con- Ry

----------  max( 1 ,2)
ditions, at the upper end of the primary support-  R m
ing member considered
pWFd : Wave pressure, in kN/m 2, in flooding condi- 0 ,5 ----------   12
R m
tions, at the lower end of the primary supporting
member considered. 4.3.3 Specific case of primary supporting members
pWFu : Wave pressure, in kN/m 2, in flooding condi- subjected to wheeled loads
tions, at the upper end of the primary support- For all types of analysis (see App 2, [2] ), it is to be checked
ing member considered that the equivalent stress VM, calculated according to
A : Defined in [3.5.3]. App 2, [5] is in compliance with the following formula:
----------   VM
4 Yielding check of primary support- R m
ing members analysed through a
4.3.4 Specific criteria for analyses based on refined
three dimensional structural model local mesh finite element models (1/1/2020)
Highly stressed areas investigated through a refined struc-
4.1 General tural detail analysis according to App 1, [3.4.4] with a mesh
based on 50 mm x 50 mm element size (or smaller), are to
4.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply for the yield- comply with both the two following requirements:
ing check of primary supporting members subjected to lat-
eral pressure or to wheeled loads and, for those contributing Ry
a) a ----------    VM  M EAN 50 x50
to the hull girder longitudinal strength, to hull girder normal R m
stresses, which are to be analysed through a three dimen- where:
sional structural model, according to [1.1.3]. a : 1,6 away from welds
4.1.2 The yielding check is also to be carried out for pri- a : 1,4 adjacent to welds
mary supporting members subjected to specific loads, such mandR: partial safety factors to be taken as given in
as concentrated loads. Tab 4 and Tab 5.
(VM)MEAN 50x50: weighted average of Von Mises stress
4.2 Analysis criteria evaluated on an area of 50x50 mm, in in
N/mm2, to be obtained as follows:
4.2.1 The analysis of primary supporting members based
on three dimensional models is to be carried out according n

to: A   i V Mi

• the requirements in App 1 for primary supporting mem-   VM  M E A N 50 x 50 = i----------------------------

bers subjected to lateral pressure  Ai
• the requirements in App 2 for primary supporting mem- i=1

bers subjected to wheeled loads.

VMi : Von Mises stress at centrod of the i-th ele-
These requirements apply for: ment within the evaluated area, in N/mm2
• the structural modelling Ai : Area of the i-th element within the evalu-
• the load modelling ated area, in mm2
• the stress calculation. n : Number of elements within the evaluated
4.3 Checking criteria In performing the above summation the following pro-
cedures are to be followed:
4.3.1 General
• only the n elements which are completely inside the
For all types of analysis (see App 1, [2] ), it is to be checked 50 x 50 mm area are to be included
that the equivalent stress VM , calculated according to
• stress averaging is not to be carried across structural
App 1, [5] is in compliance with the following formula:
discontinuities and abutting structure.
Ry b) In any case the average stress over an s x s evaluation
----------  V M
 R m area, with s being the relevant spacing of ordinary stiff-
eners, is not to exceed the unfactored allowable stress
4.3.2 Additional criteria for analyses based on fine
mesh finite element models given by
Fine mesh finite element models are defined with reference Ry / m.R
to App 1, [3.4]. In this case similar weighted-by-area averaging as per
For all the elements of the fine mesh models, it is to be point a shall be applied.
checked that the normal stresses 1 and 2 and the shear For specific cases of rounded edges (openings and rounded
stress 12, calculated according to App 1, [5], are in compli- brackets), the averaging has to include only the first row of
ance with the following formulae: elements adjacent to the free edge, over a length equal to s.

114 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3

5 Yielding check of primary support- Ry

----------  ma x( 1 , 2)
ing members analysed through a R m

complete ship structural model Ry

0 ,5 ----------   12
R m
5.1 General
6 Buckling check
5.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply for the yield-
ing check of primary supporting members which are to be
6.1 Local buckling of plate panels
analysed through a complete ship structural model.
6.1.1 A local buckling check is to be carried out, accord-
5.1.2 A complete ship structural model is to be carried
ing to Sec 1, [5], for plate panels which constitute primary
out, when deemed necessary by the Society, to analyse pri-
supporting members.
mary supporting members of ships with one or more of the
following characteristics: In carrying out this check, the stresses in the plate panels
are to be calculated according to [3], [4] or [5], depending
• ships having large deck openings on the structural model adopted for the analysis of primary
• ships having large space arrangements supporting members.
• multideck ships having series of openings in side or lon-
gitudinal bulkheads, when the stresses due to the differ- 6.2 Buckling of pillars subjected to com-
ent contribution of each deck to the hull girder strength pression axial load
are to be taken into account.
6.2.1 Compression axial load
5.1.3 Based on the criteria in [5.1.2], analyses based on The compression axial load in the pillar is to be obtained, in
complete ship models may be required, in general, for the kN, from the following formula:
following ship types:
• ships with the service notation general cargo ship, hav- F A = AD   S 2 p S +  W2 pW  +  r  S2 Q i ,S +  W2 Q i ,W 
ing large deck openings i

• ships with the service notation container ship where:

• ships with the service notation ro-ro cargo ship AD : Area, in m2, of the portion of the deck or the
platform supported by the pillar considered
• ships with the service notation passenger ship
r : Coefficient which depends on the relative posi-
• ships with the service notation ro-ro passenger ship.
tion of each pillar above the one considered, to
be taken equal to:
5.2 Analysis criteria • r = 1,0 for the pillar considered
5.2.1 The analysis of primary supporting members based • r = 0,9 for the pillar immediately above
on complete ship models is to be carried out according to that considered
App 3. • r = 0,9i for the ith pillar of the line above the
These requirements apply for: pillar considered, to be taken not less than
• the structural modelling
Qi,S,Qi,W : Still water and wave load, respectively, in kN,
• the load modelling
from the ith pillar of the line above the pillar
• the stress calculation. considered, if any.

5.3 Checking criteria 6.2.2 Critical column buckling stress of pillars

The critical column buckling stress of pillars is to be
5.3.1 General obtained, in N/mm2, from the following formulae:
It is to be checked that the equivalent stress VM , calculated ReH
according to App 3, [4] is in compliance with the following cB = E1 for E 1  -------
 c B = R e H  1 – ----------- for E 1  -------
Ry 4 E 1 2
----------   VM
R m
5.3.2 Additional criteria for elements modelled with E1 : Euler column buckling stress, to be obtained, in
fine meshes N/mm2, from the following formula:
Fine meshes are defined with reference to App 3, [2.4]. I
 E 1 =  2 E ----------------2 10 –4
A  f 
For all the elements modelled with fine meshes, it is to be
checked that the normal stresses 1 and 2 and the shear I : Minimum net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the
stress 12 , calculated according to App 3, [4], are in compli- pillar
ance with the following formulae: A : Net cross-sectional area, in cm2, of the pillar

RINA Rules 2024 115

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3

 : Span, in m, of the pillar Table 12 : Coefficient f

f : Coefficient, to be obtained from Tab 12.
Boundary conditions of the pillar f
6.2.3 Critical torsional buckling stress of built-up
pillars Both ends fixed
The critical torsional buckling stress of built-up pillars is to
be obtained, in N/mm 2, from the following formulae:
R eH
 c T =  E2 for E2  -------
- 0,5
R eH R eH
 c T = R eH  1 – ----------- for E2  -------
 4 E2 2
E2 : Euler torsional buckling stress, to be obtained, One end fixed, one end pinned
in N/mm 2, from the following formula:
 2 E Iw I
E2 = ------------------2 + 0 ,41 E ---t
10 4 I p  Ip
Iw : Net sectorial moment of inertia of the pillar, to ------2-
be obtained, in cm 6, from the following for-
t f b f3 h w2 –6
I w = ---------------
- 10
hW : Web height of built-up section, in mm Both ends pinned
tW : Net web thickness of built-up section, in mm
bF : Face plate width of built-up section, in mm
tF : Net face plate thickness of built-up section, in
Ip : Net polar moment of inertia of the pillar, to be
obtained, in cm 4, from the following formula:
I P = I XX + I YY
IXX : Net moment of inertia about the XX axis of the
pillar section (see Fig 4)
IYY : Net moment of inertia about the YY axis of the
Figure 4 : Reference axes for the calculation
pillar section (see Fig 4)
of the moments of inertia of a built-up section
It : St. Venant’s net moment of inertia of the pillar,
to be obtained, in cm4, from the following for-
I t = ---  h w t w3 + 2b f t f3 10 – 4

6.2.4 Critical local buckling stress of built-up

The critical local buckling stress of built-up pillars is to be
obtained, in N/mm2, from the following formulae:

 c L = E 3 for  E 3  -------
 c L = R e H  1 – ----------- for  E 3  -------
 4  E 3 2


116 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3

E3 : Euler local buckling stress, to be taken equal to 6.3 Buckling of pillars subjected to com-
the lesser of the values obtained, in N/mm 2, pression axial load and bending
from the following formulae: moments
tW  2 4
• E3 = 78  ------
- 10
 h W 6.3.1 Checking criteria
2 In addition to the requirements in [6.2], the net scantlings of
E3 = 32  ----F- 10
•  b F the pillar loaded by the compression axial load and bend-
ing moments are to comply with the following formula:
tW, hW, tF, bF : Dimensions, in mm, of the built-up section,
1 e 3 M m ax ReH
defined in [6.2.3]. 10F  ---- + -------- +  10 -----------
-  ----------
 A wP   wP  R m
6.2.5 Critical local buckling stress of pillars having
hollow rectangular section where:
The critical local buckling stress of pillars having hollow F : Compression load, in kN, acting on the pillar
rectangular section is to be obtained, in N/mm 2, from the
A : Net cross-sectional area, in cm2, of the pillar
following formulae:
e : Eccentricity, in cm, of the compression load
R eH
cL =  E4 for E4  -------
- with respect to the centre of gravity of the cross-
R eH R eH
cL = R eH  1 – ----------- for E4  -------
- 1
 4 E4 2  = ---------------------
10 F
where: 1 – ------------
E1 A
E4 : Euler local buckling stress, to be taken equal to
E1 : Euler column buckling stress, in N/mm2,
the lesser of the values obtained, in N/mm 2,
from the following formulae: defined in [6.2.2]

t 2 4 wP : Minimum net section modulus, in cm3, of the

• E4 = 78  ---2 10 cross-section of the pillar
 b
Mmax : Max (M1, M2, M0)
t 2 4
• E4 = 78  ---1 10
 h M1 : Bending moment, in kN.m, at the upper end of
the pillar
b : Length, in mm, of the shorter side of the section
t2 : Net web thickness, in mm, of the shorter side of M2 : Bending moment, in kN.m, at the lower end of
the section the pillar
h : Length, in mm, of the longer side of the section 0 ,5  1 + t 2   M 1 + M 2 
t1 : Net web thickness, in mm, of the longer side of M 0 = ----------------------------------------------------------
cos  u 
the section.
10 F-
u = 0 ,5  -----------
6.2.6 Checking criteria E1 A
The net scantlings of the pillar loaded by the compression
1 M 2 – M 1
axial stress FA defined in [6.2.1] are to comply with the for- t = -----------------  --------------------
mulae in Tab 13. tan  u   M 2 + M 1

RINA Rules 2024 117

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3

Table 13 : Buckling check of pillars subject to compression axial load (1/1/2001)

Column buckling Torsional buckling

Pillar cross-section Local buckling check Geometric condition
check check


 cB F cT F  cL F b
----------  10 ----A- ----------  10 ----A- ----------  10 ----A- -----F  40
R m A R m A R m A tF

Hollow tubular

cB F ---  55
----------  10 ----A- Not required Not required t
R m A
t  5,5 mm

Hollow rectangular

b  55

cB F cL F h  55
----------  10 ----A- Not required ----------  10 ----A- ---
R m A R m A t1

t1  5,5 mm
t2  5,5 mm

Note 1:
cB : Critical column buckling stress, in N/mm2, defined in [6.2.2]
cT : Critical torsional buckling stress, in N/mm2, defined in [6.2.3]
cL : Critical local buckling stress, in N/mm2, defined in [6.2.4] for built-up section or in [6.2.5] for hollow rectangular sec-
R : Resistance partial safety factor, to be taken equal to:
• 1,50 for column buckling
• 1,05 for torsional and local buckling
FA : compression axial load in the pillar, in kN, defined in [6.2.1]
A : Net sectional area, in cm2, of the pillar.

118 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 4


For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to the list at the fatigue check is to be carried out may be grouped as fol-
the beginning of this Chapter. lows:

pW : Wave pressure, in kN/m2, see [2.2] • details where the stresses are to be calculated through a
three dimensional structural model (e.g. connections
s : Spacing, in m, of ordinary stiffeners between primary supporting members)

 : Span, in m, of ordinary stiffeners, measured • details located at ends of ordinary stiffeners, for which
between the supporting members, see Ch 4, an isolated structural model can be adopted.
Sec 3, [3.2]
1.2.3 Details where the stresses are to be
w : Net section modulus, in cm 3, of the stiffener, calculated through a three dimensional
with an attached plating of width bp , to be cal- structural model
culated as specified in Ch 4, Sec 3, [3.4] The requirements of App 1, [7] apply, in addition of those of
[1] to [5] of this Section.
K h, K  : Stress concentration factors, defined in Ch 12,
Sec 2 for the special structural details there 1.2.4 Details located at ends of ordinary stiffeners
The requirements of [1] to [6] of this Section apply.
KF : Fatigue notch factor, defined in [3.3.1]
1.2.5 Other details
Km : Stress concentration factor, taking account of In general, for details other than those in [1.2.2], the stresses
misalignment, defined in [3.3.1] are to be calculated through a method agreed by the Soci-
ety on a case by case basis, using the load model defined in
P0 : Allowable stress range, defined in [4].
The checking criterion in [5] is generally to be applied.
1 General
1.3 Definitions
1.1 Net scantlings
1.3.1 Hot spots
1.1.1 As specified in Ch 4, Sec 2, [1], all scantlings Hot spots are the locations where fatigue cracking may
referred to in this Section are net, i.e. they do not include occur. They are indicated in the relevant figures of special
any margin for corrosion. structural details in Ch 12, Sec 2.

The gross scantlings are obtained as specified in Ch 4, 1.3.2 Nominal stress

Sec 2.
Nominal stress is the stress in a structural component taking
into account macro-geometric effects but disregarding the
1.2 Application stress concentration due to structural discontinuities and to
the presence of welds (see Fig 1).
1.2.1 Structural details to be checked
1.3.3 Hot spot stress
The requirements of this Section apply for the fatigue check
Hot spot stress is a local stress at the hot spot taking into
of special structural details, according to Ch 12, Sec 2.
account the influence of structural discontinuities due to the
The Society may require other details to be checked, when geometry of the detail, but excluding the effects of welds
(see Fig 1).
deemed necessary on the basis of the detail geometry and
stress level.
1.3.4 Notch stress

1.2.2 Categorisation of details Notch stress is a peak stress in a notch such as the root of a
weld or the edge of a cut-out. This peak stress takes into
With respect to the method to be adopted to calculate the account the stress concentrations due to the presence of
stresses acting on structural members, the details for which notches (see Fig 1).

RINA Rules 2024 119

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 4

Figure 1 : Nominal, hot spot and notch stresses 2.1.2 Local and hull girder loads
The fatigue check is based on the stress range induced at the
hot spot by the time variation of local and hull girder loads
in each load case “a”, “b”, “c” and “d” defined in [2.2] for
the loading conditions defined in [2.1.4] and [2.1.3] (see
Fig 2).

Figure 2 : Stress range

1.3.5 Elementary stress range

Elementary stress range is the stress range determined for 2.1.3 Loading conditions for details where the
stresses are to be calculated through a three
one of the load cases “a”, “b”, “c” or “d” (see Ch 5, Sec 4,
dimensional structural model
[2]) and for either of the loading conditions (see Ch 5,
Sec 1, [2.4] and Ch 5, Sec 1, [2.5]). The most severe full load and ballast conditions for the
detail concerned are to be considered in accordance with
1.3.6 Equivalent stress range Ch 5, Sec 1, [2.5].
Equivalent stress range is a stress range obtained from a
combination of elementary stress ranges, as indicated in 2.1.4 Loading conditions for details located at ends
[3.3.2] for notch stress and [6.2.1] for hull girder nominal of ordinary stiffeners
stress. The cargo and ballast distribution is to be considered in
accordance with Ch 5, Sec 1, [2.4].
1.4 Partial safety factors
2.1.5 Spectral fatigue analysis
1.4.1 The partial safety factors to be considered for the
For ships with non-conventional shapes or with restricted
fatigue check of structural details are specified in Tab 1.
navigation, the Society may require a spectral fatigue analy-
sis to be carried out.
Table 1 : Fatigue check - Partial safety factors
In this analysis, the loads and stresses are to be evaluated
Value through long-term stochastic analysis taking into account
Partial safety factors
Details at the characteristics of the ship and the navigation notation.
covering uncertainties Symbol
regarding: General ends of ordi- The load calculations and fatigue analysis are to be submit-
nary stiffeners
ted to the Society for approval.
Still water hull girder S1 1,00 1,00
2.2 Lateral pressure
Wave hull girder loads W1 1,05 1,15
2.2.1 General
Still water pressure S2 1,00 1,00
Lateral pressure is constituted by the wave pressure.
Wave pressure W2 1,10 1,20

Resistance R 1,02 1,10 2.2.2 Upright ship conditions (Load cases “a” and
2 Load model Wave pressure (pW) includes:
• maximum and minimum wave pressures obtained from
2.1 General Tab 2

2.1.1 Load point • inertial pressures:

Unless otherwise specified, design loads are to be deter- - no inertial pressures are considered for load case “a”
mined at points defined in:
- maximum and minimum inertial pressures for load
• Sec 2, [1.3] for ordinary stiffeners case “b” are to be obtained from Tab 3 for the vari-
• Sec 3, [1] for primary supporting members. ous types of cargoes.

120 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 4

Table 2 : Load cases “a” and “b” - Maximum Table 4 : Load cases “c” and “d” - Maximum
and minimum wave pressures for fatigue check and minimum wave pressures for fatigue check
Case Wave pressures, in kN/m2
Case Wave pressures, in kN/m 2
Load pWmax pW defined in Ch 5, Sec 5, [2.1.1] for
pWmax pW defined in Ch 5, Sec 5, [2.2.1] for:
case “a” “load case a, crest”
• load case “c”
pWmin pW defined in Ch 5, Sec 5, [2.1.1] for • negative roll angle
“load case a, trough” case “c” pWmin pW defined in Ch 5, Sec 5, [2.2.1] for:
Load pWmax pW defined in Ch 5, Sec 5, [2.1.1] for • load case “c”
case “b” “load case b, crest” • positive roll angle
pWmin pW defined in Ch 5, Sec 5, [2.1.1] for pWmax pW defined in Ch 5, Sec 5, [2.2.1] for:
“load case b, trough” • load case “d”
Load • negative roll angle
Table 3 : Load case “b” - Maximum case “d” pWmin pW defined in Ch 5, Sec 5, [2.2.1] for:
and minimum inertial pressures for fatigue check • load case “d”
• positive roll angle
Inertial pressures, in kN/m2
pWmax pWmin

Liquids pW defined in Ch 5, pW defined in Ch 5, Table 5 : Load cases “c” and “d” - Maximum
Sec 6, Tab 1 for: Sec 6, Tab 1 for: and minimum inertial pressures (liquid cargoes) for
• load case “b” • load case “b” fatigue check
• aX1 > 0 and aZ1 > 0 • aX1 < 0 and aZ1 < 0
Load case Inertial pressures, in kN/m2
Dry bulk pW defined in Ch 5, pW defined in Ch 5,
cargoes Sec 6, Tab 5 for: Sec 6, Tab 5 for: pW defined in Ch 5, Sec 6, Tab 1 for:
pWmax • load case “c”
• load case “b” • load case “b”
• aZ1 > 0 • aZ1 < 0 Load case • negative roll angle
“c” pW defined in Ch 5, Sec 6, Tab 1 for:
Dry pW defined in Ch 5, pW defined in Ch 5,
Sec 6, Tab 6 for: Sec 6, Tab 6 for: pWmin • load case “c”
cargoes • load case “b” • load case “b” • positive roll angle
• aZ1 > 0 • aZ1 < 0 pW defined in Ch 5, Sec 6, Tab 1 for:
pWmax • load case “d”
2.2.3 Inclined ship conditions (Load cases “c” and • negative roll angle
Load case
“d” pW defined in Ch 5, Sec 6, Tab 1 for:
Wave pressure (pW) includes:
pWmin • load case “d”
• maximum and minimum wave pressures obtained from
• positive roll angle
Tab 4
• maximum and minimum inertial pressures obtained
from Tab 5 for liquid cargoes.
Table 6 : Hull girder normal stresses for fatigue
For dry bulk cargoes and dry uniform cargoes, no iner-
tial pressures are to be considered.
Load condition Symbol Normal stress, in N/mm2
2.3 Hull girder normal stresses
Vertical wave WV,H
0 ,625M WV ,H –3
2.3.1 The hull girder normal stresses to be considered for bending moment -------------------------------  z – N  10
the fatigue check are the following, multiplied by W1: in hogging
WV,H, WV,S, WH: Hull girder normal stresses, in N/mm2, Vertical wave WV,S
defined in Tab 6 0 ,625M WV ,S –3
bending moment ------------------------------  z – N  10
 : Warping stresses, in N/mm2, induced by the in sagging
torque 0,625MWT and obtained through direct Horizontal wave WH 0 ,625M WH –3
calculation analyses based on a structural bending moment ---------------------------y 10
model in accordance with Ch 6, Sec 1, [2.6].

RINA Rules 2024 121

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 4

3 Stress range Table 7 : Weld coefficient 

3.1 General Coefficient 

Weld configuration Grind Other
3.1.1 Calculation point welds cases
Unless otherwise specified, stresses are to be determined at Butt joints:
the hot spots indicated, for each detail, in the relevant
• Stresses parallel to weld axis
figures in Ch 12, Sec 2.
- full penetration 1,85 2,10
3.1.2 Stress components - partial penetration 1,85 2,10
For the details in [1.2.2], the stresses to be used in the • Stresses perpendicular to weld axis
fatigue check are the normal stresses in the directions indi- - full penetration 2,10 2,40
cated, for each detail, in the relevant figures in Ch 12, - partial penetration 3,95 4,50
Sec 2. T joints:
Where the fatigue check is required for details other than • Stresses parallel to weld axis; fillet
those in [1.2.2], the stresses to be used are the principal weld and partial penetration 1,60 1,80
stresses at the hot spots which form the smallest angle with • Stresses perpendicular to weld axis
the crack rising surface. and in plane of continuous element
(1); fillet weld and partial penetra- 1,90 2,15
3.2 Hot spot stress range tion
• Stresses perpendicular to weld axis
3.2.1 Elementary hot spot stress range and in plane of welded element;
The elementary hot spot stress range S,ij is to be obtained, fillet weld and partial penetration 3,95 4,50
in N/mm 2, in accordance with: Cruciform joints:
• App 1, [7] for details where the stresses are to be cal- • Full penetration 1,85 2.10
culated through a three dimensional structural models • Partial penetration 2,05 2,35
• [6.2] for details located at ends of ordinary stiffeners. (1) This case includes the hot spots indicated in the sheets
of special structural details in Ch 12, Sec 2 , relevant
3.3 Notch stress range to the connections of longitudinal ordinary stiffeners
3.3.1 Elementary notch stress range with transverse primary supporting members.
The elementary notch stress range is to be obtained, in
N/mm2, from the following formula: 3.3.2 Equivalent notch stress range
 N ,i j = 0 ,7K F Km K C ,i j  S ,ij The equivalent notch stress range is to be obtained, in
N/mm2, from the following formula:
i : Denotes the load case “a”; “b”, “c” or “d”  1–
 N ,eq =  --- 3N ,F + -------------  3N ,B
2 2 
j : Denotes the loading condition “Full load” or
“Ballast” where:
KF : Fatigue notch factor, equal to:
 : Part of the ship’s life in full load condition, given
 in Tab 8 for various ship types.
K F =  ------
for flame-cut edges, K F may be taken equal to Table 8 : Part of the ship’s life in full load condition
Service notation Coefficient 
 : Coefficient depending on the weld configura-
tion, and given in Tab 7 oil tanker ESP 0,5
chemical tanker ESP
 : Mean weld toe angle, in degrees, without being
liquefied gas carrier
taken less than 30°. Unless otherwise specified,
 may be taken equal to: tanker

• 30° for butt joints bulk carrier ESP 0,6

ore carrier ESP
• 45° for T joints or cruciform joints
combination carrier ESP
Km : Additional stress concentration factor, taking
account of misalignment, defined in Tab 9, and Others 0,75
to be taken not less than 1
S,ij : Elementary hot spot stress range, defined in 3 3
 3N F = ma x   aF  N aF ; bF  N  bF 
3 3
[3.2.1] + max   cF  N  cF ; dF  N dF 
3 3
0 ,4R y  3N B = m ax  aB  N  aB ; bB  N bB 
K C ,ij = -------------- + 0 ,6 with 0,8  K C ,ij  1
 S ,i j 3 3
+ ma x   c B  N cB ;dB  N dB 

122 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 4

Table 9 : Stress concentration factor K m for misalignment

Geometry Km

Axial misalignment between flat plates

3  m – m0 
1 + --------------------------

Axial misalignment between flat plates of different thicknesses

6  m – m 0  t1
1 + -------------------------- ----------------------
t1 32
t1 + t2

Axial misalignment in fillet welded cruciform joints

m – m0
1 + ------------------

Note 1:
m : Actual misalignment between two abutting members
m0 : Permissible misalignment for the detail considered, given in Ch 12, Sec 2.

N,aF, N,bF, N,cF, N,dF: Elementary notch stress ranges t : Net thickness, in mm, of the element under
for load cases “a”, “b”, “c” and “d”, respec- consideration not being taken less than 16 mm
tively, in “Full load” condition, defined in
[3.3.1] N[X+1, ij]: Incomplete Gamma function, calculated for
X= 3/ or X= 5/ and equal to:
N,aB, N,bB, N,cB, N,dB: Elementary notch stress ranges
for load cases “a”, “b”, “c” and “d”, respec-  ij

X –t
tively, in “Ballast” condition, defined in [3.3.1]  N  X + 1 , ij  = t e dt

3 5 –2  
N --- + 1 , i j –  N --- + 1 ,i j  i j Values of N[X+1,ij] are also indicated in
 
i j = 1 – --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tab 10. For intermediate values of X and ij, N
 C --- + 1 may be obtained by linear interpolation

73 – 0 ,07L C[X+1] : Complete Gamma function, calculated for
 = ---------------------------- without being less than 0,85
X=3/equal to:
Sq  
i j =  -------------
- ln N R
  N ,ij 

X –t
C X + 1  = t e dt
–7 1  3
S q =  K p 10  0

0 ,9
K p = 5 ,802  ------ Values of C[X+1] are also indicated in Tab 11.
 t 
For intermediate values of X, C may be
NR = 10 obtained by linear interpolation.

RINA Rules 2024 123

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 4

Table 10 : Function N [X+1, ij]

X ij = 1,5 ij = 2 ij = 2,5 ij = 3 ij = 3,5 ij = 4 ij = 4,5
2,6 0,38 0,75 1,19 1,63 2,04 2,41 2,71
2,7 0,39 0,78 1,25 1,73 2,20 2,62 2,97
2,8 0,39 0,80 1,31 1,85 2,38 2,85 3,26
2,9 0,39 0,83 1,38 1,98 2,57 3,11 3,58
3,0 0,39 0,86 1,45 2,12 2,78 3,40 3,95
3,1 0,40 0,89 1,54 2,27 3,01 3,72 4,35
3,2 0,40 0,92 1,62 2,43 3,27 4,08 4,81
3,3 0,41 0,95 1,72 2,61 3,56 4,48 5,32
3,4 0,41 0,99 1,82 2,81 3,87 4,92 5,90
3,5 0,42 1,03 1,93 3,03 4,22 5,42 6,55
3,6 0,42 1,07 2,04 3,26 4,60 5,97 7,27
3,7 0,43 1,12 2,17 3,52 5,03 6,59 8,09
3,8 0,43 1,16 2,31 3,80 5,50 7,28 9,02
3,9 0,44 1,21 2,45 4,10 6,02 8,05 10,06
4,0 0,45 1,26 2,61 4,43 6,59 8,91 11,23
4,1 0,45 1,32 2,78 4,80 7,22 9,87 12,55
4,2 0,46 1,38 2,96 5,20 7,93 10,95 14,05
4,3 0,47 1,44 3,16 5,63 8,70 12,15 15,73
4,4 0,48 1,51 3,37 6,11 9,56 13,50 17,64
4,5 0,49 1,57 3,60 6,63 10,52 15,01 19,79
4,6 0,49 1,65 3,85 7,20 11,57 16,70 22,23
4,7 0,50 1,73 4,12 7,82 12,75 18,59 24,98
4,8 0,52 1,81 4,40 8,50 14,04 20,72 28,11
4,9 0,52 1,90 4,71 9,25 15,49 23,11 31,64
5,0 0,53 1,99 5,04 10,07 17,09 25,78 35,65
5,1 0,55 2,09 5,40 10,97 18,86 28,79 40,19
5,2 0,56 2,19 5,79 11,95 20,84 32,17 45,34
5,3 0,57 2,30 6,21 13,03 23,03 35,96 51,19
5,4 0,58 2,41 6,66 14,21 25,46 40,23 57,83
5,5 0,59 2,54 7,14 15,50 28,17 45,03 65,37
5,6 0,61 2,67 7,67 16,92 31,18 50,42 73,93
5,7 0,62 2,80 8,23 18,48 34,53 56,49 83,66
5,8 0,64 2,95 8,84 20,19 38,25 63,33 94,73
5,9 0,65 3,10 9,50 22,07 42,39 71,02 107,32

4 Allowable stress range NR, Kp : Coefficients defined in [3.3.2]

Nt : Number of cycles, to be taken equal to:
4.1 General
N t = 536
---------- 10
4.1.1 The allowable notch stress range p0 is to be
obtained, in N/mm 2, from the following formula: TA : Average period, in seconds, to be taken equal
 13
1  Kp  T A = 4 log L
  p0 =  ln N R   -------------------------------
 3  C[X+1] : Complete Gamma function, defined in [3.3.2]
 N t C --- + 1 
and calculated for X = 3/.

