Puerto Santa Ana - Urbanism I

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The method of Jan Gehl is uncomplicated and

based on direct observation. A person
observes public life and takes notes of certain
“HOW TO STUDY PUBLIC LIFE” activities and patterns in the public space. Jan Gehl is a renowned Danish architect and urban design
consultant known for his focus on creating cities for people.
The goal of this approach is to gain a deep His methodology involves studying human behavior in urban
environments to inform urban design decisions. Gehl's
understanding of how public spaces are used, who
approach emphasizes the importance of pedestrian-friendly
their users are, and what their needs and desires
Counting streets, vibrant public spaces, and human-scale design
are. This information is crucial for informing urban elements. He often conducts detailed observations and
design that prioritizes the comfort, accessibility, analysis of how people use public spaces, advocating for
and safety of pedestrians, thus promoting the designs that prioritize social interaction, walkability, and
creation of more livable and people-oriented cities. livability.

Observational Research: Gehl emphasizes direct observation

Tracing of how people use urban spaces, studying behavior and
2. Stakeholder Engagement: Gehl advocates for involving
diverse stakeholders to ensure inclusive design decisions.

1 How many people are present passing by

every street, square, or park in one city?
Looking for traces
3. Human Scale Design: Gehl promotes designing cities with a
focus on walkability and pedestrian-friendly environments.

4. Data-Driven Analysis: Gehl utilizes both quantitative and

Photographing qualitative data to inform design decisions.

2 Who are the people crowding or strolling

by all those places?

Keeping a diary
5. Placemaking: Gehl emphasizes creating vibrant and
inclusive public spaces that foster social interaction and
community engagement.

3 Where those people prefer to spend

their time?
Test walks

These tools are used by Jan Gehl in urban

analysis to gather information on how people
What people do in each corner of the interact with the urban environment. From
city? counting people to taking photographs, these
tools provide key data for designing more
livable and people-centered public spaces.

5 How long people stay in public spaces? TOOLS

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