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What is generative AI?

Generative AI refers to a subset of AI that focuses on creating new and original content rather
than simply recognizing or analyzing existing data. Unlike traditional machine learning
algorithms that are programmed to make predictions based on a given set of data, generative
AI algorithms are designed to create new data. This could be in the form of images, text, music,
or even entire video clips. This includes techniques such as generative adversarial
networks (GANs) and variational autoencoders (VAEs).
GANs consist of two neural networks: a generator and a discriminator. The generator learns to
create new samples that are similar to the training data, while the discriminator learns to
distinguish between real and fake samples. Over time, the generator learns to create
increasingly realistic samples, making it an effective tool for tasks such as image and video
VAEs are another type of generative AI technique that learns to model the distribution of the
training data and generate new samples from that distribution. This makes them particularly
effective for applications such as natural language generation and music composition.
Generative AI can be thought of as a type of creative machine learning that can create content
that is both original and useful

How Does Generative AI Work?

Generative AI is a type of machine learning, which, at its core, works by training software
models to make predictions based on data without the need for explicit programming.
Specifically, generative AI models are fed vast quantities of existing content to train the models
to produce new content. They learn to identify underlying patterns in the data set based on a
probability distribution and, when given a prompt, create similar patterns (or outputs based on
these patterns).
Part of the umbrella category of machine learning called deep learning, generative AI uses
a neural network that allows it to handle more complex patterns than traditional machine
learning. Inspired by the human brain, neural networks do not necessarily require human
supervision or intervention to distinguish differences or patterns in the training data.
1. Training the algorithm: This involves feeding the algorithm with a large dataset of
existing content. The algorithm then uses this data to learn the patterns and
characteristics of that data.
2. Generating new content: Once the algorithm has been trained, it can be used to
generate new and unique content that is based on the patterns it has learned.
3. Evaluating the output: The final step is to evaluate the output and determine whether it
is useful or not. This typically involves a human expert reviewing the output and
providing feedback to the algorithm.

What are the Applications of Generative AI?

Generative AI is a powerful tool for streamlining the workflow of creatives, engineers,
researchers, scientists, and more. The use cases and possibilities span all industries and
Generative AI models can take inputs such as text, image, audio, video, and code and generate
new content into any of the modalities mentioned. For example, it can turn text inputs into an
image, turn an image into a song, or turn video into text.
Some examples of current use cases for existing generative AI models include:
Language models:
• Translation
• Creative, academic, and business writing
• Code writing
• Genetic sequencing
• Grammatical correction or analysis
Audio and speech models:
• Composing and songwriting
• Dubbing
• Dictation and transcription
• Speech and voice recognition
• Sound editing
Visual and imagery models:
• Illustration
• Infographics
• 3D modeling
• Creative design
• Image editing
• Architectural rendering
Data generating models:
• Creating synthetic data on which to train AI models

Examples of Generative AI interfaces:

users can interact with generative AI through different software interfaces. This has been one of
the key innovations in opening up access and driving usage of generative AI to a wider
audience. Whereas early versions of generative AI required technical or data science knowledge
to interact with the software, AI developers are now designing user experiences in which
prompts can be given and interactions can take place in plain language.
Created by OpenAI, ChatGPT is an example of text-to-text generative AI: essentially, an AI-
powered chatbot trained to interact with users via natural language dialogue. Users can ask
ChatGPT questions, engage in back-and-forth conversation, and prompt it to compose text in
different styles or genres, such as poems, essays, stories, or recipes, among others.
Released in November 2022, a free version of ChatGPT is available for use online. OpenAI also
sells the application programming interface (API) for ChatGPT, among other enterprise
subscription and embedding options.56
DALL-E is an example of text-to-image generative AI that was released in January 2021 by
OpenAI. It uses a neural network that was trained on images with accompanying text
descriptions. Users can input descriptive text, and DALL-E will generate photorealistic imagery
based on the prompt. It can also create variations on the generated image in different styles
and from different perspectives.
DALL-E can also edit images, whether by making changes within an image (known in the
software as Inpainting) or extending an image beyond its original proportions or boundaries
(referred to as Outpainting).
Bard is a text-to-text generative AI interface based on Google’s large language model LaMDA
(Language Model for Dialogue Applications). Like ChatGPT, Bard is a chatbot powered by AI
technology that can answer questions or generate text based on user-given prompts. Google
bills it as a “complementary experience to Google Search.”

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