124 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 4

Table 11 : Function C [X+1] where:

WV,H, WV,S, WH, :H
X C [X+1]
ull girder normal stresses defined in [2.3]
2,6 3,717 CFV, C FH, CF: Combination factors defined in Tab 12.
2,7 4,171
Table 12 : Combination factors CFV, CFH and CF
2,8 4,694
2,9 5,299 Load case CFV CFH CF

3,0 6,000 “a” 1,0 0 0

3,1 6,813 “b” 1,0 0 0

3,2 7,757 “c” 0,4 1,0 1,0

3,3 8,855 “d” 0,4 1,0 0

3,4 10,136
6.2.2 Equivalent pressure range
3,5 11,632 The equivalent pressure range is to be obtained, in kN/m2,
3,6 13,381 from the following formula:
 1–
 P W ,e q =  --- 3P ,F + -------------  3P ,B
5 Checking criteria 2 2 

5.1 General  : Part of the ship’s life in full load condition, given
in Tab 8
5.1.1 The equivalent notch stress range N,eq, calculated
3 3
according to [3.3.2], is to comply with the following for-  3P ,F = ma x   P W ,a F ; P W ,bF  + max   P W ,c F ; P W ,dF 
mula: 3
 3P ,B = ma x  P W ,a B ;P W ,bB  + max  P W ,c B ; P W ,d B 

 p0 PW,ij : Elementary pressure range for load case “i” (i.e.
 N ,eq  -----------
R “a” , “b”, “c” or “d”), in “j” load condition (i.e.
“Full load” condition or “Ballast” condition),
6 Structural details located at ends of obtained, in kN/m2, from the following formula:

ordinary stiffeners P W ,i j =  P Wm a x – P Wm in  ij

PWmax, PWmin :Maximum and minimum resultant wave or

6.1 General inertial pressures, in kN/m2, defined in [2.2].

6.1.1 For the fatigue check of connections located at ends 6.3 Net section modulus of ordinary stiffen-
of ordinary stiffeners, an approach equivalent to the check- ers
ing criteria indicated in [5] is given in [6.3] in terms of the
net section modulus of the stiffener. 6.3.1 Longitudinal ordinary stiffeners contributing
to the hull girder longitudinal strength
6.2 Determination of equivalent stress and It is to be checked that the equivalent range of hull girder
pressure ranges equivalent stress h,eq, calculated according to [6.2.1]
complies with the following formula:
6.2.1 Hull girder equivalent stress range
 p0
The hull girder equivalent stress range is to be obtained, in  h ,eq  -------------------------------------------
0 ,287 K F K m K h  R
N/mm2, from the following formula:
Moreover, the stiffener net section modulus is to be not less
3 3 13
max   h ,a ; h ,b  ma x   h ,c ; h ,d 
 h ,eq =  ----------------------------------------------- + ----------------------------------------------- than the value obtained, in cm3, from the following for-
 2 2  mula:
where h,a, h,b, h,c, h,d are the hull girder elementary
b  W 2 P W ,e q s
-  1 – ------ s 10
2 3
stress ranges for load cases “a”, “b”, “c” and “d”, respec- w = 0 ,7KF K m KG K  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 p0  2
 
12  --------------------1  3 – 0 ,7K F K m K h  h , eq
tively, obtained, in N/mm 2, from the following formulae: -
0 ,41  R
• for members contributing to the hull girder longitudinal
KG : Coefficient taking account of the stiffener sec-
 h , i =  C FV  WV ,H + CFV  W V ,S + 2C FH  WH + 2C F     i
tion geometry, equal to:
• for members not contributing to the hull girder longitu-
dinal strength: tf  a – b 
2 2
w B
b  1 + ------
K G = 1 + ------------------------ 1 – ------------ - 10 – 3
 h ,i = 0 2w B a + b w A

RINA Rules 2024 125

Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 4

tf : Face plate net thickness, in mm Figure 3 : Geometry of a stiffener section

a, b : Eccentricities of the stiffener, in mm, defined in
Fig 3
wA, wB : Net section moduli of the stiffener, in cm3, in A
and B, respectively, about its vertical axis and
without attached plating
b : Coefficient to be taken equal to:
b = 1 in the case of an ordinary stiffener with-
out brackets at ends
bb1 defined in Sec 2, [3.4.3], in the case of
an ordinary stiffener with a bracket of length not
greater than 0,2at one end
bb2 defined in Sec 2, [3.4.4], in the case of
an ordinary stiffener with symmetrical brackets
of length not greater than 0,2 at both ends.
6.3.3 Vertical ordinary stiffeners
6.3.2 Longitudinal ordinary stiffeners not The stiffener net section modulus is to be not less than the
contributing to the hull girder longitudinal value obtained, in cm3, from the following formula:
strength and transverse stiffeners
The stiffener net section modulus is to be not less than the b b W  W2  R  P W ,e q  s
- 1 – ------ s 10
2 3
w = 0 ,287K F K m K G K  -------------------------------------------------
value obtained, in cm3, from the following formula: 12 p 0  2 
 b  W2 R  P W ,e q  s where:
- 1 – ------ s 10
2 3
w = 0 ,287K F K m K G K  ---------------------------------------
12 p0  2  KG, b : Coefficients defined in [6.3.1]
where KG andb are the coefficients defined in [6.3.1]. bW : Coefficient defined in Sec 2, [3.4.5].

126 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, App 1



For symbols not defined in this Appendix, refer to the list at Figure 1 : Application procedure of the analyses
the beginning of this Chapter. based on three dimensional models
 : Sea water density, taken equal to 1,025 t/m 3
g : Gravity acceleration, in m/s2:
g = 9,81 m/s2
h1 : Reference values of the ship relative motions in
the upright ship condition, defined in Ch 5,
Sec 3, [3.3]
h2 : Reference values of the ship relative motions in
the inclined ship conditions, defined in Ch 5,
Sec 3, [3.3]
 = -----
T1 : draught, in m, corresponding to the loading
condition considered
MSW : Still water bending moment, in kN.m, at the
hull transverse section considered
MWV : Vertical wave bending moment, in kN.m, at the
hull transverse section considered, defined in
Ch 5, Sec 2, [3.1], having the same sign as MSW
Q SW : Still water shear force, in kN, at the hull trans-
verse section considered
Q WV : Vertical wave shear force, in kN, at the hull
transverse section considered, defined in Ch 5,
Sec 2, [3.4], having sign:
• where M WV is positive (hogging condition):
- positive for x < 0,5L
- negative for x  0,5L
• where M WV is negative (sagging condition):
- negative for x < 0,5L
- positive for x  0,5L
S1, W1 : Partial safety factors, defined in Sec 3.
1.1.2 This Appendix deals with that part of the structural
analysis which aims at:
1 General
• calculating the stresses in the primary supporting mem-
bers in the midship area and, when necessary, in other
1.1 Application areas, which are to be used in the yielding and buckling
1.1.1 The requirements of this Appendix apply for the • calculating the hot spot stress ranges in the structural
analysis criteria, structural modelling, load modelling and details which are to be used in the fatigue check.
stress calculation of primary supporting members which are
to be analysed through three dimensional structural models, 1.1.3 The yielding and buckling checks of primary sup-
according to Sec 3. porting members are to be carried out according to Sec 3.
The analysis application procedure is shown graphically in The fatigue check of structural details is to be carried out
Fig 1. according to Sec 4.

RINA Rules 2024 127

Pt B, Ch 7, App 1

1.2 Information required 3 Primary supporting members struc-

tural modelling
1.2.1 The following information is necessary to perform
these structural analyses:
3.1 Model construction
• general arrangement
3.1.1 Elements
• capacity plan
The structural model is to represent the primary supporting
• structural plans of the areas involved in the analysis members with the plating to which they are connected.
• longitudinal sections and decks. Ordinary stiffeners are also to be represented in the model
in order to reproduce the stiffness and inertia of the actual
2 Analysis criteria hull girder structure. The way ordinary stiffeners are repre-
sented in the model depends on the type of model (beam or
finite element), as specified in [3.4] and [3.5].
2.1 General
3.1.2 Net scantlings
2.1.1 All primary supporting members in the midship All the elements in [3.1.1] are to be modelled with their net
regions are normally to be included in the three dimen- scantlings according to Ch 4, Sec 2, [1]. Therefore, also the
sional model, with the purpose of calculating their stress hull girder stiffness and inertia to be reproduced by the
level and verifying their scantlings. model are those obtained by considering the net scantlings
of the hull structures.
When the primary supporting member arrangement is such
that the Society can accept that the results obtained for the
midship region are extrapolated to other regions, no addi- 3.2 Model extension
tional analyses are required. Otherwise, analyses of the
other regions are to be carried out. 3.2.1 The longitudinal extension of the structural model is
to be such that:

2.2 Finite element model analyses • the hull girder stresses in the area to be analysed are
properly taken into account in the structural analysis
2.2.1 For ships more than 150 m in length, finite element • the results in the areas to be analysed are not influenced
models, built according to [3.2] and [3.4], are generally to by the unavoidable inaccuracy in the modelling of the
be adopted. boundary conditions.
The analysis of primary supporting members is to be carried 3.2.2 In general, for multitank/hold ships more than 150 m
out on fine mesh models, as defined in [3.4.3]. in length, the conditions in [3.2.1] are considered as being
satisfied when the model is extended over at least three
2.2.2 Areas which appear, from the primary supporting cargo tank/hold lengths.
member analysis, to be highly stressed may be required to
For the analysis of the midship area, this model is to be such
be further analysed through appropriately meshed structural
that its aft end corresponds to the first transverse bulkhead
models, as defined in [3.4.4].
aft of the midship, as shown in Fig 2. The structure of the
fore and aft transverse bulkheads located within the model,
2.3 Beam model analyses including the bulkhead plating, is to be modelled.

2.3.1 For ships less than 150 m in length, beam models Figure 2 : Model longitudinal extension
built according to [3.5] may be adopted in lieu of the finite Ships more than 150 m in length
element models in [2.2.1], provided that:
• primary supporting members are not so stout that the
beam theory is deemed inapplicable by the Society
• their behaviour is not substantially influenced by the
transmission of shear stresses through the shell plating.

In any case, finite element models may need to be adopted

when deemed necessary by the Society on the basis of the
ship’s structural arrangement. 3.2.3 For ships less than 150 m in length, the model may
be limited to one cargo tank/hold length (one half cargo
2.4 Structural detail analysis tank/hold length on either side of the transverse bulkhead;
see Fig 3).
2.4.1 Structural details in Sec 4, [1.2.3], for which a However, larger models may need to be adopted when
fatigue analysis is to be carried out, are to be modelled as deemed necessary by the Society on the basis of the ship’s
specified in [7]. structural arrangement.

128 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, App 1

Figure 3 : Model longitudinal extension Further modelling criteria depend on the accuracy level of
Ships less than 150 m in length the mesh, as specified in [3.4.2] to [3.4.4].

Figure 4 : Finite element modelling criteria

3.2.4 In the case of structural symmetry with respect to the

ship’s centreline longitudinal plane, the hull structures may
be modelled over half the ship’s breadth.

3.3 Finite element modelling criteria

3.3.1 Modelling of primary supporting members
The analysis of primary supporting members based on fine
mesh models, as defined in [3.4.3], is to be carried out by
applying one of the following procedures (see Fig 4),
depending on the computer resources:
• an analysis of the whole three dimensional model based
on a fine mesh
• an analysis of the whole three dimensional model based
on a coarse mesh, as defined in [3.4.2], from which the
nodal displacements or forces are obtained to be used
as boundary conditions for analyses based on fine mesh
models of primary supporting members, e.g.:
- transverse rings
- double bottom girders
- side girders
- deck girders
- primary supporting members of transverse bulk-
- primary supporting members which appear from the
analysis of the whole model to be highly stressed.

3.3.2 Modelling of the most highly stressed areas

3.4.2 Coarse mesh
The areas which appear from the analyses based on fine
The number of nodes and elements is to be such that the
mesh models to be highly stressed may be required to be
stiffness and inertia of the model properly represent those of
further analysed, using the mesh accuracy specified in
the actual hull girder structure, and the distribution of loads
among the various load carrying members is correctly taken
into account.
3.4 Finite element models
To this end, the structural model is to be built on the basis of
3.4.1 General the following criteria:
Finite element models are generally to be based on linear • ordinary stiffeners contributing to the hull girder longitu-
assumptions. The mesh is to be executed using membrane dinal strength and which are not individually repre-
or shell elements, with or without mid-side nodes. sented in the model are to be modelled by rod elements
and grouped at regular intervals
Meshing is to be carried out following uniformity criteria
among the different elements. • webs of primary supporting members may be modelled
with only one element on their height
In general, for some of the most common elements, the
• face plates may be simulated with bars having the same
quadrilateral elements are to be such that the ratio between
the longer side length and the shorter side length does not
exceed 4 and, in any case, is less than 2 for most elements. • the plating between two primary supporting members
Their angles are to be greater than 60° and less than 120°. may be modelled with one element stripe
The triangular element angles are to be greater than 30° and • holes for the passage of ordinary stiffeners or small pipes
less than 120°. may be disregarded

RINA Rules 2024 129

Pt B, Ch 7, App 1

• manholes (and similar discontinuities) in the webs of conditions are constituted by the nodal displacements
primary supporting members may be disregarded, but and rotations obtained from the fine mesh model analy-
the element thickness is to be reduced in proportion to sis. In these cases, it is recommended that nodal dis-
the hole height and the web height ratio. placements and rotations to be assigned to refined local
mesh models are based on finely mesh modelled parts,
In some specific cases, some of the above simplifications in such a way to better represent the local hull stiffness.
may not be deemed acceptable by the Society in relation to However, it is also acceptable refined local mesh mod-
the type of structural model and the analysis performed. els being incorporated in the fine mesh models and
assessed at same time. In these cases, transition zones
3.4.3 Fine mesh should be properly arranged avoiding too rapid element
The ship’s structure may be considered as finely meshed
when each longitudinal ordinary stiffener is modelled; as a
consequence, the standard size of finite elements used is 3.5 Beam models
based on the spacing of ordinary stiffeners.
3.5.1 Beams representing primary supporting
The structural model is to be built on the basis of the follow- members
ing criteria:
Primary supporting members are to be modelled by beam
• webs of primary members are to be modelled with at elements with shear strain, positioned on their neutral axes,
least three elements on their height whose inertia characteristics are to be calculated as speci-
• the plating between two primary supporting members is fied in Ch 4, Sec 3, [4].
to be modelled with at least two element stripes
3.5.2 Torsional moments of inertia
• the ratio between the longer side and the shorter side of
elements is to be less than 3 in the areas expected to be Whenever the torsional effects of the modelling beams are
highly stressed to be taken into account (e.g. for modelling the double bot-
tom, hopper tanks and lower stools), their net torsional
• holes for the passage of ordinary stiffeners may be disre- moments of inertia are obtained, in cm4, from the following
garded. formulae:

In some specific cases, some of the above simplifications • for open section beams (see Fig 5):
may not be deemed acceptable by the Society in relation to
IT = 1   t  10
3 –4
the type of structural model and the analysis performed. --- i i
3 i

3.4.4 Refined local mesh for the analysis of

• for box-type section beams, e.g. those with which hop-
structural details (1/7/2018)
per tanks and lower stools are modelled (see Fig 6):
The structural modelling is to be as accurate as to enable a
faithful representation of the stress gradients at structural 4 –4
I T = ----------- 10
detail level. The refined structural model is to be built on i
the basis of the following criteria: i
 ---

• the size of elements in the area of interest is not to be • for beams of double skin structures (see Fig 7):
greater than 50 mm x 50 mm
t 1 t 2  b 1 + b 2 H D – 4
• the extent of the refined area is to be at least of 10 ele- I T = --------------------------------------
- 10
2  t1 + t2 
ments in any direction around its centre
• the element mesh size used in the way of rounded edges where:
(openings corners, rounded brackets, etc.) should be
such that to ensure at least 12 elements in a 90 degree i : Sum of all the profile segments that constitute
arc of the edge of the plate the beam section

• the use of membrane elements is only allowed when ti, i : Net thickness and length, respectively, in mm,
significant bending effects are not present; in the other of the i-th profile segment of the beam section
cases, elements with general behaviour are to be used (see Fig 5 and Fig 6)

• the use of linear triangular elements is to be avoided as  : Area, in mm2, of the section enclosed by the
much as possible in high stress area; quadrilateral ele- beam box profile (see Fig 6)
ments are to have 90° angles as much as possible, or t1, t 2 : Net thickness, in mm, of the inner and outer
angles between 60° and 120°; the aspect ratio is to be plating, respectively, (see Fig 7)
close to 1; when the use of a linear triangular element
cannot be avoided, its edges are to have the same length b1, b2 : Distances, in mm, from the beam considered to
the two adjacent beams (see Fig 7)
• in general, it may be convenient to carry out separate
analyses of the areas concerned, where the boundary HD : Height, in mm, of the double skin (see Fig 7).

130 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, App 1

Figure 5 : Open section beams 3.5.5 Beams representing hull girder


The stiffness and inertia of the hull girder are to be taken

into account by longitudinal beams positioned as follows:

• on deck and bottom in way of side shell and longitudi-

nal bulkheads, if any, for modelling the hull girder bend-
ing strength

• on deck, side shell, longitudinal bulkheads, if any, and

bottom for modelling the hull girder shear strength.

3.6 Boundary conditions of the whole three

dimensional model
Figure 6 : Box-type section beams
3.6.1 Structural model extended over at least three
cargo tank/hold lengths

The whole three dimensional model is assumed to be fixed

at its aft end, while shear forces and bending moments are
applied at its fore end to ensure equilibrium (see [4]).

At the fore end section, rigid constraint conditions are to be

applied to all nodes located on longitudinal members, in
such a way that the transverse section remains plane after

When the hull structure is modelled over half the ship's

Figure 7 : Beams of double skin structures breadth (see [3.2.4]), in way of the ship’s centreline longitu-
dinal plane, symmetry or anti-symmetry boundary condi-
tions as specified in Tab 1 are to be applied, depending on
the loads applied to the model (symmetrical or anti-sym-
metrical, respectively).

Table 1 : Symmetry and anti-symmetry conditions

in way of the ship’s centreline longitudinal plane

Boundary DISPLACEMENTS in directions (1)

conditions X Y Z
3.5.3 Variable cross-section primary supporting Symmetry free fixed free
In the case of variable cross-section primary supporting Anti-symmetry fixed free fixed
members, the inertia characteristics of the modelling beams
may be assumed as a constant and equal to their average
Boundary ROTATION around axes (1)
value along the length of the elements themselves.
conditions X Y Z
3.5.4 Modelling of primary supporting members
ends Symmetry fixed free fixed
The presence of end brackets may be disregarded; in such Anti-symmetry free fixed free
case their presence is also to be neglected for the evaluation
(1) X, Y and Z directions and axes are defined with respect
of the beam inertia characteristics.
to the reference co-ordinate system in Ch 1, Sec 2, [4].
Rigid end beams are generally to be used to connect ends
of the various primary supporting members, such as:
3.6.2 Structural models extended over one cargo
• floors and side vertical primary supporting members tank/hold length
• bottom girders and vertical primary supporting members
Symmetry conditions are to be applied at the fore and aft
of transverse bulkheads
ends of the model, as specified in Tab 2.
• cross ties and side/longitudinal bulkhead primary sup-
porting members.

RINA Rules 2024 131

Pt B, Ch 7, App 1

Table 2 : Symmetry conditions 4 Primary supporting members load

at the model fore and aft ends
ROTATION around axes (1):
directions (1): 4.1 General
X Y Z X Y Z 4.1.1 Loading conditions and load cases in intact
conditions (1/7/2016)
fixed free free free fixed fixed
The still water and wave loads are to be calculated for the
(1) X, Y and Z directions and axes are defined with respect most severe loading conditions as given in the loading man-
to the reference co-ordinate system in Ch 1, Sec 2, [4]. ual, with a view to maximising the stresses in the longitudi-
nal structure and primary supporting members.
When the hull structure is modelled over half the ship's The following loading conditions are generally to be con-
breadth (see [3.2.4]), in way of the ship’s centreline longitu- sidered:
dinal plane, symmetry or anti-symmetry boundary condi-
• homogeneous loading conditions at draught T
tions as specified in Tab 1 are to be applied, depending on
the loads applied to the model (symmetrical or anti-sym- • non-homogeneous loading conditions at draught T,
metrical, respectively). when applicable
• partial loading conditions at the relevant draught
Vertical supports are to be fitted at the nodes positioned in
way of the connection of the transverse bulkhead with lon- • ballast conditions at the relevant draught.
gitudinal bulkheads, if any, and with sides. The wave local and hull girder loads are to be calculated in
the mutually exclusive load cases “a”, “b”, “c” and “d” in
Ch 5, Sec 4.
For ships with the service notation container ship, the load-
ing conditions specified in Tab 3 are to be considered in
addition to those specified above.

Table 3 : Loading conditions to be considered for ships with the service notation container ship (1/7/2016)

Ballast and fuel oil Still water hull girder

Loading condition Draught Container weight
tanks moment
Full load condition Scantling draught Heavy cargo weight (1) Empty Permissible hogging
(40' containers)
Full load condition Scantling draught Light cargo weight (2) Empty Permissible hogging
(40' containers)
Full load condition Reduced draught (3) Heavy cargo weight (1) Empty Permissible hogging
(20' containers) (minimum hogging)
One bay empty condi- Scantling draught Heavy cargo weight (1) Empty Permissible hogging
ton (4) (40' containers)
(1) Heavy cargo weight of a container unit is to be calculated as the permissible stacking weight divided by the maximum number
of tiers planned.
(2) Light cargo weight corresponds to the expected cargo weight when light cargo is loaded in the considered holds.
• Light cargo weight of a container unit in hold is not to be taken more than 55% of its related heavy cargo weight (see (1))
• Light cargo weight of a container unit on deck is not to be taken more than 90% of its related heavy cargo weight (see (1))
or 17 metric tons, whichever is the lesser.
(3) Reduced draught corresponds to the expected draught amidships when heavy cargo is loaded in the considered holds while
lighter cargo is loaded in other holds. Reduced draught is not to be taken more than 90% of scantling draught.
(4) For one bay empty condition, if the cargo hold consists of two or more bays, then each bay is to be considered entirely empty in
hold and on deck (other bays full) in turn as separate load cases.

4.1.2 Loading conditions and load cases in flooding to obtain the actual longitudinal distribution of the still
conditions water bending moment.
When applicable, the pressures in flooding conditions are 4.1.4 Models extended over half ship’s breadth
to be calculated according to Ch 5, Sec 6, [9].
When the ship is symmetrical with respect to her centreline
longitudinal plane and the hull structure is modelled over
4.1.3 Lightweight
half the ship's breadth, non-symmetrical loads are to be
The lightweight of the modelled portion of the hull is to be broken down into symmetrical and anti-symmetrical loads
uniformly distributed over the length of the model in order and applied separately to the model with symmetry and

132 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, App 1

anti-symmetry boundary conditions in way of the ship’s 4.2.3 Distributed loads

centreline longitudinal plane (see [3.6]). Distributed loads are to be applied to the plating panels.
In the analyses carried out on the basis of membrane finite
4.2 Local loads element models or beam models, the loads distributed per-
pendicularly to the plating panels are to be applied on the
4.2.1 General ordinary stiffeners proportionally to their areas of influence.
Still water loads include: When ordinary stiffeners are not modelled or are modelled
with rod elements (see [3.4]), the distributed loads are to be
• the still water sea pressure, defined in Ch 5, Sec 5, [1] applied to the primary supporting members actually sup-
• the still water internal loads, defined in Ch 5, Sec 6 for porting the ordinary stiffeners.
the various types of cargoes and for ballast.
4.2.4 Concentrated loads
Wave loads include: When the elements directly supporting the concentrated
loads are not represented in the structural model, the loads
• the wave pressure, defined in [4.2.2] for each load case
are to be distributed on the adjacent structures according to
“a”, “b”, “c” and “d”
the actual stiffness of the structures which transmit them.
• the inertial loads, defined in Ch 5, Sec 6 for the various
In the analyses carried out on the basis of coarse mesh finite
types of cargoes and for ballast, and for each load case
element models or beam models, concentrated loads
“a”, “b”, “c” and “d”.
applied in 5 or more points almost equally spaced inside
the same span may be applied as equivalent linearly distrib-
4.2.2 Wave loads
uted loads.
The wave pressure at any point of the model is obtained
from the formulae in Tab 4 for upright ship conditions (load 4.2.5 Cargo in sacks, bales and similar packages
cases “a” and “b”) and in Tab 5 for inclined ship conditions The vertical loads are comparable to distributed loads. The
(load cases “c” and “d”). loads on vertical walls may be disregarded.

Table 4 : Wave pressure in upright ship conditions (load cases “a” and “b”)

Location Wave pressure pW, in kN/m2
crest trough (1)
Bottom and sides below the waterline with: – 2  T 1 – z 
L 1,0 -1,0
z  T1 – h C 1 ghe

Sides below the waterline with: – 2  T 1 – z  z – T1

T1 – h  z  T1
L 1,0 --------------
C 1 gh e h

Sides above the waterline:

C 1 g  T 1 + h – z  1,0 0,0
z  T1

(1) The wave pressure for load case “b, trough” is to be used only for the fatigue check of structural details.
Note 1:
h = 1/4CF1h1
CF1 : Combination factor, to be taken equal to:
• CF1 = 1,0 for load case “a”
• CF1 = 0,5 for load case “b”.

RINA Rules 2024 133

Pt B, Ch 7, App 1

Table 5 : Wave pressure in inclined ship conditions (load cases “c” and “d”)

C2 (negative roll angle)

Location Wave pressure pW, in kN/m2
y 0 y<0
Bottom and sides below the waterline with: – 2  T – z  –  T – z 
14 y 1
------------------------------ 1
C 2 C F2  g ------- h 1 e  L + A R ye L 1,0 1,0
z  T1 – h BW
Sides below the waterline with: – 2  T – z  –  T – z 
T1 – z
14 y 1
------------------------------ 1
C 2 C F2  g ------- h 1 e  L + A R ye L 1,0 --------------
T1 – h  z  T1 BW h

Sides above the waterline: y

 ------
- h + A R y – z
C 2 g T 1 + C F 2  1,0 0,0
z  T1  BW 1 

Note 1:
h = 1/4CF2h2
CF2 : Combination factor, to be taken equal to:
• CF2 = 1,0 for load case “c”
• CF2 = 0,5 for load case “d”
BW : Moulded breadth, in m, measured at the waterline at draught T1, at the hull transverse section considered
AR : Roll amplitude, defined in Ch 5, Sec 3, [2.4.1].

Table 6 : Hull girder loads - Maximal bending moments at the middle of the central tank/hold (1/7/2016)

Vertical bending moments at the Horizontal wave bending Vertical shear forces at the
Ship middle of the central tank/hold middle of the central tank/hold
Load case moment at the middle of the
Still water Wave central tank/hold Still water Wave
Upright “a” crest S1 MSW 0,625 W1 MWV,H (1) 0 0 0
“a” trough S1 MSW 0,625 W1 MWV,S (1) 0 0 0
“b” S1 MSW 0,625 W1 MWV,S (1) 0 0 0
Inclined “c” S1 MSW 0,25 W1 MWV (1) 0,625 W1 MWH S1 QSW 0,25 W1 QWV
“d” S1 MSW 0,25 W1 MWV (1) 0,625 W1 MWH S1 QSW 0,25 W1 QWV
(1) For ships with the service notation container ship the vertical wave bending moment MWH is to be taken as defined in Pt E,
Ch 2, App 1
(2) For ships with the service notation container ship the vertical wave shear force QWH is to be taken as defined in Pt E, Ch 2,
App 1
Note 1: Hull girder loads are to be calculated at the middle of the central tank/hold.

