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C h a p t e r

Hormone Replacement in Men
Alicia Stanton, MD

encoding P450scc, which is the enzymatically rate-limiting

Pathophysiology step. Acute ­regulation is mediated by the steroidogenic acute
regulatory protein (StAR), which facilitates the rapid influx
Testosterone Production of cholesterol into mitochondria, where P450scc resides.1
Conversion of cholesterol and steroid hormones occurs in Cholesterol is converted to pregnenolone, which produces
only three organs: the adrenal cortex, the testis in men, and other possible precursors such as progesterone, 17-alpha
the ovary in women. Whereas most endocrine texts discuss hydroxy-­progesterone, androstenedione, 17-alpha hydroxy-
adrenal, ovarian, testicular, placental, and other steroido- pregnenolone, DHEA, and androstenediol. These reactions
genic processes in a gland-specific fashion, steroidogene- can be seen in Figure 34-1.
sis is better understood as a single process that is repeated The anterior hypothalamus secretes gonadotropin-
in each gland with cell type–specific variations on a single ­releasing hormone in a pulsatile fashion. This hormone then
theme.1 The relative activity of the steroidogenic enzymes stimulates the pituitary to secrete luteinizing hormone (LH)
in each of the three organs determines the major secreted in a pulsatile fashion as well. Investigators have established
product. This is not absolute, however, and other organs are that steroidogenesis in Leydig cells is mainly regulated by
capable of secreting small amounts. In pathologic situations LH, through the interaction with its receptors coupled to the
such as a defect in steroidogenesis or a steroid-secreting adenylate cyclase–cyclic adenosine monophosphate signaling
tumor, a very abnormal pattern of steroid secretion may be pathway.6 The LH stimulates the Leydig cells in the testes to
observed.2 produce testosterone, a 19-carbon corticosteroid. Testosterone
Testosterone is made primarily by the testes. Testosterone can then be aromatized in adipose tissue to estradiol, an
production depends on intact hypothalamus, pituitary gland, 18-carbon corticosteroid. Testosterone can also be converted,
and testicular Leydig cells.3 These Leydig cells make up less by 5-alpha-reductase, to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
than 10% of the testicular volume and produce 95% of cir-
culating testosterone.4 A small amount of testosterone is also
produced in the adrenal glands and other tissues such as
the fat cells by conversion from adrenal androgens such as DHT, one of the two important androgens in boys and men,
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and androstenedione into is synthesized in the prostate, testes, hair follicles, and adrenal
testosterone.5 glands. In men, approximately 5% of testosterone undergoes
Testosterone is produced from the conversion of cho- 5-alpha reduction to form the more potent androgen DHT.
lesterol, a 27-carbon molecule, by using enzymes that are DHT has three times greater affinity for androgen receptors
cytochrome P-450 proteins requiring oxygen and reduced than does testosterone.7 During embryogenesis, DHT has an
nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH). essential role in the formation of the male external genitalia,
The biosynthetic pathway is largely made up of cleavage of and in the adult, DHT acts as the primary androgen in the
carbon-carbon bonds and hydroxylation reactions.1 The prostate and hair follicles.
first and rate-limiting step in steroidogenesis is the con- DHT is generated by reduction of testosterone by the
version of cholesterol to pregnenolone, a 21-carbon mol- enzyme 5-alpha-reductase (Fig. 34-2). Two isoenzymes of
ecule, by a single enzyme, P450scc (CYP11A1), but this 5-alpha-reductase have been discovered. Type 1 is pres-
enzymatically complex step is subject to multiple regula- ent in most tissues of the body where 5-alpha-reductase
tory mechanisms.6 Chronic quantitative regulation is prin- is expressed and is dominant in sebaceous glands. Type 2
cipally at the level of transcription of the CYP11A1 gene 5-alpha-reductase is dominant in genital tissues, ­including


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