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New Venture Design & Planning

Venkata Vyshnavi POLEPALLE | +33 745643569

Individual Learning Trajectory

Key takeaways from the course

The course gave me direction to start and progress with my business idea, it gave me the holistic overview
and changed my perception to analyse the objectives.

I have come across the common factor that would lead to failure of startups. I have started identify the potential
of an idea and anticipate the scalability of the project if taken over. the concept of describing the business
model and outlining the value propositions helped me understand how to pitch my idea and design a clean and
simple description for it.

One of the key learning is developing the business model canvas over weeks. This helped me to understand
how to refine the entities and realise the key areas to focus on for now, what could be saved for later and
eliminate the entities that were not reliable anymore. I have learned it by doing with our project every week
refining over business model.

The business model hypothesis helped me to understand the what I know, what I need to know and how to
perceive information about my potential consumers or clients, I helped me identify the differences and
knowledge gaps that need to be addressed. The process of gathering information from customers, people
interested in my building my business idea and recording these data analyse valuable insights from data.

The course introduced me to different tools and websites, the process of developing a prototype and testing it
have given me a proper base to start with. Also the concept of TAM, SAM and SOM have changes my
perception about market research and analysis. It has enhance my understanding of defining the market and
areas to target. Also it has taught me to be realistic about defining objectives and optimising efforts to serve
the SOM.

Also, the concept of revenue and cost structure helped me explore new area financial expertise and understand
the financial resources allocation. Also it aid foundation to understand numbers in financial statements,
income statement, cash flow and financial plan. I will further dig into these concepts and acquire a decent
knowledge in these areas.
The idea to define the whole business idea in a line or two to make it more presentable and simple hiding
complexity. Have helped me to understand how to present my idea. Most valuable information and lesons
learned from this course will help me in my new venture journey

Application of learnings and insights from course in further career

First of all, I have to take a moment to appreciate the course content and methodologies taught
that gave me knowledge and confidence to kick start my venture.

All the concepts that I have mentioned in my key learnings. Currently am working on my
venture and helping my venture and chengyu on her venture throughout the course as well. I
like the idea of eventuality which emphasized to work on different venture and develop
expertise as an entrepreneur. Here after I will be looking for ventures and work for them.

I have come across lot of resources from ESSEC like incubation, strategy board and ventures
that will help me to build network and work for different ventures. Also I am looking forward
to join ESSEC ventures. The knowledge of working in a team handling different areas and
sharing each other expertise and handling differences and disagreements in way to spark the
discussions refining the project at every stage.

I am going the use the skills in below mentioned areas for my marketing agency venture

• Market research and conceptualization

• Business canvas design
• Formation of core team
• Financial planning and forecasting
• Building a network with startups
• Legal and compliance considerations
• Startup Lifecyle, continuous improvements and adoption strategies
• Brand building and story telling
• Strategic partnerships and collaborations
• Developing competitive intelligence

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