4.2.6 Other cargoes These loads are to be applied separately for the following
The modelling of cargoes other than those mentioned under two conditions:
[4.2.3] to [4.2.5] will be considered by the Society on a • maximal bending moments at the middle of the central
case by case basis. tank/hold: the hull girder loads applied at the fore end
section are to be such that the values of the hull girder
4.3 Hull girder loads loads in Tab 6 are obtained

4.3.1 Structural model extended over at least three • maximal shear forces in way of the aft transverse bulk-
cargo tank/hold lengths head of the central tank/hold: the hull girder loads
The hull girder loads are constituted by: applied at the fore end section are to be such that the
• the still water and wave vertical bending moments values of the hull girder loads in Tab 7 are obtained.

• the horizontal wave bending moment

4.3.2 Structural model extended over one cargo
• the still water and wave vertical shear forces tank/hold length
and are to be applied at the model fore end section. The The normal and shear stresses induced by the hull girder
shear forces are to be distributed on the plating according to loads in Tab 8 are to be added to the stresses induced in the
the theory of bidimensional flow of shear stresses. primary supporting members by local loads.

134 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, App 1

4.4 Additional requirements for the load portion of distributed loads which, due to the positioning of
assignment to beam models beams on their neutral axes, are not modelled.
In this figure, FY and FZ represent concentrated loads equiv-
4.4.1 Vertical and transverse concentrated loads are to be alent to the dashed portion of the distributed loads which is
applied to the model, as shown in Fig 8, to compensate the not directly modelled.

Table 7 : Hull girder loads - Maximal shear forces in way of the aft bulkhead of the central tank/hold (1/7/2018)

Vertical bending moments in way of Vertical shear forces in way of

Ship condition Load case the aft bulkhead of the central tank/hold the aft bulkhead of the central tank/hold
Still water Wave Still water Wave
Upright “a” crest S1 MSW 0,4 W1 MWV (1) S1 QSW 0,625 W1 QWV (2)
“a” trough S1 MSW 0,4 W1 MWV (1) S1 QSW 0,625 W1 QWV (2)
“b” S1 MSW 0,4 W1 MWV (1) S1 QSW 0,625 W1 QWV (2)
Inclined “c” S1 MSW 0,25 W1 MWV (1) S1 QSW 0,25 W1 QWV (2)
“d” S1 MSW 0,25 W1 MWV (1) S1 QSW 0,25 W1 QWV (2)
(1) For ships with the service notation container ship the vertical wave bending moment MWH is to be taken as defined in Pt E,
Ch 2, App 1
(2) For ships with the service notation container ship the vertical wave shear force QWH is to be taken as defined in Pt E, Ch 2,
App 1
Note 1: Hull girder loads are to be calculated in way of the aft bulkhead of the central tank/hold.

Table 8 : Hull girder loads for a structural model extended over one cargo tank/hold length

Vertical bending moments at the Horizontal wave bending Vertical shear forces at the
Ship middle of the model middle of the model
Load case moment at the middle of
Still water Wave the model Still water Wave
Upright “a” crest S1 MSW 0,625 W1 MWV,H 0 S1 QSW 0,625 W1 QWV
“a” trough S1 MSW 0,625 W1 MWV,S 0 S1 QSW 0,625 W1 QWV
“b” S1 MSW 0,625 W1 MWV,S 0 S1 QSW 0,625 W1 QWV
Inclined “c” S1 MSW 0,25 W1 MWV 0,625 W1 MWH S1 QSW 0,25 W1 QWV
“d” S1 MSW 0,25 W1 MWV 0,625 W1 MWH S1 QSW 0,25 W1 QWV
Note 1: Hull girder loads are to be calculated at the middle of the model.

Figure 8 : Concentrated loads 5 Stress calculation

equivalent to non-modelled distributed loads

5.1 Analyses based on finite element mod-


5.1.1 Stresses induced by local and hull girder

When finite element models extend over at least three cargo
tank/hold lengths, both local and hull girder loads are to be
directly applied to the model, as specified in [4.3.1]. In this
case, the stresses calculated by the finite element program
include the contribution of both local and hull girder loads.
When finite element models extend over one cargo
tank/hold length, only local loads are directly applied to the
structural model, as specified in [4.3.2]. In this case, the
stresses calculated by the finite element program include
the contribution of local loads only. Hull girder stresses are
to be calculated separately and added to the stresses
induced by local loads.

RINA Rules 2024 135

Pt B, Ch 7, App 1

5.1.2 Stress components 5.2.3 Stress calculation points

Stress components are generally identified with respect to Stresses are to be calculated at least in the following points
the element co-ordinate system, as shown, by way of exam- of each primary supporting member:
ple, in Fig 9. The orientation of the element co-ordinate sys- • in the primary supporting member span where the max-
tem may or may not coincide with that of the reference co- imum bending moment occurs
ordinate system in Ch 1, Sec 2, [4].
• at the connection of the primary supporting member
The following stress components are to be calculated at the with other structures, assuming as resistant section that
centroid of each element: formed by the member, the bracket (if any and if repre-
• the normal stresses 1 and 2 in the directions of the ele- sented in the model) and the attached plating
ment co-ordinate system axes • at the toe of the bracket (if any and if represented in the
• the shear stress 12 with respect to the element co-ordi- model) assuming as resistant section that formed by the
nate system axes member and the attached plating.
• the Von Mises equivalent stress, obtained from the fol-
The values of the stresses are to be used for carrying out the
lowing formula:
checks required.
2 2 2
V M =  1 +  2 – 1 2 + 3 12
6 Buckling analysis based on fine
5.1.3 Stress calculation points
mesh model
Stresses are generally calculated by the computer programs
for each element. The values of these stresses are to be used
for carrying out the checks required. 6.1 Buckling panel definition
6.1.1 (1/7/2018)
Figure 9 : Reference and element co-ordinate
Buckling panel is the representative entity adopted such as
to identify an elementary plate panel along its spacing and
span; this can be composed by one or more plate elements
of the fine mesh model.

6.1.2 Thickness of buckling panel (1/7/2018)

Net thickness is to be used in buckling checks of the buck-
ling panel.
When the buckling panel consists of a number of finite
plate elements then the weighted-by-area average thick-
ness, in mm, is to be used, defined as follows:

*  Aj  t j
t = --------------------
5.2 Analyses based on beam models  Aj

5.2.1 Stresses induced by local and hull girder

Since beam models generally extend over one cargo
tank/hold length (see [2.3.1] and [3.2.3]), only local loads where:
are directly applied to the structural model, as specified in Aj : Area of the jth plate element making up the
[4.3.2]. Therefore, the stresses calculated by the beam pro- panel, in mm2
gram include the contribution of local loads only. Hull
tj : Net thickness of the jth plate element making up
girder stresses are to be calculated separately and added to
the stresses induced by local loads. the panel, in mm.

5.2.2 Stress components 6.1.3 Yield stress of buckling panel (1/7/2018)

The following stress components are to be calculated: When the buckling panel consists of a number of finite
plate elements having different material yield strength, the
• the normal stress 1 in the direction of the beam axis
lowest value is to be adopted.
• the shear stress 12 in the direction of the local loads
applied to the beam
6.2 Reference stresses on buckling panel
• the Von Mises equivalent stress, obtained from the fol-
lowing formula: 6.2.1 (1/7/2018)
The reference stresses on buckling panels consisting of a
2 2
 VM =  1 + 3 12 number of finite plate elements may be obtained by means

136 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, App 1

of the weighted-by-area of elemental stresses, in N/mm 2, as 7.1.2 Net scantlings

follow: The three dimensional structural model is to be built con-
sidering all the structures with their net scantlings according
to Ch 4, Sec 2, [1].
A  
i xi
* 7.1.3 Hot spot stresses directly obtained through
 x = l-----------------------

Ai finite element analyses
Where the structural detail is analysed through a finite ele-
ment analysis based on a very fine mesh, the elementary
hot spot stress range may be obtained as the difference
between the maximum and minimum stresses induced by
A  
i yi the wave loads in the hot spot considered.
 y = l-----------------------
The requirements for:

• the finite element modelling, and
• the calculation of the hot spot stresses and the hot spot
stress range

A   i x yi are specified in [7.2].
 xy = ---------------------------

n 7.1.4 Hot spot stresses directly obtained through
the calculation of nominal stresses
Where the structural detail is analysed through a finite ele-
where: ment analysis based on a mesh less fine than that in [7.1.3],
Compression is positive, tensile is negative. the elementary hot spot stress range may be obtained by
multiplying the nominal stress range, obtained as the differ-
x,y : co-ordinates in elemental reference-system,
ence between the maximum and minimum nominal
xi : membrane stress in x-direction at the centroid stresses induced by the wave loads in the vicinity of the hot
of the ith plate element of the panel, in mm 2, spot considered, by the appropriate stress concentration
yi : membrane stress in y-direction at the centroid factors.
of the ith plate element of the panel, in mm2, The requirements for:
xyi : membrane shear stress at the centroid of the ith • the finite element modelling
plate element of the panel, in mm 2, • the calculation of the nominal stresses and the nominal
Ai : Area of the jth plate element making up the stress range
panel, in mm2 , • the stress concentration factors
n : number of elements in the buckling panel. • the calculation of the hot spot stresses and the hot spot
When xi or yi are in tension, then the respective value is to stress range
be taken as zero. are specified in [7.3].
6.2.2 (1/7/2018)
The bending stress ratios  are taken as 1. 7.2 Hot spot stresses directly obtained
through finite element analyses
6.3 Checking criteria
7.2.1 Finite element model
6.3.1 (1/7/2018)
In general, the determination of hot spot stresses necessi-
Buckling checks of the buckling panels are to be performed
tates carrying out a very fine mesh finite element analysis,
according to Sec 1, [5.4].
further to a coarser mesh finite element analysis. The
boundary nodal displacements or forces obtained from the
7 Fatigue analysis coarser mesh model are applied to the very fine mesh
model as boundary conditions.
7.1 Elementary hot spot stress range calcu- The model extension is to be such as to enable a faithful
lation representation of the stress gradient in the vicinity of the hot
spot and to avoid it being incorrectly affected by the appli-
7.1.1 General cation of the boundary conditions.
The requirements of this Article apply for calculating the
elementary hot spot stress range for the fatigue check of 7.2.2 Finite element modelling criteria (1/7/2018)
structural details at the connections of primary supporting The finite element model is to be built according to the fol-
members analysed through a three dimensional structural lowing requirements:
model. The fatigue check of these details is to be carried out • the detail may be considered as being realised with no
in accordance with the general requirements of Sec 4, [1] to misalignment
Sec 4, [5]. • the size of finite elements located in the vicinity of the
The definitions in Sec 4, [1.3] apply. hot spot is to be about once to twice the thickness of the

RINA Rules 2024 137

Pt B, Ch 7, App 1

structural member. Where the details is the connection S,ij,max,S,ij,min:Maximum and minimum values of the hot
between two or more members of different thickness, spot stress, induced by the maximum and mini-
the thickness to be considered is that of the thinnest mum loads, defined in Sec 4, [2.2] and Sec 4,
member [2.3]
• a "t x t" mesh scheme has to be applied in the proximity i : Denotes the load case
of the hot spot, with the centres of the first and second j : Denotes the loading condition.
elements adjacent to a weld toe to be located at respec-
tively 0,5 and 1,5 times the thickness "t" of the thinnest 7.3 Hot spot stresses obtained through the
structural member connected by the weld
calculation of nominal stresses
• plating, webs and face plates of primary and secondary
members are to be modelled by 4-node thin shell or 8- 7.3.1 Finite element model
node solid elements. In the case of a steep stress gradi- A finite element is to be adopted, to be built according to
ent, 8-node thin shell elements or 20-node solid ele- the requirements in [3.3] and [3.4]. The areas in the vicinity
ments are recommended of the structural details are to be modelled with fine mesh
• when thin shell elements are used, the structure is to be models, as defined in [3.4.3].
modelled at mid-face of the plates
7.3.2 Calculation of the elementary nominal stress
• the aspect ratio of elements is to be not greater than 3 range
The elementary nominal stress range is to be obtained, in
7.2.3 Calculation of hot spot stresses (1/7/2018)
N/mm2, from the following formula:
The hot spot stresses are to be based on the stresses at the
centroids of the elements adjacent to the hot spot.  n ,ij = n ,ij ,m ax –  n ,ij ,mi n
The linear extrapolation of element centroidal stresses to the where:
hot spot location is generally deemed sufficient. n,ij,max, n,ij,min: Maximum and minimum values of the nom-
The stress components to be considered are those specified inal stress, induced by the maximum and mini-
in Sec 4, [3.1.2]. They are to be calculated at the surface of mum loads, defined in Sec 4, [2.2] and Sec 4,
the plate in order to take into account the plate bending [2.3]
moment, where relevant. i : Denotes the load case
Where the detail is the free edge of an opening (e.g. a cut- j : Denotes the loading condition.
out for the passage of an ordinary stiffener through a pri-
7.3.3 Calculation of the elementary hot spot stress
mary supporting member), fictitious truss elements with
minimal stiffness may needed to be fitted along the edge to
The elementary hot spot stress range is to be obtained, in
calculate the hot spot stresses.
N/mm2, from the following formula:
7.2.4 Calculation of the elementary hot spot stress  S ,ij = KS  n ,ij
The elementary hot spot stress range is to be obtained, in
KS : Stress concentration factor, defined in Ch 12,
N/mm2, from the following formula:
Sec 2, [2], for the relevant detail configuration
 S ,i j =  S ,i j ,m ax –  S ,ij ,m in n,ij : Elementary nominal stress range, defined in
where: [7.3.2].

138 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, App 2



1 General floors is at least three times that of the side primary sup-
porting members)
1.1 Scope • under transverse inertial forces, decks behave as beams
loaded in their plane and supported at the ship ends;
1.1.1 The requirements of this Appendix apply for the their effect on the ship transverse rings (side primary
analysis criteria, structural modelling, load modelling and supporting members and deck beams) may therefore be
stress calculation of primary supporting members subjected simulated by means of elastic supports in the transverse
to wheeled loads which are to be analysed through three direction or transverse displacements assigned at the
dimensional structural models, according to Sec 3. central point of each deck beam.

1.1.2 The purpose of these structural analyses is to deter- 1.2.2 When the assumptions in [1.2.1] are considered by
mine: the Society as not being applicable, the analysis criteria are
defined on a case by case basis, taking into account the
• the distribution of the forces induced by the vertical
ship’s structural arrangement and loading conditions. In
acceleration acting on wheeled cargoes, among the var-
such cases, the analysis is generally to be carried out on the
ious primary supporting members of decks, sides and
basis of a finite element model of the whole ship, built
possible bulkheads
according to the requirements in App 1, as far as applica-
• the behaviour of the above primary supporting members ble.
under the racking effects due to the transverse forces
induced by the transverse acceleration acting on
1.3 Information required
wheeled cargoes, when the number or location of trans-
verse bulkheads are not sufficient to avoid such effects 1.3.1 The following information is necessary to perform
and to calculate the stresses in primary supporting mem- these structural analyses:
bers. • general arrangement
The above calculated stresses are to be used in the yielding • structural plans of the areas involved in the analysis
and buckling checks. • longitudinal sections and decks
In addition, the results of these analyses may be used, • characteristics of vehicles loaded: load per axles,
where deemed necessary by the Society, to determine the arrangement of wheels on axles, tyre dimensions.
boundary conditions for finer mesh analyses of the most
highly stressed areas.
1.4 Lashing of vehicles
1.1.3 When the behaviour of primary supporting members
1.4.1 The presence of lashing for vehicles is generally to
under the racking effects, due to the transverse forces
be disregarded, but may be given consideration by the Soci-
induced by the transverse acceleration, is not to be deter-
ety, on a case by case basis, at the request of the interested
mined, the stresses in deck primary supporting members
may be calculated according to the simplified analysis in
[6], provided that the conditions for its application are ful-
filled (see [6.1]). 2 Analysis criteria
1.1.4 The yielding and buckling checks of primary sup-
2.1 Finite element model analyses
porting members are to be carried out according to Sec 3,
[4.3]. 2.1.1 For ships greater than 200 m in length, finite element
models, built according to App 1, [3.4], are generally to be
1.2 Application adopted.
The analysis of primary supporting members is to be carried
1.2.1 The requirements of this Appendix apply to ships
out on fine mesh models, as defined in App 1, [3.4.3].
whose structural arrangement is such that the following
assumptions may be considered as being applicable: 2.1.2 Areas which appear, from the primary supporting
• primary supporting members of side and possible bulk- member analysis, to be highly stressed may be required to
heads may be considered fixed in way of the double be further analysed through appropriately meshed structural
bottom (this is generally the case when the stiffness of models, as defined in App 1, [3.4.4].

RINA Rules 2024 139

Pt B, Ch 7, App 2

2.2 Beam model analyses 3.3.2 Boundary conditions at the fore and aft ends
of the model
2.2.1 For ships less than 200 m in length, beam models,
Symmetry conditions are to be applied at the fore and aft
built according to App 1, [3.5], may be adopted in lieu of
the finite element models in [2.1], provided that: ends of the model, as specified in Tab 1.

• primary supporting members are not so stout that the

beam theory is deemed inapplicable by the Society Table 1 : Symmetry conditions
• their behaviour is not substantially influenced by the at the model fore and aft ends
transmission of shear stresses through the shell plating.
2.2.2 In any case, finite element models may need to be
directions (1): (1):
adopted when deemed necessary by the Society on the
basis of the ship’s structural arrangement. X Y Z X Y Z
fixed free free free fixed fixed
3 Primary supporting members struc-
(1) X, Y and Z directions and axes are defined with respect
tural modelling to the reference co-ordinate system in Ch 1, Sec 2, [4].

3.1 Model construction

3.3.3 Additional boundary conditions at the fore
3.1.1 Elements and aft ends of models subjected to
transverse loads
The structural model is to represent the primary supporting
members with the plating to which they are connected. In When the model is subjected to transverse loads, i.e. when
particular, the following primary supporting members are to the loads in inclined ship conditions (as defined in Ch 5,
be included in the model: Sec 4) are applied to the model, the transverse displace-
• deck beams ments of the deck beams are to be obtained by means of a
racking analysis and applied at the fore and aft ends of the
• side primary supporting members
model, in way of each deck beam.
• primary supporting members of longitudinal and trans-
verse bulkheads, if any For ships with a traditional arrangement of fore and aft
• pillars parts, a simplified approximation may be adopted, when
deemed acceptable by the Society, defining the boundary
• deck beams, deck girders and pillars supporting ramps
conditions without taking into account the racking calcula-
and deck openings, if any.
tion and introducing springs, acting in the transverse direc-
3.1.2 Net scantlings tion, at the fore and aft ends of the model, in way of each
deck beam (see Fig 1). Each spring, which simulates the
All the elements in [3.1.1] are to be modelled with their net
effects of the deck in way of which it is modelled, has a stiff-
scantlings according to Ch 4, Sec 2, [1].
ness obtained, in kN/m, from the following formula:

3.2 Model extension 48 EJ D s a 10


R D = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
JD 
2x – 4L D x + L D  x + 15 ,6 ------
4 3 2 2 3
3.2.1 The structural model is to represent a hull portion + LD x
 A D
which includes the zone under examination and which is
repeated along the hull. The non-modelled hull parts are to
be considered through boundary conditions as specified in
[3.3]. JD : Net moment of inertia, in m4, of the average
In addition, the longitudinal extension of the structural cross-section of the deck, with the attached side
model is to be such that the results in the areas to be ana- shell plating
lysed are not influenced by the unavoidable inaccuracy in
the modelling of the boundary conditions. AD : Net area, in m2, of the average cross-section of
deck plating.
3.2.2 Double bottom structures are not required to be
included in the model, based on the assumptions in [1.2.1]. sa : Spacing of side vertical primary supporting
members, in m
3.3 Boundary conditions of the three dimen- x : Longitudinal distance, in m, measured from the
sional model transverse section at mid-length of the model to
any deck end
3.3.1 Boundary conditions at the lower ends of the
model LD : Length of the deck, in m, to be taken equal to
The lower ends of the model (i.e. the lower ends of primary the ship’s length. Special cases in which such
supporting members of side and possible bulkheads) are to value may be reduced will be considered by the
be considered as being clamped in way of the inner bottom. Society on a case by case basis.

140 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, App 2

Figure 1 : Springs at the fore and aft ends with a view to maximising the stresses in primary support-
of models subjected to transverse loads ing members.
The wave local loads and hull girder loads are to be calcu-
lated in the mutually exclusive load cases “b” and “d” in
Ch 5, Sec 4. Load cases “a” and “c” may be disregarded for
the purposes of the structural analyses dealt with in this

4.2 Local loads

4.2.1 General
Still water loads include:
• the still water sea pressure, defined in Ch 5, Sec 5, [1]
• the still water forces induced by wheeled cargoes,
defined in Ch 5, Sec 6, Tab 8.

Wave induced loads include:

• the wave pressure, defined in Ch 5, Sec 5, [2] for load
cases “b” and “d”
• the inertial forces defined in Ch 5, Sec 6, Tab 8 for load
4 Load model cases “b” and “d”.

When the ship’s decks are also designed to carry dry uni-
4.1 General form cargoes, local loads also include the still water and
inertial pressures defined in Ch 5, Sec 6, [4]. Inertial pres-
sures are to be calculated for load cases “b” and “d”.
4.1.1 Hull girder and local loads

Only local loads are to be directly applied to the structural 4.2.2 Tyred vehicles
model. For the purpose of primary supporting members analyses,
the forces transmitted through the tyres may be considered
The stresses induced by hull girder loads are to be calcu-
as concentrated loads in the tyre print centre.
lated separately and added to the stresses induced by local
loads. The forces acting on primary supporting members are to be
determined taking into account the area of influence of
4.1.2 Loading conditions and load cases: wheeled each member and the way ordinary stiffeners transfer the
cargoes forces transmitted through the tyres.

The still water and wave loads are to be calculated for the 4.2.3 Non-tyred vehicles
most severe loading conditions as given in the loading man-
ual, with a view to maximising the stresses in primary sup- The requirements in [4.2.2] also apply to tracked vehicles.
porting members. In this case, the print to be considered is that below each
wheel or wheelwork.
The loads transmitted by vehicles are to be applied taking For vehicles on rails, the loads transmitted are to be applied
into account the most severe axle positions for the ship as concentrated loads.
4.2.4 Distributed loads
The wave local loads and hull girder loads are to be calcu-
lated in the mutually exclusive load cases “b” and “d” in In the analyses carried out on the basis of beam models or
Ch 5, Sec 4. Load cases “a” and “c” may be disregarded for membrane finite element models, the loads distributed per-
the purposes of the structural analyses dealt with in this pendicularly to the plating panels are to be applied on the
Appendix. primary supporting members proportionally to their areas of
4.1.3 Loading conditions and load cases: dry
uniform cargoes 4.3 Hull girder loads
When the ship’s decks are also designed to carry dry uni-
4.3.1 The normal stresses induced by the hull girder loads
form cargoes, the loading conditions which envisage the
in Tab 2 are to be added to the stresses induced in the pri-
transportation of such cargoes are also to be considered.
mary supporting members by local loads.
The still water and wave loads induced by these cargoes are
to be calculated for the most severe loading conditions,

RINA Rules 2024 141

Pt B, Ch 7, App 2

Table 2 : Hull girder loads Figure 2 : Reference and element co-ordinate

Vertical bending Horizontal
Ship moments at the middle wave bending
Load of the model
condi- moment at the
tion Still middle of the
Wave model
Upright “b” MSW 0,625 MWV,S 0

Inclined “d” MSW 0,25 MWV 0,625 MWH

Note 1:
MSW : Still water bending moment at the middle of the
model, for the loading condition considered
MWV,S : Sagging wave bending moments at the middle
of the model, defined in Ch 5, Sec 2
MWV : Wave bending moment at the middle of the
model, defined in Ch 5, Sec 2, having the same
sign as MSW
MWH : Horizontal wave bending moment at the middle
of the model, defined in Ch 5, Sec 2.

5.3 Analyses based on beam models

5 Stress calculation
5.3.1 Stress components
5.1 Stresses induced by local and hull The following stress components are to be calculated:
girder loads • the normal stress 1 in the direction of the beam axis

5.1.1 Only local loads are directly applied to the structural • the shear stress 12 in the direction of the local loads
model, as specified in [4.1.1]. Therefore, the stresses calcu- applied to the beam
lated by the program include the contribution of local loads • the Von Mises equivalent stress, obtained from the fol-
only. Hull girder stresses are to be calculated separately and lowing formula:
added to the stresses induced by local loads.
2 2
 VM = 1 + 3 12
5.2 Analyses based on finite element mod-
5.3.2 Stress calculation points
Stresses are to be calculated at least in the following points
5.2.1 Stress components of each primary supporting member:

Stress components are generally identified with respect to • in the primary supporting member span where the max-
the element co-ordinate system, as shown, by way of exam- imum bending moment occurs
ple, in Fig 2. The orientation of the element co-ordinate sys- • at the connection of the primary supporting member
tem may or may not coincide with that of the reference co- with other structures, assuming as resistant section that
ordinate system in Ch 1, Sec 2, [4]. formed by the member, the bracket (if any and if repre-
The following stress components are to be calculated at the sented in the model) and the attached plating
centroid of each element: • at the toe of the bracket (if any and if represented in the
model) assuming as resistant section that formed by the
• the normal stresses 1 and 2 in the directions of ele-
member and the attached plating.
ment co-ordinate system axes
• the shear stress 12 with respect to the element co-ordi- The values of the stresses calculated in the above points are
nate system axes to be used for carrying out the checks required.

• the Von Mises equivalent stress, obtained from the fol-

lowing formula: 6 Grillage analysis of primary support-
2 2 2
ing members of decks
V M =  1 +  2 – 1 2 + 3 12

6.1 Application
5.2.2 Stress calculation points
Stresses are generally calculated by the computer programs 6.1.1 For the sole purpose of calculating the stresses in
for each element. The values of these stresses are to be used deck primary supporting members, due to the forces
for carrying out the checks required. induced by the vertical accelerations acting on wheeled

142 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, App 2

cargoes, these members may be subjected to the simplified where:

two dimensional analysis described in [6.2]. 1, 2 : Height, in m, of the ‘tweendecks, respectively
This analysis is generally considered as being acceptable for below and above the deck under examination
usual structural typology, where there are neither pillar (see Fig 3)
lines, nor longitudinal bulkheads. J1, J 2 : Net moments of inertia, in cm4, of side primary
supporting members with attached shell plating,
6.2 Analysis criteria relevant to the ‘tweendecks, respectively below
and above the deck under examination.
6.2.1 Structural model
The structural model used to represent the deck primary Figure 3 : Heights of tween-decks for grillage analy-
supporting members is a beam grillage model. sis of deck primary supporting members

6.2.2 Model extension

The structural model is to represent a hull portion which
includes the zone under examination and which is repeated
along the hull. The non-modelled hull parts are to be con-
sidered through boundary conditions as specified in [3.3].

6.3 Boundary conditions

6.3.1 Boundary conditions at the fore and aft ends
of the model
Symmetry conditions are to be applied at the fore and aft
ends of the model, as specified in Tab 1.

6.3.2 Boundary conditions at the connections of

deck beams with side vertical primary
supporting members
Vertical supports are to be fitted at the nodes positioned in
way of the connection of deck beams with side primary
supporting members.
The contribution of flexural stiffness supplied by the side
primary supporting members to the deck beams is to be
simulated by springs, applied at their connections, having 6.4 Load model
rotational stiffness, in the plane of the deck beam webs,
6.4.1 Hull girder and local loads are to be calculated and
obtained, in kN.m/rad, from the following formulae:
applied to the model according to [4].
• for intermediate decks:
Wave loads are to be calculated considering load case “b”
3E  J 1 + J 2    1 +  2  –5 only.
R F = ----------------------------------------------
2 2
- 10
1 + 2 – 1 2
• for the uppermost deck: 6.5 Stress calculation
6 EJ –5 6.5.1 Stress components are to be calculated according to
R F = -----------1 10
1 [5.1] and [5.3].

RINA Rules 2024 143

Pt B, Ch 7, App 3


S1,W1,S2,W2 : Partial safety factors defined in Sec 3 girder stiffness and inertia to be reproduced by the model
are those obtained by considering the net scantlings of the
 : Wave length, in m.
hull structures.

1 General
2.2 Model extension

1.1 Application 2.2.1 The complete ship is to be modelled so that the cou-
pling between torsion and horizontal bending is properly
1.1.1 The requirements of this Appendix apply for the taken into account in the structural analysis.
analysis criteria, structural modelling, load modelling and
stress calculation of primary supporting members which are Superstructures are to be modelled in order to reproduce
to be analysed through a complete ship model, according the correct lightweight distribution.
to Sec 3.
Long superstructures of ships with one of the service nota-
1.1.2 This Appendix deals with that part of the structural tions passenger ship and ro-ro passenger ship are to be
analysis which aims at calculating the stresses in the pri- modelled in order to also reproduce the correct hull global
mary supporting members and more generally in the hull strength, in particular the contribution of each superstruc-
plating, to be used for yielding and buckling checks. ture deck to the hull girder longitudinal strength.

1.1.3 The yielding and buckling checks of primary sup- 2.2.2 In the case of structural symmetry with respect to the
porting members are to be carried out according to Sec 3. ship’s centreline longitudinal plane, the hull structures may
be modelled over half the ship’s breadth.
1.2 Information required
2.3 Finite element modelling criteria
1.2.1 The following information is necessary to perform
these structural analyses: 2.3.1 Modelling of primary supporting members
• general arrangement The analyses of primary supporting members are to be
• capacity plan based on fine mesh models, as defined in App 1, [3.4.3].
• lines plan Such analyses may be carried out deriving the nodal dis-
• structural plans placements or forces, to be used as boundary conditions,
from analyses of the complete ships based on coarse
• longitudinal sections and decks meshes, as defined in App 1, [3.4.2].
• loading manual.
The areas for which analyses based on fine mesh models
are to be carried out are listed in Tab 1 for various types of
2 Structural modelling ships.

Other areas may be required to be analysed through fine

2.1 Model construction mesh models, where deemed necessary by the Society,
depending on the ship’s structural arrangement and loading
2.1.1 Elements conditions as well as the results of the coarse mesh analysis.
The structural model is to represent the primary supporting
members with the plating to which they are connected.
Ordinary stiffeners are also to be represented in the model 2.3.2 Modelling of the most highly stressed areas
in order to reproduce the stiffness and the inertia of the
actual hull girder structure. The areas which appear from the analyses based on fine
mesh models to be highly stressed may be required to be
2.1.2 Net scantlings further analysed, using the mesh accuracy specified in
App 1, [3.4.4].
All the elements in [2.1.1] are to be modelled with their net
scantlings according to Ch 4, Sec 2. Therefore, also the hull

144 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, App 3

Table 1 : Areas to be analysed 2.4.2 Coarse mesh

through fine mesh models The number of nodes and elements is to be such that the
stiffness and the inertia of the model represent properly
Service notation Areas those of the actual hull girder structure, and the distribution
of loads among the various load carrying members is cor-
container ship • typical transverse reinforced frames
rectly taken into account.
• hatch corners and hatch coamings of
the strength deck To this end, the structural model is to be built on the basis of
• connection of the cross-deck box the following criteria:
beams to the longitudinal bulkheads
• ordinary stiffeners contributing to the hull girder longitu-
and hatch coamings
dinal strength and which are not individually repre-
• connection of the longitudinal deck
sented in the model are to be modelled by rod elements
girders to the transverse bulkheads
and grouped at regular intervals
• end connections of hatch coamings
including connection with the fore • webs of primary supporting members may be modelled
front of the superstructures, if any with only one element on their height
• cut-outs in the longitudinal bulk- • face plates may be simulated with bars having the same
heads, longitudinal deck girders,
hatch coamings, and cross-deck box
beams. • the plating between two primary supporting members
may be modelled with one element stripe
ro-ro cargo ship • typical reinforced transverse rings
• typical deck girders • holes for the passage of ordinary stiffeners or small pipes
• areas of structural discontinuity (e.g. may be disregarded
ramp areas). • manholes (and similar discontinuities) in the webs of
passenger ship • areas in way of typical side and deck primary supporting members may be disregarded, but
openings the element thickness is to be reduced in proportion to
• areas of significant discontinuity in the hole height and the web height ratio.
primary supporting member arrange-
In some specific cases, some of the above simplifications
ments (e.g. in way of lounges, large
may not be deemed acceptable by the Society in relation to
public spaces, theatres).
the type of structural model and the analysis performed.
ro-ro passen- • typical reinforced transverse rings
ger ship • typical deck girders 2.4.3 Fine mesh
• areas of structural discontinuity (e.g. The ship’s structure may be considered as finely meshed
ramp areas) when each longitudinal secondary stiffener is modelled; as
• areas in way of typical side and deck a consequence, the standard size of finite elements used is
openings based on the spacing of ordinary stiffeners.
• areas of significant discontinuity in
primary supporting member arrange- The structural model is to be built on the basis of the follow-
ments (e.g. in way of lounges, large ing criteria:
public spaces). • webs of primary members are to be modelled with at
least three elements on their height
2.4 Finite element models • the plating between two primary supporting members is
to be modelled with at least two element stripes
2.4.1 General • the ratio between the longer side and the shorter side of
Finite element models are generally to be based on linear elements is to be less than 3 in the areas expected to be
assumptions. The mesh is to be executed using membrane highly stressed
or shell elements, with or without mid-side nodes. • holes for the passage of ordinary stiffeners may be disre-
Meshing is to be carried out following uniformity criteria
among the different elements. In some specific cases, some of the above simplifications
may not be deemed acceptable by the Society in relation to
In general, for some of the most common elements, the
the type of structural model and the analysis performed.
quadrilateral elements are to be such that the ratio between
the longer side length and the shorter side length does not
2.4.4 Mesh for the analysis of structural details
exceed 4 and, in any case, is less than 2 for most elements.
Their angles are to be greater than 60° and less than 120°. The structural modelling is to be accurate; the mesh dimen-
The triangular element angles are to be greater than 30° and sions are to be such as to enable a faithful representation of
less than 120°. the stress gradients. The use of membrane elements is only
allowed when significant bending effects are not present; in
Further modelling criteria depend on the accuracy level of other cases, elements with general behaviour are to be
the mesh, as specified in [2.4.2] to [2.4.4]. used.

RINA Rules 2024 145

Pt B, Ch 7, App 3

2.5 Boundary conditions of the model 3 Load model

2.5.1 In order to prevent rigid body motions of the overall 3.1 General
model, the constraints specified in Tab 2 are to be applied.
3.1.1 Local loads
2.5.2 When the hull structure is modelled over half the Still water loads include:
ship's breadth (see [2.2.2]), in way of the ship’s centreline
longitudinal plane, symmetry or anti-symmetry boundary • the still water sea pressure, defined in Ch 5, Sec 5, [1]
conditions as specified in Tab 3 are to be applied, depend- • the still water internal loads, defined in Ch 5, Sec 6 for
ing on the loads applied to the model (respectively symmet- the various types of cargoes and for ballast.
rical or anti-symmetrical).
Wave loads, determined by mean of hydrodynamic calcula-
tions according to [3.2], include:
Table 2 : Boundary conditions • the wave pressure
to prevent rigid body motion of the model
• the inertial loads.
DISPLACEMENTS in 3.1.2 Hull girder loads
Boundary conditions directions (1)
The hull girder loads are constituted by:
• still water hull girder loads
One node on the fore end of the ship free fixed fixed
• wave hull girder loads, to be calculated according to
One node on the port side shell at aft fixed free fixed [3.2].
end of the ship (2)
One node on the starboard side shell free fixed fixed 3.1.3 Lightweight
at aft end of the ship (2) The lightweight of the ship is to be uniformly distributed
over the model length, in order to obtain the actual longitu-
dinal distribution of the still water bending moment.
Boundary conditions axes (1) 3.1.4 Models extended over half ship’s breadth
X Y Z When the ship is symmetrical with respect to her centreline
One node on the fore end of the ship free free free longitudinal plane and the hull structure is modelled over
half the ship's breadth, non-symmetrical loads are to be
One node on the port side shell at aft free free free
broken down into symmetrical and anti-symmetrical loads
end of the ship (2)
and applied separately to the model with symmetry and
One node on the starboard side shell free free free anti-symmetry boundary conditions in way of the ship’s
at aft end of the ship (2) centreline longitudinal plane (see [2.5.2]).
(1) X, Y and Z directions and axes are defined with respect
to the reference co-ordinate system in Ch 1, Sec 2, [4]. 3.2 Load cases
(2) The nodes on the port side shell and that on the star-
board side shell are to be symmetrical with respect to 3.2.1 Equivalent waves
the ship’s longitudinal plane of symmetry.
Wave loads are to be calculated for different load cases.
For each load case, the ship is considered to encounter a
regular wave, defined by its parameters:
Table 3 : Symmetry and anti-symmetry conditions
in way of the ship’s centreline longitudinal plane • wave length
• heading angle (see Fig 1)

DISPLACEMENTS in directions (1) • wave height

conditions X Y Z • phase.

Symmetry free fixed free

Figure 1 : Wave heading
Anti-symmetry fixed free fixed

Boundary ROTATION around axes (1)

conditions X Y Z
Symmetry fixed free fixed
Anti-symmetry free fixed free
(1) X, Y and Z directions and axes are defined with respect
to the reference co-ordinate system in Ch 1, Sec 2, [4].

146 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 7, App 3

3.2.2 Load effects • vertical relative motion at sides in upright ship condi-
The parameters listed in [3.2.1] are to be such that they tion, at midship section.
maximise, and make equal to the target values specified in
• vertical relative motion at sides in inclined ship condi-
[3.2.3], the following load effects (one for each load case):
tion, at midship section
• vertical wave bending moment in hogging condition at
midship section
3.2.3 Value of loads effects
• vertical wave bending moment in sagging condition at
midship section The wave lengths and headings which maximise each load
• vertical wave shear force on transverse bulkheads effect are specified in Tab 4.
• wave torque for ships with large deck openings at mid- The wave amplitudes and phases are to be defined so that
ship section the target values in Tab 4 are attained by the maximised
• transverse acceleration and roll angle load effect, according to the procedure shown in Fig 2.

Figure 2 : Wave parameter calculations

RINA Rules 2024 147

Pt B, Ch 7, App 3

4 Stress calculation Figure 3 : Reference and element co-ordinate

4.1 Stress components
4.1.1 Stress components are generally identified with
respect to the element co-ordinate system, as shown, by
way of example, in Fig 3. The orientation of the element co-
ordinate system may or may not coincide with that of the
reference co-ordinate system in Ch 1, Sec 2, [4].

The following stress components are to be calculated at the

centroid of each element:
• the normal stresses 1 and 2 in the directions of ele-
ment co-ordinate system axes
• the shear stress 12 with respect to the element co-ordi-
nate system axes
• the Von Mises equivalent stress, obtained from the fol-
lowing formula:
2 2 2
V M =  1 +  2 – 1 2 + 3 12

Table 4 : Load cases and load effect values (1/7/2016)

Wave parameters (2) Target

Maximised effect Heading References
case /L Value Location(s)
1 Vertical wave bending moment in 1,0 180° 0,625W1MWV ,H Midship section MWV ,H defined in Ch 5,
hogging condition Sec 2, [3.1.1] (3)
2 Vertical wave bending moment in 1,0 180° 0,625W1MWV ,S Midship section MWV ,S defined in Ch 5,
sagging condition and vertical Sec 2, [3.1.1] (3)
3 Vertical wave shear force 1,0 0° or 180° 0,625W1QWV Each transverse QWV defined in Ch 5,
bulkhead Sec 2, [3.4] (4)
4 Wave torque (1) 0,5 60° 0,625W1MWT Midship section MT defined in Ch 5,
Sec 2, [3.3]
5 Transverse acceleration and roll 3,0 90° W2 ATY ATY defined in Ch 5,
angle Sec 6, [1.2.2]
6 Vertical relative motion at sides in 1,0 180° W2 h1 Midship section h1 defined in Ch 5,
upright ship condition, at midship Sec 3, [3.3.1]
7 Vertical relative motion at sides in 0,7 90° W2 h2 Midship section h2 defined in Ch 5,
inclined ship condition, at midship Sec 3, [3.3.2]
(1) This load case is to be considered for ships with large deck openings only.
(2) The forward ship speed is to be taken equal to 0,6V.
(3) For ships with the service notation container ship the vertical wave bending moment MWH is to be taken as defined in Pt E,
Ch 2, App 1
(4) For ships with the service notation container ship the vertical wave shear force QWH is to be taken as defined in Pt E, Ch 2,
App 1

148 RINA Rules 2024

Part B
Hull and Stability

Chapter 8








RINA Rules 2024 149

Symbols used in chapter 8

E : Young’s modulus, in N/mm2,to be taken equal

• for steels in general:
E = 2,06·105 N/mm2
• for stainless steels:
E = 1,95·105 N/mm2
• for aluminium alloys:
E = 7,0·104 N/mm 2
 : Poisson’s ratio. Unless otherwise specified, a
value of 0,3 is to be taken into account,
k : material factor, defined in:
• Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1, [2.3], for steel,
• Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1, [4.4], for aluminium
Ry : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm 2, of the material,
to be taken equal to 235/k N/mm2, unless other-
wise specified,
tc : corrosion addition, in mm, defined in Pt B, Ch 4,
Sec 2, Tab 2,
MSW,H : Design still water bending moment, in kN.m, in
hogging condition, at the hull transverse section
considered, defined in Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 1, [2.2],
MSW,S : Design still water bending moment, in kN.m, in
sagging condition, at the hull transverse section
considered, defined in Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 1, [2.2],
MSW,Hmin: Minimum still water bending moment, in kN.m,
in hogging condition, at the hull transverse sec-
tion considered, without being taken greater
than 0,3MWV,S,
MWV,H : Vertical wave bending moment, in kN.m, in hog-
ging condition, at the hull transverse section
considered, defined in Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 1, [2.3],
MWV,S : Vertical wave bending moment, in kN.m, in sag-
ging condition, at the hull transverse section
considered, defined in Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 1, [2.3],
g : Gravity acceleration, in m/s 2:
g = 9,81 m/s2,
x, y, z : X, Y and Z co-ordinates, in m, of the calculation
point with respect to the reference co-ordinate
system defined in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4].

150 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 1


For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to the list at outer shell, the still water and wave pressures in flooding
the beginning of this Chapter. conditions are also to be considered.
n, n 1 : Navigation coefficients, defined in [1.5]
1.1.4 Hull girder loads
C : Wave parameter:
Hull girder loads are still water and wave bending moments
L which result as effects of local loads acting on the ship as a
C =  118 – 0 ,36 L  -------------
1000 whole and considered as a girder.
F : Froude’s number:
V 1.1.5 Loading condition
F = 0 ,164 -------
L A loading condition is a distribution of weights carried in
the ship spaces arranged for their storage.
V : Contractual service speed, in knots
aB : Motion and acceleration parameter: 1.1.6 Load case
h W A load case is a state of the ship structures subjected to a
a B = n  0 ,76 F + 1 ,875 ------
 L combination of hull girder and local loads.
hW : Wave parameter, in m:
1.2 Application criteria
L – 250 3
h W = 11 ,44 – -------------------
1.2.1 Requirements applicable to all types of ships
h1 : Reference value of the ship relative motion, in The still water and wave loads defined in this Section are to
m, defined in [3.3.1] be used for the determination of the hull girder strength and
aX1, a Z1 : Reference values of the accelerations, in m/s2, structural scantlings in the central part (see Ch 1, Sec 1) of
defined in [3.3.2]. ships less than 90 m in length, according to the require-
ments in Sec 2, Sec 3, Sec 4 and Sec 5.
1 General 1.2.2 Requirements applicable to specific ship
1.1 Definitions The design loads applicable to specific ship types are to be
defined in accordance with the requirements in Part E.
1.1.1 Still water loads
Still water loads are those acting on the ship at rest in calm
water. 1.3 Hull girder loads

1.1.2 Wave loads 1.3.1 The still water and wave bending moment to be used
Wave loads are those due to wave pressures and ship for the determination of:
motions, which can be assumed to have the same period as • the hull girder strength, according to the requirements
the inducing waves. of Sec 2
1.1.3 Local loads • the structural scantling of plating, ordinary stiffeners and
Local loads are pressures and forces which are directly primary supporting members contributing to the hull
applied to the individual structural members: plating pan- girder strength, in combination with the local loads
els, ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members. given in [4] and [5], according to the requirements in
Sec 3, Sec 4 and Sec 5,
• Still water local loads are constituted by the hydrostatic
external sea pressures and the static pressures and are specified in [2].
forces induced by the weights carried in the ship spaces.
• Wave local loads are constituted by the external sea 1.4 Local loads
pressures due to waves and the inertial pressures and
forces induced by the ship accelerations applied to the 1.4.1 General
weights carried in the ship spaces.
The local loads defined in [1.1.3] are to be calculated as
For the structures which form the boundary of spaces not specified in [1.4.2] for the elements of the outer shell and in
intended to carry liquids and which do not belong to the [1.4.3] for the other elements.

RINA Rules 2024 151

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 1

1.4.2 Local loads for the elements of the outer shell 2.1.2 Hull girder load components
The local loads are to be calculated considering separately: Hull girder loads include the still water and wave vertical
• the still water and wave external sea pressures, defined bending moments.
in [4]
In the case of ships with large openings in the strength deck,
• the still water and wave internal pressure, defined in [5], the Society may require longitudinal strength calculations to
considering the compartment adjacent to the outer shell take into account also wave horizontal bending moments
as being loaded. and torques, when deemed necessary on the basis of the
ship’s characteristics and intended service.
1.4.3 Local loads for elements other than those of
the outer shell 2.1.3 Sign conventions of bending moments
The local loads are to be calculated considering the still
The hull girder bending moment is positive when it induces
water and wave internal pressure, defined in [5].
tensile stresses in the strength deck (hogging bending
When calculating the local loads for the structural scantling moment); it is negative in the opposite case (sagging bend-
of an element which separates two adjacent compartments, ing moment).
the latter may not be considered simultaneously loaded.
The local loads to be used are those obtained considering
the two compartments individually loaded.
2.2 Still water bending moments

1.4.4 Flooding conditions 2.2.1 For all ships, the longitudinal distributions of still
water bending moment are to be calculated, for all the
The still water and wave pressures in flooding conditions
design loading conditions on which the approval of hull
are specified in [5.8].
structural scantlings is based, on the basis of realistic data
related to the amount of cargo, ballast, fuel, lubricating oil
1.5 Navigation coefficients and fresh water. Except for docking condition afloat, depar-
ture and arrival conditions are to be considered. For con-
1.5.1 The navigation coefficients, which appear in the for- ventional ships, these calculations may not be required
mulae of this Section for the definition of wave hull girder when they are considered unnecessary by the Society on
and local loads, are defined in Tab 1 depending on the the basis of the ship’s length and loading conditions.
assigned navigation notation.
The actual hull lines and lightweight distribution are to be
taken into account in the calculations. The lightweight dis-
Table 1 : Navigation coefficients tribution may be replaced, if the actual values are not avail-
able, by a statistical distribution of weights accepted by the
Navigation Navigation
Navigation notation Society.
coefficient n coefficient n1
The Designer is to supply the data necessary to verify the
Unrestricted navigation 1,00 1,00
calculations of still water loads.
Summer zone 0,90 0,95
Tropical zone 0,80 0,90 2.2.2 The design still water bending moments M SW,H and
MSW,S at any hull transverse section are the maximum still
Coastal area 0,80 0,90 water bending moments calculated, in hogging and sagging
Sheltered area 0,65 0,80 conditions, respectively, at that hull transverse section for
the loading conditions specified in [2.2.1].

2 Hull girder loads Where no sagging bending moments act in the hull section
considered, the value of MSW,S is to be taken as specified in
Sec 3, Sec 4 and Sec 5.
2.1 General
2.2.3 If the design still water bending moments are not
2.1.1 Application
defined, at a preliminary design stage, their absolute values
The requirements of this Article apply to ships having the amidships are to be taken not less than the values obtained,
following characteristics: in kN.m, from the following formulae:
• L < 90 m
• in hogging conditions:
• L/B>5
2 –3
M S WM ,H = 175n 1 C L B  C B + 0 ,7 10 – M WV ,H
• B / D < 2,5
• CB  0,6 • in sagging conditions:
2 –3
Ships not having one or more of the following characteris- M S WM ,S = 175n 1 CL B  C B + 0 ,7 10 + M W V ,S
tics, ships intended for the carriage of heated cargoes and
ships of unusual type or design are considered by the Soci- where MWV,H and MWV,S are the vertical wave bending
ety on a case by case basis. moments, in kN.m, defined in [2.3].

152 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 1

2.3 Vertical wave bending moments 3.2.2 Heave

The heave acceleration is obtained, in m/s2, from the fol-
2.3.1 The vertical wave bending moments at any hull lowing formula:
transverse section are obtained, in kN.m, from the following
formulae: aH = aB g

• hogging conditions 3.2.3 Pitch

M W V ,H = 190 F M nC L BC B 10
–3 The pitch amplitude and acceleration are obtained from the
formulae in Tab 3.
• sagging conditions
2 –3 Table 3 : Pitch amplitude and acceleration
MW V ,S = – 110 F M n CL B  C B + 0 ,7 10
Amplitude AP , in rad Acceleration P , in rad/s2
hW 2 2
FM : Distribution factor defined in Tab 2 (see also 0 ,328 a B  1 ,32 – -------  0 ,6- 0 ,75
------- A p  ------------------------
 L   CB   0 575 L
Fig 1).

Table 2 : Distribution factor FM

Table 4 : Reference values of the ship relative motion
Hull transverse section location Distribution factor FM
Reference value of the relative motion
x h1 , in m
0  x  0 ,4L 2 ,5 ---
x=0 4 ,35
0 ,7  ----------- – 3 ,25 h1 ,M if C B  0 ,875
0 ,4L  x  0 ,65L 1  C 

h1 ,M if C B  0 ,875
0 ,65L  x  L 2 ,86  1 – --- 0 < x < 0,3L h 1 ,AE – h 1 ,M x
 L h 1 ,AE – --------------------------- ----
0 ,3 L

Figure 1 : Distribution factor FM 0,3L  x  0,7L 0 ,42n C  C B + 0 ,7 

without being taken greater than D - 0,9T

0,7L < x < L h 1 , FE – h 1 ,M
h1 ,M + --------------------------
-  x---- – 0 ,7
0 ,3 L 

x=L 4 ,35
----------- – 3 ,25 h 1 ,M
 C 

Note 1:
h1,AE : Reference value h1 calculated for x = 0
h1,M : Reference value h1 calculated for x = 0,5L
h1,FE : Reference value h1 calculated for x = L

3 Ship motions and accelerations

Table 5 : Reference value of the accelerations
3.1 General aX1 and aZ1

Direction Accelerations, in m/s2

3.1.1 Ship motions and accelerations are defined, with
their sign, according to the reference co-ordinate system in X - Longitudinal 2 2
aX 1 = a S U +  AP g +  p  z – T 1  
Ch 1, Sec 2, [4].
Z - Vertical aZ 1 = a H2 +  p2 KX L 2
3.1.2 Ship motions and accelerations are assumed to be
periodic. The motion amplitudes, defined by the formulae Note 1:
of this Article, are half of the crest to through amplitudes. aSU : Surge acceleration, in m/s2, defined in [3.2.1]
aH : Heave acceleration, in m/s2, defined in [3.2.2]
AP,P : Pitch amplitude, in rad, and acceleration, in
3.2 Ship absolute motions and accelera- rad/s2, defined in [3.2.3]
x 2 x
K X = 1 ,2  --- – 1 ,1 --- + 0 ,2
 L L
3.2.1 Surge
The surge acceleration a SU is to be taken equal to 0,5 m/s2. without being taken less than 0,018.

RINA Rules 2024 153

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 1

3.3 Ship relative motion and accelerations 4.2 Exposed decks

3.3.1 Ship relative motion 4.2.1 Application (1/1/2023)
The ship relative motion is the vertical oscillating translation The still water and wave sea pressures defined in Tab 6 for
of the sea waterline on the ship side. It is measured, with its exposed decks are to be considered independently of the
sign, from the waterline at draught T and can be assumed as pressures due to dry uniform cargoes, dry unit cargoes or
being symmetrical on the ship sides. wheeled cargoes, if any, as defined in [5.3], [5.4] and [5.5]
The reference value of the relative motion is obtained, at respectively.
any hull transverse section, from the formulae in Tab 4.
5 Internal pressures and forces
3.3.2 Accelerations
The accelerations in X and Z direction are the acceleration
5.1 Liquids
components which result from the ship motions defined in
[3.2]. Their reference values at any point are obtained from 5.1.1 Still water and inertial pressures
the formulae in Tab 5. The still water and inertial pressures are obtained, in kN/m2,
as specified in Tab 7.
4 Sea pressures

4.1 Still water and wave pressures

4.1.1 The still water and wave pressures are obtained, in
kN/m2, as specified in Tab 6 (see also Fig 2).

Table 6 : Still water and wave pressures (1/1/2023)

Still water pressure pS,

Location Wave pressure pW , in kN/m2
in kN/m2
Bottom and side below the waterline 2  T – z 
g  T – z  g h 1 e
Side above the waterline
0  g  T + h 1 – z  without being taken less than 0,15L
Exposed decks 10kN/m2 17 ,5 n for 0  x  0 ,5 L

 19 ,6 H F – 17 ,5  x- 
 17 ,5 + -----------------------------------------  --- – 0 ,5 n  for 0 ,5 L  x  0 ,75 L
0 ,25 L 
 
19 ,6 n H for 0 ,75L  x  L

Note 1:
 : Sea water density, in t/m3:
 = 1,025 t/m3,
HF : Value of H calculated at x = 0,75L
V : Contractual service speed, in knots, to be taken not less than 13 knots
 : Defined in Ch 5, Sec 5, Tab 2.
x VL
H = 2 ,66  --- – 0 ,7 + 0 ,14 ------- –  z – T 
L  CB

without being taken less than 0,8,

154 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 1

Figure 2 : Still water and wave pressures

5.2 Dry bulk cargoes Table 7 : Liquids

Still water and wave pressures
5.2.1 Still water and inertial pressures
The still water and inertial pressures (excluding those acting Still water pressure pS , in Inertial pressure pW , in kN/m2
on the sloping plates of wing tanks, which may be taken kN/m2
equal to zero) are obtained, in kN/m 2, as specified in Tab 8. The greater of the values 
obtained from the follow-  L a X1 ----C- + a Z 1  z T OP – z 
5.3 Dry uniform cargoes ing formulae:
L g  zL – z 
5.3.1 Still water and inertial pressures
In ships with two or more decks, the pressure transmitted to  L g  z TO P – z  + 100p PV
the deck structures by the dry uniform cargoes in cargo
compartments is to be considered. to be taken not less than:
The still water and inertial pressures transmitted to the deck 0 8 L 1 
 L g  --------------------
structures are obtained, in kN/m 2, as specified in Tab 9.  420 – L 1

Note 1:
L : Density, in t/m3, of the liquid cargo carried
zTOP : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the highest point of the
tank in the z direction
zL : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the highest point of the
z L = z TO P + 0 ,5  z A P – z TO P 

zAP : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the moulded deck line of

the deck to which the air pipes extend, to be
taken not less than zTOP
pPV : Setting pressure, in bar, of safety valves
C : Longitudinal distance, in m, between the trans-
verse tank boundaries.

RINA Rules 2024 155

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 1

Table 8 : Dry bulk cargoes - Still water and inertial pressures

Still water pressure pS , in kN/m2 Inertial pressure pW , in kN/m2

  2
2   2
B g  z B – z    sin   tan  45 – ---  B a Z1  z B – z    sin   tan  45 – ---
2 o 2 o
+  cos    +  cos   
 2  2
   

Note 1:
B : Density, in t/m3, of the dry bulk cargo carried, to be taken equal to:
pD B
 B = ----------------------------
g  zB – hD B 

pDB : Design pressure, in kN/m2, on the double bottom

zB : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the rated upper surface of the bulk cargo (horizontal ideal plane of the volume filled by the
cargo), to be taken equal to:
z B = 0 ,9  D – h D B  + h DB

hDB : Height, in m, of the double bottom, to be taken as the vertical distance from the baseline to the inner bottom
 : Angle, in degrees, between the horizontal plane and the surface of the hull structure to which the calculation point
 : Angle of repose, in degrees, of the dry bulk cargo carried (considered drained and removed); in the absence of more
precise evaluation, the following values may be taken:
•  = 30o in general
•  = 35o for iron ore
• = 25o for cement.

5.5 Wheeled cargoes

Table 9 : Dry uniform cargoes
Still water and inertial pressures 5.5.1 Still water and inertial forces

Inertial pressure Caterpillar trucks and unusual vehicles are considered by

Still water pressure pS , in kN/m2 the Society on a case by case basis.
pW , in kN/m2

The value of pS is in general defined by a Z1 The load supported by the crutches of semi-trailers, han-
p S ------- dling machines and platforms is considered by the Society
the designer; in any case, it may not be g
taken less than 10 kN/m2. on a case by case basis.
When the value of pS is not defined by
The forces transmitted through the tyres are comparable to
the designer, it may be taken, in kN/m2 pressure uniformly distributed on the tyre print, whose
equal to 6,9 hTD , where hTD is the com-
dimensions are to be indicated by the Designer together
partment ‘tweendeck height at side, in m
with information concerning the arrangement of wheels on
axles, the load per axles and the tyre pressures.
5.4 Dry unit cargoes
With the exception of dimensioning of plating, such forces
may be considered as concentrated in the tyre print centre.
5.4.1 Still water and inertial forces
The still water and inertial forces transmitted to the hull The still water and inertial forces transmitted to the hull
structures are to be determined on the basis of the forces structures are to be determined on the basis of the forces
obtained, in kN, as specified in Tab 10, taking into account obtained, in kN, as specified in Tab 11.
the elastic characteristics of the lashing arrangement and/or
In the case of tracked vehicles, the print to be considered is
the structure which contains the cargo.
that below each wheel.

Table 10 : Dry unit cargoes For vehicles on rails, all the forces transmitted are to be con-
Still water and inertial forces sidered as concentrated.

Still water forces FS , in kN Inertial forces FW , in kN 5.6 Accommodation

FS = Mg F W ,X = Ma X1 in x direction
5.6.1 Still water and inertial pressures
F W ,Z = Ma Z1 in z direction
The still water and inertial pressures transmitted to the deck
Note 1:
structures are obtained, in kN/m2, as specified in Tab 12.
M : Mass, in t, of a dry unit cargo carried.

156 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 1

Table 11 : Wheeled cargoes 5.7 Machinery

Still water and inertial forces
5.7.1 Still water and inertial pressures
Still water forces FS , in kN Inertial forces FW , in kN The still water and inertial pressures transmitted to the deck
FS = Mg structures are obtained, in kN/m2, from the formulae in
F W ,Z = Ma Z1 in z direction
Tab 14.
Note 1:
M : Force applied by one wheel, obtained, in t, from Table 14 : Machinery
the following formula: Still water and inertial pressures
QA Still water pressure pS, Inertial pressure p W,
M = -------
in kN/m2 in kN/m2
QA : Axle load, in t. For fork-lift trucks, the value of
a Z1
QA is to be taken equal to the total mass of the 10 pS -------
vehicle, including that of the cargo handled,
applied to one axle only.
nW : Number of wheels for the axle considered. 5.8 Flooding
5.8.1 Still water and inertial pressures
Table 12 : Accommodation The still water and inertial pressures to be considered as act-
Still water and inertial pressures ing on bulkheads or inner sides which constitute bounda-
ries of compartments not intended to carry liquids are
Inertial pressure pW, obtained, in kN/m2, from the formulae in Tab 15.
Still water pressure pS , in kN/m2
in kN/m2
Table 15 : Flooding - Still water and inertial pressures
The value of pS is defined in Tab 13 (1/7/2022)
a Z1
depending on the type of the p S -------
accommodation compartment Still water pressure pSF , Inertial pressure pWF ,
in kN/m2 in kN/m2
Table 13 : Still water deck pressure L g  zF – z  0 ,6 L a Z1  z F – z 
in accommodation compartments
without being taken less than without being taken less than
Type of accommodation compartment pS , in kN/m2 0,4 g d0 0,4 g d0

Large public spaces, such as: 5,0 Note 1:

restaurants, halls, cinemas, lounges zF : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the deepest equilibrium
waterline, taking into account the transient
Large rooms, such as: 3,0
conditions. The deepest equilibrium waterlines
games and hobbies rooms, hospitals are to be provided by the Designer under his
Cabins 3,0 own responsibility.
In case the deepest equilibrium waterline is not
Other compartments 2,5 known, e.g. at the preliminary design stage, the
Z co-ordinate, in m, of the freeboard deck at
side in way of the transverse section considered
may be used in lieu.
d0 : Distance, in m, to be taken equal to:
d0 = 0,02L

RINA Rules 2024 157

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 2


For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to the list at 1.1.2 Continuous trunks and continuous
the beginning of this Chapter. longitudinal hatch coamings
MSW : Still water bending moment, in kN.m: Continuous trunks and continuous longitudinal hatch
coamings may be included in the hull girder transverse sec-
• in hogging conditions:
tions, provided they are effectively supported by longitudi-
MSW = M SW,H nal bulkheads or primary supporting members.
• in sagging conditions:
1.1.3 Longitudinal ordinary stiffeners or girders
MSW = M SW,S welded above the decks
MWV : Vertical wave bending moment, in kN.m: Longitudinal ordinary stiffeners or girders welded above the
• in hogging conditions: decks (including the deck of any trunk fitted as specified in
[1.1.2]) may be included in the hull girder transverse sec-
• in sagging conditions:
MWV = M WV,S 1.1.4 Longitudinal girders between hatchways

IY : Moment of inertia, in m , of the hull transverse

4 Where longitudinal girders are fitted between hatchways,
section defined in [1.1] about its horizontal the sectional area that can be included in the hull girder
neutral axis transverse sections is obtained, in m2, from the following
ZA : Section modulus, in cm 3, at any point of the
hull transverse section, to be calculated accord- AEFF = ALG a
ing to [1.3.1]
ZAB,ZAD : Section moduli, in cm3, at bottom and deck,
respectively, to be calculated according to ALG : Sectional area, in m2, of longitudinal girders
a : Coefficient:
n1 : Navigation coefficient defined in Sec 1, Tab 1
• for longitudinal girders effectively supported
C : Wave parameter, defined in Sec 1. by longitudinal bulkheads or primary sup-
porting members:
1 Basic criteria a=1
• for longitudinal girders not effectively sup-
1.1 Hull girder transverse sections ported by longitudinal bulkheads or primary
supporting members and having dimensions
1.1.1 General
and scantlings such that  0/r60:
Hull girder transverse sections are constituted by the mem-
0 ,5
bers contributing to the hull girder longitudinal strength, i.e. s
a = 0 ,6  ----- + 0 ,15
all continuous longitudinal members below the strength  b1 
deck defined in [1.2], taking into account the requirements
in [1.1.2] to [1.1.9]. • for longitudinal girders not effectively sup-
ported by longitudinal bulkheads or primary
These members are to be considered as having (see also supporting members and having dimensions
Ch 4, Sec 2): and scantlings such that  0/r>60:
• gross scantlings, when the hull girder strength character-
istics to be calculated are used for the yielding checks in
[2] 0 : Span, in m, of longitudinal girders, to be taken
• net scantlings, when the hull girder strength characteris- as shown in Fig 1
tics to be calculated are used for calculating the hull r : Minimum radius of gyration, in m, of the longi-
girder stresses for the strength checks of plating, ordi- tudinal girder transverse section
nary stiffeners and primary supporting members in
Sec 3, Sec 4 and Sec 5. s, b1 : Dimensions, in m, defined in Fig 1.

158 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 2

Figure 1 : Longitudinal girders between hatchways Figure 2 : Calculation of b and bS

1.1.5 Longitudinal bulkheads with vertical

Longitudinal bulkheads with vertical corrugations may not
be included in the hull girder transverse sections.

1.1.6 Members in materials other than steel

Where a member contributing to the longitudinal strength is
made in material other than steel with a Young’s modulus E
equal to 2,06 105 N/mm 2, the steel equivalent sectional
area that may be included in the hull girder transverse sec-
1.1.9 Lightening holes, draining holes and single
tions is obtained, in m2, from the following formula:
E -A
A SE = --------------------- Lightening holes, draining holes and single scallops in lon-
5 M
2 ,06,10 gitudinals need not be deducted if their height is less than
where: 0,25 hW, without being greater than 75 mm, where hW is the
AM : Sectional area, in m2, of the member under con- web height, in mm, defined in Ch 4, Sec 3.
sideration. Otherwise, the excess is to be deducted from the sectional
area or compensated.
1.1.7 Large openings
Large openings are:
1.2 Strength deck
• elliptical openings exceeding 2,5 m in length or 1,2 m
in breadth 1.2.1 The strength deck is, in general, the uppermost con-
• circular openings exceeding 0,9 m in diameter. tinuous deck.

Large openings and scallops, where scallop welding is In the case of a superstructure or deckhouses contributing
applied, are always to be deducted from the sectional areas to the longitudinal strength, the strength deck is the deck of
included in the hull girder transverse sections. the superstructure or the deck of the uppermost deckhouse.

1.1.8 Small openings 1.2.2 A superstructure extending at least 0,15L within 0,4L
Smaller openings than those in [1.1.7] in one transverse amidships may generally be considered as contributing to
the longitudinal strength. For other superstructures and for
section in the strength deck or bottom area need not be
deckhouses, their contribution to the longitudinal strength
deducted from the sectional areas included in the hull
is to be assessed on a case by case basis, through a finite
girder transverse sections, provided that:
element analysis of the whole ship, which takes into
b S  0 ,06  B – b  account the general arrangement of the longitudinal ele-
where: ments (side, decks, bulkheads).
bS : Total breadth of small openings, in m, in the The presence of openings in the side shell and longitudinal
strength deck or bottom area at the transverse bulkheads is to be taken into account in the analysis. This
section considered, determined as indicated in may be done in two ways:
Fig 2 • by including these openings in the finite element model
b : Total breadth of large openings, in m, at the • by assigning to the plate panel between the side frames
transverse section considered, determined as beside each opening an equivalent thickness, in mm,
indicated in Fig 2 obtained from the following formula:
Where the total breadth of small openings bS does not ful- 2 –1
Gh 1
t E Q = 10  P  ------------- + -----
fil the above criteria, only the excess of breadth is to be
 12E I J A J
deducted from the sectional areas included in the hull
girder transverse sections. where (see Fig 3):

RINA Rules 2024 159

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 2

P : Longitudinal distance, in m, between the where:

frames beside the opening zD : Z co-ordinate, in m, of strength
h : Height, in m, of openings deck, defined in [1.2] with
IJ : Moment of inertia, in m 4, of the opening respect to the reference co-ordi-
jamb about the transverse axis y-y nate system defined in Ch 1,
Sec 2, [4]
AJ : Shear area, in m 2, of the opening jamb in
• if continuous trunks or hatch coamings are
the direction of the longitudinal axis x-x
taken into account in the calculation of IY,
G : Coulomb’s modulus, in N/mm2, of the mate- as specified in [1.1.2]:
rial used for the opening jamb, to be taken
equal to: V D =  z T – N   0 ,9 + 0 ,2 -----T  z D – N
 B
• for steels:
G = 8,0.104 N/mm2, where:
• for aluminium alloys: yT, zT : Y and Z co-ordinates, in m, of
the top of continuous trunk or
G = 2,7.10 N/mm .
4 2
hatch coaming with respect to
the reference co-ordinate system
Figure 3 : Side openings
defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [4]; yT
and zT are to be measured for
the point which maximises the
value of VD
• if longitudinal ordinary stiffeners or girders
welded above the strength deck are taken
into account in the calculation of IY, as spec-
ified in [1.1.3], VD is to be obtained from the
formula given above for continuous trunks
or hatch coamings. In this case, yT and zT
are the Y and Z co-ordinates, in m, of the
top of the longitudinal ordinary stiffeners or
1.3 Section modulus girders with respect to the reference co-ordi-
nate system defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [4].
1.3.1 The section modulus at any point of a hull transverse
section is obtained, in m 3, from the following formula: 2 Yielding check
Z A = ----------------
z–N 2.1 Normal stresses induced by vertical
where: bending moments
z : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the calculation point
2.1.1 The normal stresses induced by vertical bending
with respect to the reference co-ordinate system
moments are obtained, in N/mm2, from the following for-
defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [4]
N : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the centre of gravity of
• at any point of the hull transverse section:
the hull transverse section defined in [1.1], with
respect to the reference co-ordinate system MSW + MW V
 1 = -----------------------------
defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [4]. ZA
• at bottom:
1.3.2 The section moduli at bottom and at deck are
obtained, in m3, from the following formulae:  1 = -----------------------------
• at bottom:
• at deck:
Z AB = ---- MSW + MW V
N  1 = -----------------------------
• at deck:
IY 2.1.2 The normal stresses in a member made in material
Z AD = ------ other than han steel with a Young’s modulus E equal to 2,06
105 N/mm2, and included in the hull girder transverse sec-
where: tions as specified in [1.1.6], are obtained from the following
N : Defined in [1.3.1] formula:
VD : Vertical distance, in m: E
 1 = ----------------------5 1 S
• in general: 2 ,06,10
VD = z D - N where:

160 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 2

1S : Normal stress, in N/mm 2, in the member under 3.2.5 Scantlings of members contributing to the longitudi-
consideration, calculated according to [2.1.1] nal strength (see [1]) are to be maintained within 0,4L amid-
considering this member as having the steel ships.
equivalent sectional area A SE defined in [1.1.6].
3.2.6 Scantlings of members contributing to the hull girder
longitudinal strength (see [1]) may be gradually reduced,
2.2 Checking criteria outside 0,4L amidships, to the minimum required for local
strength purposes at fore and aft parts, as specified in
2.2.1 It is to be checked that the normal stresses 1 calcu-
Chapter 9.
lated according to [2.1] are in compliance with the follow-
ing formula:
3.3 Midship section moment of inertia
1  1,ALL
where: 3.3.1 The gross midship section moment of inertia about
its horizontal neutral axis is to be not less than the value
1,ALL : Allowable normal stress, in N/mm 2:
obtained, in m4, from the following formula:
1,ALL = 175 / k –2
I YR = 3Z'R ,M IN L 10
where Z’R,MIN is the required midship section modulus
3 Section modulus and moment of
ZR,MIN, in m3, calculated as specified in [3.2.1], but assum-
inertia ing k = 1.

3.1 General 3.4 Extent of higher strength steel

3.1.1 The requirements in [3.2] to [3.4] provide the mini- 3.4.1 When a factor for higher strength steel is used in cal-
mum hull girder section modulus, complying with the culating the required section modulus at bottom or deck
checking criteria indicated in [2.2], and the midship section according to [3.2.1], the relevant higher strength steel is to
moment of inertia required to ensure sufficient hull girder be adopted for all members contributing to the longitudinal
rigidity. strength (see [1]), at least up to a vertical distance, in m,
obtained from the following formulae:
3.2 Section modulus • above the baseline (for section modulus at bottom):
 1B – 175
3.2.1 For ships with CB greater than 0,8,the gross section V HB = -----------------------
- ZD
1B +  1D
moduli Z AB and Z AD within 0,4L amidships are to be not less
than the greater value obtained, in m 3, from the following • below a horizontal line located at a distance VD (see
formulae: [1.3.2]) above the neutral axis of the hull transverse sec-
tion (for section modulus at deck):
2 –6
• Z R ,M IN = n 1 CL B  C B + 0 ,7 k10
 1D – 175
V H D = ------------------------  N + VD 
M SW + M WV –3  1B + 1 D
• - 10
Z R = ----------------------------
175  k where:
1B, 1D : Normal stresses, in N/mm 2, at bottom and
3.2.2 For ships with CB less than or equal to 0,8, the gross
deck, respectively, calculated according to
section moduli Z AB and ZAD at the midship section are to be
not less than the value obtained, in m 3, from the following
formula: zD : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the strength deck,
defined in [1.2], with respect to the refer-
2 –6
Z R ,M IN = n 1 CL B  C B + 0 ,7 k 10 ence co-ordinate system defined in Ch 1,
In addition, the gross section moduli ZAB and ZAD within Sec 2, [4]
0,4L amidships are to be not less than the value obtained, in N : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the centre of gravity
m 3, from the following formula: of the hull transverse section, defined in
[1.1], with respect to the reference co-ordi-
M SW + MW V –3 nate system defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [4]
Z R = ----------------------------
- 10
175  k
VD : Vertical distance, in m, defined in [1.3.2]
3.2.3 The k material factors are to be defined with respect 3.4.2 When a higher strength steel is adopted at deck,
to the materials used for the bottom and deck members members not contributing to the longitudinal strength and
contributing to the hull girder longitudinal strength accord- welded on the strength deck (e.g. hatch coamings, strength-
ing to [1]. When factors for higher strength steels are used, ening of deck openings) are also generally to be made of the
the requirements in [3.4] apply. same higher strength steel.
3.2.4 Where the total breadth bS of small openings, as 3.4.3 The higher strength steel is to extend in length at
defined in [1.1.8], is deducted from the sectional areas least throughout the whole midship area where it is
included in the hull girder transverse sections, the values Z R required for strength purposes according to the require-
and ZR,MIN defined in [4.2.1] may be reduced by 3%. ments of Part B.

RINA Rules 2024 161

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 2

4 Permissible still water bending 4.2 Permissible still water bending moment
moment in harbour conditions
4.2.1 The permissible still water bending moment at any
4.1 Permissible still water bending moment hull transverse section in harbour conditions, in hogging or
during navigation sagging conditions, is obtained, in kN.m, from the following
4.1.1 The permissible still water bending moment at any
M P ,H = 130
hull transverse section during navigation, in hogging or sag- ---------- Z A ,M 10
ging conditions, is the value M SW considered in the hull
girder section modulus calculation according to [3]. where ZA,M is the lesser of ZAB and ZAD defined in [3.2.1].
In the case of structural discontinuities in the hull transverse
sections, the distribution of permissible still water bending
moments is considered on a case by case basis.

162 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 3


For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to the list at s : Lengths, in m, of the sides of the plate panel, as
the beginning of this Chapter. shown in Fig 3
pS : Still water pressure, in kN/m 2, see [3.2.2] ca : Aspect ratio of the plate panel, equal to:
pW : Wave pressure, in kN/m , see [3.2.2]
s 2 s
c a = 1 ,21 1 + 0 ,33  -- – 0 ,69 -
pSF, pWF : Still water and wave pressure, in kN/m , in 2   
flooding conditions, defined in Sec 1, [5.8] to be taken not greater than 1,0
FS : Still water wheeled force, in kN, see [4.2.2] cr : Coefficient of curvature of the panel, equal to:
FW,Z : Inertial wheeled force, in kN, see [4.2.2] c r = 1 – 0 ,5s  r
X1 : In-plane hull girder normal stress, in N/mm 2, to be taken not less than 0,75
defined in: r : Radius of curvature, in m
• [3.2.4] for the strength check of plating sub- tnet : Net thickness, in mm, of a plate panel
jected to lateral pressure
• [5.2.2] for the buckling check of plating for 1 General
ships equal to or greater than 65 m in length
ReH : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm 2, of the plating 1.1 Application
material, defined in Ch 4, Sec 1, [2] 1.1.1 (1/7/2003)
IY : Net moment of inertia, in m 4, of the hull trans- For ships less than 65 m in length, the criteria in App 1 may
verse section around its horizontal neutral axis, be used for the strength check of plating, as an alternative to
to be calculated according to Sec 2 considering those contained in this Section.
the members contributing to the hull girder lon-
gitudinal strength as having their net scantlings 1.2 Net thicknesses
N : Z co-ordinate, in m, with respect to the refer-
1.2.1 As specified in Ch 4, Sec 2, [1], all thicknesses
ence co-ordinate system defined in Ch 1, Sec 2,
referred to in this Section are net, i.e. they do not include
[4], of the centre of gravity of the hull transverse
any margin for corrosion.
section constituted by members contributing to
the hull girder longitudinal strength considered The gross thicknesses are obtained as specified in Ch 4,
as having their net scantlings (see Sec 1, [1]) Sec 2.
 : Length, in m, of the longer side of the plate
1.3 Partial safety factors
s : Length, in m, of the shorter side of the plate 1.3.1 The partial safety factors to be considered for the
panel checking of the plating are specified in Tab 1.

Table 1 : Plating - Partial safety factors

Partial safety factors Strength check of plating subjected to lateral pressure Buckling check
covering uncertainties Symbol General (see [3.2], [3.3.1], Watertight bulkhead plating (1) for L  65 m
regarding: [3.4.1], [3.5.1] and [4]) (see [3.3.2], [3.4.2] and [3.5.2]) (see [5])

Still water hull girder loads S1 Not applicable Not applicable 1,00

Wave hull girder loads W1 Not applicable Not applicable 1,15

Still water pressure S2 1,00 1,00 Not applicable

Wave pressure W2 1,20 1,20 Not applicable

Material m 1,02 1,02 1,02

Resistance R 1,20 1,05 (2) 1,10

(1) Applies also to plating of bulkheads or inner side which constitute boundary of compartments not intended to carry liquids.
(2) For plating of the collision bulkhead, R =1,25.

RINA Rules 2024 163

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 3

1.4 Elementary plate panel In general, the required net thickness of the adjacent side
plating is to be taken as a reference. In specific case,
1.4.1 The elementary plate panel is the smallest unstiff- depending on its actual net thickness, this latter may be
ened part of plating.
required to be considered when deemed necessary by the
1.5 Load point
1.5.1 Unless otherwise specified, lateral pressure and hull
girder stresses are to be calculated: Table 2 : Minimum net thickness of plating
• for longitudinal framing, at the lower edge of the ele-
mentary plate panel or, in the case of horizontal plating, Minimum net
at the point of minimum y-value among those of the ele- Plating
thickness, in mm
mentary plate panel considered
• for transverse framing, at the lower edge of the strake. Keel 5,1 + 0,026Lk1/2 + 4,5s
2 General requirements • longitudinal framing 3,2 + 0,018Lk1/2 + 4,5s
• transverse framing 4,1 + 0,018Lk1/2 + 4,5s
2.1 General Inner bottom
• outside the engine room (1) 1,9 + 0,024Lk1/2 + 4,5s
2.1.1 The requirements in [2.2] and [2.3] are to be applied
• engine room 3,0 + 0,024Lk1/2 + 4,5s
to plating in addition of those in [3] to [5].
2.2 Minimum net thicknesses • below freeboard deck (1) 3,1 + 0,017Lk1/2 + 4,5s
• between freeboard deck and 3,0 + 0,004Lk1/2 + 4,5s
2.2.1 The net thickness of plating is to be not less than the strength deck
values given in Tab 2.
Inner side 1,7 + 0,013Lk1/2 + 4,5s
2.3 Bilge plating Weather strength deck and trunk
deck, if any (2)
2.3.1 The bilge plating net thickness is to be not less than • area within 0,4L amidships
the net thickness obtained from: - longitudinal framing 2,1 + 0,032Lk1/2 + 4,5s
• [3.3.1] for longitudinally framed bilges - transverse framing 2,1 + 0,040Lk1/2 + 4,5s
• [3.4.1] for transversely framed bilges. • area outside 0,4 L amidships (3)
• between hatchways 2,1 + 0,013Lk1/2 + 4,5s
The net thickness of longitudinally framed bilge plating is to
• at fore and aft part 2,1 + 0,013Lk1/2 + 4,5s
be not less than that required for the adjacent bottom or
side plating, whichever is the greater. Cargo deck
The net thickness of transversely framed bilge plating may • general 9,7sk1/2
be taken not greater than that required for the adjacent bot- • wheeled load only 4,5
tom or side plating, whichever is the greater.
Accommodation deck 1,3 + 0,004Lk1/2 + 4,5s

2.4 Inner bottom of cargo holds intended to Platform in engine room 1,7 + 0,013Lk1/2 + 4,5s
carry dry cargo Transverse watertight bulkhead 1,3 + 0,004Lk1/2 + 4,5s
2.4.1 For ships with one of the following service notations: Longitudinal watertight bulkhead 1,7 + 0,013Lk1/2 + 4,5s
• general cargo ship, intended to carry dry bulk cargo in Tank and wash bulkhead 1,7 + 0,013Lk1/2 + 4,5s
• bulk carrier ESP (1) Not applicable to ships with one of the service nota-
tions passenger ship and ro-ro passenger ship. For such
• ore carrier ESP ships, refer to the applicable requirements of Part E.
• combination carrier ESP (2) Not applicable to ships with the following service
the inner bottom and sloping plating net thickness is to be notations:
increased by 2 mm unless they are protected by a continu- • ro-ro cargo ship
ous wooden ceiling. • liquefied gas carrier
• passenger ship
• ro-ro passenger ship.
2.5 Sheerstrake
For such ships, refer to the applicable requirements of
2.5.1 Welded sheerstrake Part E.
The net thickness of a welded sheerstrake is to be not less (3) The minimum net thickness is to be obtained by line-
than that of the adjacent side plating, taking into account arly interpolating between that required for the area
higher strength steel corrections if needed. within 0,4 L amidships and that at the fore and aft part.

164 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 3

2.5.2 Rounded sheerstrake 3.2 Load model

The net thickness of a rounded sheerstrake is to be not less
than the actual net thickness of the adjacent deck plating. 3.2.1 General
The still water and wave lateral pressures induced by the
2.5.3 Net thickness of the sheerstrake in way of sea and the various types of cargoes and ballast in intact
breaks of long superstructures conditions are to be considered, depending on the location
The net thickness of the sheerstrake is to be increased in of the plating under consideration and the type of the com-
way of breaks of long superstructures occurring within partments adjacent to it, in accordance with Sec 1, [1.4].
0,5L amidships, over a length of about one sixth of the The plating of bulkheads or inner side which constitute the
ship’s breadth on each side of the superstructure end. boundary of compartments not intended to carry liquids is
This increase in net thickness is to be equal to 40%, without to be subjected to lateral pressure in flooding conditions.
exceeding 4,5 mm.
3.2.2 Lateral pressure in intact conditions
Where the breaks of superstructures occur outside 0,5L
The lateral pressure in intact conditions is constituted by
amidships, the increase in net thickness may be reduced to
still water pressure and wave pressure.
30%, without exceeding 2,5 mm.
Still water pressure (pS) includes:
2.5.4 Net thickness of the sheerstrake in way of • the still water sea pressure, defined in Sec 1, [4]
breaks of short superstructures
• the still water internal pressure, defined in Sec 1, [5.1]
The net thickness of the sheerstrake is to be increased in
to Sec 1, [5.7] for the various types of cargoes and for
way of breaks of short superstructures occurring within 0,6L
amidships, over a length of about one sixth of the ship’s
breadth on each side of the superstructure end. Wave pressure (pW) includes:
This increase in net thickness is to be equal to 15%, without • the wave pressure, defined in Sec 1, [4]
exceeding 4,5 mm. • the inertial pressure, defined in Sec 1, [5.1] to Sec 1,
[5.7] for the various types of cargoes and for ballast.
2.6 Stringer plate
3.2.3 Lateral pressure in flooding conditions
2.6.1 General The lateral pressure in flooding conditions is constituted by
The net thickness of the stringer plate is to be not less than the still water pressure pSF and wave pressure pWF defined in
the actual net thickness of the adjacent deck plating. Sec 1, [5.8].

2.6.2 Net thickness of the stringer plate in way of 3.2.4 In-plane hull girder normal stresses
breaks of long superstructures The in-plane hull girder normal stresses to be considered for
The net thickness of the stringer plate is to be increased in the strength check of plating are obtained, at any hull trans-
way of breaks of long superstructures occurring within 0,5L verse section, from the formulae in Tab 3.
amidships, over a length of about one sixth of the ship’s
breadth on each side of the superstructure end. 3.3 Longitudinally framed plating contribut-
This increase in net thickness is to be equal to 40%, without
ing to the hull girder longitudinal
exceeding 4,5 mm. strength
Where the breaks of superstructures occur outside 0,5L 3.3.1 General
amidships, the increase in net thickness may be reduced to The net thickness of laterally loaded plate panels subjected
30%, without exceeding 2,5 mm. to in-plane normal stress acting on the shorter sides is to be
not less than the value obtained, in mm, from the following
2.6.3 Net thickness of the stringer plate in way of
breaks of short superstructures
The net thickness of the stringer plate is to be increased in S2 pS + W 2 pW
t = 14 ,9 c a c r s  R  m ----------------------------------
way of breaks of short superstructures occurring within 0,6L L Ry
amidships, over a length of about one sixth of the ship’s where:
breadth on each side of the superstructure end.
 x 1 2 x1
This increase in net thickness is to be equal to 15%, without L = 1 – 0 ,95   m ------- – 0 ,225  m -------
exceeding 4,5 mm. Ry  Ry

3.3.2 Flooding conditions

3 Strength check of plating subjected The plating of bulkheads or inner side which constitute the
to lateral pressure boundary of compartments not intended to carry liquids is
to be checked in flooding conditions. To this end, its net
3.1 General thickness is to be not less than the value obtained, in mm,
from the following formula:
3.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply for the
 S 2 p S F +  W 2 p WF
strength check of plating subjected to lateral pressure and, t = 14 ,9 c a c r s  R  m --------------------------------------
L Ry
for plating contributing to the longitudinal strength, to in-
plane hull girder normal stresses. where L is defined in [3.3.1].

RINA Rules 2024 165

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 3

Table 3 : Hull girder normal stresses

Condition Hull girder normal stresses X1 , in N/mm 2

Plating contributing to the hull girder  100 + 1 ,2  L M – 65   Z R E Q

longitudinal strength z=0 ------------------------------------------------------ -----------F S

 X 1 ,B –  X 1 ,N
0 < z < 0,25D  X1 ,B – -----------------------------
0 ,25D

 50 + 0 ,6  L M – 65  
0,25D z 0,75D --------------------------------------------------- F S

 X1 ,D –  X1 ,N
0,75D < z < D  X 1 ,N + ------------------------------
-  z – 0 ,75D 
0 ,25D

 100 + 1 ,2  L M – 65   Z R E Q
zD -----------------------------------------------------
- -----------F S

Plating not contributing to the hull girder longitudinal strength 0

Note 1:
LM : Ship’s length, in m, defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [3.1], but to be taken not less than 65 m
ZREQ : the greater of ZR and ZR,MIN , in m3, defined in Sec 2, [3.2]
ZAB ,Z AD : Section moduli at bottom and deck, respectively, in m3, defined in Sec 2, [1.3], but to be taken not greater than 2ZREQ
kB, kN, kD : Material factor k for bottom, neutral axis area and deck, respectively
FS : Distribution factor defined in Tab 4 (see also Fig 1)
X1,B : Reference value X1 calculated for z = 0
X1,N : Reference value X1 calculated for z = 0,5D
X1,D : Reference value X1 calculated for z = D

Figure 1 : Distribution factor FS

Table 4 : Distribution factor FS

Hull transverse section location Distribution factor FS

0  x  0,1 L 0

0,1 L < x < 0,3 L 5 --- – 0 ,5

0,3 L  x  0,7 L 1

0,7 L < x < 0,9 L 4 ,5 – 5 x---

L 3.4.2 Flooding conditions
0,9 L  x  L 0 The plating of bulkheads or inner side which constitute the
boundary of compartments not intended to carry liquids is
to be checked in flooding conditions. To this end, its net
3.4 Transversely framed plating contribut-
thickness is to be not less than the value obtained, in mm,
ing to the hull girder longitudinal from the following formula:
 S 2 p S F +  W2 p WF
3.4.1 General t = 17 ,2 c a c r s  R  m --------------------------------------
T R y
The net thickness of laterally loaded plate panels subjected
to in-plane normal stress acting on the longer sides is to be where T is defined in [3.4.1].
not less than the value obtained, in mm, from the following
formula: 3.5 Plating not contributing to the hull
 S2 p S +  W 2 p W girder longitudinal strength
t = 17 ,2 c a c r s  R m ----------------------------------
T Ry
3.5.1 General
The net thickness of plate panels subjected to lateral pres-
x1 sure is to be not less than the value obtained, in mm, from
 T = 1 – 0 ,89 m -------
Ry the following formula:

166 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 3

 S2 p S + W 2 p W n : Number of wheels on the plate panel, taken

t = 14 ,9 c a c r s  R  m ---------------------------------- equal to:
• 1 in the case of a single wheel
3.5.2 Flooding conditions • the number of wheels in a group of wheels
The plating of bulkheads or inner side which constitute the in the case of double or triple wheels
boundary of compartments not intended to carry liquids is P0 : Wheeled force, in kN, taken equal to:
to be checked in flooding conditions. To this end, its net P 0 =  S 2 F S + 0 ,4 W 2 F W ,Z
thickness is to be not less than the value obtained, in mm,
from the following formula: 4.3.2 When the tyre print area is not known, it may be
taken equal to:
 S2 p SF + W 2 p W F
t = 14 ,9 c a c r s  R  m -------------------------------------- nQ A
Ry A T = 9 81 ------------
nW p T
4 Strength check of plating subjected n : Number of wheels on the plate panel, defined
to wheeled loads in [4.3.1]
QA : Axle load, in t
4.1 General nW : Number of wheels for the axle considered
pT : Tyre pressure, in kN/m2. When the tyre pressure
4.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply for the is not indicated by the designer, it may be taken
strength check of plating subjected to wheeled loads. as defined in Tab 5.

4.2 Load model Table 5 : Tyre pressures pT for vehicles

4.2.1 General Tyre pressure pT , in kN/m2

Vehicle type
The still water and inertial forces induced by the sea and the Pneumatic tyres Solid rubber tyres
various types of wheeled vehicles are to be considered,
Private cars 250 Not applicable
depending on the location of the plating.
Vans 600 Not applicable
4.2.2 Wheeled forces
Trucks and trailers 800 Not applicable
The wheeled force applied by one wheel is constituted by
still water force and inertial force. Handling machines 1100 1600

Still water force is the vertical force (FS) defined in Sec 1, 4.3.3 For vehicles with the four wheels of the axle located
Tab 11. on a plate panel as shown in Fig 2, the net thickness of deck
Inertial force is the vertical force (FW,Z) defined in Sec 1, plating is to be not less than the greater of the values
Tab 11, for load case “b”, with the acceleration aZ1 calcu- obtained, in mm, from the following formulae:
lated at x = 0,5L. t = t1
0 ,5
t = t 2  1 + 2 + 3 + 4 
4.3 Plating where:
4.3.1 (1/7/2009) t1 : Net thickness obtained from [4.3.1] for n = 2,
The net thickness of plate panels subjected to wheeled considering one group of two wheels located on
loads is to be not less than the value obtained, in mm, from the plate panel
the following formula: t2 : Net thickness obtained from [4.3.1] for n = 1,
considering one wheel located on the plate
0 ,5
t = C W L  nP 0 k  – tc panel
where: 2, 3, 4: Coefficients obtained from the following for-
mula, by replacing i by 2, 3 and 4, respectively
CWL : Coefficient to be taken equal to:
(see Fig 2):
0 ,05  0 ,5 • for xi/b < 2:
CW L = 2 15 – --------------- + 0 ,02  4 – --  – 1 ,75
0 ,25
s  s 2 3
 i = 0 ,8  1 ,2 – 2 ,02 i + 1 ,17 i – 0 ,23 i 
where /s is to be taken not greater than 3 • for xi/b  2:
A i = 0
 = ------T where  is to be taken not greater than 5s
s xi : Distance, in m, from the wheel considered to
AT : Tyre print area, in m 2 (see Fig 2). In the case of the reference wheel (see Fig 2)
double or triple wheels, the area is that corre- b : Dimension, in m, of the plate panel side per-
sponding to the group of wheels. pendicular to the axle

RINA Rules 2024 167

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 3

x X1 is to be taken as the maximum compression stress on

 i = ----i
b the plate panel considered.
In no case may X1 be taken less than 30/k N/mm2.
Figure 2 : Four wheel axle located on a plate panel
When the ship in still water is always in hogging condition,
X1 may be evaluated by means of direct calculations when
justified on the basis of the ship’s characteristics and
intended service. The calculations are to be submitted to
the Society for approval.

Figure 3 : Buckling of a simply supported rectangular

plate panel subjected to compression and bending

5 Buckling check for ships equal to or

greater than 65 m in length

5.1 General

5.1.1 Application
The requirements of this Article apply for the buckling
check of plating subjected to in-plane hull girder compres-
sion stresses, in ships equal to or greater than 65m in
length. 5.3 Critical stresses
Rectangular plate panels are considered as being simply 5.3.1 Compression and bending for plane panel
supported. For specific designs, other boundary conditions
The critical buckling stress is to be obtained, in N/mm2,
may be considered, at the Society’s discretion, provided that
from the following formulae:
the necessary information is submitted for review.
 c = E for E  -------
5.1.2 Compression and bending 2
For plate panels subjected to compression and bending ReH ReH
 c = R e H  1 – --------- for E  -------
along one side, as shown in Fig 3, side “b” is to be taken as  4  E 2
the loaded side. In such case, the compression stress varies
linearly from 1 to2 = 1 () along edge “b”. where:
E : Euler buckling stress, to be obtained, in N/mm2,
5.2 Load model from the following formula:
 2 E -  t------
 E = ------------------------- n e t
- K 1   10 –6
5.2.1 Sign convention for normal stresses 12  1 –  2   b 
The sign convention for normal stresses is as follows:
K1 : Buckling factor defined in Tab 7
• tension: positive
 : Coefficient to be taken equal to:
• compression: negative.
•  = 1,00 for 
5.2.2 In-plane hull girder compression normal •  = 1,05 for <and side “b” stiffened by
stresses flat bar
The in-plane hull girder compression normal stresses to be •  = 1,10 for <and side “b” stiffened by
considered for the buckling check of plating contributing to bulb section
the longitudinal strength are obtained, in N/mm 2, from the
•  = 1,21 for <and side “b” stiffened by
following formula:
angle or T-section
 X1 =  S1  S1 +  W 1  WV1 •  = 1,30 for <and side “b” stiffened by
where S1 and WV1 are the hull girder normal stresses, in primary supporting members.
N/mm2, defined in Tab 6.  = a/b

168 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 3

Table 6 : Hull girder normal compression stresses

Condition S1 , in N/mm2 (1) WV1 , in N/mm 2

M S W ,S –3 0 ,625M WV ,S –3
zN --------------  z – N 10 ------------------------------  z – N 10

M S W ,H –3 0 ,625M W V ,H –3
z<N ---------------  z – N 10 -  z – N 10

(1) When the ship in still water is always in hogging condition, S1 for z  N is to be obtained, in N/mm2, from the following for-
mula, unless X1 is evaluated by means of direct calculations (see [5.2.2]):
MS W ,H m in –3
 S1 = ---------------------
-  z – N 10

5.3.2 Compression for corrugation flanges stiffeners located on the plate panel satisfy the buckling
The critical buckling stress is to be obtained, in N/mm2, checks as specified in Sec 4, [4].
from the following formulae:
Figure 4 : Dimensions of a corrugation
R eH
c =  E for  E  -------
R eH R eH
c = R eH  1 – --------- for  E  -------
4 E 2
E : Euler buckling stress, to be obtained, in N/mm 2,
from the following formula:
2 E t
-  ----f   K 5  10 –6 
 E = -------------------------
12  1 –  2   V
K5 : Buckling factor to be taken equal to:

tw  V V 2 
K 5 =  1 + ----  3 + 0 ,5 ----- – 0 ,33  ----- 
 tf   V  V

5.4.2 Compression and bending
tf : Net thickness, in mm, of the corrugation flange For plate panels subjected to compression and bending on
tw : Net thickness, in mm, of the corrugation web one side, the critical buckling stress is to comply with the
V, V’ : Dimensions of a corrugation, in m, as shown in following formula:
Fig 4. c
----------  b
R m
5.4 Checking criteria where:
5.4.1 Acceptance of results c : Critical buckling stress, in N/mm2, defined in
The net thickness of plate panels is to be such as to satisfy [5.3.1] or [5.3.2], as the case may be
the buckling check, as indicated in [5.4.2]. When the buck- b : Compression stress, in N/mm2, acting on side
ling criteria is exceeded by less than 15 %, the scantlings “b” of the plate panel, to be calculated as speci-
may still be considered as acceptable, provided that the fied in [5.2.2].

RINA Rules 2024 169

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 3

Table 7 : Buckling factor K1 for plate panels

Load pattern Aspect ratio Buckling factor K1

0  8 ,4
 -------------------
 + 1 ,1
1 2 2 ,1
  + ---
< -------------------
   + 1 ,1

 1   
 1 +  K 1 – K 1 + 10  1 +  

 – -  2
------------ --- 23 ,9  1 – -
2 3  2 

 
1– 2  1 ,87 1 –  2 1 –  2
 -------------  ---
2 3  15 ,87 + -------------------------2 + 8 ,6   -------------   -------------
  1 – -
2  2
  2  

Note 1:
 = -----

1  : Value of K1 calculated for  = 0

K 1 : Value of K1 calculated for  = 1

170 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 4


For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to the list at  - 3
the beginning of this Chapter.  =  1 + 50 ------
 h W
pS : Still water pressure, in kN/m 2, see [3.3.2]
pW : Wave pressure, in kN/m2, see [3.3.2] 1 General
pSF, pWF : Still water and wave pressure, in kN/m2, in
flooding conditions, defined in Sec 1, [5.8] 1.1 Application
FS : Still water wheeled force, in kN, see [3.3.4]
1.1.1 (1/7/2003)
FW,Z : Inertial wheeled force, in kN, see [3.3.4]
For ships less than 65 m in length, the criteria in App 1 may
X1 : Hull girder normal stress, in N/mm 2, defined in: be used for the strength check of ordinary stiffeners as an
• [3.3.5] for the yielding check of ordinary alternative to those contained in this Section.
• [4.2.2] for the buckling check of ordinary 1.2 Net scantlings
stiffeners for ships equal to or greater than
65 m in length 1.2.1 As specified in Ch 4, Sec 2, [1], all scantlings
referred to in this section are net, i.e. they do not include
ReH : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm , of the stiffener
any margin for corrosion.
material, defined in Ch 4, Sec 1, [2]
The gross scantlings are obtained as specified in Ch 4,
s : Spacing, in m, of ordinary stiffeners
Sec 2.
 : Span, in m, of ordinary stiffeners, measured
between the supporting members, see Ch 4,
1.3 Partial safety factors
Sec 3, [3.2]
hw : Stiffener web height, in mm 1.3.1 The partial safety factors to be considered for the
tw : Net web thickness, in mm checking of the ordinary stiffeners are specified in Tab 1.

bf : Face plate width, in mm

1.4 Load point
tf : Net face plate thickness, in mm
bp : Width, in m, of the plating attached to the stiff- 1.4.1 Lateral pressure
ener, for the yielding check, defined in Ch 4,
Unless otherwise specified, lateral pressure is to be calcu-
Sec 3, [3.3.1]
lated at mid-span of the ordinary stiffener considered.
be : Width, in m, of the plating attached to the stiff-
ener, for the buckling check, defined in [4.1] 1.4.2 Hull girder stresses
tp : Net thickness, in mm, of the attached plating For longitudinal ordinary stiffeners contributing to the hull
w : Net section modulus, in cm , of the stiffener,
3 girder longitudinal strength, the hull girder bending stresses
with an attached plating of width bp , to be cal- are to be calculated in way of the neutral axis of the stiffener
culated as specified in Ch 4, Sec 3, [3.4]
Ae : Net sectional area, in cm 2, of the stiffener with
attached plating of width be 1.5 Net dimensions of ordinary stiffeners
ASh : Net shear sectional area, in cm 2, of the stiffener, 1.5.1 Flat bar
to be calculated as specified in Ch 4, Sec 3,
[3.4] The net dimensions of a flat bar ordinary stiffener (see Fig 1)
are to comply with the following requirements:
Ie : Net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the stiffener
with attached shell plating of width b e about its hw
------  20 k
neutral axis parallel to the plating tw

RINA Rules 2024 171

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 4

Table 1 : Ordinary stiffeners - Partial safety factors

Partial safety factors Yielding check Buckling check

covering uncertainties regard- Symbol General Watertight bulkhead ordinary stiffeners (1) for L  65 m
ing: (see [3.3] to [3.5]) (see [3.6]) (see [4])

Still water hull girder loads S1 Not applicable Not applicable 1,00

Wave hull girder loads W1 Not applicable Not applicable 1,15

Still water pressure S2 1,00 1,00 Not applicable

Wave pressure W2 1,20 1,05 Not applicable

Material m 1,02 1,02 1,02

Resistance R 1,02 1,02 (2) 1,10

(1) Applies also to ordinary stiffeners of bulkheads or inner side which constitute boundary of compartments not intended to carry
(2) For ordinary stiffeners of the collision bulkhead, R =1,25.

Figure 1 : Net dimensions of a flat bar 1.5.3 Angle

The net dimensions of an angle ordinary stiffener (see Fig 3)
are to comply with the two following requirements:
-----w-  55 k
----  16 ,5 k
hw t w
b f t f  ----------

Figure 3 : Net dimensions of an angle

1.5.2 T-section

The net dimensions of a T-section ordinary stiffener (see

Fig 2) are to comply with the following two requirements:

-----w-  55 k
----  33 k
hw tw
b f t f  ----------

Figure 2 : Net dimensions of a T-section

2 General requirements

2.1 General
2.1.1 The requirements in [2.2] and [2.4] are to be applied
to ordinary stiffeners in addition of those in [3] and [4].

2.2 Minimum net thicknesses

2.2.1 The net thickness of the web of ordinary stiffeners is
to be not less than the lesser of:
• the value obtained, in mm, from the following formula:
tMIN = (0,8 + 0,004Lk1/2 + 4,5s) cT
• the net as built thickness of the attached plating

172 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 4

where cT is a coefficient equal to: pSTD : Pressure, in kN/m2, in double bottom at mid-
span of the strut equal to:
c T = 0 ,7 + ------- for L  25m pSTD = S2pS + W2 pW
2T  : Span, in m, of transverse ordinary stiffeners con-
c T = 0 ,85 + ------- fo r 25m  L  40m
L stituting the open floor (see Ch 4, Sec 3, [3.2.2])
c T = 1 ,0 for L  40m ST : Length, in m, of the strut
cT may be taken not greater than 1,0. AAST : Actual net sectional area, in cm2, of the strut.

2.3 Minimum net section modulus of side 3 Yielding check

vertical ordinary stiffeners
3.1 General
2.3.1 The net section modulus of side vertical ordinary
stiffeners is to be not less than the value obtained, in cm 3, 3.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply for the yield-
from the following formula: ing check of ordinary stiffeners subjected to lateral pressure
WMIN =   s    B
1 5 or wheeled loads and, for ordinary stiffeners contributing to
the hull girder longitudinal strength, to hull girder normal
where: stresses.
 : Coefficient to be taken equal to:
3.1.2 The yielding check is also to be carried out for ordi-
•  = 0,75 for side vertical ordinary stiffeners
nary stiffeners subjected to specific loads, such as concen-
located below the freeboard deck
trated loads.
•  = 0,65 for side vertical ordinary stiffeners
located above the freeboard deck 3.2 Structural model
In the area between 0,8 L from the aft end and
the collision bulkhead,  is to be increased by 3.2.1 Boundary conditions
10%. The requirements in [3.4] and [3.6] apply to stiffeners con-
B : Breadth of the ship, in m, with: sidered as clamped at both ends, whose end connections
comply with the requirements in [3.2.2].
• 6 m < B < 9 m for ships less than or equal to
50 m in length The requirements in [3.5] apply to stiffeners considered as
simply supported at both ends. Other boundary conditions
• L/7 < B < L/6 for ships greater than 50 m in
may be considered by the Society on a case by case basis,
depending on the distribution of wheeled loads.

2.4 Struts of open floors For other boundary conditions, the yielding check will be
considered on a case by case basis.
2.4.1 The sectional area A ST, in cm 2, and the moment of
3.2.2 Bracket arrangement
inertia IST about the main axes, in cm 4, of struts of open
The requirements of this Article apply to ordinary stiffeners
floors are to be not less than the values obtained from the
without end brackets, with a 45° bracket at one end or with
following formulae:
two 45° equal end brackets, where the bracket length is not
p ST s less than 0,1.
A ST = -------------
In the case of ordinary stiffeners with two 45° end brackets
0 ,75s  p ST B + p STU A A ST  ST of different length (in no case less than 0,1), the minimum
I ST = ----------------------------------------------------------------------
47 ,2A A ST – s  p ST B + p STU  section modulus and shear sectional area are considered by
where: the Society on a case by case basis. In general, an accept-
able solution consists in applying the criteria for equal
pST : Pressure to be taken equal to the greater of the
brackets, considering both brackets as having length equal
values obtained, in kN/m 2, from the following
to 0,1.
In the case of significantly different bracket arrangement,
pST = 0,5 (pSTB + pSTU)
the minimum section modulus and shear sectional area are
pST = pSTD considered by the Society on a case by case basis.
pSTB : Sea pressure, in kN/m 2, acting on the bottom in
way of the strut equal to: 3.3 Load model
pSTB = S2pS + W2pW
3.3.1 General
pSTU : Pressure, in kN/m2, acting on the inner bottom
The still water and wave lateral loads induced by the sea
in way of the strut due to the load in the tank or and the various types of cargoes and ballast in intact condi-
hold above, equal to: tions are to be considered, depending on the location of the
pSTU = S2pS + W2pW ordinary stiffener under consideration and the type of the

RINA Rules 2024 173

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 4

compartments adjacent to it, in accordance with Sec 1, 3.3.3 Lateral pressure in flooding conditions
The lateral pressure in flooding conditions is constituted by
Ordinary stiffeners of bulkheads or inner side which consti- the still water pressure pSF and wave pressure pWF defined in
tute the boundary of compartments not intended to carry Sec 1, [5.8].
liquids are to be subjected to the lateral pressure in flooding
3.3.4 Wheeled forces
3.3.2 Lateral pressure in intact conditions The wheeled force applied by one wheel is constituted by
Lateral pressure in intact conditions is constituted by still still water force and inertial force.
water pressure and wave pressure.
Still water pressure (p S) includes: Still water force is the vertical force (FS) defined in Sec 1,
Tab 11.
• the still water sea pressure, defined in Sec 1, [4]
• the still water internal pressure, defined in Sec 1, [5.1] Inertial force is the vertical force (FW,Z) defined in Sec 1,
to Sec 1, [5.7] for the various types of cargoes and for Tab 11.
Wave pressure (pW) includes: 3.3.5 Hull girder normal stresses
• the wave pressure, defined in Sec 1, [4] The hull girder normal stresses to be considered for the
• the inertial pressure, defined in Sec 1, [5.1] to Sec 1, yielding check of ordinary stiffeners are obtained, at any
[5.7] for the various types of cargoes and for ballast. hull transverse section, from the formulae in Tab 2.

Table 2 : Hull girder normal stresses

Condition Hull girder normal stresses X1, in N/mm 2

Longitudinal ordinary stiffeners contributing  100 + 1 ,2  L M – 65   Z R E Q

to the hull girder longitudinal strength z=0 ------------------------------------------------------ -----------F S

 X 1 ,B –  X 1 ,N
0 < z < 0,25D  X1 ,B – -----------------------------
0 ,25D

 50 + 0 ,6  L M – 65  
0,25D  z  0,75D --------------------------------------------------- F S

 X1 ,D –  X1 ,N
0,75D < z < D  X 1 ,N + ------------------------------
-  z – 0 ,75D 
0 ,25D

 100 + 1 ,2  L M – 65   Z R E Q
zD -----------------------------------------------------
- -----------F S

Longitudinal ordinary stiffeners not contributing to the hull girder lon- 0

gitudinal strength
Transverse ordinary stiffeners 0
Note 1:
LM : Ship’s length, in m, defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [3.1], but to be taken not less than 65 m
ZREQ : the greater of ZR and ZR,MIN, in m3, defined in Sec 2, [3.2]
ZAB,Z AD : Section moduli at bottom and deck, respectively, in m3, defined in Sec 2, [1.3], but to be taken not greater than 2ZREQ
kB, kN, kD : Material factor k for bottom, neutral axis area and deck, respectively
FS : Distribution factor defined in Tab 3 (see also Fig 4)
X1,B : Reference value X1 calculated for z = 0
X1,N : Reference value X1 calculated for z = 0,5D
X1,D : Reference value X1 calculated for z = D

174 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 4

Table 3 : Distribution factor FS Table 4 : Coefficients b and s

Hull transverse section location Distribution factor F S

End bracket arrangement b s
0  x  0,1 L 0 No bracket at ends 1,0 1,0
45° bracket of length not
0,1 L < x < 0,3 L 5 x--- – 0 ,5 0 ,53 + 0 ,47-
--------------------------------- 0 ,59 + 0 ,41-
L less than 0,1at one end 0 ,65 + 0 ,34 0 ,65 + 0 ,34

0,3 L  x  0,7 L 1 45° equal brackets of

0 ,51 – 0 ,05
length not less than 0,1 --------------------------------- 0,8
x 0 ,8 + 0 ,2
0,7 L < x < 0,9 L 4 ,5 – 5 --- at both ends

0,9 L  x  L 0 3.4.4 Vertical ordinary stiffeners

The net section modulus w, in cm3, and the net shear sec-
Figure 4 : Distribution factor FS tional area ASh , in cm 2, of vertical ordinary stiffeners are to
be not less than the values obtained from the following for-

 S 2  bS p S +  W 2  bW p W  s
- 1 – ------ s 10
2 3
w =  R  m  b ---------------------------------------------------
12 R y  2
 S 2  sS p S + W 2  s W p W  s
-  1 – ------ s
A S h = 10 R  m  s --------------------------------------------------
Ry 2

b , s : Coefficients defined in Tab 4
pSd – pSu
 bS = 1 + 0 ,2 --------------------
pSd + pSu
3.4 Net section modulus and net shear sec- p W d – p Wu
 bW = 1 + 0 ,2 ------------------------
tional area of ordinary stiffeners sub- p W d + p Wu
jected to lateral pressure in intact pSd – pSu
 s S = 1 + 0 ,4 --------------------
condition pSd + pSu
p Wd – p W u
 s W = 1 + 0 ,4 ------------------------
3.4.1 General p Wd + p W u
The requirements in [3.4.3] and [3.4.4] provide the required pSd : Still water pressure, in kN/m2, at the lower end
net section modulus and net shear sectional area of an ordi- of the ordinary stiffener considered
nary stiffener subjected to lateral pressure in intact condi- pSu : Still water pressure, in kN/m2, at the upper end
of the ordinary stiffener considered
3.4.2 Groups of equal ordinary stiffeners pWd : Wave induced pressure, in kN/m2, at the lower
Where a group of equal ordinary stiffeners is fitted, it is end of the ordinary stiffener considered.
acceptable that the minimum net section modulus in [3.4.1] pWu : Wave induced pressure, in kN/m2, at the upper
is calculated as the average of the values required for all the end of the ordinary stiffener considered
stiffeners of the same group, but this average is to be taken
not less than 90% of the maximum required value. 3.5 Net section modulus and net shear sec-
The same applies for the minimum net shear sectional area. tional area of ordinary stiffeners sub-
jected to wheeled loads
3.4.3 Longitudinal and transverse ordinary
stiffeners (1/1/2021) 3.5.1 The net section modulus w, in cm 3, and the net
The net section modulus w, in cm , and the net shear sec- 3
shear sectional area ASh , in cm2, of ordinary stiffeners sub-
tional area A Sh, in cm 2, of longitudinal or transverse ordi- jected to wheeled loads are to be not less than the values
nary stiffeners are to be not less than the values obtained obtained from the following formulae:
from the following formulae:
S P0  3
w =  R m ---------------------------------------10
 S2 p S + W 2 p W  s 6  R y –  R  m  X1 
- 1 – ------ s 10
2 3
w =  R  m b ------------------------------------------
12  R y –  R  m  X1   2  T P0
A S h = 20 R  m -----------
 S2 p S +  W 2 p W  s
A Sh = 10 R  m  s ---------------------------------- 1 – ------ s
Ry  2  where:
where b and s are the coefficients defined in Tab 4. P0 : Wheeled force, in kN, taken equal to:
P 0 =  S 2 F S + 0 ,4 W 2 F W ,Z

RINA Rules 2024 175

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 4

 S,  T : Coefficients taking account of the number of 3.6.4 Vertical ordinary stiffeners (1/7/2022)
axles and wheels per axle considered as acting The net section modulus w, in cm3, and the net shear sec-
on the stiffener, defined in Tab 5 (see Fig 5). tional area ASh , in cm 2, of vertical ordinary stiffeners are to
be not less than the values obtained from the following for-
Figure 5 : Wheeled load on stiffeners - Double axles mulae:
 S 2  bS p S F +  W 2  bW p WF  s
- 1 – ------ s 10
2 3
w =  R  m  b -------------------------------------------------------
12c P R y  2
 S 2  sS p S F +  W2  s W p W F  s
- 1 – ------ s
A S h = 10 R  m  s ------------------------------------------------------
Ry  2 
b, s : Coefficients defined in [3.4.3]
cP : Ratio defined in [3.6.3]
pSFd – pSFu
 bS = 1 + 0 ,2 ------------------------
pSFd + pSFu
p W F d – p WF u
 bW = 1 + 0 ,2 ----------------------------
p WF d + p WF u
pSFd – pSFu
 s S = 1 + 0 ,4 ------------------------
pSFd + pSFu
3.6 Net section modulus and net shear sec-
p WF d – p WF u
tional area of ordinary stiffeners sub-  s W = 1 + 0 ,4 ----------------------------
p WF d + p W F u
jected to lateral pressure in flooding
pSFd : Still water pressure, in kN/m2, in flooding con-
ditions, at the lower end of the ordinary stiffener
3.6.1 General considered
The requirements in [3.6.1] to [3.6.4] apply to ordinary stiff- pSFu : Still water pressure, in kN/m2, in flooding con-
eners of bulkheads or inner side which constitute boundary ditions, at the upper end of the ordinary stiffener
of compartments not intended to carry liquids. considered
These ordinary stiffeners are to be checked in flooding con- pWFd : Wave pressure, in kN/m2, in flooding condi-
ditions as specified in [3.6.3] and [3.6.4], depending on the tions, at the lower end of the ordinary stiffener
type of stiffener. considered.
pWFu : Wave pressure, in kN/m2, in flooding condi-
3.6.2 Groups of equal ordinary stiffeners tions, at the upper end of the ordinary stiffener
Where a group of equal ordinary stiffeners is fitted, it is considered
acceptable that the minimum net section modulus in [3.6.1]
is calculated as the average of the values required for all the
4 Buckling check for ships equal to or
stiffeners of the same group, but this average is to be taken
not less than 90% of the maximum required value. greater than 65 m in length
The same applies for the minimum net shear sectional area.
4.1 Width of attached plating
3.6.3 Longitudinal and transverse ordinary
stiffeners (1/7/2022) 4.1.1 The width of the attached plating to be considered
The net section modulus w, in cm3, and the net shear sec- for the buckling check of the ordinary stiffeners is to be
obtained, in m, from the following formulae:
tional area ASh , in cm 2, of longitudinal or transverse ordi-
nary stiffeners are to be not less than the values obtained • where no local buckling occurs on the attached plating
from the following formulae: (see Sec 3, [5.4.1]):
be = s
 S2 p SF +  W2 p WF  s
1 – ------ s 10
2 3
w =  R  m b ------------------------------------------------ • where local buckling occurs on the attached plating (see
12 c P  R y –  R  m  X1   2 
Sec 3, [5.4.1]):
 S2 p SF +  W 2 p WF  s
A S h = 10 R  m s --------------------------------------  1 – 2 s 2 ,25 1 ,25
Ry b e =  ----------- – ----------- s
e e2 
to be taken not greater than s,
b, s : Coefficients defined in [3.4.3]
cP : Ratio of the plastic section modulus to the elas-
tic section modulus of the ordinary stiffeners s b 3
 e = --- -----10
with an attached shell plating b p , to be taken tp E
equal to 1,16 in the absence of more precise b : Compression stress X1, in N/mm 2, acting on
evaluation. the plate panel, defined in Sec 3, [5.2.2].

176 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 4

Table 5 : Wheeled load on stiffeners - Coefficients S and T

Single axle Double axles

S T S T
Single wheel

d 2 d
1 1 0 ,5  2 – --- 2 + ---
  

Double wheels

y y  1 – y---  2 – d y d
2  1 – --- 2  1 – --- --- 2  1 – ---  2 + ---
 s  s  s    s  

Triple wheels

y y y d 2  3 – 2 y---  2 + d
3 – 2 --- 3 – 2 --- 0 ,5  3 – 2 ---  2 – --- ---
s s  s    s  

Note 1:
d : Distance, in m, between two axles (see Fig 5)
y : Distance, in m, from the external wheel of a group of wheels to the stiffener under consideration, to be taken equal to
the distance from the external wheel to the centre of the group of wheels.

4.2 Load model justified on the basis of the ship’s characteristics and
intended service. The calculations are to be submitted to
4.2.1 Sign convention for normal stresses the Society for approval.
The sign convention for normal stresses is as follows:
• tension: positive 4.3 Critical stress
• compression: negative.
4.3.1 General
4.2.2 Hull girder compression normal stresses
The critical buckling stress c is to be obtained, in N/mm2,
The hull girder compression normal stresses to be consid- from the following formulae:
ered for the buckling check of ordinary stiffeners contribut-
ing to the hull girder longitudinal strength are obtained, in ReH
 c = E for  E  -------
N/mm2, from the following formula: 2
 X1 =  S1  S1 +  W 1  WV 1 ReH ReH
 c = R e H  1 – --------- for  E  -------
 4 E 2
where S1 and WV1 are the hull girder normal stresses, in
N/mm2, defined in Tab 6. where:
For longitudinal stiffeners, X1 is to be taken as the maxi- E = min (E1, E2)
mum compression stress on the stiffener considered. E1 : Euler column buckling stress, in N/mm2, given
In no case may X1 be taken less than 30/k N/mm . 2
in [4.3.2]
When the ship in still water is always in hogging condition, E2 : Euler web buckling stress, in N/mm2, given in
X1 may be evaluated by means of direct calculations when [4.3.3].

RINA Rules 2024 177

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 4

4.3.2 Column buckling of axially loaded stiffeners 4.4 Checking criteria

The Euler column buckling stress is obtained, in N/mm , 2
4.4.1 Stiffeners parallel to the direction of
from the following formula:
Ie The critical buckling stress of the ordinary stiffener is to
 E =  2 E ----------
-2 10 –4
Ae  comply with the following formula:
----------  b
4.3.3 Web buckling of axially loaded stiffeners R m
The Euler buckling stress of the stiffener web is obtained, in where:
N/mm2, from the following formulae: c : Critical buckling stress, in N/mm2, as calculated
• for flat bars: in [4.3.1]
b : Compression stress xb or yb , in N/mm 2, in the
tW 
 E = 16  ------
- 10 stiffener, as calculated in [4.2.2].
 h W

• for stiffeners with face plate: 4.4.2 Stiffeners perpendicular to the direction of
tW  2 4 The net moment of inertia of stiffeners, in cm4, is to be not
 E = 78  ------
- 10
 h W less than 4002.

Table 6 : Hull girder normal compression stresses

Condition S1 in N/mm2 (1) WV1 in N/mm2

M S W ,S –3 0 ,625 MW V ,S –3
zN --------------  z – N 10 ------------------------------  z – N 10

M S W ,H –3 0 ,625M WV , H –3
z<N ---------------  z – N 10 --------------------------------  z – N 10
(1) When the ship in still water is always in hogging condition, S1 for z  N is to be obtained, in N/mm 2, from the following for-
mula, unless X1 is evaluated by means of direct calculations (see [4.2.2]):
M SW ,H m in –3
 S1 = ---------------------
-  z – N 10

Figure 6 : Buckling of stiffeners Figure 7 : Buckling of stiffeners

perpendicular to the direction of compression parallel to the direction of compression

178 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 5


For symbols not defined in this Section, refer to the list at 1.1.2 Analysis criteria
the beginning of this Chapter.
The requirements of this Section apply for the yielding and
pS : Still water pressure, in kN/m , see [3.4.2] and
2 buckling checks of primary supporting members and ana-
[3.4.4] lysed through an isolated beam structural model.

pW : Wave pressure, in kN/m2, see [3.4.2] and 1.1.3 Direct calculations

Direct calculations may be required by the Society when
pSF, pWF : Still water and wave pressures, in kN/m2, in deemed necessary on the basis of the ship’s structural
flooding conditions, defined in Ch 8, Sec 1, arrangement and load conditions. When required, these
[5.8] analyses are to be carried out according to the applicable
requirements in Ch 7, Sec 3, Ch 7, App 1 or Ch 7, App 2.
X1 : Hull girder normal stress, in N/mm 2, defined in
1.2 Net scantlings
s : Spacing, in m, of primary supporting members
1.2.1 As specified in Ch 4, Sec 2, [1], all scantlings
 : Span, in m, of primary supporting members,
referred to in this section are net, i.e. they do not include
measured between the supporting members,
any margin for corrosion.
see Ch 4, Sec 3, [4.1]
The gross scantlings are obtained as specified in Ch 4,
hW : Primary supporting member web height, in mm
Sec 2.
bp : Width, in m, of the plating attached to the pri-
mary supporting member, for the yielding 1.3 Partial safety factors
check, as defined in Ch 4, Sec 3, [4.2]
w : Net section modulus, in cm 3, of the primary 1.3.1 The partial safety factors to be considered for check-
supporting member, with an attached plating of ing primary supporting members are specified in Tab 1.
width b p, to be calculated as specified in Ch 4,
Sec 3, [4.3] 2 Minimum net thicknesses
ASh : Net shear sectional area, in cm2, of the primary
supporting member, to be calculated as speci- 2.1 General
fied in Ch 4, Sec 3, [4.3]
m : Boundary coefficient, to be taken equal to: 2.1.1 The net thickness of plating which forms the webs of
primary supporting members, with the exception of double
• m = 10 in general bottom girders and floors for which specific requirements
are given in [2.2], is to be not less than the lesser of:
• m = 12 for bottom and side girders
• the value obtained, in mm, from the following formula:
 3
 =  1 + 50 ------- tMIN = (3,7 + 0,015Lk1/2) cT
• the thickness of the attached plating

1 General where cT is a coefficient equal to:

1.1 Application 3T
c T = 0 ,7 + ------- for L  25m
1.1.1 Ships less than 65 m in length (1/7/2003) c T = 0 ,85 + ------- for 25 m  L  40m
For ships less than 65 m in length, the criteria in App 1 may c T = 1 ,0 for L  40m
be used for the strength check of primary supporting mem-
bers, as an alternative to those contained in this Section. cT may not be taken greater than 1,0.

RINA Rules 2024 179

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 5

Table 1 : Primary supporting members - Partial safety factors (1/7/2011)

Partial safety factors Yielding check Buckling check

covering uncertainties Symbol General Watertight bulkhead primary sup- of pillars
regarding: (see [3.4] and [3.5]) porting members (1) (see [3.6]) (see [4.1])

Still water hull girder loads S1 Not applicable Not applicable 1,00

Wave hull girder loads W1 Not applicable Not applicable 1,15

Still water pressure S2 1,00 1,00 Not applicable

Wave pressure W2 1,20 1,05 Not applicable

Material m 1,02 1,02 1,02

Resistance R 1,02 in general 1,02 (2) 1,50

1,15 for bottom and side girders
(1) Applies also to primary supporting members of bulkheads or inner side which constitute boundary of compartments not
intended to carry liquids.
(2) For primary supporting members of the collision bulkhead, R =1,25

2.2 Double bottom 3.3.2 Hull girder normal stresses

For longitudinal primary supporting members contributing
2.2.1 The net thickness of plating which forms primary to the hull girder longitudinal strength, the hull girder nor-
supporting members of the double bottom is to be not less mal stresses are to be calculated in way of the face plate of
than the values given in Tab 2. the primary supporting member considered.
For bottom and deck girders, it may generally be assumed
3 Yielding check that the hull girder normal stresses in the face plate are
equal to 0,75 times those in the relevant plating.

3.1 General
3.4 Load model
3.1.1 The requirements of this Article apply for the yield- 3.4.1 General
ing check of primary supporting members subjected to lat-
The still water and wave lateral loads induced by the sea
eral pressure or to wheeled loads and, for those contributing
and the various types of cargoes and ballast in intact condi-
to the hull girder longitudinal strength, to hull girder normal
tions are to be considered, depending on the location of the
primary supporting member under consideration and the
type of compartments adjacent to it, in accordance with
3.1.2 The yielding check is also to be carried out for pri-
Sec 1, [1.4].
mary supporting members subjected to specific loads, such
as concentrated loads. Primary supporting members of bulkheads or inner side
which constitute the boundary of compartments not
intended to carry liquids are to be subjected to the lateral
3.2 Bracket arrangement pressure in flooding conditions.

3.2.1 The requirements of this Article apply to primary 3.4.2 Lateral pressure in intact conditions
supporting members with 45° brackets at both ends of Lateral pressure in intact conditions is constituted by still
length not less than 0,1. water pressure and wave pressure.
In the case of a significantly different bracket arrangement, Still water pressure (pS) includes:
the section modulus and shear sectional area are consid-
• the still water sea pressure, defined in Sec 1, [4]
ered by the Society on a case by case basis.
• the still water internal pressure, defined in Sec 1, [5.1]
to Sec 1, [5.7] for the various types of cargoes and for
3.3 Load point ballast.

3.3.1 Lateral pressure Wave pressure (pW) includes:

Unless otherwise specified, lateral pressure is to be calcu- • the wave pressure, defined in Sec 1, [4]
lated at mid-span of the primary supporting member con- • the inertial pressure, defined in Sec 1, [5.1] to Sec 1,
sidered. [5.7] for the various types of cargoes and for ballast.

180 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 5

Table 2 : Minimum net thicknesses of double bottom primary supporting members

Minimum net thickness, in mm

Primary supporting member
Area within 0,4L amidships Area outside 0,4L amidships
Centre girder 2,1 L 1/3
1,7 L1/3 k 1/6
Side girders 1,4 L1/3 k1/6 1,4 L1/3 k 1/6
Floors 1,4 L1/3 k1/6 1,4 L1/3 k 1/6

3.4.3 Lateral pressure in flooding conditions Figure 2 : Wheeled loads

Distance between two consecutive axles
The lateral pressure in flooding conditions is constituted by
the still water pressure p SF and the wave pressure pWF
defined in Sec 1, [5.8].

3.4.4 Wheeled loads

For primary supporting members subjected to wheeled

loads, the yielding check may be carried out according to
[3.5] considering uniform pressures equivalent to the distri-
bution of vertical concentrated forces, when such forces are
closely located.

For the determination of the equivalent uniform pressures,

the most unfavourable case, i.e. where the maximum num- Figure 3 : Wheeled loads - Distance between
ber of axles are located on the same primary supporting axles of two consecutive vehicles
member, according to Fig 1 to Fig 3, is to be considered.

The equivalent still water pressure and inertial pressure are

indicated in Tab 3.

3.4.5 Hull girder normal stresses

The hull girder normal stresses to be considered for the

yielding check of primary supporting members are
obtained, at any hull transverse section, from the formulae
in Tab 4.

Table 3 : Wheeled loads

Equivalent uniform still water and inertial pressures
Figure 1 : Wheeled loads - Distribution of vehicles
on a primary supporting member Still water pressure pS , Inertial pressure p W ,
in kN/m2 in kN/m2
10 peq peq aZ1
Note 1:
nV QA  X1 + X 2
- 3 – ------------------
pe q = -------------
s  s

nV : Maximum number of vehicles possible located

on the primary supporting member
QA : Maximum axle load, in t, as defined in Sec 1,
X1 : Minimum distance, in m, between 2 consecu-
tive axles (see Fig 2 and Fig 3
X2 : Minimum distance, in m, between axles of 2
consecutive vehicles (see Fig 3).

RINA Rules 2024 181

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 5

Table 4 : Hull girder normal stresses

Condition Hull girder normal stresses X1, in N/mm 2

Longitudinal primary supporting members  100 + 1 ,2  L M – 65   Z R E Q
z=0 ------------------------------------------------------ ----------- F S
contributing to the hull girder longitudinal kB Z AB
 X1 ,B –  X1 ,N
0 < z < 0,25D  X1 , B – -----------------------------
0 ,25D
 50 + 0 ,6  LM – 65  
0,25D  z  0,75D --------------------------------------------------- F S

 X1 ,D –  X 1 ,N
0,75D < z < D  X1 ,N + ------------------------------
-  z – 0 ,75D 
0 ,25D
 100 + 1 ,2  L M – 65   Z R E Q
zD ------------------------------------------------------ ----------- F S
Longitudinal primary supporting members not contributing to the hull 0
girder longitudinal strength
Transverse primary supporting members 0
Note 1:
LM : Ship’s length, in m, as defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [3.1], but to be taken not less than 65 m
ZREQ : the greater of ZR and ZR,MIN , in m3, defined in Sec 2, [3.2]
ZAB,Z AD : Section moduli at bottom and deck, respectively, in m3, defined in Sec 2, [1.3], but to be taken not less than 2ZREQ
kB, kN, kD : Material factor k for bottom, neutral axis area and deck, respectively
FS : Distribution factor defined in Tab 5 (see also Fig 4)
X1,B : Reference value X1 calculated for z = 0
X1,N : Reference value X1 calculated for z = 0,5D
X1,D : Reference value X1 calculated for z = D

supporting members are to be not less than the values

Table 5 : Distribution factor FS
obtained from the following formulae:

Hull transverse section location Distribution factor FS  S 2 p S +  W2 p W 2 3

w =  R  m  b ----------------------------------------
-s 10
m  R y –  R  m X 1 
0  x  0,1 L 0
 S 2 p S +  W2 p W
A S h = 10 R  m  s ----------------------------------s
0,1 L < x < 0,3 L 5 x--- – 0 ,5
0,3 L  x  0,7 L 1 0 ,51 – 0 ,05
 b = ---------------------------------
0 ,8 + 0 ,2
0,7 L < x < 0,9 L 4 ,5 – 5 ---
L  s = 0 ,8
0,9 L  x  L 0

Figure 4 : Distribution factor FS

3.5 Net section modulus and net sectional
shear area of primary supporting mem-
bers subjected to lateral pressure in
intact conditions

3.5.1 General
The requirements in [3.5.2] and [3.5.3] provide the mini-
mum net section modulus and net shear sectional area of
primary supporting members subjected to lateral pressure in
intact conditions.
3.5.3 Vertical primary supporting members
3.5.2 Longitudinal and transverse primary
The net section modulus w, in cm3, and the net shear sec-
supporting members
tional area ASh , in cm2, of vertical primary supporting mem-
The net section modulus w, in cm3, and the net shear sec- bers are to be not less than the values obtained from the
tional area A Sh , in cm2, of longitudinal or transverse primary following formulae:

182 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 5

S2  bS p S +  W2  bW p W 2 3  S 2 p S F +  W 2 p WF 2 3
w =  R  m  b ---------------------------------------------------
-s 10 w =  R m  b ------------------------------------------
-s 10
m  R y –  R m  A  12c P  R y –  m X 1 
 S2  s S p S +  W2 s W p W  S 2 p S F +  W2 p WF
ASh = 10 R  m  s --------------------------------------------------
- s A S h = 10 R m s --------------------------------------s
Ry Ry

where: where:
b, s : Coefficients defined in [3.5.2]  b,  s : Coefficients defined in [3.5.2]
cP : Ratio of the plastic section modulus to the elas-
p Sd – p Su tic section modulus of the primary supporting
bS = 1 + 0 ,2 --------------------
p Sd + p Su members with an attached shell plating bp , to
p Wd – p Wu be taken equal to 1,16 in the absence of more
bW = 1 + 0 ,2 ------------------------
pW d + pW u precise evaluation.
p Sd – p Su
s S = 1 + 0 ,4 --------------------
- 3.6.3 Vertical primary supporting
p Sd + p Su
members (1/7/2021)
p W d – p Wu
s W = 1 + 0 ,4 ------------------------
- The net section modulus w, in cm3, and the net shear sec-
p Wd + p Wu
tional area ASh , in cm2, of vertical primary supporting mem-
pSd : Still water pressure, in kN/m 2, at the lower end bers are to be not less than the values obtained from the
of the primary supporting member considered following formulae:
pSu : Still water pressure, in kN/m 2, at the upper end  S 2  bS p S F + W 2  bW p WF 2 3
w =  R m  b -------------------------------------------------------
-s 10
of the primary supporting member considered 12c P R y
pWd : Wave pressure, in kN/m2, at the lower end of  S 2  s S p S F +  W2  s W p W F
A S h = 10 R m s ------------------------------------------------------
- s
the primary supporting member considered Ry

pWu : Wave pressure, in kN/m 2, at the upper end of where:

the primary supporting member considered  b,  s : Coefficients defined in [3.5.2]
A : Axial stress, to be obtained, in N/mm 2, from the cP : Ratio defined in [3.6.2]
following formula: pSFd – pSFu
 bS = 1 + 0 ,2 ------------------------
pSFd + pSFu
A = 10 ----A- p W F d – p WF u
A  bW = 1 + 0 ,2 ----------------------------
p W F d + p WF u
FA : Axial load (still water and wave) transmitted to
pSFd – pSFu
the vertical primary supporting members by the  s S = 1 + 0 ,4 ------------------------
pSFd + pSFu
structures above. For multideck ships, the crite-
ria in [4.1.1] for pillars are to be adopted. p WF d – p W F u
 s W = 1 + 0 ,4 ----------------------------
p WF d + p W F u
A : Net sectional area, in cm2, of the vertical pri-
mary supporting members with attached plating pSFd : Still water pressure, in kN/m2, in flooding con-
of width b P. ditions, at the lower end of the primary support-
ing member considered
pSFu : Still water pressure, in kN/m2, in flooding con-
3.6 Net section modulus and net shear sec-
ditions, at the upper end of the primary support-
tional area of primary supporting mem- ing member considered
bers subjected to lateral pressure in pWFd : Wave pressure, in kN/m2, in flooding condi-
flooding conditions tions, at the lower end of the primary supporting
member considered.
3.6.1 General
pWFu : Wave pressure, in kN/m2, in flooding condi-
The requirements in [3.6.1] to [3.6.3] apply to primary sup- tions, at the upper end of the primary support-
porting members of bulkheads or inner side which consti- ing member considered
tute the boundary of compartments not intended to carry
4 Buckling check
These primary supporting members are to be checked in
flooding conditions as specified in [3.6.2] and [3.6.3],
4.1 Buckling of pillars subjected to com-
depending on the type of member.
pression axial load
3.6.2 Longitudinal and transverse primary
4.1.1 Compression axial load
supporting members (1/7/2021)
The compression axial load in the pillar is to be obtained, in
The net section modulus w, in cm3, and the net shear sec- kN, from the following formula:
tional area A Sh , in cm 2, of longitudinal or transverse primary
supporting members are to be not less than the values F A = A D   S p S +  W pW  +  r  Q S i ,S +  W Q i ,W 
obtained from the following formulae: i

RINA Rules 2024 183

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 5

Table 6 : Coefficient f
AD : Area, in m 2, of the portion of the deck or the
platform supported by the pillar considered Condition of fixation of the pillar f
r : Coefficient which depends on the relative posi-
tion of each pillar above the one considered, to Both ends fixed
be taken equal to:
• r = 1,0 for the pillar considered
• r = 0,9 for the pillar immediately above
that considered
• r = 0,9 i for the ith pillar of the line above the
pillar considered, to be taken not less than
Qi,S,Qi,W : Still water and wave load, respectively, in kN,
from the ith pillar of the line above the pillar One end fixed, one end pinned
considered, if any.

4.1.2 Critical column buckling stress of pillars

The critical column buckling stress of pillars is to be 2
obtained, in N/mm 2, from the following formulae: 2

R eH
 c B =  E1 for  E1  -------
R eH R eH
 c B = R eH  1 – ----------- for  E1  -------
 4 E1 2
Both ends pinned
E1 : Euler column buckling stress, to be obtained, in
N/mm2, from the following formula:
 E1 =  2 E ----------------2 10 –4 1
A  f 
I : Minimum net moment of inertia, in cm4, of the
A : Net cross-sectional area, in cm 2, of the pillar
 : Span, in m, of the pillar
f : Coefficient, to be obtained from Tab 5.
tF : Net face plate thickness of built-up section, in
4.1.3 Critical torsional buckling stress of built-up mm
pillars Ip : Net polar moment of inertia of the pillar, to be
The critical torsional buckling stress of built-up pillars is to obtained, in cm4, from the following formula:
be obtained, in N/mm 2, from the following formulae: IP = IX X + IY Y
R eH IXX : Net moment of inertia about the XX axis of the
 c T =  E2 for E2  -------
pillar section (see Fig 5)
R eH R eH
 c T = R eH  1 – ----------- for E2  -------
- IYY : Net moment of inertia about the YY axis of the
 4 E2 2 pillar section (see Fig 5)
where: It : St. Venant’s net moment of inertia of the pillar,
E2 : Euler torsional buckling stress, to be obtained, to be obtained, in cm4, from the following for-
in N/mm 2, from the following formula: mula:
 2 E Iw It It = 1
---  h w t w3 + 2 b f t f3 10 –4
E2 = -----------------
-2 + 0 ,41 E ---
10 4 I p  Ip
Iw : Net sectorial moment of inertia of the pillar, to 4.1.4 Critical local buckling stress of built-up
be obtained, in cm 6, from the following for- pillars
mula: The critical local buckling stress of built-up pillars is to be
t f b f3 h w2 –6 obtained, in N/mm2, from the following formulae:
I w = ---------------
- 10
24 R eH
 cL = E3 for  E3  -------
hW : Web height of built-up section, in mm 2
tW : Net web thickness of built-up section, in mm R eH R eH
 cL = R eH  1 – ----------- for  E3  -------
bF : Face plate width of built-up section, in mm  4  E3 2

184 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 5

where: t 2
 E 4 = 78  ---1 10
•  h
E3 : Euler local buckling stress, to be taken equal to
the lesser of the values obtained, in N/mm 2, b : Length, in mm, of the shorter side of the section
from the following formulae:
t2 : Net web thickness, in mm, of the shorter side of
tW  2 4
• E3 = 78  ------
- 10 the section
 h W
h : Length, in mm, of the longer side of the section
t 2 4 t1 : Net web thickness, in mm, of the longer side of
• E3 = 32  ----F- 10
bF the section.
tW, hW, tF, bF : Dimensions, in mm, of the built-up section
Figure 5 : Reference axes for the calculation
defined in [4.1.3]. of the moments of inertia of a built-up section
4.1.5 Critical local buckling stress of pillars having
hollow rectangular section
The critical local buckling stress of pillars having hollow
rectangular section is to be obtained, in N/mm 2, from the
following formulae:
R eH
cL =  E4 for E4  -------
R eH R eH
cL = R eH  1 – ----------- for E4  -------
 4 E4 2
E4 : Euler local buckling stress, to be taken equal to
the lesser of the values obtained, in N/mm 2,
4.1.6 Checking criteria
from the following formulae:
The net scantlings of the pillar loaded by the compression
E4 = 78  ---2 10 axial stress FA defined in [4.1.1] are to comply with the for-

b mulae in Tab 7.

RINA Rules 2024 185

Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 5

Table 7 : Buckling check of pillars subjected to with compression axial stress

Column buckling Torsional buckling

Pillar cross-section Local buckling check Geometric condition
check check


cB F cT F cL F b

----------  10 ----A- ----------  10 ----A- ----------  10 ----A- -----F  40
R  m A R m A  R m A tF

Hollow tubular

 cB F • ---  55
----------  10 ----A- Not required Not required t
R  m A
• t  5,5 mm

Hollow rectangular

• b  55
cB F cL F
----------  10 ----A- Not required ----------  10 ----A- h  55
R  m A  R m A • ---

• t1, t2  5,5 mm

Note 1:
cB : Critical column buckling stress, in N/mm2, defined in [4.1.2]
cT : Critical torsional buckling stress, in N/mm2, defined in [4.1.3]
cL : Critical local buckling stress, in N/mm2, defined in [4.1.4] for built-up section or in [4.1.5] for hollow rectangular section
FA : Compression axial load in the pillar, in kN, defined in [4.1.1]
A : Net sectional area, in cm2, of the pillar.

186 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 8, App 1



x, y, z : X, Y and Z co-ordinates, in m, of the calculation p A = 0 17 L – 1 7x for 0  x  0 ,1L
point with respect to the reference co-ordinate pA = 0 for 0,1L  x  0 ,8 L
system defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [4]
p A = 2 25  x – 0 8 L  for 0,8L  x  L
pD : Bottom design pressure, in kN/m2, to be
obtained from the following formulae:
p D = ma x  10T ; 6 ,6D  for T/D  0 ,5
FDS = ZRDS / ZAD 13
p D = 10T + 2 ,5L + pA for T/D  0 ,5
FB, FD, FBH and FDS are to be taken not less than:
• 0,67 when used for the scantling checks of plating pL : Liquid design pressure, to be taken as the
greater of the values obtained, in kN/m2 from
• 0,83 when used for the scantling checks of ordinary
the following formulae:
stiffeners and primary supporting members
ZRB : Required hull girder section modulus at bottom, p L = 10   h a + z A P  – z  L
in m3, to be calculated in accordance with 2
p L = 10 ---  z TAP – z   L
Sec 2, [3.2] 3
ZAB : Actual hull girder section modulus at bottom, in pB : Dry bulk cargo pressure, in kN/m2, to be
m 3, to be calculated in accordance with Sec 2, obtained from the following formula:
  2
ZRD : Required hull girder section modulus at deck, in p B = 10  B  z B – z    sin   tan  45 – ---
2 o
+  cos   
 2
m 3, to be calculated in accordance with Sec 2,  
pDS : Single bottom design pressure, in kN/m2, to be
ZAD : Actual hull girder section modulus at deck, in obtained from the following formulae:
m 3, to be calculated in accordance with Sec 2, pD = 10 D in general
pD = 10 D + 5 hT for ships with trunk, where hT
ZRBH : Required hull girder section modulus at bottom,
is the trunk height, in m.
in m3, to be calculated in accordance with
Sec 2, [3.2], where the still water and wave hA : Distance to be taken as the greater of the values
bending moments are calculated in hogging obtained, in m, from the following formulae:
condition only -
h A =  1 + 0 05  L – 50   ----
ZRDS : Required hull girder section modulus at deck, in L
m 3, to be calculated in accordance with Sec 2, without benig taken less than 1,0 m
[3.2], where the still water and wave bending
moments are calculated in sagging condition h A = 10 p pV
only where ppV is the setting pressure, in bar, of safety
C : Coefficient to be taken equal to: valves
1 zAP : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the moulded deck line
C = -------------------------------------
2 29 – 1 29F B for the deck to which the air pipes extend
k : Material factor for steel, defined in Ch 4, Sec 1, zTAP : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the top of the air pipe of
[2.3] the tank in the z direction
pE : Side and bottom design pressure, in kN/m 2, to zB : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the rated upper surface
be obtained from the following formula: of the bulk cargo (horizontal ideal plane of the
volume filled by the cargo); see Ch 5, Sec 6,
T – z [3.1.2]
p E = 5 L 1  3 1 – ----------------- + 10  T – z  + p A for z  T
 : Angle, in degrees, between the horizontal plane
p E =  5L
13 10
+ p A  -----------------------------
- for z  T and the surface of the hull structure to which
10 +  z – T  the calculation point belongs
pA : Additional pressure, in kN/m2, to be obtained  : Angle of repose, in degrees, of the bulk cargo
from the following formulae: (considered drained and removed); in the

RINA Rules 2024 187

Pt B, Ch 8, App 1

absence of more precise evaluation, the follow- 1.3 Gross scantling

ing values may be taken:
1.3.1 (1/7/2003)
•  = 30o in general All scantlings referred to in this appendix are gross, i.e. they
•  = 35o for iron ore include the margins for corrosion.
• = 25o for cement.
s : Length, in m, of the shorter side of the plate
2 Longitudinally framed single bottom
panel or spacing, in m, of ordinary stiffeners, or
spacing, in m, of primary supporting members, 2.1 Scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners
as applicable and primary supporting members
 : Length, in m, of the longer side of the plate 2.1.1 (1/7/2003)
panel or span, in m, of ordinary stiffeners, meas- The scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary
ured between the supporting members, or span, supporting members are to be not less than both the values
in m, of primary supporting members, as appli- obtained from the formulae in Tab 2 and the minimum val-
cable (to be taken according to Ch 4, Sec 3, ues in the table.
[3.2] and Ch 4, Sec 3, [4.1]).
 : Sea water density, to be taken equal to 1,025 3 Transversely framed single bottom
t/m 3
L : Density, in t/m3, of the liquid carried, to be 3.1 Scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners
taken not less than  and primary supporting members
B : Density, in t/m3, of the dry bulk cargo carried; in 3.1.1 (1/7/2003)
certain cases, such as spoils, the water held by The scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary
capillarity is to be taken into account supporting members are to be not less than both the values
obtained from the formulae in Tab 3 and the minimum val-
ues in the table.
1 General

1.1 Application
4 Bilge
1.1.1 (1/7/2003) 4.1 Bilge plating thickness
The requirements of this Appendix may be applied, as an
4.1.1 (1/7/2003)
alternative to Sec 1, Sec 2 and Sec 3, for the strength check
The thickness of bilge plating is to be not less than that of
of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting mem-
the adjacent bottom or side plating, whichever is the
bers in the central part, as defined in Ch 1, Sec 1, [2.1.3], of
ships less than 65 m in length.

1.2 Scantling reduction depending on the

5 Double bottom
navigation notation
5.1 Scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners
1.2.1 (1/7/2003) and primary supporting members
The requirements of this Appendix apply for the structural
5.1.1 (1/7/2003)
scantling of ships having the unrestricted navigation nota-
The scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary
supporting members are to be not less than both the values
For ships with restricted navigation, the required scantling obtained from the formulae in Tab 4 and the minimum val-
may be reduced by the percentages specified in Tab 1, ues in the table.
depending on the navigation notation assigned to the ship.
5.2 Open floors in transversely framed dou-
Table 1 : Scantling reduction percentages depending
ble bottom
on the navigation notation (1/7/2003)
5.2.1 Frames (1/7/2003)
Navigation notation Reduction The section modulus of frames constituting open floors is to
Summer zone 5% be not less than the value obtained, in cm3, from the follow-
ing formula:
Tropical zone 10%
Coastal area w = 0,8s2pD
Sheltered area 16%
 : Span, in m, of transverse ordinary stiffeners con-
Note 1: For bulkheads and decks, 50% of the reduction stituting the open floor (see Ch 4, Sec 3,
applies. [3.2.2]).

188 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 8, App 1

Table 2 : Scantlings of longitudinally framed single bottom structures (1/7/2006)

Element Formulae Minimum value

Plating Thickness, in mm, the greater of (1) (2): Minimum thickness, in mm (3):
F BH 1  2
• t = s  3 12 + 1 12 L   -------
- sk
t =  0 033L + 6 5   -------------------------------------------
– 1 0
 k 
0 46 + 0 0023L
• t = 9 75s  -------------------------------------
6 76 – 4 37F B

Ordinary stiffeners Section modulus, in cm 3:

w = 1,2 s 2 pDS Ck

Floors Section modulus, in cm 3: Minimum web plate thickness, in mm:

w = s 2 pDk t = 6,0

Girders (2) Web thickness, in mm:

• t = 0,06 Lk 1/2 + 5,0 for centre girders
• t = 0,06 Lk 1/2 + 4,0 for side girders.

Minimum face plate area, in cm 2:

• A = 8,0 for centre girders
• A = 5,0 for side girders.
Where considered as floor supports, section modulus, in
w = s 2 pDk

(1) s is to be taken, in m, not less than 0,46 + 0,002L.

(2) For ships equal to or greater than 30 m in length, the web thickness and the flange area may be gradually tapered such as to
reach, at the collision and after peak bulkheads, 80% of the values obtained from these formulae.
(3) For the purpose of calculation of the minimum thickness t, the actual spacing s is to be taken not less than 0,46 + 0,0023L

Table 3 : Scantlings of transversely framed single bottom structures (1/7/2006)

Element Formula Minimum value

Plating Thickness, in mm, the greater of (1): Minimum thickness, in mm (4):
s F BH 12
t = -------------------------2  7 82 + 1 45 L   ------- sk
t =  0 033L + 6 5   ------------------------------------------
• - – 1 0
1 + s   k   0 46 + 0 0 023L

• Tk
t = 11 75s  -------------------------------------
 6 76 – 4 37F B

Floors Section modulus, in cm 3 (2): Minimum web plate thickness, in mm:

w = 0,43 s 2 pDk t = 10 hW+ 2,0

Girders (3) Web thickness, in mm:

• t = 0,06 Lk 1/2 + 5,0 for centre girders
• t = 0,06 Lk 1/2 + 4,0 for side girders.

Minimum face plate area, in cm2:

• A = 8,0 for centre girders
• A = 5,0 for side girders.
Note 1:
hw : Height, in m, of floors at the centreline to be taken not less than B/16.
(1) s is to be taken, in m, not less than 0,46 + 0,002L.
(2) For ordinary stiffeners located within the engine room area, the required section modulus is to be increased by 40% with
respect to that obtained from this formula.
(3) For ships equal to or greater than 30 m in length, the web thickness and the flange area may be gradually tapered such as to
reach, at the collision and after peak bulkheads, 80% of the values obtained from these formulae.
(4) For the purpose of calculation of the minimum thickness t, the actual spacing s is to be taken not less than 0,46 + 0,0023L

RINA Rules 2024 189

Pt B, Ch 8, App 1

Table 4 : Scantlings of double bottom structures (1/7/2006)

Element Formula Minimum value

Bottom plating As specified in: Minimum thickness, in mm (7):
• [2] for longitudinally framed structure 12
• [3] for transversely framed structure t =  0 033L + 6 5   ------------------------------------------- – 1 0
 0 46 + 0 0023L

Bottom ordinary Section modulus, in cm 3, the greater of:

• w = 1,2 s  2 pD C k
• the value required in [8.1] for tank bulkheads, where the pressure
is reduced by an amount, in kN/m2, not greater than 0,3T, for ordi-
nary stiffeners of bottoms that constitute boundary of compartments
intended to carry liquids.

Inner bottom plat- Thickness, in mm, the greater of: (1) (2) (3) Minimum thickness, in mm:
ing • t = 0,04 L k1/2 + 5 s + 2 (4) t = 5,0
• t = 1,35 s (pB k)1/2 for inner bottoms that constitute boundary of
compartments intended to carry dry bulk cargoes
• t = 1,35 s (pL k) 1/2 for inner bottoms that constitute boundary of
compartments intended to carry liquids

(1) For ships equal to or greater than 30 m in length, this thickness may be gradually tapered such as to reach, at the collision and after peak
bulkheads, 90% of the value obtained from this formula.
(2) For plating located within the engine room area, this thickness is to be increased by 10% with respect to that obtained from this formula.
(3) For margin plates inclined downward with respect to the inner bottom plating, this thickness is to be increased by 20% with respect to that
obtained from this formula.
(4) For ships with one of the following service notations:
• general cargo ships, intended to carry dry bulk cargo in holds
• bulk carrier ESP
• ore carrier ESP
• combination carrier ESP
this thickness is to be increased by 2 mm unless the plating is protected by a continuous wooden ceiling.
(5) For ships equal to or greater than 30 m in length, this thickness may be gradually tapered such as to reach, at the collision and after peak
bulkheads, a thickness reduced by 2 k1/2 mm with respect to that obtained from this formula.
(6) For floors located within the engine room with transversely framed structure, this thickness is to be increased by 1 mm with respect to that
obtained from this formula.
(7) For the purpose of calculation of the minimum thickness t, the actual spacing s is to be taken not less than 0,46 + 0,0023L

190 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 8, App 1

Element Formula Minimum value

Inner bottom ordi- Section modulus, in cm3, the greater of:
nary stiffeners
• w = s 2 p D C k
• the value required in [8.1] for tank bulkheads, for ordinary stiffen-
ers of inner bottoms that constitute boundary of compartments
intended to carry liquids.
• the greater of:
0 84 s p B C'k
- w = ------------------------------------
1 + 0 12 --- z-
- w = 0 75s p B k
for ships with a service notation: general cargo ships (intended to
carry dry bulk cargo in holds), bulk carrier ESP, ore carrier ESP,
combination carrier ESP
• the greater of:
0 84s p L C'k
- w = -----------------------------------
1 + 0 12 ----
- w = 0 75s p L k
for ships with a service notation: combination carrier ESP, oil
tanker, or chemical tanker
C = 1 +  C – 1   1 – z  N 
N : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the centre of gravity of the hull
transverse section, with respect to the reference co-ordi-
nate system defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, [4].

Centre girder Web thickness, in mm (5) Minimum web thickness, in mm:

+ 25  T + 10 -k  12 + 4 t = 6,0
t = 22B

(1) For ships equal to or greater than 30 m in length, this thickness may be gradually tapered such as to reach, at the collision and after peak
bulkheads, 90% of the value obtained from this formula.
(2) For plating located within the engine room area, this thickness is to be increased by 10% with respect to that obtained from this formula.
(3) For margin plates inclined downward with respect to the inner bottom plating, this thickness is to be increased by 20% with respect to that
obtained from this formula.
(4) For ships with one of the following service notations:
• general cargo ships, intended to carry dry bulk cargo in holds
• bulk carrier ESP
• ore carrier ESP
• combination carrier ESP
this thickness is to be increased by 2 mm unless the plating is protected by a continuous wooden ceiling.
(5) For ships equal to or greater than 30 m in length, this thickness may be gradually tapered such as to reach, at the collision and after peak
bulkheads, a thickness reduced by 2 k1/2 mm with respect to that obtained from this formula.
(6) For floors located within the engine room with transversely framed structure, this thickness is to be increased by 1 mm with respect to that
obtained from this formula.
(7) For the purpose of calculation of the minimum thickness t, the actual spacing s is to be taken not less than 0,46 + 0,0023L

RINA Rules 2024 191

Pt B, Ch 8, App 1

Element Formula Minimum value

Side girders Web thickness, in mm (5) Minimum web thickness, in mm:
• For longitudinally framed structure: t = 6,0
t = 0,054 L k1/2 + 4,5
• For transversely framed structure:
22 B + 25  T + 10  1  2
t = ---------------------------------------------k + 3

Floors Web thickness, in mm (6) Minimum web thickness, in mm:

where: t = 6,0
22B + 25  T + 10  1  2
t = f S --------------------------------------------- k + 1

fS : Coefficient to be taken equal to:

• 1,1 for longitudinally framed structure
• 1,0 for transversely framed structure
(1) For ships equal to or greater than 30 m in length, this thickness may be gradually tapered such as to reach, at the collision and after peak
bulkheads, 90% of the value obtained from this formula.
(2) For plating located within the engine room area, this thickness is to be increased by 10% with respect to that obtained from this formula.
(3) For margin plates inclined downward with respect to the inner bottom plating, this thickness is to be increased by 20% with respect to that
obtained from this formula.
(4) For ships with one of the following service notations:
• general cargo ships, intended to carry dry bulk cargo in holds
• bulk carrier ESP
• ore carrier ESP
• combination carrier ESP
this thickness is to be increased by 2 mm unless the plating is protected by a continuous wooden ceiling.
(5) For ships equal to or greater than 30 m in length, this thickness may be gradually tapered such as to reach, at the collision and after peak
bulkheads, a thickness reduced by 2 k1/2 mm with respect to that obtained from this formula.
(6) For floors located within the engine room with transversely framed structure, this thickness is to be increased by 1 mm with respect to that
obtained from this formula.
(7) For the purpose of calculation of the minimum thickness t, the actual spacing s is to be taken not less than 0,46 + 0,0023L

5.2.2 Reverse frames (1/7/2003) 6 Side

The section modulus of reverse frame constituting open
floors is to be not less than the value obtained, in cm3, from 6.1 Sheerstrake width
the following formula: 6.1.1 (1/7/2003)
For ships greater than 20 m in length, the width of the
w = 0,7s 2pD sheerstrake is to be not less than the value obtained, in m,
from the following formula:
b = 0 715 + 0 425 ---------
 : as indicated in [5.2.1]. 100

192 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 8, App 1

Table 5 : Scantlings of side structures (1/7/2003)

Element Formula Minimum value

Plating Thickness, in mm (1) (2): Minimum thickness, in mm:
• for longitudinally framed structure: t = 4,0
t = 6,1 s (Tk)1/2
• for transversely framed structure:
t = 7,2 s (Tk)1/2
Ordinary stiffeners Section modulus, in cm3, the greater of: Minimum section modulus, in cm 3:
• for longitudinal ordinary stiffeners: w = 20
w = 0,675 s  2 pEk
• for transverse frames (3):
w = 0 ,75s p H fc Rk

Primary supporting members Section modulus, in cm3, the greater of: Minimum thickness, in mm:
• for longitudinal and vertical primary supporting mem- t = 5,0
w = K CR s p H k

• for vertical primary supporting members not associated

with side girders, in ships with a transversely framed
n S h2 B
w = 0 ,75s   p E + --------------- k
 12 

Note 1:
pH : Design pressure, in kN/m2, to be obtained from the following formula:
pH = pE+0,083h2B
For transverse frames of ‘tweendecks:
• pH is to be taken not less than 0,37L where the upper end is located below the full load waterline
• pH is to be taken not less than 0,23L - 2dP where the upper end is located above the full load waterline and aft of the
collision bulkhead
• pH is to be taken not less than 0,3L where the upper end is located above the full load waterline and forward of the
collision bulkhead.
dp : Vertical distance, in m, measured between the design deck (first deck above the full load waterline extending for at least
0,6L) and the deck above the frame
h2 : Sum of the heights, in m, of all ‘tweendecks above the deck located at the top of the frame without being taken less than
2,5m; for ‘tweendecks intended as accommodation decks and located above the design deck (first deck above the full
load waterline extending for at least 0,6L), half of the height may be taken; for ‘tweendecks above a deck which is longi-
tudinally framed and supported by deck transverses, a height equal to 0 may be taken
fc : Coefficient depending on the type of connection and the type of frame as defined in Tab 6
R : Coefficient depending on the location of the ordinary stiffeners:
• R = 0,8 for ordinary stiffeners in hold and engine room
• R = 1,4 for ordinary stiffeners in ‘tweendecks.
KCR : Coefficient to be taken equal to:
• KCR = 0,4 for vertical primary supporting members located outside machinery spaces and not associated with side
girders, in ships with a transversely framed side
• KCR = 0,5 for vertical primary supporting members located inside machinery spaces and not associated with side gird-
ers, in ships with a transversely framed side
• K CR = 0,9 in other cases.
nS : Number of transverse ordinary stiffener spaces between vertical primary supporting members.
(1) For ships equal to or greater than 30 m in length, this thickness may be gradually tapered such as to reach, at the collision and
fore peak bulkheads, 80% of the value obtained from this formula, without being less than 5 mm.
(2) s is to be taken, in m, not less than 0,46 + 0,002L.
(3) Where the span is the same, it is not necessary to assume a section modulus of ‘tweendeck frame greater than that of the frame

RINA Rules 2024 193

Pt B, Ch 8, App 1

Table 6 : Coefficient fC (1/7/2003) 7.3 Scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners

and primary supporting members
Type of connection Type of frame fC 7.3.1 (1/7/2003)
The scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary
Brackets at both ends Hold frames 0,62 supporting members are to be not less than both the values
‘Tweendeck frames 0,80 obtained from the formulae in Tab 7 and the minimum val-
ues in the table.
Bracket at one end and with- Hold or ‘tweendeck 1,20
out bracket at the other frames In the case of decks subjected to wheeled loads, their scant-
lings are also to comply with the relevant requirements in
Without brackets at both Hold or ‘tweendeck 1,20 Ch 7, Sec 1, Ch 7, Sec 2 and Ch 7, Sec 3.
ends frames
In addition, the scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and
primary supporting members of decks that constitute
6.2 Plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary boundary of compartments intended to carry liquids are to
supporting members be not less than the values required in [8.1] for tank bulk-
6.2.1 (1/7/2003)
The scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary 7.4 Scantlings of pillars subjected to com-
supporting members are to be not less than both the values pressive axial load
obtained from the formulae in Tab 5 and the minimum val- 7.4.1 (1/7/2003)
ues in the table. The area of solid, tubular or prismatic pillars made of steel,
In addition, the scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and having ultimate minimum tensile strength within the range
primary supporting members of sides that constitute bound- 400-490 N/mm2, and of pillars consisting of hollow profiles
ary of compartments intended to carry liquids are to be not made of steel, having ultimate minimum tensile strength
less than the values required in [8.1] for tank bulkheads. within the range 400-540 N/mm2, subjected to compression
axial load is to be not less than the value obtained, in cm2,
from the following formula:
6.3 Sheerstrake thickness 0 7AD p 2 + Q N
A = ---------------------------------------
6.3.1 (1/7/2003) 12 5 – 0 045
For ship greater than 20 m in length, the thickness of the
sheerstrake is to be increased by 1 mm with respect to that p2 : Design pressure, in kN/m2, to be taken equal to:
obtained from the formulae in [6.2.1]. In any case, it is to be • the greater of:
not less than that of the stringer plate. p2 = 3,0
p2 = 1,3 p1
7 Decks for pillars located below exposed deck areas
• p2 = 0,6 p0, for pillars located below unex-
posed accommodation areas and above the
7.1 Stringer plate width strength deck
7.1.1 (1/7/2003) • p2 = p0 in other cases

The width of the stringer plate is to be not less than the p0, p1 : Design pressures, in kN/m2, defined in Pt E,
value obtained, in m, from the following formula: Ch 20, Sec 3, Tab 9
 : Slenderness of the pillar, to be obtained from
b = 0 35 + 0 5 --------- the following formula:
100  = 100  / 
 : Minimum radius of gyration, in cm, of the pillar
7.2 Minimum scantlings of pillars cross-section
AD : Area, in m2, of the portion of the deck sup-
7.2.1 (1/7/2003)
ported by the pillar considered
The thickness, in mm, of hollow (tubular or rectangular) pil- QN : Load from pillar above, in kN, if any, or any
lars is to be not less than the greater of 5 mm and d / 35, other concentrated load
where d is the nominal diameter, in mm, for tubular pillar d : Nominal diameter, in mm, for tubular pillar
cross-sections or the larger side, in mm, for rectangular pil- cross-sections or the larger side, in mm, for rec-
lar cross-sections. tangular pillar cross-sections
The thickness, in mm, of the face plate of built-up pillars is bf : face plate width, in mm
to be not less than bf / 36, where bf is the face plate width, Scantlings of pillars other than those above are to be con-
in mm. sidered by the Society on a case-by-case basis.

194 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 8, App 1

Table 7 : Scantlings of deck structures (1/7/2003)

Element Formula Minimum value

Strength deck plating (1) (2) Thickness, in mm (1): Minimum thickness, in mm:
• for longitudinally framed structure t = (5s + 0,022L + 2,3) k1/2
12 12
- t = s  1 4 L – 1 1   F D S  k 

- t = 1 05 s  L  k 

• for transversely framed structure, the greater of:

- s
t = ------------------------
 1 98 L – 1 5   F DS  k 
1 + s  l 

- t = 1 3s  Lk 

Lower deck and platform plating Thickness, in mm (2):

• for longitudinally framed structure, the greater
- t = 5 s + 0,022 Lk1/2 + 1,5
- t = 10 s
• for transversely framed structure, the greater of:
- t = 6 s + 0,026 Lk1/2 + 2,0
- t = 10 s
Ordinary stiffeners Section modulus, in cm3:
w = 0,75 C1 C 2 s 2 (p 0 + p1) k

Primary supporting members Section modulus, in cm3: Minimum thickness, in mm:

w = 0,1 C3 C4 s  2 (p0 + p1) k t = 5,0
Moment of inertia, in cm4:
I = 2,5 w 
Note 1:
p0, p1 : Design pressure, in kN/m2, defined in Tab 8
C1 : Coefficient equal to (L/110)0,5, to be taken not less than 0,6
C2 : Coefficient, defined in Tab 9
C3 : Coefficient, defined in Tab 10
C4 : Coefficient equal to:
• C4= 0,50 for weather deck area aft of 0,075 L from the FE and for accommodation decks above the design deck, as
defined in Tab 8
• C4 = 1,0 in other cases.
(1) s is to be taken, in m, not less than 0,46 + 0,002 L
(2) For ships equal to or greater than 30 m in length, this thickness may be gradually tapered such as to reach, at the collision bulk-
head, 80% of the value obtained from this formula.

RINA Rules 2024 195

Pt B, Ch 8, App 1

Table 8 : Deck design pressure (1/7/2003)

Type of deck (1) Location p0, in kN/m2 p1, in kN/m2

Decks located below the Any location • 10hTD in general 0

design deck (2) • 9 for accommodation
Design deck Exposed area, forward 15 • 23 for ordinary stiffeners
of 0,075L from the FE • 37-dp for primary supporting members

Exposed area, aft of 11 Girders and longitudinal ordinary stiffeners:

0,075L from the FE • 14 for single deck ships
• 10 for other ships
Other structures:
• 18 for single deck ships
• 12 for other ships
Unexposed area • 10hTD in general Girders and longitudinal ordinary stiffeners:
• 9 for accommodation • 0
decks Other structures:
• 4 for single deck ships
• 0 for other ships
Decks located above the Exposed area, forward 15 • 37-dp for primary supporting members
design deck and to which of 0,075L from the FE • 23-dp for ordinary stiffeners
side plating extends
Exposed area, aft of • 10 in general • 15,4(T/D0)-dp with 0,7T/D00,85 in
0,075L • 3 for shelter decks general
• 0 for higher decks
Unexposed area • 10hTD in general 0
• 9 for accommodation
Decks located above the Exposed area, aft of • 5 in general • 15,4(T/D0)-dp with 0,7T/D00,85 in
design deck and to which 0,075L from the FE • 3 for shelter decks general
side plating does not • 0 for higher decks
Unexposed area • 10hTD in general 0
• 9 for accommodation
Note 1:
dp : Vertical distance, in m, measured from the deck under consideration to the design deck
hTD : ‘Tweendeck height, in m
D0 : Vertical distance, in m, measured from the design deck to the base line.
(1) Design deck: first deck above the full load waterline extending for at least 0,6L.
(2) For platforms and flats located in the machinery space, p0+p1 is to be not less than 25 kN/m2.

196 RINA Rules 2024

Pt B, Ch 8, App 1

Table 9 : Coefficient C2 (1/7/2003)

Table 10 : Coefficient C3 (1/7/2003)
Type of ordi-
Location C2
nary stiffener Type of pri-
mary support- Location C3
Longitudinal Strength deck and decks below, 1,44CHG
ing member
within 0,4 L amidships
Longitudinal Constituting longitudinal coam- 7,25
Strength deck, forward of 0,12 L 1,00
(deck girder) ings of hatchways on the
from the fore end
strength deck
Other 0,63
Deck girders of strength deck 10,88 CHG
Transverse Single span or end span 0,56 and decks below, extending
more than 0,15 L amidship
Intermediate span 0,63
Other 4,75
Note 1:
CHG : Coefficient to be obtained from the following Transverse Constituting front beams of 5,60
formulae: (deck beam) hatchways on the strength deck
1 Other 4,75
C H G = ------------------------------------- for F’ < 0,73
2 29 – 1 29 F
Note 1:
C H G = 0 74 for 0,73  F’  0,84 CHG : Coefficient, defined in Tab 9

C H G = ------------------------------------- for F’ > 0,84
8 Tank bulkheads
3 25 – 2 25 F

F’ : Coefficient equal to: 8.1 Scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners

z–N and primary supporting members
F = F D ---------------- for z  N
zD – N 8.1.1 (1/7/2003)
N–z The scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary
F = F B ------------- for z < N supporting members are to be not less than both the values
obtained from the formulae in Tab 11 and the minimum
N : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the centre of gravity of values in the table.
the hull transverse section, with respect to the
reference co-ordinate system defined in Ch 1,
Sec 2, [4] 9 Watertight bulkheads
zD : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the strength deck, defined
in Ch 6, Sec 1, [2.2], with respect to the refer- 9.1 Scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners
ence co-ordinate system defined in Ch 1, Sec 2, and primary supporting members
9.1.1 (1/7/2003)
7.5 Scantlings of pillars subjected to com- The scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary
pressive axial load and bending supporting members are to be not less than both the values
obtained from the formulae in Tab 12 and the minimum
values in the table.
7.5.1 (1/7/2003)
The scantlings of pillars subjected to compression axial load
and bending moments are to be considered by the Society
10 Non-tight bulkheads
on a case-by-case basis.
10.1 Scantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners
7.6 Stringer plate thickness and primary supporting members
7.6.1 (1/7/2003) 10.1.1 (1/7/2003)
The thickness of the stringer plate is to be increased by 1 The sbcantlings of plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary
mm with respect to that obtained from the formulae in supporting members are to be not less than both the values
[7.3.1]. In any case, it is to be not less than that of the sheer- obtained from the formulae in Tab 13 and the minimum
strake. values in the table.

RINA Rules 2024 197

Pt B, Ch 8, App 1

Table 11 : Scantlings of tank bulkheads (1/7/2003)

Element Formula Minimum value

Plating Thickness, in mm: Minimum thickness, in mm:
t=1,35s(pLk) 1/2 t = 5,5

Ordinary stiffeners Section modulus, in cm3 (1): Minimum section modulus, in cm3
w = 0,465s2pLk w=20,0

Primary supporting members Section modulus, in cm3

w = s2pLk

(1) For ordinary stiffeners without brackets at both ends, this modulus is to be increased by 90% with respect to that obtained
from this formula.

Table 12 : Scantlings of watertight bulkheads (1/7/2003)

Element Formula Minimum value

Plating Thickness, in mm (1): Minimum thickness, in mm:
• t = 3,8 s (hk)1/2 in general t = 5,0
• t = 4,35 s (hk)1/2 for the collision bulk-
Ordinary stiffeners Section modulus, in cm3 (2): Minimum section modulus, in cm 3:
• w = 3 s  hBk in general
2 w = 10,0
• w = 3,7 s 2 hBk for the collision bulk-

Primary supporting members Section modulus, in cm3:

• w = 6 s 2 hBk in general
• w = 6,75 s 2 hB k for the collision
Note 1:
h : Vertical distance, in m, between the lowest point of the plating and the highest point of the bulkhead.
hB : Vertical distance, in m, between the mid-span point of the ordinary stiffener and the highest point of the bulkhead.
(1) For the lower strake, this thickness is to be increased by 1 mm with respect to that obtained from this formula.
(2) For ordinary stiffeners without brackets at both ends, this modulus is to be increased by 90% with respect to that obtained
from this formula.

Table 13 : Scantlings of non-tight

bulkheads (1/7/2003)

Element Formula
Plating Minimum thickness, in mm:
• t = 5,0 for bulkhead acting as
• t = 4,0 for bulkhead not acting
as pillar.
Vertical ordinary stiff- Net section modulus, in cm3:
eners • w = 2,65 s 2k for bulkhead
acting as pillar
• w = 2,00 s 2 k for bulkhead
not acting as pillar.

198 RINA Rules 2024

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